Make Your Pre-Wedding Amazing: 8 Bridal-Shower Planning Ideas

Published on: 22 November 2018 Last Updated on: 13 October 2020
Bridal Shower

Bridal showers are amazing, but at the same time can be a little daunting!

Imagine your close friends, female relatives from both sides, and you crazy BFF’s all under one roof! Just two shots and you will find your friends doing crazy shit in front of your in-laws (might be your fiance’s mother).

Ideally, the bridal shower is a time where you can have fun with your ladies gang, doing all crazy things and showing your feminine side. It’s also one of those functions of the wedding where guests shower the gonna-be bride with gifts.

So, if you are going to host a bridal shower, here are some ideas or tips to throw it with a bang!

When To Host The Event:

Host The Event

A bridal shower can be held anytime from six months to a few days before the wedding. Keep the occasion close to the wedding, if your invites are coming from out of the town. Further, you can pick any time of the day to keep the function. However, most bridal showers are held during the afternoon.

Sent Amazing Invitations:

A perfect dream wedding is all about selecting things unanimously. However, the bridal shower is where you can do anything. It’s the occasion where you can include your personal style, color, the theme of the event, and more.

Pick A Theme:

A bridal shower is incomplete without a cohesive theme! So, pick a theme that goes with the bride’s interests and taste. But, if you are short of ideas, ask your special event catering services to plan your event. If the bride is a little playful, pick a unique and fun theme. You can include a tea-inspired theme, any dress theme, or can even choose the classic ones.

Dress Code:

Dress Code

While a bridal shower would be more of a fancier occasion, that needs playful things, you can add subtlety by choosing soft hues and subtle décor. If you have picked a quirky theme, then dress according to the theme.

Pick cool patterns, quirky designs, and different shades to create a cheerful environment. However, if classic is your bridal theme, dress up in soft tones, pastel colors, flattering prints, and more to go with the theme. Don’t forget to indicate the dress code on the bridal shower invitation, so that the invitees will know what to wear.

Bring In Lots Of Food:

Lots Of Food

Throwing a perfect bridal shower is no easy task, especially when it comes to deciding the menu. Of course, you would not want to leave your guest hungry after an amazing party. From go-to snacks to the full meal, pick anything to serve your guests.

If you are hosting the occasion in the afternoon, consider offering a bridal brunch. If you know the bride’s favorite food, bring them on the table and surprise her. You can also have a sit-down luncheon to let your guest relax and chat over the food.

Drinks Are Also The Part Of The Event:

Whether you are throwing an over-the-top pre-wedding function, or you are hoping to throw the classic one, drinks are very important. Be it juice, tea, liquor, or champagne, offer some station to your guests to cheer the mood. You can even ask your planner to make a signature or personalized drink for the event.

Bridal Shower Favors:

Take your bridal shower to the next level and include some super-cute favors to thank your guests. Typically, guests will have to purchase gifts for the bride, but you can also offer something to as a ‘thank you’. Bring some homemade cookies or jam jars clad in the cute fabric to offer the ladies.

So, are you ready with your bridal shower list? Send them invites and throw a killer pre-wedding bridal shower!

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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sex life

