5 Reasons To Do A Bridal Photo Session

Published on: 14 August 2019 Last Updated on: 05 September 2019
Bridal Photo Session

The engagement session is famous globally. But when it comes to the bridal session, very few people know about it. Mention it to most couples! You’ll be surprised that they’re not sure if they should have it or not.  But, what is a bridal photo session?

Once you find your desired wedding dress, you can’t wait to see and feel how it will blend in with the shoes and makeup; now that’s where bridal photo session features. It gives you a rough idea of how you’ll look in the wedding photos.

You can make some changes to your hairstyle or shoes. Some of these things would spoil your big day if noticed later.

Reasons Why You Should Have a Bridal Photo Session:

1. Reduces the pre-wedding jitters:

Bridal photo session calms you down. You can relax in the gown on your wedding day as it gives you the chance to walk and dance in your dress before the big day. You receive the bridal session pictures like a month before your wedding. Looking at the photos will be a great way of bringing up the excitement for your big day. You will also be able to be calm and end the nervousness.

2. Wedding look preview:

Wedding look

You paid so much money for the wedding dress. Will you just put it on for one day? Of course not! You should show it off at any opportunity you get. The bridal session presents you this chance. You can choose a variety of locations aside from the wedding venue and go for a photoshoot. It is the most special dress you will ever wear, so make the best of it.

Wedding photographer West Palm Beach encourages brides to be creative. You can request for dreamy sunset pictures or other nature’s beauty. Also, you can use some props like unique furniture, background, or scene.

3. Hair, shoes, and makeup trials:

The wedding photographer West Palm Beach recommends that you test your dress and makeup before going for the shoot. It will make that you and your stylists are on the same page. You will also have an opportunity to see if the hairstyle you chose looks good. The pictures taken will make it possible for you to see the reaction of your close friends and family. You might even get better suggestions.

4. Take pictures with your bride’s maids:

Get your bride’s maids and pictures. This session will help them to practice poses, and you will be able to interact and enjoy the event. It will also help everyone involved not forget any wedding practices.

5. Make it a couple’s session:

You can choose the day to be solely yours and enjoy the bridal moment. Some brides also invite the groom into the bridal session. It also acts as a way to take pictures together before the big day. Best of all, you will be able to practice some couple poses


A bridal photo session is multi-functional. You can twirl all over the town and get some great pictures, and it helps you to physically and mentally prepare for your big day.

