Prepping Your Vehicle For Winter Weather Driving


15 October 2019


winter weather driving

Winters can be harsh and treacherous for drivers. No matter how skilled of a driver you may be, the snow and ice from a severe storm can put your safety at risk. winter weather drivingWhether you lose control, or another driver around you do, slick roads and poor visibility increase the chances of you being in an accident if you are not prepared.

For those that live with winter weather every year, there is a schedule that needs to be followed to prep your vehicle going into and out of the season. With winter conditions being dangerous, it’s not safe to rely on your regular summer setup.

Being proactive and getting your vehicle ready for the snow can help you stay safe and keep your family and other drivers safer too. Proper vehicle outfitting can help you stay firmly on the road during those harsh winter storms. Check out the tips below for how to get your car ready for the winter season.

Winter Tires

All-season or summer tires are the most recommended for vehicles that are driven in warmer weather. However, if you live in a part of the country that has significant snowfall, you are better off to switch out your all-seasons for snow tires. They can give you better grip and security on slick roads. Never rely on summer tires to get you through the harsh weather of a northern winter. Make sure you get your tires switched late in the fall so they are ready for any early storms.



Visibility is key when you are driving in winter conditions. With snow, sleet and vehicle splashback making it tough to see where you are going, you want to make sure that you have the best wipers in your car. In the autumn, take stock of the condition of your current wipers and if they need to be replaced, you should do it before it’s already winter.

According to this article by Fleming Attorneys, distraction is the leading cause of car accidents. If you can’t see clearly ahead of you, accidents will surely happen. So have your wipers fixed early and be ready for any blizzard that comes your way.

Snow Brush

Snow Brush

There is nothing more frustrating than coming out to your vehicle and seeing it buried under several inches of snow. Always have a good quality snow brush stowed in your car for these occasions. An adjustable handle snow brush can help you quickly clear off all areas of your car with ease. Make sure that one end of your brush is equipped with an ice chipper to help you get your windshield cleared of any frosty buildup.

Fluids & Oil

You may not give the inner workings of your car much thought, but the fluids in your vehicle are no different than your own life’s blood. Keep an eye on your antifreeze and oil levels throughout the season. There are several cold weather blends of oil and antifreeze that can help protect your engine from damaging frigid temperatures. You should consider keeping backup bottles in the vehicle in case you run out at the worst possible time.

First Aid Kit

No matter where you live, you should always have a vehicle first aid kit in your car. With the chances of getting stranded much higher in the winter months, a first aid kit including a thermal blanket can make all the difference in a harsh survival situation. Make sure to have bandages, fever and pain medication and even emergency snacks stowed in your kit at all times.

Safety is the number one priority during winter driving. It is important that you prep your car to avoid accidents due to bad weather.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Car Detailing

