How to Save Money When Shopping Online

Published on: 21 August 2018 Last Updated on: 08 August 2019

One thing which attracts most of us: discounts, offers, and freebies! Yes?

After all, who doesn’t love discounts? And among all, few of the best things about online shopping is the lowest prices, incredible discounts and getting the products delivered at your doorstep without having to make a move.

If you also believe that money saved is money earned, this article is for you! We will discuss a few fantastic ways through which you can save money when shopping online.

Let’s get started, and we are sure we will give you some real shopping goals (which will help you save money) by the end of this article.

Use coupons

This is a no-brainer! Using relevant coupons can help you save quite a bit of money, to be frank about it. There are various third-party websites you can fetch coupons from such as TheKrazyCouponLady and RetailMeNot.

If you are shopping on Amazon, you can get discount coupons from their coupon section.

Compare prices

Generally, different websites sell the same products at different prices. Thus, be smart, and use a price comparison website to find the best deals on the same products offered by different retailers both online and in-store.

There are various shopping comparison websites you can make use of including Google Shopping and NexTag.

Sign up for a newsletter

Signing up for a newsletter is another great way of saving money while shopping online. That’s so because newsletters are often sent by the retailers to reach out to more people and to attract them towards latest and best offers.

When you sign up for a newsletter, you get exclusive access to the recently released discounts, coupons, and offers which will undoubtedly save money.

Use a VPN

Unfortunately, online stores tend not to price their products the same for everyone.

Most online retailers are smart and keep track of your browsing habits by storing cookies on your computer. These files monitor your shopping habits that help retailers in estimating the amount you are willing to spend, and if they see a tendency for excessive spending, the chances are that they will adjust the prices accordingly.

Also, a VPN could come in handy when shopping from abroad. Imagine that you’re on vacation and you need to order something back to your house in Germany; however, the e-commerce site in question is only accessible from a German IP. With the help of a VPN service, you can easily change your virtual location on a go. Using a VPN in such a way is also a great way to compare prices in different markets as online retailers can show present different prices based on the shoppers geo-location.

Read also: 8 VPN Facts – You Should Know About

This is often the case when booking a flight. Thus, it is highly recommended to browse and shop anonymously, with the help of a VPN service as it actively masks your IP address and geographical location.

Shop at the right time

If you are a savvy shopper, you already know that major online retailers keep on changing the prices of items throughout the day. Thus, the same product could be priced differently in the morning and then later in the evening.

The way to find the best price is to check the cost of your product several times a day before checking it out. Alternatively, you can also make use of tools like CamelCamelCamel which monitor price changes and issues an alert whenever the price goes down.

Further, it is a common trend that prices of the products often go down after a significant event, like Christmas Day, Easter, or Halloween.

Check for free shipping

A lot of retailers offer free shipping from time to time. However, if your favorite online store is not generous enough, and if you shop online quite often, it is always a good idea to become a member of free shipping websites like which provide free shipping for an array of online retailers.

Leave items in your cart

Have you ever noticed that whenever you leave items in your cart, your retailer attempts to close the deal by sending lucrative emails like ‘your items are selling fast,’ or ‘your items are on discount’?

That’s so because retailers want you to shop and prevent you from abandoning the shopping cart. Use this to your advantage and leave items in your cart to save money.

Earn Cash backs

You can also save by earning cashback. Various retailers offer cashback when you shop using specific credit cards, or when you shop for a certain amount of money.

Just examine various conditions, and you can easily end up saving a lot of money.

Shop at home and pick up in store

Shopping at home and picking the item from the store would not only help you in saving shipping charges but also means that you could get a hold of your purchase quicker.

Over to You

These are a few tried and tested tricks which can come in handy the next time you shop.

So, save more to splurge more!

Do not forget to share your favorite online shopping trick with is in the comments below!

