Tricking Handheld BMI Machine Scores

BMI Machine

One survey has returned the results that around half of Americans are trying to lose weight. This isn’t to say that half of the US population is heavily overweight, but it does point to many people taking a keen interest in their weight and body fat levels.

There are many options for measuring BMI and body fat today, with calipers, handheld machines, and smart scales available. Some of these devices can help you to understand your BMI, and others go far deeper and measure a number of health metrics.

However, are these devices accurate, or could you accidentally, or intentionally, trick them into giving false readings?

What is BMI and what is the difference with body fat percentage?

What is BMI and what is the difference with body fat percentage?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, if someone had a BMI reading of 18.5 to 24.9 then they would be considered healthy. Of course, this doesn’t measure other metrics and doesn’t take into account any other health problems.

BMI stands for Body Mass Index, and this is calculated by measuring a person’s height and weight, to give a rough idea of how much fat is being carried as a percentage.

Body Fat Percentage, or BFP, refers to the total mass of fat, which is then divided by the total body mass. This is a more complex calculation than BMI.

Can you trick a BMI machine?

Can you trick a BMI machine?

To understand how someone might fool a BMI machine, it is partly necessary to understand how they work.

A BMI machine works by sending an electrical signal through the body. BMI is worked out by measuring the time it takes to get from one side to the other. This signal may travel from hand to leg, hand to hand, or leg to leg.

As the signal travels through the body it will go through water, fat, muscle, and bone. It cuts through the water faster than muscle and bone. The signal travels at its slowest when moving through fat. This is how you can trick a BMI machine.

Drink water to fool a BMI machine

Drink water to fool a BMI machine


The electrical signal moves most slowly when hitting fat. If that fat area is represented as a percentage, then the less you have as part of your body, the lower your BMI will be.

Drinking more water will fool the machine into believing you have a lower BMI score. Conversely, if you dehydrate yourself, it will see the fat reserves as a higher percentage. Just as you would stay away from certain foods to be healthy, you should stay away from too much water if you want a proper BMI result.

Medical conditions, menstruation, and even skin temperature can also affect results.

Can BMI machines help you to lose weight?

Handheld machines are perhaps not the best way to get your BMI results. Machines that bring back the best results run from leg to leg, so a smart scale would be a better option.

A BMI smart scale can offer a more accurate way to measure your fat percentage and help you to set fitness targets. The smart scale from FitTrack for instance, lets you measure 17 different health metrics including BFP, BMI, bone content, and basic metabolism. They are said to be as accurate as a DEXA scan.

Understanding metabolism and fitness levels are also important when looking to lose weight and body fat. Exercise and diet are key to achieving these goals.

Best ways to improve BMI

Getting an accurate BMI test is important to see where you are before you set off towards your goals. Do not dehydrate yourself, and do not drink an excessive amount of fluids before you use your BMI scales. This way you will get accurate, and consistent scores each time.

Smart scales can also measure metabolism and exercise, and the right foods can help improve this area. This is one reason why fitness is important for weight loss. Metabolism helps to burn calories and fat. Therefore, improving your general fitness will lead to weight loss.

When it comes to exercise try to concentrate on activities that burn fat and do not build muscle. Jogging will help more than high octane sprinting. Half an hour of cardio every day will help you to start reducing your BMI.

Proper diet is also important. According to Healthline, there are plenty of foods that can help you to burn fat. These include fatty fish with plenty of Omega 3, and green tea, which can help remove belly fat.


BMI machines can indeed be tricked, but it is unlikely anyone would want to do this intentionally if they were serious about fat reduction. However, by drinking too much, or too little fluids, you could do it by accident.

If you do decide to improve your BMI scores and reduce body fat, then using smart scales, combined with a healthy diet, and a fitness routine is a good way to achieve your mission.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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TMS For Anxiety

