Reduce Your Exposure to Radiation When Using Your Mobile Phone

Published on: 14 November 2018 Last Updated on: 24 February 2020
Mobile Phone

You need to use your phone all the time. You are aware that it is not healthy to use it for several hours, but you can’t help it. Smartphones allow you to do almost anything using your phone. Before, phones were only for calling and texting. Now, you can use your phone for banking, shopping, social media posting, advertising, networking, and many other things. There is also a growing number of apps that may be useful to you.

The problem with the use of your phone, continually, is that you run the risk of exposure to radiation. Since you can’t stop yourself from using your phone, there are ways to use it without increased radiation exposure.

Use a headset

If you are calling someone, you can use a headset or a speakerphone, so you don’t put your device directly on your ear. You might notice that phones get hot when used continuously for hours. It shows that the phone is giving off high levels of radiation. However, if your phone is far away from you as you are using a headset, it limits the impact of radiation.

Keep your phone in your bag

It is not a good idea to put your phone in your pocket as it is directly in contact with your body. You can use your bag or purse to keep your phone when not in use. Your body tissues might easily absorb phone radiation if the phone is too close.

Think about texting instead of talking

Instead of having a long conversation over the phone, you could chat with another person. You will still get the same information anyway. When texting, your phone is at least a few inches away from your head. Besides, when you call someone, you tend to talk about things that are unnecessary. Texting allows you to limit the conversation as it can be tiring to keep answering.

Avoid calling when the signal is weak

Don’t force yourself to contact someone when your signal is inadequate unless the call is for emergency reasons. When the signal is weak, the phone will keep emitting radiation as it tries to make a connection. You are increasing exposure to radiation if you keep doing it. Also, when the phone on the other end is still ringing, you don’t need to put your phone to your ear. Wait until the other party answers before you start talking.

Talk less

If you can, you need to find a way to reduce the use of your phone. It might seem impossible, but you can do it. When you don’t use your phone often, you won’t have to deal with these radiation issues. You can also set a rule regarding screen time to force yourself to unplug once in a while.

Use EMF protection

You can use protective devices like EMF protection jewellery to block the radiation from entering your body. Even if your phone is around, or any other electronic devices for that matter, you stay protected.

You need to do something about radiation exposure now before it is too late.

I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Overview of Turmeric Use in Traditional Medicine

The use of  Turmeric is creating a medicinal value for many patients around the world. Plant products have been a part of human development for centuries. Similar to animals, human civilization would not have reached today’s level of advancement without the help of plants. One of the many uses of plants is to provide a natural defense against infection and disease. Many pharmaceutical products used today resulted from exploiting the medicinal value of plants. Before modern pharmaceutical companies started developing commercial medicine derived from plants, many cultures around the world used plants to cure various ailments. Even now, with modern medicine, many people still prefer traditional medicine. One of the prime examples is Ayurveda. It is an Indian holistic system of curing diseases, including cancer. The approach consists of using primarily plant-based medication. How vital is turmeric in traditional Ayurveda? According to research published by Newman and Cragg in 2007, 61% of all small-molecule pharmaceutical drugs introduced between 1981 and 2002 can be traced to natural or plant products. Although a majority of drugs today are synthesized from a combination of chemical and natural products, it is proven that using plant-based medication is more suitable for human consumption. One of the most common plants used in Ayurveda is turmeric. According to historical research, the medicinal purpose of turmeric can be traced as far back as 4000 years ago. In Southeast Asia, turmeric is not only a common spice used in cuisine but also plays a role in many religious ceremonies. For the past 25 years, modern medicine has been recognizing the medicinal importance of turmeric. With thousands of publications regarding the studies conducted on turmeric, the world is beginning to notice why traditional medicine has significantly relied on turmeric as a primary remedy for various ailments. What is turmeric, and how is it cultivated and processed? Turmeric came from India and spread throughout the world because of the spice trade. In the tropics, this spice is cultivated widely, and each country or culture has a different name for this herb. But the common name turmeric came from ‘terra merita’ which is a Latin word meaning meritorious earth, which is a description of how the spice resembles a mineral. The plant Curcuma longa, which produces the rhizome turmeric is from the same family as ginger. The turmeric rhizome can be consumed fresh, or dried and ground into a fine powder. Today, not only is this traditional medicine is available in spice form, but you can buy turmeric shots which are ready to drink or mix with food and beverage. Traditional medical applications of turmeric: Ayurveda widely uses this medicine for treating different health problems, including arthritis relief, dispelling intestinal worms, and removing gallstones. In other Asian countries, turmeric is often used as an antiseptic to clean wounds and burns. In countries like Pakistan, turmeric is a common remedy for irritable bowel and other gastrointestinal problems. Because of the prevalence of this traditional medicine, modern pharmaceutical research facilities have begun conducting clinical research and tests to determine the viability and effectiveness of turmeric in treating various diseases, including cancer. Read Also: 13 Best Herbs That Boost Your Metabolism How Can A Dallas Functional Medicine Doctor Help You?

