Top 5 Smartest Person In The World

Published on: 04 March 2021 Last Updated on: 08 April 2024
smartest person in the world

History is only created with geniuses being a part of it. Since the topic deals with compiling the list of the smartest person in the world, considering the factor of intelligence quotient, or IQ is primarily important. 

The ones who made it to this list had huge potential, hefty aptitude, and an elevated inclination in some particular area marked by their high level of IQ. However, this is no standard way of comparing these geniuses. 

The contributions that these people have made to this world are impeccable. It is impossible for normal people to have such levels of intelligence. These people were so extraordinary that it would be a struggle for normal human beings to understand them.

They were often denied the credit that they deserved. It was much later in life that they received the fame and credibility that they should have gotten earlier. 

What Is The Meaning Of Smart?

Before getting into the details, we must first discuss what “smart” really means. Colloquially, we have used the word interchangeably with intelligence, but they are not necessarily the same in meaning. Psychologists, neuroscientists, and artificial intelligence experts are in the midst of an ongoing debate about what intelligence means.

But to suffice our purpose at hand, the dictionary meaning should do. It states that “smart” or “intelligent” means “capacity for learning, reasoning, understanding, and similar forms of mental activity; aptitude in grasping truths, relationships, facts, meanings, etc.”

Who Is The Smartest Person In The World?

This list of the smartest person in the world includes people who could never live up to their full potential. The lack of opportunities and restrictions of society have prevented these people from reaching their peak while they lived. However, they have made their place in history books with their names written in golden letters.

1. Issac Newton (1642-1726)

I am sure you have all heard about Sir Isaac Newton and the famous apple story that led him to discover gravity. He was one of the smartest person in the world who gave us everything that we needed to know. He was an English-born mathematician, physicist, alchemist, and astronomer.

He is considered to be one of the most extraordinary human beings that ever lived. Bagging an IQ of 193, he was the most influential scientist of all time and greatly contributed to the 17th-century scientific revolution

Contributions and Achievements:

  • Discovered the concept of universal gravitation
  • Discovered the laws of motion
  • Invented the first reflecting telescope
  • Proposed the theory of color that is visible in the spectrum and rainbow
  • Explained the theory that color is an intrinsic property 
  • Devised the calculus theorem
  • Contributed to the studies of early modern chemistry

2. Leonardo Da Vinci (1452-1519)

Born in the time of the Italian High Renaissance, Leonardo Da Vinci was a polyhistor. Although he is most notably known as a painter, his diverse knowledge in other fields, such as mathematics, architecture, sculpting, anatomy, literature, engineering, and music, was impeccable. 

Based on his IQ level, he was considered to be a man who was way ahead of his time. His most popular artwork, the painting of ‘Monalisa,’ is an asset that he gifted the world with. I am sure now you know why he has been included in this list of the top five smartest person in the world.

Contributions and Achievements:

  • Considered to be a spirit of the Renaissance.
  • Constructed various maps due to his in geology.
  • Painted the portrait of Monalisa, which came to be displayed in galleries and museums across the world. 
  • Drew the first-ever images of a helicopter, parachute, and tank.
  • Trained to write backward.
  • Known for his power of imagination, devising concepts, inventions, and curiosity.

3. Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

Born as a German-Jewish, Albert Einstein was a theoretical physicist who was considered among the greatest human beings that ever lived on this planet. 

He was a genius scientist and can undoubtedly be considered among the smartest person in the world. His contributions to the field of philosophy of science are made him so much influential. 

Contributions and Achievements:

  • Developed the theory of general relativity.
  • Developed the theory of special relativity.
  • Proposed the phenomena of the photoelectric effect.
  • Contributed to the theories of gravitational waves and gravitational lensing.
  • Devised a model of the wormhole.
  • Invented the mass-energy equivalence equation. 

