5 Reasons Why a Marketing Degree Makes Sense in 2020


22 October 2020

Job & Career

Marketing Degree

If you’re getting ready to go to college, you might not be sure about your career path. That’s okay. You don’t need to know precisely what you’re going to do with yourself when you start your freshman year.

However, even if you don’t declare a major right away, you might want to consider a marketing degree.

There are a lot of reasons why you ought to get one. We’ll talk about five of those right now, and when we finish, maybe you’ll decide to pursue this option.

With a Marketing Degree, You Can Hold Many Different Jobs

One of the foremost reasons why you should at least think about a marketing degree is that it is one of the more versatile degrees you can attain. With a marketing degree, you can become a:

  • Production manager
  • Marketing manager
  • Media planner
  • Account executive

You can work for a prominent company or a small one. You can start your own marketing firm if you like. You can have many clients or just a single large one.

There are all kinds of different places your career can go, starting with just a Marketing BA. You can also change jobs easily if you find that the first thing you try doesn’t work out for you.

Virtually Every Company Needs Marketing

Maybe you want to work for one specific company, or in one particular sector. You might want to work in:

  • Banking
  • Retail
  • Restaurants and hospitality

With a marketing degree, you can do any of those things. That’s because virtually any business entity needs marketing.

Think about it for a moment. Huge conglomerates like Amazon run TV commercials all the time on national networks like USA or TNT. Meanwhile, if you watch a non-national TV station, you’ll see local restaurant ads.

Every company, no matter how well-known or tiny, needs marketing, and you can pick and choose which one appeals to you most.

You’re on Technology’s Cutting Edge

Another reason to pursue a marketing degree is that when you get one, you’ll enter a field that uses the latest technology.

You can use social media for marketing purposes, and also TV, satellite radio spots, sponsored website content, podcast advertising, etc. Where you know people pay attention and ingest content, that’s where you can market your client’s business and products.

Whenever a new marketing avenue comes out, you can be on top of it. If you can spearhead a monumental new marketing campaign, your ideas can make a company millions of dollars.

Great marketing campaigns can save a company, while flawed ideas can sink one. Many individuals like having that pressure. It’s up to you whether a business succeeds or falters.

You Can Be Your Own Boss

Another reason why it’s great to get a marketing degree and get into this field is that you can work for one company in a traditional way, or else you can be freelance. There are negatives and positives with both options, so you’ll have to think about what makes sense for your situation.

If you do marketing for a single company and have an exclusive contract with them, you can get benefits like 401K, healthcare, stock options, vacation time, etc. However, if you offer freelance marketing services, you’re your own boss.

No one orders you around, and if you’re not getting along well with a client, you can simply terminate that contract and move on to someone else. Having that freedom means a lot to some people.

You’ll Have Job Security

Getting into marketing also means inherent job security. Marketing is something that has existed in one form or another since society’s inception. People always sell products and services, and they need ways to make the public aware of them.

No matter how society changes in the coming decades, it’s virtually guaranteed that marketing will continue. The way it happens always changes, but the basic concept never does.

With this in mind, you can confidently get a marketing degree. You might not be certain at first precisely what you’ll do with it, but you don’t need to be. This is one industry that automation will probably never wipe out.

Many accredited universities offer marketing degrees, and if you’re not sure of what to do with yourself, you should give them a hard look. Once you have that degree in your hand, you can think about what industry most appeals to you. Chances are, you can find a place for yourself there.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Anxious About Future

