Do I Need A Redundancy Solicitor? Then What Is That?

Published on: 20 October 2023 Last Updated on: 23 October 2023
Redundancy Solicitor

Before we get to know why it might be necessary to hire a redundancy solicitor, it is much more important to know who is a redundancy solicitor and why you might need one. 

When I say Redundancy, it is among the limited numbers that have the potential for fair reasons while dismissed from work. This happens when the employer is required to decrease the workforce and also close the business premises. 

So now, if you get dismissed from work for a reason of redundancy, then you are entitled to a few statutory rights, including a redundancy payment. Now that you know what is a redundancy solicitor, let’s get into why you might need a solicitor and for what purpose. 

Why Would I Need A Solicitor When Being Made Redundant? 

There are certain situations when you might need a redundancy solicitor, so let’s get to know these situations. 

  • You might suspect that you are not in a redundancy situation.
  • You might suspect that your selection is unfair. 
  • You might suspect that the procedure that your employer followed is incorrect. 
  • It is possible that a settlement agreement has been offered to you. 
  • You might have been as to become a volunteer for redundancy. 
  • You might not be sure whether you are getting the full redundancy package. 

These are a few instances where the need for redundancy solicitors might be of great assistance. 

Related: How A Solicitor Can Help You To Set Up A Business

What Are The Circumstances Of A Genuine Redundancy?

A redundancy is to be considered if the following are maintained: 

  • Suppose the whole business is closing temporarily or maybe permanently. 
  • It is possible that a particular workplace you are working in is either closing or maybe moving to another location. 
  • Suppose the job you have ceased to exist or has diminished, or maybe you are expecting your job to cease to exist or diminish in the future. This will happen if your employer is considering certain restructuring in the workplace.  

The redundancy is not to be considered to be genuine if the following happens: 

  • Suppose your employer is replacing you with someone else, maybe with someone with someone who is willing to work for less amount. 
  • It is possible that the business is about to transfer its ownership, and maybe the new owner is going to employ you on totally different employment terms. 

It is more likely that the latter will become a Transfer of Undertaking (TUPE) situation. Before you apply for this, it is better to get legal advice, or you might be in trouble since it is a grey area.  

An Employer That Has Not Followed A Fair Procedure

In an ideal world, the employer’s redundancy process should have a set employment contract or handbook in place. Now what your employer should do is look for redundancies that can be avoided quite easily. Certain ways you can avoid redundancies are: 

  • Your employer can ask you to volunteer for a redundancy or even opt for an early retirement. 
  • The employer can also choose to lay off the employees who are self-employed.
  • The employer can choose to ban or reduce any overtime. 
  • Your employer can offer you to get alternative work. 

Now if your employer still wants to proceed toward redundancy, then they should really identify the certain employees who are to be made redundant. But the selection should be made in a fair way. 

While selecting the employees, there are a few characteristics that should not be considered as the selecting factors, they are such as gender, ethnicity, or any such discriminating factor. 

The selection criteria that are to be considered fair and impartial are:

  • Aptitude 
  • Skills
  • Qualifications
  • Performance
  • Record/Discipline
  • Attendance   

Now depending on these selection factors, the employer has to consult with these candidates; if they don’t, then the redundancy will be considered to be unfair as well. At least one meeting with the employer is important to discuss every aspect of this situation.

Well, suppose your employer has selected over 20 candidates for redundancy, in that case, a special rule is applied that the candidates need to follow through. 

You should also be given a proper notice period to prepare yourself. The notice period should be like this: 

  • 1 week notice if you have been working in the organization for between one month and about two years.
  • 1 week’s notice for each of the years the employee has worked in the company ranging between 2 to twelve years.  
  • Lastly, 12 weeks of total notice period; if the employer has been working in the company for over 12 years.  

Which Is Better, Being Offered A Redundancy Package Or A Settlement? 

Well, now, suppose you have been working in a company or organization for over two years; then, you are entitled to a statutory redundancy payment as well. For this, the specific calculation goes something like this. 

  • About 5 week’s payment is given to employees who have worked a full year after their 41st birthday. 
  • About a week’s worth of payment is given to employees who have worked a full year after their 22nd birthday.
  •  About half a week’s worth of payment is given to employees who have worked a full year till their 22nd birthday. 

The total length of your service is capped at 20 years. Then your weekly payment is averaged over what you earn per week over a 12-week period till your redundancy notice. 

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Shahnawaz is a passionate and professional Content writer. He loves to read, write, draw and share his knowledge in different niches like Technology, Cryptocurrency, Travel,Social Media, Social Media Marketing, and Healthcare.

