Top 10 Signs You Might Need Auto Repair Services

Published on: 19 June 2018 Last Updated on: 14 July 2021
Auto Repair

Is your car having difficulty starting up? Is it chugging and blowing out smoke? Which kind of problem can you do yourself and which ones should alert you it’s time to visit a mechanic ship?

Knowing when to get your car checked by auto repair services can make it cheaper for you. After all, if you put it off, the damage might take a turn for the worse and make you spend more.

Take note that automotive repair costs United States drivers $50 billion a year, so if you want to save as much money as possible, you need to care for your car properly.

Here are ten signs your car needs a tune-up:

1. Check Engine Light is On:

Check Engine Light is On

A check engine light isn’t a cause for concern when it’s lit–a flashing one is a major indicator of a problem. It could mean that there’s something wrong within any components and systems monitored by your car’s computer. However, as long as the light is on, you must have the engine checked sometime soon.

If you want to know more about scheduled Subaru maintenance, you can read more here. Otherwise, when an engine-like symbol glows in your dash, you need to get the engine checked as soon as possible. It might be an issue with the emissions system, which can give serious damage to your catalytic converter.

2. Smoke Out of the Hood:

Vehicles must never have any type of smoke coming out from under their hood. If you see this, it’s a sure sign of overheating. This can give serious damage to your car’s engine if you continue driving without addressing the issue.

Look at the dash and make sure to check the temperature gauge on a regular basis. Make sure that it isn’t giving way for whatever reason. It’s important that you pull over when you’re driving since it allows you to let it cool down and call an automotive repair service for assistance.

Another reason is that you’re leaking coolant liquids from the radiator, hose, or gasket. This is especially true when the white smoke comes from the car’s engine compartment.

3. Transmission Issues:

When you’re driving, take note of the way your car operates in a normal situation. Ask yourself these questions: Is it difficult for the car to achieve speed? Does it surge or give off odd sounds when operating?

If you answer yes to these questions, you need to get car repair services. Without professional service repairs, you could get into an accident while on the road. This creates a dangerous situation for you and your kids.

There might be a recurring transmission problem with your vehicle. Taking it to an automotive repair shop fixes the problem with the use of the latest technologies available. It’s necessary for you to do this as soon as you can to avoid spending more in the future.

4. Excessive Smoke and Noise from Exhaust:

Pay attention to the sounds your car makes when you’re driving. The type of noise you hear will dictate the kind of possible problem. For example, if you hear hissing sounds from the exhaust, it’s possible that its manifold or pipe has a crack.

Chugging noises can mean that the exhaust system has a blockage. Meanwhile, rattling sounds underneath your car can mean that the exhaust system is suffering from misalignment. These sounds are good indicators that it’s time to change the exhaust system you can visit as they provide high-performance systems at reliable prices.

As for excessive smoke, one possible reason is that you have an oil leak, especially when a burning smell accompanies it. In cold winter months, you might notice that there’s more white smoke when you first start your car. This isn’t a cause for alarm because it’s only water vapor coming out of the exhaust system–they’ll disappear once the temperature of the engine increases.

But when you’re driving and see too much smoke from the exhaust, it’s best to go to a repair shop first. The same is true if you check your car’s bumper area and notice a black residue near the area of the exhaust pipe.

5. Gas Mileage Decreases:

If your car experiences a sudden drop in its gas mileage, you need to schedule routine maintenance as soon as you can. This could mean that you’ll need to fill up its gas tank more often. The reason why this is urgent is due to the fact that you want to save as much money as possible for the gas, especially now that a barrel of oil is at $70.

One of the main reasons behind this might be a bad fuel injector or a dirty fuel filter. It might also mean that there’s a problem with the spark plugs. Either way, it requires your utmost attention and the help of professionals.

6. Difficulty Starting Vehicle:

Difficulty Starting Vehicle

When getting into trips, do you find it difficult to make your vehicle startup? If your answer is yes, then it might be a good time for you to visit a repair shop for a tune-up. You need to do this as soon as possible especially when you’re having a difficult time turning over right when you’re trying to make it start.

Another possible reason is that you’re trying to start it while the engine is hot from the outside weather. It’s related to the car’s fuel, especially since a hot engine makes it harder for fuel to circulate because of the blocking vapor. In a worst-case scenario, the car won’t even start.

Remember, even after you shut the engine, it will still get hot for a short while. During this time, water vapor will spread around, obstructing the engine from circulating fuel.

7. Excessive Leaks:

Noises and leaks are two of the most common problems for 2017 car models. You need to take your car to the nearest mechanic if it has major leaks underneath. If you’re checking for leaks, the most common location is toward the car’s front, where you might see different-colored liquids.

If the liquid is bright green, it’s the coolant leaking. Otherwise, dark red or brown liquids can either be transmission oil, brake fluid, or engine oil. But if it’s only plain water, don’t worry–it’s the normal result of the air conditioner running during warm summer months.

8. Signs of Rust:

When you see rust on your car, you need to remove it fast regardless of whether you do it on your own or let professionals help you. When left alone, a single rust spot can grow fast and cause a structural problem if it reaches a certain size.

Deal with it fast since most states will never pass inspections if they have rust holes in the body. It’s especially needed if you bought a secondhand car.