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web-marketing | Content Rally

Top 5 Tips for Dealing with Web Marketers

Getting along with a web marketer is about as easy as negotiating your client’s settlement over a picnic outside the courthouse. Some people are that easy to work with, but they’re about as common as an 8-1 ruling in the Supreme Court. [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="800"] image[/caption] For lawyers, web marketing is what the French call a devoir — a “have to.” Most of us would rather wash our hands of it. After all, we went for a JD, not an MBA or a marketing degree. We have a whole desk full of case files and ethical obligations demanding our time. Marketing is hitching for a spot in the backseat, at best. But the Web is where the clients are. Internet marketers are the new rainmakers. We need them to keep the soil moist, so to speak. In today’s marketplace, Google is the ground from which law firms grow. The trick is to find a marketing firm that can get the job done at the right price… while keeping our blood pressure below the call-an-ambulance level. That’s easier said than done, but here’s some advice. Five Commandments for Keeping the Peace with a Web Marketer 1. Slow and Steady You know what they say — it wins the race. SEO is not an impatient person’s game. Top 10 search results are not achieved overnight. Sure, you might see a blip here and there, but if you’re looking for instant gratification, you’re searching in vain. Think of it as the stock market. You’re investing for long-term gain. 2. Micromanagement is a killer: Attempting to micromanage your marketing will put you and your marketer in that blood pressure danger zone. You’re the lawyer. They’re the web gurus. You each have jobs to do, so stick to those. It’ll do wonders for the relationship. 3. Know what you’re paying for:  Legal web marketing isn’t exactly inexpensive. Like most things in life, you get what you pay for. Just know what you’re paying for. A good marketing firm will offer itemized transparency for their services, and that’ll keep you from feeling resentful about any “phantom charges.” 4. Don’t get emotional: This isn’t “Dr. Phil.” Your relationship with your web marketer means everything, but that relationship should be built on performance, dependability, and communication — not personality. Trust is important, and it takes time, but you should assess the firm’s effectiveness in the services they provide, not the extent to which you “like” them as people. Oh, and the Golden Rule applies here too — treat your marketers with the courtesy and respect you expect from them. 5. Work with good people This is especially important in the legal arena. So much of web marketing is content-based; but as attorneys, we have to be careful about whom we allow writing about the law on our behalf. Stick with experienced and highly credentialed marketers, preferably those who are able to have your content written by licensed attorneys. The State Bar will thank you for it (in the form of zero discipline for marketing blunders). Here again, you get what you pay for. Need Web Marketing Advice for Attorneys? Ask. As the old saying goes, you don’t know what you don’t know. If you need web marketing advice for attorneys, ask around. Maybe some of your law school friends practicing in other jurisdictions can share their experiences. A simple conversation can shed real insight. You might be surprised by how much you’ll learn from the web marketers themselves. Ask them to educate you. Most are more than willing to elaborate on their history, their best practices, and their approach to client management. Working with web marketers isn’t always easy, but take these tips to heart and you’ll see long-term success (instead of simply seeing red). Kaplan Lawyers PC is a New York City personal injury law firm that helps victims of personal injury and their families in Bronx, Queens, and Kings Counties, as well as all of New York City.