How Women Can Boost Their Libido and Improve Their Sex Life

Is your sex life suffering and you would like to improve it? Congratulations are in order. Many women do not take measures in this sense and allow their low sex drive to undermine their relationship. They also miss out on the numerous health benefits of sex. Don’t worry! There are many things we can do to boost your libido and improve your sex life naturally. We will review the most effective of them in the following lines. But, before we get to it, there is one thing you should consider: getting a medical exam and make sure your problem does not stem from some medical condition. It could be a hormonal imbalance. You may suffer from hypoactive sexual desire disorder, approaching menopause, or be pregnant. The causes could also be psychological, like stress, anxiety, depression, poor self-esteem, or relationship-related, like communication issues with your partner, different sexual needs and preferences, etc. The best way to eliminate a problem is to identify and eliminate its causes. Until you get a chance to do that, we will review a few remedies that should provide immediate, even though short term results. 9 Quick Ways to Boost Your Libido and Improve Your Sex Life 1. Get into the Mindset If you are not willing to have sex, arousal is less likely to occur. Whether for your partner’s sake, the numerous health benefits, your own pleasure, or all of these combined, you should decide to have sex. Once you start thinking about it and fantasizing, your libido will receive a natural boost. 2. Watch Your Meals If you overeat right before going to bed, or you eat unhealthy foods that cause bloating and gas or are difficult to digest, getting in the mood for sex will be difficult. Therefore, try eating less and focus on healthy, unprocessed foods. 3. Include Aphrodisiac Foods in Your Diet A small bar of dark chocolate, fenugreek seeds, warm spices like cinnamon, hers like Shatavari, and exotic foods like dates can work miracles on your libido. You just have to give them a chance. Consume them regularly or with a couple of hours before your date, to give them time to act. 4. Relax Stress gets to all of us and affects us more than we realize. Try to relieve it through physical exercise, meditation, yoga, listening to music, etc. Just before your sexual encounter, get a hot bubble bath. Add a few drops of essential oils to it, like lavender, sandalwood, clary sage, etc. 5. Have a Glass of Red Wine No, the goal is not to get you drunk. Research has shown that a moderate intake of red wine will improve blood flow to your erogenous zones and increase lubrication. Being rich in polyphenols, and histamines, red wine could also improve your partner’s erectile function and increase sex drive in both of you. It will surely help you get rid of some inhibitions and act more freely, more confident, more determined. 6. Take Supplements It’s common knowledge by now that our modern diet and chaotic lifestyle are depriving us of essential vitamins and minerals. Among others, such deficiencies can contribute to low sex drive and vaginal dryness. You can fight them with supplements based on natural ingredients, like Queen V Livin’ Libido Loca. Taken regularly, they will improve blood flow to your erogenous zones and increase your libido without any side effects for you to worry about. 7. Make Sure You’ll Enjoy Prelude Especially if you’re in a years-old relationship, chances are you and your partner have gotten comfortable with one another. You could be skipping prelude or investing too little time and effort into it. Change that. The ideal would be to talk to your partner and get him to work with you. If you do not feel up to it, discreet suggestions like a massage, a shower together, or a slow dance could help. Changing the location or the position could have a powerful impact as well. A blindfold could help stir your excitement as well. 8. Use Lubricants Vaginal dryness can really hinder pleasure during sex. Until you eliminate its cause, you can find temporary relief in lubricants. Some have a pleasant smell and contain ingredients that help to enhance pleasure. 9. Try Something New Routine and boredom should not find room in your sex life. If they have, it is time to kick them away. There are several ways to do that. You and your partner can try new positions, pleasure one another before the actual intercourse, or use sex toys. Do not be afraid to share your fantasies with your loved one and to experiment. As long as you both enjoy it or consent to it, everything is allowed when it comes to sex and pleasure. All of the above methods are safe and effective. Why deprive yourself and your loved one of the pleasure and benefits of sex when enjoying them is so easy and risk-free? Read Also: 8 Healthy Ways To Improve Your Sex Life Overnight Just Not Feeling It? Tips For Getting Your Sex Drive Back Virectin Reviews – Intense Male Enhancement For Increased Sex Drive

