How to Become a Hacker: X Steps to Follow


13 April 2019


Become a Hacker

A hacker is a professional who focuses on the security mechanism of your network systems and computers. Therefore, don’t think of hackers as unethical people who break into the security system of your phone or computer to steal your valuable information. It is only that some people use their expertise in the wrong ways. Here are some 12 steps on how to become a hacker.

1. Learn UNIX-Like Operating Systems

UNIX-like and UNIX are the operating systems of the internet. You can use the internet without knowing UNIX but you can never become a hacker without having the UNIX knowledge. There are several forms of UNIX-like OS but the most popular one is Linux. You can run Linux hand in hand with MS Windows on your machine. You need to download Linux and install it on your computer. The other UNIX-like OS is BSD systems that comprise of DragonFly BSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, and FreeBSD. You have to understand the difference between BSD and Linux. Even though we have other solutions like Open Indiana, it is good to rely on Linux, BSD, and MacOS because they are more popular and have several programs for your use.

2. Write HTML


You have to build your proficiency in HTML especially if you are not a programming professional. HTML is used to code everything that you see on any website such as the design components, images, and pictures.  You start by learning how to make a basic homepage and grow from there. You can open the source information in your browser to see the examples of HTML. You can either write basic HTML in simple text or processing programs like Notepad.

3. Learn the Programming Language

Programming Language


If your goal is to become a hacker, you need to learn programming languages to write your masterpiece. The best language to start with is python because it is well documented, has a clean design, and relatively kind for beginners. Apart from being an excellent language for starters, python is flexible, compelling, and suites large projects well. Once you get into serious programming, you will have to learn Java, JavaScript, and PHP C, and C++. These programming languages will give you the right background that will help you to develop hacking skills.

4. Think Creatively

Once you have the basic skills, you need to start thinking artistically. A hacker is like an engineer, philosopher, and artist all rolled up into one person. These professionals believe in mutual responsibility and freedom. The world has so many fascinating problems that are waiting for answers. Hackers delight in solving these problems, exciting their intelligence, and sharpening skills. Hackers have a broad range of intellectual and cultural interests outside hacking. Play as intensely as you work and work as intensely as you play. For most hackers, the boundaries between art and science or work and play tend to merge or disappear into a high level of creative playfulness. You can enroll in martial art training if you want to learn how to become a hacker.

5. Learn to Appreciate Solving Problems

 Hackers believe that it is a moral responsibility to solve problems. Once you solve a particular problem, put is in the public domain so that you can assist other people to solve the same issue. However, you will not be giving away all your creative product. You will begin to command a lot of respect when you share the knowledge that you have accumulated over time.

6. Learn Recognizing and Fighting Authority

The main enemies od hackers are drudgery, boredom, and authority figures who use secrecy and censorship to stifle the freedom of information. Monotonous works discourage the hacker from hacking. You can embrace hacking as a way of life by rejecting the ‘normal’ concepts of property and work. Instead, choose to fight for common knowledge and equality.

7. Be Competent

Any person who spends a lot of time on Reddit is able to write up a ridiculous cyberpunk username and pose to be a hacker. However, the internet is an excellent equalizer that values competence over posture and ego. Spend a lot of time to work on your craft and not the mage and you will gain a lot of respect quickly instead of modeling yourself around the superficial things that people think around hacking in the popular culture.

8. Write Open-Source Software

Take time and write programs that other hackers believe are useful and fun. Give your fellow hackers the sources of these programs for their use. Hackers respect individuals who have written capable programs and share with their colleagues for use.

9. Help in Testing and Debugging Open-Source Software

Reputable open-source authors know that good beta-testers are worth their weight in dollars. These beta-testers know how to localize problems well, describe symbols, can tolerate bugs in quickie releases, and are more than willing to apply few simple diagnostic routines. Try to get a challenge that is under development that you have interest in and strive to become a good beta-tester.

10. Publish Useful Information

You also need to gather and filter interesting and useful information into documents or web pages like FAQs lists and avail them. The respect that those who maintain FAQs have is equal to that of open-source authors.

11. Assist in Keeping the Infrastructure Working

It is volunteers who operate the hacking culture and the internet’s engineering development. You need to do a lot of unglamorous but necessary tasks to keep everything running. It includes the administration of mailing lists, moderating of newsgroups, maintenance of huge software archives, and the development of RFCs among the other technical standards. You will command a lot of respect by doing all these things with a high level of dedication.

