6 Surprising Retail Trends In 2024 & Beyond

Published on: 21 December 2023 Last Updated on: 28 December 2023

If you follow retail news at all — or have set foot in a regional shopping mall recently, for that matter — you know that the industry has more than its fair share of struggles. For this, you have to take a look at the most surprising retail trend.

Compared with other types of commercial real estate, large-format retail (especially traditional enclosed shopping malls) suffers from high vacancy rates and flatlining revenues. Several high-profile mall operators and owners have gone bankrupt recently, and others could follow if the U.S. economy tips into recession.

Maybe even if it doesn’t.

But retail isn’t all doom and gloom. 2024 is shaping up to be the industry’s most exciting year so far this decade. Several emerging retail trends hint at a sunnier future for merchants, operators, property owners, and — of course — shoppers.

Here’s what you need to know to get up to speed.

1. Pop-Up Retail Is Not Just A Fad

Long dismissed as an inconsequential fad, pop-up retail is becoming more difficult to ignore thanks to rapidly growing platforms like Nomad. You can say it is a prominent, surprising retail trend. Industry pros like xNomad’s Lorenzo Bonfiglio gravitate toward this space because it’s flexible, empowering, and comes with lower overhead costs than traditional retail. All to the good.

Shoppers seem to be getting the message as well.

2. Makers Are Reaching New Markets

The pop-up retail trend is driven in large part by independent artisans — makers — seeking creative ways to reach new markets at scale. It’s the same trend that drove earlier phases of digital retail growth but even more decentralized and democratic. For the first time in a long time, the balance of power could be shifting from larger retail corporations back to craftspeople who truly take pride in their work.

3. Surprising Retail Trend: Returns Are Getting (Even) Easier

Larger merchants are certainly playing a role in the retail renaissance. They’re investing in innovative processes and technologies that make the shopping experience simpler and more enjoyable, both online and IRL. For example, many are relaxing return policies, even moving to “no questions asked” returns, while streamlining the experience of sending back an unwanted item.

4. Retailers Can Do More And More With Less And Less

Automation: It’s real, it’s happening, and it’s changing the retail game right now.

From automated return kiosks to smarter self-checkout stations, customer-facing automation is nothing new. More and more, the real action is happening behind the scenes, with improved logistics and more productive internal systems. These innovations show up in slowly but surely improving customer satisfaction metrics. Hence, consider it as a surprising retail trend.

5. Loss Prevention Is Improving

Target CEO Brian Cornell surprised a lot of industry observers recently when he told investors that his company had a handle on organized theft. This is partly an automation success — in-store security is better than it was — and partly due to factors outside retailers’ control. The important thing is that a big, ongoing headwind for major retailers seems to be letting up.

6. Lower Inflation Could Give Shoppers A Boost

Surprisingly strong 2023 holiday season sales could signal a turning point for the retail industry as a whole, according to retail expert Melissa Repko. Thanks to falling inflation, which is tempering increases in both wholesale and end-user costs. As we turn the calendar into 2024, continued price normalization could outright reverse another powerful retail headwind, driving higher consumer spending and fatter retail profits.

Retail Is Having A Moment Right Now

The shopping industry is having a much-deserved moment in the sun right now after years of pain and doom.

Does that mean all its problems are solved? Not. But even the most pessimistic observers have to agree that the forecast for 2024 looks better than most expected, even a few short months ago.

Thanks to durable trends like falling inflation, lower in-store and point-of-sale friction, and ongoing sales automation, the years to come could be funnier still.


Ankita Tripathy loves to write about food and the Hallyu Wave in particular. During her free time, she enjoys looking at the sky or reading books while sipping a cup of hot coffee. Her favourite niches are food, music, lifestyle, travel, and Korean Pop music and drama.

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Purchasing A Water Tank Online

