Summer Shades and How to Wear Them

Published on: 12 July 2017 Last Updated on: 09 August 2019

change everywhere around us. While Fashion changes as the season changes and along with it, our wardrobe demand renewal too. Every season has its own shade of colours and as a new season comes along, we see the colour combinationse winter is more about dark and neutral colours, summer time is the time for bright and cheerful colours. No matter how many clothes we own, it is never enough. With each passing season, we need to buy a few outfits and that’s how we build our wardrobe. While purchasing clothes, remember some of them are long lasting and can be worn anytime of the year, so it makes more sense to invest money in these clothes. On the other hand, trendy clothes tend to be in fashion for one season post which they must to be discarded, so it makes sense to buy cheaper ones. As we are in the midst of summer season now, this season is looking forward to its heat, parties, vibrant atmosphere and amazing wardrobe collections. In this post, we will advise you on what colours to wear this summer season. Remember, the colours you wear symbolise your mood and what you are trying to express, so choose them with care


You may wonder, black in summer? But believe me! If you are heading for a party, there is nothing like black. When in doubt, you will definitely not regret wearing black. For this summer season, women can opt for a lacy black dress along with with a black or golden sling bag and gold coloured earrings. Men can wear nice black shirts for formal functions. Check the classic black polo shirt for men from which can be worn at a formal function as well as for some casual outing with friends.

Read also: Classic Dresses: The Little White Dress


Teal, a shade of green, is a different colour as it looks refreshing and classy. A lot of accessories for women come in this colour which can be paired with multiple outfits. Pairing a teal coloured cardigan with a white tank top and white jeans will give a very casual and refreshing summer look. Men can buy teal coloured T-shirts which can be worn with shorts for a casual day at the beach.


If you can think of any season to wear this colour shade, it is the summer season. Beige and tan coloured clothes are extremely popular in summer. This colour reminds us of the people who would for horse-ridings wearing tan coloured boots. Women can buy tan coloured fringe tops or flip flops whereas men can try tan shoes and boots.


Yellow is the colour for this season, especially lemon or lime yellow, which comes with a hint of green and is absolutely bright. Ladies can choose a bright yellow summer dress along with a hat. Or they can buy yellow coloured accessories like a satchel or wedges. As bright as this colour is, it is a treat to the eyes as it enhances the beauty of the person wearing it. Men can wear yellow coloured slim shirts in offices as well as for parties.


Blue is an evergreen colour and many people choose to wear blue as it appears calm and cool. Pastel blue coloured dress can be worn by women for beach parties whereas men can wear light blue collared shirts in the office. A lot of accessories also come in this colour, hence mixing and matching must not be a problem for women. A blue coloured watch will look absolutely trendy with T-shirts.


Coral is a shade of orange and pink that looks very lively, festive and perky. Women can wear coral coloured tops and wedges along with white bottoms and dangling earrings in office. Men, on the other hand, can buy coral coloured shirts and pair them with white bottoms.


Red is another bright colour which makes a person look very lively. It is the colour that indicates glamour and sensuousness and hence, women can wear red colour for date-nights since it looks really sexy. They can choose from red satin dresses or high-low cut dresses which will give a very feminine look for dates. Men, on the other hand, can choose to wear red checks shirts for formal wear or plain red shirts of some shiny material for party wear.

Along with the colour of the cloth you choose to wear, fitting is an important parameter which plays a vital role. When buying online, ensure that you have read the size charts well. A tailored suit will almost always look the best of men, so when you order online, make sure that you have accurate measurements. The women apart from the colour should also take into consideration their body shape and order clothes accordingly. A dress with a beautiful colour that accentuates your curves in the right places will make you look ravishing.