4. Aryabhatta (476 AD- 550 AD)

Aryabhatta is one of the oldest geniuses that lived on this planet. Born in Pataliputa, India, he was an acclaimed mathematician-astronomer as well as a physicist. During the classical age of uprising concepts of mathematics and science, he made some tremendous contributions to these fields. 

His level of devising concepts and predictions is what made him be considered one of the smartest people in the world. He was the first man to make the people in India understand the science behind planetary motions. 

Contributions and Achievements:

  • Composed the famous Aryabhatiya and Arya-Siddhanta.
  • Explained the concepts of the solar eclipse and lunar eclipse.
  • Devised formulas for calculating the areas of circles and triangles.
  • Proposed the solution of the single-variable quadratic equation.
  • Invented the number ‘0’ and taught how to use large numbers upto 1018.
  • Calculated the value of ‘pi’ accurately upto the fourth decimal point.
  • Proposed the concept of axial rotation of the earth and calculated the circumference of the earth as 62,832 miles. 

5. Galileo Galilei (1564-1642)

An Italian-born Galileo Galilei was another polymath who came to be considered among the smartest person in the world. He was among the ones having the highest IQ level of all time. He was also one of the most influential scientists of all time. 

His accomplishments made him come to be known as the “Father of Observational Astronomy” and even as the “Father of Modern Science”. His extraordinary talents even made him contribute to the fields of physics, philosophy, engineering, and mathematics.

Contributions and Achievements:

  • Invented the geometric and military compass.
  • Constructed an improvised telescope.
  • Proposed the concept of heliocentrism, elucidating the model of the solar system.
  • Made contributions and inventions in astronomical observatory, including phases of Venus, satellites of Jupiter, Saturn’s rings, and analysis of sunspots.
  • Describe the properties of the pendulum mechanism.

Final Thoughts

Without these genius minds, the world wouldn’t have been where it is today. It was not only their IQ that made them so extraordinary. But their ability to reason, capacity to think out of the world, and, of course, the knowledge that made them considered among the smartest person in the world.

It is often said that these beings were born at the wrong time because their minds lived way ahead of their time. Nevertheless, the contributions that these geniuses made are to be remembered forever. These are milestones in the field of basic education and the basis for many discoveries.

More Resources:

Mashum Mollah is the feature writer of Search Engine Magazine and an SEO Analyst at Real Wealth Business. Over the last 3 years, He has successfully developed and implemented online marketing, SEO, and conversion campaigns for 50+ businesses of all sizes. He is the co-founder of Social Media Magazine.

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Skin Cancer

5 Skin Cancer Warning Symptoms & Early Signs to Know

Skin cancer is a common and potentially deadly disease that affects millions of people every year. It can occur on any part of the skin and can take many different forms, including basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. Knowing the early warning signs and symptoms of skin cancer can help you detect it early when it is most treatable. In this article, we will discuss the 5 skin cancer warning symptoms and early signs that you need to be aware of. Changes in the appearance of moles One of the most common warning signs of skin cancer is a change in the appearance of moles. If you notice that a mole has changed in size, shape, or color, or has become irregular in shape, it could be a sign of melanoma. It's important to keep an eye on any moles you have and to see a skin cancer specialist if you notice any changes. New moles or growths If you notice any new moles or growths on your skin, it's important to have them checked out by a skin cancer specialist. New moles can be a sign of melanoma, so it's important to have them checked out as soon as possible. Sores that won't heal If you have a sore on your skin that won't heal, it could be a sign of skin cancer. This is particularly true if the sore is located in an area that is frequently exposed to the sun. It's important to see a skin cancer specialist if you have a sore that won't heal so that they can determine the cause and provide appropriate treatment. Redness and inflammation If you notice redness and inflammation on your skin, it could be a sign of skin cancer. This is particularly true if the redness and inflammation are accompanied by pain or itching. If you have redness and inflammation on your skin that won't go away, it's important to see a skin cancer specialist. Scaliness, roughness, or bumpiness If you notice that your skin has become scalier, rougher, or bumpier, it could be a sign of skin cancer. This is particularly true if the affected area is located in an area that is frequently exposed to the sun. If you have scaliness, roughness, or bumpiness on your skin, it's important to see a skin cancer specialist. Discoloration If you notice that your skin has become discolored, it could be a sign of skin cancer. This is particularly true if the discoloration is accompanied by other symptoms such as itching or pain. If you have discoloration on your skin, it's important to see a skin cancer specialist. In conclusion, skin cancer can be a serious and potentially deadly disease, but it is also one of the most treatable forms of cancer when detected early. By knowing the 5 skin cancer warning symptoms and early signs, you can help detect skin cancer early and get the treatment you need. If you notice any of the symptoms listed above, it's important to see a skin cancer specialist as soon as possible. Early detection and treatment are key to a successful outcome. Additional: Why Your Skin Is So Important Can CBD Be Used On Damaged Skin Is the 10 Step Korean Skincare Routine Worth the Hype? What You Need to Know About Caring for Your Skin as You Get Older: Your Guide 

