Python For Robotics: Programming And Controlling Intelligent Robots

Python For Robotics

In the dynamic world of technology, the synergy between programming and robotics has paved the way for incredible innovations. Python, a versatile and user-friendly programming language, has emerged as a powerful tool for programming and controlling intelligent robots.

This article delves into the fascinating realm of robotics powered by Python, exploring how this language is transforming the field and enabling the creation of advanced robotic systems.

The Role Of Python In Robotics

The Role Of Python In Robotics

Python’s popularity in robotics is attributed to its readability, simplicity, and rich ecosystem of libraries that streamline development. As robots become more sophisticated and capable of handling complex tasks, the need for a programming language that can handle diverse functionalities becomes paramount.

Python fits this requirement perfectly by offering libraries that cover everything from machine learning and computer vision to control systems and sensor integration.

Creating Robot Behaviors With Python

One of the fundamental aspects of robotics is programming robots to exhibit desired behaviors. Python’s concise syntax and extensive libraries make this process intuitive and efficient. Through libraries like pyRobotics and ROS (Robot Operating System), developers can write code to control robot movements, manipulate objects, perceive the environment, and interact with humans.

Python’s adaptability is particularly evident in simulation environments like Gazebo and V-REP, where developers can model, test, and visualize their robot behaviors before deploying them to real hardware. This iterative process helps in refining algorithms and reducing errors during the physical implementation.

Computer Vision And Perception

Python’s prowess in computer vision has revolutionized robotics’ ability to perceive and understand the world around them. Libraries like OpenCV and scikit-image enable robots to process images and videos, enabling tasks like object detection, tracking, and even facial recognition. With these capabilities, robots can interact with their surroundings, identify objects, and make decisions based on visual data.

For instance, Python’s computer vision capabilities are instrumental in applications like autonomous vehicles, where robots need to detect and interpret traffic signs, pedestrians, and other vehicles to navigate safely.

As the field of robotics continues to expand, finding skilled Python developers who can harness these capabilities to develop innovative robotic systems is crucial. If you’re seeking to build a team of adept Python developers for your robotics projects, you can explore potential candidates at

Machine Learning And Robotics

Machine learning is a driving force behind many robotic advancements, from teaching robots to learn from their experiences to enabling them to adapt to dynamic environments.

Python’s libraries, including TensorFlow, PyTorch, and sci-kit-learn, empower developers to implement complex machine learning algorithms for tasks like motion planning, object manipulation, and even natural language processing in human-robot interaction.

Reinforcement learning, a subset of machine learning, is particularly valuable for robotics. Through reward-based learning, robots can learn optimal behaviors through trial and error, making them adaptable to unpredictable scenarios. Python’s support for reinforcement learning libraries like Stable Baselines and RLlib facilitates the development of intelligent, learning-based robotic systems.

Sensor Integration And Control Systems

Efficient robotic systems heavily rely on accurate sensor data and precise control mechanisms. Python’s compatibility with hardware interfaces and sensor libraries makes it a suitable choice for integrating sensors such as LiDAR, cameras, ultrasonic sensors, and more.

Python’s simplicity extends to control systems as well. Whether it’s creating PID (Proportional-Integral-Derivative) controllers or implementing complex feedback control algorithms, Python’s mathematical libraries and its real-time capabilities allow developers to fine-tune and optimize robot movements and responses.

Robotics Simulation And Rapid Prototyping

Python’s role in robotics isn’t limited to physical implementation. Simulation environments like Gazebo and V-REP enable developers to create virtual replicas of robots, test algorithms, and refine behaviors in a risk-free environment. This approach drastically reduces development time and costs by identifying potential issues before they occur in real-world scenarios.

Moreover, Python’s scripting capabilities enable researchers and developers to automate simulation scenarios, making it easier to conduct large-scale experiments and gather data for analysis.

Challenges And Future Prospects

While Python offers numerous advantages for robotics, it’s not without challenges. Real-time constraints, which are critical in robotics, can sometimes limit Python’s performance. However, advancements in libraries like Cython and the use of Python in conjunction with languages like C++ help mitigate these challenges.

As technology evolves, the future of Python in robotics looks promising. With ongoing developments in libraries, frameworks, and hardware interfaces, Python’s role in creating smarter, more capable robots is set to expand further.

Can I Enable A Robot Along With Python? 

Up till now, we took you through the basic concepts. But it is time to see how Python is actually helpful for actualizing a robot. Our instances will consist of the following:

  1. Python Frameworks
  2. Use Case
  3. A Vision-based robot for mobile navigation

It is easier to use the prebuilt Python and its Robot Programming runtime environment, particularly for Linux or Windows. The Python scripts above are responsible for controlling the robot. The latter can be assembled in various ways. 