TMS For Anxiety: Debunking Myths And Setting The Facts Straight

Anxiety disorders are among the most common mental health conditions worldwide, affecting millions of people. While traditional treatments like therapy and medications have been effective for many, some individuals continue to struggle with anxiety symptoms. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) has emerged as a promising alternative for those seeking relief. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the world of TMS therapy for anxiety, debunk myths surrounding its effectiveness, and present the facts that can help you make an informed decision about this innovative treatment. What Is TMS For Anxiety? So, does TMS work for anxiety? Let's start by demystifying TMS. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, or TMS, isn't some sci-fi concept; it's a real-life, non-invasive procedure that taps into the power of magnetic fields to gently nudge specific parts of your brain. Originally designed to help with depression, TMS has been under the research spotlight, and guess what? It's showing some impressive potential in the realm of anxiety treatment. So, let's keep the curiosity flowing as we explore the myths and facts surrounding this innovative therapy. Myth Vs. Fact: TMS And Anxiety Myth #1: TMS Is Only Effective For Depression One common misconception about TMS is that it's exclusively effective for treating depression. While it was initially developed and approved for depression, research and clinical experience have demonstrated its potential benefits for anxiety disorders as well. TMS works by modulating neural activity in the brain, making it a versatile tool for various mental health conditions, including anxiety. Fact: TMS Can Be Effective for Anxiety Several studies and clinical trials have shown that TMS can significantly reduce symptoms in various anxiety disorders, such as Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), and Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD). The key lies in targeting the right brain regions associated with anxiety, and TMS therapy can precisely accomplish this task. Myth #2: TMS Is Painful And Unsafe Another myth is that TMS is a painful or unsafe procedure. In reality, TMS is considered a well-tolerated and safe treatment option. During a TMS session, patients typically experience a tapping or clicking sensation on their scalp, but this discomfort is generally mild. TMS is non-invasive, meaning it doesn't require surgery or anaesthesia, and it doesn't induce seizures. Fact: TMS Is Safe and Generally Painless TMS for anxiety is performed in an outpatient setting, and most patients can resume their daily activities immediately after a session. It has a minimal risk of side effects, with the most common being mild scalp discomfort or headache, which usually subsides quickly. TMS therapy sessions are closely monitored by trained professionals to ensure safety and effectiveness. Myth #3: TMS Is A Quick Fix Some individuals may expect TMS to provide instant relief from anxiety symptoms. While TMS can be highly effective, it is not a one-size-fits-all solution, and results may vary from person to person. It is essential to have realistic expectations and commit to a recommended TMS anxiety treatment plan. Fact: TMS Requires a Treatment Plan TMS for anxiety typically involves a series of sessions over several weeks. The exact number of sessions and their frequency may vary based on individual needs and the severity of the anxiety disorder. Patience and consistency are essential for achieving the best results with TMS. Myth #4: TMS Is Expensive And Not Covered By Insurance Cost can be a significant concern for those considering TMS. However, many insurance plans now cover TMS therapy for various mental health conditions, including anxiety. It's crucial to check with your insurance provider to determine coverage and potential out-of-pocket expenses. Fact: TMS May Be Covered by Insurance Due to the increasing recognition of TMS as an effective treatment for mental health conditions, insurance coverage has expanded. Some patients may find that their insurance covers a substantial portion of TMS therapy for anxiety costs, making it more accessible. Myth #5: TMS Is A Last Resort Another misconception is that TMS should only be considered when all other treatment options have failed. While TMS is sometimes recommended after other treatments have been ineffective, it can also be a viable choice as a first-line treatment for anxiety disorders, especially when individuals prefer non-medication options or have concerns about potential side effects. Fact: TMS Can Be Considered at Any Stage The decision to pursue TMS for anxiety should be based on an individual's unique circumstances and preferences. It is not limited to being a last resort and can be discussed with a mental health professional at any stage of treatment planning. Myth #6: TMS Results Are Temporary Concerns about the temporary nature of TMS benefits can deter some from exploring this therapy. While individual responses may vary, many individuals experience long-lasting relief from anxiety symptoms after completing a full course of TMS treatment for anxiety. Fact: TMS Can Provide Lasting Benefits Research has shown that the positive effects of TMS on anxiety can persist for months to years after treatment. Some individuals may require maintenance sessions, but TMS has the potential to offer enduring relief from anxiety symptoms. Summing Up Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) isn't just about tackling depression; it's got a promising role in helping folks wrestling with anxiety disorders too. By shedding light on the myths surrounding TMS and getting the facts straight about its safety, effectiveness, and potential insurance coverage, we're here to arm you with the knowledge you need to make smart choices about your mental health. Now, let's be real – TMS isn't a magic wand that makes all your anxiety vanish in an instant. It's more like a steady hand guiding you toward relief. It's gentle, non-invasive, and generally well-tolerated. For many, it's a ray of hope, offering a path to managing anxiety that doesn't involve medications or complex procedures. But here's the golden rule: always lean on the expertise of a qualified mental health professional when considering TMS therapy for anxiety. They're the compass guiding you through your unique mental health journey, helping you figure out if TMS is the right fit for your needs Read Also: 10 healthy Habits to improve your health How To Take Care Of Your Mental Health Living Healthily | Six Crucial Lifestyle Tips for College Freshmen

