How to Survive Your First Year of Living Independently

Published on: 23 July 2018 Last Updated on: 08 August 2019
independent life

Moving out of your parents home and starting off an independent life has to be one of the scariest yet exciting decisions in our lives. The reality is that you never know what to expect since it is probably the first time that you get to live alone. What makes it exciting is the fact that now you get to make your own decisions in your place but at the same time what makes then there many responsibilities that may overwhelm you from time to time. However, you should know that it is normal for you to feel all these emotions as many people also feel the same too.

If you are ready to kick off your independent life we have some great tips that will help you survive your first solo year smoothly and successfully.

1. Do not get scared :

Yes, it sounds scary since there is no one that you can depend on to help you out when something goes wrong at your new home. Just remember that most people if not all get to move out at some point too and it is an excellent idea for you to learn how to be independent. Also as time goes, it just gets more manageable for you as you keep learning how to do things by yourself.

2. Look For Some extra Security :

Taking extra measures to make sure that you stay safe is vital for you. It will help you to feel more comfortable at your place, and you will have peace of mind since you will feel safer. Things that you can do to make sure you are safe includes, looking for an apartment that has added security features like alarm systems, exterior security doors, interior door chains, and deadbolt locks.

3. Practice relying on yourself :

Start with learning to manage the little situations all by yourself. It may be difficult for you at the beginning, but it only gets better with time and practice. You will feel more mature and responsible when you can handle things b yourself without having to make a call to your parents or friends every time something comes up. If you do not know where to buy specific items for your home, it is the high time that you learn to do so. You can begin by checking out Modern Home Pulse if you want to purchase household gadgets for your new home.

4. Have a good relationship with your neighbors :

Your relationship with your neighbors plays a significant role in your stay. Your neighbor can look out for you when you are not around any your apartment will be more secure. You should take a walk around your environment and introduce yourself to them, and you will be able to feel at home if you have a good relationship with the people around you.

5. Stick to a budget :

When living independently, you have bills to pay like rent, electricity among many others. It is best that you formulate a proper budget so that you do not end up in trouble with the bills before you move in. Do proper research on the expenses since you do not want to get unpleasant surprises after moving out.

Living solo should be fun for you even with the responsibilities if you keep the tips we have talked about above. Making a good strategy on your budget will really help you to cover up the expenses and bills that you were not used to paying before. Going out with your friends and having fun once in a while should be on your to-do list too!

I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Friendships Up in Smoke? 6 Ways Addiction Affects Relationships

If you’ve suffered from long-term substance abuse disorders, you likely understand how damaging drug and alcohol dependency can be to your close relationships. People who abuse substances often behave erratically and irresponsibly, leaving loved ones in the wake of drug-induced rage, mania, and recklessness. Unfortunately, addiction frequently severs relational ties, leaving addicts alone and susceptible to further drug use. Though it can be challenging to remedy broken relationships, you can perform damage control by making amends and extending an olive branch to those negatively affected. One of the critical steps in rehabilitation is reaching out to those you’ve hurt, apologizing, and attempting to rebuild the trust you’ve broken. If you’re unsure whether your friends and family are at their wit’s end, read on for six ways addiction can affect your close relationships. Behaving dishonestly One of the most difficult relational obstacles to overcome when living with a substance abuse disorder is dishonesty. Unfortunately, many addicts rely on secrecy and deception to conceal their drug and alcohol use and absolve themselves from judgment. Chances are your addiction is tied up in shame and guilt, and keeping the severity of the situation concealed can feel like the only option. However, once your loved ones notice unusual behavior or catch you in a lie, they may feel hurt and upset at your dishonesty, negatively affecting your relationship. Isolating yourself People with substance abuse disorders often begin isolating themselves from friends, family, and partners, pushing people away to continue their drug and alcohol use. Sadly, long-term use can significantly impact your emotional states, turning you into a completely different person when inebriated. Though every addict copes with dependency in unique ways, many find their priorities lie in getting their next fix, disregarding those around them to keep their habit alive. Emotional dysregulation A common symptom of addiction is emotional dysregulation, which can significantly impact your close relationships as you experience outbursts and engage in reckless behavior. Unfortunately, your friends and family often receive the brunt of your mood swings and callousness, leaving many loved ones feeling resentful and unwilling to continue the relationship. Losing trust As people fall deeper and deeper into substance abuse, the trail of lies, deception, and betrayal they leave behind can be long and winding. Unfortunately, broken trust is difficult to remedy, and many people engaging with addicts find themselves frustrated and disheartened by deceitful behavior. Though you can rebuild bonds by taking actionable, rehabilitative steps, like apologizing sincerely and committing to sobriety, distrust can reinstate the bond present in once strong relationships. Abusive behaviors Unfortunately, drug and alcohol dependency and abusive behaviors often go hand in hand. Though many addicts find treatment before stuping to toxic behaviors, others blame their behavior on substance use, punishing those around them through emotional and physical violence. Drugs and alcohol prompt irrational behavior and can ignite fights quickly as anger builds into rage and resentment. Sadly, those living amongst heavily addicted individuals often experience mistreatment and trauma during outbursts and drug-induced mania. Additionally, frustrated family members can also act out, punishing the addict in unhelpful, abusive ways. Wrapping up Addiction and substance abuse disorders can significantly affect your interpersonal relationships as you engage in erratic, potentially dangerous behaviors. That said, by getting help from a professional treatment center and taking actionable steps toward recovery, you can attempt to rebuild broken connections and trust. Read Also: Is Outpatient Treatment for Drug and Alcohol Addiction Effective? How To Know If You Have An Addiction: 7 Common Signs Available Treatment Options for Cocaine Addiction The Benefits Of Inpatient Substance Abuse Treatment Over Other Choices


