Should I Search Google Or Type A Url? Know Your Answer

Published on: 20 June 2023 Last Updated on: 04 September 2024
search google or type a url

If you should search Google or type a URL, you have your answer right here! Search Google is one of the most widely used search tools if someone wants to find something online. Even so, there are other ways.

There is no good or bad way of doing this! However, depending on certain factors, there might be a preference. There are other search engines such as Yahoo!!, DuckDuckGo or Bing, apart from Google. Different ways include typing a URL and selecting a website from social media platforms.

Yet, the two most popular ways of visiting websites or looking for information are to type a URL (Uniform Resource Locator) or type in the Omnibox of Google. Keywords are another way in which information and websites can be searched.

At times, the URL of a website might be complex to remember; hence, to focus on specific content, you must search using the keywords or the name of the website on the Omnibox of Google.

Should I Search Google Or Type A Url? Know Your Answer!  

Should I Search Google Or Type A Url? Know Your Answer
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Omnibox is a search box that appears when you open a new page on the Google browser. It has the default words “search Google or type a URL,” guiding users to do either of the two to find a website. Once you search Google or type URL, you have to press Enter to see the direct outcome of the search.

There is also an option of searching through images on the right-hand side of the tab when opening a page of the Google browser. Users can also log in to their Gmail on this page, on the upper right-hand side of the browser.

A feature named Search Google or Type a URL is also present in the update of Chrome Canary. It is a leading-edge browser version and has been the most updated version of the domain. Navigating this site is similar to navigating Google.

What Is A Search Engine?  

What Is A Search Engine?  

A search engine is a program that allows typing search topics or words and identifies them to match particular criteria in the data. The items that match the search are then displayed on the browser. Yahoo, Bing, and Google are popular search engines used across the globe.

Yahoo comes second in popularity to Google, while Bing is someplace in the middle concerning the relevance of Yahoo and the accuracy of Google. The relevance of Yahoo search is far better than Google; however, the accuracy of Google cannot be matched by either of these.

Search engines like Google work based on the information that matches the database and the keywords or phrases typed on the search engine. Search google or enter an address works regarding the identification of the index. The algorithm has been created to display the websites that match relevance and are indexed.

Pros And Cons Of Using Google Search  

Pros And Cons Of Using Google Search

A Google Search is the easiest way to find information if you need to remember the URL address. Once all the relevant information and websites have been displayed, they can be sifted through by the users and accordingly accessed.

It can be time-consuming because, at times, the relevance ratio is much less than other websites. It leads to you going through 2 to 3 pages of the search results before you find what you are looking for.

Searching information or websites on Google using words or phrases is a common step for all of us; however, there are certain pros and cons to the practice based on the purpose of your search.

May not be relevant to the search input information overloadWith the paid search placements, results can be biasedMay not be relevant to the search input information overload with the paid search placements, results can be biased

What Is Typing An Url?  

What Is Typing An Url? 

Uniform Resource Locator or URL is like the exact address to locate a website; hence, it is identified as one of the pillars of the Internet. Along with URL, HTTP and hypertext are other pillars. It is through these sources that the browsers can retrieve all published pieces of information.

The link on the address bar of a website is the URL of the website and can be used to find the website directly. It is the ideal choice if you want the specific search result; however, remembering the URL can sometimes be difficult.

You can also use phrases or words that are present in the URL, which might display more closely relevant options. If it is an important website that users regularly visit, they can access it in the history or copy and paste it into a Word document or notes.

Pros And Cons Of Typing A Url To Search  

Pros And Cons Of Typing A Url To Search  

Quick access is the key advantage of typing a URL. Certain specific keywords can be used for the website, such as the name of the website. It is also time-saving, considering typing a correct URL will directly take you to the website.

A URL is a unique resource that represents a resource, and it is associated with the website, which must be managed effectively. Based on its uses, the pros and cons have been identified.

Direct access to the webpage or website with direct access, it can bypass the search resultsTime savingDirect access to the webpage or website with direct access, it can bypass the search results time saving

So What Is Better? Searching Google Or Typing A Url?  

So What Is Better Searching Google Or Typing A Url

The main difference between typing a URL or searching on Google is that keywords or phrases will access multiple resources while the search or type web address is specific. Typing a URL is only effective if you know the website’s address. However, if the search result is not exact, it will not give any productive results.

The choice depends on the users and their fluency when accessing a specific search option, whether through Google search or by typing a URL. It is also based on the purpose of the investigation. So, for example, if someone needs to find a specific website, typing a URL is better.