How Car Detailing Can Keep Your Vehicle in Top Shape

A car is a great piece of structural engineering. It’s made up of a hundred bolts and pieces that come together for your driving pleasure. It’s no wonder that car enthusiasts and owners have an affinity toward the cars that they own. To keep the cars in top shape, an auto-detailing appointment should always be done on a regular basis or at least once a year. Contrary to popular belief, auto detailing is much more than cleaning the car. Cleaning or car washing focuses more on the car’s exterior and cursory vacuuming of the interior. Detailing goes beyond that. Though their goal is practically the same—to get rid of unnecessary dirt, debris, and grease in your car—auto detailing involves going through every inch of the vehicle’s body. It aims not just to clean the car but to restore it to its original form. Five benefits of auto detailing are outlined below. The Car Will Be Assessed: When you bring in your car for an auto-detailing session, your technician will be assessing every inch of your vehicle so that he can recommend the best way to clean and keep your car in tip-top shape. So be prepared to hear a thorough assessment of your vehicle’s condition, from the exterior to the internal hardware, and the recommendations that come with it, like what needs to be repaired, cleaned, or replaced. Depending on how the examination goes, your technician may suggest rust proofing, dent repair, or even wood grain and interior paneling. A good thing about having your car detailed is that the experience is completely customized to your needs. What may be needed by another car may not work for yours. Improved Fuel Economy: You get better gas mileage with an efficient car, meaning more miles with less fuel. Auto detailing helps your car’s efficiency by keeping its internal mechanisms spotless and running smoothly. The engine is the star of the show here. When it is thoroughly cleaned and scrubbed of dirt and gunk, it will perform in peak condition. You will notice that your visits to the gas station will be less frequent in the first few months after your auto-detailing appointment. You get value for your money, and you get to save more. Plus less power is required for your car to operate if it’s immaculately clean on the outside as this offers less wind resistance. That’s the law of aerodynamics from your high school physics class, if you conveniently forgot. Preserve the Car’s Beauty: Having a new car means that you get to drive a vehicle with a shiny exterior. Fresh off the factory, the car will have a clear coat on top of its painted surface. This protects your vehicle from rust and scratching. However, the clear coat slowly fades over time because of exposure to the elements. Heat, moisture, dirt, dust, and debris will chip away this protective coat. You will soon notice that your car’s surface isn’t as vivid or as shiny as it was before. Regular auto detailing will help preserve the way your vehicle looks. In detailing, the exterior will be coated with a generous layer of wax, which will not only restore your car’s shine but also protect the paint from further fading or peeling off. Better Driving Experience: You have to be comfortable when you’re behind the wheel because your safety and that of your passengers rests on your hands. Surely, when you have a clean car both outside and in, you’ll have no trouble concentrating on the road. A car that has just been auto-detailed is guaranteed fresh and performance ready. The seats and dashboards are free from any dirt and dust that may have built up over time. This careful assessment, along with additional cleaning measures such as buying floor-mat liners, will make your car spotless, rid of any unnecessary smell or junk that will distract you from the task at hand. Because the car is in its best shape, you’ll have a more enjoyable driving experience. The engine is more fuel-efficient, and the internal hardware is thoroughly checked and maintained. High Resale Value: You’ve put a great deal of time and energy into earning the money for your car, so you should go the extra mile to protect it. Apart from their utility, cars are also investment opportunities. But unlike land or real estate, the value of a car depreciates over time, more so if it is not properly maintained. In the future, you are probably thinking of selling or trading in your car for a new model. To retain most of your car’s value, you have to auto detail your car regularly. Making sure that every nut and bolt is secured into place and that the car has no glaring issues guarantees that you get a competitive price when you sell it in the market. This makes auto detailing important to any car owner. Read Also: Useful Tips About Mobile Car Detailing To Avoid Any Costly Maintenance And Repair Issues The Top 3 Fastest Ways To Sell Your Car Privately

Traffic Accidents

Overcrowding in Cities Causes Increase Road Traffic Accidents

While individual injury lawyer might frequently see motor car crash guarantees that were brought on by distraction out of the car and risks on the roadway, there is a lot of risks inside of the auto that can likewise prompt accidents. A study by insurance agency discovered that improper footwear, disposed of coffee containers and animals are the most unsafe things individuals can get involved within the auto. These contribute to road traffic accident that ends up requiring the drivers a normal loss of £262 in car repairs, and additionally the related costs of motor car crash claims. An aggregate of 43% of female drivers conceded that they have not been able to utilize the pedals appropriately on account of the high heel, with this danger especially basic among those matured females between 25 and 34. Besides, 20% of them reviewed said that beverage bottles moving under their brake or race pedals had prompted a vehicle mishap or a close miss, at the same time as 12.5% said animals looking for consideration and circling in the auto had placed them in risk or created a mishap. It is suspected that these issues and diversions could make drivers lose center for over three seconds on end, yet it will be no reason in motor car collision claims. What urban communities see the most mishaps? The research of insurance agency likewise uncovered that people in the UK could be at the most serious danger of auto crashes, with 50% of victims accepting that they have experienced a close miss or some scratches only. People of West Midlands are at second number with 45%, subsequently people in Wales at 44%. It is felt that large amounts of overcrowding in the big cities could be in charge of the increased danger for a road traffic accident. An expected 14 million out of 34 million driver permit holders in the UK have involved in a mischance or a close miss created by diversions inside of the cars, as more or less 39% of the 2,100 individuals surveyed by a study accepting to it. The ‘no win no fee’ lawyer admits that at the same time as drivers might be arranged for diversions outside the auto, they won't spend as long setting up the internal space and might overlook the risks inside of the vehicle. (Note: this article is intended for informational purposes only and should not be read as a promotion, solicitation or endorsement. The author has no affiliation accident at work compensation solicitors of its agencies or subsidiaries, or with any other personal injury law firm.) Regardless of this, it is impractical to totally manage what takes place out of a vehicle, yet drivers can manage the majority of the dangers inside of vehicles. Individuals should keep their autos spotless and without any waste, must keep pets all around secured, and ought to wear reasonable shoes for driving at whatever point they get in the driver's seat. Mindful driving is critical for drivers and their travelers, in addition to key in securing the wellbeing of other people out and about. While a few individuals might have the capacity to deal with the anxiety of being obligated in a motor car collision claim, criminal cases can be considerably harder to adapt to, and the blame of being in charge of passing or genuine damage brought about by a fender bender can be difficult to adapt to. Saam smith is a blogger who works alongside a team of accident at work compensation claims. She has had his work published across a huge range of different platforms and media. She has previously worked as a content writer and a journalist.

