How Was Google In 1998? | Google 1998 Easter Eggs And More!  

Google In 1998

Are you searching for what Google in 1998 looked like? If your answer is a YES, then you have reached the right place.

There are several things and ways in which the Google search engine helps us. While most of us only think of it as the largest and the most used search engine online that helps us to solve our queries, there is yet another thing that Google provides to the users. And that is entertainment.

This can be with the help of the numerous games available, or with the help of f the hidden Easter eggs. And if the latter is something that you have been searching for, then you have reached your destination!

Keep reading this blog till the end to learn more about the same…

Google In 1998 

Google In 1998

The Google search engine was developed in September 1998 by two Stanford University Ph.D. candidates named Larry Page and Sergey Brin. Google was initially developed as a research project with the goal of employing an algorithm to locate relevant search results.

By examining relationships between individual webpages based on their cross-references, the algorithm—later known as PageRank—assessed the value of each one. The phrase googol, which denotes an extremely high number of 1 followed by 100 zeros (10100), is intentionally misspelled in the name Google.

Want to take a ride to the past? It is, in fact, possible with Google. More specifically. It is possible with the help of Google 1998.

Google developed this one to commemorate its 15th birthday. You can see what Google genuinely looked like in the beginning thanks to this particular Easter Egg. One of those elegant search engine result pages will appear if you type in “Google in 1998” or “Google 1998,” and it will look just like the webpage from December 1998.

What Is An Easter Egg In Google?  

What Is An Easter Egg In Google?

Google and the internet both have virtual Easter eggs. These hidden elements include pop-culture references and allusions, images, messages, and other things. They are prevalent in numerous video games, crossword puzzles, films, and websites.

Finding them is nothing less than a treat for curious users on the internet. Consider a moment when you stayed in the theater a little longer to watch the bonus deleted scenes or bloopers from your favorite film. The sensation is identical.

Google has recently integrated or incorporated them into many of its services, including Google Search and YouTube.

More On Google In 1998 Easter Egg!  

More On Google In 1998 Easter Egg

Google chose to provide a fun Easter egg depicting the site’s original design from 1998 to commemorate its 15th birthday. Simply enter “google in 1998” (without the quotations) into your search engine to see it for yourself. Unfortunately, using the 1998 Google Easter egg search engine won’t let you conduct a real search.

The website will change into the layout it had when the company was initially established if you type “Google in 1998” into the search bar. Don’t be alarmed if the old style and exclamation point remind you of Yahoo. Just below the search box, there is a large blue link that says, “take me back to present.” You can return to the current Google by clicking that.

Take note of the invitation Google sent users at the bottom to try their searches on other popular search engines of the time, including AltaVista, HotBot, Excite, Infoseek, and Lycos. You can access an archived version of the traditional search engines by clicking on those links.

It is fascinating to see how far the search engine has come from the 10 blue links to more dynamic search engines, enabling universal search items like images, video, and news, even though you can’t perform a search in the outdated version of Google.

Other Popular Easter Eggs  

Other Popular Easter Eggs

Now that you know almost everything that you needed to about google 1998 Easter egg, it is time for some other information! There are several popular Easter eggs that you can try to have fun with when it comes to Google. Over the years, Google has provided a tonne of Easter eggs to keep nerds like myself amused.

Some of these involved asking the search engine queries like “the answer to the most important question in life, the universe, and everything,” to which it responds “42,” or “define anagram,” to which it says “did you mean: nerd fame again.”

Other things you could do included asking Google to “do a barrel roll,” to which it would respond by rotating your screen continuously rather than by providing an answer. And this is not all! You can also play the famous PACMAN on Google simply by typing it in the search bar!

Here are some of the most popular Google Easter eggs that you need to know about in 2023:

1. Do A Barrel Roll  

This search term will cause the Easter Egg to startle you by performing a 360-degree flip. The funniest thing is that the results may even be displayed upside-down.

2. Google Gravity  

You will be amazed to witness how the entire result page on your screen just shatters into pieces as soon as you search for this Easter egg, leaving you with nothing but a blank screen. To make sure that they all return to their positions, you must drag each and every piece upward.

3. BLINK  

the flash One of Google’s most fun Easter eggs for consumers is HTML, despite the fact that it irritates some people. What occurs when Blink HTML is entered into the search box? On your SERP, certain words begin to blink.

4. Snake  

Remember the classic favorites you used to play endlessly as a kid, like Memory Game and Snake? Type “snake” or similar terms, such as “snake game,” and they will all display the game’s outcomes.

Wrapping It Up!  