Search Google is a better option if a person wants to find information related to a specific topic or situation. There are also Google Autocomplete Predictions that are significant in further helping in the search.

Overall, the choice depends on the purpose and the user concerning what they are choosing.


Please read the article to learn more about your choice’s effectiveness in finding information or a website by searching Google or typing a URL. Additional information has also been provided regarding the pros and cons of the options.

Comment below about what you prefer when searching for something online and why.

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Sagnika Sinha is a content writer who is passionate about writing travel vlogs, entertainment and celebrity articles and literature-based pieces. With a 4 years experience in teaching, she loves reading books. A procrastinator by nature, she loves travelling, listening to music, planting and gardening.

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my activity google

Privacy In The Digital Age: Managing Your ‘My Activity’ On Google

In today's digital age, it's no secret that our online activities leave traces behind. Whether it's the websites we visit, the videos we watch, or the searches we make, all of this data is stored somewhere in the vast web of the internet. For those of us who rely on Google services, this information can be found in a place aptly named "My Activity." You might be wondering, what exactly is My Activity, and why should I care about it? Well, dear reader, let's embark on a journey to uncover the secrets of this digital treasure trove. Keep reading this blog till the end to learn more… What Is "My Activity" On Google? Google is like that trusty friend who helps you find answers to everything, from "How to make the perfect omelet" to "What's the weather like in Fiji right now?" But here's the deal, while Google is amazing at finding stuff for you, it also keeps a record of what you've been up to - enter "My Activity." So, what's "My Activity"? Well, it's like your digital diary, but instead of scribbles about your day, it stores the trail of your online adventures. Every time you fire up Google Search, binge-watch cute cat videos on YouTube, or ask Google Maps for directions to that secret taco joint, My Activity quietly takes notes. Now, before you start panicking and imagine a team of robots analyzing your life, hold on. My Activity isn't some covert operation aimed at spying on you. It's more like a friendly librarian who keeps track of the books you've borrowed. It helps Google serve you better, offering personalized recommendations, and it's there for you to manage, too. Balancing Act Balancing the convenience of personalized online experiences and safeguarding your privacy is crucial in the digital age. Embracing The Balance: Your Digital Tightrope Act Picture this: You've just finished watching a YouTube video about cooking a mouthwatering lasagna. Now, as you scroll through your social media feed, you notice an ad for a cookbook filled with Italian recipes. Coincidence? Not really. It's the magic of personalization at work, and it's all thanks to the data collected through your online activities. But wait, didn't we just talk about privacy concerns and managing your digital footprint? Yes, we did. And that's where the concept of "Embracing the Balance" comes into play. Convenience Vs. Privacy On one side of the scale, you've got convenience. Personalized recommendations, tailored search results, and customized ads are all part of the online experience we've come to expect. They make our digital lives more efficient and enjoyable. Imagine if every time you searched for something, you had to sift through pages of irrelevant results. Or if YouTube showed you videos that had nothing to do with your interests. It would be like searching for a needle in a haystack, and frankly, no one has time for that. But here's the catch: all this personalization relies on the data you generate while using online services. Your searches, clicks, and views are the building blocks of your digital profile, and companies like Google use this data to fine-tune your online experience. On the other side of the scale is privacy. Concerns about data breaches, unauthorized access, and the potential misuse of personal information have never been more relevant. With every digital step you take, you leave a trace, and that trace is recorded in your My Activity. Finding The Middle Ground So, how do you strike the right balance between the convenience of personalization and safeguarding your privacy? It's a bit like walking a tightrope – you need to find that sweet spot. 1. Regular Check-Ins: The first step in this balancing act is awareness. Make it a habit to visit your My Activity dashboard regularly. It's like looking at your bank statement to keep track of your finances. By checking in, you become aware of what data is being collected. 2. Data Minimalism: Think of it this way: you wouldn't share every detail of your personal life with a stranger, right? Similarly, you don't have to let every online service track your every move. Be selective. Turn off tracking for services where it isn't crucial. 3. Use Incognito Mode: Think of Google's Incognito mode as your invisibility cloak. When you use it, your searches and browsing activity aren't saved to your My Activity. It's perfect for those times when you want to keep your online explorations private. 4. Secure Your Account: Protecting your online identity is vital. Use strong, unique passwords for your Google account and enable two-factor authentication. Regularly review your security settings to ensure your account is locked down. The Art Of Digital Balance Balancing between personalization and privacy isn't about sacrificing one for the other. It's about making informed choices. Just like you decide what to share with friends and what to keep to yourself in your offline life, you can do the same online. Remember, My Activity isn't your enemy; it's a tool that puts you in the driver's seat. You can review, delete, or adjust your data as you see fit. It's your digital diary, and you're the author. So, embrace the balance. Enjoy the perks of a personalized online world, but also take charge of your digital presence. Be aware, be selective, and be secure. In doing so, you'll find that navigating the digital tightrope becomes a breeze, and you can savor the best of both worlds – a convenient online experience with your privacy intact. Why Should You Care? Alright, you might be thinking, "My Activity, Google's got it covered, right? Why should I even bother?" Well, hold onto your digital hats, because there are some pretty good reasons why you should care about what's cooking in your My Activity pot. 1. Privacy Party: Imagine you're having a party at your place, and you've invited a bunch of friends over. You'd want to have some control over what's happening, right? Well, think of your online activities as that party. My Activity on Google is like the guest list; it shows you who's been invited (your clicks, searches, and wanderings). By knowing who's at your digital shindig, you can decide if you want to let them stay or politely ask them to leave. 