Anxious About Your Future? Here Are 3 Strategies for Planning Ahead

We all fall prey to vicious cycles of tripping out about the future and imagining the worst possible outcomes. Sometimes, this will happen first thing in the morning. It could be an otherwise beautiful day with the sun shining and the birds chirping, but suddenly the anxiety kicks into high gear, and you see nothing but approaching disaster for your personal life. You might find yourself feeling terribly dreadful over where the state of the world could go if Coronavirus persists longer than anyone ever anticipated. Maybe you get hung up on whether or not your job is really as stable as you thought it was, and if you actually have saved enough money for a worst-case scenario "you're fired" predicament. Well, it doesn't have to be this way. You can effectively take that power away from the beast that is anxiety, and channel your emotional energy into properly planning for your future. As long as you stay the course through following these helpful tips, there's no reason you can't look to the future with anything short of budding optimism. Find a therapist who works for you. It takes a whole lot of effort to try and wrestle out some sense of clarity from your cluttered mind. Sometimes, there are just too many thoughts to contend with. You might be emotionally exhausted, mentally spent, from a tough few weeks at work, and there's just no way you can see yourself regaining that peace of mind on your own. This is when it's crucial to find your ideal therapist in DC. Fortunately, you live in a time where you can schedule appointments with promising therapist prospects from the comfort of your home. You'll be able to speak with therapists that specialize in providing counseling for things like substance abuse, communication skills, self-esteem, cognitive behavioral therapy, relationship issues, family conflict, and also just provide support for the betterment of your mental health in general. Plus, therapists in DC (or wherever you're living) will be able to provide a comprehensive anxiety treatment that aims to help people experience much less stress and an overriding sense of calm through their daily lives. In addition to that, the deeper understanding that you'll gain of yourself in this process will translate to being able to deal with the curveballs that life inevitably throws your way, with poise and effective coping mechanisms. At the end of the day, every human being should prioritize their mental health and wellness for a better quality of life. As long as your mental health is in a healthy place, success flows gracefully from there into other parts of your life. It's never a good idea to plan ahead and try to make decisions about your next step in life if you feel like your mind is about to cave in from a terrible load of anxiety. Taking that time to meet with a series of promising therapists will only end up setting you up for success later down the road. Consult a psychic. It's fun to mix it up and try things that you otherwise never could've seen yourself doing. Consider sitting down with a psychic, and finding clarity in the life path you want to take through consulting their mystical clairvoyance. The folks with that treasured psychic ability, clairvoyance, can be very wise in their own regard. There are different categories within the catch-all term of clairvoyance, as well. You've got your clairvoyant individuals gifted in the art of retrocognition, which is an ability to look back into the past. Someone with retrocognition will be able to sift through your life's past events, to potentially help provide you clarity on a decision you're struggling to make in regards to the future. It's amazing how the past can get in the way of that! There are also clairvoyant individuals that can dabble in the art of precognition. This skill, in particular, can be game-changing for anyone hoping to get future knowledge to direct a decision that needs making in the present moment. Sometimes, all it takes to wipe clean our stresses about the future is to hear from someone who has a specialty in being able to peel back the veil of time itself and glimpse the possible outcomes that lie in wait further on down the road. Through discovering those outcomes you might just stand to choose the best pathway in life. Invest in your future with online education. Once you've gotten yourself to a place where you feel like your mental health is in check, or you've potentially met with a psychic who provided you clarity on the moves you need to make to advance your career to a place you see fit, it can be massively beneficial to explore opportunities present in the world of online courses that could pave the way to a fruitful career. Specifically, we're talking about the RN to MSN programs online. The Bureau of Labor Statistics actually predicts that the family nurse practitioner jobs will grow by 36 percent by 2026. Talk about a promising forecast for any jobseekers interested in growing their careers in a field poised for explosive growth! Plus, you can easily schedule an online appointment with a counselor at Wilkes University to review any information you might need before making the decision about your online program to become an RN. Another added measure of reassurance when it comes to Wilkes University is that they've been ranked a top university for 16 years and counting. As far as any career goals that you might have in the field of nursing go, it certainly helps to know that you'd potentially be attending an acclaimed university recognized for its exceptional educational opportunities, on a nationwide scale. Maybe your ultimate life purpose will end up being one where you find yourself in the role of a registered nurse, with multiple years of experience under your belt. As a clinical nurse leader with a Master's degree, you'll be able to help anyone you can who has been impacted by the gnarly monster that is COVID-19. You and the rest of the world have been made more aware than ever just how fragile this world is. COVID-19 turned the world as we know it upside down. Many folks have found themselves struggling like never before. Jobs have been wiped clean off the market. Companies have worked tirelessly day by day to do what they can to stay afloat in an economy that is simply doing the best it can to ride out the devastating storm that is the Coronavirus. With that being said, there are many silver linings to be found in this time. We've been afforded more time than ever to turn inwards, reflect, and ultimately map out plans for the rest of our lives that come from a place of newfound clarity. All this time holed up in our respective homes can serve as its own kind of gift for life strategy sessions. The worries about the future can take on a different tone, and evolve into optimistic hopes about what the new chapters can bring. Maybe you went for an appointment with the clairvoyant individual with the psychic ability, who seemed to reach into the depths of your soul and dig out the purpose you were otherwise aimlessly clamoring to find. Maybe that purpose ended up being going back to school at the Master's level, and you're able to do so now through an esteemed online university like the one we've mentioned. Maybe you always meant to take your nursing career to the next level with a master's degree, but now there's nothing holding you back except for yourself. All you needed was that reassuring foresight and the extra time at home to hammer out how you'd go about making the dream a reality. Read Also: Healthcare Jobs That Will Be Most in Demand 2020–2025 6 Reasons Why You Would Need Psychotherapy 5 Surprisingly Simple Ways to Manage Anxiety at Work

Is marine transportation a good career path

Is Marine Transportation A Good Career Path?

