Understanding The Role Of Family Mediation In Legal Conflict Resolution


02 November 2023


Role Of Family Mediation In Legal Conflict Resolution

As much as we enjoy close and loving family relationships, sometimes, disputes find their way without warning. These disputes may include divorce and separation, succession issues, child maintenance, and custody. Handling these disputes is challenging and may need immediate action to resolve them.

While some family disputes, especially those involving violence, may be resolved by court, some can be resolved by family mediation. Family mediation works on both parties’ interests and aims to restore a positive future relationship between the disputants. It is also a cheaper way of resolving family disputes and takes relatively less time.

But what role does family mediation play in legal conflict resolution? Read through to understand all aspects of family mediation, including its process and benefits, as a peaceful way to solve family disputes.

Understanding Mediation Role In Family Law

Mediation is a dispute resolution process where the disputants cooperate with an independent third party to resolve their disputes outside court. Mediation is both a cheaper and faster way of resolving disputes among family members.

Family mediation can help solve several issues. It can help resolve parenting disagreements, property settlements among divorcing couples, and succession disputes among kin. Note that mediation can occur with both parties sitting together or separately on different occasions.

On disputes of significant magnitude, you can involve family lawyers to help guide the mediation process.

If you don’t resolve the dispute through family mediation, you may move to court. However, you must present a certificate to prove you engaged in family dispute resolution through mediation.

The Purpose Of Family Mediation

The purpose of family mediation is to help disputing parties reach a long-lasting agreement. The decision they arrive at should be of their liking and should be satisfactory to each party.

Unlike other disputes, family disputes have a relationship and emotional attachments, though some have financial and legal implications. Resolving these disputes in court may address the financial and legal aspects alone and fail to address the emotional and relationship aspects. However, through mediation, the disputing family members can resolve all aspects of their disputes and arrive at a more desirable agreement.

Family Mediation Process

The family mediation process involves the following steps.

1.  Initial consultation/pre-mediation: The mediator seeks more information concerning the dispute. They should also gather personal concerns, perspectives, and projected outcomes of both parties. Note that at this stage, the mediator meets the disputants separately.

2. Joint sessions: After individual parties agree to proceed with mediation, the mediator organizes a joint session. At this stage, the mediator sits together with the disputing parties in one room.

3. Issues identification: Since the mediator has background information about the dispute at hand, they, at this stage, identify critical issues of the dispute. The mediator should guide both parties in talking about their priorities, concerns, and desires.

4. Establishing options: Now that the underlying issue is well-spelled out, the mediator should guide disputants in coming up with possible solutions. The mediator should suggest expansive possibilities after brainstorming suggested solutions.

5. Final agreement: At this stage, the mediator should assist the disputants in structuring a mutual agreement. The mediator should ensure that the final agreement is fair and in line with the state´s laws.

Family Mediation Benefits

Family mediation has several benefits, as listed below:

It Generates Mutual Agreement

Through family mediation, disputants can arrive at a mutual agreement satisfactory to each party. The parties have the right and power to explore all possibilities and arrive at a more desirable decision.

Family Mediation Resolves Disputes Faster

Unlike court disputes, which take years to resolve issues, family mediation takes a short period. On average, the family mediation process takes between three and six months to resolve a dispute.

It Preserves Relationships

Since family mediation addresses the emotional and relationship aspects of a dispute, the disputants should be able to maintain their long-term relationship post-dispute.

Confidentiality And Privacy

Court cases are in the public domain and may expose sensitive and private aspects to the general public. However, family mediation creates a more secure and private environment where disputes are resolved without involving the general public.


Mediation saves a lot of money, which would otherwise be spent on court charges and other legal fees.

Family Disputes Ideal For Mediation
The family disputes that should be resolved through mediation are as follows:

·         Succession disputes

·         Matrimonial property issues

·         Children maintenance disputes

·         Children custody

·         Shareholder disputes in the family business

·         Civil and other inter-personal disputes

Should I Involve Family Lawyers In Family Mediation?
It is good to involve your family lawyer in family mediation. The lawyer will provide you with legal advice concerning the legal and financial implications of your family dispute. Besides, they should be able to guide you through the mediation process since it can be overwhelming. In addition, they can help add the final touches to the final agreement you arrive at.