Robot Assembly

It is important to arrange the wheels arranged exactly like a usual vehicle. However, it is equally important to fit ultrasonic sensors at both the front and rear of the chassis. Hence, the camera is mounted at a slightly elevated position right at the chassis front. Do not forget to connect it directly to the Nano. As for motors, there must be a proper interface along with a motor driver. 

Robot Programming 

Start working on the Raspberry Pi after the installation of the Programming environment. Your primary Python script must import the sonar modules, motor, and camera. We have to utilize a model that already comes with training in the OpenCV-Python association. It helps in detecting multiple images at a single time.


The marriage of Python and robotics has redefined the boundaries of what robots can achieve. From enhancing perception with computer vision to enabling learning through machine learning algorithms, Python has become a linchpin in the creation of intelligent robotic systems. It has a user-friendly syntax, expansive libraries, and compatibility with various hardware interfaces. This places Python as an ideal choice for both novice roboticists and seasoned experts.

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Barsha Bhattacharya is a senior content writing executive. As a marketing enthusiast and professional for the past 4 years, writing is new to Barsha. And she is loving every bit of it. Her niches are marketing, lifestyle, wellness, travel and entertainment. Apart from writing, Barsha loves to travel, binge-watch, research conspiracy theories, Instagram and overthink.

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Software Technologies

6 Software Technologies That Will Dominate 2021

Technology has never got better than in the recent past and looking at what we have experienced so far we could expect some very influential developments in the years ahead especially in 2018. This year would be a crucial period for all types of developing software technologies that we would experience in the future. Many of what we have experienced in the past year could be considered as nascent when seen in its present sense but are definitely going to explode into a technological bomb by the end of 2018 and beyond. One very distinct technology that is used today would be the versatile Svitla Systems which are specific and precise in application. We need to be ready to employ these software technologies and get a hang of what they are because the next year and years thereafter would be so advanced and if we do not comprehend fast we could be left behind. The pace of software technologies advancement like the Svitla Systems is unprecedented and it is making living for us humans that much easier and convenient. The overall idea of software technologies development is just that, to make our lives more comfortable by using the various devices which would practically bring life to our fingertips. The digital world is growing by leaps and bounds with software being developed in every sphere making the business a user-friendly offering to its vast clientele. We look at what is in store for us in 2018 and beyond and what consumers would be offered to make their purchasing experience that much enjoyable and convenient. Different Ways The Software Technologies  Have Evolved Over The Years    There are multiple ways software technology have evolved over the years. In this article, you will get the complete details of it. 1. Narrow Artificial Intelligence: Artificial Intelligence has been used by us extensively but now we would be employing it for specific purposes to ensure optimum benefits are derived. Studies have indicated that more than 40% of different entities across the board use AI or Artificial Intelligence in their day to day activities. This is going to increase and the AI itself is set to proliferate in use. Most of the devices that we use are driven by Artificial Intelligence of some kind and it is slowly encompassing our lives and there would be a day when we would be completely dependent and engulfed by it. 2. Digital Twins technology: This would be used extensively to drive business in all spheres by combining digital and physical data that is made available to represent a single purpose within a set parameter. This would be enhanced with what is popularly referred to as the Internet of Things or IoT. An extraordinary user experience is created when event producers enable their prospective customers of engaging themselves and attending such events. Customers could do so by virtually creating their twin of attending these events and be elsewhere whilst in reality, they are at the specified location. 3. Mixed realities: This is a mixture of all Virtual Realities or VR which has been around for some time. The new software would allow customers to see anything they would want by placing them in reality. For example, browsing through a clothing store potential customers could dress mannequins and see how the item would look or even decorate their homes with furniture and see what the effects would be. Virtual reality could revolutionize the way we would look at life as we could see many things that we would not be present in virtual reality and enjoying everything that needs to be seen from the comfort of our homes. 4. Event-driven applications: This software would ensure that prospective customer who would take their requirements by clicking on their screens and showing what they would look for into another level. This information would be decimated and addressed to ensure they get what they want and make it a better user experience for them. Most appliances that we use could collate information and relay to marketers information on our behavioral patterns which would make them improve customer user experience. 5. Digital centralization: Every little thing we need to be done would be centralized onto our digital device with the desktop computer becoming obsolete. From home security to shopping, travel plans and every other thing that you would like to do would be brought to your fingertips. Life would be made very comfortable especially the issues that we find difficult to slot sufficient time in our busy lives to accomplish. 6. Blockchain technology: This is virtual money where in reality there is no exchange of what we know as cash. This would eliminate many issues that are troubling the monetary world. This software technology is peer to peer eliminating large computers servers where many issues could crop up which have been the bane of the financial world. Blockchain revolves around the fast-proliferating cryptocurrencies which are taking over gradually from the paper money that we know of. How the transition would take place and when it would do so is a major point of contention in the financial world. There is tremendous resistance but when its advantages are obvious there is no way it could be stopped and would be a matter of time. Conclusion: Software technologies are developing from all parts of the world with the Svitla Systems being just one of them and is far ahead of its times. Some others which are still to be realized as workable but the time would come when things would come into perspective. The world likes technology and the recent years have seen many developments and there is more to come as the years go by and where it will end, nobody would know. The introduction of new software technology creates a new step for further development and as long as new technology is developed the pace would not slow down or recede. The whole world is encompassed with a passion to create user-friendly software and also hardware to go hand in glove with it and this trend is sure to continue into infinity. There would not be any slowdown that we could see, not in 2018 and definitely not beyond that too. Read Also: Tips To Choose The Best Inventory Management Software Securing Mobile App Development With Blockchain Technology

