5 Reasons To Do A Bridal Photo Session

Published on: 14 August 2019 Last Updated on: 05 September 2019
Bridal Photo Session

The engagement session is famous globally. But when it comes to the bridal session, very few people know about it. Mention it to most couples! You’ll be surprised that they’re not sure if they should have it or not.  But, what is a bridal photo session?

Once you find your desired wedding dress, you can’t wait to see and feel how it will blend in with the shoes and makeup; now that’s where bridal photo session features. It gives you a rough idea of how you’ll look in the wedding photos.

You can make some changes to your hairstyle or shoes. Some of these things would spoil your big day if noticed later.

Reasons Why You Should Have a Bridal Photo Session:

1. Reduces the pre-wedding jitters:

Bridal photo session calms you down. You can relax in the gown on your wedding day as it gives you the chance to walk and dance in your dress before the big day. You receive the bridal session pictures like a month before your wedding. Looking at the photos will be a great way of bringing up the excitement for your big day. You will also be able to be calm and end the nervousness.

2. Wedding look preview:

Wedding look

You paid so much money for the wedding dress. Will you just put it on for one day? Of course not! You should show it off at any opportunity you get. The bridal session presents you this chance. You can choose a variety of locations aside from the wedding venue and go for a photoshoot. It is the most special dress you will ever wear, so make the best of it.

Wedding photographer West Palm Beach encourages brides to be creative. You can request for dreamy sunset pictures or other nature’s beauty. Also, you can use some props like unique furniture, background, or scene.

3. Hair, shoes, and makeup trials:

The wedding photographer West Palm Beach recommends that you test your dress and makeup before going for the shoot. It will make that you and your stylists are on the same page. You will also have an opportunity to see if the hairstyle you chose looks good. The pictures taken will make it possible for you to see the reaction of your close friends and family. You might even get better suggestions.

4. Take pictures with your bride’s maids:

Get your bride’s maids and pictures. This session will help them to practice poses, and you will be able to interact and enjoy the event. It will also help everyone involved not forget any wedding practices.

5. Make it a couple’s session:

You can choose the day to be solely yours and enjoy the bridal moment. Some brides also invite the groom into the bridal session. It also acts as a way to take pictures together before the big day. Best of all, you will be able to practice some couple poses


A bridal photo session is multi-functional. You can twirl all over the town and get some great pictures, and it helps you to physically and mentally prepare for your big day.

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Differences between a Professional Headshot and a Standard Portrait