2. Tailored To You: Ever noticed how your Netflix suggests shows that you actually want to watch, or Amazon knows exactly which kitchen gadget you've been eyeing? That's personalization at its finest! And Google's got a slice of that pie too. By keeping tabs on your My Activity, Google can offer you search results, ads, and recommendations that fit your interests like a glove. It's like having a personal shopper for the internet. But here's the catch – for this magic to work, Google needs to know a bit about you. 3. Be The Boss: Let's say you had a wild night out, and now you want to erase all evidence. In real life, you can't do much about those embarrassing photos your friend posted on social media. But in the digital realm, you're the boss. With My Activity, you can cherry-pick stuff you want to delete. That funny cat video you watched 27 times? Gone. That late-night search for "how to cook a perfect omelet"? Poof! You can even wipe the slate clean for an entire day if you want to keep things under wraps. It's your data, and you're in charge. 4. Security Sherlock: Your digital kingdom is precious, and you want to keep it safe, right? Your My Activity page on Google can help with that too. By keeping an eye on what's going on in your online world, you can spot any suspicious activity. Imagine seeing a search for "How to change my Google password" that you didn't do – that's a red flag! It's like having a digital Sherlock Holmes on your side, solving mysteries and keeping your online abode secure. So, there you have it. These are the reasons why you should give a hoot about your My Activity on Google. It's not just a digital diary; it's a tool that can empower you to take charge of your online presence, get the best of personalized internet experiences, and ensure your digital castle stays fortified. But remember, like with great power comes great responsibility. So, keep an eye on your My Activity, be mindful of what you share, and enjoy the perks of a personalized online world, all while keeping your digital secrets safe and sound. Cheers to navigating the digital maze like a pro! Read More: How To Play Google Thanos Snap In 2023? Navigating My Activity Alright, now that we've cracked open the treasure chest that is "My Activity" on Google, let's dive a bit deeper into how to navigate this virtual diary of your online adventures. Think of it as your secret journal, except it's filled with digital breadcrumbs of your Google-related activities. Just remember one thing— Google's My Activity isn't some Big Brother scheme to invade your privacy. It's a tool provided by Google to give you more control over your digital footprint. Whether you want to reminisce about that epic road trip you mapped out on Google Maps or keep your late-night Netflix binging on the down-low, My Activity Google has got your back. Accessing My Activity First things first, how do you even get to this magical land of data tracking? It's quite simple, really. Just make sure you're logged into your Google account, and then visit []( Voila! You're now in the control center for your digital tracks. Viewing Your Activity Once you're in, you'll be greeted with a chronological list of your recent online endeavors. This could include your Google searches, YouTube video views, places you've navigated to on Google Maps, and more. It's like a timeline of your digital life. But wait, there's more! If you want to zero in on a particular moment in time, you can filter your activities. Click on the search bar at the top, and you can search for specific keywords, dates, or even Google services. So, if you're trying to find that mouthwatering recipe you Googled a few weeks ago or the cute cat video you watched last night to brighten your day, this search feature will be your best buddy. Deleting Your Activity Alright, let's say you want to do a little digital spring cleaning. Maybe you've been binge-watching those embarrassing cat videos, and you'd rather keep that on the down-low. No worries, you're in control. To delete an individual item, click on the three dots next to it and select "Delete." Poof! It's gone. Nobody will ever know about your secret cat video obsession. But what if you want to erase your tracks from a particular day? Easy peasy. Click on the trash can icon at the top right corner of the screen, and you can choose to delete items from the past hour, day, week, or forever. Be careful with that last option, though – it's like wiping your entire digital slate clean. Adjusting Settings If you're more of a "preventative maintenance" type of person, you can adjust your settings to limit what Google tracks in the first place. Click on the "Activity controls" link on the left side of the screen, and you'll find a treasure trove of options. Here, you can toggle on or off various tracking features, such as "Web & App Activity" (which records your searches and interactions with websites and apps), "Location History" (which tracks your physical whereabouts), and "YouTube History" (which keeps tabs on your video-watching habits). Now, keep in mind that turning off these features might affect your personalized experiences. For instance, if you switch off "Web & App Activity," you might not get those handy search suggestions or tailored ads anymore. It's all about finding the right balance between privacy and personalization. The Final Word In the grand tapestry of the internet, My Activity is just one thread, but it's an important one. It's a reflection of our digital lives, a reminder that our actions online are not ephemeral, but rather, they leave a lasting imprint. So, the next time you find yourself in the depths of Google's My Activity, take a moment to reflect on your digital journey. It's a tool that empowers you to manage your online presence, customize your experiences, and ensure your privacy remains intact. In this digital age, where our online and offline lives are increasingly intertwined, understanding and managing our digital footprint is not just a matter of convenience; it's a responsibility we owe to ourselves and our online identities. So, navigate My Activity on Google with confidence, and embrace the power it gives you to shape your digital narrative. Read Also: Ads.Google.Home: Create Google Ads And How Everything You Need To Know About Google Play Refund Learn Everything About Google Verification Code Scams In 2023 Google Meet Code 101: Learn All About The Platform’s Meeting Code