intuitive inventory management

An Overview of an Intuitive Inventory Management

The role of intuitive management software is to track orders, processes, sales, inventory levels, and deliveries. It is also crucial in creating documentation that relates to the production of work orders and bills of materials. Businesses use this solution to avoid product overstocking. The main benefit of inventory management includes tracking trends, upgraded data, security, enhanced efficiency, reduced costs, and warehouse organization. Additionally, inventory management system does not operate in a storage facility because it works towards impacting profitability and the sales of the company. It needs to be integrated and bundled with other business processes like CRM, ERP, shipping, and accounting. Do you require this system? Yes, to enhance the overall profitability and efficiency so that you can ride on future trends like the Internet of Things that help to boost business performance. Cloud connectivity of your product will speed up the order of fulfilling repeat sales cycles. Your manual services cannot match the industry requirements, and it is time you shift to intuitive inventory management software. This system also centralizes and consolidates several business processes. Read also: Tips To Choose The Best Inventory Management Software The intuitive management system does not need to be complex Your business does not need to have a complex inventory system just because it has complex inventory processes. An intuitive design of the system needs to give it a user-friendly interface that simplifies the management of inventory. The complexity of your inventory processes does not matter because they make all steps of management straightforward. Eliminate non-value-adding functionality An intuitive inventory management system needs to be customizable to allow you to eliminate functionality that is not adding any value. You need an out-of-the-box system that is built with solutions that will satisfy the requirements of the companies using it. It needs to have all the requirements a system needs to offer regardless of the firm requires them or not. Unused features will end up hindering the levels of productivity by making navigation difficult after cluttering the system. The right system needs clear functionalities that base on a user-to-user. Your staff will work inefficiently when the required tools are easily accessible and readily available. The system makes the completion of tasks a straightforward practice because you can access the required features. Managing tasks easily The design of the right intuitive management system makes it easy to navigate and complete tasks. All tasks in the queue appear on the system’s homepage in the to-do list. You can customize tasks that appear on the to-do list to fit the specific workflow of your firm. Common processes or tasks which appear on the to-do list include shipping, pick and pack, acknowledgments, inspections, and issues. Additionally, the overview of all outbound and inbound orders show the total number of items that are shipping, need an inspection, have issues, billing, or receiving. Completing day-to-day tasks and navigating the system becomes simple. Achieving intuitive inventory management Intuitive inventory management is among the most important aspects of determining the financial health of your business. Managing your inventory intuitively and learning techniques of fulfilling orders and receiving shipments can be done with the help of an inventory system. The system of controlling your inventory involves implementing a process and system designed to give a broad view and immediate awareness of your items. All the info you require is found in the central database that makes tracking, receiving, organizing, and ordering inventory more efficient, more convenient, and less time-consuming. Efficiency reduces money and time and reduces the chances of over-ordering. What is the importance of good inventory control? Using intuitive inventory control is more than purchasing a product to replace the old version. The idea of adopting good inventory control is that you will know what to purchase, how and when to make the purchase. Robust management software will give you the required knowledge through its reporting tools. Since it possesses a centralized database, this system has the awareness of what is getting in and what is going out. Since the data is updated and shown in real-time, the numbers gotten will be in real-time, and no decisions will be made without evidence. Nowadays, surplus inventory is affecting businesses and increases their costs. The loss of working cash, cost of products, cost of additional labor to control this inventory, and the expense of holding this inventory eats into the basic profits. How do you get intuitive with your system? Intuitive inventory management involves automation. You can set this system to send alerts in case something happens. The supervisor can get an email when the inventory item attains its safe stock level. The manager will also get an alert when a particular company places an order exceeding a certain amount of money. This system reports and alerts you with customized info that will keep you apprised of every important inventory situation. Possessing this info will allow you to take necessary action without looking at numbers. You will jointly come up with strategies for identifying opportunities to retain and grow the customers base and reduce costs. Key features of an intuitive inventory management If you want to appreciate the features of a reliable solution, it is vital to understand the things that comprise a robust, intuitive inventory management system. Order management It monitors the placement of orders and gives you alerts to restock based on the preset levels. You can use it to manage stocks at cost0effective levels that will help you minimize costs and anticipate revenues. Tracking It monitors products that are in stock through bar codes or serial numbers, batch labels, or lot numbers. Purchasing management It features purchase history, processes reorders, and costs associated. Sales management It manages invoices, receipts, and quotations Product catalog It acts as the central hub for product specification like inventory optimization Manufacturing inventory It handles particular manufacturers' requirements like kitting assembly, work orders, and job costing. Examples of intuitive management software Brightpearl Brightpearl is an intuitive inventory management system that firms use to manage crucial processes like orders, accounting, inventory, reporting, and customer data in one location. Additionally, this application gives real-time reports on the buying behavior of customers, profitability, inventory, cash flow, and much more. This system integrates with Bigcommerce, Magento, Amazon, Shopify to give the company access to many channels that expand the business. It also has an inbuilt reporting and accounting system that goes down to the channels and customer levels. The owner has tied with several shipping carriers to ensure timely and accurate shipment. LoMag inventory LoMag inventory management system assists businesses to automate inventory management, orders, and track delivery. This system is ideal for e-commerce businesses of all scales. It also integrates well with cloud retailers and shipping systems. It facilitates complete tracking of inventory from ordering to delivery. This system offers tracking services for mobile devices that have Android and iOS software. Using this system is quite cheap compared with other inventory management solutions. Managing work-in-progress, raw materials, and finished goods is critical to the whole process of managing your inventory. Accessing data allows you to track levels of inventory by location, item, historical usage, and product family. Employing an intuitive inventory management system will help increase user productivity and simplify daily inventory transactions with automated features for routine tasks. The right system will give everything you need to control all transactions, material usage, and cost of the products