Tips to Make a Solid Start with Fiori Development

SAP Fiori, the all-new UX from SAP offered a new opportunity for the SAP developers. Besides allowing unprecedented access to some of the most used SAP processes, this new UX strategy for the first time will allow focus on design more than anything else. When usefulness and user engagement remains to be the primary driving factor for the majority of app development and design processes, this new UX strategy will address both these aspects of the SAP environment. The key value propositions of SAP Fiori are performance and speed, productivity and cost advantage. Before offering some experience-driven tips for SAP Fiori developers let us familiarize ourselves with few of the guiding principles concerning SAP Fiori implementation. Start from business objectives and business process Fiori is delivered by SAP to add simplicity to your business apps and thus to elevate user experience. Thanks to Fiori apps the users can gain deeper access and engage with the business processes more. It is almost a reinvention of the business process with user-friendly apps. That sounds great and quite impressive. But the main challenge remains to implement this UX as a means to add value to the business process. This is why we are focusing here so intently on implementation part. Fiori Development with a 5D Approach 5D approach consisting of Define, Discover, Design, Develop, and Deploy can play a really effective role in SAP Fiori development. Basically, this approach simplifies the entire process and helps to create focus areas. Define: In this step, you can describe the objective, your target audience and desired impact from the app. Discover: In this step, you need to find ways to simplify user experience and user interface to ensure usefulness and user satisfaction. To find out or discover such ways you can take other Fiori apps or case scenarios as the reference. Design: In this step, you need to optimize user experience with design elements. You can create wireframes and introduce visual design elements, mock-ups, etc. You can follow some best app design principles or can consult users to make navigation, layout, typography, color scheme, and content flow look better and useful. Develop: Now this is the execution step involving actual coding. In this step, you need to develop the workable version of the app and then allow integration with the back-end system. Deploy: In this step, you will deploy your Fiori app after going through extensive unit and integration testing. Useful development tips that helps to build robust apps Finally, the journey of a developer with SAP Fiori app projects will invariably have some unique learning scopes. Let us offer below some useful tips from the developer’s point of view. 1) Know SAP Fiori design guidelines Go to the website of SAP Fiori Design Guidelines and read it to understand the design principles that this UX strategy works upon. There are few design-oriented aspects that you need to remember. SAP Fiori design elements are not accidental by any means. All design attributes are deliberate in character. By making use of different design controls, patterns and filters you can achieve your desired design for the app. 2) In-depth knowledge of sap.m and sap.ui library is necessary The Fiori developers of SAP were the first customers of the UI5 toolkit that includes a sap.m library with a range of controls. For the first few Fiori apps, these first batch of SAP internal developers used these controls for app design needs. For building clean and visually engaging apps they took the building blocks from this toolkit. Till date, this toolkit along with its sam.m library and controls offer a robust pool of tools for designing Fiori apps. Besides that, there are other useful libraries like sap.ui.layout. A Fiori app is designed by visual building blocks and they are only available at sap.m library. The letter's’ stands for "mobile", referring to controls for mobile-friendly responsive design. Another extensively used and helpful library is the sap.ui.layout library which offers grid controls to develop simple and engaging app layout. To know about the sap.m library controls go to the Explored app section in the UI5 SDK and the resource will give you a clear idea of how each control works with real app examples. You can also see the codes used in each case. 3) Understanding UI5 toolkit components and routing Obviously, as a Fiori app developer, you would like to include your app in the Fiori Launchpad to allow navigation to your app from other Fiori apps. Without understanding and integrating the UI5 toolkit components and without routing, you cannot do that. UI5 components and routing allow outreach to other Fiori apps. With these two elements, you stand at par and on the same platform with other Fiori apps. 4) Get help through MVC and XML MVC technically speaking is inseparable with Fiori development. There is a wide range of implications of an MVC based development approach and all of them are good. First of all, know how the app structure is built through invisible and some screen-sized controls. Then know-how within the structure various views relate to each other. Most of the lovable SAP Fiori apps used XML for producing definitive views of their apps. Through XML you can create declarative views in a crisp, efficient and clean way. 5) Manipulating both Chrome Developer Tools and UI5 Support Tool In this new arena of SAP Fiori development, both Chrome Developer Tools along with UI5 Support Tool offer an excellent debugging option to ensure glitch-free app performance and speed. Chrome offers the most developer-friendly editing tools. Having this tool will take many of your concerns as far as meticulous monitoring and editing are concerned. Manipulating Chrome Developer tools with support tools of UI5 can ensure superb development and consistent debugging and trace features. 6) Gain expertise in data binding Data binding is the specialty that allows frontend meeting the backend of an app. To master this skill set you need to focus on a few aspects. Let us have a look at them. Know the nuances in an object. Understand property and aggregation bindings. Understand and learn the intricacies of complex embedded binding syntax. Learn to specify factory functions, sorting, filtering, grouping, formatting, etc. 7) Learn from other Fiori apps Finally, it can be revealed to study other Fiori apps and the design practices they adhered to. Though it may sound generic, it actually works as an eye-opener and helps you learn things that you cannot learn otherwise. Learning from existing app instances, you can gain insights on the best practices and the aspects that you still need to master. Often by looking at other people’s code, you come across solutions that were otherwise invisible.

