How To Use A Shipping Container As A Home Office

Published on: 16 January 2019 Last Updated on: 22 February 2020
Tiger Containers

Shipping container offices have given many a quick, long-term, and Eco-friendly approach to making an office space. Today, a lot of people are looking to used containers for their small office needs because they are very affordable, convenient, and already an established setting that can be easily constructed from within. Its popularity comes from their simplistic making of ordering, being delivered to the location, and building right on site. Plus, it doesn’t take long to construct the interior of a container. These steel shipping containers are made to be standard, durable in all settings, and easy to move around.

Buyers have to prepare for everything and you want to set it up by the time the shipping container arrives. This involves preparing the doors and windows, insulation, utilities, and flooring. Get a ballpark amount of how much it would cost per square foot;  the floor plan and where every little thing should be drawn up, plus plumbing and electrical areas. Making a shipping container into an office requires you to be detailed in your small room because you are making it simple. There are major considerations in this small space; think of the phrase, “Less is more.” You don’t have a lot of room, so don’t get fancy with the furniture and computers.

For any office to be workable, you need proper heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. Installing that is a major difference from what the shipping container has because it is built to be airtight in moving goods around. Now, you need to install a perfect unit that can control the temperature inside. For a large container, air ducts can be installed if the container is split up.Air ducts let the air go from one end to the other. Rooftop turbine vents and ceiling exhaust fans can also be installed. These are inexpensive and don’t require a lot of power to keep on running.

Then, there is the presentation of your office from the outside where it should not come off as run down and cheap just because you are in a container. The paint job all over prevents the rust from showing. The container needs to be washed to rid of any markings and the more visible rust smoothed out before painting. It has to be as if the container was built as new. The aesthetics are important because it is en vogue for an appealing, younger sector of people who are trying their own business.

You have to use your shipper container office like any other room. Home office building can provide the most money and time being saved. There is a lot to think of in creating your new home office. This is still a new trend and there will be skeptics, but the total cost of the entire project is quite easily comparable to a traditional construction in that the shipping container is the way to go.

 Shipping Container

Source: Tiger Containers

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Construction Project Management