Vape Juice

Top 5 Best Types of Vape Juice

Studies have shown that out of ten smokers, seven want to quit the habit. Quitting smoking is a good health decision, but it’s not easy, especially if you are an addict. E-cigarettes are said to help smokers quit smoking gradually. Cigarettes contain nicotine and other harmful chemicals that can cause long-term health issues which can lead to death. The long-term health effects of e-cigarettes are not known yet, but vaping, in general, is considered to be less harmful than smoking. Vape juice or e-liquids are the main components used in e-cigarettes. These liquids are put in the cartridge of the e-cigarette and are vaporized for the user to inhale. The cartridges today are re-fillable hence the infiltration of vape juice into the market. Nkd e juice flavors are mainly used by young consumers. Although most e-liquids contain nicotine, some do not. The increasing popularity of vape juice Is because they are smokeless and flavored. Naked 100 has some of the most popular nkd e juice flavors such as apple, watermelon, menthol, and many others. If you are a beginner in e-cigarette smoking, here are some common types of Vape juice that you should know. 1. Nicotine salt e-liquid This type of vape juice is commonly used in pod mods. Nicotine salt e-liquids contain nicotine salt instead of the original nicotine from tobacco leaves. Nicotine salt e-juices contain equal measures of PG and VG. Also, nicotine salt vape juices are said to give the user more of a head rush than nicotine e juices without being harsh. 2. 70 PG / 30 VG vape juice This is the standard vaping liquid for vapor devices with 1.0 ohms and above. If an e-liquid contains more of PG than VG, it means that the substance has a high nicotine level usually between 6mg to 24mg. Because of the high levels of nicotine, not so much or vapor is produced. 3. 50 PG / 50 VG E- juice This type of vape juice is popular among all users. This is because this type of vape juice has more flavor. PG does not mix well with flavor, so e- juices that have a high percentage of it do not enjoy as much flavor. It is best used with pod mods of 1.0 – 1.8 ohms. The nicotine levels in this type of e-juice range from 6mg -24 mg. 4. 70 VG / 30 PG Vape Juice This type of vape juice contains lower levels of nicotine from 1.5mg to 6mg. It is best used with vape devices with lower resistance from 0.5 to 0.9 ohms. Additionally, this type of vape juice produces more vapor because it has low nicotine levels. 5. 80 VG/ 20 PG E-Liquid This type of vape juice gives the user the best of both worlds. There is just enough flavor and vapor. This e-liquid should be used with atomizers of less than 1.0 ohms. Hopefully, this list will assist you in choosing the best ratio according to your nicotine needs. Read Also: 7 Things You Should Know About Owning A Vape Make A Mark: The Vape Brand For Your Lifestyle Benefits Of Buying Your E Juice In NZ Online


Know What To Expect On Your First Visit To A Dermatologist

A visit to a dermatology clinic may be required for a variety of reasons, from persistent acne to chronic rashes, severe sunburns, suspected skin diseases and appearance of suspicious-looking moles. Alternatively, you may choose to visit a clinic for purely cosmetic reasons such as hair loss and age-related problems. Whichever may be your concern, you need to know what to expect when you visit a skin specialist for the first time. Here are a few things that you should know before your first visit to a dermatologist. You should not wear makeup when you go for an appointment: You may be habitual to wearing makeup like concealer and foundation to cover the flaws and imperfections but these are the very reason that you are visiting a skin clinic for. On your end, you should ensure that you arrive with clean skin, preferably without makeup so that the doctor can assess your skin properly. Even if you do wear your makeup to the clinic, you will probably be asked to remove it for the specialist to get a closer look at your skin. Ideally, you should follow the daily clean and care routine that you normally do and then step in for the appointment in your natural skin. You will be asked questions about your complete medical history: To start with, the dermatological appointment will be quite similar to that with a general practitioner because the doctor would want to know your complete medical history first. You will be asked questions related to your medical history, health issues, routine medications, allergies, family history, and current symptoms. It is important to disclose all the facts because several skin issues are not just superficial and may point to underlying causes. Skin Doctors in Philadelphia recommend that patients get all the facts on paper so that they remember everything that they need to share with the doctor. Also, keep a list of over-the-counter products and cosmetics that you use in the routine. Share information about your daily skin care routine as well. You will get a full body examination: If it is your first visit to a dermatologist’s clinic, expect a full body examination even if you are there only for getting a consultation for acne. The doctor would want to check thoroughly for any anomalies and suspicious moles, which could be early symptoms of some major concerns like skin cancer. You will be asked to disrobe and wear a gown so that the doctor can examine you from head to toe. The dermatologist may use an instrument called dermatoscope, which resembles a magnifying glass, to assess the lesions more closely. Try not to be apprehensive because this is done to detect any skin problems early because timely diagnosis and treatment can make all the difference. You should have your questions ready: After answering all the questions related to your medical history, you should have your own questions ready too. If there are specific problems that you experience or suspect an allergy or drug reaction, convey it to the doctor. You may also ask them about the optimal skin care routine that you should follow for your skin type. Check out the insurance-related formalities if you are recommended an expensive procedure. Be honest and open with your queries as this is your chance to clarify everything with an expert. Concealing concerns and information will not help your treatment. Rest assured that your specialist is the best person to help you overcome even the most embarrassing skin issues. You will get a prescription if needed: Once the specialist gets all the information and performs a thorough physical examination, he or she will have a probable diagnosis. Further testing may be recommended in case of any suspicious diagnosis. On the other hand, you may be given a prescription of the dermatologist has a confirmed diagnosis of the condition you are suffering from. Further, there will be some instructions related to medication and general skin care routine. The doctor may also recommend a revisit after a certain period of time to assess the condition after completing a course of medication. Ask for scheduling a re-appointment for the next date if possible or understand the procedure for the same if you need to book from home. Knowing what to expect right at your first appointment with your skin doctor will go a long way in making it a success. It will help you ask the right questions and give the right answers, which ensures the best possible treatment and fast and effective results for even the most complex problems. Read Also: Ways To Rejuvenate Your Skin In Montrose 7 Tips For People With Hypersensitive Skin 10 Foods For Vibrant, Glowing And Younger Skin