Serving in style with aprons that accentuate your brand

Published on: 03 February 2020 Last Updated on: 21 February 2023

Very often, functionality and practicality are put first when deciding on how to equip your serving staff – they need to be able to move quickly, carry around lighters for candles, ordering pads, pens and many other things. And their surroundings will change quickly, from the heat of the kitchen to outside seating, to bar counters and back rooms. Server aprons come in an assortment of exciting colors, including intense orange, bright yellow.

This requires clothing that accommodates both the heat and the cold, the light and the heavy – a tricky task for most normal clothes. Adding that the serving staff usually are on their feet for long working hours, comfort and practicality must come first.

Server aprons that combine comfort and style


But at the same time as comfort should be prioritized, you will want the server staff to look presentable – and classically stylish – in their clothing. The classic, stainless white shirt will ooze of exclusivity and give your guests a feeling of being in a truly top-notch place.

Of course, the aprons should do the same.

You can choose to go with the classic, long, black waiter’s apron, that will go with anything and will complement most establishments, modern and classic.

But if you are looking to establish your business as a special place, perhaps with a theme or in other ways unique, there are many other ways to go with the server aprons.

All of the server’s aprons, no matter the color or the cut, should combine comfort and style, for the pleasure of your server staff and your guests.

Accentuate your brand with unique server aprons

If you want to go with something other than the classic, black apron, there are many possibilities.

For a fresher, younger style, you can go with short aprons that are not unlike skirts, or you can go with a fresh and delightful color for the aprons, really making your staff – and your brand by extension – stand out.

Server aprons come in an assortment of exciting colors, including intense orange, bright yellow, elegant plum or even in a black and white variation with vertical stripes. All these variations are available online – find them here.

Excellent quality for frequent use

A workday for a server consists of being exposed to a lot of food, drinks and possibly a lot of stains. For that reason, it is crucial that the aprons and clothing used can take it, without leaving stains for good. The apron must be sturdy enough to be washed frequently and at high temperatures to make sure that they look clean and presentable during service. Make sure to choose aprons that look good – even after being washed 50 times.

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Wisdom Teeth Removal

Do I Have To Pay Out Of Pocket For Wisdom Teeth Removal?

Many of us have had our wisdom teeth removed simply because our dentist advised us to do so. However, wisdom tooth removal can have huge benefits to our oral health. It helps prevent overcrowding of teeth, as wisdom teeth push off other teeth resulting in alignment issues. Dental caries and many forms of gum diseases are less likely to occur when you remove your wisdom teeth, thus preventing expensive dental procedures. You don’t need to wait for your wisdom teeth to bring up many oral problems before you take action. Dental clinics in Houston, TX offer residents with low-cost wisdom teeth extractions. They accept a wide range of payment methods for their very affordable treatment options. Dental clinic teams work with third-party finance companies that open credit and installment payment options to you. Visit the site to find out more information about wisdom teeth removal near me. Why is wisdom tooth removal expensive? Wisdom tooth extraction is a particularly expensive oral procedure. Many dental clinics offer discounts on the procedure, but costs still average higher than what most Houston residents, especially the ones in need of the procedure can afford to pay. Currently, the price of having all four of your wisdom teeth removed is $3,500, though the best dental clinic has managed to lower this to $1,400 without compromising on the quality of service. To understand why this procedure is so expensive we need to go over the equipment and skill set needed. Supply materials and equipment costs. The combined cost of equipment and supplies needed for the procedure significantly adds to the price of the procedure. This includes X-ray and CT scan equipment, sedation, and anesthesia used among others. The condition of the tooth tilt. Great skill is required in the removal of wisdom teeth. The levels of risk are higher when the tooth is impacted. The significant difficulty and risk involved make the procedure significantly expensive. Does insurance cover tooth extraction? Many dental insurance plans cover from 50 to even 80 % of the costs associated with wisdom teeth removal. Some do not include wisdom teeth removal in the insurance package since plans can vary widely among insurance carriers. It is wise to check with your insurance company and confirm the facts. What financing options do I have for wisdom teeth removal near me? The best dental clinics provide flexible payment plans, thus allowing you to go through oral surgery. This means you can make the repayments when and however you can afford. Health and Dental insurance Many insurance platforms do offer partial financing for wisdom teeth removal. Depending on the type of insurance cover you have, wisdom teeth removal might be covered extensively or not at all. Insurance helps control out-of-the-pocket expenses significantly. Contact your dentist to discuss possible insurance options and how to make the most out of your benefits. Third-party financing Third party-finance companies working with dental clinics allow patients to pay small monthly installments at low interest for up to one year. For candidates who qualify, payments may be as low as $59 a month. Dental savings plan Many clinics in the Houston area also offer clinic dental savings plans. For $200 per year, a patient can get offers such as free dental exams and regular dental cleaning. A dental savings plan also reduces wisdom tooth extraction costs by 10%. Cash payments This is by far the most preferred payment method. Patients are given large discounts on wisdom teeth removal when they pay in cash, and such offers are meant to encourage upfront payment. Conclusion Wisdom teeth removal, a basic oral health procedure should not be inaccessible to the many patients that need it. That is why many dental clinics are committed to assisting patients to afford the best dental care they can have, by offering diverse payment plans that distribute the cost of the procedure over a longer duration. Read Also: 5 Little Changes That Can Make Your Teeth-Brushing More Effective At Home or At the Dental Clinic: What Canadians Should Know About Teeth Whitening Understanding Dentures And How To Take Care Of Them How To Eliminate The Smell Of Garlic And Onion From Your Breath