How Successful People Think

How Successful People Think? Here Is Your Answer

How successful people think is no mystery. There are basically two types of people in this world. The ones who are normal people and the others who are successful people. What creates the difference between these two groups is that the ones who are exceptionally successful have a totally whole different perception of the world.  The way how successful people think and act distinguish them from everyone else around them. The strangest thing is that their life is no different from those of normal people. But the way they deal with it and come out is what makes them who they are.  Successful leaders will always have a positive attitude, respectful gesture, and smart actions. Whatever the hurdles might be, they never seem to back down. Rather, they stand tall and face the problems with an outlook on solving those problems.  Overview Becoming successful can be as easy as changing your mindset. Do you look at certain successful people and think to yourself, “How are they doing it?” Whenever we see people being successful or being good at what they do, it's easy to assume that success is a natural trait people are born with. Maybe you just don’t have it in you. Theory, as well as reality, has proven time and again that success is a mindset and not a personality trait. You can cultivate it inside you through strength of will and discipline. To Know How Successful People Think Is To Know The Way To A Good Life A wise man once asked me, “Why do we fall?’ To which I did not have an answer! But then that man told me, “We fall so that we learn to pick ourselves up.” Success never comes in easy. You have to make sacrifices, give in your everything, your blood, and sweat to reach the peak. But with time, as we have come to know how successful people think, it becomes a lot easier. It is not easy to think out of the box every time, but if you are keen enough, you can always follow the mantras of how successful leaders think and how they achieve the greatest heights. It is also said that you should never focus on how to become successful.  Rather it is more important to gain knowledge, learn and put in your best efforts into your work. You will find that success will automatically follow you. Nobody is born with any quality of successful thinking, but it is something you hone with time and experience.  There are certain mental habits that successful people follow. For now, all we can do is observe and learn from their footsteps. Here, I have jotted some of the most valuable beliefs that successful leaders have in common.  Optimistic Perception With negative thoughts in your mind, you will never be able to achieve your goals. Having an optimistic perception is one of the most important ways of how successful people think. You must have certain major dreams in your life.  But you might not be able to accomplish them immediately. But rather than contemplating how bad the situation is, thinking with a positive mindset will help you to set challenging goals and objectives which you will eventually be able to conquer.  Even while traveling to your goals, there will be a lot of obstacles. You must never underestimate the difficult situation. But you must not turn your back on these issues. Keeping yourself strong and thinking about several solutions of how to tackle the situation is the identity of a true leader. Accountability Even the world’s greatest leaders make mistakes and fail time and time. Mistakes and failures are the most common elements of human life. Nobody in this world is perfect. And you cannot escape from reality. Many of us think committing mistakes and taking liability for them will put us down in front of others. The way how successful people think and deal with such a situation is by owning up to their errors and mistakes and withstanding the failures.  Taking accountability for your own faults not only lifts up your respect in the eyes of others but also increases your emotional resistance. It also makes you a better person because you have the guts to accept your mistakes.  