pacman google maps

Pacman Google Maps – How To Play Pacman On Google Maps?

Pacman has been a big part of most of our childhood, and we cherish it with a naive heart. It was on May 21, 1980, when Pacman was released; the game came to the USA later in October. Pacman became insanely famous after it came out back in the day. People started to play it for hours and made it a cultural sensation. In Pacman, there is this yellow-colored Pie shaped Pacman who has to eat all the dots in a maze. But there are foes; four hunting ghosts are also there, and Pacman has to avoid them at all costs and eat the dots. If you can remember Pacman like me, then Google has good news that I want to share with you. You can play the Pacman google maps game on Google Maps. In this article, I will teach you how to play Pacman on google maps. Read More: 10 Google Pacman Doodle Facts What Is Pacman Google Maps Game? If you have played the original Pacman games, you won't have any trouble playing the one developed by Google. On May 21, 2010, Google introduced/ renovated the Pacman google to celebrate the game’s 30thy birthday. The Google map Pacman game is a tribute by google to the classic Pacman game. On April Fools Day, Google used Google Maps to pay tribute to the classic Pacman game. Google Doodler Ryan Germick and Marcin Wichary are responsible for making this cute game that you can play on Google. They have made sure to keep the same feel of the classic Pacman in this Google doodle game. They kept the same sound and graphics of the game and also brought back the individual personalities of each of the ghosts. You can press "Insert Coin" and start the game. For another easter egg, you can throw in an extra coin and bring in Ms Pacman to play Pacman with someone else. If you love playing zerg rush, you will also love to play Pacman. You can use your arrow keys, or you can play using the WASD Keys to play the Pacman google maps game. Another option is to use the mouse to control Pacman through the maze and eat the dots. How To Play Pacman Google Maps Game? You can play the Google doodle Pacman game and also play the google maps Pacman game. Here, I have listed the methods for playing both Google Doodle Pacman and google Maps Pacman. How To Play Google Doodle Pacman? First, you have to open the Google search box. Then, type Google Doodle Pacman on the search box. Click on the top search result to play Pacman on the Google Chrome browser. You can use the arrow keys on the keyboard or the WASD keys to play the game. How To Play Pacman On Google Maps? You might be wondering why is there a pacman on Google Maps. The answer is Google did it to commemorate the famous game. Here are the steps to playing Pacman on google map – First, you have to open Then, at the bottom, you will see two notifications. One is Google Earth, and the other one is Pacman. To play, you have to select a city of your choice and then start playing Pacman in that city. You can try options like Washington, DC, San Francisco, etc. All the locations on the map are rendered with 8-bit graphics. Pacman is a satisfying game to play if you have a lot of time on your hands. You can also play Google Atari, Google snake, Google Baseball, and other similar games. How To Remove Pacman From Google Maps? Unlike many of us, you may not like to play Pacman, and the icon on the Map may seem annoying to you. No matter what the case is, you can remove it from Google Maps using the below-mentioned steps – First, go to Settings. Then navigate to Maps. On the Maps, click on More on the Top Right. Now, click on Uninstall Updates to remove Pacman from Google Maps. Why Is Google Maps Pacman Famous Among People? Google Maps Pac-Man, a delightful and nostalgic Easter egg, has garnered fame and captured the hearts of users worldwide for several compelling reasons. 1. Nostalgia Google Maps Pac-Man taps into the collective nostalgia of millions who fondly remember playing the classic 1980s arcade game. This nostalgia-driven appeal instantly connects with a broad audience. 