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Wedding Photos

10 Smart Strategies for Unique Wedding Photos

Wedding photos are an absolute must, and you want yours to be completely unique. Try one of these strategies for a photo set unlike any other. 10 Smart Strategies for Unique Wedding Photos: Here are the 10 smart methods listed for unique wedding photography. 1. Try Aerial Vantage Points: Overhead shots aren't always easy to accomplish, but they're definitely worth the effort. Try an aerial shot of the bride and groom laying in the grass, or climb up on a balcony to catch a group photo from an unusual angle. Both staged and surprise aerial photos will make an excellent addition to the photo set. 2. Shoot a Time Lapse: A time-lapse style photo is a great way to capture the hustle and bustle of a large event. Set a camera that points at the catering table, dance floor, or even the wedding aisle. Use slow shutter speed to capture the events of a few minutes or even a few hours. 3. Play with Group Layout: Group shots are essential to a wedding photo collection. Have some fun by arranging the guests in unique ways. You could have them stand in the shape of a heart, play out a mock battle scene, or hold the bride and groom over their heads as if they were crowd surfing. The more guests there are, the more fun the photo will be. 4. Find a Secluded Spot: A good wedding photographer can capture the most romantic moments. Steal some time at the wedding venue and find a private place for the couple to relax. Doorways, staircases, trees, and other shady spots are perfect for subtle and sentimental photographs. Look for interesting architecture that lends itself to a quiet but charming scene. 5. Use Mirrors for Fun Effects: When you have access to a tall mirror, people can be in the picture even when they're on the other side of the room. Play with the mirrors in your location to set up truly unique visual effects. The bride could look into a mirror while her family stands behind her. The groom might see his new wife reflected right beside him. Multiple mirrors could be used to create an infinitely cascading image. Have fun and take advantage of your setting. 6. Make a Wedding Photo Gif: Wedding photo gifs turn snippets of video into charming animations. Dances, hand-holding, kisses, and hugs can all be captured with these moving moments. If you're truly in love with one of your wedding gifts, bring the motion into the real world with a few side-by-side photo frames of your favorite stills. 7. Bring Props into the Photo Shoot: Balloons, flowers, wine glasses, and long veils are all excellent additions to a creative wedding photo set. Experiment with both sentimental items and humorous props. Try asking the bride and groom to hold photos of their parents or of the day they first met. Showcase the bouquet before it gets tossed to the bridesmaids. The choices are endless and can be used to showcase the couple's unique personality. 8. Take Photos with the Pets: Whether furry friends are invited to the wedding or need to be left at home, they can still take part in the photo session. The pets will often dictate how these photos are arranged; try to catch the bride holding her cat, a dog running through the wedding venue, or a couple's smooch being interrupted by excited puppy kisses. 9. Take Close-Up Photos of Wedding Details: A photo of the cake, the bride's shoes, or the wedding ring will add flavor and sentimentality to a photo set. The bride and groom spend a lot of time planning the details of the event; catch a photo so that they never forget the magic. 10. Play with Lights: Some venues feature elegant chandeliers; others take advantage of large windows to provide natural light. Use these areas to set up interesting and atmospheric shots. Play with exposure time, focus, and lens flare. These photos work particularly well if the bride's dress has reflective or sparkling elements. The most unique wedding photo sets are inspired by the bride and groom. Talk to your wedding photographer about your favorite ideas. The professionals at Byron Bay Wedding Photographers will be happy to help you turn your dream photos into reality. Read Also: 5 Industries That Can Benefit From Using Aerial And Drone Photography Popular Styles For Punjabi Salwar Suits At Weddings All ABOUT Bridal Bouquets


Photography and Number of Techniques

Photography is a great art when you are really a professional. Some people think it is just a click and the photo is ready. That is not reality. When you are a photographer there are numberless things which you need to check and keep in mind while taking a shoot. We are going to discuss just a few of the points which must be kept in mind during taking shoots. Create Back up It is very important to create a backup of the photos because sometimes by mistake we lost our all data. So if we adjust our camera on back up we have no problem and we can easily recover our data by using back up option, otherwise, we will lose all of our work which we make by much effort. Use Best and Up-to-date Camera It is the main and very important thing that if you want to get a great shoot you need a camera which is up to date and advanced. As with the passage of time, everything got greatly changed and people are required now to date things. So when you are going to take a shoot you must have a camera which has advanced features. If you don't have enough budget yet to buy a new camera, why not try Camera Rental Philadelphia for your photoshoot needs? Learn About Setting Every camera has lots of features so before starting your shooting, it is very important that you know about all the settings and features of the camera. If you know well about the settings you will get a better result. Features of the camera also change the aspect of the scene so the user must know about the features and must use the features according to the requirements of the photo. Try Something New The option of doing something new is always prevented in every field. When you have a creative mind you will always succeed in every field of a walk. So think anew when you are shooting. Use different shoot, different styles, and pose. By doing this you will make a new scene in the photos. Use Flash The use of flash is very important in photo shooting. Some people use the flash on every shoot for making a bright result. But that is not useful for creating better photos. If you are in the sunlight don’t use a flashlight because it will make the photo much brighter which will be over. So use the flash in the dark and according to the need. Clear Lens of Camera Sometimes you have lots of hustle and bustle for wordcounttool.com In this situation mostly we forgot to clear the lens of the camera. So I suggest when you feel that photos are not clear and not giving the desired result, must check the lens and clear the dust from them, you will get the best shoot after this. Check Background All the features are on the other hand and the background is on another hand. It is very important to check the background for taking photos. The background has a great impact on the photo. People just do not see the targeted photo but the background is also viewed. So always check and adjust the proper background. Read Also: Adrian Rubin Tells How To Bootstrap Business In The Photography Niche Handy Tools For Outdoor Photography How To Best Photograph A Corporate Event