Unfortunately, not all family mediation processes have the desired outcome. Sometimes, parties may disagree, bringing the need for court proceedings. In this case, the court will demand a certificate showing you participated in family mediation. Your lawyer will be much more resourceful here.


Family mediation aims to bring disputed family members to an agreement. Besides settling their disputes, it also helps mend their broken relationships and heal their emotions. In doing so, it protects the interests and values of both parties, promoting family cohesion. What’s more, family meditation addresses the issues of parties involved in the mediation session and those indirectly involved in the dispute. The process will ensure the interest of such parties, including children´s future well-being, is well addressed. However, when your dispute involves violence or threat of life, don´t hesitate – file a court case immediately.

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Barsha Bhattacharya is a senior content writing executive. As a marketing enthusiast and professional for the past 4 years, writing is new to Barsha. And she is loving every bit of it. Her niches are marketing, lifestyle, wellness, travel and entertainment. Apart from writing, Barsha loves to travel, binge-watch, research conspiracy theories, Instagram and overthink.

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Cycling Accident

7 Approaches to Adopt to find the Best Solution after a Cycling Accident

It’s scary when a bike crashes into a car or a car into a bike. Fortunately, there’s something you can do about it. If you’re riding a bike, however, it’s important that you know how to deal with the situation after the crash. What you do after the incident may have a huge effect on your recovery from damages and injuries to your bike and to yourself. Moreover, it may also impact the result of any lawsuits. Below are the things you need to do to access the best resolution after a cycling accident. 7 Approaches to Adopt to find the Best Solution after a Cycling Accident: 1. Wait for the authorities to arrive: Right after the accident, you should wait for the police to arrive first so they can work on writing a police report, even if you think you are unharmed. Not a lot of people actually realize they’ve been injured until a few hours after the accident. Some people attain minor injuries, but these could develop into a much serious problem later on. And if you choose to let the whole thing go and leave the accident scene, you will lose the chance of identifying the at-fault driver or the person involved in the accident. While waiting for the police to arrive, never attempt to negotiate with the driver. Most people would apologize and accept blame, but you’ll never know what they’re capable of when suddenly faced with an impending lawsuit. Some drivers would later deny their negligence and even deny they were involved at all. Always wait for the police to come so everything gets documented in their police report. Also, the police can ticket the driver, which is very useful in the future when you’re starting to settle the case with your insurance company. 2. Relay your version of what happened into the accident report: Some police officers end up talking to the motorist to get a statement of what happened and not bother talking to the cyclist. Given this tendency, you must do everything you can so you can get your version out and recorded into the accident report. Your injuries may be very little or minor, but make sure they are recorded. For all you know, those minor injuries may later develop into something more serious. Should it happen that the officer in charge of the accident scene refuses to include your statement in the police report, have the report amended later. 3. Get driver and witness details: Remember to get the name of the driver who is at fault, driver’s license number, phone number, address, insurance details, and vehicle license number. You should also get the names and contact information of people who have seen the accident. Don’t rely on the police alone to get this information for you because they may fail to do so. If in case you have acquired serious injuries and cannot get the necessary details, ask a witness or a bystander to help you out. 4. Document the accident: If it’s possible, remember even the tiniest details of the accident. Take note of what happened, how the whole thing transpired, and where the location of the accident is. Additionally, document the weather, traffic, and road conditions. It would help you greatly if you can write all of these down. 5. Document your injuries: If you’re hurt, request for medical attention immediately. Even if the injuries are minor, you should always get help from first aid responders as this can help prove that you were in fact injured. This will be included in your medical records including the extent of your injuries. Also, see to it that the areas injured are photographed as soon as the accident took place. After the accident, you can also record in a journal what and how you’re feeling as well. 6. Preserve evidence: Never touch the state of your bike and other things nearby and on the accident area itself. Do not try and fix anything before the police arrive. Do not wash your clothes, and do not let anyone touch your helmet or bike before documentation takes place. Take photos of yourself and damaged equipment and send them to nobody else but your attorney. 7. Turn to a professional for advice: Expect complex legal issues after the accident. For this reason, you will need a bike accident attorney who understands this type of accidents. An attorney can: Represent you in a lawsuit Negotiate with the respective insurance companies, and Advice you on the next steps to undertake. Before communicating with anybody else, especially your insurance company, talk to your attorney first. Remember that whatever you said right after the accident can be used against you later on. Sometimes, all it takes is a letter from a law firm to the insurance company in order to resolve issues. Your attorney can also help you settle your injury case without having to go to trial. What Not to Do After a Cycling Accident: In the event of a crash, the person who has caused the crash is liable to pay you for damage through his insurance provider. This compensation would not just be restricted to medical fees, but also for destruction to property. However, this won’t be possible if you fail to document the damages. You can’t get a claim simply because there is no evidence. To get the best possible evidence, do nothing until everything is recorded and documented. Seeking help from a qualified and certified attorney can help you take these steps. If it is not possible for you to wait until all your equipment is fixed, make sure to take a record of all the damage that has been done thoroughly before starting to tinker with it. Your photos should be taken from multiple angles in order to prove before a court of law or an attorney, or the insurance agencies about the damages if it’s necessary. Talk to an Expert Today: You can always rely on Murphy's Law Cycling Accidents Brisbane to help you navigate the challenging legal issues that happen after the accident. An initial round of discussion with them is confidential and free.  Professionals who deal with such cases or have prior experience of them can help you with what you should do, and what you should avoid doing that will compromise your situation. The team’s accident lawyers will look after the administrative process and will help you gather the necessary evidence. Call now for a free case assessment. Read Also: Things About A Personal Injury Lawyer Along For The Ride: Passenger Rights In Vehicle Accidents

