Features To Ensure Success Of Your Money Saving Service


14 August 2020


Money Saving Service

We all have plans and dreams. Nonetheless, to implement them we need financial resources. Todays’ advanced technologies offer a solution to collect the sum we need. So, we shall discuss how to design a great saving application to help people build their dreams into reality, and how you as an owner can succeed as well.

Interested? Let’s get down to business.

Functionalities a money-saving platform should provide

Let’s explore what parameters are critical for users.

# Profiles

It’s pretty obvious that, first of all, a person downloads an app and sets up a personal profile.

Try to keep those processes simple and straightforward. People shall fill in a certain form to specify some information, including the financial one. It’s okay if the account activation takes some time since all customers’ details must be processed and verified carefully. We’re dealing with money issues, thus, everything shall be checked adequately.

# Bank account involvement

A budget framework shall allow the audience to connect their bank accounts. Here the trick is for app owners to cooperate with multiple financial facilities to make such a feature available for every individual.

Moreover, it would be amazing if you also find some solutions for those persons who have no bank accounts and who choose other ways to manage their finances. That approach will enlarge your target audience.

# Possibility to set several goals

Setting goals is a pretty fascinating aspect of an online money resource.

Let’s assume that a person starts applying an online system to save some funds and enforce ceratin plans that demand specific monetary investments. It could be anything, say, university fees or vacations. Thus, a user takes advantage of a financial program and sets a goal to implement a particular plan he/she has. If you want to create a successful app, you shall allow your people to name that plan, put deadlines if it’s required, provide a brief description, etc. That’s how a saving procedure starts.

In most cases, customers have the following goal variants:

  • travel;
  • vacations;
  • gifts purchasing;
  • nest egg for a rainy day;
  • others.

Clients will appreciate not being limited to implement only one plan at a time, so individuals shall be free to set multiple goals to realize their desires.

Speaking about allocating funds to specific goals, you could provide a few options here. The thing is that some users would prefer to take the total withdrawing sum and divide it equally between all current plans, while others would rather specify how much money specifically shall be sent to each goal. Just remember to keep your money-saving application customizable.

And after a person manages to save the sum he/she put as a target, budget software shall stop allocating funds to that particular goal, however, the money shall still get sent to other ongoing plans, if any.

savings plan

# Withdrawal options

Every decent money manager platform shall ensure that its customers can withdraw cash from their accounts when they need to. Moreover, no-fee and no-commission policy will be highly appreciated.

Additionally, it would be a brilliant idea to give your people several options to withdraw money. Let’s say, chatbots could be one of the tools.

Still, the audience needs to be patient, since the processing of such transactions is time-consuming, meaning, individuals will have to wait for the funds to get returned to their main accounts at their requests. However, you could offer specific options for those who can’t wait: say, you might impose a $1 charge to make transfers instant. It’s your call.

# Overdraft-proof

Your clients shall not worry about possible overdrafts, thus, think carefully about how you could protect their accounts. You could ask users to determine the amount of money that must remain on their accounts at any time. In such a way, an online financial service won’t be able to take the money, in case that indicated mark is already reached.

Nevertheless, if some technical issues occur and a money-saving framework withdraws too much, a specific algorithm shall be launched to refund the difference and reimburse all overdraft fees.

Make sure you discuss those options with the development team you hire.

# Unique features

Nowadays, you can find a great variety of diverse financial resources, thus, your objective is to come up with one-of-a-kind parameters to differ from others. Here’s an idea for you.

The reality is that many people have to pay off their debts. Of course, they can simply borrow the amount they need, but it’s better to have several options to deal with those issues. Besides bank loans, people can also resource to online money-saving systems.

Your program can help people deal with their debts. Clients can set specific debt settlement goals, attaching their credit cards to your platform. The process could be completely automated, and a specified amount will be allocated to pay creditors. If you impose special conditions, you can help your customers repay debts faster. Think about it.

Of course, you can brainstorm more to generate other great unique features to bring a wider audience.

# Smart notifications

Individuals will enjoy the possibility to communicate with an application they use, and text messages will do the magic.

Clients need to know their accounts’ statuses, moreover, the messaging notification system can update users on any important news. The audience might want to set the service to receive requests to write off funds, and more.