Only if you fail you will know how to succeed. There is no shortcut to success. Failing at something you really want or love will only increase your hunger to attain it.  Always Being Specific Being specific is a hard-earned method to set your goals. For example, you might make a statement in a broader sense by saying, “I will prepare for the interview.” But how successful people think and say about the same is, “I will start preparing for this interview right from today evening.”  This thought process is what makes them stand out in a crowd. If you are not being specific about accomplishing your objectives, it will keep on lagging, and ultimately it won’t turn out to be fruitful.   When you have thoughtfully specified each and every point that you need to achieve the target, it becomes a lot simpler to turn your dreams into reality.  It makes you realize several other aspects of the issue.  Learning and Growing Mindset  Successful people would not be successful if it was not for their knowledge in their respective fields. You might be talented in a particular sector, but it is not enough to get you on the run.  You must have that hunger in yourself to learn about new things every day. Whether it is in your own field or some other, having the urge to learn and work behind it can get you to the top.  How successful people think is because of the time they invest in reading, learning, practicing, attending classes and workshops. This is what drives them to grow professionally, as well as personally, in order to enhance and develop new and better skills.  Many of the world’s greatest athletes, when asked by reporters about their secret ingredient to success, have answered the same thing, “Practice, Practice, and Practice.” They kept practicing even though they knew they were the best, and that is what made all the difference.  Taking Initiatives and Building Relationships When a situation arises, a crowd of normal people would hesitate to take any action or speak up about what should be done. But the way how successful people think tells us that such a person would any day take the initiative to come forward and try to handle the situation.  When a person takes the initiative to speak up or carry out an activity, it conveys how confident he is as a person. It portrays how he has the zeal in him to manage or handle things. A true leader would never step back from taking up responsibility. Rather he will be proactive about it.  Another aspect of successful thinking is to know how to build relationships with people. When you are in a different environment away from your familiar one, you will meet a lot of new people. Some people might be very friendly or exciting, while others might be not. But how successful people think about such a situation is that one must cordially maintain a good relationship with all.  Building good relationships with people at your workplace will enable you to build an efficient team and deliver effective results. It is you who has to impart all your good qualities to the people around you and turn them into successful thinkers as well.  Conclusion Author Charles Swindoll wrote, “I am convinced that life is 10 percent what happens to us and 90 percent how we respond to it.” This should be the same approach when you are trying to become successful. It can be easy to think that the road to success is either easy or you have to be born with it. It cannot be any further from the truth, though. If you want to become successful, you must simply think the right way. Your thoughts can rule you as well as guide you. The best part is that a success mindset is not too difficult to attain. The base is you cultivating a big picture thinking, which is easy. You must give yourself the space to fail, and you must never stop learning. Place your priorities in the correct order. While you were reading this article, did you feel a bit motivated? Did you feel a little more positive about life? Well, I did while writing this! Read Also: How to Plant Grass Seed on Hard Dirt Steps to Change the YouTube Channel Name How to Thicken Chili

