Top myths about PVC

Published on: 16 September 2019 Last Updated on: 30 October 2024

Impact of PVC vs non-PVC towards the environment:

Polyvinyl chloride, also known as PVC or simply as vinyl, is a plastic composed of carbon, chlorine, and hydrogen. It’s a common material found frequently in packaging, wire coatings, furnishing, construction materials, pipes, electrical wires, and also in the graphics industry. The reason that PVC is such a popular material is that it’s incredibly versatile. It’s also resistant to UV rays, chemicals, weathering, and flame resistant.

Many people, however, believe that PVC has a negative impact on the environment and avoid using any products that contain this material. It’s true that there are many complaints about PVC and its effect both on people and the environment, so let’s take a look at the main issues, both for and against.

1. The manufacturing process releases highly toxic carcinogenic dioxins into the environment:

There are two main pieces of evidence that debunk this belief. First is that over the past 30 years, the production of PVCs has increased 300%, whilst at the same time the amount of dioxins in the environment has reduced. Therefore, if the manufacturing process was the major cause of dioxins in the environment, you would expect that the number of dioxins would have increased accordingly. In fact, if we stopped producing PVC, the levels of dioxins in the environment wouldn’t noticeably diminish. Second, that the main cause of dioxins in the environment is not the inefficient combustion of PVC, it’s mainly due to landfill fires and to a lesser degree, the inefficient combustion of medical and urban waste.

2. When incinerated or burnt in house fires, PVC releases dioxins, chlorine, and other carcinogenic chemicals into the air:

First of all, PVC doesn’t burn very well, in fact, if the source of fire is removed, PVC doesn’t continue to burn, because it contains a fire-resistant polymer. Also, many PVC products are treated with additional flame retardants after the manufacturing process and release less smoke and less heat when combusted, compared to other plastics. Second, when PVC is correctly combusted the number of toxins released into the environment is insignificant. In fact, the most harm derives from the release of carbon monoxide, which is released from numerous other materials when burnt.

3. PVC can’t be recycled therefore it accumulates as plastic waste:

In most scenarios, PVC is actually highly recyclable and can be recycled many times over without degrading. In fact, many plastic products in use today contain components of recycled vinyl; some proponents believe that due to its high recyclability, PVC is actually a zero-waste material.

Also, since PVC lasts longer than other materials, it doesn’t need to be replaced as often and hence, appears in landfills less often than comparable materials. In addition, the durability of PVC has led to it being used to line landfills with no evidence that the vinyl breaks down and releases toxins into the groundwater. In the graphics industry, however, PVC is currently difficult to recycle due to contamination from adhesives, additives, and print. Avery Dennison is looking to overcome this with innovative technology to separate products into raw materials, through their Liner Recycling Program.

4. PVC is expensive to manufacture:

PVC is made from chlorine and ethylene, both of which are inexpensive to a source (chlorine comes from salt and ethylene from natural gas), resulting in a very inexpensive manufacturing process. In fact, when you consider that PVC products are very cheap to buy, between the retail cost of the product and the profits made by the manufacturer and reseller, the actual production costs are minimal. The result is that vinyl products consume less energy, generate fewer emissions, and save more energy during the manufacturing process than many other products.

All the benefits of using PVC in the graphics industry have been stated above however, more specifically, PVC is extremely cost-effective when compared to alternative polymers. Its long life, durability, resistance to the elements and flame retardance are also major factors, but for our customers, the lower costs are a huge benefit. One of the most popular applications is for car wraps, where the vinyl provides maximum versatility.  Vehicles can look like a work of art after being wrapped with a vinyl film.

The fact that PVC is readily available is another factor that cuts down costs, as well as its versatility because we can manufacture numerous products using the same materials. PVC is also an ideal material for use across all print platforms, both porous and heat stable.

In summary, PVC is not the villain that it has been made out to be. Many companies manufacturing it are not only committed to sustainability but focused on using innovative techniques combined with the responsible sourcing of materials, to reduce the impact of their operations and supply chain on the environment.

