How Philanthropy and Entrepreneurs Are Changing The World


04 January 2020


Philanthropy and Entrepreneurs

If you have been following the news and are tuned to social media, you might have come across billionaires pledging sizable fortunes to charity. Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, and others have pledged to donate more than half their wealth to improving the condition of the less fortunate in society. You will know about how Philanthropy and Entrepreneurs are changing the world in this article.

Entrepreneurship is not only about working hard and earning millions, but it is also about feeling good about doing something valuable. Yes, you might get satisfaction from buying supercars and private yachts. However, beyond a point, all those things fail to excite you.

In this article, we will look at what entrepreneurs are doing to change their society, one step at a time. We will also discuss some lesser-known entrepreneurs who are silently engaging in meaningful philanthropy.

Entrepreneurship and Philanthropy: Relationship

The trend of entrepreneurs giving back to society is not a new phenomenon. America’s old billionaires like Rockefeller and Carnegie were famous for donating huge fortunes to uplift the deprived sections of society.

Owning and distributing is one of the key tenets of philanthropy. Entrepreneurs know that they have benefitted greatly from the society that has allowed them to succeed. They also realize that giving back to society has a spiritual and otherworldly connotation to existence.

You might see some of the top CEOs and Founders talk about meditating early morning and believing in things like ‘Karma’. In simplistic terms, it might be about feeling good about yourself. It can also be about not feeling guilty about enjoying some of the best things that money can buy.

Most of the entrepreneurs are not from lineage. They are first-generation success stories. They have seen their parents struggle when it comes to food, health, education, and other middle-class challenges. Their sense of social responsibility to philanthropy stems from their humble background and origin stories.

According to Forbes, philanthropy is about solving social problems that can help establish large enterprises. It needs disruptive ideation, innovative insights and a real zeal to engineer change. Entrepreneurs are famous for exhibiting the just-mentioned qualities.

Entrepreneurs making a real difference to Philanthropy:


While news stories about Philanthropy and Entrepreneurs doing the rounds usually concern themselves with big billionaires, many others are doing just as much. In recent years, entrepreneurs like Matt Redhawk are trying to benefit society in multiple ways.

Matt Redhawk dons many hats. He is a writer, entrepreneur, producer, writer, and mentor. He is also a philanthropist who likes staying away from all the publicity. His publication, ‘Drought and Dreams: Stories of Resilience During America’s Darkest Time’ provides fascinating insights about American families and their struggles during periods like depression.

However, the best thing about people like Matt Redhawk is the way they are inspiring similar entrepreneurs to follow a similar path.


Entrepreneurship and philanthropy should be considered as a journey, rather than a destination. Rather than considering it as a goal in itself, people should think of it as a continuous process. With so much strive, struggle and destitution, everyone should definitely do their bit in alleviating the situation in their immediate society.

In this article, we looked at the intricate and varied relationships between Philanthropy and Entrepreneurs. We also looked at how entrepreneurs like Matt Redhawk are trying to change the world, one small step at a time.

If you know of similar entrepreneurs, pleas mention them in the comments section below, You can also email this article to your entrepreneur friends to inspire them to take up the path of giving.

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13 Things To Consider When Choosing Fonts For Sales Posts