8 Things To Consider When Purchasing A Water Tank Online

Choosing a water tank for your needs can be daunting. Since good quality tanks aren’t cheap, the decision must be well-considered before purchasing, especially if you’re going to shop online. When shopping around on the internet, there are various things to consider and these include the following: 1. Price One of the things you might want to consider when purchasing water tanks in online stores like The Water Tank Factory site is the price. The price of your preferred water tank must not be way beyond your budget. If possible, consider comparing the prices of every store you browse online. Using a comparison website may also come in handy for you to see which store offers the best deal and which ones must be filtered from your list of potential online vendors. 2. Size Of The Water Tank You don’t always need to settle with big water tanks. At present, water tanks are available in different colors and shapes. While the oval and round ones consume a lot of space, the slimline water tanks don’t take up much. Therefore, it depends on how much space is there in your yard or where you’ll keep the tank. Moreover, the size may also depend on what you like to do with the conserved water. It can be used for dishwashing, construction purposes, car washing, gardening, drinking, patio cleaning, or laundry. So, make sure to choose the right size of a water tank because purchasing a big tank won’t be a smart idea if your water consumption isn’t that much. 3. Use Or Purpose Of The Water Tank You should consider the usage of your water tank as well. For example, is it for commercial usage or domestic use like rainwater harvesting? If you’d like to place the tank under the ground, on the roof, or on the ground, you should keep such thoughts in mind for you to choose the right kind of water tank suited for your unique needs. 4. Durability There’s nothing more disappointing than investing in a low-quality water tank. It’s what happens, particularly when you don’t pay attention to how durable the water tank is. Since it can be hard to tell how durable it could be, check the client reviews. Many clients love talking about their experiences about a certain product, so make the most of your time reading them. 5. Material Of Construction Water tanks are available in a variety of designs and made with the use of different materials. A good water tank must be made with a material that won’t pose any health risks. Moreover, you must check the material’s strength. It must be strong enough to last for a long period of time to avoid any leakages. Some of the types of water tanks you can choose from are as follows: Bladder Tanks – While such don’t fit into your ideas of tanks, these can be perfect for under house applications or verandas. Fiberglass Tanks – Such tanks are a great option for the above-ground because they’re corrosion- and rust-proof, and can withstand high temperature. Metal Tanks – Made of coated steel or corrugated metal, such custom-made water tanks can be transported easily. Concrete Tanks – Usually, these tanks are built on-site and are best at keeping the water cool and preventing algae growth. Polyethylene Tanks – These plastic water storage tanks are durable and lightweight options, which are available in several sizes and colors. They may also be used both below and above ground, depending on your preferences. 6. Features Some modern water tanks may come with a level of sophistication to boost user experience. See to it that the container has outlet and inlet pipes, liquid level indicators, roof access manways, discharge nozzles, and so on. The manufacturer may also give you an idea of the features you may need. 7. Brand As you shop around online, you’ll find that there are many brands offering water tanks. But you have to take note that not all of them are reliable and may not be worthy enough to spend your hard-earned money on. If possible, check the reputation of the brand and if it has the quality certification to ensure that you’ll get nothing but a high-quality water tank. 8. Color You’ll see different colors of water tanks available in the market. When purchasing a water tank online, you’ll notice that a lot of colors would stand out, but it’s always a good choice to pick a neutral color. The color of the water tank must not be too light or too dark. The perfect color is deep blue as this color will let you see any impurities in the water, and it’s also less heat absorbent. It’s also much easier to clean in comparison to dark colors that won’t make any impurities visible. Conclusion It can be challenging and confusing at the same time when purchasing water tanks online because of the countless options available. But if you know what you need and you did a little research, you’ll be able to make the perfect choice that won’t give you any regrets in the long run regardless of your budget and needs. Read Also: Purchasing a Road Bike 8 Factors to Consider When Purchasing a Bed Liner for Your Truck Factors To Consider Before Purchasing An Amplifier 5 Things to Cross Check before purchasing a used iPhone