Vehicles Safer

6 Reasons Why Vehicles are now Safer Than Ever

As the decade's progress, it seems like cars are getting more and more lightweight. And although it’s tempting to equate weight with durability, lighter does not necessarily mean more fragile. 1. Metals have changed : When you think of old cars, you probably think about hard, durable steel. Those old cars were built a lot more like tanks than the modern vehicle. And while it’s true that the cars of a bygone era were made of durable steel, the steel of today is even stronger. In the early part of this decade, the most steel used for automobiles clocked in at 500 megapascals. The steel of today measures around 1,500 megapascals. To create the complex shapes we’re seeing in modern vehicles, it’s stamped hot and then cooled quickly. Advances in steel and the addition of other materials, such as aluminum, carbon fiber, and magnesium, help to dissipate and redirect crash forces. Stronger materials and crumple zones make cars of today stronger than ever. 2. Crash tests are more advanced : Do you remember the crash test dummies of the ’80s? Well, let’s say those guys have been through the wringer. As safety features have increased, so have the crash tests. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration began crash testing cars in 1979. At the start, they were basically ramming cars into barriers. Today, they have far more advanced methods that include virtual simulations and auto prototypes. More advanced crash tests can find flaws in a vehicle’s safety features, so the manufacturer can continue making improvements before they bring the car to market. 3. Crash avoidance is a thing : New technological advancements allow the vehicle to take over in cases where the driver may not react quickly enough. Lane-keep assist, automatic braking and blind-spot monitoring all help to keep the car out of harm’s way. In a modern car, if you fall asleep at the wheel, the car may keep you on track. This can avoid countless accidents. 4. Belts and airbags are better : Are you old enough to remember when cars only had lap belts? Much like the rest of the car, seat belts and airbags have continued to improve throughout the years. Now, three-point belts are standard and there are airbags for every spot in your car. There are side-curtain airbags, knee bags, and even inflating seatbelts that can spring into action depending on the intensity of the crash. 5. Crumple zones improve safety : The first car produced with crumple zones was the Mercedes 220. Upon impact, the vehicle would crumple in a way so as to absorb the energy of the crash. Today, all cars feature crumple zones to improve safety. The crumple zone is an area that’s likely to experience impact, and it crumples to lessen the impact felt throughout the vehicle. Crumple zones are created with a mix of different metals, including steel and softer metals like aluminum. If you’re in an accident, your car may experience a lot of exterior damage, but you are more likely to walk away from the crash. 6. Cars can talk to each other : Auto manufacturers are testing out technologies that will allow vehicles to communicate with each other. Imagine a scenario where your car can relay speed and braking information to the car behind you. You see a squirrel and slam on the brakes unexpectedly. In this exact moment, the person behind you takes a long sip of their coffee. They didn’t see your brake lights, but no worries because your car sent the message to their car. Their car automatically puts on the brakes to avoid an accident. Although this is future technology, it’s a great example of how cars are evolving to become safer. In addition to all the technological advancements, superior warranty conditions on modern cars are helping us keep them better maintained. So, if you’re in the market for a new vehicle, you’re in luck. Cars have never been safer than they are today. Read Also : Choosing The Right Anti-Theft Devices For Your Car In Houston TX How Do Self-Driving Cars Really Compare To Human Drivers In Terms Of Safety? Important Things To Transport During A Relocation