Prepare Your Child For A Youth Conference

How To Prepare Your Child For A Youth Conference

Youth conferences are essential since they provide them with a rare opportunity to discover, interact with others their age, and learn new things, and celebrate God. These events provide a stimulating setting for young minds to broaden their horizons, develop their capacities, and create enduring connections. Preparing your child for a youth conference as a parent or guardian may significantly influence their overall experience and progress during the gathering. Children's participation in a youth conference can change them because it exposes them to different viewpoints, cultures, and activities outside their regular routines. Here are a few ways to prepare your child for a youth conference: Reviewing The Conference Details It is crucial for parents to fully comprehend the specifics of an event before heading to a youth conference. Find out as much as possible about the event itself beforehand, including its subject/theme, schedule, and keynote speakers. Parents may have educated talks with their children about what to anticipate during the event by being aware of the agenda and discussion themes. Furthermore, parents can convey the conference's aim to their kids if they have explicit knowledge of its objectives. It's essential to go through how going to the conference may be a worthwhile educational experience and a chance for personal development, especially in faith. This way, they can create excitement and passion by matching the child's desires and goals with the conference's themes. Define Expectations Setting clear expectations is essential to preparing a kid for a youth conference. Parents should explain the purpose and underlying reasons for such a magnificent Christian gathering, and how it could affect their child's social and personal growth. Furthermore, parents may encourage their child's active participation during the conference, helping them find ways to help themselves and others while getting the most value out of the activities and speakers. This process will help the youngster feel important and motivated. Setting reasonable expectations for your child by explaining how they should behave and what they should do is key to this encouragement. They should have a good grasp of when they can laugh and play and when they need to listen and be respectful. The youngster has a sense of responsibility and enthusiasm due to this clarity since they know what to anticipate. Furthermore, parents should address any particular objectives they have set for their child for the youth conference. Setting goals helps the kid concentrate their efforts and focus on getting the most out of the conference, whether connecting with like-minded peers, honing public speaking abilities, or researching future career interests. Preparation And Packing Proper packing and planning are crucial for a child's seamless and enjoyable time at a youth conference. Parents can make a list of essentials to pack for the occasion, ensuring their child has all they need for a relaxing, pleasant stay.  Practical items like attire for conference activities, comfy shoes, toiletries, and essential medications should be on the list. Including the kid in the packing process might help them develop a feeling of independence and responsibility. Parents may assist their children in packing their belongings by offering recommendations that will be beneficial and making sure that they pack all necessary goods. This collaborative effort allows the kid to own their conference experience and instils a sense of readiness and independence. Parents and guardians should also urge their children to review the conference schedule in advance to get the most out of the conference experience. Children can decide the discussions and workshops they wish to attend by becoming familiar with the program and debate themes. By matching their interests with sessions relevant to their objectives, the child is better equipped to make the most out of their experience. Encourage Independence Even though there may be many other youths present at the conference, maybe those your child may befriend or already know, it’s important that they make their own voice heard and participate in activities and sessions they would enjoy rather than just following along with their friends. These exciting events are not just about studying the word and celebrating God, but also about building bonds and enjoying life. Encourage your child to manage their conference calendar to promote independence. Parents can assist their children in looking through the conference schedule and selecting the sessions and pursuits that match their interests and objectives; this will ensure they benefit most from their choices and have even better memories. Also, parents can talk to their children about safety precautions as the conference draws near to foster a feeling of consciousness and accountability. Your child can take more proactive actions if you remind them to stay in the allocated areas, adhere to conference rules, and ask for guidance from conference organizers when necessary. Develop Social Skills A child's participation at a youth conference, where contacts with peers, facilitators, and other participants are typical, depends on their developing skilled social skills. To prepare your children for valuable connections and interactions at the event, parents may play a critical role in helping them practice and improve these abilities. Playing out various social scenarios with the kids is an excellent technique to help them develop their social skills. Parents may take on different personas and discuss with their kids using acceptable body language, effective communication methods, and active listening. The youngster gains more confidence in starting and maintaining discussions with others owing to this participatory exercise. Parents may offer valuable advice on how to connect with strangers and establish friends in addition to role-playing.  These conferences are an excellent opportunity to make new friends, and they may feel more at ease in social situations if you encourage them to exhibit approachable and pleasant body language, such as keeping eye contact and smiling. The Bottom Line It may be a gratifying experience to help a child prepare for a youth conference since it can significantly influence their social and personal growth. A youngster with the right resources and encouragement may use the youth conference's possibilities for learning, adventure, and self-discovery. Additionals: Practical Ways To Help Your Elderly Parents 3 Ways Parents Can Safeguard their Household’s Online Safety Is it Possible for Single Individuals to Become Foster Parents?