How VPN works on Windows and how you can benefit from it

Published on: 10 March 2020 Last Updated on: 21 April 2022
VPN works

Windows is one of the most widely used operating systems in the world. It is estimated that there are more than a billion Windows users worldwide. This extensive usage means that the amount of data available on Windows systems is enormous making them a target for hacks and other kinds of cyberattacks. A recent article published by Forbes reveals that unsigned firmware in laptop cameras, network interface cards, Wi-Fi adapters, and USB hubs puts millions of Windows users at risk of data theft and ransomware attacks.

These threats and vulnerabilities make the use of a VPN for Windows imperative. Here’s how a VPN for Windows works and how people can benefit from it:

How a VPN for Windows works

A VPN for Windows 10 works by plugging the source of all hacks. The user’s IP address, while they are connected to the internet, is what leads cybercriminals to their position and allows them to initiate attacks. VPNs masks this IP address to minimize the ability of any cyber attacker to track and infect the system. The service will effectively eliminate any chances of malware or other bugs being able to reach the system software or hardware.

Did you know that Windows 10, the latest version of the operating system comes with its VPN client too? Windows acknowledges the prevalent threat from cybercrime and provides users with the option to enable data security from within the system. This VPN client can serve as a great complimentary service to a comprehensive VPN but it limits functionality because you can only connect to specific servers and this restricts internet access to a great extent.

The benefits of a VPN for Windows

There are several benefits of a VPN and these go beyond just allowing internet freedom without any restrictions. The main features that a VPN offers revolve around providing elaborate cybersecurity. Cybercriminals and their tactics are constantly evolving and this trend is expected to continue for several years. Here are some of the advantages that a VPN brings when it comes to providing protection against a variety of threats.

Comprehensive cybersecurity

VPNs offer a wide range of options to protect Windows systems against malicious elements online. These include secure servers spread across the globe and state-of-the-art AES encryption services which makes it hard for hackers to steal data emerging from the system. Most leading VPNs have over the top features like public Wi-Fi security, secure DNS, dedicated IPs, internet kill switches, DDoS protection and a lot more besides. All these features are effective in protecting a Windows system against cybercrime threats.

Advanced encryption protocols

Encryption is a vital pillar of cybersecurity and the more elaborate it is the better. Highly rated VPNs make sure that they provide additional encryption protocols for users to support themselves and the protection of their online presence effectively. These advanced protocols can be added on top of the standard features so that the overall strength of encryption can be increased.

Some security steps to help you protect your data online

It is important to note that a VPN alone can’t provide complete cybersecurity. The biggest loophole at times in the protective guard is the user themselves. There are tools and measures that are imperative to be taken in order to ensure that the threat is minimized to a level where it becomes insignificant. Here are some of the most effective tips in this regard:

Use antivirus

A VPN is good at detecting threats that may be incoming but users need something that can deal with elements that have already made their way into the system. This is where a good antivirus comes into play. It screens the device on a regular basis to make sure that no harmful malware is hiding inside the device because viruses have the ability to sit in a device for a long period of time and the user only gets to know about them after it’s too late.

Update all software regularly

Software that is out of date is much more vulnerable to cyberattacks because the development team has stopped working on protecting it. This means that if your software is not updated you are a greater risk of hacks and other attacks as compared to when your applications are up to date.

Install a secure browser like Tor

Tor is one of the browsers that hide user IP addresses as default. The IP originally is public but when you use a browser like Tor, it is masked, to begin with. Tor is not a complete of an alternative of a VPN though because the latter provides a lot of extraordinary features whereas the browser is just a basic service that is not adequate on its own.

Always keep strong passwords

Many of us shy away from strong passwords because they are hard to remember especially since there are so many of them. This is one of the biggest mistakes to make. There are several secure password managers out there which can hold all passwords, auto-fill them when necessary and take the burden of remembering them off your shoulders.

Stay vigilant

Vigilance is one of the most crucial factors because scams like phishing, man-in-the-middle or other similar ones have nothing to do with VPN. Protecting from these all comes down to being aware and careful of the existence of these threats.


While a VPN has become a necessary tool to have these days, it is more important to have knowledge about the threats and being vigilant to protect against them.

