When Counseling Doesn’t Work: Finding an Indianapolis Divorce Attorney

Published on: 02 September 2021 Last Updated on: 10 January 2025
Divorce Attorney

Finding a good divorce attorney in Indianapolis starts with knowing whether the person across the table from you is the best person for the job. The right lawyer can help turn an emotionally tumultuous time into something much more bearable and understandable, all while doing their best to ethically help you reach your desired outcome for the case.

When counseling doesn’t work and you both feel that a relationship has run its course, you need to start looking into legal representation for your divorce proceedings. Needless to say, this can be a difficult and emotional time, so it’s best to have a lawyer whom you feel is in your corner and capable of fighting for you in whatever way the case and your spouse’s demeanor require.

Here are the answers to come commonly asked questions regarding divorce attorneys.

What Type of Attorney Do I Need?

What Type of Attorney Do I Need?

Different areas of law have different skillsets associated with them. There are also at times different regulations and specifics that a lawyer will need to know well to practice ethically and to the best of their ability to help you reach your desired outcome. For these reasons, you’ll want to choose a lawyer who is well versed in practicing family law in your county. Divorce can sometimes be a complex process, even without the emotional burden it can bring, so it’s good practice to have a lawyer who both knows the ins and outs of family law and is familiar with your local courts and judges.

How Do I Find a Good Attorney?

The first step when it comes to finding a good divorce attorney is to ask those closest to you, especially if they’ve been through the divorce process in the area before. The exception to this rule is when the person giving you advice doesn’t actually know the lawyer in question, or only knows them in passing.

It’s best to take recommendations from people who have worked with the lawyer in a professional capacity beforehand and can confidently recommend them based on direct experience with how their case was handled.

Once you’ve collected recommendations you feel good about, you can narrow your focus a bit to just those lawyers who focus on family law. While lawyers may practice in other areas of law, ‘doing it all can often be a red flag. Make sure that whomever you decide to interview knows family law well enough that you would be comfortable having them represent you during this difficult time.

Know your strategy. Some divorces call for a more aggressive strategy than others, and it’s important to find a lawyer who is well-suited to the work before you commit to working with them. If at any point you’re uncomfortable with the tactic being taken, you’re within your rights to speak up.

A good divorce lawyer will be able to work out which track — mediation, traditional litigation, or alternative dispute resolution — will be best for your case, and adopt a strategy that will help move you toward the outcome you desire.

It’s also important to talk through the tough issues with your lawyer, such as if you or your spouse owns a business, if anyone inherited property, if you were living together before the marriage, etc. A good divorce attorney will be absolutely worthy for you as he should never avoid these more difficult topics, but instead, work to talk them through peacefully and untangle any legal knots that may be forming.

Finally, it’s a good idea to interview more than one potential attorney. This way, you’ll get to see different approaches to your case and can choose the one which is best suited for you from a place of knowledge.

This will also let you get to know other lawyers’ personalities and help you choose the person you can most effectively communicate with. Any lawyer you meet with should be willing to give you the time you need to make an informed decision about them and their services.

Can I And My Spouse Share an Attorney?

Can I And My Spouse Share an Attorney?

The short answer is no. Even if one lawyer is contracted to draw up paperwork for both parties, they are still legally representing only one spouse.

It’s unethical for a lawyer to represent both parties in a divorce as both spouse’s goals run counter to each other and a lawyer cannot ethically give good legal advice to both parties when their goals are at odds with one another. If your spouse is having the paperwork drawn up, it’s best for you to start researching divorce attorneys in your area and seeing who you feel good about working with.

In Conclusion

Whomever you choose to work with for your unique case, it’s important to set yourself up with a professional firm that can provide you with excellent legal representation. Your unique case and personality, as well as your spouse’s demeanor in the divorce, are all factors that will have to be intellectually weighed in order for a good divorce attorney to come up with a competent strategy and smooth things over peacefully whenever possible.

It can take some time to find a divorce attorney who will be a good fit for your case and personality. For this reason, it’s best to start looking for representation as early in the process as you can, to give yourself enough time to find an attorney who will be a good match for you. You deserve solid, experienced legal representation from a divorce attorney who understands your case and situation.