7 Common Construction Project Management Problems

Construction project management is a resource-intensive and complex process that involves coordinating different teams and disciplines to achieve a common goal. In addition, the construction industry is constantly evolving, so project managers must be adaptable and proactive to deliver projects successfully. However, even the most experienced and skilled construction project managers can face challenges during a project. Fortunately, construction project management software like Bridgit can help managers streamline employee management and performance. However, it's still critical to be familiar with the problems troubling the construction project management sector. Here are seven of them. 7 Main Problems Construction Project Managers Face: Every construction site has unique challenges, but some problems in construction project management are more common than others. 1. Undefined or poorly defined goals Every construction project should have specific and achievable goals to all team members. Without clear objectives, it isn't easy to measure progress and ensure that everyone is working towards the same vision. A common problem in construction project management is that goals are either undefined or poorly defined. It can lead to confusion and frustration among team members. In a recent survey, 52% of the respondents were dissatisfied with the project management maturity at their organization. It’s a wake-up call for project managers to step up their game regarding goal development. Plus, it's challenging to track progress without defined goals. As a result, the project may go over budget or take longer than expected. 2. Inaccurate estimates When creating a construction project budget, miscalculating the cost of materials or underestimating the time to complete a task can lead to big problems eventually. It's essential to be as accurate as possible when estimating the costs of a project. Suppose you're managing the construction of a new office building. You've estimated that the project will cost $5 million and take 18 months to complete. However, after six months, you realize that the project is only 50% complete and that the final cost will be closer to $8 million. It can cause problems for your construction project since you'll need to find additional funding to complete the project. 3. Employee turnover Employee turnover means that workers regularly leave and are replaced on a project. It can lead to a loss in productivity as new employees need time to get up to speed. High turnover rates can also lead to a shortage of skilled labor, which can impact the quality of work. On top of that, it disrupts the flow of communication and collaboration between team members. To deal with employee turnover, construction project managers should build a strong team culture. They should also create opportunities for employee development and provide competitive compensation packages. 4. Scope creep Scope creep occurs when the scope of a project starts to change or expands beyond the original scope. It can be caused by several factors, such as changes in the budget, unrealistic deadlines, or a lack of clear project objectives. Scope creep can significantly impact the budget, timeline, and quality of work. Therefore, construction project managers must understand the project objectives from the start. Here are some ways to tackle scope creep: Make sure everyone involved in the project understands the objectives.Keep track of any changes made to the scope.Work with the client to get approval for scope changes.Communicate with the team regularly to ensure everyone is on the same page. 5. Inadequate risk management OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) has strict guidelines for the safety of construction workers. If these guidelines are not followed, it can result in injuries, accidents, and even fatalities. Construction project managers must identify and assess risks before they start working on a project. They should also develop a safety plan and ensure all workers are trained to stay safe. Inadequate risk management leads to the following problems: Injuries and fatalities: Workers can get injured or killed if risks are not managed properly. It can also result in legal problems and a loss of productivity.Property damage: Construction sites are often located near homes and businesses. If risks are not managed properly, they can damage the property.Loss of money: In case of an accident, construction companies must pay for medical expenses and property damage. 6. Poor communication Many construction projects are complex and require coordination between different teams. A lack of communication can result in errors. Some of these problems include: Lack of coordination: Poor communication translates to a lack of coordination. It can result in construction crews working on each other, leading to delays and errors.Delayed completion: A communication breakdown can cause a project to fall behind schedule, resulting in cost overruns and dissatisfied customers.Poor quality: If there is a lack of communication, it can be difficult to resolve issues. For instance, if a contractor does not communicate with the architect, the quality of the work may suffer. 7. Lack of technology The absence of technology from a construction site is a concerning matter that needs immediate attention. A construction company must have the latest technology to stay competitive and efficient. Technology has transformed the construction industry in recent years. In fact, the CAGR for the project management software industry is forecasted to be up to 10.67% by 2025. It has made it easier to communicate and coordinate between different teams. However, not all construction companies have embraced technology. Some companies still use outdated methods, resulting in errors and delays. How Can Construction Managers Avoid Common Project Management Problems? The key to avoiding common project management problems is effective communication. By staying in close contact with all team members, construction managers can stay up-to-date on potential issues and prevent them before they cause significant problems. Additionally, effective communication can help keep projects on schedule and within budget. Besides communication, construction project managers must also use technology to their advantage. This way, they can keep better track of deadlines, progress reports, and costs. Finally, construction managers need to have a good handle on the budget and schedule. They should be able to anticipate potential problems and take steps to avoid them. Conclusion As established, some common problems for construction project managers include lack of communication, ineffective budget handling, employee turnover, and unrealistic deadlines. While some of these can be out of your control, you can take steps to mitigate most of them. For example, creating a communication plan, being proactive about your budget, and being realistic about deadlines will help make your construction project more successful. Read Also: Project Management in a PRINCE2 settingHow Can BYOD Improve Your Productivity?The New Global Project PRINCE2 Management ForumCommercial Construction After COVID-19: How Developers Can Adapt