Less waste

Less waste – Something You can Do for the World

Any ideas for a new year’s resolution in 2019? Here is one – first look back to 2018 (or any year before) and try to count all the times you had to take out the trash. Impossible? That can be so because we tend to produce an enormous amount of waste. According to EPA research, one person in the United States produces up to 2,000 pounds of trash a year, less than half of which can be recycled. There are, on the other hand, people proud of producing only one jar of waste in a year. Can it be possible for an average person? Here are some tips to produce less waste and therefore care more for mother earth. How much do I really waste? The first thing to do is a little reflection on your life. However disgusting it may sound you should look through your trash and see which items are the majority of your waste. Maybe paper cups? Plastic forks? Paper tissues? By doing so you’ll immediately see, what to focus on and what kind of waste should you limit the most. Little swaps: It can seem harsh to immediately switch your lifestyle to zero waste, but in reality, you don’t need to do everything at once. Little swaps in your daily life can already be meaningful and help the environment. This can be a bamboo toothbrush instead of the plastic ones, a bag made of paper instead of the plastic ones, stainless steel Tupperware instead of – guess what? – plastic ones. So, in general, avoiding plastic is not that difficult if you make little changes. Avoid packaging: The best thing would be to use no plastic packages at all, but that can be hard. So just do your best to limit it as much as possible. Try to buy your fruits and vegetables at a local market instead of the supermarket and don’t forget to bring your own bag. Some markets offer food sold in loose weight, so you can buy them in your own containers, like Tupperware or mason jars. Also, if you buy a piece of clothing, maybe it’s not always necessary to take it in a plastic bag with the logo of the shop? Go for sustainability: In addition to what was written above, you should consider choosing sustainable products. The biggest amount of waste comes from disposable items that are thrown away after one use. Things like a reusable water bottle to avoid buying plastic bottles every day, bamboo cutlery that you carry around to use for your takeaways, or a tote bag for your groceries can make a big impact and help you produce less waste. There are a lot of things that can be changed to sustainable options – from paper tissues and menstrual pads to straws and cutlery. You can also get sustainable homeware made of natural and recycled materials as an alternative to regular homeware. Of course, it can take a bit more effort at the beginning, to carry your own cup of bottle everywhere, but the earth will be a little lighter. Try second hand! Many of the trash that is being thrown away, could be reused. Maybe some plastic containers of butter or hummus that you already ate, could be reused as Tupperware? Or maybe an empty shampoo bottle could serve as a DIY hand soap container? Also consider buying second-hand items like furniture, clothes or other things. You don’t always have to have a brand new thing, right? Do it yourself! In our society, it can be hard to avoid plastic packed things. A solution to that would be to do those things yourself. Online you can find many recipes for great cookies (to avoid buying them packed in plastic bags), cosmetics (many of them are sold in plastic bottles that are hard to reuse or recycle), or liquid cleaners for your home. Again, it takes some time and effort to do everything yourself, but it’s also rewarding, when you discover, that you don’t need to buy this stuff anymore, cause you can do it on your own. Change your lifestyle and save money! It’s not possible to change your waste without changing your lifestyle. But it doesn’t have to be that difficult, many of the changes have other advantages than only helping the planet. For example, when you switch from disposable menstrual pads to a menstrual cup, you save a lot of money every month. Also, when you switch to e-cigarettes instead of smoking regular ones (and throwing away all the butts and the packages), you don’t produce so much pollution. Vaping can be also profitable for your budget if you look for some good vape deals. In general, if the whole thing about protecting the environment doesn’t convince you enough, think of your own wallet and changes that less-waste-lifestyle will cause. Start small: Summing up, there are a lot of things you can do to lower the amount of waste you produce. Our advice is – don’t try to do everything at once, as it can be overwhelming. Start small, change one thing at a time and see how you feel about it. Soon you’ll be ready to go completely zero-waste! Read Also: Easy Ways To Live A Healthier Lifestyle When Someone You Love Has An Addiction: 5 Tips On How To Help An Addict