I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Must-Have Accessories

Start Summer Off Right With These 5 Must-Have Accessories

It’s summer again. Is your wardrobe ready? You Must-Have Accessories to make you look cool. What about your jewelry box? Your accessory drawer? Your makeup bag? You're — you get the idea. The lead-in to summer is the perfect time for personal reinvention. And what better way to kick off the season of reinvention with a clutch of new must-have accessories? Here’s what you need to start this summer off on the right foot. Different Must-Have Accessories  you must wear to look great are as follows:- 1. Modular Sunglasses: Modular what now? Modular sunglasses, friend. It’s one of those ideas whose time should have come long, long ago. Let’s just be happy that we’re finally there. Modular sunglasses are ideal for summer wear. They’re affordable. Most parts are easy to swap out if lost or broken. They look fashionable. Higher-end versions are luxe enough to confuse for custom eyewear. The blunt bottom line: If you don’t have at least one pair of modular sunglasses in your summer accessory bag, your summer accessory bag is not complete. 2. A Signature Ring: Have you been waiting for the perfect time to make a stunning addition to your jewelry collection? That time has come, and your beachgoing buds are simply dying to know what you’ve chosen. Let them gawk — and let them emulate you if that’s where this is going. You deserve a second look; your new summer ring is the surest way to earn it. 3. Waterproof Sandals: Want to dip your toes into the water without feeling the squishes or scratches or stings of whatever lies beneath? You need a pair of rugged waterproof sandals built to hold up to the roughest rocks, shells, and — erm — creatures you’re likely to find at your local beach or river bottom. 4. A Full-Brimmed Hat (Not a Cap) You don’t have to be a hat person to appreciate the joys of summer hatting, writes Marie Claire’s Rachel Epstein. She’s got a point. If you’re a perennial sunburn victim, strutting out in a stylish, full-brimmed hat isn’t solely a matter of seeing and being seen. It’s also about preserving the youthful glow you so prize, not to mention staving off the more serious ills that accompany a lifetime of sun exposure. So, grab that festive fedora or wide-brimmed straw hat you’ve been eying and add it to your summer accessory bag. Just make sure it offers full coverage; your typical front-brimmed hat won’t do. 5. A Light Shell or Windbreaker: For those days and nights when it’s not quite mild enough to step out in a sleeveless dress or form-fitting tee, there’s the next best thing: a stylish light shell or windbreaker that doubles as a rain shield. Of course, if you’re planning a mountain retreat or far-northern adventure this summer, you may need something stiffer. What’s in Your Collection This Season? These five summer accessory ideas should get your creative juices flowing, but don’t take them as gospel. After all, you’re in control of your own look this summer. What works flawlessly for your neighbor might not work like a charm for you, and that’s A-OK. So, what are you waiting for? It’s time to step up your summer accessory game — and let your inner fashion pro shine. Read Also: Sunglasses Suitable For Weddings Classic Dresses: The Little White Dress Hello, Sandals! How To Get Your Feet Summer Ready


