Pros and Cons of Buying a Used Car

Published on: 28 January 2019 Last Updated on: 09 August 2019
Used Car

Buying a used car can be exciting and at the same time can make you feel anxious. There are a multitude of considerations like its value, maintenance and others. Some second-hand cars exceed their purchase value while some can be considered lemons. One of the best ways to buy a used car is to go through a used car dealership, and if you’re looking for dealerships in the Greater Rochester area, you can visit the website

However, before you come to a purchase decision, you have to know the advantages and disadvantages of buying a used car.


1. Cost Less:

New car buyers usually switch cars after five years, so if you’re paying 8,000 USD for a used one instead of a new one priced at 16,000 USD, then you can save half of your money to buy another car or save it to buy a nicer one after a couple of years. Used cars, on an average, are usually priced half compared to new cars.

Buying a used car can save you from long term financing fees and enables you to pay for your car faster.

Buying a used car

2. No hidden fees:

A new car deal might look and sound great, but most new cars will have hidden fees that are sometimes exaggerated, such as destination fees, dealer preparation charges, and shipping fees. Sometimes, hidden advertising fees up to 1,000 USD can even be included in the brand new car prices.

On the other hand, used cars will not have any hidden charges, except documentation fees that can cost a few hundred dollars.

3. Thoroughly inspected and certified:

Getting a certified used car from dealers assures buyers that they’re buying a thoroughly inspected and quality car for the price. Certified used vehicles have been reconditioned and inspected by their manufacturers or by a certifying authority. Additionally, dealerships that sell certified used cars also offer lower financing rates, extended warranties, and comprehensive maintenance programs.

4. Insurance premiums cost less:

If a new car is involved in an accident, the insurance company will pay the current value of the car, leaving a price gap between the purchase price and the vehicle’s current value. This is where a gap insurance policy comes in. This type of insurance will cover the price gap between the new and the depreciated value, but it can significantly raise your premiums.

However, gap insurance will not be necessary when buying a used car, as the value of the vehicle has already been depreciated.

5. Registration fees cost less:

Annual registration fees are based on the vehicle’s value and year model. Generally, the first three years of a vehicle will have the highest rates, and then the rates are leveled off in the fifth year. This means that if you buy a three-year-old used car, you can easily save a few hundred dollars on annual registration fees.

6. Warranties:

Used cars can sometimes have extended warranties or a part of its original warranty. Extended warranties on a used car will provide factory repairs, spare parts, and faster services. Some used cars will even have the option to create a new warranty. You can also use the money that you saved from not buying a new car to have your car warranted until 100,000 miles.

7. Simple Modifications Can Improve Value And Performance

If you are particularly expert at making used cars look gorgeous, you should get great advantages by buying used cars and making few changes to its parts to make it perform like a new car. If you are buying a used Jeep, adding some quality jeep rims can make the car better and stronger. You can add off-road rims for longer-lasting performance. Changing the wheels, breaks, bumpers can give the car a great look.


1. Hidden Issues:

Unless you’re buying a certified used car from a dealership, chances are that you’ll never know the car’s issues until it breaks down on you. Most pre-owned car sellers will never tell you the true history of the car. It may have been flooded, involved in accidents, or criminal cases.

2. Higher maintenance costs:

If you’re budget conscious, buying a used car can be a smart financial decision. However, the money you saved from that decision can quickly turn into maintenance and repair costs. Used cars will frequently need more maintenance and repair jobs in order to run properly. These may include tasks such as tire renewal, transmission flushing, and brake pad renewal.

3. Fewer choices and features:

If you’re not lucky enough, buying a particular car you want with modern features and technology can be hard. Generally, if you’re shopping for used cars, you can only get what you see. Used car buyers will not have the same customizable options or choices a new car buyer can have. If you’re into a specific set of features, then buying a used car may not be the best for you.