So you're writing a sales post, or want to? You've likely already considered the content of your article, but have you considered the fonts you choose to use? You can use beyond infinity font to create very good-looking designs for your projects. If not, here are some points that might help. 1) Make Sure They're Readable This is pretty self-explanatory, and I think we're all familiar with the idea. Nobody wants to read huge blocks of text that they can't even distinguish between letters, much fewer words, and sentences. 2) Be Careful About Using Too Many Fonts, Or Really Big Ones If you've got a whole different font in every paragraph (or worse: every sentence), it's going to be a headache for your reader. It's also going to look a bit ridiculous, especially if the fonts don't fit together prettily. 3) Stick With Popular Ones You may think having an artistic license to use whatever font you like is cool, but just remember that most people will want something accessible and easy to read. As a general rule, opt for ones you'd see in a novel or news site over the kinds you'd find in a video game or comic book. 4) Fonts That Fit Together Well Look Good This is one of the most important things to consider, and it may require a bit of experimenting. There are plenty of resources out there if you want to get started with choosing text fonts. 5) Serif Vs. Sans-Serif Fonts Can Be Tricky But Can Also Add A Stylish Flair Yes, there's no such thing as 'wrong' when it comes to using fonts (except maybe the ones I've mentioned in point 3), and you can get creative with this area of your posts too! One way is to go with serif or sans-serif fonts for your entire post, but another way is to mix the two, perhaps by using a serif font for larger titles and sans-serif for smaller ones. 6) Keep In Mind That Some Might Not Be Able To Read Certain Fonts This isn't something that I've personally experienced, but some folks have trouble reading fonts that contain a lot of curves and slants, such as cursive-type ones. Not a biggie if it's just your boss or professor you're sending the post to, but if it's going out to a large audience then it might be something to keep in mind! 7) Overusing Certain Fonts Can Be Annoying I do this too sometimes-- use a font or color that I like way more than I should, resulting in my having to re-do the post later on. It's not professional looking and it's hard for readers to focus on what you're saying when they're distracted by the pretty colors and fonts. Keep this in mind if you decide to use anything aside from the ones I've mentioned. 8) Use Them Sparingly You don't want to go overboard, even if you do it by mixing serifs and sans-serif fonts or using different fonts for titles/chapter headings etc. Like I said above, even though there are no 'wrong' fonts to use, you should still keep in mind what you want the post to convey. Be consistent, but also consider giving yourself some room for spontaneity/creativity! 9) Make Sure They're All Legible And Easy On The Eyes I know this is a repeat of 1, but it's worth reiterating-- not everybody wants to read everything in Impact. There are plenty of options out there, so test them out and see which ones work best. 10) Serif Fonts Could Also Be Helpful For Certain Audiences Kinda similar to the point I mentioned above, serif fonts are often considered easier to read for larger chunks of text (like novels). It may not hurt to use a serif font in your article if you're concerned that some people might have a hard time reading it! Whether it’s serif, sans serif, or script fonts you’re looking for, CreativeMarket has it for you. 11) Make Sure The Fonts And Colors You Choose Don't Clash This can be a really difficult thing to avoid and is often more of an art than a science. I usually try to look for styles that go together but aren't necessarily matching (think pastels vs. neons). Remember that text color can also influence how easy it is to read your fonts, so try to keep that in mind as well! 12) Leave Readers With A Good Impression This is probably what you're all thinking about regarding fonts, and it's totally true- the last thing you want to do is leave your reader feeling negative about your post or article because of something as 'small' as the text! It can be really difficult to achieve this sometimes but considering these points should help ease your mind. 13) Last But Not Least: Proofread! There's nothing that screams unprofessionalism more than a few typos or random letters scattered about your post. You may think this doesn't apply to you because it seems like such a small thing, but having your post read well is just as important as how it looks! Final Note The points above are just helpful guidelines. There's nothing wrong with using fonts that don't fall into any of the categories I mentioned here; it might even be what you're going for! The take-away point is simply to consider how your readers will perceive the text, and whether it should be kept, reworded, or scrapped. Read Also: 5 Ways to Prepare for Black Friday Sales Top User Tips For Getting Started With Salesforce

Business Systems

The Value of Business Systems

Creating a business is always exciting. The challenge of building an organization from the ground up is more than exhilarating. Running the company, however, is another story. It can be a chore (and sometimes, even a big bore), especially when foolproof systems are not in place. So if you're looking to improve your business performance and spend more time outside the office, you need to recognize the value of business systems. What are Business Systems? Business systems are a series of procedures that help employees implement a specific type of service consistently. These systems usually come with business processes, which many know as standard operating procedures. With this series of checklists, the team can follow a work step even without undergoing training. Why Companies Need Business Systems and Processes It goes without saying that these help you effectively manage day-to-day operations. Without this, your company will crumble. Just think of it this way: it's like losing a vital piece of the puzzle when one management worker resigns or calls in sick. That said, the value of these systems are summarized into these five benefits: A Business System Provides Consistency Zak Frazer once said: "The key to success is consistency." With systems and processes, you deliver consistent services to your customers. After all, these procedures and checklists keep your efforts aligned. When you have happy customers, they will keep coming back to your business. You generate the revenue you need because they keep spending money on your services over and over again. Business Systems Improve Service Efficiency Some companies fail to be consistent because they don't have systems and processes to follow. The employees do one thing, while the management does another. So if you don't want to sow some business discord, you need to have a system in place. That way, everybody meets the objective because everyone follows the same written process. Business Systems and Processes are Indispensable Assets Say you want to sell your company's stakes in the future. You have a bigger chance of getting investors if you have a business system in place. It's your way of telling them that you have an established work process, a solid customer base, and a steady stream of sales. Businesses With Systems Scale Faster When you have a system in place, you can focus on other things. You're no longer bound to implementing any one program. Since the business process offers the support you need, you get to work on other strategies instead. So if you want unprecedented business growth, you need to have system resources in place. That way, you can develop other products and services that appeal to other customers. A Business System Can Bring Down Labor Costs While no software can replace the human touch, there are some business operations that systems can efficiently complete. Many of them are mundane and repetitive, which is a waste of money on your part. By giving these non-essential processes to business systems, you can make the most out of your team. For example, you can install software that helps them answer generic queries. That way, your workers can spend more time creating marketing strategies instead. The Different Business Systems You Need to Have in Place As mentioned, systems offer many benefits to businesses. So if you want to be as successful as every other owner, here are the four essential systems you need to have in place: Marketing System Marketing is all about promoting your products. It allows you to have a good flow of leads. With this, you can market your items without putting in a lot of effort. Think of it as a passive way of generating customers for your business. Sales System With marketing systems bringing in leads, it's up to the sales system to nurture them. Such programs make customer follow-up easier. Your employees could work on another strategy since the business systems can do this repetitive thing for them. Fulfillment Systems Now that you have sold your products, you have to make sure that the delivery process is seamless. You can please your customer with fulfillment programs that do everything for you. All you just need to do is wait for them to pick up the parcels at your place! Administration Systems If you've managed several workers, you know how stressful it is to do clerical activities. With administration systems, however, you don't have to worry about this aspect of your business. Such programs can help you with human resource management, customer accounts, and reception. Now, all you need to do is focus on business growth, just like other business owners do! As you see in this article, quality business systems will benefit your organization and help you scale to greater heights. Grow your business right now by setting up these processes as soon as you can. Read Also: Insurance Business: What Startups Need To Know What Are the Alternatives for Small Business Startup Loans? Startup Business Management: How to Effectively Incorporate Use of SEO


