Top 5 Smartest Person In The World

Published on: 04 March 2021 Last Updated on: 08 April 2024
smartest person in the world

History is only created with geniuses being a part of it. Since the topic deals with compiling the list of the smartest person in the world, considering the factor of intelligence quotient, or IQ is primarily important. 

The ones who made it to this list had huge potential, hefty aptitude, and an elevated inclination in some particular area marked by their high level of IQ. However, this is no standard way of comparing these geniuses. 

The contributions that these people have made to this world are impeccable. It is impossible for normal people to have such levels of intelligence. These people were so extraordinary that it would be a struggle for normal human beings to understand them.

They were often denied the credit that they deserved. It was much later in life that they received the fame and credibility that they should have gotten earlier. 

What Is The Meaning Of Smart?

Before getting into the details, we must first discuss what “smart” really means. Colloquially, we have used the word interchangeably with intelligence, but they are not necessarily the same in meaning. Psychologists, neuroscientists, and artificial intelligence experts are in the midst of an ongoing debate about what intelligence means.

But to suffice our purpose at hand, the dictionary meaning should do. It states that “smart” or “intelligent” means “capacity for learning, reasoning, understanding, and similar forms of mental activity; aptitude in grasping truths, relationships, facts, meanings, etc.”

Who Is The Smartest Person In The World?

This list of the smartest person in the world includes people who could never live up to their full potential. The lack of opportunities and restrictions of society have prevented these people from reaching their peak while they lived. However, they have made their place in history books with their names written in golden letters.

1. Issac Newton (1642-1726)

I am sure you have all heard about Sir Isaac Newton and the famous apple story that led him to discover gravity. He was one of the smartest person in the world who gave us everything that we needed to know. He was an English-born mathematician, physicist, alchemist, and astronomer.

He is considered to be one of the most extraordinary human beings that ever lived. Bagging an IQ of 193, he was the most influential scientist of all time and greatly contributed to the 17th-century scientific revolution

Contributions and Achievements:

  • Discovered the concept of universal gravitation
  • Discovered the laws of motion
  • Invented the first reflecting telescope
  • Proposed the theory of color that is visible in the spectrum and rainbow
  • Explained the theory that color is an intrinsic property 
  • Devised the calculus theorem
  • Contributed to the studies of early modern chemistry

2. Leonardo Da Vinci (1452-1519)

Born in the time of the Italian High Renaissance, Leonardo Da Vinci was a polyhistor. Although he is most notably known as a painter, his diverse knowledge in other fields, such as mathematics, architecture, sculpting, anatomy, literature, engineering, and music, was impeccable. 

Based on his IQ level, he was considered to be a man who was way ahead of his time. His most popular artwork, the painting of ‘Monalisa,’ is an asset that he gifted the world with. I am sure now you know why he has been included in this list of the top five smartest person in the world.

Contributions and Achievements:

  • Considered to be a spirit of the Renaissance.
  • Constructed various maps due to his in geology.
  • Painted the portrait of Monalisa, which came to be displayed in galleries and museums across the world. 
  • Drew the first-ever images of a helicopter, parachute, and tank.
  • Trained to write backward.
  • Known for his power of imagination, devising concepts, inventions, and curiosity.

3. Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

Born as a German-Jewish, Albert Einstein was a theoretical physicist who was considered among the greatest human beings that ever lived on this planet. 

He was a genius scientist and can undoubtedly be considered among the smartest person in the world. His contributions to the field of philosophy of science are made him so much influential. 

Contributions and Achievements:

  • Developed the theory of general relativity.
  • Developed the theory of special relativity.
  • Proposed the phenomena of the photoelectric effect.
  • Contributed to the theories of gravitational waves and gravitational lensing.
  • Devised a model of the wormhole.
  • Invented the mass-energy equivalence equation. 

4. Aryabhatta (476 AD- 550 AD)

Aryabhatta is one of the oldest geniuses that lived on this planet. Born in Pataliputa, India, he was an acclaimed mathematician-astronomer as well as a physicist. During the classical age of uprising concepts of mathematics and science, he made some tremendous contributions to these fields. 

His level of devising concepts and predictions is what made him be considered one of the smartest people in the world. He was the first man to make the people in India understand the science behind planetary motions. 