High-Speed Internet

Unlimited High-Speed Internet Plans of Charter Spectrum in the USA

In today’s world of internet, internet service providers (ISPs) are neck to neck in providing efficient internet services at affordable prices. Over the years, we have seen new advancements in internet technology, but the ISPs are still struggling to satisfy the user’s needs and expectations. As an internet user, the selection of ISP is a critical decision and can make a huge difference in one’s life. Mostly the users complain about poor customer service or slow internet speed, or they usually are frustrated by a data cap limitation! There is an increased rate of subscribers who have switched their internet providers in the last few years. No doubt, your choice of ISP can either make or break your expectations related to the internet experience. is one of the authorized reseller of Charter Spectrum in the U.S, offering the best quality of services at competitive rates. This article presents a detailed overview of the internet plans that Charter is providing for its customers in the US. Charter Spectrum Internet Service: Charter offers genuinely unforgettable experiences of high-speed internet keeping the users’ requirements in mind. The best thing about hiring Charter Spectrum internet plans is that there is no data cap! Subscribers get to enjoy an astonishing high-speed internet connection starting at 100 Mbps, and a data cap restriction won't limit you. The company is ready to negotiate on price but will never negotiate on quality and service they offer. The internet plans offered by Spectrum are a simple way to bring entertainment to your home and enjoy for years to come. Users can connect multiple devices at a time and access ultra-fast internet speed with ease. Charter Spectrum internet plans come with an enhanced ‘Security Suite’ feature that scans viruses or spams on your computer system and remove any malware found. Besides, the company has added a parental control feature to reduce the risk of viewing any inappropriate data. Charter Spectrum has recognized itself as the best internet service provider in the USA by offering best internet packages ever! Have a look at the internet plans available for the subscribers. Double Play Packages: The’ Double play package’ gives you an option to bundle any two services of your choice. TV Select + Internet: The TV select + Internet plan includes over 200 TV channels in HD and an optional DVR service. Watch CNN, TLC, MTV, Lifetime, HBO, A&E, ESPN, and a lot more for free. Enjoy 100 Mbps internet speed with a high-bandwidth Wi-Fi router. No need for any term agreement or contract! Triple Play Packages: Subscribers can save big with cable TV, internet, and phone bundles. The Triple Play offers come with a free DVR service and a high-performance internet modem. No installation fee is charged. Triple Play Select: The users can access over 125 TV channels including free HD and DVR service. 10,000+ On-Demand choices are available including favorite TV shows and 3D movies. Use unlimited internet along with a free Security Suite for secured browsing experience. You can make unlimited calls anywhere in the world up to 70 different countries. The cost of Triple Play Select package is $89.99 per month without contract condition or term agreement. Triple Play Silver: Triple Play Silver is the best combination of HD cable, super-fast internet, and efficient phone services available at reasonable rates. Users get 50 extra sports and network channels including Sprout, Nick Jr., NFL Network, ESPN, and a lot more. Enjoy a reliable internet service with 100 Mbps speed and connect all your devices without restricting the data usage. Call your heart out with the most consistent phone services available in the USA. The calling rates are very economical and in range of each customer. The charges for the Triple Play Silver package are $109.99 per month.  No contract or agreement required. Triple Play Gold: Over 200 channels are available in HD. Now, users can record all their favorite shows and movies with ease. The DVR service is capable of recording up to five programs at a time. Enjoy unlimited use of the internet with no data cap. The package allows you to make unlimited calls worldwide up to 70 different countries with 28 unique calling features including Caller ID and Private Listing. There are no hidden charges or contracts! The price for Triple Play Gold is pretty reasonable i.e. $129.99 per month. The Triple Play Silver Package is considered as the top choice of subscribers as it provides over 175 HD channels, ultra-fast internet, and unlimited calling both nationwide and international just in $109.99 per month.  For more information or order details, Call Charter today! Read Also : Google Getting Into Phones – And It’s Changing The Mobile Internet