12. Serve the Hacking Culture Itself

You will not be able to do this exercise until you have been around for some time. The hacking culture does not have leaders to say but it has tribal elders, culture heroes, spokespeople, and historians. After being in the trenches for a long period, you can develop into one of these.  Hackers don’t trust the blatant ego among their tribal elders and hence attaining such fame visibly is dangerous. Instead of striving for it, it is wise to position yourself so that it drops in your lap so that you can be gracious and modest regarding your status.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Phishing Attacks

What Are Some Best Practices To Prevent Phishing Attacks?

Cybercriminals these days are very active because the use of the internet has become common and now they can easily find different victims. There are different types of online frauds and scams played by cyber criminals. Out of all the frauds, the most common one is phishing attacks. According to research, phishing attacks are affecting millions of people every year in one way or another. If you are running a brand you want to protect your account, you should know how you can prevent phishing attacks. Here are a few common practices: 5 Best Practices To Prevent Phishing Attacks 1. Never click on any random click: Many phishing attacks come in the form of a link. You receive an email that contains a link. You should not click on that link unless you are sure about the fact that the sender of the email is someone you know. If the link has come from an unknown source, you can simply hover over the link to see what website it leads to. Don’t try to click on any link because it will take you to the website where you will become vulnerable to a phishing attack.  2. Never share your information anywhere: You might want to share your personal information with a website that is legitimate but not so secure. If it is an e-commerce website, try to buy products and pay for them at your doorsteps instead of making advance payments through your debit or credit card. When you share your debit or credit card details on an insecure website, you put your card and your finances at risk. This way, you can easily attack a phishing attack. If you are running a business in Australia and you want to protect your business from phishing attacks, click on where you can get the best DMARC monitoring in Australia. 3. Keep changing your passwords: People are often recommended to keep changing their passwords after regular intervals so that they can keep all the potential hackers and attackers at bay. Sometimes, your account gets compromised without even knowing. When this happens, you will lose all your data. This type of phishing attack is very dangerous because it can compromise your private data. So, if you keep changing your passwords, you will be able to ensure that your account is secure from various types of phishing attacks. 4. Keep firewalls: Installing firewalls is always an effective strategy to prevent yourself from potential attacks of phishing. It acts like a barrier between your personal computer where you operate your accounts and the platforms where attackers are waiting to compromise your data. There are different types of firewalls. If you use two or three of them in combination, you can achieve the desired level of security. 5. Never pay attention to pop-ups: Some pop-ups are very attractive and tempt people to open them and get attacked. You should never click on these pop-ups. For more safety, you can download software that will block different pop-ups. Additionals: How to Manage Your Marketing Data Benefits of penetration testing To Businesses What Is Zero Trust In Cybersecurity Context? Top 10 Cybersecurity Features That Are A Must-Have In An Ecommerce Store

5 Ways To Prevent Cyber Attacks

5 Ways To Prevent Cyber Attacks

Cloud vulnerabilities represent the Achilles' heel of a cloud computing environment, embodying potential weaknesses or gaps that cunning attackers may exploit to breach security defenses. These vulnerabilities expose organizations to the risk of unauthorized access, data theft, and service disruption. The evolution toward cloud transformation necessitates a vigilant focus on identifying and addressing the foremost cybersecurity challenges that emerge in this dynamic landscape. As organizations migrate their operations to the cloud, the expanding attack surface becomes a critical concern. The broader range of entry points presents more opportunities for cyber adversaries to exploit vulnerabilities. Therefore, a comprehensive understanding of potential weak links in the cloud infrastructure is imperative to develop effective defense mechanisms. Data security stands at the forefront of these challenges. With sensitive information traversing virtual channels, safeguarding against unauthorized access and data breaches becomes paramount. Robust encryption, stringent access controls, and continuous monitoring are indispensable components of a resilient defense strategy. The seamless and interconnected nature of cloud services introduces the challenge of shared responsibility. Organizations must collaborate closely with cloud service providers to delineate and understand their respective roles in ensuring security. This shared responsibility model underscores the need for clear communication and collaboration to fortify the overall security posture. Securing against cyber attacks demands a multifaceted approach that extends beyond conventional measures. Here are five often-overlooked strategies to fortify your defenses and prevent cyber threats: Employee Training And Awareness Equip your team with the knowledge to recognize and mitigate cyber risks. Conduct regular training sessions focusing on phishing awareness, social engineering, and the importance of strong password practices. A well-informed workforce serves as a crucial line of defense against various cyber threats. Device Management And IoT Security Beyond traditional endpoints, the proliferation of Internet of Things (IoT) devices introduces additional vulnerabilities. Implement a robust device management strategy, ensuring that all connected devices adhere to security standards. Regularly update and patch IoT devices to mitigate potential exploits. Zero Trust Architecture Move away from traditional perimeter-based security models and embrace a Zero Trust Architecture. Assume that threats can originate from within your network and implement strict access controls, authentication protocols, and continuous monitoring to verify the legitimacy of all users and devices. Incident Response Planning Develop a comprehensive incident response plan to minimize the impact of a potential breach. Establish clear procedures for identifying, containing, and eradicating threats promptly. Regularly test and update the plan to ensure its effectiveness in the face of evolving cyber threats. Regular Security Audits And Penetration Testing Conduct regular security audits and penetration testing to identify and address vulnerabilities before malicious actors exploit them. This proactive approach helps organizations stay ahead of emerging threats and ensures that security measures remain effective in a rapidly evolving threat landscape. Conclusion: In safeguarding against cyber threats, fostering a culture of awareness, adapting to emerging technologies, and embracing a shared responsibility form the fabric of resilient defense. Together, these measures not only fortify against potential vulnerabilities but also cultivate a digital environment where security becomes a collective commitment, ensuring a safer online landscape. Read Also: The Importance Of Cybersecurity In The Digital Age What Are Some Best Practices To Prevent Phishing Attacks? Learn Everything About Google Verification Code Scams In 2023