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personal injury lawsuits

Road Accidents And Personal Injury Lawsuits: How To Fight For Compensation

Are you someone that has suffered physical and mental injuries in a road accident because of someone’s fault? Do you know how you can claim financial compensation if you are involved in a car, motorcycle, or cycling accident? Have you spoken to leading personal injury lawyers that can help you file a lawsuit and win settlements? If you have been thinking of filing a personal injury lawsuit after your accident, you are not alone. If data is to be believed, there are more than 1.5 million personal injury lawsuits that are filed every year. These lawsuits help aggrieved victims pay for their medical bills, compensate for lost wages, and get their life back on track. However, filing a personal injury lawsuit in a road accident is not easy. This is because you have to do a lot of things like- Proving fault of someone else, which may be another vehicle owner. Fighting against the insurance company of the perpetrator of the accident. Gathering evidence to build your personal injury lawsuit. Negotiating for the Settlement amount with the lawyer of the perpetrator. Seeking medical attention for your injury and rehabilitation. In this article, we are going to walk you through the processes of filing a successful personal injury lawsuit and claiming compensation. Proving Fault In A Personal Injury Lawsuit: What You Need To Know In order to strengthen your compensation claim, you need to prove that the perpetrator of the accident was at fault. In other words, you need to back up your claim with evidence suggesting that the other person was careless, ignorant, or negligent. This is not easy. Legal experts from a law firm like JTL suggest that proving fault means establishing that- You have definitely suffered losses because of the actions of someone else. The other person could have avoided the accident by taking certain steps. Their inaction has led to the accident and the subsequent injury suffered. For legal experts, all this comes down to one crucial element- Evidence. They state that evidence collected from the scene of the crime can help in proving that the other party’s action has led to your loss and suffering. The best law firms and legal experts work with independent investigators that can help track evidence and present them. Once you have definite evidence during the stage of settlement negotiation, it is very difficult for someone to deny the same. This will ensure you get adequate compensation for your personal injury lawsuit. Hiring The Best Personal Injury Lawyer To Fight Your Lawsuit If you have been carefully reading the content, you will realize that getting compensation in a personal injury lawsuit is not easy. This is why most experts recommend that you have the best chance at compensation only if you are able to get the best legal minds to help you. According to the best Michigan personal injury lawyer, everything from the experience of the legal expert to their fees matters. There are tons of personal injury lawyers that will claim to get you results. However, that is not true. Success depends on you finding the best and most experienced personal injury lawyers that have a proven track record for success. Choosing a great personal injury lawyer is part luck and part hard work. To help you make your selection, we have listed down three crucial aspects that you should consider while making the selection- 1. Experience And Credentials Of The Lawyer The first and foremost area you should look at is the kind of experience the lawyer has. This experience needs to be relevant to your case. For example, you need someone with vast experience in road accident cases and winning compensations. Following this, you can check their success rate, the amount of compensation won, and networking skills. 2. Go For A Lawyer Attached With A Law Firm It is always a better idea to work with a lawyer in a law firm, the explanation for the same is straightforward. A law firm has more resources than an individual lawyer has. For example, they have a team of personal investigators, paralegals, and senior lawyers. All these resources combine their expertise to help you get a winning shot at your personal injury lawsuit. 3. Flexible Payment Schedule And Legal Fees As an individual who has suffered serious accidents and is trying to pay medical bills, you do not want your lawyer to keep demanding payments. This is why you need to ensure that you have already spoken about it with them. Many of the best lawyers opt for flexible payment terms that extend to winning the compensation and then getting payments. The Final Word Getting the right personal injury lawyer is an integral part of winning a lawsuit. By paying attention o all the above factors, you can ensure that you have complete knowledge of how to file personal injury lawsuits and claim compensation. If you have any other questions, you would like us to address, let us know in the comments section below. We will be more than happy to let our experts at JTL Legal Group help you out with all your queries. Read Also:  How Many Jobs Are Available In Real Estate Investment Trusts? How to Download Game Of Thrones Putlocker Online for Free?