Transaction Management

Best Transaction Management Software for Your Real Estate Business

There has been a myriad of changes that have occurred throughout the past two decades that have immensely shaped how our society functions. In the past 20 years, the Internet has been the single most important entity throughout all of society, and as it continues to gain in popularity all across the globe, we will continue to witness its effects. Real Estate Transaction Management Software Helps Agencies. The Internet has created a modern digital revolution, and this has led to transformation throughout our civilization in the 21st century. While much has been revolutionized by the rise of the Internet, one of the most influenced facets has been the economy. The modern economy has been affected by the rise of the web, and one field where this change has become increasingly evident is in real estate.  What Transaction Management Software Will Do to Aid Your Real Estate Business? Changes in Real Estate Real estate has been altered in a multitude of ways by the rise of the Internet, as people can view listings on specialized real estate websites, as well as finding real estate agents online. While there have been a variety of changes that have come about in the real estate field in recent years, one of the most influential of these alterations has been the introduction of transaction management software. Real estate transaction management software has greatly aided in growing and maintaining real estate agencies, and learning about this program and investing in it for your business will prove to be extremely beneficial.   Real Estate Transaction Management Software Helps Agencies While many real estate-specific technologies exist, none are quite as helpful as real estate transaction management software. This software aids real estate agencies with organizational and managerial benefits that help to ensure a more effectually run company. This could be compared to how landlords have moved past paper rental application forms and now use online rental application forms like these,, in the end, it is much easier.  There are numerous aids that this program can provide, including recruiting the best agents, growing your business, and closing deals more efficiently. The biggest focus of real estate transaction management software is the digitization of documentation that is essential for deals. Having all of your agency’s documents in a single location in a digital format will enable you to more efficiently run your enterprise. Agents on your team will also be able to submit their documents from their own computers, tablets, and smartphones, so they can more efficiently do their jobs and will improve communication.  Practical Uses of Transaction Management Software  While understanding the benefits of transaction management software is critical, understanding the practical uses of it for your business is even more imperative. Real estate transaction management software will improve employee morale throughout your business, as employees will appreciate the freedom and ease of access that this program will provide. You will also be able to decrease your company’s overhead because of the increased efficiency that this program provides for your business, and will be able to save your business money and time.  Final Thoughts As the real estate industry becomes more complex throughout the 21st century, technologies like real estate transaction management software will prove to be increasingly helpful. Learning about this technology and applying it to your agency will ensure that your business can be successful. Read Also: Five Reasons Your Business Needs Incident Management Software Why Contract Management Software Is Essential for Your Tech Company


Are you planning to relocate to Canada?

If you’re among those relocating to a big and highly popular nation, Canada then this write-up is to guide you to get the best accommodation to live in. Heading to a new country is always an exciting experience, but when it comes to establishing yourself there could be a daunting task. Right from your touchdown in Canada post-immigration, is tracking a comfortable accommodation. Here some of the sources who can count upon in finding a perfect location to live in. Keep reading! Pick Temporary Accommodation: Initially, most of the immigrants plan to take in temporary accommodation and then move to a permanent place. Probably, the prime focus is on finding a good job first and a preferred residence location thereon. Such temporary staying solutions can be hotels, hostels, rental apartments, and alike. The apartments in Canada are subjected to 12 month lease period only. Consider Preferences: To meet such a situation, the country has introduced a specific accommodation service to assist the immigrants in finding the perfect location in the minimum time possible. All you need to apply for the same considering your preferred location, budget, workplace distance, and other related expenditure. Check Affordable Availability: If you ask for the cost of living in Canada, it simply depends upon the area/street you select to live. Reading the reviews, the places like Saskatchewan and Montreal are among the most affordable to stay at. These are economical as compared to Alberta and Vancouver. External Sources: You must be financially strong enough as the cost of living in Canada is certainly higher than the cost in your base country without any doubt. You can use various sources to find a perfect place for you. It comprises Canada’s housing corporation, housing directories, classifieds, websites and other media tools. CMHC (Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation) is a government agency that aims to provide the best resources for housing for people probing for accommodation in the country. It helps both the new entrants as well as the existing citizens looking for a home. Next, you can find a kind of housing, whether temporary or permanent in the housing directories, classified and newspapers as per your budget and preferences. There is a myriad of online websites which help you to get a house for yourself. Maps are displayed there, you can just click on the location you desire to live in and it will show you all the possible housing options in and around the specific area. These websites help in finding services and jobs as well. An ideal way to relocate and settle in Canada is on PR visa. With this visa, the applicants can fetch several benefits from the massive Canadian government, such as free education and free medical facilities. Connect to the visa experts and get detailed information about the formalities and paperwork required for the same. You can browse through to take the expert guidance on visiting Canada as a tourist or PR or study abroad. It helps you in the complete visa documentation and procedure. Hoping for your delightful stay in Canada!