Tricking Handheld BMI Machine Scores

BMI Machine

One survey has returned the results that around half of Americans are trying to lose weight. This isn’t to say that half of the US population is heavily overweight, but it does point to many people taking a keen interest in their weight and body fat levels.

There are many options for measuring BMI and body fat today, with calipers, handheld machines, and smart scales available. Some of these devices can help you to understand your BMI, and others go far deeper and measure a number of health metrics.

However, are these devices accurate, or could you accidentally, or intentionally, trick them into giving false readings?

What is BMI and what is the difference with body fat percentage?

What is BMI and what is the difference with body fat percentage?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, if someone had a BMI reading of 18.5 to 24.9 then they would be considered healthy. Of course, this doesn’t measure other metrics and doesn’t take into account any other health problems.

BMI stands for Body Mass Index, and this is calculated by measuring a person’s height and weight, to give a rough idea of how much fat is being carried as a percentage.

Body Fat Percentage, or BFP, refers to the total mass of fat, which is then divided by the total body mass. This is a more complex calculation than BMI.

Can you trick a BMI machine?

Can you trick a BMI machine?

To understand how someone might fool a BMI machine, it is partly necessary to understand how they work.

A BMI machine works by sending an electrical signal through the body. BMI is worked out by measuring the time it takes to get from one side to the other. This signal may travel from hand to leg, hand to hand, or leg to leg.

As the signal travels through the body it will go through water, fat, muscle, and bone. It cuts through the water faster than muscle and bone. The signal travels at its slowest when moving through fat. This is how you can trick a BMI machine.

Drink water to fool a BMI machine

Drink water to fool a BMI machine


The electrical signal moves most slowly when hitting fat. If that fat area is represented as a percentage, then the less you have as part of your body, the lower your BMI will be.

Drinking more water will fool the machine into believing you have a lower BMI score. Conversely, if you dehydrate yourself, it will see the fat reserves as a higher percentage. Just as you would stay away from certain foods to be healthy, you should stay away from too much water if you want a proper BMI result.

Medical conditions, menstruation, and even skin temperature can also affect results.

Can BMI machines help you to lose weight?

Handheld machines are perhaps not the best way to get your BMI results. Machines that bring back the best results run from leg to leg, so a smart scale would be a better option.

A BMI smart scale can offer a more accurate way to measure your fat percentage and help you to set fitness targets. The smart scale from FitTrack for instance, lets you measure 17 different health metrics including BFP, BMI, bone content, and basic metabolism. They are said to be as accurate as a DEXA scan.

Understanding metabolism and fitness levels are also important when looking to lose weight and body fat. Exercise and diet are key to achieving these goals.

Best ways to improve BMI

Getting an accurate BMI test is important to see where you are before you set off towards your goals. Do not dehydrate yourself, and do not drink an excessive amount of fluids before you use your BMI scales. This way you will get accurate, and consistent scores each time.

Smart scales can also measure metabolism and exercise, and the right foods can help improve this area. This is one reason why fitness is important for weight loss. Metabolism helps to burn calories and fat. Therefore, improving your general fitness will lead to weight loss.

When it comes to exercise try to concentrate on activities that burn fat and do not build muscle. Jogging will help more than high octane sprinting. Half an hour of cardio every day will help you to start reducing your BMI.

Proper diet is also important. According to Healthline, there are plenty of foods that can help you to burn fat. These include fatty fish with plenty of Omega 3, and green tea, which can help remove belly fat.


BMI machines can indeed be tricked, but it is unlikely anyone would want to do this intentionally if they were serious about fat reduction. However, by drinking too much, or too little fluids, you could do it by accident.

If you do decide to improve your BMI scores and reduce body fat, then using smart scales, combined with a healthy diet, and a fitness routine is a good way to achieve your mission.