Volte: What Is It, And How Is It Different From VOIP?

Communication is a form of expressing thoughts and feelings. It helps us establish relationships and connect with others by allowing us to share our experiences and needs. Communication between coworkers in an organization makes for more efficient daily work. It can be challenging to work effectively in a world that demands that one's output be maintained at all times. And here comes the name of Volte. Working at the office alone will not cut it anymore since results are the most important thing. To develop strong connections with business partners and end users, various individuals must possess strong communication skills. It is necessary to make use of a communication tool for there to be efficient communication. Voice over Internet Protocol, often called VoIP, is an important communication method for companies in the present day and age. VoIP is a more effective communication tool than the old analog phone system. From making voice calls to conference calls, instant messaging, virtual numbers, queue calls, music on hold, and record calls, VoIP is the modern method for sending and receiving calls. As communication changes or upgrades as time passes by, so does technology. Today, we also hear about a new technology called Voice over Long-Term Evolution (VoLTE). How do these two terms differ from and relate to each other? Is VoLTE a better tool than VoIP? Let's look at some possible responses to these critical questions. What Is VoIP?  VoIP is a mode of communication that allows users to send multimedia and voice transmissions via Internet protocol networks. One glaring illustration of this would be the internet.  As a modern method for making and receiving calls, VoIP has become commonly used in businesses, where 70% of business owners prefer VoIP-based telephone systems to their conventional on-site PBX. Unlike analog telephones that rely on phone cables, VoIP utilizes the internet to transmit voice calls which can be made using desktop computers, laptops, and smartphones.  It supports various call features such as voice messaging, SMS text messaging, call forwarding, fax transmission, voicemail, and other services, providing firms with a convenient one-stop resolution for all their communication needs.  For decades, voice services could only be distributed among users through a public telephone network. Businesses back then struggled to keep up their communication capabilities with their growing business.  The launch of Volte phones has helped solve some of these problems, being a technology that is much simpler to install, maintain, and configure than conventional lines. Companies can quickly onboard new employees by being able to provide additional support for new users immediately.  A much faster and simpler process is replacing the need to install cables or additional phone lines. All of these are achieved without risking the service's quality but by improving it. Let’s see what is volte on my phone and how it’s performing.  What Is VoLTE?  VoIP technology has made a giant leap forward in terms of communication. However, it was introduced when 2G and 3G networks were still used for mobile devices. Network connectivity has improved a lot since then. The arrival of 4G, or Long-Term Evolution (LTE), meant faster and better connectivity.  Voice over long-term evolution (VoLTE) is VoIP, except that it is over a mobile network. While with VoIP connections use broadband or the fixed line. VoLTE utilizes the cellphone, which has a 4G/3G data connection. As the latest standard for wireless, high-speed communication, VoLTE is highly recognized and appreciated for having excellent call quality. This is among the significant advantages that this technology provides. A 4G connection can transmit more information and data than a 2G or 3G connection. VoLTE allows the user to enjoy his HD call features all the time. This quality conversation is crucial for firms that require hearing the tiniest pronunciations for successfully established relationships.  