Why DRM Is the New Standard for Document Security

Published on: 06 December 2018 Last Updated on: 19 July 2019
Document Security

Document security has been a bone of contention for quite some time. There are so many reasons why some documents should not be seen by everyone.

For example, documents containing national secrets should only be accessed by people with a security clearance because, in the wrong hands, the information could ruin whole countries and regimes (or at least the careers of some people). Similarly, businesses store some of their most sensitive information, including trade secrets and intellectual property, in documents. If the information in such documents were to be made available on the Internet for free it could ruin a business.

What is more, people nowadays prefer to share their documents electronically rather than via hard printed copies. Of course, electronic sharing offers some extra benefits, for example, the authors save on printing costs, distribution is much quicker, and you can reach global markets more easily. But, unfortunately, it can also become too easy to share electronic documents. For example, people can copy and paste another person’s work or company secrets and sell them as their own.

Various controls have been employed in the past to guard against such documents falling into the wrong hands or being distributed for free. As it stands, these controls have not been very successful in carrying out their mandate and so many document security products fail to adequately protect documents from unauthorized use.

One such method which falls short is encryption. As soon as a file is opened by an authorized person, they can do anything they want with it. This includes copying and sharing the information. Even using watermarking to prevent copying does not solve the problem. Using regular software to process a document gives the recipient the ability to remove the watermark and go on to redistribute documents as they see fit. Likewise, internal document management systems fall flat as soon as a document is moved outside of the organization.

The most effective tool for document security should be able to tackle all the problems associated with the above-named control mechanisms to be considered an industry standard. Digital Rights Management (DRM)and licensing controls do just that.

With regard to forwarding documents, DRM ensures that only an encrypted file can be shared with authorized users. It is, therefore, paramount that each recipient is given a key so that he or she can access the contents of a document.  The key needs to be transparently relayed and locked to the authorized user’s device so that it cannot be shared along with the protected document.  The fact that a key cannot be transferred from one user to another also means that each person will have to be individually authorized by the admin. What is more, DRM can be used to enforce expiry, prevent screen grabbing as well as stopping copying and pasting techniques from being used while the document is on display.

That leaves the subject of printing a document.  You can use DRM to prevent printing but it is sometimes necessary to allow a document to be printed by the recipient. If the recipient were to misuse this privilege by “printing” the document to a PDF driver, then he or she has effectively created a control-free document. DRM controls could be used to prevent the use of file drivers to ensure that an unprotected document is created.

That being said, once a document is printed, it can be rescanned and a PDF can be created. The easiest way to prevent this would be to watermark it in a way in which the watermark itself cannot be easily tampered with.   Also, using DRM, a dynamic watermark can be added to ensure that, if a person were to try and share his or her version of the document, there would be evidence to identify him or her. A static watermark can also be used to prevent scanning as it works to effectively distort the image that the scanner or photocopier picks up, making the scanned copy unusable.

DRM can also be used to revoke documents that have already been distributed and to automatically expire documents once they have been viewed or printed a number of times or after a number of days use.

So, DRM is the only complete solution to document security as it supports previous methods of document security (encryption and access controls) and fills in the gaps that the other methods cannot. Also, it is effective both inside and outside of organizational controls.

If you are looking to enhance security for all your documents, then DRM may be the only sure way to go.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Ecommerce Website