Viewing Party

How to Host an Exceptional Viewing Party

Although things have been different this year, some awaited movies are still set to release, and sports are back on. The anticipation for such instances calls for a viewing party. If you’ve thought about hosting a viewing party, you probably wondered how to make the night perfect. Whether the party is for a movie debut or an important game, everything needs to be well thought out. Here are some things to consider before you invite your friends over. Invest in Quality One of the most important aspects of a viewing party is the content you are going to watch. If the video you are trying to watch is loaded with pop-up ads and takes too long to buffer, your guests might get annoyed. Get satellite TV services for your home so that you don’t have to worry about the quality of entertainment. Choose the package that seems best for your general and viewing party needs and start watching. The key to a successful viewing party is ensuring that all guests can have fun. Give it a Test Run Don’t rely on the day that guests are already there to ensure that everything is up and running. Turn on the TV system, check the sounds, and make sure that everything is working correctly. It would help if you also thought about the number of guests and seating arrangements. Move your furniture around and check the views from every seat. Don’t forget to clean out the area and the TV to ensure that everyone can enjoy the view without anything in the way. Get in touch with: Reasons to Hire Cotswolds Party Planners Create a Theme Every party becomes more entertaining if there’s a theme. A lot of people love an excuse to dress up, and you’ll be giving them their chance. If it’s a movie premiere, the theme can be related to the plot of the film. Is it a movie with lots of water scenes? Create an “under the sea” theme. If you’re hosting a football game, everyone can wear jerseys, and the decoration can be similar to that of a stadium. In addition to clothing, make sure that your home fits the theme too. You can’t have an Oscar viewing without a trophy decoration somewhere around the house. Choose the Right Food It’s not that there are wrong foods. But, picking certain items can make the party more challenging for you to clean up after. Imagine serving spaghetti, and someone accidentally spills sauce on your rug. That’s going to leave a stain. Go for finger foods such as pizza, sliders, chips, and other items that don’t leave much of a mess. You can also try to match your food item with your theme. For example, if you’re hosting a basketball game viewing party, one of the snacks could be a plate of Ring Pops to resemble Championship Rings. Similarly, a horror movie could have a plate of wieners that look like fingers. Hosting a viewing party can be stressful, but it doesn’t have to be if you plan. A successful party will leave people discussing it as much as they discuss what they viewed. Plan and create a checklist to ensure you haven’t missed anything. Read Also: How To Be A Star At A Party? Hairstyles for Wedding Party and Braid for Wedding