Closing thoughts:

If you’re still stuck between a new and a used car, you should first weigh out the pros and cons listed in this article. The smell of a new car is great, but is it really worth it? Take your time to do some research, and always look beyond the price before you make any buying decision.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Car Maintenance

5 Major Car Maintenance Tips To Help Prevent Accidents

Are you thinking of the fact for maintaining the car maintenance tips in the correct order? If yes, you need to develop certain factors that can help you keep your car safe from accidents. Car maintenance can help you keep your car to avoid any disastrous accident that can create a long-term impact on your life. You have to plan things well that can help you to achieve your objectives in the right way. Several tips are there that you can seek from an experienced Atlanta Auto Accident Lawyer. Proper car maintenance ensures the prevention of car accidents to a considerable measure. Different Ways To Prevent The Car Accidents In A Better Way   Several factors can help you prevent the chances and the scope of car accidents in a better way. Let’s identify the ways that can help you to achieve your objectives in a better way. 1. Tires    If you want to stay safe on the road while driving your car on the road, you need to regularly cross-check the tire’s condition. The wear and tear of the tires you need to examine daily by checking the alignment and the pressure of the tires daily. A study has shown that 83% of Americans do not have any good idea of inflating the tires properly. They do not know this fact to maintain their car correctly. It can help you to prevent the car accidents to a considerable measure. 2. Wipers    Windshield wipers that are damaged due to accidents do not work well and can cause severe damage to you and others on the road if you are not careful of it. Wiper blades are beneficial at the time of the rain and safeguard your car at the time of the dust storms. You can remove the debris of the storm for proper vision using the wipers. Now, if the other car does not take care of these facts and causes the accident on the road, then you can take the help of a personal injury lawyer to help you in this case. Now, you might think about personal injury law that can help you to achieve your claim amount from the cause of the accident. Your personal injury lawyer can help you in solving this query of yours. 3. Working Lights     The car headlights also form a crucial part of your car that you need to take care of while driving the car on the road. Car headlights can help you show the road at night while driving the vehicle and reduce the chances of accidents to a big measure. Broken lights or shabby lights can cause car accidents. Therefore, you need to know the norms of the road well to achieve your objectives in a better way and to ensure your safety to a great extent. 4. Battery  Today’s cars have some sophisticated inbuilt computers present in them that puts lots of pressure on the car battery. It can also damage the vehicle to a great extent. You need to be careful of this fact. To resolve the issue of car battery damage, you can maintain the car regularly. You need to take care of these factors while you are planning to keep the safety of your vehicle intact in the correct order at the right time. 5. Brakes   You need to take care of your car brakes properly and regularly to avoid any case of car accidents. You have to plan things well to achieve your objectives in the correct order at the right time. If your car brakes do not work correctly and any accidents occur, you can consult these issues with your Atlanta Car Accident Lawyer. You can take the help of your lawyer to assist you in getting the claim amount from the car accident case. Car Maintenance Can Ensure Prevention Of Accidents  Here, in my article, you can understand that car maintenance can handle car accidents in a great measure. The more careful you are on the road, the better you can avoid car accidents. You have to understand that if you want to ensure the safety of your life, regular and daily car maintenance can help you in that. You need to plan things well to achieve your objectives. Read Also: Car Care for Newbies How to Organize Your own Maintenance Service A Comprehensive Guide on How to Charge Your Car Battery