Contributions and Achievements:

  • Composed the famous Aryabhatiya and Arya-Siddhanta.
  • Explained the concepts of the solar eclipse and lunar eclipse.
  • Devised formulas for calculating the areas of circles and triangles.
  • Proposed the solution of the single-variable quadratic equation.
  • Invented the number ‘0’ and taught how to use large numbers upto 1018.
  • Calculated the value of ‘pi’ accurately upto the fourth decimal point.
  • Proposed the concept of axial rotation of the earth and calculated the circumference of the earth as 62,832 miles. 

5. Galileo Galilei (1564-1642)

An Italian-born Galileo Galilei was another polymath who came to be considered among the smartest person in the world. He was among the ones having the highest IQ level of all time. He was also one of the most influential scientists of all time. 

His accomplishments made him come to be known as the “Father of Observational Astronomy” and even as the “Father of Modern Science”. His extraordinary talents even made him contribute to the fields of physics, philosophy, engineering, and mathematics.

Contributions and Achievements:

  • Invented the geometric and military compass.
  • Constructed an improvised telescope.
  • Proposed the concept of heliocentrism, elucidating the model of the solar system.
  • Made contributions and inventions in astronomical observatory, including phases of Venus, satellites of Jupiter, Saturn’s rings, and analysis of sunspots.
  • Describe the properties of the pendulum mechanism.

Final Thoughts

Without these genius minds, the world wouldn’t have been where it is today. It was not only their IQ that made them so extraordinary. But their ability to reason, capacity to think out of the world, and, of course, the knowledge that made them considered among the smartest person in the world.

It is often said that these beings were born at the wrong time because their minds lived way ahead of their time. Nevertheless, the contributions that these geniuses made are to be remembered forever. These are milestones in the field of basic education and the basis for many discoveries.

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Friendships Up in Smoke? 6 Ways Addiction Affects Relationships

If you’ve suffered from long-term substance abuse disorders, you likely understand how damaging drug and alcohol dependency can be to your close relationships. People who abuse substances often behave erratically and irresponsibly, leaving loved ones in the wake of drug-induced rage, mania, and recklessness. Unfortunately, addiction frequently severs relational ties, leaving addicts alone and susceptible to further drug use. Though it can be challenging to remedy broken relationships, you can perform damage control by making amends and extending an olive branch to those negatively affected. One of the critical steps in rehabilitation is reaching out to those you’ve hurt, apologizing, and attempting to rebuild the trust you’ve broken. If you’re unsure whether your friends and family are at their wit’s end, read on for six ways addiction can affect your close relationships. Behaving dishonestly One of the most difficult relational obstacles to overcome when living with a substance abuse disorder is dishonesty. Unfortunately, many addicts rely on secrecy and deception to conceal their drug and alcohol use and absolve themselves from judgment. Chances are your addiction is tied up in shame and guilt, and keeping the severity of the situation concealed can feel like the only option. However, once your loved ones notice unusual behavior or catch you in a lie, they may feel hurt and upset at your dishonesty, negatively affecting your relationship. Isolating yourself People with substance abuse disorders often begin isolating themselves from friends, family, and partners, pushing people away to continue their drug and alcohol use. Sadly, long-term use can significantly impact your emotional states, turning you into a completely different person when inebriated. Though every addict copes with dependency in unique ways, many find their priorities lie in getting their next fix, disregarding those around them to keep their habit alive. Emotional dysregulation A common symptom of addiction is emotional dysregulation, which can significantly impact your close relationships as you experience outbursts and engage in reckless behavior. Unfortunately, your friends and family often receive the brunt of your mood swings and callousness, leaving many loved ones feeling resentful and unwilling to continue the relationship. Losing trust As people fall deeper and deeper into substance abuse, the trail of lies, deception, and betrayal they leave behind can be long and winding. Unfortunately, broken trust is difficult to remedy, and many people engaging with addicts find themselves frustrated and disheartened by deceitful behavior. Though you can rebuild bonds by taking actionable, rehabilitative steps, like apologizing sincerely and committing to sobriety, distrust can reinstate the bond present in once strong relationships. Abusive behaviors Unfortunately, drug and alcohol dependency and abusive behaviors often go hand in hand. Though many addicts find treatment before stuping to toxic behaviors, others blame their behavior on substance use, punishing those around them through emotional and physical violence. Drugs and alcohol prompt irrational behavior and can ignite fights quickly as anger builds into rage and resentment. Sadly, those living amongst heavily addicted individuals often experience mistreatment and trauma during outbursts and drug-induced mania. Additionally, frustrated family members can also act out, punishing the addict in unhelpful, abusive ways. Wrapping up Addiction and substance abuse disorders can significantly affect your interpersonal relationships as you engage in erratic, potentially dangerous behaviors. That said, by getting help from a professional treatment center and taking actionable steps toward recovery, you can attempt to rebuild broken connections and trust. Read Also: Is Outpatient Treatment for Drug and Alcohol Addiction Effective? How To Know If You Have An Addiction: 7 Common Signs Available Treatment Options for Cocaine Addiction The Benefits Of Inpatient Substance Abuse Treatment Over Other Choices