smartest person in the world

Top 5 Smartest Person In The World

History is only created with geniuses being a part of it. Since the topic deals with compiling the list of the smartest person in the world, considering the factor of intelligence quotient, or IQ is primarily important.  The ones who made it to this list had huge potential, hefty aptitude, and an elevated inclination in some particular area marked by their high level of IQ. However, this is no standard way of comparing these geniuses.  The contributions that these people have made to this world are impeccable. It is impossible for normal people to have such levels of intelligence. These people were so extraordinary that it would be a struggle for normal human beings to understand them. They were often denied the credit that they deserved. It was much later in life that they received the fame and credibility that they should have gotten earlier.  What Is The Meaning Of Smart? Before getting into the details, we must first discuss what “smart” really means. Colloquially, we have used the word interchangeably with intelligence, but they are not necessarily the same in meaning. Psychologists, neuroscientists, and artificial intelligence experts are in the midst of an ongoing debate about what intelligence means. But to suffice our purpose at hand, the dictionary meaning should do. It states that “smart” or “intelligent” means “capacity for learning, reasoning, understanding, and similar forms of mental activity; aptitude in grasping truths, relationships, facts, meanings, etc.” Who Is The Smartest Person In The World? This list of the smartest person in the world includes people who could never live up to their full potential. The lack of opportunities and restrictions of society have prevented these people from reaching their peak while they lived. However, they have made their place in history books with their names written in golden letters. 1. Issac Newton (1642-1726) I am sure you have all heard about Sir Isaac Newton and the famous apple story that led him to discover gravity. He was one of the smartest person in the world who gave us everything that we needed to know. He was an English-born mathematician, physicist, alchemist, and astronomer. He is considered to be one of the most extraordinary human beings that ever lived. Bagging an IQ of 193, he was the most influential scientist of all time and greatly contributed to the 17th-century scientific revolution.  Contributions and Achievements: Discovered the concept of universal gravitation Discovered the laws of motion Invented the first reflecting telescope Proposed the theory of color that is visible in the spectrum and rainbow Explained the theory that color is an intrinsic property  Devised the calculus theorem Contributed to the studies of early modern chemistry 2. Leonardo Da Vinci (1452-1519) Born in the time of the Italian High Renaissance, Leonardo Da Vinci was a polyhistor. Although he is most notably known as a painter, his diverse knowledge in other fields, such as mathematics, architecture, sculpting, anatomy, literature, engineering, and music, was impeccable.  Based on his IQ level, he was considered to be a man who was way ahead of his time. His most popular artwork, the painting of ‘Monalisa,’ is an asset that he gifted the world with. I am sure now you know why he has been included in this list of the top five smartest person in the world. Contributions and Achievements: Considered to be a spirit of the Renaissance. Constructed various maps due to his in geology. Painted the portrait of Monalisa, which came to be displayed in galleries and museums across the world.  Drew the first-ever images of a helicopter, parachute, and tank. Trained to write backward. Known for his power of imagination, devising concepts, inventions, and curiosity. 3. Albert Einstein (1879-1955) Born as a German-Jewish, Albert Einstein was a theoretical physicist who was considered among the greatest human beings that ever lived on this planet.  He was a genius scientist and can undoubtedly be considered among the smartest person in the world. His contributions to the field of philosophy of science are made him so much influential.  Contributions and Achievements: Developed the theory of general relativity. Developed the theory of special relativity. Proposed the phenomena of the photoelectric effect. Contributed to the theories of gravitational waves and gravitational lensing. Devised a model of the wormhole. Invented the mass-energy equivalence equation.  4. Aryabhatta (476 AD- 550 AD) Aryabhatta is one of the oldest geniuses that lived on this planet. Born in Pataliputa, India, he was an acclaimed mathematician-astronomer as well as a physicist. During the classical age of uprising concepts of mathematics and science, he made some tremendous contributions to these fields.  His level of devising concepts and predictions is what made him be considered one of the smartest people in the world. He was the first man to make the people in India understand the science behind planetary motions.  Contributions and Achievements: Composed the famous Aryabhatiya and Arya-Siddhanta. Explained the concepts of the solar eclipse and lunar eclipse. Devised formulas for calculating the areas of circles and triangles. Proposed the solution of the single-variable quadratic equation. Invented the number ‘0’ and taught how to use large numbers upto 1018. Calculated the value of ‘pi’ accurately upto the fourth decimal point. Proposed the concept of axial rotation of the earth and calculated the circumference of the earth as 62,832 miles.  5. Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) An Italian-born Galileo Galilei was another polymath who came to be considered among the smartest person in the world. He was among the ones having the highest IQ level of all time. He was also one of the most influential scientists of all time.  His accomplishments made him come to be known as the “Father of Observational Astronomy” and even as the “Father of Modern Science”. His extraordinary talents even made him contribute to the fields of physics, philosophy, engineering, and mathematics. Contributions and Achievements: Invented the geometric and military compass. Constructed an improvised telescope. Proposed the concept of heliocentrism, elucidating the model of the solar system. Made contributions and inventions in astronomical observatory, including phases of Venus, satellites of Jupiter, Saturn’s rings, and analysis of sunspots. Describe the properties of the pendulum mechanism. Final Thoughts Without these genius minds, the world wouldn’t have been where it is today. It was not only their IQ that made them so extraordinary. But their ability to reason, capacity to think out of the world, and, of course, the knowledge that made them considered among the smartest person in the world. It is often said that these beings were born at the wrong time because their minds lived way ahead of their time. Nevertheless, the contributions that these geniuses made are to be remembered forever. These are milestones in the field of basic education and the basis for many discoveries. More Resources: 10 Best Lifestyle Entrepreneurs Of All Time In 2021. Top 10 Best Serial Entrepreneur Of All Time – 2021 Update How Philanthropy and Entrepreneurs Are Changing The World