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security software

Five Tips to Make Sure Your Security Software Is Actually Secure

Security software is a must for any business. Your systems contain a lot of important company information, as well as the personal information of your employees and your customers. A security leak or a hacker can be devastating to your business. However, you shouldn’t make the mistake of thinking that just because you have security software that you don’t have anything to worry about. You have to know what to do, or what not to do, to make sure that software keeps you as secure as you think. You can also look for a network security company that will help secure your business. Choose the Right Software The first step is choosing the right software. You have to choose software that provides your business with the features you need, but you also have to choose a trusted name. You need to make sure that your planning begins by finding the correct network security company. Look for credibility, experience, and reputation in the field. Make sure that you are confident of their abilities. A SOAR vendor, which stands for security orchestration, automation, and response, is a good choice for many businesses. The right system can provide you with end-to-end security operations management, which means the program covers every security concern with thorough protection. Choosing an experienced, full-service vendor also means you always have access to a customer service associate who can answer your questions and make modifications to your program to ensure it works for your specific business. Check Your VPN Your virtual private network (VPN) is important because it guards your internet traffic. No one can gain access to the information on your network unless they are provided with direct access to the network. Even if a device is using an outside internet connection, with a VPN, not even the owner of that connection can access your information. That includes information about the security of your virtual systems. The problem is, just having a VPN isn’t enough. It could be leaking your IP address, giving hackers a way into your system. To make sure your VPN isn’t leaking: Turn off your VPN. Conduct a Google search for, "What is my IP address." Engage your VPN. Search Google for your IP address again. When you check your VPN these ways, you should see that the address is different. If it isn’t, you have a problem with your VPN. You can also use an exit server to check your VPN. When you check your IP address, it should match your address and the country you selected. Allow Authorized Cell Phone Use Only It’s normal for employees to access company platforms and information on the go. It’s so convenient that many employers encourage it. You can even access your desktop from a tablet or phone, which means you can continue working, even when you’re not in the office. Unfortunately, using other devices can compromise security. Apple devices are relatively secure, but Android devices are not. No matter what kind of device your employees have, they should be updated with the latest security software. This can be a difficult thing to police. If working at home is expected of employees, provide them with company devices that you have control over updating. Assign Authorized Users Carefully Not everyone should have access to your company’s personal information. Not all employees should have access to certain systems and programs either. They only need access to the information and systems that are relevant to their job description. Assign authorized users carefully to help prevent information leaks. Although most employees have pure intentions, they can still make mistakes with important company information. That includes accessing information from unsecured systems or accidentally sharing the information with someone else who shouldn’t have access to that information. It’s especially important when someone leaves the company. As part of the exit process, it’s important to unauthorize access to all company systems. Schedule Continuous Training Training and development are important to any business but don’t think your job is over as soon as the initial training is over. Security systems are changing all the time, as are the needs of your business. It is important to continually train your staff to ensure your systems are secure. It includes refresher training on basic security information, like proper password selection, as well as specific training on how to use the actual security program. Partnering with a quality provider enables you to use them as a resource when planning your trainings, and in some cases, they may even be able to provide you with training led by one of their associates. Don’t think that just because you have security software that your system is actually secure. There are a lot of things you can do to make sure your company’s information stays safe. 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Access Control Systems: The Cornerstone Of Modern Security