Additionally, people could use particular code words to launch certain activities. Just be creative, don’t limit yourself, and you’ll find multiple ways to assist your customers making them happy.

savings notifications

There’s one more aspect we’d like to discover this time.

Benefits a saving app shall provide

Every app shall serve to resolve certain problems people have. The below-mentioned ideas are for you to keep the audience pleased with your online solution:

  • Special bonuses. Why not offer your active users certain bonuses, say, a 2% annual bonus? That would be a nice touch of yours.
  • Chatbot assistance. A person might need some financial advice, so think about how chatbots could help with that.
  • Setting numerous goals. As we’ve mentioned earlier, that would be a great idea, since it’ll improve customers’ online experience.
  • Automatized processes. It’s in your hands to help clients enjoy the saving process: let them stipulate the amount to put aside and make your framework to take care of the rest.
  • Regular updates. Don’t allow your audience to feel lost, not knowing what’s happening with their accounts. Update them constantly.
  • Referral bonuses. You could be grateful to people who bring new users to your program by giving them, say, $10 or so.
  • Keep it simple. Individuals will really enjoy your application if it is user-oriented and appealing.
  • Web interface. Some people would rather prefer web resources, so consider developing it as well.

We believe our hints and tips will help you consider key aspects of money-saving system development to build a successful and credible service.

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Car Insurance

Tips For Reducing Car Insurance Costs

Keeping premiums low when it comes to auto motor insurance does not actually require you to walk a tightrope. All that is necessary is taking prudent measures to identify the most suitable policy and to follow certain measures to keep the premium amount low. Before you set out to identify the various policies and the associated premiums, it would be a good idea to learn all about various measures and practical methods of keeping your premium amounts low. Shared here are useful tips that you can use to ensure that you do not spend more on the premium amount. Compare Policy Details : Make use of the facility offered by the featured site to compare various insurance policies and premium amounts. All that you will have to do is provide certain details about yourself, the car and the kind of policy that you intend to take. You will receive a populated list of various policies and the premium amount. Depending on the choice that you make you can then choose an appropriate one and avail benefits of lesser premium.  The advantages of using the services of the featured site are that costs will never be inflated after you have decided. This means that you will not be paying anything more than what you actually see on screen. Provide Factually Correct Inputs : The inputs that you will have to provide for the purpose of getting details about car insurance premium amounts include your personal details which mean your age, gender, your occupation and details of your driving license. You will also have to furnish details about the intended maudlin make of the car that you wish to insure.  The three different types of policies from which you will choose are the third party only, third party fire and theft and fully comprehensive. Make your choice as per your idea of eventualities. Choose Type Of Policy With Great Care : It would always be a good idea to keep your premium amount low by opting for various other combinations rather than opting for a policy that does not cover you fully. For instance, if you have to take a third party only policy, and if something unfortunate were to occur, you will end up paying from your pocket for expensive repairs to your car. Rather than this, it would be a good idea to keep your premium amount nova by following the instructions of the insurance provider and by choosing a policy that is cheaper. NCB Benefits And Annual Premium Payments : Companies typically offer lower premium payments for individuals who make annual premium remittances, who diligently follow the measures suggested and recommended by the companies, and individuals who carefully maintain a no claims history. The measures recommended by companies include safety measures for the car while it is parked, proof of safe driving history and a pass plus test for driving. Additionally, you could also furnish proof of the names of the drivers who will be using the vehicle apart from you. Read Also : How To Get Low-Cost Life Insurance For Seniors Tips To Lower Your Insurance Costs Fred Loya Insurance Company