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DWI: 7 Major Reasons You Need A Legal Expert To Represent You

Are you planning to seek the assistance of an expert lawyer for your DWI case? If yes, then you must seek the best lawyer who can help you win the case in your favor. You have concentrated on getting the essential links of the case with the help of your DWI attorney to win the case in your favor. The DWI attorney can help you achieve your objectives in the right way to support you in the difficult time of your life. You have to seek the advice of the DWI attorney to win the case in your favor without leaving any scope of further complications. Major Reasons You Need To Seek The Assistance Of DWI Lawyer For Your Case     Several reasons are there why you must seek the assistance of the DWI attorney for your case. But, first, let’s find out the reasons to understand it in the correct order better. 1. They Can Help You To Get Back Your License  Your DWI attorney can reduce the charges on you in court and help you get back your revoked or canceled car license. Your DWI attorney in Ozark MO knows the ways to help you get the permit back in the court. You just need to seek the assistance of an experienced lawyer who can help you get your car license back. 2. DWI Lawyer Can Reduce The Sentence  The DWI cases can be very complicated and severe. Your attorney will judge the severity of the crime and whether you are a first-time convict or not. Depending on this fact, he will devise his strategy against the prosecution to reduce the sentence from you. To get the advantage of this fact, you need to seek an experienced lawyer who can help you win the case in your favor. 3. They Can Save Your Money  Your attorney will navigate all the possible ways and evidence to reduce the charges against you. The prime objective of an experienced and efficient DWI attorney is to reduce the charges of your case from you. Therefore, you need to make sure that you have selected such a person for your case whose objective will be to end the case in a complete dismissal. It will help you to save your time, money, and prestige to a great extent. 4. Skilled DWI Lawyer Can Dismiss Your Case  The best thing about a skilled DWI lawyer is that they can help you win the case in your favor and reduce the DWI charges. In addition, a highly qualified, experienced lawyer can help to lead the case to complete dismissal. They can help you to win the case in your favor in the best possible manner. 5. They Have Relationships With The Prosecution  The best thing that the DWI lawyer has is a good and friendly relation with the prosecution, and this can help you win the case and lead to the complete dismissal of the case with a mutual negotiation. Your lawyer knows the trick to negotiate with the other party, which will help you get rid of the case headache. You just need to follow his instructions in the correct order to achieve your objectives adequately. 6. You Need To Spend Less Time In Court  You do not have to spend much time in court; your DWI lawyer will tackle all the court proceedings. DWI cases are stressful and complicated, so an experienced lawyer will tackle the situation well and will help you to spend less time in court. In addition, they know the techniques to handle the legal formalities to assist you in winning the case. 7. Understands The Legal System  They understand the legal system very well and can help you to provide the correct guidance that you require to win the case in your favor. You just need to follow their instructions during the court proceedings to help you win the case in your favor. Final Words Hence, these are some of the possibilities and help that your DWI lawyer can provide you if you need them from their end. You have to make a conscious effort from your counterpart to seek the help of the DWI attorney. You need to plan things in the correct order to achieve your objectives in the right way. They know the tricks to help you out in your case. Read Also: 6 Reasons you need a Divorce Lawyer 5 Things To Do Immediately After You Get Into A Car Accident