Friendship Day

Memorable Friendship Day Party At Home: 7 Decoration Ideas To Impress Friends

Friendship is not overrated but the more promising and pure relationship we can have in our life with low expectations and without sacrifices. Are you planning on celebrating Friendship Day this year? If so, we want you to make it memorable and surprising for your friends. Considering home can be the best location at an affordable price to mitigate all your decoration wishes. You can invite your closest friends and family members and have a great time together. You can plan games and fun activities and even prepare some delicious food. We are sure your guests will appreciate the effort and love you put into making the day special. Are you looking for some fresh home decoration ideas to impress your friends? Look no further! With a few simple tips and tricks, you can transform your living space into an inviting and stylish oasis that will make all your guests feel right at home. Whether you are looking to cozy up your space, add some pops of color, or create a statement piece, we have got you covered. So, go ahead and get your creative juices flowing. Your friends are sure to be impressed with your stunning new digs! Let's not leave them in despair. Best Decoration Ideas For The Friendship Day If the friendship days are approaching and you have not planned anything yet, why not consider your home? A home is a better stay for all, including your friends and family members. When you have a friend, sure they know your family for long, and they will find it comfortable at your home.  While we talk about comfort, one sentence always comes to our mind - “to feel at home.” So, comfort is intriguingly related to home, and you need not do something extra to find your friend's compatibility and comfort.  While it's home, the rest will be fine and positive. You are not alone in this mess, but most people are confused just before friendship day is approaching.  Whether planning for a day out or considering a vacation with your friends, home decorations will be the most effective, as everything will be in your control here. Consider A Tagline And Balloons At The Door You must have some common sentence taglines for friends. It is not necessary to make it of quality but ensure that the line can relate to everyone in your friend zone.  Now hang the tagline at the top of the door with some paper works and also add some balloons to create the first impression. Redefine Your Living Area If you are looking to spruce up your living area for the friendship day, you will find plenty of redefining opportunities to do that. Well, here, you should welcome your friends with a cozy gathering. It's time to add some colorful throw pillows and blankets to your chairs and couches. This will make your space feel more comfortable and inviting. Hang some festive bunting or garlands around the room. Well, you can use paper cutouts to make it happen. Go for a snack and drink station for your guests. Also, you can use a bar cart or a table and fill it with fun treats and beverages. Create a reading nook for the reader friend with a pile of books, a lamp, and a comfortable chair.  Consider adding some plants to your living space to make it look more beautiful than ever. They will add air quality to your room and bring freshness with a calming atmosphere.  With these few simple touches, you can create a warm and inviting living area that your friends will love spending time in. Decorate The Game Room If you are planning to decorate for friendship day, you cannot overlook the game room. Your friends will find out some opportunities to deal with activities on the day at your home.  Well, if you have a dedicated gaming room, then consider decoration for it. While you want to enjoy a fun and festive atmosphere at home, you might consider a gaming room. Try to hang up some colorful streamers and balloons in all different colors. However, a proper gaming table is necessary. So, if you want to spend on decoration and make this perfect for your friends, do not hesitate to learn about the different types of game tables. It will spice up your gaming room idea and engage your friends throughout the day.  Engage the game room, especially the gaming table, with plenty of snacks and drinks to keep everyone happy.  Overall, you will be able to create a warm and inviting space where you all can come together and celebrate the day. Introduce A Binge-Watching Spot At Home While planning for home decoration for friends, it's important that you keep something entertaining even outside the game room. Well, it's time for you to use your living area for a movie marathon.  Consider a large projector on one side of the wall and place every accommodation needed. Consider snacks, pillows, large lawn place to sit or lay down to watch and enjoy movies one by one. Keep the wifi intact in the room and ensure no interruption. Provide Them With Private Space On the Balcony Some need a few minutes or more of private space at times.  How will they get that? If you want to make them feel fully comfortable the whole day, you need to arrange a coffee halt on your balcony with two chairs. Sure, your friends will be coming from different places, and some will meet each other after a long time.  It's time to provide them with a private space with a two-sitting capacity, so they do not feel uncomfortable. Re-Engage The Dining Table We were thinking that you may also re-engage the dining table for Friendship Day. Gathering around and catching up over some delicious food would be great.  What do you think?  A plan for a potluck or maybe even cooking a few dishes together can be a great idea. Let us know if you have any other ideas in mind.  Don't Keep The Walls Empty It's time to go deep down into the memory lane for your friends. You guys are there for each other, and all of you deserve some respect with nostalgia.  Put some fine and cute photographs of your friends from the past (funny and serious both) on the walls to let them travel through time. Read Also: Tips For Helping Your Teen Navigate Friendships Irish Twins: What Does It Mean? It’s Not What You Think A Fashion Gift Guide for Special Occasions


