Five Ways to Improve the Air Quality Inside Your Home


25 October 2018

Home Improvement

Air Quality

When we think of air quality issues what comes to mind is often industrial factories or people blowing smoke in our face. But anything you use to build or decorate your home can have a positive or negative impact the air quality inside your home. Air quality can be directly linked to life expectancy so it’s an issue that should

1. Check your Paint:

Choosing the right paint is important. We sleep in rooms covered with paint every night. As the paint dries volatile organic compounds (or VOCs) escape into the air and can negatively impact the air quality in your house. These chemicals can cause headaches and dizziness and the long-term effects of exposure are not yet known.

Choosing non-toxic paint for your living quarters will have positive health benefits for years to come. Low or no VOC paints are the best choice for an eco-friendly home. Over the last several years paint companies have introduced many excellent options.

2. Check Your Flooring:

Vinyl and synthetic carpets emit loads of VOCs. If you’re looking for non-toxic, allergy-friendly flooring try cork, linoleum, or ceramic tile. Hardwood floors have become quite popular, but if you want the beauty without the toxic chemicals buy hardwoods sealed with a water-based polyurethane or presealed hardwoods.

3. Consider purchasing an air purifier:

Buying a quality air filter can be a good tool in your arsenal in the fight against toxic chemicals. Be sure to buy a model with a HEPA (high-efficiency air particle absorbing) filter. Don’t skimp and buy the cheapest filter you can find, view this purchase as an investment. The CADR (clean air delivery rate) of your purifier is also important. The higher the CADR number the more air is moving through the purifier. Air purifiers with high CADR numbers can be used to purify the air in larger spaces.

4. Plug Your Leaks:

Mold and mildew can have a significantly negative impact on your home’s air quality. Make sure your home is free of leaks. It’s important to check the places that get the least traffic in your home. Make sure your basement, attic, crawl space, and utility closet are free of water and moisture. It’s a good idea to call a professional who can help you pinpoint problem areas.

5. Test Your Home for Radon:

Radon is an odorless, colorless gas that can cause lung cancer in healthy humans. Radon is the gas produced by the decay of uranium in most soil. If there are gaps or holes in your home’s foundation radon gas can seep into your living space undetected. Any home can have a radon gas problem. You can buy an inexpensive test kit at your local hardware or home improvement store. There is no safe level of radon exposure.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Moving house

Moving house? Here’s the ultimate checklist

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Reception Desk

How To Have The Right Reception Desk For Your Company

Your company's reception counter is one of the first things that your customers will see when they walk in the door. Here are some ways that we feel that you can ensure that it sends the right impression: 1. Build One Yourself: Building one yourself allows you to have total control over the appearance of the desk, and this can help to ensure that it looks as good as possible. If you choose to build the deck yourself, you'll need to make sure that you have the right materials. You can follow this guide to see a do it yourself desk being built. Here are some types of desks that we feel that you may be interested in building yourself: Laminate Materials: Some laminate materials have an appearance that is very similar to real wood. Wood: It's possible to make your own desk out of wood, but this option is best if you have some level of skill with woodworking and carpentry. Kits To Assemble: There are kits that allow you to build your own desk, and they come with instructions. This will ensure that the desk is put together properly. 2. Get A Custom Built Desk: Custom built desks can have all of the appeals that's associated with one that you build yourself. Here are some types of custom built desks that we feel could make a great impression: Custom Built Desks Made Out Of Wood Only: Desks that are made out of real wood are especially likely to impress your customers, and there are many different types of wood that you can choose from. If your business does any work with the environment, it's often best to choose real wood, and this will be likely to make your company more attractive to prospective customers. Marble Desks: Marble is known for its exquisite beauty, and desks that are made out of this material can be exceptionally impressive. However, their price tag can be quite high, but this is often a good pick for high-end businesses. Granite Desks: Granite is another well-known material that is used to make desks and countertops. While it also has a striking appearance, it is somewhat less expensive than marble. Metal Desks: If you choose a metal desk, it's often essential to have it painted. If it is not painted, you'll want to ensure that it is made of shiny stainless steel. Brick Desks: You may not have thought of brick as a material for your desk. However, brick can make excellent material for them, and it's used for one of Google's desks. 3. Get One Pre-Made: While these designs on these desks can be bit generic, some of them are quite impressive. Here are some examples of excellent pre-built desks that we feel that you might want to consider: The NBF Signature Series Esquire Desk: This desk wraps around, and it is quite large. It is made of laminate, and there are two color options to choose from. It's available for less than 1,800 dollars. The NBF Double Compass Reception Desk: This desk is somewhat similar to the Esquire Desk, but it is a bit thinner and smaller. The color is also slightly different, and it's available for around $1,400. The NBF Tower Reception Desk: This reception desk is designed to provide an impressive appearance for business owners. It's available for around $2,000. The Office Depot Reception Stations Single Marque: This desk is exceptionally affordable at less than $1,200, and it is made out of walnut. If you're interested in getting a pre-made welcome desk, consider buying one from us at this link! 4. Consider Buying A Used Desk: If you're put off by the high price tags of pre-made desks, you can consider buying one used. Luckily, it's possible to buy a used desk on eBay, Amazon, and other e-commerce websites. These are some common types of desks that we feel you might want to consider buying used: Wooden Desks: If you get a used wooden desk, it's essential to make sure that you choose a product that is relatively free of scratches and dings. However, you'll also need to make sure that it doesn't have a different company's name carved into it. Metal Desks: Metal deals tend to be quite durable as long as they are rust-resistant. Stone Desks: Desks that are made out of stone tend to be exceptionally durable, and the most important things to look for when you're buying a used one is that it doesn't have any dings. However, it's also important to make sure that the stone desk doesn't have anything carved into it. You may want to consider buying a used desk locally, and that's because you could save a lot of money. Having a used desk shipped can be a significant expense. Read Also: The New Trend: Drawer Boxes Necessary Spaces To Include In Building Your Office What You Must Know About Wood Flooring?