Mental Health Benefits of Massage Therapy

5 Mental Health Benefits of Massage Therapy That You Must Know

The present medicinal analysts have discovered massage treatment can give advantages to the individuals who encounter emotional and mental health issues, for example, sadness and tension. Specialists have indicated many sorts of massage treatment can be an incredible supplement to psychotherapy for treating certain conditions. 5 Mental Health Benefits of Massage Therapy That You Must Know Here are a few conditions massage treatment can affect: 1. Stress and Anxiety Stress is a well-known emotional issue, and it can adversely affect many lives. Researches have demonstrated massage treatment can lessen manifestations of misery and nervousness. At Japan's Kyushu University, a group of specialists discovered facial massage relieved members' physiological pain. They reasoned that massage actuated members' thoughtful sensory system, lessening their tension and enhancing their state of mind. Before your next massage, request that your expert enable you to pick medications alternatives that help your downheartedness, uneasiness, or some other emotional well-being issues. 2. Neurotransmitters and Hormonal Balance Scientists have indicated massage treatment endorses neurotransmitter functions that can diminish uneasiness and lower pressure hormone levels. Specialists have discovered massage treatment affects individuals who were encountering a scope of psychological well-being issues, including melancholy, dietary problems, and tension. The examination group found around a 30% expansion in dopamine and serotonin levels in the investigation members who experienced a massage, and in addition a diminished in cortisol pressure hormone. These discoveries recommend massage was in charge of expansion in feel-great neurotransmitters and a lessening in pressure. 3. Pulse and Circulatory Problems The right massage specialist can help bring down your pulse rate and in addition the systolic and diastolic hypertension. An analyst at the University of South Florida considered the impacts of a back massage on the high blood pressure and discovered circulatory strain decreases in think about members who got a massage. Those admonishments keep going even after 2 days after the massage treatment was given. On the off chance that you encounter hypertension, converse with your specialist about having massage treatment in your present treatment. In spite of the fact that massage enables many individuals to feel better, it may not be a prompted answer for everybody, particularly on the off chance that you have profound vein thrombosis. In such a situation, make a point to converse with your doctor before planning a massage arrangement. 4. Lightening Symptoms of Illness Individuals with dangerous ailments or infections regularly encounter nervousness and misery. Massage treatment can extraordinarily build personal satisfaction, arranging for mental and physical health benefits. Numerous doctors prescribe massage as an integral treatment to therapeutic watch over its recuperating force and low frequency of reactions. Columbia University Medical Center specialists contemplated kids with growth and discovered massage treatment oversaw many symptoms of tumor treatment, including torment, nervousness, wretchedness, hypertension, and diminished insusceptible capacity. 5. Business-related Stress in Health Care Professionals Mayo Clinic scientists as of late examined 38 attendants who got massages once every week for about ten weeks amid working hours. The medicinal services experts who got massage treatment encountered a diminishment in many pressure-related side effects, as well as joints and muscles torment; bear the strain, exhaustion, cerebral pains, and a sleeping disorder. Regardless of your profession, customary massage treatment can build your well being, prosperity, and stamina. Numerous associations contract massage specialists to bring down representative feelings of anxiety and enhance profitability. Not exclusively can a massage treatment can make you rest easy it can also enhance working environment effectiveness. Read More:  The Relationship Between Oral Health And General Health How Can A Cardiologist Save Your Life? Top 5 Life Hacks Of Dealing With The Symptoms Of Menopause An Overview Of Schizophrenia