Key Differences Between a Professional Headshot and a Standard Portrait

Professional headshots and regular portraits may seem similar, as both are photography forms meant to capture an individual's likeness. However, the distinctions are crucial, particularly in a professional context. A professional headshot is tailored to convey a person's professional identity and is often required for corporate profiles, business websites, and LinkedIn pages. These headshots are designed to create a strong first impression, showcasing the subject in a polished and approachable manner. Conversely, a regular portrait captures a person in a more personal and artistic fashion, often reflecting their personality, lifestyle, or an artistic concept. Portraits are less rigid in styling, composition, and use of backgrounds, allowing for more creative freedom. Portraits might be full-body shots or tightly cropped images set in various environments and with varying lighting and mood, contrasting with a professional headshot's usually consistent illumination and composition. Key Takeaways Professional headshots are curated for professional branding. Portraits offer more freedom and are personal or artistic. Lighting and cropping are key differentiators between the two. Fundamentals of a Professional Headshot Before exploring the key components of a professional headshot, it's important to understand that they demand precise technical execution, thoughtful composition, and careful attention to the portrayal of the subject. Technical Aspects Professional headshots stand out due to their exceptional lighting and focus, which require a photographer to make meticulous adjustments. The right lighting is crucial; it should illuminate the subject's features without harsh shadows or overexposure. A high-resolution camera is also essential to capture the detail needed for a headshot, ensuring that the final image is crisp with a clean focus. Composition and Aesthetics The framing and cropping in a professional headshot are deliberate, typically adhering to industry standards—such as the top of the shoulders and head being visible, with the subject's eyes positioned at or just above the center line. Backgrounds are simple and unobtrusive, highlighting the subject's conversation with the camera. Subject Presentation In a professional headshot, the subject’s presentation is key. Professional attire is recommended, and personal grooming is crucial. The subject’s expression is approachable yet authoritative, portraying confidence. The outcome is a portrait showcasing professionalism and character, suitable for professional contexts such as professional networking. Impact of Headshots in Professional Settings A professional headshot can be a cornerstone of a person's online presence, significantly influencing first impressions and branding effectiveness. Online Professional Platforms LinkedIn has become the quintessential online platform for professionals. A polished headshot here enhances a LinkedIn profile, signaling credibility and competence. It is the first element that captures attention, laying the groundwork for potential connections. On resumes, a professional headshot can differentiate a candidate, especially in industries where appearance and personality are integral, like sales or public relations. A headshot is a critical tool for a casting director's selection process in entertainment. Actors and models must convey versatility and professionalism in a single image, often determining if they get considered for a role. Corporate Branding and Marketing In corporate contexts, professional headshots embody the ethos of the company. On corporate websites and business cards, they help build a personal connection with clients. Companies reinforce their brand and showcase their team's professionalism through consistent, high-quality headshots across various marketing materials. Entrepreneurs utilize headshots to establish a personal brand, an invaluable asset in attracting partnerships and customers. Reflecting confidence and professionalism, headshots are crucial for entrepreneurs presenting themselves on business platforms and online profiles. For businesses that want to ensure they portray high professionalism, partnering with a professional headshot studio is a strategic move. It presents a unified brand image that fosters trust and reliability. Feel And Mood Of Portrait And Headshot There is a massive difference between the mood and feel of portraits and headshots. When a headshot is taken professionally for business purposes, it will exude a jolly vibe. The aim of a headshot is to communicate a particular message to the viewers.  In other words, when a headshot of a particular person is captured, they communicate friendliness, trustworthiness, reliability, and many other good things. Usually, these types of headshots are used for LinkedIn profiles and business websites. The use of a headshot also depends on the field you are trying to achieve.  However, professional headshots do not have to be about bonhomie always. They can be shot in different ways to express toughness, concentration, and knowledge.  When it comes to a professional portrait, the outcome usually is very straightforward. The shot is taken craftily to complement a story or article. So, for a portrait shot, there is always a proper theme.  A professionally captured portrait expresses a lot of mood, and there is a lot of drama in those photographs. In a portrait, a subject does not look straight into the camera. The subject remains busy with some activities while the photographer captures them.  To cut a long story short, a portrait is about weaving a story and conveying that to others. A headshot, on the other hand, is about introducing yourself to others. A headshot is also suitable for communicating a message quickly.  The Lighting Setup Of A Portrait And A Headshot  Lighting plays a very crucial role in determining how a photograph will look. I have already discussed how the mood and feel of headshots and portraits differ.  When a photographer captures a headshot, they will use big light modifiers. In the case of outdoor photoshoots, the photographer will use concrete or building pavements to get the headshots right.  Further, when a headshot is captured, the subject has less shadow. There is an absence of shadow to keep the overall look of the headshot pleasant. Once again, no drama is expected or required in a professionally captured headshot.  On the other hand, professionally captured portraits have a more dramatic lighting setup. The photographer has to create drama through the lighting setup. Also, keeping in mind the aesthetic appeal of a portrait, using conventional modifiers is often avoided in professional portraits. Here are some other modifiers that are used in capturing professional portraits. Color gels Mirrors Glass To reiterate, lighting decides the mood and expression of a particular photograph. So, use the lights and modifiers according to the type of photograph you want to click and what you want to communicate.  The Use Of Lenses In Headshot And Portraits When a professional headshot is captured, a photographer will usually use an 85mm or above long focal lens. Thanks to the use of a long-focus lens, there is hardly any facial distortion in headshots.   Lenses with a shorter focal length are used in clicking professional portraits. A photographer will use 24mm to 50mm lenses to depict the surrounding.  Conclusion Professional headshots are distinct in both purpose and execution. They employ meticulous post-processing to ensure a polished yet natural look, incorporating adjustments like color correction and skin retouching. The subject's engagement with the camera is direct, generally from the shoulders up, differentiating them from the broader scope of a portrait. Headshots provide a professional representation, focusing on clarity and simplicity, while portraits offer a more expansive narrative. Read Also: 5 Corporate Video Production Styles Photography and Number of Techniques How to Best Photograph a Corporate Event