If there is something that young adults worry about, then it is hands down their career and future. And speaking of that, there is one question that I have frequently come across in my life. It goes something along the lines of "is marine transportation a good career path?" If you are someone who is thinking about having a career in the marine industry, then this article is for you. Want to know more about marine transportation and whether Transportation is a good career path or not? If yes, then keep on reading this article till the end… Overview Of The Industry  The maritime sector presents numerous prospects for advancement and is an exciting and fulfilling area of work. Although it has been a part of the economy for centuries, this sector has expanded significantly in the last several years. One of the biggest and fastest-growing segments of the world economy is the marine transportation sector in particular. This sector of the economy includes cargo ships, cruise ships, ferry services, and all other forms of maritime shipping and goods transportation. It makes sense that so many people are interested in this exciting field. There is always something new to discover and learn in the maritime industry, given the growing demand for freight and marine travel services. Individuals who choose to work in this field should anticipate intellectual challenges as well as numerous opportunities for professional development. Salary For individuals who are enthusiastic about the sector, a career in maritime transportation can be very profitable. When making decisions about the future, it's critical to take into account the potential salary of a given profession. Let's examine a range of salaries for various job titles in the maritime logistics industry as of March 2023 to aid with this. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports that in 2021, the median annual wage for workers in the marine transportation industry was $62,768. Pay varies according to job title and location. Salary levels for the most sought-after jobs are typically higher than those for less desirable positions. Many people can gradually increase their salary with training and experience. It's crucial to take into account a variety of factors, including travel opportunities and personal interests, in addition to the potential salary when deciding whether or not a career in marine transportation is right for you. What Is Marine Transport? Also known as maritime transportation, it is a job that refers to the transportation of cargo or passengers through sea routes. Currently, it is one of the major ways of transportation when it comes to transporting goods. These goods can be anything. Some of the items that are transported through marine transportation are: Oil Spices Medicines Electronics Beverages Vehicles Machines It is undoubtedly one of the strongest sources of trading and transportation in the world when it comes to transporting heavy and bulky commodities. Moreover, it is still the backbone of the international economy and trading. So, if you are asking, "is marine transportation a good career path," the answer to that is positive. Skills: What Do You Need To Become A Part Of The Journey? Even if a particular job exists, you cannot just be eligible for the role. You need to have certain skills to be a member of that industry. The field of marine transportation is no exception to that rule. Here are the skills that you need to bag a job in marine transportation: 1. Communication Skills I cannot stress this point enough. You must be able to communicate with the crew members while you are on board. That is because, in the field of marine transportation, people come from different backgrounds. This makes it necessary for everyone to interact with each other. Therefore, it not only facilitates brotherhood but also ensures smooth functioning. 2. Mechanical Skills If you want to become successful in the field of marine transportation, it is important that you have knowledge about mechanical things. This skill will come in handy in times of need and urgency. That's the reason why it is necessary for all crew members on the ship, irrespective of their posts and ranks, that they have mechanical skills. 3. Vision (Eyesight) This is one of the most important things that you need to have is great eyesight. The fact that you are working in a shipping vessel, away from the land, makes it crucial for you to be able to see things afar. This is because you need to scout the horizon to notice the smallest changes. Job Types: What Jobs Can You Find In Marine Transportation? If you think that there is no variety in the field, then I would ask you to reconsider. There are a lot of jobs that you can find in the field of marine transportation. Some of them are as follows: Marine Engineer Port Engineer Port Captain Naval Architect Deckhand Employee Motor Man Employee Foodservice Oiler There is much more to this list, but here are the basics. Answering The Question, “Is Marine Transportation A Good Career Path?” Now, coming to the pain questions. Is marine transportation a good career path? The answer to that is YES, it is. If you are someone who loves to travel overseas and likes to explore, then you are going to love this job. At the same time, the payment or the wage in the field of marine transportation is also not that bad. The best paying jobs in the field of marine transportation are Vessel Captain, Marine Engineer, Naval Architect, Data Scientist, and Port Captain. If you are someone who is looking for a high paying job, then this might be the key for you. This is because, according to reports, the average salary of a Vessel captain (the one who is in command of the ship) is nearly 100,000 dollars USD. However, even if you want to settle for the role of a Port captain, you will still be able to have a comfortable life at home. The salary of the Post Captain is nearly 65,000 dollars USD on an average. In simpler words, marine transportation is a great career path for people who are looking for a secure future, a steady and good source of income, and the opportunity to travel overseas and over seas (get the pun?) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): Now that you have almost read the end of the article, I really hope that most of your questions have already been answered and cleared. If, however, there is still some confusion left, I would advise you to read some of the questions that users frequently ask. Q1. What Is Marine Transportation Management? The task or job of being able to manage and shift the rules and policies of the marine industry, specifically the marine transportation industry, regarding safety and other important points is called marine transportation management. Q2. Which Job Pays You The Highest? There are many jobs at present that can provide a high salary. Some of them are:1. Machine Learning.2. Medical Professionals.3. Data Scientists. 3. Is Marine Transportation A Risky Job? Even though it is true that marine transportation is a job that pays you well and also gives you the opportunity to travel overseas, it is still a little risky. That is because any problem that occurs in and on the ship or vessel can be life threatening to the crew. Bottom Line: Decide If You Want A Job In Marine Transportation! Marine transportation is one of the most stable jobs that you can apply for. But, at the same time, if you are looking for the opportunity to travel while earning a sufficient amount as salary, then marine transportation is the career that you should choose. In case you were looking for the answer to the question “is marine transportation a good career path,” I hope that you found this article to be of help. If there are any questions or doubts regarding the same, kindly write them down in the comment section below. Till then, Stay safe! Read Also: Is Capital Goods A Good Career Path? Is Precious Metals A Good Career Path Is Medical/Dental Instruments A Good Career Path How Many Jobs Are Available In Real Estate Investment Trusts?