Starting an Ecommerce Website? Take 5 Steps to Make It Secure

Cybercrime cost businesses $3 trillion in 2015 and it’s expected to cost $6 trillion by 2021. A single cyberattack can ruin your online shop completely, so it’s essential to improve your eCommerce website security right away. Luckily, you can do this fast and with only a small investment. How to Improve Ecommerce Website Security Quickly and Affordably : 1. Install security software : Installing software that will monitor your website for SQL injection and other vulnerabilities is the first thing you need to do. SQL attacks (where hackers attach parts of SQL commands to your code) and malware are the most common types of cybersecurity hazards. These issues must be prevented at all costs, and a specialized security product will do that. Such programs can guard you against a variety of attacks, so choose one with the widest range of protection. Be sure to invest in top-quality software updated frequently as new types of malware appear daily. 2. Switch to new hosting : Are you 100% confident in the reliability and security of your hosting? If not, you should start looking for one that meets specialized e-commerce website requirements. The number one of those is having an SSL certificate, which is a proof of security. Hosting matters greatly for an e-commerce website not only because of the cyberattack threats but also because uptime is essential for these businesses. If you use a shared server and it crashes every time traffic to your website surges, you’ll be losing business and ruining your reputation with customers. Today leading software providers offer many discounts and great terms for signup deals, so be sure to get the best one you can afford. 3. Switch to HTTPS :   A switch to a more secure protocol HTTPS is not only a way to improve e-commerce website security. It’s a necessary step if you want to rank higher on Google search engine result pages. The search engine assesses use this parameter when ranking your website, so using plain HTTP will lower your SEO. Today, many browsers do not only mark HTTPS websites with a green ‘secure’ label, even they go out of the way to post a warning that your connection is not secure when visiting HTTP pages. As a business that makes online money transactions, you must have the most basic layer of SSL/TLS security for your e-commerce site. In such cased, Extended Validation SSL certificate would be a better option to make e-commerce website more secure and trustworthy, because once you install EV SSL on your server, it establishes HTTPS secure connection to protect online information during data transition and displays a green address bar and your company name in popular web browsers. To learn more about the EV SSL certificate, Visit this website. 4. Keep all your plugins updated : No matter how good your security software is, vulnerabilities might come from the inside if some of your plugins are old and don’t have the necessary levels of safety and performance. The apps, plugins, and extensions on your website should update automatically. However, you should double-check in case some issue prevents an update. Bear in mind that an old plugin is not only a security vulnerability. It’s also a risk factor for the website crash, which can lose you a lot of money. 5. Change your passwords and username often : Hacking into your admin panel will give cybercriminals complete control of your business. To prevent it, you must have a strong password and a non-standard username. The latter you can change to anything you like. As to the password, the best one should have no less than 20 symbols with letters in different registers, numbers, and symbols. Most importantly, it must be completely random. Read Also : Would Your Ecommerce Website Pass The Cybersecurity Test? Here Are 3 Things You Could Be Doing Wrong How To Create An Effective FAQ Page For Your Website 8 Key SEO Strategies For E-Commerce Websites


Demystifying the common GDPR Myths

As one of the most common discussions around the internet today, data protection has seen huge changes in 2018. Indeed, the introduction of the European Union’ General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) program is making companies finally face up to their corporate responsibilities. While this has been more than a long time coming, it has not been dealt with well for the most part in the recent decades. This step from the EU is a merciful way to help make the regulation change as soon as possible. However, like all major regulatory changes, some half-truths and full-blown myths have emerged. What are some of the common tall tales told about GDPR that you need to look out for? 1. GDPR is just a mechanism to fine companies! Absolute hogwash, to put it bluntly. GDPR is a mechanism to send data protection back to the people who the data actually is about, not the company. A company can be fined as much as £17m, or 4% of their annual turnover, by the GDPR. However, this isn’t some committee looking to pay for their holidays and Christmas party: this is here to stop citizens being ripped off any longer by companies. 2. GDPR fines are handed out without warning We don’t know where these kinds of ideas come from, but it’s just not true in any capacity at all. fines in GDPR will be proportionate to the issue at hand: a small company with a GDPR breach will be fined a reasonable amount. Also, you are given two – almost three – warnings about GDPR compliance failure. You won’t just find a team of armed guards in EU flags turning up, don’t worry! 3.GDPR came from nowhere For years, GDPR was reported on and discussed at length. It was not a surprise. Companies were given the best part of a full calendar year to get their systems into spec before the May 2018 roll-out. Companies that missed the GDPR call-out would simply have not been paying attention to data protection policy changes. This was not a surprise for anyone who followed the industry. If you were a business that did not see GDPR coming, then we recommend that you spend some more time looking at European law changes: this was not a surprise! 4. GDPR is constraining businesses Again, not true – GDPR merely makes businesses take responsibility for the data that they have. GDPR is making it harder for consent to be presumed, and instead, it has to be clearly provided. The days of pre-ticked boxes for consent are gone. It’s also going to be much easier for people to withdraw their consent if they so choose. This is not constraining businesses, it’s merely making a part of the web that was thoroughly amateur in its people protection a bit more stringent in the way that you think and acts like a business. 5. GDPR was not necessary This is also quite untrue: GDPR was absolutely necessary. It’s simply putting in place a foundational program that reinforces key terms such as the Data Protection Act, and also makes companies more likely to care for the data they hold instead of using it recklessly. This myth, that GDPR is not necessary and was just added in to add more ‘red tape’ is not the case at all. All of the data breach stories of the recent years would have been almost impossible under GDPR: in a bid to give people back power over their own data, GDPR was essential. GDPR compliance is a fixed process This has been around for some time and is not the case at all. While it may have rolled out in 2018, the EU is fully aware that getting ready for it will take some time and effort. While the two years to get ready was more than enough, with ICO regulation kicking in as of May ’18, there is going to be change to it as time goes on. This is not like the Y2K bug; out of all the painful misconceptions about GDPR, this may be among the worst. You might not like the need to be more specific with data regulation, but GDPR is a good thing – the myths make it sound like the end of the world. All it is, in reality, is an end to lawlessness in data protection and regulation. Final Take Away    Hence, these are some of the crucial facts that you have to take care of while you want to improve your business in the correct order at the correct point in time. Do not make your choices in grey while you want to develop your current business in the right direction. Read Also: 4 Secret Ways To Help You Download Torrents Safely Top Cloud Security Controls You Should Be Using