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Cleaning Your Home

Cleaning Your Home with Pets – The Most Common Problems

For most of us, pets are a part of the family, we love them, talk to them and generally pamper them. However, they don’t always return the favor by behaving as we would want them to – after all, they are animals and different species, so some of their habits and instincts may clash with our ideas. Professional maids and cleaners from That’s Clean Maids share some of the most common issues that pet owners come across and how to deal with them in terms of cleaning your home. Hairs, Hairs Everywhere Probably one of the biggest concerns for people who live with pets are hairs; no matter how long your pets’ hair is, they will shed, and you will need to clean it out of your carpets and furniture. This can become even more problematic if a member of the family develops an allergy to animal hair. One way to ensure a reduced amount of hair needs to be cleaned out of your furniture is to groom your pet regularly. The frequency of grooming can depend on the species and breed of your pet, as well as the season and other factors. One thing is certain, though – with proper grooming, your pet will shed less on your carpet and furniture, making cleaning so much easier. Air Quality Concerns Another related issue is the air quality in your home. There are numerous things that can affect the quality of air in your home, and pet hair and pet dander are a part of it. Animals, just like humans shed skin cells and hair, and it is not much you can do about it. What you can do, however, is change your cleaning routines and habits to counteract the problem of pet dander and hair. Once again, this issue is not a big problem for most people, but particularly cleanliness-oriented people, as well as those with allergies, may be interested in this one. Keeping your pets away from areas where you sleep is a good start, but you should also make sure to vacuum the house regularly, as well as keep the air conditioning unit in good condition. That means cleaning the vents and changing the air filter as often as the manufacturer recommends. Ensure Your Pets Don’t Bring In Dirt If you have a dog, you need to walk them regularly, and that means going out. Cats can be strictly indoor animals, or they can have access to the great outdoors. With both dogs and outdoor cats, there’s one thing you should be wary of – dirt they can bring in on their paws. Dirt is seldom just dirt, it can also be full of pathogens that you would rather not have in your home. When it comes to dogs, the issue can be quite simple – wipe their paws with a wet wipe (one suitable for pets, of course), and you are good unless they rolled around in the mud or something. On the other hand, cats are much more independent and come and go as they please. Still, you can put a little disinfecting tray in front of the cat flap (once again, make sure that the solution is not harmful to your pet). Scratches on the Floor and Furniture Cats need to scratch things as a part of their instinct. If you don’t provide a scratching post, chances are that your furniture will suffer for it. Similarly, dogs whose claws are not trimmed can do quite a lot of damage to your hardwood floors. In order to mitigate those problems, keep your pets’ claws trimmed, and give your cat plenty of things to scratch. Read Also: Top Home Cleaning Tips Home Maintenance Plans And Cleaning Tips During Covid-19 How Cleaning Helps Us Feel Better and Why We Don’t Do It

house cleaning services

Vancouver House Cleaning Services with Local Home Cleaners Near You

Cleaning the house is not mainly a fun thing to do. Sure, some people enjoy it, while others want to get over it as soon as possible by house cleaning services. But what happens when you don't have time to clean? Your obligations sometimes won't allow it. You can try so hard to find the time, but things just go out of hand. Not to worry because cleaning services exist in the world to make your life much easier. Moreover, you don’t necessarily have to hire house cleaning services just to clean your home. They also do commercial cleaning for offices and different buildings, community centers, daycares, etc. Therefore, if you don’t have the time to clean everything up yourself, you should definitely hire house cleaning services. Your office building probably has janitors to keep everything spotless and clean. Or, if by some chance you own the office building, then it’s a good thing to have a scheduled house cleaning service taking care of the hygiene. It’s good for productivity and raising morale. Walking into your freshly-clean office every day will definitely motivate you to work harder. The same goes for your employees as well. Here are some of the reasons why you should definitely consider hiring a cleaning service. Reasons Why You Should Hire House Cleaning Services: Professionalism and efficiency A business that offers a cleaning service will provide a team of experts to make sure that everything is thoroughly cleaned. After all, they are professionals, and they know more about hygiene and cleanliness than anyone else. Also, they are quite efficient at what they do. Their organizational skills of house cleaning in Denver are impeccable, and they will finish the work more quickly. This doesn’t mean that they just want to get it over with. It means that they are experienced in the matter and will clean everything up at a faster rate than you. In addition, make sure to hire house cleaning services that are closer to your home or your office building. Surely, you have several options online to go through. All you need to do is go through several websites until you decide to contact one for further information. Click here to know more. Make sure that the website is reliable and not a scam. Usually, those that are scams are quite noticeable because they are filled with ads. Be sure to avoid them. Or, on the other hand, you can ask for recommendations from people that have used this type of service before. The right tools and products Once the professionals arrive for the cleaning process, they will not come empty-handed. They carry with them all the essential tools and sanitizing products to do a thorough job. You might not have them all in your home. Why run back and forth to the store constantly? In fact, you can even learn some tricks and tips from them while they clean the place. Hiring this type of service is the perfect solution to your problem. If you are satisfied with their service, you can always hire them again. Moreover, they won’t just clean everything up, they will also organize it. As mentioned above, they have impeccable organizational skills that any home or business owner can benefit from. It will be a nice feeling once you enter the house to find that everything is spotless and well-organized. Let them take that burden off of your shoulders. You work hard as it is. They will make sure that you are satisfied with the outcome. After all, if the customer is happy, then this positively affects the reputation of the cleaning business. So, don’t waste any more time and pick up the phone to make a deal. Check out Go Cleaning Genie, among others, to find out more information. Better air quality The air in your home can be affected by many things. If you have dust lying around everywhere, then the air quality will definitely be affected. A lot of bacteria come from dirt and filth, and you'll be inhaling it constantly. What happens if someone from your household has allergies? They won’t be comfortable living in a filthy area where they’ll have trouble breathing. A cleaning service will make sure that all the dust is dusted from the shelves or any other surface that has it. No more sneezing and coughing. Sometimes, a cleaning service can help you discover a problem with mold in your home. If you have mold growing, then this also ruins the air quality. The spores from the mold are dangerous to inhale as well. They can cause additional breathing problems. Make sure to act fast if you are facing this kind of issue. Better health conditions Living in filth will not benefit anyone. In fact, you can also develop allergies and infections. Cleaning professionals will make sure that doesn’t happen. A clean environment positively affects the body and mind. If you are struggling with keeping everything neat and spotless, then it is best to turn to professionals instead. They will take care of everything while you handle other chores and obligations. Moreover, lots of diseases can spread through dust and dirt. The same rule applies to your office building as well. If the place is not adequately maintained, then a lot of your employees can get sick. This can really put a strain on the whole business. Therefore, make sure to call a reliable house cleaning services and leave the rest to them. Read Also: We Buy Houses Companies Saving Homeowners From Foreclosure Hosted Mail Service That Runs on the Cloud