In case you were searching for the answer to the appearance of Google in 1998, I hope that this article has been of help to you. If there are any other queries related to the same, feel free to let me know. All that you need to do is scroll down till you reach the bottom of the page. Then leave your comments and queries in the box below. And I will be there to answer them all for you as soon as possible!

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Ankita Tripathy loves to write about food and the Hallyu Wave in particular. During her free time, she enjoys looking at the sky or reading books while sipping a cup of hot coffee. Her favourite niches are food, music, lifestyle, travel, and Korean Pop music and drama.

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Google Getting into Phones

Google Getting into Phones – And It’s Changing The Mobile Internet

Ever since its incorporation on September 4, 1998 as a privately held company and later (2004) as a public company through an IPO, Google’s main focus has been, search and innovation. The innovation arm has seen tremendous growth thanks to its team of skilled developers. Based on the company’s projections, the innovation frontier has a high potential for opening up products which may point it to a new direction. Specifically, Google’s foray into phone technology, both hardware, and software, is likely to change the way we interact with our phones, our phone plans and the mobile internet. Recently, the company has made significant developments that may see it offering cheap phone plans, which is a real gamechanger in the telco market. Project Fi Wireless Network Since 2015, Google has been operating its own wireless service known as Project Fi. It does this as a mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO) which means it relies on other networks (T-Mobile, Sprint, and U.S. Cellular) to offer mobile data directly to its users much like other carriers. Currently, Project Fi is available only in the US and gives users over a million free and open Wi-Fi hotspots to connect to. Essentially, Project Fi makes Google a go-between for carriers and customers. Your phone network will be supported by the Project Fi partners and you will only deal with Google when it comes to billing and support. The pricing structure of Project Fi is arguably the most eye-opening and innovative of all phone plans. When you sign up for Project Fi, you get the Fi SIM card installed which allows you to make calls over the cellular network (whichever is stronger among-Mobile, Sprint, and U.S. Cellular) or Wi-Fi if you are in hotspot coverage. Google charges you $20 flat per month for text, calling, and Wi-Fi tethering. Each Gigabyte of data you spend will cost you $10 on top of your bill. However, you won’t be charged for any data not used. On the other hand, if you use more data than expected, you will only be charged for the extra data and nothing more. Project Fi also makes it relatively simple and affordable to add people to your plan. As a matter of fact, you save some money per head the more people you add. Instead of being charged $20 flat, you may be charged $15 plus $10 per GB. Google encryption ensures you are secure as you transition between LTE and Wi-Fi on its network. By being more flexible, affordable, and friendly, Project Fi is likely to give the traditional wireless carriers a run for their money. Read More: Top 5 Digital Wallet Apps For Android Datally App If your phone runs on Android 5.0 Lollipop or a newer version, you can download the Datally app from the Google Play store. This app helps you to monitor and control your data usage per hour, daily, weekly, and on a monthly basis.It also gives you recommendations on how you can save on your mobile data. It comes with a Data Saver feature which if turned on, blocks any background data usage. Whenever you are within Wi-Fi coverage, Datally will alert you so that you can shift to the Wi-Fi hotspot and do your heavy lifting there. Read More: App Development Benefits: Here’s Why You Should Go Mobile Google Investment in HTC and Pixel Flagship Devices In September this year, Google announced that it’s signing an agreement with HTC worth $1.1 billion in exchange for part of HTC’s smartphone team. The deal will see approximately 2,000 HTC staffers join Google. This is the next big purchase by Google after it announced a $12.5 billion Motorola Mobility buyout on August 15, 2011. However, in 2014, it sold off part of Motorola Mobility to Lenovo for $2.91 billion comprising stock and cash while retaining most of the patents. Source: Buying HTC stamps the presence of Google in the hardware development business once again by helping it rollout Pixel Devices. It also means that the company will directly take on other Android partners such as Huawei, Samsung, and LG. Google Embracing SIM Technology Embedded SIM (eSIM) technology helps subscribers to sign up to and change phone companies without the need to swap physical SIM cards. The eSIM-enabled devices allow users to quickly select their preferred carrier from the settings menu on their phones and download the SIM profile over the air. Google doesn’t take credit for the development of eSIM technology, however, it has adapted it for its Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL devices sold through Project Fi and Google Store. In addition, the company launched the eSIM manager app which helps users switch between different carrier profiles and plans. Imagine a future where your Pixel smartphone runs on Project Fi prepaid phone plan, has the Datally app to help you monitor and control your data usage! When you combine this with the possibility of changing your carrier through Google Assistant without swapping your SIM card, it can be truly transformative. The future for Google in the smartphone industry looks bright and if this trajectory progresses, the telco market will experience a real disruption in the coming years. Sources

Use A Captive Portal

How To Use A Captive Portal As A Beginner -Be Everything You Need To Know!