5 Ways To Prevent Cyber Attacks

5 Ways To Prevent Cyber Attacks

Cloud vulnerabilities represent the Achilles' heel of a cloud computing environment, embodying potential weaknesses or gaps that cunning attackers may exploit to breach security defenses. These vulnerabilities expose organizations to the risk of unauthorized access, data theft, and service disruption. The evolution toward cloud transformation necessitates a vigilant focus on identifying and addressing the foremost cybersecurity challenges that emerge in this dynamic landscape. As organizations migrate their operations to the cloud, the expanding attack surface becomes a critical concern. The broader range of entry points presents more opportunities for cyber adversaries to exploit vulnerabilities. Therefore, a comprehensive understanding of potential weak links in the cloud infrastructure is imperative to develop effective defense mechanisms. Data security stands at the forefront of these challenges. With sensitive information traversing virtual channels, safeguarding against unauthorized access and data breaches becomes paramount. Robust encryption, stringent access controls, and continuous monitoring are indispensable components of a resilient defense strategy. The seamless and interconnected nature of cloud services introduces the challenge of shared responsibility. Organizations must collaborate closely with cloud service providers to delineate and understand their respective roles in ensuring security. This shared responsibility model underscores the need for clear communication and collaboration to fortify the overall security posture. Securing against cyber attacks demands a multifaceted approach that extends beyond conventional measures. Here are five often-overlooked strategies to fortify your defenses and prevent cyber threats: Employee Training And Awareness Equip your team with the knowledge to recognize and mitigate cyber risks. Conduct regular training sessions focusing on phishing awareness, social engineering, and the importance of strong password practices. A well-informed workforce serves as a crucial line of defense against various cyber threats. Device Management And IoT Security Beyond traditional endpoints, the proliferation of Internet of Things (IoT) devices introduces additional vulnerabilities. Implement a robust device management strategy, ensuring that all connected devices adhere to security standards. Regularly update and patch IoT devices to mitigate potential exploits. Zero Trust Architecture Move away from traditional perimeter-based security models and embrace a Zero Trust Architecture. Assume that threats can originate from within your network and implement strict access controls, authentication protocols, and continuous monitoring to verify the legitimacy of all users and devices. Incident Response Planning Develop a comprehensive incident response plan to minimize the impact of a potential breach. Establish clear procedures for identifying, containing, and eradicating threats promptly. Regularly test and update the plan to ensure its effectiveness in the face of evolving cyber threats. Regular Security Audits And Penetration Testing Conduct regular security audits and penetration testing to identify and address vulnerabilities before malicious actors exploit them. This proactive approach helps organizations stay ahead of emerging threats and ensures that security measures remain effective in a rapidly evolving threat landscape. Conclusion: In safeguarding against cyber threats, fostering a culture of awareness, adapting to emerging technologies, and embracing a shared responsibility form the fabric of resilient defense. Together, these measures not only fortify against potential vulnerabilities but also cultivate a digital environment where security becomes a collective commitment, ensuring a safer online landscape. Read Also: The Importance Of Cybersecurity In The Digital Age What Are Some Best Practices To Prevent Phishing Attacks? Learn Everything About Google Verification Code Scams In 2023