Second Hand Car

Honda Cars in Watertown NY: 8 Things to Check Before Buying a Second Hand Car

Buying a second hand car is a smart choice for people who don’t have the budget for brand new vehicles. A car’s value depreciates and for a lot of people that’s the time when they can afford to buy one. However, second-hand buyers should always be cautious when they go buy one since repairs could end up costing more than a brand new car. Check Before Buying a Second Hand Car: If you’re trying to buy a second hand car, here are some things you need to check first: 1. Reviews of the Car Model: Before heading to the dealership, make sure to do your research first. Find a site and look for the car model that you want and take note of its details. If you don’t have anything specific in mind yet, you can make a list of your options. Read reviews online and see what people think about the car. Check to see if they are verified owners of the car model, so you’re sure they’re giving legit comments. You can also check the price so you can gauge whether what you’re paying for the second-hand version is worth it. 2. The Controls: Buyers who are looking for a new car always test drive the vehicle before purchasing to make sure that it is the right feel for them. It is doubly crucial for second-hand buyers to do so too because you need to make sure that the car is still in good condition. Otherwise, you’ll soon find yourself browsing the Internet for the best car accident lawyers near you. Here are some of the controls you check on: Check whether all the control buttons are working Test the brakes, make sure it doesn’t have any vibrations and that it doesn’t swerve Make sure all warning lights light up when you turn on the ignition Turn on the heaters and air conditioners too 3. The Car’s Body: Checking the exterior surface of the car is an excellent way to tell whether the vehicle has been in an accident or not. The telltale signs include major dents on the surface and mismatched paint. The indentation is a dead giveaway so the previous owner would most probably have it fixed already. But carefully inspect the paint job. If one spot appears to look a different shade or as if it’s newly applied, then the previous owner might be covering something up. 4. The Tires: If the previous owner properly took care of the car, then there should be even tire wear on all of the tires. Car tires need to be rotated properly, and if they aren't it causes uneven wear. It could also mean that the wheels are poorly aligned caused by other problems like damage to the frame or worn steering components. 5. The Smell of the Interior: The moment you open the car door and get in, there should be no sign of suspicious odors. Make sure that there are no smells of gas because it could be a sign that there is a leak in the engine. If you smell mildew, it could mean that the car got flooded or there’s water leaking somewhere. 6. The Seats: Since you’ll be spending most of your car time in your seat, make sure that they’re in good condition as well. Adjust the seats and the seatbelts and see if they’re all working fine. Check the upholstery too. Make sure that there are no huge rips and tears that may cost you extra to get fixed. 7. The Fluid Levels: The fluids in a car are like its blood. Vehicles need it so they can function properly. The fluids or oils in a car lubricates its different parts. It protects your engine or brakes from wearing down much faster than they’re supposed to. Below are the different fluids you need to check: Engine Fluid - Good car owners always make sure to top up the engine fluids. A car won’t work as smooth as it’s supposed to if the engine fluid is at a low level. Use your dipstick to see at which level it is. Transmission Fluid - Make sure that there are no foreign particles in the transmission fluid like water droplets or metal particles. It should have a pinkish color and no burnt smell. Brake Fluid - The brake fluid should not have a dark color. It makes sure that your car properly stops when you step on the brakes. If it has a dark color, then it means that it may have internal corrosion or brake failures. 8. The Windows: If there are any minor scratches on the windows, it’s okay. However, if you see any small cracks, be wary. It may not seem like a serious issue at that moment, but over time it could turn into a big problem. You can also raise it as a concern to try and set the price for a lower bargain. Final Thoughts: Buying second hand cars could save you a lot of money if you pick the right one. You need to check everything that’s listed above to make sure that you’re spending your money on something worth it. If you’re not quite sure, you can always bring along a mechanic with you to help you inspect. Read Also: Pros And Cons Of Buying A Used Car Why You Should Have A Code Reader For Your Car


Perfect ways to Earn from your Wonderful Car

Is it the cost of owning a car that drives you insane? Looks like you always pay for gas, insurance, repairs or tax? Wouldn't it be great if the car had been able to pay for itself? There are a lot of things you can do every day while using your car to earn extra money. It is time your car was turned into an asset, not a liability. Here are five ways to make comparatively little risk out of money in your car. With insurance and other measures to keep your car and you safe, each of the companies mentioned here protects you. Open a used car dealership Well perhaps opening a used car dealership is the most obvious way to make money from cars, used cars are always on excess supply and this can be a profitable working line. But it can also be one of the more challenging businesses to run, especially when you start out first. But, if you have a car, or two, you just don't want to. You could sell them forever. In fact, if you can find great deals on cars and fix them up a little bit, you could build a business from flipping them out for profit. Rent your car If you don't actually want to drive your vehicle around to make money, use an app to rent it to others. They pay a small fee and then when they're done they drop the vehicle back off. You can put your car to work while doing something else. Register with a company and customers will rent your car, pick it up from your designated location (including home or office) and return it to you. Open a garage Those with an interest in what's under the hood could have their own garage installed. If you are a mechanic so you can do the work yourself, of course, it's beneficial. But if you're not, you might always look at hiring staff and taking care of the operation's tech side. This is another field that is always in competition, as cars are complicated machines and often have problems. Medical Transportation Service Seniors and people with medical problems preventing them from driving often could use access to a car to and from medical appointments. Excel in this area especially if you have a ramp or a vehicle that is easily accessible. Drive an Uber If you are looking for a part-time job or you don’t have a good corporate job, don’t worry. We’ve got the solution for you. You can drive Uber with your car and can earn money. You just have to be very careful while driving and try to avoid any kind of drug that can cause you trouble. The accident can affect both you and the customer.  If it happens in Nevada, you need to get an attorney and immediately register a Nevada car accident report to avoid further problems. These are just a couple of ways you could make money out of your passion for everything related to auto. Making money out of your passion can be incredibly rewarding and every day make sure you take pride in your work. Moreover, this can also be a profitable industry in which to work, as vehicles are always on demand and play such an essential role in everyday life. More Related Post: 7 Ways Truck Accidents Differ from the Regular Car Crashes Dos and Don’ts After a Car Crash Tips for Winning Your DUI Car Accident Case