Washing Your Car: 7 Dos and Don’ts

Published on: 28 June 2018 Last Updated on: 24 July 2024
Car Washing

There are many benefits to washing your car on your own. For one, it will save you money. For another, automatic car washes may actually cause some tiny damages to your car that you may not notice immediately; car wash employees may also not be as careful as you when washing your car. Washing your car on your own also allows you to give your vehicle a once-over that may reveal small problems, which you can then resolve ASAP.

The problem with DIY car washing is that many people are used to some practices that may actually be damaging to your car. To help you become a car-washing pro, here are some do’s and don’ts that you have to keep in mind.

Do A Pre-Wash Shower :

Do A Pre-Wash Shower

This is an important step, since this dislodges stubborn dirt, mud, sand, and other debris, giving you an overall easier time washing. Loosening these particles will also prevent scratches on the paint job since you don’t have to “dig” before you can get them off.

Do: Use the Right Soap :

Do: Use the Right Soap

Dish detergents are formulated to strip grease from your plates and cookware. Laundry detergents are meant to loosen dirt and stains from fabrics. So why do some people think that it is okay to use these soaps on cars? The chemicals in these detergents are harsh enough to strip off the wax of your car and may even damage the paint. There are specially formulated car soaps/shampoos — these are the ONLY things that you should use to lather up and wash your car.

Do: Wipe with Microfiber Cloths :

Do: Wipe with Microfiber Cloths :

Sponges and other clothes are made of fabrics that may be too abrasive to your car’s paint. Make sure to use microfiber towels for your car for both soapings up and drying your car after a thorough rinse. Microfiber cloths are designed to lift dirt away from the surface, so they don’t scratch while you are scrubbing. They are also much more absorbent compared to other fabrics, so you will be able to dry your car much faster. Make sure to use separate cloths for washing and drying.

Do: Dry Everything Completely :

Make sure that you dry everything, down to the last nooks and crannies. These include door hinges and handles, windshield wipers, side mirrors, and the underside of the hood. Incomplete drying can cause condensation, rust, and gunk build-up, which can result in both superficial and mechanical damage to your car. You can use microfiber towels to dry many of these parts; for tight corners and spaces, there are squeeze blowers you can use to remove water.

Don’t: Wash Under the Sun :

Don’t: Wash Under the Sun

Properly cleaning your car means keeping it wet throughout the process, drying it only when it has been rinsed completely. This won’t be possible if you wash your car under direct sunlight since it will heat up the metal and cause the water and soap to dry quickly and leave spots on the body, windshield, and windows. Wash your car in the shade or during the early evening to prevent this from happening. You should also wait for your car to cool down first before washing it.

Don’t: Apply Products Directly :

Don’t apply any kind of product directly onto your car. The rule is to always dilute first (if the instructions say so), then apply it onto a cloth, and only then should you’re applying it on your car. Microfiber cloths are again ideal for this purpose. You should also use overlapping circular motions when applying wax or polish to make sure you cover every inch of the car.

Don’t: Use Just One Bucket :

Don’t: Use Just One Bucket

Using just one bucket of water is like putting the dirt back on to your car, which ruins the purpose of cleaning it in the first place. Use two buckets: one for soapy water and the other for rinsing your washcloth before dipping it into the soapy water again.

Following these tips will not only make washing your car a breeze, but you will also make sure that your car looks as good as new for as long as you can.

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Driver CPC Certification

What is Driver CPC Certification and Who is Required to obtain it?

Every professional driver operating a bus, lorry, or a coach needs to get a driver CPC certification. The certification contains standards followed during driver training as well as continuing education for career professionals. The purpose of requiring drivers to undergo this certification is to ensure proficiency and competency on the job. What is the Primary training of drivers for CPC certification? CPC stands for Certificate of Professional Competence and to all domains of you can apply it. All professional drivers who fall in the category of  C or D license. If you are a new driver and live in Sheffield, and this is your first time to undergo CPC certification, you’ll need to find a course for Driver CPC in Sheffield providing initial training. The instruction includes sufficient preparation for testing theories and applying practical skills. If you don’t go through the initial qualification process, you won’t be able to proceed to obtain a commercial driver’s licence. Who is required to take periodic training? Once a driver completes initial CPC training, a card is presented confirming that all legal requirements were met. This card is valid for the next five years. Once the card is about to expire on its fifth year of validity, drivers have to undergo periodic training to renew certification. Periodic training is necessary for maintaining competency and development. Each recurrent training consists of 35 hours in the classroom administered by accredited training providers. Training providers typically customise the programmes to meet the needs of their clients. Some clients may require their drivers to have training on emergency procedures for road safety, while there are others that may require additional training on how to handle volatile products like petroleum. Who needs a driver CPC certification? The critical identifier that a driver CPC certification is necessary is when a driver is a professional driver. But there are some exceptions which typically involve non-professional drivers. Those who drive the following types of vehicles for a living need CPC certification: Heavy equipment used in construction Buses operating on local and regional routes Coaches Tipper trucks Bin lorries Articulated lorries Aside from the drivers, operators also need to obtain CPC certification. But the training for operators is different from that of drivers. Exceptions to CPC certification: The law has built-in guidelines on who is exempt from taking CPC certification. There are professional drivers and non-professional drivers who may be exempt according to these guidelines. Professional drivers exempt from obtaining a CPC certification are: Professional drivers driving vehicles in the armed forces, police, fire service, and civil defence. Professional bus drivers who don’t receive compensation for their service and the vehicle has less than 19 seating capacity. You are driving a qualified vehicle, but only doing so for personal purposes. Vehicles driven for rescue or emergency operations. These are only a few of the exemptions in the list of those required to get a CPC certification. It is essential that you review the complete list and guidelines to know if your driving activity will also need a driver CPC certification. Read Also: How To Shop For A Car With Your Teen Driver? How Do Self-Driving Cars Really Compare To Human Drivers In Terms Of Safety?