Home Office

Transform Your Garage into a Home Office

Working from home is becoming more and more popular and widely spread, and in the times of the global pandemic, for some, it is even becoming a necessity. If you live with your family – parents, partner, kids, pets – this can be a really challenging task, especially if you do not have a separate work and study room. However, you can turn to alternative ways and make your own working space. Experts say it is important to have different spaces in which you sleep, eat and work, so even if you could have the privacy of your bedroom during the day, it is better for your mental health and efficiency to have a separate room which would serve as a home office. Transforming your garage could be a perfect solution for you, and here is how to do it, as suggested to us by experts at Dlouhy Garage Doors of San Diego. Start from the Basics In its original condition, your garage is probably not suitable for living or working, and in general spending a lot of time there, especially not during all seasons. That is why it’s important to adjust is well to the new purpose. Start from the floor, which is in most cases bare concrete. Replace it with the wood floor or carpet tiles and make it warmer and more comfortable. Insulation might be one of the major issues, so make sure you focus on that. Walls and windows will need additional insulation so you can use your home office for the whole year. Make It Cozy and Practical Once you’ve got your floor and walls settled, you can actually start thinking about the furniture and all the things you are going to need. Start with the desk and chair, as well as the shelves and other storage space you will need for your office. Except for being practical, your new office should also be cozy and you should be comfortable working there. So, you might want to pay attention to the overall style of the place, as well as the colors you choose. It does not necessarily have to be all sleek and modern, you can also add some vintage style and add a touch of warmth to your new workplace. Go for the neutral colors and try not to clutter the office too much with decorations, but rather give it a neater and simpler look, as it will be easier for you to focus. Another important point in this transformation process is the garage door. Chances are that your garage door is not suited to the new purpose, so you might want to call in garage door installers to replace it. Even if you stop using it as an office at some point, it can still be used as a space for hanging out, so why not make it livable for the long term. Think of the Light and Safety Replacing the garage door may have more than one dimension and purpose. It will certainly have an impact on insulation, as well as safety, and lighting, too. You can replace the old garage door with a set of glass panels and a regular door and thus ensure natural lighting for your workplace. It is really great to have it in the office and it’s much better for your eyesight as well as for your mood. Of course, do not forget the artificial lights as well and make sure the place is overall well lit. You can also consider installing a glass slide door, and thus improve the overall ventilation in the room which is also very important. However, if you prefer privacy, consider putting a regular door and sandblasted glass which will prevent anyone from seeing inside, and also prevent you from being distracted by the activities going on in front of your new office. Read Also: Top tips for inspecting and maintaining your garage 10 Pro Tips To Minimize Commercial Door Repair & Maintenance Cost