The best grooming guide for men

Everybody in this world, be it man or woman, wants to look good. Along with wearing stylish clothes and trendy accessories, you should not forget to groom yourself up. Grooming would help you to look good in anything you like and would instantly boost up your confidence. Women generally take a lot of care when it comes to grooming and the increasing crowd in the salons could easily prove that, however, in the recent times men have also started to groom themselves up seriously. Grooming would not only give you that confidence to rock your look with anything you want and be ready always but would also have a great impression on anyone that you would meet. Also, it is very important to groom yourself down there, which would not only keep your partner happy but would also make you feel much lighter and hygienic. Having trimmed hair along with a well shaved or well-groomed beard is your first step towards external grooming; however, there are certain things that you should follow to perfect the internal private grooming sessions. If you wish to know more about it then we have the best online guide to men’s grooming, read on and explore. We know how busy you are and how tightly your schedule is packed, however amidst all these, you should take out some time for yourself. The first thing that you would require to groom yourself up is time. Take a good shower; avoid using sharp or metal objects on your body, especially your private parts. Never hurry while grooming, you may mess things up. Take your time and do all the necessary things carefully to get some great results. Using the right kind of tool is very important to groom yourself down there. Select the perfect trimmer or razor that would not cause any harm to your most sensitive part and then get your desired results. If you are using razors in your private parts, be sure that the blades are not rusty and that they do not have any bacteria on it. Also, remember to stand on a mat while doing this. It would save your time which you would have to spend cleaning those curlies off the room. Be sure to clean all of the tools after you are done with the manscaping sessions. Also, ensure that your hands and the parts where you would perform the grooming are clean pre and post the whole session. Use some lather to carry on the session smoothly. Take a shower after you have achieved the result that you desire. You can also use some protective lotion to which would maintain your pH balance and your area would not itch. If you want to get rid of all of your ingrown pubes then you should definitely opt for the trimmers. However, we would suggest you rather than standing and cleaning your private area with the trimmer; if you wish to get a smoother result there then you should lie down and then perform the operation. This would give you much better results and you would love your silky smooth hair free skin down there. The most difficult thing part in your whole grooming schedule would be to get rid of those small hairs from your balls. The skin there is wrinkled and very sensitive and if you wish to achieve smooth results there then you have to be extra careful. Pull the skin of the balls so that there are no more wrinkles and the skin is firm, then with the other hand trim the area. Be very careful while doing this or you may get hurt, once you are done with this, the other areas are quite easy to clean. Read Also: Reasons Why Bearded Men Look Attractive Dress For Success: 4 Tips To Look (And Feel) Like A Confident Man

wedding reception

3 Tips For An Amazing Wedding Reception

The wedding reception is the true party of the wedding day. It is when the drinks come out, the hair comes down, and the dancing shoes come on. From speeches to games to cake, a lot happens during those 5+ hours in the evening and the reception is often the largest expense to any wedding day. There’s a lot more to a wedding reception than simply feeding your wedding guests. Some of the most heartfelt moments can come from speeches and having a great DJ and/or live band to get people in the mood to party goes a long way. To help you get the most out of your wedding day, here are 3 tips to ensuring that you have an amazing reception. Get All The Speeches Done Early A lot of couples try to stretch out the formalities to fill in the gaps between meal service. Whilst this can make sense in theory, in reality, it can work against you. In the early days of your wedding planning, sit down and think about who you want to make a speech at your wedding reception. The usual suspects include parental figures and best friends. Once you have identified who you want to make a toast, ask them and lay in some ground rules. Some of your best friends may not be comfortable standing up alone and may opt to combine their speech with another. Some people tend to ramble on and on so it is important to set the expectations early. Wedding guests tend to be rowdier towards the end of the reception and some guests may choose to leave early due (e.g., they may have children with sitters or have an early start the next day). Therefore, it is best to do the formalities as early as possible so that once they are done, everyone, including yourselves, can be more relaxed and enjoy the evening. Australian wedding photographer Jack of Jack Chauvel Photography agrees that all speeches, including the couple’s, should be done and dusted as early as possible, saying - “I’ve come across couples who refrain from drinking alcohol because they don’t want their faces to be red in their wedding photos.” “This means that they cannot really have fun and let loose until after 9 pm at times.” Choose The Right Venue The reception venue is where you will spend most of your wedding day so choosing the right one makes a lot of sense. Different couples will have different priorities. Some couples will favor the food itself while others want specific requirements such as high ceilings and the ability to incorporate a lot of their own personalizations. However, all wedding venues have restrictions and for the marrying couple, they often do not know how to ask for these things. This is where having a wedding stylist such as Sydney-based event company Upside Down Events comes in handy. A wedding stylist can take a quick look at an event space, compare it with your notes, and be able to give you your options. “Quite often, couples come to me after they have locked in their venue and it is my unfortunate task of telling them that their vision is not possible due to the limitations of the venue.” - Lilac, head stylist of Upside Down Events says. The right reception venue should tick all your boxes. It should look great, be within your budget, and offer the catering options that you need. Talk To As Many People As Possible Everyone who attends your wedding is there for you. The day may start slowly but before you know it, you’ll be at the end of reception wondering where did all the time go “One of the best things about my wedding - and the most vivid memory I have is of the people who gave me a hug. I don’t recall what they said but I remember how it made me feel“ - says Sandra (owner of a Sydney bridal store Emerald Bridal). “Your feet may hurt and your face may be tired from all the smiling, but you should definitely walk around your reception, soak in the sounds and visuals, and let everyone congratulate you. It is your wedding day after all!” This experience only comes around once, so make the most of it! Read Also: 6 Tips For Having A Perfect City Hall Weddings! The Benefits Of A Great Wedding Venue 7 Perfect Accessories To Match Your Wedding Dress