Apply For A Mortgage Loa

How To Apply For A Mortgage Loan Without Making Common Errors

Making a Mortgage Loan application is challenging and dangerous. Potential homeowners must know how to overcome these challenges. Thorough planning and awareness of common errors are the first measures to guarantee a flawless application. Several websites offer valuable details regarding this process. What Is A Mortgage Loan? Did you know what Mortgage is? Let me share with you about this type of loan where you can maintain or purchase a home, any type of real estate, or a plot of land. If you are a borrower then you have to agree that you have to pay back! You have to pay back the loan amount along with the interest rates to the lender! Typically, these types of payments are divided into principal and interest regularly leading to proper solutions. Once you completely made the payment, you are the sole owner of the property. However, if you are unable to make payment effectively in the given time, it is the property that acts as the collateral when securing the loan. Let me also share how there are several requirements that you need to meet to keep a minimum credit score! Let's talk about the benefits of a mortgage loan and how it helps in processing the aspects of the borrower! Benefits Of Mortgage Loan? There are several advantages of taking a home or a mortgage loan as it not only helps you in creating an asset but also contributes in giving you an idea of the real estate industry. You get a sense of accomplishment when you buy a house or a property even when paying a loan. After all, the money you pay is your hard-earned dollar! Furthermore, you will get low interest rates as it helps a potential buyer be more confident in investing. The hard-earned money that you will keep paying to own the house will make you proud. We cannot forget the flexible tenure especially when repaying home loans becomes so easy. You can extend your time of payment or even decrease it if you have a significant amount of money and you submit it. With principal repayments, you get tax benefits on both interest and principal amount! Overall, you must enjoy the overall loan payment especially when fulfilling the dream of owning your own home or property! How To Apply For A Mortgage Loan? For both businesses and individuals, use a mortgage so that when they make the purchase, be it entirely with your money upfront or take a loan to make payment. When you plan on applying for a mortgage loan, you aim to free your property from the expectations of the bank. Your home will be free and clear with fully amortizing the traditional mortgage. What you need to evaluate is the number of years through which you have to complete the payment. Mostly, people take years somewhere between 15 to 30 years. You get to learn about how to foreclose the property to the lender leading to completely making the payment thus, claiming the property! Undervaluing The Financial Inquisitive One of the most critical steps in the mortgage application process is lenders assessing an applicant's financial standing by considering their income, assets, debts, and credit ratings. A frequent error that can cause delays or rejection is not providing enough fiscal papers or outdated financial information. Pay stubs, tax returns, current financial statements, and any other pertinent financial documents should be provided to potential borrowers. Ensuring that these data accurately reflect the borrower's financial status and are current is imperative. Additionally, to prevent fraud and strengthen the application's credibility, make sure that financial commitments are clear and consult financial experts. Ignoring Credit Score Improvement A strong credit score is central to securing favorable loan terms for home purchases. Often, applicants need to pay more attention to the benefits of enhancing their credit score before initiating the home financing process. Errors in credit reports, outdated information, and unresolved debts can adversely affect a credit score. Individuals should obtain a credit report from major credit bureaus well before applying to correct any inaccuracies and to pay off outstanding debts. This proactive approach can significantly enhance one's creditworthiness in the eyes of lenders. Regularly monitoring credit status and avoiding new debt during the home loan application period are also strategic moves. These steps demonstrate financial responsibility and can further boost credit scores, ensuring better terms are available. Not Comparing Mortgage Offers Not doing any research before taking the first mortgage offer is another standard error. Varying lenders provide varying terms, costs, and interest rates. If borrowers shop around, they can avoid missing out on better terms that could end up saving them a lot of cash throughout the loan. Examining several lenders and carefully weighing their terms is advised. This covers the mortgage type, terms of repayment, interest rates, and any related costs. Further, arming candidates with the knowledge to negotiate better terms can be achieved by conducting in-depth studies of market trends and economic situations. Knowing the tiny print in every deal guarantees that there aren't any unanticipated fees that could drive up expenditures. Overlooking Total Costs A mortgage involves more costs than just principal and interest payments. They consist of insurance, taxes, fees, and occasionally additional costs like private mortgage insurance or homeowners association dues. Sometimes, applicants' budgets need to consider these extra costs. This oversight can lead to financial strain. It is crucial to understand all the costs involved and ensure that the monthly payments are manageable within one's budget. It is essential to advise applicants to include future property taxes and insurance increases in their fiscal planning. Thoroughly estimating these costs early prevents unpleasant surprises and secures economic stability. Lacking Long-Term Financial Planning Mortgage commitments typically last for many years, often up to 30 years. Short-sighted financial planning can lead to complications later on. Applicants should consider their long-term economic stability and any potential changes that might affect their ability to meet mortgage payments. This includes changes in employment, potential significant expenses such as higher education or health issues, and retirement planning. Effective financial planning should accommodate these factors to maintain mortgage payments without hardship. The Bottom Line Applicants for home mortgage loans can avoid frequent mistakes by meticulously completing their applications before completing them. Potential owners can secure a mortgage that suits their needs and financial status by exercising caution and initiative. Ensure that one understands every aspect of the mortgage and that one will maintain financial stability for the term of the loan. Read Also: Property Valuation Software for Real Estate Appraisals 4 Mistakes New Rental Property Owners Must Avoid Benefits of Investing in City Centre Property