Workplace Injuries

The Hidden Damages In Workspaces: 5 Steps To Reduce The Risk Of Workplace Injuries!

Cleaner workplace means high performance, increased employee productivity, and safe, healthy stuff. However, the always going production services increased workloads, and busy schedule causes the standards to dip. Of course, it's obvious that safety and health hazards occur on workspaces that have heavy machines and equipment where workers are engaged in strenuous manual labor. However, a place where most of the tasks are completed by just sitting on the chair posses less danger. According to the national safety council, in every 7-seconds, a worker is injured with most occupations like transportation, construction and more being the most common places for injuries. Here are a few things you need to look to reduce the risk of workplace injuries: To Minimize Falls: Things like trips, slips, and falls are the most common type of workplace injuries. To reduce them: Stay Clean And Clutter-Free: Things like files, boxes and other items in the walkways create a tripping hazard. So, make sure you store all the items in a proper location to prevent piles of clutter. Keep oils and other lubricants at separate shelves to avoid slips and falls. Besides, apart from posing electrical hazards, keeping cords and cables in the walkways poses more risk at workplaces.   Step On The Chair: Using chairs and stools to pick up things comes in fall hazards. Therefore, employees who want to search for something at some height should use a stepladder. Just make sure that the ladders you give to employees should be placed on a level and stable ground.   Make Sure Things Are Visible: There might be situations when workers can collide when taking a turn to blind corners. However, to prevent this, make sure to install mirrors (convex mirrors) at the intersection to minimize a collision. This way workers will be able to see who’s coming and collisions will be less likely to occur.   Work In Skid-Resistant Floors: Placing carpets and having skid-resistant floors help reduce falls. Further, marbles and tiles can become slippery, especially in wet weather. However, having professionals like Commercial cleaning services Las Vegas will keep them clean and will reduce the chance of falls.   Minimizing The Accidents Occurred From Moving Machinery: Machines that are not guarded are at high risk of safety. And, if anybody part get caught in or struck by the exposed part, without the protective guard, the result can be disastrous. Crushed hands, severed fingers, blindness, and injured arm are some of the common machine-related injuries. Moreover, these injuries occur in places where heavy equipment and machinery are used. However, protective equipment and attention to minor details help to avoid these injuries. Reduce Vehicle Injuries: Workers who drive for business purposes, often get injured in auto accidents, which can vary from the minor ones to the fatal ones. However, the employees safe-driving training and driver policies can help to reduce accidents. Reducing Falling Object Injuries: Objects that fall from shelves or by another person can result in serious injuries, with head injuries being the most common one. Employee’s negligence and employer’s hard work to keep the work environment free from any injuries. Of course, you should train employees for the usage of gears and machines. Overexertion Injuries: Things like pushing, lifting, pulling, carrying and throwing heavy objects at work can also cause serious overexertion injuries. Those who experience overexertion injuries can result in medical bills, physical therapy, missed work time. In fact, overexertion injuries are the second leading cause of on-job injuries and accidents.  These are some most common associated injuries: Back Injuries: These injuries vary from mild strains to severe spinal cord injuries. Neck Injuries: Neck is the most sensitive body part, and any injury to this section can result in deleterious effects. Muscle Strains: while muscle injuries are not serious ones, they can prevent a worker from doing serious work. Pushing, lifting objects, carrying heavy things can result in muscle strain. So, those were some common work-related injuries. Keep them in mind and keep your employees safe and sound! Read Also: Making Your Office Safer For Workers How To Improve Workplace Security 5 Safety Awareness Ideas To Maintain A Safe Workplace