automobile accident

Expert Advice: 5 Crucial Things to Do Immediately after an Automobile Accident

You’re hurrying to the grocery store after picking up your child from school. You still have a million things to do when you get home. Thinking about it has gotten you in such a rush that you don’t notice another car come out in front of you. Your car practically spins off the road, leaving you dazed and confused. Car accidents are a traumatic experience, and when they happen, it’s important that you act quickly to handle the situation and file a claim to try and get a replacement car. Keep reading for the complete process of what to do after an automobile accident. 1. Make Sure Everyone Is Okay: As soon as the accident has happened and you've gotten a chance to gather yourself, you should pull your car off to the side of the road. Put your hazards on and get out to see if everyone involved is okay. If anyone is showing any symptoms, even something as small as dizziness, you need to call 911 and get them medical attention. 2. Call the Police:  Next, you need to get the police to come to the scene and make a report. Even if the accident is a minor one, a detailed report can help you with a car accident lawyer later. Answer all of the police's questions without pointing fingers at yourself or the other party. Let the police decide who was at fault. 3. Get a Little Info: When you're dealing with your insurance company or a lawyer later, you'll have to give them a little bit of info or they won't be able to help you with your claim. This will include: License plate numbers Makes and models of all the vehicles involved Location of the accident Contact information from any witnesses Insurance information The badge numbers of any police officer that comes to the scene Driver and passenger names On top of getting a little info, it helps for you to take a few pictures to document the scene. 4. Document the Scene: When you're about to file a claim, most insurance companies will request that you have photographic evidence that the accident in question took place. If you have your smartphone handy, you can snap a few pictures of both cars. 5. File an Insurance Claim: As soon as you get home after the accident takes place, you need to file your claim. Take out your insurance card and call the number on the back of it. The person on the phone will talk you through the rest. Get Expert Advice on How to Handle an Automobile Accident: Getting into an automobile accident is a scary process. You may not think to do all of these steps as soon as it happens, but it's necessary if you want to file a claim. Use these tips so you can act quickly and get yourself into a new vehicle. Was the car accident not your fault? Go here to find out if you would still need a lawyer. Read Also: How To Find Best Car Accident Lawyer Near You Learn How Personal Injury Claims Are Resolved In 5 Steps Along For The Ride: Passenger Rights In-Vehicle Accidents What To Do When You’re Involved In A Car Accident In Albany What If Multiple People Are To Be Blamed For Your Injury? 7 Approaches To Adopt To Find The Best Solution After A Cycling Accident Dos And Don’ts When You’re Involved In A Motorcycle Accident In Syracuse NY

food critic

When Restaurants Fight Back: A Diner’s Failed Attempt to Sue a Food Critic for Defamation