2. Engagement Google Maps Pac-Man transforms real-world maps into playable Pac-Man mazes. This novel concept encourages user engagement and interaction, making it an instant hit. People enjoy exploring familiar streets through a gaming lens. 3. Surprise and Delight Google often introduces quirky features and Easter eggs within its services. When Google Maps users stumbled upon the Pac-Man feature, it created a delightful surprise, generating buzz and excitement. 4. Social Sharing The feature's virality is fueled by users sharing their Pac-Man adventures on social media platforms. This user-generated content further amplifies the popularity, as friends and followers want to join the fun. 5. User-Centric Approach Google continuously focuses on enhancing user experience. The addition of Pac-Man not only entertains users but also highlights Google's commitment to creating a dynamic and enjoyable platform. 6. Global Appeal Pac-Man is a universally recognized character. Its global appeal ensures that people from various cultural backgrounds can relate to and enjoy this feature. 7. Timeless Entertainment Unlike some trends that fade quickly, Google Maps Pac-Man remains a timeless source of entertainment. Users can revisit and enjoy it whenever they please, maintaining its popularity over time. 8. Accessibility Google Maps Pac-Man is easily accessible. Users can simply open the app or website, providing an inclusive gaming experience to virtually anyone with an internet connection. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):- Now that we have told you how to play the Pacman Google Maps game, you can easily play it on google. However, If you have any further questions related to this game, the following questions and answers might help. 1. Can You Still Play Pac-Man On Google Maps 2023? Ans: Yes, it is possible to play Pac-man on google maps. I have checked if the game exists on google, and I was happy to see that it does. All you have to do is to go to Google search and look for the game. You will find it on the top page. 2. How Does Google Pac-Man Work? Ans: You can play the Pac-man game on google on your computer. You can play it with someone else. And you have to use the arrow keys or use the mouse to click inside the maze to play this game. It is one of the first-ever playable Google doodle games. 3. How Do I Control Pac-Man On Google? Ans: The basic controller for the google doodle Pacman game is by using the keyboard or the mouse. You can use the arrow keys on your keyboard to control Pacman, or you can use the WASD keys. Using the mouse is also an option. You just have to click inside the maze to direct Pacman in the right direction. 4. What Is The Highest Score On Google Pac-Man? Ans: The highest score in google doodle Pacman is 173,340. You are always welcome to try and break this record. 5. How Many Levels Are There In Pac-Man Google? Ans: Google doodle has created this easy-to-play game. You can play the Pacman game on google for 255 levels. The sounds and graphics of the game are amazing. The 255 levels make it a game that you can play nonstop and not get bored. Final Words! Google Maps Pac-Man's fame can be attributed to its nostalgic appeal, engagement factor, surprise element, social sharing, user-centric approach, global appeal, timeless entertainment, and accessibility. It has become an iconic example of how technology can blend fun and functionality, leaving a lasting impression on users worldwide. I hope reading this article will help you play this game with ease. If you had any trouble playing it or any other difficulties, you might ask questions in the comment. Read Also: How To Play Pacman 30th Anniversary? 10 of eSports Most Popular Video Games 8 Ways For Computer Games to be Educational Techniques

which kinds of hits does google analytics track

Which Kinds Of Hits Does Google Analytics Track?