5 Mistakes With Timeshare Exits And How To Avoid Them?

According to American Resort Development, there are more than 9.6 million properties that own a timeshare. While it is the best way to reserve a vacation home to visit every year, there are times when the maintenance fees can become burdensome for many homeowners. Right now, times are hard, and there might come a time that you will no longer be able to afford to pay the maintenance fees. And you will be forced to get out of the timeshare property agreements. While you can come out of the agreement, sometimes getting out of timeshare property can be a tricky process. Your best bet is to avoid making mistakes when pulling your steps back from a timeshare property. Common Mistakes People Make When Exiting From Timeshare Many American enjoy the certainty of having a timeshare property for their family. However, many have made mistakes with the timeshare. This has led to financial issues and ongoing stress. If you own a timeshare property, it is important that you prepare yourself with a Timeshare defense for any future problems, especially when you are about to exit the timeshare contract. Check out these tips to avoid making any mistakes and get out of timeshare the right way. 1. Skimming Over The Fine Print When you are signing the contract for the timeshare property, it is important that you go through the contract in every minute detail. If there is something you don’t understand, ask the timeshare organization to make you understand. Get a legal expert's help if you are having problems deciphering the legal jargon in the cancellation policy. There are different timeshare contracts, and you must be aware of all the types of cancellation policies available for each contract. 2. Lie About Your Reason To Cancel Timeshare Don’t try to lie about your cancellation. For instance, if you lie about medical issues and are unable to produce the medical bills, it might put you in a legal bind that will hamper your chances of cancellation. Be honest with your approach. Everybody is professional out there. They will take your reasons professionally and will try to help. Because if you try tricks from sleeves, they will get the opportunity to do the same. 3. Correspondence Mistakes With Timeshare Exits Placing a cancel order over the mail might seem like a convenient process. But it is hard to track the conversation. In addition, the conversation will have no legal binding. The best course of action will be to send a registered mail to the headquarters of the timeshare organizations and address this to their cancellation department. This protects you from evasive excuses from the timeshare company. 4. Avoid Emotional Writing Style While you might own the timeshare property for a limited time, you must know that the property is not yours. So, your action and process must follow professionalism and be business-like. If you're being clinical with your approach, it not only helps you flatter the timeshare organization but also restricts you from making any mistakes. The last thing you would want to have drama and become all emotional about is your cancellation. It will only cause a nuisance to both parties. 5. Agreeing To Another Meeting If you have owned a timeshare property for a while, you must know just how persuasive these property owners can be. The last thing you want them to pursue is extending the agreement. So, unless there are any legal bounds about having any meeting whatsoever. And even if you are meeting with them, ensure that you have your timeshare attorney with you for support. Your attorney will be able to tell when they are trying to butter you up and convince you to extend the agreement. Avoid Mistakes With Timeshare Timeshare real estate property can be a great option. It just needs a little time investment to choose the right one. Do thorough research on the type of ownership you would like. Calculate all the expenses, get to know the area, and see whether it's a good place for your family or not. We hope that we were able to answer the question you were looking for. If there is anything more you want to know about the exit strategy from a timeshare agreement, reach out to us. Read Also: Is Precious Metals A Good Career Path?Clicka Jobs USA – Why It Is Making Headlines?What Are The Three Components In The Youtube Ecosystem?