monthly home maintenance checklist

Winter is Going! A Monthly Home Maintenance Checklist to Get You Ready for Spring

Are you going over your monthly home maintenance checklist? It’s time to move the clocks ahead an hour and get ready for spring. That means that it’s time for spring cleaning, organizing, and getting your house ready to enjoy during the summer. Your home took a beating over the harsh winter months. You want to make sure that your home is properly maintained and ready to go during the spring. Read on to find out the top things to do to maintain your home. Check Your Roof & Gutters: Your monthly home maintenance checklist will start at the top of your home. You’ll need to take a look at your roof and your gutters. Your roof was likely subjected to strong winter storms, which can cause your roof shingles to break off and deteriorate. You’ll want to look for missing or cracked shingles. If you find them, get them repaired as soon as you can. These things can make your roof vulnerable to more damage and can cause leaks inside your home. With your gutters, you want to make sure that they’re ready for the Spring rains. Look for any blockages and remove them. You’ll also want to make sure that your gutters are draining water away from your home properly. Look for Trees Around Your Home: You’ll also want to evaluate the trees that surround your home. They also take a beating during the winter and cause costly damage to homes. Take the time to look at the trees and notice if there is any potential for a tree to damage your home or wires. If you notice the potential, get it taken care of right away. It is important that when you are looking to remove certain overgrown branches you should hire in experts like Riverside professional arborists. Tree cutting is a highly specialised and dangerous activity. This is why homeowners should not take this up as a DIY project. Contacting will help you get the work done in a safe and professional manner. Check Your HVAC: Your HVAC unit needs regular attention. Neglecting to properly maintain the unit can turn into very expensive bills down the road. The first thing to do is to hire the best air conditioning company in your area to service the unit. They’ll do things like clean the coils to make sure that your HVAC unit is running efficiently. Inside your home, you’ll want to change the air filters to ensure that air is circulating freely and efficiently. Examine Outside Faucets for Damage: When the temperatures drop, your pipes and faucets can become cracked and damaged. Run the faucets outside of your home to make sure they’re working. You want to make sure there are no leaks or sudden surprises. Get Organized: Spring is a great time to see out the old and see in the new. Go through your pantries and closets and start letting go of old things A good guideline is that if you haven’t used it in a year or haven’t looked for it, you can donate it to someone who can use it. Your Monthly Home Maintenance Checklist for Spring: Spring is a time for renewal and hope. It’s the time when the weather warms up and it gives you the opportunity to do some regular maintenance on your home. By doing a few items on your monthly home maintenance checklist, you ensure that your property is taken care of and you avoid more expensive repair and replacement bills down the road. Would you like more home tips? Check out this article to find out how you can make the most out of a home renovation project. Read Also: 5 Tips To Add More Zen To Your Home 7 Tips To Increase The Value Of Your Home Edmonton Landscape Maintenance Tips 5 Easy Ways To Detect A Water Leak In Your Home 5 Ways A Home Maintenance Plan Can Prevent Disaster