Claim Against an Employer

Under What Circumstances Can You Bring a Claim Against an Employer?

Brushing up negatively against your employer is a scary and complicated experience. While never ideal, it is critical to bring your situation to court so that justice can be done. At the same time, it’s important to know exactly what constitutes as a valid claim against an employer before charging towards the judicial system. Here are a few things to consider before deciding to file a claim against your employer. Know Your Rights: The first thing you should always do is research. Turn towards government websites to learn more about harassment, discrimination, privacy and compensation laws that pertain to your situation and are intended to protect you. Speak To Your Employer: Before you consider any legal action, you should speak to an employer about the situation to first see if there is any way to resolve. Most companies want to avoid legal conflicts: it looks bad for their business and it’s incredibly expensive. Bringing your claim to court will ultimately be costly to you as well, so addressing your situation with the employer will confirm whether you have a case or not. It will determine whether you were being mistreated or whether there was a discrepancy or misunderstanding within the relationship that can be fixed. Before speaking to your employer, make sure to have completed step one. The more you know about your own laws, the more confident you will be when presenting your argument. Manipulative employers will have a more difficult time swindling you if you reinforce yourself with fact. Prepare solutions to suggest and ensure that your employer leaves the meeting with the intent to resolve. Never become overly emotional, as anything you say can come back to haunt you later. Instead, speak firmly and privately to allow for the best environment for a positive resolution. Of course, not all situations with employers lend themselves to a formal discussion. If you feel that your employer is putting you in danger or has created an unsafe situation, then disregard this step and jump to the next. Write Down Your Story: Write down a report of your situation as soon as possible with key events and a timeline to reinforce your story and keep details fresh in mind. This will help you later when it’s time to defend yourself and combat discrepancies. Gather evidence to support your stories such as office documents, emails, texts, or employee handbooks. When to Consider Legal Action: If you’ve realized you have an effective case, have not come to a solution to with your employer, and feel as if you have enough evidence to support your claim, should you still follow through with legal action? Here are a few specific things to consider before making such a drastic step. Have Results in Mind: It’s important to not treat workplace mistreatment as an opportunity to receive justice. You need to walk away with more than just pride – you need compensation. What would you like your employer to offer you that they have not? What are they withholding from you that you would like the justice system to grant you? Remember Legal Costs: The prosecution is an expensive and time-consuming effort. You might not see results for years, and depending on your long-term financial situation you might not be able to afford legal fees. Is the outcome of your dilemma going to cover the cost of an attorney? Is Your Case Strong Enough for Court? What you might consider is a strong argument against your employer, in reality, might be dependent on circumstantial evidence. It’s important to consult with a professional. Trusted sources like a New York OSHA Complaints Attorney or another professional legal team will determine whether you have a case and help you decide if you should move forward with your claim. Before you decide to follow through, remember that emotional resentment against an employer is not as powerful as evidence. Consider your goals, re-evaluate your evidence, and consult with an attorney before filing a claim. Read Also: I’m Being Overworked By My Employer – What Should I Do? Hiring Work Place Injury Lawyers In Australia: – Things To Know

