How Do You Recover after Getting Defrauded?


24 November 2020



That moment when you realize you have been defrauded can be soul-destroying. At first, you may be shocked and not know what to do. You cannot believe you have fallen for it. But once you get your head around what has happened, you can start working toward recovery. Here are the things you can do to recover after being defrauded.

Stop Any More Money


First of all, when you have identified a scam, ensure that you stop any funding. Make sure that no further payments are going to be made out to encourage them to defraud you anymore. It is easy to be shocked about what is happening and lose even more money. So, try to stop the scam at the source. For instance, if you have used a credit card, make sure that it is canceled and that you inform the card issuers of the fraud.

Do Not Blame Yourself

After you have discovered the scam and process what has happened, you will be angry and blame yourself. However, you have got to avoid doing this. This is not going to be productive and help you move on. Know that millions of people fall for fraudulent scams every year. You are not the first or the last person to do this. All you should think about is what you are going to do next and how you can prevent this from happening again.

Try to Get Your Money Back

A lot of people assume that once they have been defrauded they will never get this money back. However, this is not always true. Unfortunately, stock market fraud happens a lot and this means many people have looked for help over the years. Now, there are companies out there that can help you recover the money you have lost.

Avoid Unsolicited Emails


When you have been the victim of fraud, you need to learn your lesson. Avoid all unsolicited contact that you receive about another investment opportunity. For instance, if you receive any emails or telephone calls with so-called ‘great opportunities’ make sure that you ignore them. This could be another fraudulent scam that you do not want to get involved with. Delete all emails and messages you receive and ensure that you do not send any personal details. You also want to avoid opening any attachments or links they send to you.

Follow Your Gut

Unfortunately, there are thousands of scams happening every day to innocent people. If you have been one of these victims, you will know the worry and stress it can cause you. Indeed, you may have also lost a lot of money. In the future, in order to stop this from happening again, follow your gut. If something seems too good to be true or you have a bad feeling, ignore the opportunity. If you really want to make investments, do your own research and know that other opportunities are going to come along. Do not rush into any decisions without thinking them through.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Maternity wardrobe

How to Save Money on Your Maternity Wardrobe

Being pregnant is truly a blessing, even though it can be annoying and exhausting at times. This is the time when you spend hours doing research about what is best for you and your baby, and prepare your living space for an additional family member. Being a mom makes it a priority to stay healthy for the sake of you and your baby, but you also want to look good. Modern moms-to-be like to stay true to their unique style, and luckily this has never been easier. Do I Have to Change My Style? Remember seeing in the movies pregnant women dressed in what looked a flowy tent? This is because baby bumps were considered unattractive and women felt like they had to hide themselves until they get their pre-pregnancy bodies back. Luckily, those days are way behind us, and women all over the world are showing of their growing bellies and look amazing. You know that you will not be able to wear all of your clothes, but when going out to buy something new, choose items that wrap around your middle, since these will look stylish and will not restrict your movements. If you feel like hiding your stomach a bit, choose darker colors like navy or black because these will make you look slimmer. Read More: Yoga For Pregnant Women Layer Up! Listen, the more fabric, the less flattering it will look on you, so try to find a middle ground somewhere. The best decision is to layer up since you can choose the items and combine them to get the best look. All those lovely open-fronted cardigans and stylish denim or leather jackets can be worn over tunics, dresses, and jeans, and not only will they keep you warm but you can choose to wear ones in pastels or adorable prints which will show your sense of style and trends, but will still be wonderfully comfortable. The best thing is that you won’t have to go out buying new clothes, you can wear your old items and simply leave them open in the front. Remember, you will not be able to imagine life without your comfy maternity jeans, so choose them carefully. Thrift Stores? By All Means Yes! You are not going to be pregnant forever (thank God), so the clothes that you choose to wear n those months you will probably not wear later on. Instead of going out shopping and spending hundreds of dollars on clothes you will only wear for a few brief months. Try finding good maternity clothes on websites like eBay and; women who sell their maternity clothes probably didn’t wear them for a very long time and certainly don’t need them anymore. What you can do after childbirth is to collect all of your maternity clothes and simply give it to someone who needs it, or sells them to a thrift shop. This way you will not only be earning a few extra bucks, but you will allow someone in need to save a few as well. It is difficult not to compare yourself to so many celebrity moms and their perfect pregnancy and post-pregnancy bodies, but keep in mind that all of them have teams of experts to help them stay fit and get back in shape. What is important is to stay healthy and be comfortable, because your baby feels good when you feel good. Luckily, ‘comfortable’ does not exclude ‘stylish’, so go ahead experiment, and don’t hesitate to show off your lovely baby bump. See also 1. Wardrobe Dreams: Statement Pieces to Last 2. 5 Perfect Fashion Clothing Choices for Petite Women