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Balance Hormones

8 Natural Ways to Balance Hormones

Did you know that every day your body is sending complex chemical messengers called hormones to regulate its systems? Often times, we think our hormones negatively, but these natural compounds are essential to the health of both men and women. The most common types of hormones include cortisol, melatonin, progesterone, testosterone, estrogen, adrenaline, and insulin. Without any of these, our bodies wouldn't be able to function properly. Hormones can impact everything from digestive health to mental health, and they are intimately involved in the reproductive cycle. As important as they are, dysfunction can easily occur at different points in the production and circulation of hormones. It is vital to understand how to combat these issues in a natural way. Read on to learn more about the endocrine system's inner workings, as well as natural ways to balance hormones. How the Endocrine System Works: The endocrine system is essentially made up of several glands that produce the different types of hormones found in your body. To name the major ones, these are the pituitary, pineal, thymus, thyroid, adrenal glands and pancreas. The testes and ovaries are also involved, depending on your sex. Understanding the basis of this system can help you understand what can go wrong, and how to promote better hormone health. Firstly, there are key ingredients that are needed to produce hormones. These include fats, proteins, and various nutrients. As well, toxins can disrupt hormones by either mimicking them or suppressing their production in some form. All and all, the entire endocrine system works in unison to promote the normal functioning of your body. Even the slightest imbalance can lead to symptoms. Signs of Hormone Imbalance: There are a few keys signs of hormone imbalance to be aware of, as both a male and female. In women, problems around the menstrual cycle are often the most obvious sign of an imbalance. Infertility, irregular periods, skin issues, and premenstrual syndrome can all signify issues with the endocrine system. Additional symptoms that can manifest in both sexes include fatigue, anxiety, depression, low libido, insomnia, digestive issues, hair loss, and weight problems. Natural Ways to Balance Hormones: With the impact that hormones can have on the body, promoting their balance in your daily routine is essential. Natural options are much more favorable than synthetic ones such as birth control or other artificial hormone medications. These do not get to the root of your health issues. They merely cover them up, and symptoms can get worse or more can occur in the meantime. As an alternative to treatments that do not get to the bottom of your problems, here are eight natural ways to balance hormones. 1. Avoid Endocrine Disruptors: Endocrine disruptors are abundant in our industrialized world. These are chemicals and compounds that interfere with hormonal processes in the endocrine system. A few well-known endocrine disruptors include BPA, dioxin, phthalates, and certain pesticides. The items we use in our homes can often contribute to our overall toxin load, and switching over to healthier alternatives can be greatly beneficial. Choose non-toxic cleaning products whenever possible, and try to avoid using plastics in the kitchen as much as possible. As well, our beauty products can also be a potential source of exposure. Use the environmental working groups website to help you pick better products for your hormones. Lastly, eating organic produce whenever possible will reduce your consumption of pesticide residue. 2. Limit Caffeine: Caffeine is a big part of most of our lives, and it is difficult to part with. But, in truth, it can have detrimental effects on our hormones. Highly-caffeinated beverages, namely coffee, can put our bodies into a permanent state of fight-or-flight by stimulating the production of stress hormones. While this may be beneficial in the short term, it can stress your entire body out in the long-term. Consider cutting back on your caffeine intake, or swapping it out entirely for drinks with lower levels of caffeine. 3. Eat Healthy Fats: Many hormones are cholesterol-based, meaning that fat is the basis of their make-up. Therefore, eating plenty of healthy fats will help your body produce enough of these hormones. Ensure that you focus on saturated fats and omega-3's especially, as our diets tend to be too high in omega-6's. 4. Sleep is Key: Sleep is the time when our bodies produce hormones and detoxify harmful substances from our body. Moreover, sleep can disrupt your mood and your blood sugars levels, both of which can contribute negatively to hormones. Try to optimize your sleeping environment by making the room as dark as possible and creating a nighttime routine. 5. Exercise Properly: While exercise is always important, extended periods of exertion can actually have negative consequences. Therefore, opt for less strenuous workouts such as weight lifting or gentle yoga when you first begin your healing journey. 6. Try Mindfulness: Stress is often at the root of our hormone problems. In the least, it can make your moods and physical symptoms much worse. To complicate things, stress is not an easy problem to 'fix'. Often times, it is anything but easy to reduce our stress levels. One option to try, however, is to implement mindfulness into your approach. It will not only help you become more aware of your body and its struggles but also to how you deal with adversity. Over time, you can begin to shift your mindset around the stresses of life with mindfulness and develop a better relationship with it altogether. 7. Consider Herbs or Supplements: Another potential way to heal your endocrine system is with different herbs and supplements. These are not a quick fix by any means, but they can provide additional support alongside other treatments. Some good options for supplementation could include red raspberry leaf, evening primrose oil, vitex, maca, fish oil, magnesium, and zinc, depending on your specific imbalance. 8. Try Bio-Identical Hormones: There are times when no amount of natural treatment through sleep, diet, and exercise help. In this case, an option could be bio-identical hormone therapy, which involves using chemically identical hormones to heal your imbalance. BodyLogicMD has an abundance of information on this topic and can help provide you the support you need. Hormone Health Reflects Overall Health: All in all, the health of our endocrine system is reflective of our lived environment. While it can be influenced partly by genetics and other factors out of our control, much of it is impacted by the way we choose to live. Therefore, by consciously choosing to implement natural ways to balance hormones, we can reap the benefits of our system working in our favor. For more information about how hormones can impact reproductive health, check out our post of the causes of female and male infertility.   Read More: Must-Have Appliances for a Healthier Life. Important Habits to Protect Your Ear Health and Hearing. How to Stay Healthy and Fit Despite a Hectic Schedule.

