How To Save Money On Your Air Conditioning Costs This Summer


13 September 2020

Home Improvement

Air Conditioning Costs

For most people, summer is the most joyful of all seasons. There’s something precious about those warm evenings, whole days spent swimming, and enjoying the great outdoors. Unfortunately, summer’s not all sunshine and flowers.

As a lot of homeowners know, during the summertime our bill tends to spike as our air conditioning costs keep piling up. But what if you could cut those costs by as much as half. In a lot of cases, high AC costs are the result of improper maintenance and malfunctioning AC systems. The experts at Howell’s were kind enough to share a few useful tips that can help you save this cooling season.

Look For Leaks In The Ducts

If your cooling bills unexpectedly start to spike, there could be a technical issue behind it. Central AC systems use ductwork to deliver any cooled air throughout your home. However, as they age ducts become more susceptible to tears and fissures. This not only makes the AC less efficient but demands more power to keep the required temperature levels in your home. This is usually the main reason behind increased energy bills. If you haven’t inspected your ductwork in a while and are paying more than usual, have a professional determine whether leaks in the ductwork are to blame.

Replace Your Air Filter

One of the things homeowners are most likely to forget about is the air filters in their AC systems. When is the last time you replaced or at least cleaned your filter? If your answer is “I don’t remember” now is the right time to do so. A clogged filter may make your air conditioner less effective as it struggles to push the cooled air through the filter. This will likely result in an increased energy bill, but poor air quality as well.

If you want to keep your energy bill low, make a habit of replacing your air filter at least once every two months. If you are not sure how to do this, you can always hire a professional.

Have A Professional Tune-Up

Another often neglected part of owning an AC system is having regular inspections and tune-ups. With a professional tune-up at least twice a year you can be sure your AC will be up to standards and working properly. This way you won’t spend a cent more than you need to in order to enjoy the comfort in your home.

A tune-up entails a professional testing every component of the system to make sure everything is working in harmony. If any part of the AC system is malfunctioning, professionals can detect this early and prevent expensive repairs down the line. Finally, they will clean the entire system, replace the filters, and offer valuable advice on proper AC maintenance.

Having your AC system running at optimal conditions is perhaps the best way to ensure that you don’t end up spending more money on it than necessary. As the old adage goes, sometimes you gotta spend money to make money; well, in this case, save money.

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Your Home

Top Useful Tips On How To Make Your Home Allergy-Free

Many people suffer from dust, pet dander, pollen, mold, and other allergy-causing substances. These allergens can be found throughout your entire home, including the air you breathe, the floors you walk on, and the drapes you open. Sadly, allergy-causing substances are unavoidable, but you can do something about the severity of your allergies. We’re here to help you find the top tips that will make your home more allergy-free. Hide-and-seek: hidden allergens in your home Allergens are everywhere! They live in our bed, clothes, carpet, and walls. The air we breathe can contain allergens, and staying indoors can make the problem worse. Even if you avoid allergens, you may be exposed to them in other people's homes or places you visit. It's true that the highest concentrations of allergens are in your home, but they can also be found in restaurants, grocery stores, and many other places you visit. Now that you know where allergens are hiding, it's time to figure out how to get rid of them. While getting rid of all allergens in your life can be next to impossible, there are some things you can do to keep your home clean, reduce allergens in your life, and keep yourself healthy. Why are allergens dangerous? Allergens are small particles in the air that cause people to produce an immune system response. People with allergies will react to these particles and release histamines, which cause the body to work harder and release more of the allergy molecules. This can cause asthma attacks and other autoimmune problems. On top of that, they can cause rashes and just be difficult to live with. Allergens are especially bad for people with asthma, and other respiratory problems, but they can also trigger sneezing, coughing, or itchy eyes. The best way to rid your home of allergens is to remove them, by regular home cleaning and using allergy-friendly products. How to reduce allergens in your home? Did you know that keeping your home clean can help eliminate allergens? There are plenty of easy ways to keep everything clean without any hassles or extra work! If you're looking for ways to reduce allergens from your home, check out the following tips. Wash your bedding, curtains, and comforters frequently in hot water. Limit the number of carpets, rugs, and other floor coverings. If you can’t remove them, wash them often. Vacuum often. Wash your floors with a mop and hot water. Leave your shoes at the door. Dust frequently. Remove clutter. Use a HEPA air cleaner. Choose allergy-friendly houseplants. Use safe cleaning products, especially hypoallergenic laundry detergents. As you see, there are many steps you can take to reduce allergens in your home. By implementing a few of these tips, your home will be a safe, healthy environment for you and your family. Read Also: Vancouver House Cleaning Services with Local Home Cleaners Near You Cleaning Your Home with Pets – The Most Common Problems