what do consumer non-durables jobs pay

What Do Consumer Non-Durables Jobs Pay?

What do consumer non-durables jobs pay? If this is something that you are searching for, then you have reached the right place. After the pandemic of 2020 caused due to the outbreak of the Covid-19 virus, a lot of people started to look for jobs across various fields. This is mostly because of the large wave of unemployment that took over the world during the lockdown globally. If you are someone who is searching for jobs in consumer non-durables, then you need to do one thing. And that is to keep reading this article till the end… What Are Consumer Non-Durables Jobs? In order to know what are the jobs that are present in this line, you need to know what is the consumer non-durable. So here I go. Consumer non-durables are the items that are good or items that have a very small lifespan. This means that consumers do not use this for a very long time. They are not very durable, needless to say. Therefore, these goods are considered to be consumer non-durables. The goods that are non-durables generally need to be used up before or in less than three years. These are the items that are produced in very large quantities, but at the same time, these goods are cheaper to produce and purchase. These goods are different from consumer durable goods, which last for more than three years. Some examples of consumer non-durables are packaged and non-packaged goods like food, drinks, laundry detergents, etc. You must have heard the names of companies like Coca-Cola, Pepsico, Nestle, and Unilever. These are all the companies that deal with consumer non-durables. Answering The Question, “What Do Consumer Non-Durables Jobs Pay?” Now that you know what the consumer non-durable job is, it is time for you to know about the jobs that pay well in the field of consumer non-durables. If you are thinking, “is consumer non-durables a good career path,” then the answer is YES! And one of the main reasons for that to happen is because this job pays you a lot of money. But, at the same time, there is also a huge variety of jobs that are available in this field of work. Typically the consumer non-durables jobs pay you nearly $41,500 on an average per year. However, that does not mean that this is the only money that you can make in this line or sector. There are many people working in this area that make nearly $100,000 on an average every year. The money that you make depends on your rank or position or your job role. One of the main reasons why the companies on consumer non-durables pay well is because the companies do not always need experienced or skilled labor or employees all the time. For example, there are many people who have gotten a job in the consumer non-durables sector without having any prior experience. Jobs Available In The Consumer Non-Durable Sector There are many jobs that are available in the line of consumer non-durables. Here is a list of some of the jobs that pays you well in this line: JOB ROLESAVERAGE SALARYENTRY LEVEL SALARYRestaurant General Manager$54,000$72,000Sales Representatives$62,000$50,000Food and Beverage Manager$53,000$39,000Food Technologist$63,000$39,000Chef$47,000$32,000Beauty Consultant$33,000$30,000Grocery Associate$31,000$29,000 Consumer Non-Durable Companies Procter & Gamble Company Nike Nestle AG Loreal Pepsico Coca-Cola Company Unilever Group Philip Morris International Anheuser-Busch Inbev Christian Dior Procter & Gamble Company Market Cap (Sep-01-2021): 345.770 Billion USD Revenue: 70,950 Million USD (Year Ending: Jun-2020) Net Income: 13,030 Million USD (Year Ending: Jun-2020) Number of Employees: 99,000 (As of 2020) Nike Market Cap (Sep-01-2021): 260.800 Billion USD Annual Revenue in USD: 37,420 