Restaurant reviews can make or break your business. A positive review of your restaurant can keep your cash counter busy and tables filled with loud and happy customers. But, a negative review does the complete opposite, leaving hardly any cash to collect and fewer tables to clean.  Food critics hold power, and restaurants know it. Some establishments accept criticism and learn from it. Others take a more aggressive approach that can backfire badly. This is what happened to a well-known diner when they decided to fight back against a food critic. The results were not what they expected. The Case of Il Giardino A Vancouver-based Italian restaurant, Il Giardino, was a local favorite. It’s known for its classic pasta dishes and cozy atmosphere. But in 2011, the restaurant’s reputation was challenged. The trouble began when a respected food critic, Colin Thomas, wrote a review that painted the restaurant in a negative light. He described the food as bland, overpriced, and lacking the warmth it once had. The owners of Il Giardino were furious. They felt that Thomas’ words were not just harsh but unfair and damaging. They believed his review crossed the line and hurt their business. So, they decided to take legal action and sue him for defamation. The Lawsuit That Backfired This lawsuit was something new and big news indeed. It’s not every day that you get to see a restaurant sue a critic. Many people were curious about how it would turn out. The owners argued that the review was defamatory and claimed it had caused them to lose customers and money. But fighting a food critic in court is tricky. Critics are protected under free speech laws. The court decided that Thomas’ review was an opinion, not a statement of fact. It didn’t meet the standard for defamation. The case was dismissed. Instead of fixing their problem, Il Giardino made it worse. The lawsuit brought more attention to the bad review. News outlets covered the story, and people talked about it on social media. What might have been forgotten in a week was now in the spotlight for months. The restaurant's online reputation suffered more than it did from the original review. Why Suing Critics Is Risky When a restaurant fights back, it backfires on them. And it’s not really a smart move to sue a food critic. Here’s why – 1. Freedom of Speech Critics have the right to share their opinions. If a review is based on an experience and doesn’t include false claims, it is protected as free speech. Courts are careful about setting a precedent that could limit this freedom. 2. The Streisand Effect Trying to silence a critic can lead to more attention. This is known as the Streisand Effect, named after Barbra Streisand, who tried to hide photos of her home but ended up drawing more attention to them. The same happened to Il Giardino. Their attempt to stop the review only made it more popular. 3. Public Backlash People don’t like it when businesses try to suppress opinions. It can make a restaurant look like it can’t handle criticism or is trying to bully a writer. This can lead to backlash and damage a brand’s reputation. Lessons Learned from the McDonald’s Case Even major brands like McDonald’s have faced backlash for going after critics. In 1990, McDonald’s sued two environmental activists in the UK for distributing pamphlets that accused the company of poor practices. The case became known as the "McLibel" trial and lasted ten years. The outcome? A PR disaster for McDonald’s. The activists couldn’t pay damages, but they won public support. McDonald’s spent millions on legal fees and looked like the villain. The company’s reputation took a hit, showing that even large corporations can face consequences when they overreact to criticism. How to Handle Criticism as a Restaurant? It’s not uncommon these days for a brand to get backlash from critics or customers. But how they handle it makes all the difference. Some of the tactics below work really well to handle criticism: 1. Respond Calmly and Professionally A calm response can go a long way. Thank the critic for their feedback and mention any changes you plan to make. This shows that the restaurant values customer opinions and is willing to improve. 2. Focus on Positive Reviews A bad review hurts, but it doesn’t define a restaurant. Focus on encouraging happy customers to leave positive reviews. A mix of reviews shows that a restaurant is real and popular. According to BrightLocal, 87% of consumers read online reviews for local businesses. A few negative reviews won’t hurt as much if there are plenty of positive ones. 3. Improve Feedback Sometimes, criticism has truth in it. Look at what the critic pointed out and see if there are ways to improve. This can help turn a negative into a positive. It shows customers that the restaurant listens and evolves. 4. Invest in Online Reputation Management If a bad review is causing ongoing issues, using an online reputation management service can help. These services can guide a restaurant on how to boost its online image and deal with negative press. Recommendations for Restaurant Owners Before your business has to handle something as harsh, it’s better to build some ground rules that keep your business away from such events.  Think Before Reacting It’s natural to feel upset after reading a harsh review, but it’s important to think before acting. Responding to anger or taking legal action can lead to bigger problems. Provide Exceptional Customer Service The foundation for a good business reputation starts with a business capability of delivering class-A customer service. So, start by training your team. Warm and attentive staff attract more customers and build a good impression about your restaurant among clients. With open communication, your staff will take the business extra mile and exceed customer expectations.  Communicate with Your Team Make sure your team knows how to handle criticism. Training staff to respond professionally and with empathy can keep the restaurant’s image strong. Don’t Compromise in the Food Quality If the raw materials start to cost more, your customers may understand if the price goes high by a little. But, lowering food quality to adjust food prices can do damage to your restaurant in the long run. Always use fresh and high-quality ingredients to make food. Consistency in the quality of your food is the key to how you will succeed. Stay Engaged with Customers Interact with customers on review sites and social media. Show that you care about their experiences, good or bad. This connection can build loyalty and encourage repeat visits. The Takeaway Il Giardino’s attempt to sue a food critic for defamation is a reminder that fighting criticism can often make things worse. Publicly challenging a review can lead to more attention, public backlash, and damage to a business’s reputation. Instead, restaurants should focus on learning from criticism and responding professionally. Encouraging positive feedback and engaging with customers can help maintain a strong image. And when extra help is needed, an online reputation management service can provide the right support. In the end, handling criticism with grace and using it as a tool for improvement will benefit a restaurant far more than a court case ever could. Read Also: Navigating The Maze Of Compensation Claims: Everything You Need To Know When Do You Need A Personal Injury Lawyer: A Guide For Accident Victims Do I Need A Lawyer For Probation Violations?