Clean Blocked Drains

7 Ways to Clean Blocked Drains in Your Home

The drains in your home really do take a lot of abuse. Not only are things sometimes accidentally flushed down toilets and drains, but they also naturally collect all of the dust, hair, and whatever else is in the air. Over time, your pipes are bound to get clogged at some point.Clean Blocked Drains cxan make things work for you in all the aspects. Of course, a plumber can clear out a clog in a snap. But, here are seven things that you can try on your own first without using harsh chemicals which could harm your pipes. 7 Ways to Clean Blocked Drains in Your Home: 1. Find the clog: It might not be that deep. In a toilet, it's generally somewhere in the base. And, in sinks, it's often in the trap underneath it where hair and other debris will settle. There are a few different tools that you can use to attack the clog from the outside of the drain. Trap cleaner: You can find one at your local hardware store. It's usually made of plastic and is about the length of your arm. It has ridges along the sides and is designed to fit inside of your drain. You can use it to fish out anything that might be clogging the trap. Drain snake: It's the same idea as the trap cleaner, only it's longer and has a hose that rolls up, so it can get to clogs that may be deeper inside of the drains. Wire coat hanger: In a pinch? Just grab a wire coat hanger, unwind it, fashion it into a long hook, and use it to clear the trap. 2. Use a plunger: It's a basic home necessity for toilets. And, it can also be used for sinks. All you need is a solid suction and you may get the same results on a sink drain that you would with a toilet. In a sink, it might help to have a little standing water while you are plunging. 3. Dish Detergent: You can use it in toilets and sink drains. Pour it straight down the drain or into the toilet, about a quarter of a cup. The detergent will settle on the clog, and start to break it down. Let it sit for a few hours, run some hot water, and try plunging. The soap is sometimes strong enough to break up the clog. 4. Boiling Water: This would be more effective for a sink drain. Pouring boiling water directly down the drain could break up the clog. You could add boiling water, wait a few minutes, try plunging, and repeat the process a couple of times, if necessary. Just make sure the water isn't still boiling while you are plunging to protect yourself from any scalding. 5. Use a wet/dry vac: Wet/dry vacs are great for many purposes, including clearing clogs in your drain. If the clog isn't too deep, you can use it to either pull the clog out or push it down the drain. It's a good idea to try to pull it out first to remove the clog from your plumbing system. But, sometimes pushing it will also clear the clog and allow it to drain. 6. Clean the trap: If you are dealing with a clogged sink, you can usually access the trap underneath the drain. Most likely, that's where the clog will be. If you're handy with home repairs, here's a quick how-to. You'll need a plumber's wrench. Have a bucket underneath to catch the water. Unscrew the fittings on the top and bottom of the trap. Remove the trap and clean it out. An old toothbrush is perfect. Clean out the surrounding pipes. Put it back together. A plumbing company such as Red Dog knows all about unblocking drains so if you are not confident taking apart the pipes in the drain, it may be worth hiring a professional. 7. DIY Clog-removing Recipes: You may actually have a few things in your pantry that can be used to clear up clogged drains. Here a few different ideas that you can try before calling a plumber. Mix salt and baking soda: Combine equal parts of salt and baking soda, maybe a half-cup of each. Pour it directly into the clogged drain, and let it sit for a few minutes. The salt and baking soda will settle on the clog and start to eat away at parts of it. Then, pour boiling water down the drain. If there is standing water in the sink, you can also include plunging the drain in the process to get things moving around. Combine baking soda and vinegar: Mix together equal parts of white vinegar and baking soda, maybe a half-cup of each. Stand over the sink when you mix them. The reaction of the two substances will result in an almost immediate fizz. Pour everything down the drain. This one is best to let sit for a few hours or overnight. Afterward, try rinsing the drain with hot water. Sodium Hydroxide: More commonly known as caustic soda, you can find it at your local hardware store if you don't already have it on hand. You will mix 3 cups of soda with about a gallon of water. The mixture will get warmer and begin to fizz. Pour all of it directly into the drain. Wait for a half-hour or so, and pour boiling water down the drain. If it seems a little better, but still draining slowly, you can repeat the process. Unfortunately, some clogs are either too deep or too intense for any of these home remedies. If you've tried everything, and you just can't seem to get that clog cleared on your own, give Brisbane Drain Cleaning by Conrad Martens a call today. Our team of dedicated service professionals will quickly assess your individual circumstances and easily get your drains cleared. Let us show you have we've built our reputation of providing dependable service focused on quality of workmanship to the entire Brisbane area since 1982. Read Also: 8 Plumbing Myths Busted 3 Reasons Why Business Organizations Need To Get The Drains Cleaned Regularly