VoLTE's enhanced coverage and connectivity capabilities are both impressive. People can use this service anywhere as long as there is a cellular connection. VoLTE can also connect calls almost twice as fast as the present methods.  How Are VoLTE And VoIP Different From Each Other? ‍ VoIP is more popular. VoIP was a more popular method of business telephony in 2019. The amount of VoIP calls made in the UK is increasing as more businesses move to cloud-based phone systems. In recent years, there has been a remarkable increase in VoIP traffic. This does not imply that VoLTE is uncommon, though. Several businesses have used VoLTE as an effort to keep in touch with employees who are outside the premises. VoLTE and VoIP use different networks. VoIP uses web-based networks such as 3G or Wi-Fi to transmit voice data, while VoLTE uses 4G LTE networks (which provide a broader bandwidth and faster speeds) to carry voice data. VoLTE uses only mobile devices. Mobile devices operate with VoLTE, while desk phones and PCs use VoIP. Cellular data connection is a requisite for VoLTE; thus, it is not available on gadgets with no SIM card. VoIP is more efficient. Upgrades in the infrastructure have helped the UK's mobile network be more robust; however, weaknesses still exist mainly in rural areas. This makes VoLTE less reliable as it demands a 'decent' mobile network connection. VoIP, requiring a fixed line, is generally more dependable, particularly with fiber optic broadband.  How Are VoLTE And VoIP Similar To Each Other? From switching to turning off, everything is similar and the same. Let’s see how to turn off Volte and switch on can function.  The same technology is used. Both use 'packet switching.' It implies that voice calls are sent utilizing data instead of the conventional analog method. It allows for high-quality voice calls and a more dependable connection. However, a good broadband connection is required.‍ They work together. VoLTE and VoIP work hand-in-hand. A lot of individuals may be utilizing VoLTE without even the realization. Making a Facetime or a Facebook messenger call with the use of a cellphone while not connecting to Wi-Fi means VoLTE is being used. Moreover, if a business with a VoIP phone system calls one of the mobile users during which they're out, it is likely that VoIP and VoLTE are being used simultaneously. VoLTE and VoIP can improve telecommunications. Both VoLTE and VoIP can conserve business money and time and boost telecoms. Small-scale trades can enjoy zero maintenance and plenty of other great features by eliminating expensive on-site equipment.  VoLTE is currently supported to a limited extent. Not all smartphone brands and models support VoLTE technology at the moment. Also, many geographic locations still have no available LTE. However, experts hypothesize that this will soon change rapidly.  VoLTE is still a new technology. It was first introduced for commercial service only in 2014 in Singapore. Unfortunately, only a limited range of services are offered by most VoLTE tech providers.  This contrasts with VoIP providers, which provide various offers, even standard packages. People can look forward to what VoLTE has to provide in the next few years. Benefits from these anticipated developments are promised to be experienced by businesses and their employees.  Conclusion: Being aware of the much-anticipated changes that devices will face over the next few years explains why people worldwide are thrilled about what VoLTE may offer in the future.  Telium provides VoIP services that would truly help bring your business to the next level. WithTelnum’s extensive experience in cloud-based technology, you get all the assurance a VoIP system promises. Call us now to learn more! Additional: The Role of Communication in Employee Retainment 5 Reasons Why Having Software for Your Business Matters Balancing the Books with Outsourcing – Virtual Receptionists How Many Jobs Are Available In Telecommunications Equipment?