Wedding Photographer Capturing Moments

Wedding Photographer Capturing Moments That Last A Lifetime

When it comes to planning your wedding, choosing the right photographer is one of the most critical decisions you'll make. A wedding photographer is not just someone who takes pictures; they are the artists who freeze your precious moments in time. In this article, we will delve into the world of wedding photography, exploring the importance of hiring a professional wedding photographers near me, their role in your big day, and how to find the perfect match for your special occasion. The Art Of Wedding Photography What Makes Wedding Photography Unique Wedding photography is a specialized field that combines various photography styles, including portrait, documentary, and artistic photography. A skilled wedding photographer must possess not only technical expertise but also the ability to capture emotions and candid moments. The Role Of A Wedding Photographer A wedding photographer's primary role is to tell the story of your special day through their lens. They are responsible for capturing every significant moment, from the bride getting ready to the final dance of the evening. Their keen eye for detail ensures that no memory is left undocumented. Why Hiring A Professional Wedding Photographer Matters Quality Matters Professional wedding photographers invest in high-quality cameras, lenses, and lighting equipment to ensure the best possible results. They know how to use their tools effectively to capture stunning images in various lighting conditions. Experience And Expertise Experienced wedding photographers have a deep understanding of weddings and their dynamics. They can anticipate moments, work seamlessly with other vendors, and handle unexpected situations with grace and professionalism. Creative Vision A professional wedding photographer brings a unique creative vision to your event. They can transform ordinary settings into breathtaking backdrops and create artistic images that you will cherish forever. Finding Your Perfect Match Research And Recommendations Start your search for a wedding photographer by asking for recommendations from friends, family, or your wedding planner. Additionally, browse through online portfolios and read reviews to get a sense of a photographer's style and reputation. Initial Consultation Once you have a list of potential photographers, schedule an initial consultation. This is your opportunity to discuss your vision, ask questions, and gauge the photographer's personality and compatibility. Portfolio Review Examine the photographer's portfolio closely. Pay attention to their ability to capture emotions and their consistency in delivering high-quality images. Look for a style that resonates with you and aligns with your wedding theme. Budget Consideration Wedding photography services can vary widely in price. Set a realistic budget and choose a photographer who offers packages that fit your financial plan. Remember that your wedding photos are an investment in memories that will last a lifetime. Your wedding day is a once-in-a-lifetime event, and capturing it beautifully is of utmost importance. A professional wedding photographer brings not only technical skills but also an artistic eye to preserve your memories in the most enchanting way possible. Take the time to research, meet with photographers, and find the perfect match for your special day. Read Also: 5 Industries That Can Benefit From Using Aerial And Drone Photography Popular Styles For Punjabi Salwar Suits At Weddings All ABOUT Bridal Bouquets


How to Best Photograph a Corporate Event

A picture is worth a thousand words and yours should tell the exact story that you want to tell the world. You must find ways of having your photos say what you want them to say. Corporate events normally tend to be quite boring and stuffy affairs and this would most likely be captured in the event photos. A boring event captured in a picture would bore even the intended audience but this can be avoided by making use of these few pointers that will ensure your photographs spark the desired interest in your target audience. Get Creative with Angles : Assuming that there is no mingling in the event and everyone was seated; it would be quite boring to have many photos of a bunch of people in suits just sitting down. But shooting from different angles and from different perspectives can change all this. It may mean making use of the centerpieces that the event has put in place or it could be you getting shots from outside the room, the possibilities are endless. One just needs to think outside the box. Keep Photographer In The Know About the Intended Use of the Photos : Depending on where you want to use your photographs it is good to always let the photographer know so that they can know exactly how to capture the event. Say if the photos are to be used for the company social media profile, then the photographer and would know the exact angle to capture them from. The ideal photograph for a company website would be totally different from one to be used on the social media profile. Letting the photographer know in advance will ensure that you get the most value out of your pictures. Highlight On Keynote People at the Event : In the event that there are keynote speakers who are going to grace your event, it is always prudent to let the photographer know in advance so that he/she can capture them in the best light. In the same breathe, if there are people who absolutely do not want to be photographed, also let the photographer know in advance so as to not offend anyone intentionally or not. If as the organizer of the event, you are unable to point out the said people, it is well in order to have one of your staff members be the one to show the photographer. Let the Venue Help You Get a Photographer : Finding a worthy photographer who can live up to your expectations can be quite a task. Companies like the photo team are professional photographers who exclusively deal with corporate events but if one is unable to retain their services for one reason or other, you can choose to seek help from the event venue. Nowadays, most venues have their own in house photographers or know about good photographers from previous events held on their premise. Getting the venue to recommend a good photographer for your event is quite in order because chances are that he/she has had a photography session within the premises and therefore is aware of the good angles and will advise you accordingly. Have Fun with Posed Photos : As mentioned earlier, corporate events can be boring. This does not mean that the event photos have to be boring as well. Having fun with attendees of a corporate event will often times have them loosen up a whole lot more and this will give your photos a whole new flair as opposed to the traditional grip and grin type of photos common with serious events. Be fast about posing for the photos though because you do not want to delay the event or hold the attendees longer than necessary. Getting creative with photography takes skill and experience and unfortunately, not all photographers have these. It is best to seek the services of a professional event photographer who will give you exactly what you seek for in your event photos. Read More : 5 Essential Tips For The Traveling Photographer Handy Tools For Outdoor Photography