From Flint to Lasers – The Evolving Techniques of Hair Removal

I hate having to go through the painful waxing sessions for hair removal! There! I’ve expressed the sentiment that millions of women like me across the world feel every now and then when they look at themselves in the mirror after a shower. My significant other refuses to shave on weekends unless he has a formal event he has to go to. Watching him lounge around the house unconcerned about the two-day stubble, I’ve often wondered how social paradigms developed to the point where having a hairless face and skin became essential. I mean if nature didn’t intend us to have hair, we would have long eliminated the gene that gave us hair in the first place. Makes sense? So, here I was, complaining and mumbling under my breath as I went through my phone looking for the number of my salon. (If I want to look anywhere near presentable in a swimsuit, I would have to schedule an appointment.) Suddenly, it struck me. Who was this historical personality who invented hair removal anyway? I decided to get to the bottom of the issue. It was time to find out if hair removal is really an essential of fashion or plain, good old hygiene. So, I set about doing a bit of research into the issue. Hair Removal Has Been Around Since 30,000 BC (There go my hopes of ushering in a social revolution where hairy faces and bodies were completely acceptable.) As Livestrong says, people as far back as 30,000 BC used the sharp edge of flint to scrape off the hair from their scalps, faces, and bodies. At the time, it WAS a question of hygiene. No hair meant no lice, mites, and other infestations. I dug around a little more to find that everyone (including women) living in the warmer climates would shave off their scalp hair too. Then came a time in the Middle Ages when going hairless (bald?!) was the height of fashion. (I think I am quite happy I don’t live in those times.) The elite would remove all their hair (in the nether regions too) as a sign of quality. Think Romans and their statues and paintings of entirely hairless people. And, the court of Queen Elizabeth I where women removed their eyebrows and the hair on the front of their heads to show off high foreheads. (Phew!)  Hair Removal Techniques Haven’t Evolved All That Much In fact, removing hair in those times was a lot more painful. My research showed that people mainly used tweezing to get rid of the fuzz. They’d use seashells as tweezers or pumice stones and metal blades to scrape hair. Egyptian women are credited with the art of threading. They were the first to use twisted strands to pluck hair in 60 BC. Apparently, they also invented sugaring which is very much like modern-day waxing. And, yes, hair removal creams were also used. Only, women used a solution of quicklime and arsenic to burn off the unwanted hair. (It’s scary to think about what that did to their skins.) Getting Back to the 21st Century Having grudgingly conceded that I would have to get that waxing session, after all, the next step was to explore my options. I mean, doesn’t science and technology have an answer to the problem of unwanted fuzz? (and, a painless one, too!) Look around and you’ll find that there IS one solution that the ancients didn’t have. It’s called removing hair with the help of lasers. But, the question still remains. Does laser hair removal hurt more than waxing? (Remember? We’re still stuck on the issue of pain here!) So, It’s Back to the Internet! I decided that it’s time to look for a more permanent solution (Given that I’m going to have to do this all through my life!). And, if lasers promised clean skin for good, it was worth a shot. Here’s everything I found out about the procedure. Some of the information is from the expert aestheticians who can perform the treatment on you and some other comes from hapless people like me. (If you’re looking for some authoritative details, check out the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory website.) Medscape says that laser hair removal came to be first used in the year 1998 when some guys, Dierickx, and associates first released a paper after conducting 2-year research on the technique. Since then, you can find a whole range of equipment that can help you with unwanted hair. Lasering is a solution that’s perfect for women with darker-colored hair. The deeper pigmentation seems to absorb the heat and directs it to the root. The heat effectively burns the root so that it cannot go back. In a fraction of a second! You’ll probably need about 6 to 8 sessions spaced at intervals of about 6 weeks each. Weigh that against a lifetime of waxing sessions and the cost in terms of dollars (and, the pain!) and you’ll find that lasering is much more economical. You won’t have to worry about ingrown hair with layering. The levels of pain depend on your tolerance and the thickness of the hair. To some extent, the area under treatment is also a factor. So, if you’re working the more delicate sections, it could hurt a little more. Many users have talked about feeling a rubber band twanging against the skin. You can prepare for the session by taking painkillers in advance and using topical numbing creams. Applying ice afterward also helps. Avoid caffeine on the day of the procedure and time it far out from your appointment with Aunt Flo. You’ll save on some of the sensitivity. You can expect that the treated area will look pink for a few days and since the hair will be falling out, you may have to exfoliate thoroughly. Some women have also talked about noticing a singed hair odor. Laser treatments can be of two different wavelengths and doctors choose the appropriate one according to the color and texture of your hair and skin. As you go through the sessions, your aestheticians may work out a combination for you. Avoid trimming the hair before your session for a week or so and the treatment will be much more effective. Lasering doesn’t take a lot of time. You can get the session done during your lunch break. Lasering is great for both and women. You’ll be wearing protective eyeglasses all through the session so you needn’t worry about any potential harmful effects. There you go - the results of my digging around for the perfect solution for unwanted fuzz. Come to think of it, humans have come quite a long way in their quest for the perfect hair removal solution. From flint and cuts and nicks to the permanent option of lasers! (Who knows, over the next few hundred centuries, we might just mutate into humans without the need for lasers too. Um, they aren’t entirely painless, you know!)  To know more: 6 Stunning Long Hairstyles For Oval Faces