How To Prevent A Ransomware Attack

Ransomware attacks are on the rise. Because there's currently no way to recover data once it has been encrypted by ransomware, it's important to do everything in your power to prevent it from happening to you in the first place. Here are steps and cyber security training you can take right now to help protect yourself against this cyber threat and all of its potentially devastating consequences. Top 8 Ways To Prevent A Ransomware Attack 1. Maintain Backups It's important to maintain at least two copies of your data: one that remains in your possession and another which is backed up to offsite storage every night. Since you can't access the backup version if you have been infected by ransomware, it's important that you keep a second copy in a secure offline location. That way, even if the malware does encrypt your files, the ability to restore them will still exist. 2. Encrypt Files You should encrypt all of your files before you send them over to your computer's backup location, and also make sure that you have full, expert-level encryption as well as a strong password in place on the backup drive. Better safe than sorry. 3. Update Your Software As with all software, there are always patches and updates available for your antivirus or anti-malware software that could prevent ransomware from taking hold in the first place. If you're using endpoint protection software, make sure the update has been applied. If you're using a third-party antivirus or anti-malware package, get it to update as well. 4. Develop Plans and Policies Ransomware is a major threat to your business, and it can cause a major loss of revenue if you don't have a plan in place to prevent it. Therefore, it's important that you ensure that you have a backup policy and disaster recovery plan in place so that your company can act quickly in the event of a ransomware attack. Developing software protection policies, training users on backup procedures, and conducting penetration testing to find vulnerabilities and malicious activity are all effective ways of creating an effective prevention strategy. 5. Train the Team You should train your team on how to respond should they encounter ransomware, how to avoid it happening in the first place, and what they can do if they do get compromised. Anti-malware software will help them recognize and protect against ransomware, but only if they know how to use it. The more training they receive, the better they will be at spotting ransomware, and the more likely they'll be able to take action quickly when it occurs. 6. Monitor Files and Network Activities Part of creating an effective backup plan is knowing where your files are located so that you can restore them. That way, if your computer is compromised, you can restore the files from your backup. You should also be monitoring for unauthorized access to both file-hosting and FTP sites. Additionally, it's important to monitor all of the network activity from your computer so that you can determine if someone is trying to gain access to machines that aren't theirs. 7. Implement an IDS An Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is a network security tool designed to detect and block network intrusions, such as attempts to gain unauthorized access. Since ransomware will attempt to disguise itself in order to get past an IDS and infect your computer, it's important that you implement one for your entire network. The IDS should be able to detect anything that looks out of the ordinary and will immediately notify you so that you can take action. 8. Implement an Antivirus Policy The best way to protect your computer is with antivirus software, which automatically scans all of the files stored on your machine and makes sure that they are virus-free before you load them onto a machine. When your computer is infected, the antivirus program automatically starts working to detect and remove the malware. The best antivirus programs also have the ability to detect zero-day threats, which are new viruses that haven't even been discovered yet. Ransomware is a major threat to your business, so it's important that you take the above steps and cyber security training immediately to help protect yourself against this cyber threat and all of its potentially devastating consequences. It's also important that you remember these steps when figuring out how best to protect your computer against ransomware, as well as those in your network. Additional: What Is Zero Trust In Cybersecurity Context? Top 6 Cybersecurity Trends Everyone should Know Top 7 Home Security Mistakes That Homeowners Need To Avoid Making WHY ARE MORE THAN HALF OF SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY CLAIMS DENIED?

Panini Spa

Panini Spa: The Importance of Secure Transactions and Identity

Nowadays, customers choose their credit institutions and banks based on different elements, among which: The convenience of mobile banking, Ease of use of the bank's app, Instant, in-person solutions when the need arises. It can happen that customers have the need for instant issuance of a new payment card when theirs get lost or stolen. And also, when customers open a new account, they want a card which is ready to use straight away without following too long procedures for its activation. The waiting we were used to does not exist anymore. For this reason, an instant issuance service, like the one offered by Panini Spa, is mandatory, also to increase customer loyalty. The digital era is fast moving and credit institutions should keep pace with the times. But not only that. When we talk about the digital era, we know very well what does it mean from the security identity point of view. Especially when dealing with money, it is essential that the authentication process really proves that a person really is who she/he says she/he is, before having access to an account. Panini Spa offers a wide range of different products for identity authentication, which allows for example to: Easily protect your business from fraud Automate and streamline workflows Share automatic warnings with the fraud department Comply with banking laws and regulations But all of this does not only concern financial and credit institutions like banks, but also post offices and property management companies. For instance, the first is always engaged in document dematerialization projects, whether front office or back office based and here the products and software of Panini Spa can help to deal with them. The latter can benefit from utilizing the products of Panini Spa because: Funds can be deposited the same day in order to maximize cash flow. Costs associated with deposits, bank runs, and lost checks are eliminated. Manual handling and errors are reduced. When dealing with all these important aspects of modern business, it is always essential to find the best company. Panini Spa not only provides a comprehensive suite of products and software but also support services to ensure a successful implementation and client return on investment, including training, help desk support, fulfillment parts management, depot service and advanced unit exchange (AUE). Still doubts?  Just do not hesitate to contact the professionals of Panini Spa, that will be happy to answer any question you have. Read Also: Lining Up For A Loan – How To Secure A Good Loan Are Debt Consolidation Loans Recommended For Credit Card Consolidation