If you are new to using certain business technologies, learning the ins and outs of the best way to prioritize your day and boost productivity is key. If you're concerned about the outreach methods to help your business, target new customers, and reach your ideal target market - things need to change. To perform these all, the internet is the predominant helper, right? Hence, you will need a secure wifi connection for sure. If you do not reach your ideal consumer and you find that your sales are plummeting, you need to change fast so you can keep your business afloat and broadcast your products and services in the right way. But how can you do this? How can you gain information about your target market to prioritize your advertising efforts and reach the most important people? We have the answer here! Use a captive portal to help your business succeed! First thing's first - what is a captive portal? Chances are you have been to a coffee shop or a museum before and you have seen that you need to input certain information so you can log onto the local Wifi network. This is usually not a problem, as it takes just a few seconds, and then bam! You are connected to the rest of your trip. You may not have realized it, but this is a captive portal. A captive portal is a login page or a loading page that requires customers and patrons to input certain information so they can move on to the next page and enjoy the free Wifi. Typically, you will find this wifi method at local business and public spaces, such as hotels, cafes, museums, retail centers, and airports. The steps to setting up a captive portal If you're new to use a captive portal for your business - like you just opened a cute cafe on the corner of the main street in your town - you need to know the steps of how to use a captive portal to offer your customers! Turn on the captive portal for your network so you can provide wifi access to your customers. You can usually start doing this by locating your access point menu. Next, make sure you customize the settings of your captive portal by going to the Profile and the Settings section so you can create a unique name for your captive portal, create the password for your captive portal, and redirect the captive portal to a web page - such as your business home page. The next step in setting up to use a captive portal is being able to customize what the users will see and what they choose to log into your wifi network. Typically, you can choose something that relates to your business, such as the logo of your business, a coffee cup or your cafe, or an important event coming up for your business. You can choose and customize all aspects of this page, such as the font size and color, the background, any logos or pictures, and the messages that will confirm they have successfully logged into your captive portal wifi. Now you have successfully enabled your captive portal and other users can use a captive portal of yours. Conclusion As you can see, to use a captive portal, the setup is easy for new businesses! By following these steps, you can offer free wifi to all of your customers. Read Also: Best Performing Routers In 2021 Maintaining Productivity: The Basics of Industrial Safety How To Reduce The Operating Cost of Your Business?


Solve assignment problem in UK

Universities from the UK are popular among the youngsters around the world. A lot of students from the UK and foreign countries go for these universities as they aim for making it big in life. Studying in the top universities of the UK gives them a good experience, but they also get very busy as they don't just study but also get occupied by internships and part-time jobs, especially foreigner student. That's why they get less time to enjoy their hobbies or to go out with friends. So, finding time to write their assignment is also something that they find hard. This article focuses on the same issue of how to solve the assignment problem in the UK. So, read on to find out more. Assignment Help You may also be having this type of problem. However, skipping assignment is not an ideal option as you would not like to waste all the hard work you have done the whole semester and all the money you have spent. But spending a bit more money could solve your assignment problem in the UK. As you know that the internet is something that plays a significant role in our daily lives today, people are connected to each other through the internet, lots of trading is being done around the world using the internet and there are individuals who are using the internet for educational purposes, and assignment help online is one such way. The inception of assignment help online has proved beneficial for students from the UK and around the world in many ways. All you have to do is spend some money and get your assignment done sitting at home. These assignment help companies have a bunch of qualified assignment experts who have familiarity with the craft of assignment writing and also possess excellent English writing skills to tackle your assignment problems. You could say that it seems like these companies are doing business but that cannot be completely true because these assignment help providers have set a reasonable price for assignment help so that lots of students could make the full use of this service and enjoy the healthy academic experience. Allassignmenthelpuk is also one such website and it has made its presence felt in the UK when it comes to providing first-class assignment help online. We have got highly-qualified assignment writers on our team who are well-read and are aware of the ways to deal with your assignments in various subjects. Our assignment experts are also good at referencing your assignment in different formats such as APA, MLA, and Harvard. Plagiarism is something that is not acceptable in your assignment by your professors in the universities of the UK, so our company ensures that you get plagiarism-free assignment from us. You can avail our assignment help online at an affordable price by simply going to our website allassignmenthelpuk. So, don't get bothered if you are faced with assignment problems. Just try our assignment help online and get the delightful experience of assignment help.