night vision goggles

Night Vision Goggles Provide A Lot of Advantages

In a dark and low-light environment, it is typically impossible for human vision to acclimatize. During the night traveling, viewing the street is one of the challenging exercises for the human eyes. The leading cause behind this is that the viewing range distances are greatly diminished in the complete darkness. Furthermore, the sudden harsh light like spotlights from some of the nearby automobiles may cause severe visual fatigue. As a result, if someone does not have excellent night visibility, one should think of practicing wearing the night vision goggles.  What else are the benefits of these night vision glasses, and how do you use them? Electro-optical instruments, such as Night Vision spectacles, are electro-optical equipment.  Similar Reads: The Science Behind Blue Light Glasses What Are Night Vision Goggles? With picture modifiers, it aids in intensifying the present sparks of illumination in your surroundings the image intensifiers and collecting the lighting. After receiving the photo, it expands hundreds of times and gives you a better vision in low light. The best night vision goggles 2021 can reduce the harshness of blazing headlights, which helps to add distinction to the look of things on the highway.  As a result, it made it easy to see what was in front of you. In addition, military defense forces usually use night vision goggles, which allow them to see in the complete darkness successfully.  They achieve this just by capturing and amplifying any light source in the region.  Gen 0 is undoubtedly an essential lighting device, whereas Gen 4 is a lightly elevated functioning eyepiece headgear that is extensively used by armed personnel today. In addition, other accessories, including telescoping lenses, are commonly attached to night vision glasses to help in their general usage. 3 Advantages Of Wearing Night-Vision Goggles Night vision goggles have a powerful impact on your eye’s health. Most people are facing challenges due to the low lights. And these glasses are more helpful in reducing the low light effects on the eyes and minimizing your eye’s stress. Here are three advantages of wearing night vision Goggles. 1. Improved Eyesight In Low-Light Situations The ability to see well in the darkness we're viewing with the unaided human vision is inadequate, is amongst the most evident benefits of wearing night vision glasses. Infrared or thermal cameras are used to augment whatever you see only through the night visual acuity glasses. Military personnel could see through the darkness and help the country. What characteristics distinguish the best night vision goggles?  The first factor is this increases eyesight and produces the most incredible night vision. The night vision goggles seem to be the sensors utilized in the glasses. The second prominent feature is the ability to record both during the day and at night. 2. Increased Precision  Night vision glasses are commonly associated with specialized combat actions. They're particularly an excellent method to shoot the nighttime outings when the lack of natural lighting makes it extremely hard to aim the game securely. More information about these night vision goggles could be gathered from online websites such as  Using night-vision goggles, people can determine the object's range and thickness. As a result, low-light glasses are incredibly useful in removing our vision's functional issues. 3. Improved Security If anyone plans to do any outside activity just after sunsets, night vision glasses might come in handy. If one can't see where he is putting his feet, a night trek might become perilous. Accuracy and comfort of mind are provided by night vision eyewear. It also aids in the reduction of visual fatigue. Night vision goggles are not only joining to improve your eyes capacity. Along with the night viewing capacity, you can minimize the eye’s stress. And whenever you use it, you can keep your eyes protected from outside dirt and pollution. Similar Reads: Contacts vs Glasses-Pick out the best one Conclusion: The night vision goggles are always a perfect option among the eye gears. Look wise. This is a very cool-looking eyeglass. If you like to keep your eyes protected and safe and minimize the stress of the eyes, you must use night vision glasses for yourself. These are compulsory eye gadgets for bike and sports car riders who like to drive at night. Which type of night vision goggles are you selecting? Share your opinion in the comment box. Read Also: Top 5 Eyewear to Style your look at New Year Do You Know How to Take Care of The Eye?