Best Practices That Extend The Life Of Your Appliances

Replacing your home appliances might not be an appealing endeavor because it carries a hefty price tag. When your appliance has been experiencing frequent breakdowns, you know that unit replacement is the only option you have. There are factors that determine the longevity of your units such as the brand, type, and age. Home appliances can serve you for many decades. However, the manner you are using your home appliances can either shorten or lengthen their lifespan. Your air conditioner, for instance, needs regular servicing. An AC repair technician should inspect your unit to find out if there are underlying problems that can cause the unit to breakdown. As for other home appliances, giving them TLC should be the best practice to follow. Even simple practices can definitely make a huge difference in extending the lifespan of your appliances. Clean and unplug your appliances: The simple and yet most frequently forgotten practices are cleaning and unplugging your appliances when not in use. It is important for your appliances to be as clean as possible because dust, stains, and grease can negatively impact your appliances. Whether it is a food processor, oven, fridge or air conditioner, all of them needs regular cleaning. When you are finished using an appliance, do not forget to clean it right away. Cleaning your home appliances might have already slipped your mind but it is an important practice that can keep your appliances in tip top shape. Keep your washing machine at a matching level: All appliances have moving parts which are the ones that wear out first. Even your washing machine has these moving parts and they need to be well taken care of so they stay fully functional. Your washing machine can only get longer lifespan if you consider keeping it level. Check the surface of your washing machine using a spirit level. Be sure to adjust the legs so you can keep them at a matching level to prevent fewer breakdowns and to maximize the performance of your washing machine. Your washing machine's internal motor and drum will thank you for it. Avoid putting firm items your food processor: Your food processor allows you to blend ingredients and speed up food preparation. However, your food processor's lifespan can be shortened if you use it for cutting hard ingredients like nuts or coffee beans. These ingredients might blend but they can have a negative impact on the food processor's blades. Avoid blending them whole. You should cut them into smaller pieces before you put these ingredients in your food processor. Your food processor will continue to serve you if you use it the way it is intended. pre-wash dishes before Placing them in the dishwasher: You can save time when you use your dishwasher for washing dirty dishes. However, if you directly put your dishes in the dishwasher without pre-washing them, this practice can do serious damage to your appliance. Dishes with sticky food items need to be prewashed as the dishwasher might not be able to wash them off completely. Not only will you reduce wear but also ensure that your dishes are free from grease or oil. Scheduled maintenance: Regardless of your home appliance, maintenance is sure to prevent untimely repairs or replacement. While home appliances are expected to last for a decade or even more in some cases, your appliances will stop functioning as they should if you do not consider scheduling regular maintenance. The purpose of maintenance is to ensure that minor problems are properly addressed before they become severe. Problems with your appliances that are not immediately addressed can be the reason for considering replacement earlier than you expected. While DIY maintenance can save you money, there is no guarantee that you have thoroughly inspected all aspects of your home appliance. You still need to consider calling a professional to do the job. They have the tools, knowledge, and expertise to ensure that your appliances will be in working condition. You do not have to buy new appliances if you know how to take good care of the existing ones. By following these practices, you can be sure that your home appliances will make your life easier even in many years to come. Read Also: How Can Appliance Repair Services Help You Smart House Technology For Saving Energy 5 Easy Ways To Detect A Water Leak In Your Home 7 Smart Tips To Improve The Efficiency Of Your Refrigerator