Million USD (May 2020) Annual Net Income in USD: 2,530 Million USD (May 2020) Number of Employees: 75,400 (2020) Nestle AG Market Cap (Sep-01-2021): 348.550 Billion USD Annual Revenue in USD: 92,301 Million USD (Year Ending: Dec-2020) Annual Net Income in USD: 13,242 Million USD (Year Ending: Dec-2020) Number of Employees: 291,000 (December 2019) Loreal Market Cap (Sep-01-2021): 262.430 Billion USD Annual Revenue: 33,028 Million USD (Year Ending: December 2020) Annual Net Income in USD: 4,172 Million USD (Year Ending: December 2020) Number of Employees: 88,000 (As of December 2019) PepsiCo Market Cap (Sep-01-2021): 216.150 Billion USD Annual Revenue in USD: 70,370 Million USD (Year Ending: Dec-2020) Annual Net Income: 7,120 Million USD (Year Ending: Dec-2020) Number of Employees: 263,000 (2019) Coca-Cola Company Market Cap (Sep-01-2021): 243.070 Billion USD Annual Revenue: 33,010 Million USD (Dec-2020) Annual Net Income: 7,750 Million USD (Dec-2020) Number of Employees: 86,200 (in 2019) Unilever Group Market Cap (Sep-01-2021): 145.300 Billion USD Annual Revenue in USD: 59,850 Million USD Annual Net Income in USD: 6,529 Million USD Number of Employees: 149,000 (2020) Phillip Morris International Market Cap (Sep-01-2021): 160.530 Billion USD Annual Revenue in USD: 28,690 Million USD (year ending in Dec-2020) Annual Net Income in USD: 8,030 Million USD (year ending in Dec-2020) Number of Employees: 71,000 (2020) Anheuser-Busch Inbev Market Cap (Sep-01-2021): 123.700 Billion USD Annual Revenue in USD: 46,880 Million USD (Year Ending: Dec-2020) Annual Net Income in USD: 1,400 Million USD (Year Ending: Dec-2020) Number of Employees: 170,000 (December 2019) Christian Dior Market Cap (Sep-01-2021): 139.230 Billion USD Annual Revenue in USD: 63,331 Million USD (Year Ending Dec-2019) Annual Net Income in USD: 3,437 Million USD (Year Ending Dec-2019) Number of Employees: 163,309 (2019) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):- As you have reached almost the end of this blog, I hope that most of your queries have been cleared. However, in case you want some more information regarding the same topic, here are some of the questions that readers frequently ask about what do consumer non-durables jobs pay. You might want to check them out. 1. What Is The Highest Paying Job In Consumer Non-Durables? Ans: Some of the highest-paying jobs in the line of consumer non-durables are:➊ Human Resource Manager➋ Food and Beverages Manager➌ Digital Designer➍ Chemical Engineer 2. What Is The Meaning Of Non-Durables? Ans: Non-durables or consumer non-durables are the items that the consumers do not use for a very long time. These are the goods that the consumers use in less than three years. Some of them are laundry detergents, packaged goods, drinks, etc 3. What Are Examples Of Consumer Durables? Ans: In case you are searching for an example of consumer durables, you have reached the right place. These are the items that the consumers have used for more than three years. Here are some of the examples of consumer durables:➊ Computer➋ Air conditioners➌ Refrigerator➍ Dryers➎ Cars Wrapping It Up! Non-durables are the goods or items that the consumers use up in less than three years. These items can be the packaged goods that have an expiry date on them. Needless to say, there are several types of jobs that are available in the line of consumer non-durables. If you were looking for the answer to what do consumer non-durables jobs pay, I hope that you found this article to be of help. Also, if there are any other queries related to the same, feel free to write them down in the comment section below. Read Also: Best Paying Jobs In Energy Best Paying Jobs In Electric Utilities Central Are Commercial Banks A Good Career Path?