Injury Lawyers

9 Money Tips For Millennial Injury Lawyers in Los Angeles

While millennial lawyers are increasingly becoming the dominant force in the legal profession, it’s also important to start their financial life on the right foot. In some cases, it’s just normal to assume that young lawyers have to worry about money. With a significant and growing percentage of lawyers today, they may find it tougher to maintain their earning capacity while becoming successful in the legal industry. Also, they often struggle when it comes to managing their own finances. So if you’re a freshly-minted millennial injury lawyer in Los Angeles, here are 9 money tips you should consider from the very beginning. 1. Re-examine your student loans After taking the bar examinations, your student loans aren’t going anywhere. Depending on how much you earn as an injury lawyer, it’s also better to get on top of your student loans as early as possible. Instead of suffering, find out whether you qualify for easier repayment plans. This way, you’ll not end up spending a lot of money on long-term student loans. If your personal circumstances have changed significantly, re-assessing your pay-down strategy will be a very good option to consider. 2. Settle any credit card debt immediately Whether you get yourself a loan while studying for the bar, credit card debts shouldn’t be kept around for so long. As a millennial injury lawyer, paying off any of your credit card debt should be a top priority as soon as you have the means to do so. By doing it, you’ll be able to stay on top of your finances while making a name in the legal profession. 3. Start saving as much as you can Regardless of the amount, putting some money aside will always be beneficial. Besides, saving is something you’ll eventually do as you grow old. With the kind of finances you may have as a millennial injury lawyer, it’s perfect to start keeping some money on your bank accounts. You’ll never know when you’re going to need your savings for emergency purposes. Even if it’s just a little bit, you may still need extra money to cover some unexpected expenses later on. 4. Identify your goals As soon as you finish taking the bar exams, you’ll eventually have to think about your next move. Even if you haven’t practiced law long enough, it’s best to start thinking about your goals and your future. You need to realistically assess the next few years of your career. Besides, you have the education and means to do what’s important to you. On top of your career decisions, you should first determine whether you want to start your own law firm or work for someone else. By knowing your career goals beforehand, you’ll also be able to plan your financial resources efficiently. But if you choose to work for other law firms, you should know how to negotiate your salary. Perhaps, you possess the necessary legal knowledge and skills, hence you get paid for them. 5. Choose your material pleasures wisely With your first job as an injury lawyer, rewarding yourself for the hard work can be a fulfilling thing to do. While you shouldn’t deny yourself all material pleasures you can get, it’s important to only choose something that makes you happy. Moreover, don’t get easily overwhelmed by all the materials things around you as it may lead to an uncontrollable urge to spree. Perhaps, you can anchor your reward based on the available budget you have at the moment. Doing so will not be financially draining on your end. 6. Plan your retirement savings properly Once you finish law school and land your first job as a millennial injury law, planning out your retirement savings early will go a long way. If possible, max out your retirement funds for your future use. Put a considerable percentage of your salary into a retirement account and then slowly escalate that percentage. By doing it, you can retire in a financially stable manner. 7. Set an emergency fund In addition to your savings and retirement account, having an emergency fund can certainly be helpful. For some reason, living in Los Angeles can be very difficult. Even if you have money in your pocket, it will still be insufficient when emergency situations arise. Thus, it’s worth the time, money, and energy to establish emergency savings with at least a few months’ worths of expenses. 8. Keep your money separate from your partner until marriage Ideally, millennial lawyers should be well informed when it comes to relationship and marital issues. For your financial security, you should be well aware of the dangers of mixing your bank accounts from that of your romantic partner at least until marriage. But with today’s generation, you may commit these mistakes that may also end up hurting you financially. As a promising millennial injury lawyer, you can protect yourself by keeping your finances separate until you have the proper legal protections of marriage. 9. Enhance your earning capability If you want a financially healthy career as a lawyer, it’s wise to make every effort to boost your earning capabilities. Perhaps, you can do it by managing client relationships. Remember, the advantage of having a good client relationship is the increased likelihood of repeated business as well as high income. In Conclusion Generally speaking, lawyering is a lucrative profession nowadays. Whether you’re accused of a crime or you’re persecuted by someone else, injury lawyers are always there to protect your rights and freedom. However, being a law office like a brain injury attorney Los Angeles doesn’t mean you have to take your finances for granted. Rather, it can be the best time to make and save more money for your future. Thus if you want to get the most out of your earnings, simply take these tips into consideration and enjoy the financial benefits later on. 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Colorado Springs Personal Injury Attorneys