Dental Implant Surgery

What you need to know about Dental Implant Surgery?

The technological advancements in recent years haven’t been enough to stop the suffering of millions of people. The lack of dental education, awareness and the huge cost involved, are the main factors that contribute to tooth loss Ever since their approval for medical use back in 1982, dental implants have become an integral part of the industry as they improve the standard of life for many. In this article, we are going to go through everything you need to know about the implants. How are they manufactured? The dental implants consist of metal frames, added into the jawbone through surgery. They serve the purpose of a solid foundation for dentists, allowing them to add the replacement teeth. Whether they’d be permanent or removable is completely up to you. How do they work? By giving the required support for the dentures and the bridges to remain fixed without shifting while speaking. The implants are fused with your jawbone underneath the gum, which makes the crowns, dentures, and implants feel more natural inside your mouth. However, note that every individual considering implants must have perfect oral hygiene and healthy gums. What are the advantages of the implants? Appearance: As they are designed to fuse with the bone and become permanent, they will become a natural part of your very own teeth. Speech: People with dental problems have difficulty speaking clearly. This isn’t the case with dental implants, whatsoever. Confidence: Having a desired smile will surely boost every individual’s self-esteem. Durability: With the proper oral care, your dental implants can last many years due to their high durability. Am I eligible for this procedure? In case you need such a treatment, you must contact a dentist to determine whether you have enough bone and healthy gums for the purpose. However, each and every individual must be evaluated individually before starting the treatment as other health conditions might cause problems. According to statistics, the success rates of these implants is over 98%, but it highly depends on which part of the jaw is being placed on. What does the procedure involve? As we have already said above, every individual is special and requires a personalized treatment plan. First of all, your dentist must prepare the spot using restorative dentistry. Then, the tooth root implant is placed in the empty spot and the healing begins. As the jawbone recovers, it grows around the implant, making it rock solid. Once the bonding procedure is done, a special connector post is attached to hold the new tooth. Afterward, the replacement tooth, also known as a crown, is attached to the connector’s post. The replacement tooth is created after a model of your bite, making it look and feel just like your own natural teeth. Are they safe? As long as you hire a well-known professional, you don’t have to worry about your implants as they are considered the safest way to replace a missing tooth. They won’t only look and feel natural, but they will also promote the bone’s growth beneath the missing tooth, allowing you to recover faster. Can children have dental implants? Kids are energetic and often mischievous, which can lead to an accident or an injury while growing up. None of us made it to adulthood without a single scar, but what can we do if our child loses teeth? There are many procedures that can save a child’s broken tooth, but dental implants can be placed only after the bones of the jaw stop growing. The earliest possible age for the dental implant’s procedure is considered to be 17 years. According to the Fort Wayne dentists we talked to, it is recommended to go through a series of examinations before proceeding with children’s implants. Read Also : 5 Dental Hygiene Tips For A Healthier Smile Important Habits To Protect Your Ear Health And Hearing

Mental Health Counseling

What Is Mental Health Counseling, And What Kind Of Mental Health Issues Can It Address