EV Charger Rebate

Reap The Benefits Of An EV Charger Rebate In California

Discover the financial advantages of installing an electric vehicle (EV) charger in California with the EV Charger Rebate program. This informative article will outline the eligibility requirements and application process. The article also provides insights on selecting the right charger for your home. Gain a deep understanding of the financial benefits and learn tips to maximize the advantages of this rebate program. Don't miss out on the opportunity to reap the benefits of an EV charger rebate in California. Eligibility Requirements For The EV Charger Rebate To qualify for the EV charger rebate California, applicants must meet specific eligibility requirements. These requirements differ between residential and commercial applicants. Residential eligibility is based on the applicant’s income. There is a maximum income threshold set by the California Air Resources Board (CARB). The income requirements ensure that the rebate benefits those who need it the most. Commercial eligibility, on the other hand, focuses on the type of business and the intended use of the EV chargers. Businesses must demonstrate that they will use the chargers for public or employee use, promoting electric vehicle adoption. Additionally, both residential and commercial applicants must ensure that the EV charger installations meet the necessary technical requirements. It is such as proper electrical infrastructure and compliance with local building codes. Meeting these eligibility requirements is crucial to successfully receive the EV charger rebate in California. How To Apply For The EV Charger Rebate In California To apply for the EV Charger Rebate in California, individuals and businesses must follow a straightforward application process. The first step is to ensure that an eligible EV charger installation has been completed. The EV charger must be Level 2, with the ability to charge at a minimum rate of 30 amps. Additionally, it must be installed at a qualifying location, such as a single-family home, multi-family dwelling, or non-residential property. Once the installation is complete, applicants can submit their rebate application through the online portal. Submit via one provided by the California EV charger rebate program.  The application will require the submission of relevant documents, including proof of purchase, proof of installation, and proof of payment. After submission, the application will be reviewed, and if approved, the rebate will be issued to the applicant. Understanding The Financial Benefits Of The EV Charger Rebate The EV Charger Rebate in California provides significant financial benefits for individuals and businesses who take advantage of this program. One of its main financial advantages is the potential savings on electricity costs. By installing an electric vehicle (EV) charger at home or at the workplace, EV owners can avoid the expenses. Here, we mean the ones associated with charging their vehicles at public charging stations. The rebate program offers incentives that can cover a significant portion of the installation costs. Thus, it reduces the overall expense for the EV owner. Additionally, the rebate program encourages using clean energy by offering incentives ( for installing Level 2 EV chargers). They are more energy-efficient compared to traditional chargers. This can result in long-term savings on electricity bills. Thus it makes the EV Charger Rebate a financially advantageous program for both individuals and businesses. Choosing The Right EV Charger For Your Home Installing an EV charger at home is a crucial step in maximizing its financial benefits in California. When choosing the right EV charger for your home, it is important to consider factors such as charging speed. Factors like compatibility with electric vehicles and reliability are another consideration. There are several reputable EV charger brands to choose from, including Tesla, ChargePoint, ClipperCreek, and JuiceBox. Tesla offers their brand of chargers specifically designed for their vehicles, while brands like ChargePoint, ClipperCreek, and JuiceBox offer a range of chargers that are compatible with various electric vehicle models. It is recommended to consult with an electrician or EV charger installation professional to determine the best charger for your specific needs and to ensure proper installation. Tips For Maximizing The Benefits Of The EV Charger Rebate In order to fully maximize the benefits of the EV Charger Rebate in California, it is crucial to carefully consider and strategize the utilization of this program. One of the key aspects to focus on is maximizing savings. To achieve this, it is important to select an EV charger that offers the best value for money in terms of its features, efficiency, and cost. Additionally, it is advisable to take advantage of any additional incentives or discounts offered by manufacturers or utility companies. Another important aspect is the installation process. It is recommended to hire a professional electrician who is experienced in installing EV chargers to ensure a safe and efficient setup. Read Also: Why You Need Classic Car Insurance? 7 Reasons Why Teenagers Pay Extra For Car Insurance