medicare pros and cons

Medicare Pros and Cons: Everything You Need to Know before Enrolling

Given that more than 40 million Americans benefit from what Medicare has to offer, there are many ways for older adults to stay healthy. Those with disabilities or who might be on the edge of the income limits should know the Medicare pros and cons before enrolling. There are plenty of reasons to choose Medicare or something else, so you need to know what suits your lifestyle. Here are some of the most common pros and cons that people bring up when they're struggling with this decision. Pro: Coverage for the Uncovered: One of the reasons that Medicare is such a powerful coverage tool is that it has offered coverage to millions of people who didn't have it. With this program, elder adults are covered and protected from medical catastrophes. With only half a million seniors uninsured from year to year now, it's made it so that almost no one over 65 has to live without protection. Because Medicare is for those who need it and have little means, it helps keep more Americans protected than ever. Without it, elderly Americans would be forced to pay for medical treatment they couldn't afford. Older people tend to need the most medical care, and so it's vital that they have affordable and manageable care. Since elderly Americans are often retired, they don't have the means to keep up with rising medical costs. People with disabilities get help under Medicare to pay for the challenging costs of care. Without this aid, they would be dependant on caretakers and stuck with few options for care. Con: There Are Massive Costs to Cover It: Put all the costs of Medicare together and you'll find that it costs nearly half a trillion dollars. While this might be a hard figure to quantify, it ends up being 15 percent of all of our federal spending. It's only going to continue to grow in the future. While there are several items in the federal budget that we don't question the cost of, this is one we have to consider in a realistic sense. The costs of medical care are constantly climbing ever higher and leading to insurmountable bills for the average American. Without any intervention by the federal government, the cost of healthcare and the cost of providing programs like Medicare will take a big cut out of taxes. Without Medicare, we would have a much bigger tax base. However, we would have people who are constantly sick and in need of care, clinics that are filled to the brim, and elderly people who had no way to care for themselves. While we could do some work to ensure that the money we have is spent more wisely, for now, we can imagine this money going to education or social justice. While it could help with programs to eliminate poverty, ultimately, more than half of bankruptcies are due to high medical bills. Pro: Get More with Medicare Advantage: For people who need more medical care than the average person, there are ways to supplement Medicare. Those people who find that they're at the limits of their Medicare coverage can sign up for the Medicare Advantage plan. Enrollment in this program is constantly growing and should be a powerful way for people to cover those massive increases in medical fees. Paying for private insurance is difficult if you're in the tax bracket eligible for Medicare. It's also redundant given that so much of what's covered by the standard medical plan is wrapped up in Original Medicare. However, with the help of Medicare Advantage, there is now a place for a third component that offers what many healthcare recipients need. The way this works is that insurance companies provide benefits related to what's missing from Medicare through a contract with the government. They offer them at competitive rates that are affordable to the average Medicare recipient. People taking advantage of these plans get everything they expect from Part A and Part B of Medicare but then get more dental and vision benefits. This extension provides some of what's missing in most of the other parts of this program. Con: Bad Health Is Expensive: If you're in poor health, you have an intimate view into just how expensive healthcare is. Even if you've got great insurance, you've seen the prices that come on the bill before you get your care deducted. You could be paying double or triple what a healthy person pays every year, even with healthcare. While you need to have great healthcare, you need to do what you can to stay healthy. Talk to your doctor about preventative care. You're never too old to take action to lower your healthcare costs and your need for supplemental care. There are many free preventative care programs that come standard with most Medicare plans. However, you need to take action to make sure you follow your doctors' recommendations and stay on top of your health. Many people who incur high bills with Medicare suffer from problems that preventative medicine could assist with. Even though this program costs very little from month to month, you need to manage your costs as they'll add up on a limited budget. If you're tight on money, Medicare supplements may be out of reach. This makes it all the more vital to staying on the good side of health. Medicare Pros and Cons Are Individual: Because everyone has their own healthcare needs and requirements, Medicare pros and cons vary from person to person. You need to get to know what you need and what you might need in the future before you decide on Medicare or any other insurance policy. As more people suffer more chronic health issues, check out our guide to watch the trend. Read Also: Finding The Right Hospital Complete Pregnancy Guide For Mumma’s To Be