First Boat

Myths To ignoring And Tips To Follow When Buying Your First Boat

Boating is an extraordinary experience, and the idea of owning a boat is enthralling. As it is an expensive endeavor, many misconceptions are already there. Many people even think that buying a boat is just impossible. But the reality is boats are commonly available across the country at a wide price range, just like bikes and cars. Additionally, the investment you make when buying a boat is less than you imagine. If you want to embrace the boating lifestyle, there are a few things that you need to keep in mind. Also, you need to understand the common myths about buying your first boat before actually doing it. How to Buy A Boat In a Budget? Buy At Auctions If you want to save a lot of money when buying a boat, the best option is to purchase boats at auctions. If this is the first purchase, go for a used one. A new boat will cost you a fortune and will be heavy on your pocket. If you wonder where to buy a boat, here is a nice piece of news for you. Cranky Ape sells boats at auction, and you can choose from many options. Shopping for a used boat will keep the loan interest costs away and help you save money on your first purchase. Look For Financial Backups When buying a boat, your income, credit rating, and the price of the boat will be considered. If you cannot afford to buy a boat in cash, getting financial help through a bank or other lenders can be helpful; just like financing a car or a bike, your credit rating matters. If you are eligible for loans, there are many financial organizations for used boats as well. Buy According To Your Requirements Most of the time, first-time boat buyers make a simple mistake: they buy a boat they like. They mostly forget about their personal requirements, especially in terms of size. While considering the right size, think about how many people will usually be in the boat and what kind of mass of water you’ll be boating on. A bigger boat is challenging to maintain. Also, sometimes buying two small boats is more cost-effective than buying a bigger model. Common Myths To Ignore While Buying A Boat You already know how to buy a boat within your budget, but it's not only the finance that we deal with while buying a boat. Sometimes the myths about boat buying come in between the journey of purchasing a boat. And here are the most common myths you need to ignore during the process. Myth 1: Boat Insurance Is Expensive The insurance of a boat directly relates to the value of the boat. Sometimes the cost of insurance might vary based on different geographic locations of the same country. However, you will be surprised knowing that boat insurances are somehow equal to or sometimes less expensive than auto insurance. Myth 2: You Must Not Buy A Boat If You Can’t Drive It Well, you can take a boating education or safety course to get a solid foundation in boat handling. Remember that different states have different laws regarding boat safety. Check with your state or local authorities to know more about the regulations. Myth 3: Boats Are Too Expensive To Maintain Many modern families own powerboats as those require very little annual maintenance. Mostly you need to take care of the engine, oil, and filters to make the most of your boat. If you reside in a cold climate, winterize your boat to keep it protected. Buying a boat is not as difficult as you think. The first step of purchasing a boat is to determine what type of boat you want. Check our website for exclusive deals and offers. You can also list your needs and compare your requirements with the boat specifications on the Cranky Ape website to determine the best fit for you. Read Also: Boat Rentals at Lake Champlain I’m On a Boat!: How to Throw a Boat Party the Lonely Island

Buying Clothes Online

6 Benefits Of Buying Clothes Online – Why People trust online shopping

What would you do without the internet today? Everything that you can think of is via the internet, from socializing, to playing games, to ordering pizza, to selling and most especially to buying. Kids nowadays are clueless about how life was before the internet took over. People back in the days had to walk to a newsstand to be able to read what happened the previous day. But now, the news is only a click away. Even starting a business can also be done online. That’s how powerful and essential the internet is. The internet has clearly turned the world upside down. But we have to admit, gettings things done online is extremely convenient.  It’s an answered prayer to anyone too busy to drop by the shopping mall to buy a great outfit or someone who doesn’t know what to cook for dinner. Many women and men find shopping online inherently convenient. Here are some of the reasons why people like to buy their wardrobe online. Less Crowded: Who likes to be in crowded places, especially when shopping? Certainly not women! Women love to take their time when it comes to buying clothes. And the best place to do that is right at your home. All you need is a computer/mobile phone/laptop and the internet! By shopping online you can avoid the chaotic crowd. Price Comparison: Checking the price tag of each clothing that you want can be a challenge, but it’s more convenient when done online. Multiple tabs can be accessed on safari or chrome that will make life easier for you when it comes to comparing prices. In addition to this, you don’t have to walk anywhere to see the prices of other items. Everything you need is right in front of you. Different Choices: When shopping for clothes at a mall, you have limited choices. You can only choose from what the mall has to offer. But when shopping for clothes through an online store, you have numerous options. These options also could include clothes from other countries. For example, Boxhill has a variety of dresses to choose from, while in shopping malls you have limited designs and style of dresses. People like a variety of choices to make sure they’ll get what they need. The delivery may take some time, but the wait will be worth it! Always Looks For Reviews: One of the good things about shopping online is being able to see what other people’s reviews are about clothing. Of course, you will always want to go for dresses and pants that have awesome reviews. In addition to the reviews, some people also leave pictures of the actual clothing for other people to see which can help you imagine how the outfit would look on you. Open 24/7 Shopping online means there is no time limit, which makes it an advantage to shopaholics. This gives you more time to look at clothes with no rush. As mentioned above, women like to take their time when it comes to choosing the right outfit. No More Waiting In Line: Everybody loves to shop, but nobody likes to fall in line. This can be very frustrating especially when it’s the mid-year sale. During this special occasion, malls would be crowded and check-outs would have long queues. The great thing about online shopping is precisely this - no more waiting in line. You can check out right at your home, on the couch, on the bed, in the kitchen, in the bathroom, the list goes on. Final Thoughts: These, among many other advantages, is what makes shopping online genuinely essential. The internet has clearly taken a big part of our lives. Read Also: How To Save Money When Shopping Online Ways To Spice Up Your Online Shopping Of Apparels Dress For Success: 4 Tips To Look (And Feel) Like A Confident Man