Best Honda Car

Tips To Buy The Best Honda Car

Honda is a brand of truly high-quality and reliable vehicles that, with proper care, can serve their owner for many years.  But this is only if the car has been properly maintained.  If this is not the case, then no matter how reliable it is, it will still have various problems that can adversely affect the best honda car operation.   Externally and internally, at first glance, the car may seem flawless, especially when you already really like it and you want it in your garage immediately. However, in such a situation, in no case should you lose your head and purchase a vehicle until you carefully check it.  There are several ways to do this, one of which is to use a quality Honda VIN number decoder.  In addition, it is necessary to personally inspect the car, or better, take it to a car service and entrust this work to professionals. Do's and Don'ts when buying a used car: You can’t consider the offers of resellers because their business is built on the principle of “buy cheaper, sell more expensive,” and such a scheme does not work at all in favor of the buyer. Do's Don'ts Don't trust anyone.  Hence only searching with the best honda car service center near me is not going to sort out your problems. Offer the owner of the car you like to drive to the nearest service and check the car there.Never buy a car that lacks any documents. you can purchase a vehicle that has a lot of legal problems.  Or it may be completely stolen.With anyone even for the most plausible refusal of the procedures. Then greet a goodbye and start looking for another car. There is almost a 100% chance that you will get the defective car. How Honda VIN Decoder Will Help You When Buying A Used Car? What things to check before buying a used best honda car? You will find out if the car was in an accident and, if so, how serious they were.  In addition, you will find out if it is listed as stolen if it has legal restrictions that can complicate operation and registration if it has previously been in a taxi or on lease.  Maybe you will even see photos from past sales and see its accurate mileage and all technical specifications. Here are the things factors which you need to check before buying a used car: Check for your honda best mileage car with a dedicated VIN decoder.  This is a service that makes it possible to find out the entire history of the vehicle in just a couple of minutes.  In order to use the program, you only need to know the VIN of the car.You can find it on the partition between the engine and the passenger compartment, on the dashboard, on the engine, under the windshield, or on the B-pillar on the driver's side.  It is in these places that it is most often found in Honda cars.  In order not to personally go to see the vehicle until you are sure that it is worth it, you can ask the owner to take a photo of the identification number.  If he flatly refuses to do this, then with a high probability, something is wrong with the machine. Once you have received the VIN, go to the decoder's website and write the code in a special line.  After you wait a couple of minutes, you will be given a complete and detailed history of the selected instance.  5 Tips For Choosing A Quality Honda Car: Here are the five tips for buying a good quality best honda car. Read it and avoid making some costly mistakes: Overview: Be Sure To Check The Documents For The CarCheck The Full Body Of the CarCheck The Engine’s FunctionsCarry Out A Test DriveTake The Car To A Car Service   1. Be Sure To Check The Documents For The Car Study them carefully and make sure they are original.  Also, compare the VIN that is written in the documents with the VIN located directly on the vehicle body.   These two numbers must match.  If this is not the case, then the car is most likely stolen, and you should immediately refuse to buy it. 2. Check The Full Body Of the Car When inspecting your car body, always pay attention to car doors, covers, and hatches - they should not protrude or close tightly.   Permitted gaps of the primary attachments of the body are 3-5 mm.  Look closely to see if the car has severe rust and ensure that all parts of the vehicle are of the same color and shade. 3. Check The Engine’s Functions After starting the engine of the best honda car, look into the expansion tank - the presence of gases indicates a failure in the engine’s cooling system.  That also means that every head gasket most likely needs to be replaced.  Also, inspect the engine for oil leaks and the integrity of all hoses, tubes, and rubber gaskets.  4. Carry Out A Test Drive Try to choose the most varied route.  Pay close attention to how the gearbox, suspension, and engine work.  The best honda car should not make any strange extraneous noises.   He must also drive smoothly and calmly handle all the bumps in the road without making unusual sounds.  Try hard acceleration and hard braking.  So you will understand if everything is in order with the braking system.  5. Take The Car To A Car Service   There, professionals will inspect all elements of the best honda car and identify any malfunctions.   In addition, you will even be able to consult with them about the cost of a potential repair. Conclusion: Buying a used best honda car is a very responsible process.  You need to take into account a huge number of nuances and carefully check the vehicle before making a deal.  Be sure to check the selected Honda copy using the VIN decoder and carefully inspect it personally, or entrust this matter to mechanics.  In this case, you will minimize the likelihood of acquiring a low-quality copy and will be able to enjoy your purchase for a very long time. Additionals: Car between 5 – 10 Lakhs – what is it?Knowing Your Vehicle: 5 Maintenance Tips for Porsche OwnersUsed car: simple steps for buying from a reliable cars dealershipHonda Cars in Watertown NY: 8 Things to Check Before Buying a Second-Hand Car