Access Control Systems: The Cornerstone Of Modern Security

Access control systems serve as a sophisticated first line of defense, permitting authorized entry while screening out threats. By integrating layered identity verification—including credentials like badges, PINs, and biometrics paired with surveillance technology—these intelligent systems determine permission for physical access. Schools and corporations alike rely on access control's discerning capabilities governing carefully who passes through entry points. The most robust enterprises leverage multi-factor authentication with devices evaluating fingerprints, retina scans, and more before granting access to sensitive areas. Factor in AI-powered analytics learning along the way, and a cutting-edge access control system literally thinks on its feet, keeping danger at bay. Though we may take their seamless security for granted, these gatekeepers operate 24/7 to protect our most valued assets behind the scenes. When balancing convenience, safety, and privacy is paramount, access control provides an advanced solution to the task. How Access Control Works Access control systems require people to authenticate their identity before allowing entry. Individuals must verify who they are through credentials like keycards, passwords, PINs, or biometrics such as fingerprints or retina scans. Many systems also incorporate surveillance cameras, alarms, and sensors on doors and other entry points to provide multilayered protection. Sophisticated software ties everything together, enabling features like scheduled or remote locking/unlocking and detailed activity reports. Types Of Access Control Solutions From small offices to multinational companies, there's a form of access control for every need and budget. Card-based systems requiring an authorized badge for building entry are common. However, not every company needs biometric systems to confirm identity via fingerprints or other unique physical identifiers before granting access and offering a high level of security. Internet-based systems allow convenient remote functionality through web applications and mobile device control. Whatever the technology, there are now more access control options than ever protecting facilities worldwide. Furthermore, the security access control solutions can be divided into different sections, and they include visionary access control, role-based access control, and mandatory access control. The manufacturers of these access control systems are evolving with continuous ideas. They are working on extensive permutations and combinations with the technology, improving the overall security system. Hence, standardized security is the ultimate objective that the stakeholders are looking at. Benefits For Buildings Big And Small An electronic access control system can benefit anywhere managing access is a priority. For large corporations, it boosts security while making it convenient for thousands of employees to move freely within appropriate areas. Schools utilize the technology to screen visitors while tailoring access permissions so staff, students, and parents only reach certain locations. Government and healthcare facilities house sensitive information, making rigorous access regulation essential. Even small businesses stand to gain from streamlined access management, employee accountability, and strengthened protection. The Use Of Access Control Systems In Diverse Sectors Access control systems simplify the entire security network in different ways. Whatever your business may be, you make use of them here for the sake of your convenience. However, a wide range of industries use access control systems. Business Enterprise Any business that accepts and thereafter processes the credit cards must meet the data regulations. The access control system can restrict the IT rooms. Thus, they can track down access to certain data and thereafter safeguard information. Healthcar Healthcare is one of the sectors that is sensitive and vulnerable to the intrusion of outside elements internal to her periphery. The healthcare units use access control systems to adhere to the HIPPA regulations for health data. The insurance companies' doctor’s offices protect the care users with access to the control systems. They can protect the IT rooms with the equipment. Ultimately, you get the safeguarding with the help of the physical files and highly sensitive equipment like the MRI machines. Government Security is one of the topmost priorities of the local and state governments. The buildings of the governments are subject to the security regulations of the homeland. It may restrict the entry. However, access control systems verify employees' access to confidential information. Education Education is one of the important business sectors that take absolute control over their internal system through access control. The schools, colleges, and universities have many campuses which are quite large. Moreover, they have security needs in multiple locations. The access control systems for the students and the faculty help them enter through the doors and access points on the entire campus. Even the lab equipment or the expensive computers can be programmed. It ensures that only those who are registered for the courses can enter the facility. Worship Centers Hundreds and thousands of people attend these places. These spiritual centers welcome people from different places. The access control makes entering the compound easy. The synagogues and the mosques can track the comings and goings of the employees. At the same time, they also keep the areas like daycare centers and offices safe and secure for others. Bringing Access Control Into The Future Access control technology continues advancing rapidly, with cutting-edge systems offering more security, functionality, and analytics than ever before. Emerging trends include remote capabilities via cloud platforms, increased automation through artificial intelligence, expanded biometrics identification, and integration with other systems like video surveillance and fire detection. As risks evolve, so too will access control systems, incorporating innovative resources to keep infrastructure, data, assets, and people better protected worldwide. Staying One Step Ahead In a complex world, access control systems deliver an invaluable safeguard to help keep what we care about most a little bit safer. As long as there are threats for soft targets, access control will remain an essential cornerstone in enhancing security in facilities across every landscape. These stalwart protectors stand guard 24/7, vigilantly keeping danger at bay and peace of mind in reach. When so much relies on staying one step ahead of malicious activity, access control systems will continue advancing to meet each emerging challenge. Read Also: Everything You Need To Know About PKI In Cybersecurity Five Tips to Make Sure Your Security Software Is Actually Secure Why DRM Is the New Standard for Document Security

Retail Theft

Protecting Your Business From Retail Theft

As any retail business owner can tell you, it can be a tough industry to work in, especially when the issue of retail theft comes to light. Some small business owners lose a substantial amount of money each year through shoplifting, employee theft, and even through simple administrative errors that go unnoticed. If you want to ensure that your business is a success from the start, take these steps to reduce the chances of any form of theft occurring on your premises. Set up a state of the art surveillance system: One ancient camera in the corner may not do much to deter experienced shoplifters. If you want to make it clear to any would-be thieves that you’re serious about catching them in the act, you need the functioning, high-quality CCTV cameras that can keep an eye on every area of your retail store. They should offer crystal clear visuals so you have a sharp image of everything that goes on in your store from every angle, as well as round-the-clock monitoring to ensure that any after-hours theft is caught as easily as it would be in broad daylight. Educate your employees: Employees that understand how you monitor theft will be less likely to commit the crime themselves. A surprisingly large percentage of in-store losses occur through in-house employee theft, so it’s crucial that you ensure that your employees understand that if they attempt to steal from your business, they will be caught and the authorities swiftly notified. In many cases, simply calling regular staff meetings in which the management makes it clear how seriously they’re taking the issue will be enough of a deterrent. You can also attempt to pre-emptively avoid the problem altogether by hiring employees with clear criminal records and positive references from past employers. Use tags and signs as deterrents: Many shoplifters act on impulse rather than coming in with a premeditated plan to make off with your products without paying. This means that intimidating deterrents like signs and tags can play a significant role in reducing losses within your business. The signs you display should accurately describe the prosecution process a shoplifter would undergo if caught stealing in your store. These should be placed in prominent areas of your store so everyone can see them as they pass through. Security tags vary in price depending on their sophistication, so you should choose the tags you use depending on the value of your products and the vulnerability of your business to crime. You can target particular products for tagging by evaluating which items are most frequently shoplifted or offer the highest resale value if you don’t want to tag the entire store. Get security professionals on board: Uniformed security guards are utilized around the world both as a deterrent to shoplifters and as a way to catch and detain those caught in the act. If your store is struggling with frequent and substantial losses due to either shoplifting or employee theft, then getting a professional security company involved could make a major difference. Choose a company with a strong track record and plenty of experience, with guards that have passed stringent background checks, and consider mixing in plainclothes security officers who may able to spot a shoplifter in a more subtle way. Read More :  5 Tips to Safeguard Your Home From Intruders. Why Should You Consider Security Doors for Your House?