Christmas Gift Ideas

Best Christmas Gift Ideas for 2020

Christmas is about four to five months away, and you must be wondering why we should be talking about gifts now in the first place. Well, time is flying, and in no time malls and stores will start displaying a wide array of Christmas sales. Also, the best time to do Christmas shopping is not when the season is here. This way, you will avoid chaos, high prices, shortage, and the last-minute rush. If you are looking for gifts, you do not just pick anything. You want something memorable for your friends and loved ones. As you are planning to buy Christmas gift hampers, here are items you should consider. Here are the best Christmas Gift Ideas for 2020: 1. A cookbook A cookbook for a Christmas gift would be perfect. Remember that this the time that friends and family come together to share meals, drinks, and even laughter. New recipes at this point would be great. No one wants to eat the same monotonous meals the entire year. New recipes are welcome, and it will be a uniting and fun experience trying out all the new recipes together. 2. Personalized shot glasses The spirit of sharing mostly manifests during Christmas. This is the time where friends and families leave their workplaces in different states and come home to be with their loved ones. This is the time when friends abandon their busy lives and come together to relax and make merry. Do you know what else is consistent during this season? Sharing drinks. A set of personalized shot glasses would, therefore, make an ideal gift. This gift idea would be perfect for your friends that love to take whiskey or your dad, who would enjoy drinking out of them with his friends or brothers in the middle of a bonfire. 3. A good bottle of wine and quality whiskey A lot of eating and drinking characterizes the Christmas season. Therefore, you would expect to come across a glass of wine or whiskey when you visit friends and family. This gift idea is always appreciated, and the best part is that it is affordable. You do not need to know the whiskey or wine the recipient loves the most. More so, you do not even need to ask them directly if you are planning a surprise. Once you go to the liquor store, you can talk to an attendant, and he or she will help you locate a quality drink. All you need to do is tell them your budget, and they will suggest the perfect bottle for a gift. Generally, there is no bad gift for Christmas. Provided it is presented with love, it will definitely be received warmly. Food, clothes, customized kitchen items, books, music systems, or anything else you can think of will be great. Ensure that you get your gift early enough to avoid the last-minute rush, and to allow yourself enough time to plan for other activities. Do not forget to package your gift perfectly: it instantly increases the value of the gift. Read Also: Unique Christmas Gifting Ideas- Gifts For Everyone 7 Interesting Gifts for Your Best Friends 5 Exciting Father’s Day Gifts For The Tech-Obsessed Dad Adorable Gift Ideas to Create Some Memories on Mother’s Day