Question: Which kinds of hits does Google Analytics track? Ecommerce-tracking hit Event-tracking hit Page-tracking hit All of the above Any of the interactions which are showing in the results are being sent to the Analytics. The frequent hit types include package tracking hits. From the event tracking to the E-commerce site hits every time when the user’s behaviours trigger tracking code, Google Analytics keeps tracking of every movement. Google Analytics keeps records of every movement. The common hit types all include page tracking to the event tracking hits along with the E-commerce hits. Each interaction is counted, packaged into the hit, and sent to the Google servers. Here are the four types of hits Google Analytics is tracking. 1. Page Tracking Hits 2. Event Tracking Hits 3. E-commerce Site Hit Tracking  4. Social Interaction Hits Now you know the last option is the answer of which kinds of hits does Google analytics track. Read through the end and know the hits, which are counted by Google Analytics. 4 Types Of Hits Google Analytics Is Tracking Image Source: Google Analytics is a platform which is collecting data from your website and applications. The target of Google Analytics tracking is to create a report and provide insights into your business. Page Tracking, Event Tracking, E-commerce Tracking Hits, along with the Social Interaction hits all are counted by Google Analytics. Now let’s see what the basic functions of these hits and how Google Analytics is interpreting them are. So let’s see why all of the above options are the correct answer for what types of hits does google analytics track. 1. Page Tracking Hits Image Source: You know, the page tracking hits comes as the first option for which kinds of hits does google analytics tracks. A hit impact is specific interactions between the users and the websites. These hits created when your placing tracking codes are triggered by the behaviours of the users.  The interaction data which you recorded and collected is going to count as a hit. The interaction data is recorded and counted as a hit. Then it is sent to Google Analytics. What are the page tracking hits counting on? Every time when the users view a page or the browser, the Google Analytics page tracking mechanism keeps tapping on that. No matter if you have been on the same page or not, page tracking hits always keep tapping on that. 2. Event Tracking Hits Image Source: The event tracking hits keep records of all sorts of interactions on the web pages when someone is clicking on the links or playing the video. First, you have to submit the forms and then download something on the web pages. The main purposes of the event tracking hits are to measure up the visitor engagements on your sites. Then track the outbound links and clicks of the other websites from your sites. You can also track PDF and other media downloads.  Also, you can measure up any of the interactions with the video content. You will get ideas about how the event tracking is performing by monitoring the single clicks. You can track every movement and observe a few of your digital event functions. Event tracking hits also count the last call-to-action parts of the contents. 3. E-commerce Tracking Hits Image Source: The E-commerce hits record every interaction which occurs on your eCommerce pages. When you are selling any items on your eCommerce site, you must know all about the eCommerce site’s functions. When a user is placing any older to the site, they often see other items as well as also.  That is a very valuable part. When you are tracking all actions, you will know which items are going to be in your customer’s next purchase. The E-commerce hits record every interaction of the e-commerce page, even which products they are keeping in their bucket before finalizing the purchase.  So you will get the ideas about which all these above options come under the answer of which kinds of hits does google analytics track. 4. Social Interaction Hits Image Source: The social interaction hits, and the social interactions are made on specific web pages. From sharing to linking, every type of user’s action is counted under Google analytics tracking. It measures every bit of the social media interactions that their individual users are making. From webpage sharing to social media sharing, everything is counted under the social interaction hits. From social media sharing to linking, every content interaction is measured under the social interactions hit. Usually, blog publishers create a very small button right beside the content. Here the viewers can see the content share and like options. When your viewers click on that, the one social interaction hits the mark. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): 1. What Are The 4 Main Types Of Reporting Which Google Analytics Does? Ans: You can use the data from Google analytics. This is the most helpful report that the content marketing covers traffic, navigation summary, and traffic from the organic search along with the conversion rates. 2. What Are The Five Best Categories Of Analytic Tools? Ans: At every different stage of business analytics, a huge amount of data proceeds, and it also depends on the requirements of the type of analysis. Here are five types of analytics parts available one is descriptive, prescriptive, and cognitive analytics. 3. When Does The Tracking Code Send An Event Hit To Google Analytics? Ans: Analytics tracks every individual code and then sends a hit to Google Analytics. Whenever a user is performing an action with the event, tracking is tracking the hits, then sending it to Google Analytics. Wrapping It Up: I think you already get the ideas about which kinds of hits does google analytics track and what types of information you are getting through. Google Analytics is a well-designed tool. Analyzing the Google analytics hit ratios, you can also see every kind of user’s movement. What is your opinion? Do not forget to share your opinion about google analytics through the comment sections. Read Also: 8 Social Media Tips for Your Business What Data Does Google Analytics Prohibit Collecting? What Feature Can Join Offline Business Systems Data With Online Data Collected By Google Analytics?