Choosing the best Photographer for your Event

Whether it’s a wedding or something else entirely, photographing your event may be one of the most important facets of whatever it is you’re doing. Photographs are certain to be central to any large event. There could be many reasons for this: Firstly, you might want to remember your grand occasion. In the case of a wedding, photographs will help remind you of all the glorious memories of your magical night. If the event is more corporate, photographs may be excellent promotional tools to build your business or advertise similar events. At David Koonar Photography, we specialize in outdoor work and landscapes, so feel free to visit our site if you’d like to contact us or see some other great guides on finding photographers. Other photographers will specialize in different things. If you want to find the right one for you, be absolutely certain to follow the below steps: The Style: Different types of photographers will be suitable for different types of projects. While a wedding photographer can do a corporate event, it is best to let people do what they’re best at. No matter what your event is, be sure to find someone that has experience doing those things. It can be a school event like a graduation or a homecoming dance. It can be a large family or social event (that shockingly isn’t a wedding). It can be a crazy party or a fundraiser. It can be a giant corporate picnic in Windsor (for which you would certainly hire David Koonar Photography, right?) The Candidates: There are two basic ways to find a good photographer for your specific event. They are: - Word of mouth Research on the Internet. If you happen to know somebody that recently had an engagement party, and they’re gushing about all the gorgeous pictures, you might just want to ask for the photographer’s contact info. Finding a photographer for your own engagement party just became much less of a hassle! Of course, not every photographer will click with every person, so be certain to keep that in mind as well. The other way to find your event photographer is through the joys of research. Buckle down, load up Google, and start finding all those corporate party photographers. The Price: When you’re researching, the budget is always going to be your first consideration. You cannot hire a photographer you cannot afford. If the photographer has pricing options available on their website, this can help with your search. On the other hand, if you find someone whose work blows you away, and they’re a little out of your price range, feel free to talk to them. Sometimes, something can be worked out. Sometimes, going a little over your budget for the right contender can be the difference between something that is mediocre and something that is fantastic. The Portfolio: Once you’re done worrying about money, look at the photographer’s pictures. Most people will usually know within the first few whether they like the style or not. For those that you do like, go a little bit more in-depth and look at as many pictures as time will allow. Make a list of the best ones. These are the people you’re going to contact. The Reviews: Once you’ve looked at all the pretty pictures, your next stop reviews. Before you even interview a candidate, you will get to know them through the experiences of others. You’re going to want to look at the overall level of professionalism and whether or not reviewers enjoyed the experience. Just keep in mind, like photographers, not all clients are perfect. You may find some hard-cases in there that had unrealistic expectations. Interview Candidates: Once you have your people, talk to them! You’ll want to ask several important logistical questions. You’ll want to talk contract. You’ll want to know how many photographers they use for each job. You’ll need to know delivery times and methods. (USB stick? Physical copies only?). You’ll also want contingency plans if something happens. If a wedding turns out especially rainy, for example, where will the bride and groom take the primary wedding photos? The photographer will need to come up with a backup location. You’ll also want to get an overall feel for the person. Typically, event photographers need to be more outgoing and friendly to get the best possible shots in a social setting. This will be evident in the way they talk to you. Again, feel free to visit the David Koonar site if you would like to see more guides. We have tons of tips on hiring photographers and even becoming one. Hopefully, this has contributed to a reduction in stress about your upcoming event. Good luck and have fun! Read Also: Why You Trust Your Photographer? 7 Qualities Of A Good Wedding Photographer That You Should Look Out For How Photography Projects Can Improve Wedding Business