Auto Accident Compensations

How Are Auto Accident Compensations Calculated? – 5 Things To Note

Auto accident cases are disastrous in nature. You never know what types of compensation you have to bear. Auto accident compensations can make your life easier once you know the exact amount you can claim from the other party due to whom you are suffering. Proper planning can help you to achieve your goals appropriately. Here you need to make sure that you do not make the wrong calculation as it is a matter of your survival, and this compensation amount can save your life. On What Factors Auto Accident Cases Calculations Are Conducted?    There are several factors depending on which auto accident compensations are calculated. First, ensure that you do not make the wrong calculation of compensation for auto accident cases.    1. Medical Expenses    The medical expenses resulting from the accident are one of the significant factors of calculation that you need to make for your auto accident compensation case. Here there are several factors of calculations you need to take care of while calculating the medical expenses of your auto accident cases:-   What is the cost of your treatment? What amount of money do you have to invest for your surgeries? Doctors visit costs. Ambulance ride expenses after the accident. Daily costs involved in your medical treatment after the accident. These are some of the core issues you need to avoid your car accident cases. In addition, it will help you to meet the medical-related costs in the best possible ways. If you are not confident enough with your calculation, seek help from an attorney. How can an attorney help you? Click here to learn more. 2. Lost Wages   The amount of money you lose is another issue you need to take care of while calculating lost wages for your auto accident compensation. In case of the lost wages, there are series of calculations you need to make for meeting the need of your auto accident wages:-      Unpaid leaves from work. Loss of incentives. Bonuses. Loss of family income. Take care of all these factors while calculating the compensation money for your auto car accident claim. 3. Suffering & Pain Pain and suffering are the common causes of auto car accident cases. Some pain and suffering are temporary, while others are permanent. The pain that lasts longer has a long-term impact on your body. For this, you may have to invest money later. In addition, you must calculate the future medical bills that you will suffer from the auto car accident. It also forms a part of your auto car accident claim. It is one of the most difficult types of damage that one must calculate while you suffer from severe pain and suffering. Proper planning here holds the key to help you in getting rid of this situation as quickly as possible. 4. Amount Of Emotional Distress    Emotional damages and mental trauma are very severe in car accident injuries that you cannot avoid. Seeking treatment of licensed mental health professionals can work well in your favor. In addition, documentation of the car accident damage can make your calculation accurate. If you have documented the extent of mental trauma and emotional distress you suffered from the auto car accident. In that case, it can also come under the purview of the car accident injuries calculation. 5. Chances Of Property Damages    You can also calculate the property damage caused due to the car accident. The fair market value of your car is also totaled depending on which you can make your calculation.   You have the right to claim the damage of the property that has caused havoc in your life. However, you have to make your choices depending on some rational parameters that are accepted in the eyes of the law. Auto Accident Cases Calculations Requirements Whenever you have faced auto car accident cases, you must consider the mentioned factors to make your calculations perfect. You must not make your choices in the wrong way. Proper planning holds the key that can make things possible in your favor. Read Also:  Personal Injury Attorneys Denver Why Do Businesses Need Lawyer's Advice? 5 Types of Damages You Can Claim After a Car Accident