3 Tips for Buying Bikes for Larger Guys

Even though bike riding is now common and a good way to beat traffic and maximize exercise, for the larger, bigger people, there might be some discriminations and restrictions in their choice of bikes. Regular exercise such as cycling is just as important to the bigger guys as it is for fitness enthusiasts, and there are bicycles for men out there that are well suited to their larger size. Bikes come in so many different types, and some are much better suited for large cycles than others. Bike Frames: You can get custom made chromoly bikes to beat the discrimination in shops and bike stores. Larger riders might want to consider the options of getting metal, carbon, chromoly or titanium bike frames. Carbon materials are an option that ensures strong frames but, not all carbon frames are good enough and some may have limits. For riders who are both heavy and have some height advantages, getting miles with metal frames might be the safest and best option. Steel is very affordable and a well known strong metal. However, bikes made out of steel might be a little heavier than the other non-steel counterparts. Titanium bike frames give the best option for truly impressive strength and added options for uniquely shaped tubes, but for a more expensive price. Bike Wheels and Components: Just like with picking the right frames, the wheels on a bike are an important element to ensure safety and maximum use of the bike. Metal wheels are an option for larger bike riders. However, they, of course, will have a higher weight capacity than regular bike wheels. Also look at the spokes of the wheels, 32 double-butted steel spokes can be a good way to go. The spokes cross over three others in a three-cross pattern. If you can not find wheels to fit your needs, there is always the option of building and customizing your own unique bike wheels. Consider the bar width before purchasing any bike. The narrower the bar, the more uncomfortable you will be, especially during long bike rides. To have an idea of how wide the handlebars should be, drop bars should be the same width as your shoulders. Also, saddle bars should be the perfect fit for your bones. Get proper measurements and ensure the saddles on the bike is a good fit for you. Consider Customization: For the much taller broke riders, or just any large biker who does not find a bike that suits his taste in the market, customization is always an open option. By customizing your bike, you get to design the bicycle in a way that best suits your tastes and needs. When building the handlebars, you can align them to the perfect height and distance that suits your size. Customization means there will be no compromises with making the perfect choice in bikes. You pick and decide on the bike seats you want, the wheels, and frame material to fit your bulk. It is truly the perfect option for larger bike riders. Conclusion: No matter how tall or big a man you are, you can always find a wide range of bikes for larger guys. But going the customization way is always a great idea to ensure your bike perfectly fits your needs. If you want to go biking on the beaches, you can a men’s cruiser bike. Read More:  Will eBikes Save the Planet? Tips for Buying a Beginner Mountain Bike. Benefits with riding a single speed bike in the city.