Crypto Trader

How To Become A Successful Crypto Trader In 7 Easy Steps

Have you found a sudden interest in Crypto trading? Is the Crypto boom getting you? The path of becoming a successful Crypto trader is not that easy. But it is not impossible as well. You just need to look after some major things. When it comes to investments, and Especially Crypto investments, there is no one-strategy-fit for all. You do not have the chance here to follow an already decided path and become a successful Crypto trader. You need to prepare your own path. However, we are here to help you with some basic steps you must take from the initial stage. Become A Successful Crypto Trader In 7 Easy Steps As we have mentioned earlier, we are here to guide you with some of the golden steps you need to take in order to be a successful crypto investor. So, now, let’s have a look at them. Step 1: Learn As Much As You Can About The Crypto Trading Learning about the thing you are getting into is the best way to get success. Always remember there is no shortcut to success, so you have to learn and gather information as much as you can about Crypto trading. From the basics of Crypto trading to the tools you might need to use, you should have a proper understanding of each and everything. For starters, Quantumai is a great option. Step 2: Get A Secure Wallet You always need a Crypto wallet where you will store your Cryptos. Without it, you can not trade with Cryptocurrencies. Whether you are opting for an online or an offline wallet, you always have to ensure that you are choosing a secure one. After all, you can not take any type of risk with your Cryptos. Successful Crypto traders never compromise with the safety and security of their money and Cryptocurrencies. Step 3: Start Small And Get A Little Experience First For the initial stage, we will always advise you to take smaller steps and get some experience first. When you are putting your money in Cryptocurrency for the first time, you have to be really careful and invest a small amount, which you can afford to lose. Gradually, you will learn a lot from your mistakes, and you will get more experience. You will be using your experience to ride up the ladder of success. Step 4: Determine What Your Actual Goals Are As we have stated earlier that when it comes to Crypto investment and Crypto trading, there is no one-strategy-fit-for-all thing. It is because everyone has totally different goals and intentions with Crypto trading and investment. Thus, you have to be really clear about what you are actually expecting from your Crypto trading. You also need to find out all the goals and ambitions you have regarding this space. Only then will you be able to plan your Crypto trading as surrounding those things. Step 5: Learn About Market Analysis The market analysis holds a lot of importance in the Crypto space. If you have been into the investment market, you might know that no investors put their money into anything without analyzing the market opportunity it has. The same goes for Crypto trading. When you do not know about the market potential of the product, there is no point in putting your money into it because you do not even assume what is going to happen. In order to be successful, you must judge the market potential of different Cryptos. Step 6: Know More Trading Methods, Styles, And Strategies Trading and investment are all about methods, strategies, and styles. Everyone has their own style of investing. Still here, we would like to tell you that never put all your eggs in a single basket. Try to diversify your money with different Cryptocurrencies. This way, in case one or two Cryptocurrency fail to get you the desired return, you will have other Cryptos to perform for you. The risk of overall loss automatically gets eliminated here. Step 7: Keep Yourself Updated With The Latest News Last but not least, always keep yourself updated with the latest news. We have already emphasized the learning and gathering knowledge thing. The Crypto space is still growing and also evolving on a regular basis. That is why keeping yourself current with the latest news, updates, and changes is mandatory. Apart from that, trading is also all about staying current and keeping track of whatever is changing how the graph is actually performing. Read Also: Can Blockchain Help In Other Ways Apart From Cryptocurrencies? Best Crypto Trading Bots of 2020: You are Unaware HybridBlock: Why Binance Is Investing In Crypto-Fiat Trading Why Are VC Firms Interested In Cryptocurrencies: An Analysis