Mental health care has become an important aspect of healthcare today. There are several ways now that existing mental health issues can be minimized or eliminated, as the case may be. Every day, government officials, healthcare providers, private organizations, and individuals are taking up new responsibilities to promote mental health care. At the core of it is mental health counseling, which goes a long way in providing professional services to patients with mental issues affecting their lives. If you’re wondering what mental health counseling entails and the category of issues it can address, here’s what you need to know. What Is Mental Health Counseling? Mental health counseling comprises the services that trained professionals provide for clients who require help dealing with various issues affecting their lives. Professionals ranging from licensed counselors, psychologists, and nurses to social workers within the government, social services, or private spaces can provide these counseling services. The American Psychological Association provides that these issues can include personal challenges that cut through the behavioral, emotional, vocational, marital, educational, or rehabilitative spheres. When it comes to mental health counseling, there are various techniques available to provide these essential services. Among them, psychotherapy stands out as a major approach, concentrating on the diagnosis and treatment of mental health concerns through thorough research, assessment, and clinical intervention. Once a clinical diagnosis is established, the necessity for treatment becomes apparent. A mental health counselor is different from other categories of counselors. These counselors seek ways of providing holistic solutions that tackle the different challenges to mental health and work with a wide range of patients from day to day. Counselor Vs. Therapist It’s important to differentiate between these two terms, as they typically mean the same thing. The major difference between the two is the training, licensing, and treatment methods that they undergo. These elements will influence the type of experience the professionals have and the types of results they see. They are also similar in a number of ways, as they both use talk therapy when handling patient issues. However, talk therapy for therapists is more regulated than that for counselors. Although a master’s degree is not compulsory for mental health counselors, most employers tend to focus on candidates with graduate degrees and adequate experience. A mental health counseling online degree from American International College can equip you with the appropriate skills and guidance needed to navigate the sensitive situations in a mental health counseling role. Both categories are also required to be licensed to be able to practice. The Scope Of Practice Of Mental Health Counseling If you are considering a career in mental health counseling, you may also want to know its scope of practice. Mental health counselors typically work with clients to manage issues such as stress, anxiety, and depression. This type of counselor also focuses on general therapy, ensuring that their patients can navigate a wide range of emotional and psychological issues. As a mental health counselor, you will assist individuals in dealing with their everyday challenges, such as handling stressful situations, communicating better, and improving their relationships. Mental health counselors use talk therapy as a major tool for handling situations. Talk therapy involves open and compassionate conversations that help clients better understand their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. All of these end goals are simply to promote personal growth and well-being. In addition to the requisite education and training, several jurisdictions require mental health counselors to pursue additional training to understand the administration of psychometric assessments and tests during practice. One important thing to note about mental health counselors is that they are usually ruled out of performing cognitive testing and can only perform specific assessments under strict conditions, such as under the supervision of a licensed clinical psychologist. Mental health is an essential aspect of our lives, and adequate attention should always be paid to it. For this reason, mental health counselors are important because they can help to bring relief when it becomes difficult to maintain our mental health on our own. Mental health counselors not only help people when they are experiencing general mental health issues, such as depression, eating disorders, anxiety, ADHD, OCD, bipolar disorder, dementia, and personality disorders, but they can also help a range of patients deal with several other conditions. Addiction And Substance Abuse Drinking too much alcohol, using illicit drugs, overusing prescribed medications, gambling addiction, and sex addiction are some of the major abuse and addiction problems that counselors can help individuals to manage. Adjusting To Major Life Changes Mental health counselors can also help patients navigate life changes such as a loss, a move, divorce, or recovery from a major illness. Dealing with these issues may take a toll on the mental health of those involved and without tell-tale signs sometimes. Stress And Trauma Counseling can help individuals who are experiencing stress related to work, relationships, or other life events. They can also help those who have experienced a traumatic event, such as physical or sexual assault, domestic violence, or natural disasters. Conclusion Mental health counseling can be a highly rewarding profession for anyone to pursue. Today, the need for clinical mental health counselors has risen drastically. If you are thinking of pursuing a career in this field, why not look into enrolling in a course such as a mental health counseling degree? Read Also: 10 healthy Habits to improve your health How To Take Care Of Your Mental Health Living Healthily | Six Crucial Lifestyle Tips for College Freshmen