Top 10 Colorado Springs Personal Injury Attorneys

When you are pursuing a lawful claim, you need a lawyer or attorney who will support you and handle your case with full determination. You need an attorney who will suggest you or tell you the most significant things, which you will need in your side, while lawful claiming. Selection of the best Colorado Springs Personal Injury Attorney can be of great help for you. This is one major reason why individuals and groups looking at personal injury lawsuits and compensations claims turn to experts like The Sawaya Law Firm. Being legal pioneers, they have been able to extrapolate compensation and claims from the toughest of opponents, including some of the biggest businesses and insurance companies. Colorado Springs Personal Injury Attorneys main motive is to provide justice for their clients. In the United States, an attorney is the synonyms of a lawyer. Colorado Springs Personal Injury Attorneys handle cases like car accidents, construction accidents, premises, and many more. They fight hard for all their clients in the case in front of the court to prove the innocence of the person for whom the attorney fights for.  . Top 10 Colorado Springs Personal Injury Attorneys Now here we will see the top five Colorado Springs Personal Injury Attorneys, from whom you can take their services to fight your cases. Let us have a look at it in detail. 1. Bradford Pelton This Bradford Pelton has more than 30 years of experience in this field and helps the clients to obtain compensation for any damage or injury cases. In the metropolitan areas of the Colorado Springs, the Bradford Pelton serves his services. He even helps his client to provide social security and workers’ compensation claims. Areas Of Specialization of Bradford Pelton are as follows:- He helps those people who are injured in car, Fall accidents, job site, Negligence, Dog bite cases, and Product liability. 2. Donley Law P.C. This firm especially focuses on the personal cases of a person. They use special strategies to get justice for their clients or obtain compensation for an accident. Many people in America, the services of this firm to handle their cases.  Most of the time, the attorneys bring positive results to their clients. He is one of the best among Colorado Springs Personal Injury Attorneys to get through with. Workplace injuries. Car accident cases. 3. Green Law Firm, P.C. Another one of the top-rated firms is this green law firm, p.c. they take all the cases of Colorado Springs people. Mostly the legal claim is to fight for those people who have lost their nearest and dearest one in a car, motorcycle, and truck accident. Even they fight for their clients that they will get compensation for physical and mental sufferings, and funerals. Let's boil down his areas of core specialization in brief:- Mental sufferings & funerals. Motorcycle accident cases. Death accident cases. 4. James A Reed Pc He serves more than 40 years for the clients of Colorado Springs. He takes cases like dog bites, automobile accidents, fall accidents, assaults, and many more. His job is to bring justice and compensation for his all clients. The areas of his specializations are as follows:- Dog bites. Fall accidents. Automobile accidents. Assaults. 5. Law Office Of Jeremy Loew This firm is known for its handling cases like the victim of a motorcycle accident, dog bite, and other cases. Whenever you are planning to seek the assistance of the best personal injury lawyer the selection of the colorado springs personal injury attorney can make sense to you. The areas of his specializations are as follows:- Motorcycle Accident cases. Dog bites. Serious personal Injury cases. 6. Alan C Shafner   Shafner is one of the best colorado springs personal injury lawyers whose assistance can help you a lot. He is one of the super lawyers of the state on whose services you can rely upon. Since 2019 to 2022 he is handling personal injury cases. He has a total of 43 years of total legal experience in this field. He provides free consultation. Shafner charges on the client to client basis.   On average he charges as per the standard rate of the state which is 33%  of the final settlement fees. Areas of his specialties are as follows:- Premises liability accidents. Car accidents. Nursing home abuse & Neglect. Wrongful death cases. Catastrophic trucking accidents. Dog bites. General negligence. Burn Injury. 7. Joseph Ramos  He is also one of the most well-known and best Colorado springs personal injury lawyers of the state to provide you the maximum support. In 2009 he got a license in Colorado to practice the personal injury laws. Some of the core areas of his practices are as follows:- Wrongful death cases. Construction accidents. Animal Bites. Motor Vehicle Accidents. Brain Injury. Trucking accidents. Slip & Fall accidents. He charges the fees from the clients as per the country's standards. It can make things easier for the clients to approach him faster. 8. Micheal M Clawson  Micheal M Clawson is one of the best colorado's best personal injury lawyers to deliver quality services to his clients. Since 1994 he has been one of the best licensed super lawyers to look forward to at your end. Some of his core areas of specialization are as follows:- Aviation accidents. Car accidents. Bicycle accidents. Catastrophic Injuries. Defective products. Drowning Accidents. Truck accidents and Wrongful death. Apart from it there are many more areas of his specializations which you can get by visiting his official website of Micheal M Clawson. 9. Jeffrey R. Hill     Since 1995 Jeffrey R. Hill has been one of the best colorado springs personal injury lawyers to deliver you quality services. Some of the key areas of his specializations are as follows, which you must know at your end before hiring him. Some of them are as follows:- Automobile crashes. Preventable falls. Serious death injury cases. 10. Lance M Sears     Lance M Sears is one of the best super lawyers of Colorado spring Personal injury cases to provide quality support to their clients. In 1975  he got the license to practice personal injury cases in Colorado. Some of the Core areas of the specialization of this lawyer are as follows:- Auto & Truck accident. Personal injury cases. Wrongful death. Snowboard accidents. Brain Injuries. Important Notifications  For all the names, the lawyers charge free consultation fees, and after winning the cases, they can charge you up to  33% of the final settlement fees as per the state norms. FAQ( Frequently Asked Questions)  1. What Percentage Do Most Of  The Personal Injury Lawyers Take?  As a general rule of thumb, a personal injury lawyer charges 33% of the final settlement of the cases. 2. Why Do You Require A Personal Injury Lawyer?  They can help you to recover you from the personal injury claims within a shorter span of time with proper legal procedure. 3. How Can Personal Injury Lawyer Help You?  hey can help the lawyers to recover the financial injuries compensation and mental injuries. Final Take Away   Hence, these are some of the best colorado springs personal injury lawyer to make your life easy in personal injury cases. The mentioned names of the injury lawyers are the best in the lot to deliver you with quality services. Feel free to share your opinions, views, and ideas to get things done in the right order. You can contact them if you feel problems in regards to your personal injury cases.     Read Also: Do I Need a Lawyer for a Car Accident that wasn’t my Fault? Personal Injury Attorneys Denver 7 Things You Should Know About DUI Charges: Can You Go to Prison as a Result? What if Multiple People are to be Blamed for your Injury?