It doesn’t matter if the spot is small or it’s located in an unimportant part of the car body. You need to eliminate it as soon as you see it. To do this in an effective manner, you need to understand the most problematic areas in your car as well as the methods you need to address the problem.

9. Vehicle Shakes or Jumps :

Vehicle Shakes or Jumps

When you experience this, it’s a sign of a performance issue. It might be a good time for you to take your car for a tune-up. Take it for a test drive on a shop or make an appointment so you don’t end up stalling in a place you’d rather not be in.

Always remember that a driving experience should be free from shaking or jumping. After all, the probable cause of this problem is within the car’s engine. It might be due to clogged fuel lines or filters, as well as bad spark plugs.

Again, you need to fix this problem as soon as possible since it hinders your vehicle’s acceleration most of the time. It might even give out in the most unpleasant situations, like merging onto a highway while fast-going vehicles are behind you. You can prevent it by changing the oil regularly as well as replacing the belts at certain intervals.

10. Squealing When Turning:

Experiencing this while driving is another good reason to visit an auto shop and get a tune-up for your car. It’s possible that some of the important fluids your car needs are approaching dangerously low levels that need urgent refills. Another reason for the squeals is that the car might have a leak, meaning that replacing the liquids isn’t a definite way to fix your problem.

Aside from squealing, your vehicle might emit a jerking feeling when you’re shifting. It’s especially noticeable when you’re shifting into drive. If this happens, you might need to get a new transmission filter and liquid to fix this problem.

Failing to do this early, you might need to spend more money on a new transmission system.

Discover More Auto Repair Tips Today:

With these auto repair tips, you’ll know when you have to bring your car in for a checkup. It’s always safer to hire professionals when getting a tune-up or when it’s time to replace old car parts.

But don’t stop here. There are more great car service tips for you to discover. Visit us today and read some of our other guides to ensure you drive safely, like this post about the safety of self-driving cars.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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What Are the 6 Steps to Take to Become a Proud Motorcyclist?

There's nothing quite as amazing as the open road and fantastic scenery provided while riding a motorcycle. For anyone thinking about becoming a true, blue motorcyclist, there are a few tips that can make this possible. When it comes to riding though, becoming a part of the "club" may seem a bit difficult at first. To get started, use the tips found here. Here are the 6 Steps to Take to Become a Proud Motorcyclist: 1. Riding Style When it comes to riding a motorcycle, there is more information at However, before buying a bike, it's necessary to figure out the style of riding a person wants to do. This is a step that is completely dependent on the rider(Motorcyclist). To figure this out, think about the style of bikes that are attractive. For example, a person should consider if they migrate toward the cruisers, or if the neo-retro bikes turn their heads. Even if a person can't decide, there are options. Take some time to test out several options to find the ones that work. 2. Visit a Local Motorcycle Shop or Dealership  Riding a motorcycle is as much about being part of a community as it is about actually riding. Once a person begins riding, they will find even more motorcyclists to talk to and hang out with. A great way to meet these people is by going to a few local shops and dealerships. One of the best ways to use these dealerships is by visiting the ones that have the models that are appealing. Take some time to talk to the salespeople and don't be afraid to ask questions that seem basic. 3. Do Research on the Potential Purchases In the past, buying a motorcycle was restricted to visiting local dealerships and reading magazines and newspapers. However, today, it's possible to find out as much as possible about motorcycles online. There are even forums completely dedicated to buying a bike and becoming a motorcyclist. Virtually any forum that is purchased will have a few members who are interested in helping out a new rider. Another thing that can be learned through a forum is whether there are common issues with the bike being purchased. Reviews are also smart for learning how a motorcycle really works, so keep this in mind. 4. Get to Know the Licensing Requirements Before a person starts riding, they need to have the proper motorcycle license. An unlicensed rider is one of the most common victims of accidents. With a license, a person's odds of being involved in this type of mishap can be avoided. Remember, though, each state is going to have different rules regarding motorcycle requirements. It's possible for a rider to find out what is needed and required by their state by going to the DMV website. Here a person can learn everything they need to know about the motorcycle license. They can also learn about any motorcycle-specific laws they need to be aware of in the state where they are going to ride. 5. Sign Up for a Motorcycle Safety Course As a new rider, one of the first things a person should understand is that motorcycling can be a dangerous sport. If a person isn't careful and doesn't learn the rules of the road, they can actually die while riding. With the stakes so high, it's important to learn basic riding skills along with tips for avoiding accidents. For these classes, training bikes are often provided. This class is also a great way to do a bit of riding before making a costly purchase. There are some people who may even decide that riding isn't the right thing for them after taking this class. The truth is, riding a motorcycle isn't right for everyone. At a very basic level, riders have four appendages for operating five different controls. While ABS brakes are becoming more common on bikes it can take a while for a rider to become proficient in the driving process. This means that attending this safety class and practicing all the skills that are taught will go far when it comes to reducing the likelihood of an accident. 6. Build a Riding Community and Keep Riding There's no question that riding a motorcycle can be a lot of fun. Riding a bike and hanging out with other riders while sharing stories with other enthusiasts is much more fun. A person should consider going to their local bike night to figure out where most motorcyclists will ride in the local area. Not only is it fun to hang out with other riders, and all the trips that people can take together, a new rider can learn from experienced riders. The fact is, becoming a real motorcyclist will take some time. The best way to really get the hang of it is to start riding and not stopping. It's a good idea to ride as much as possible to keep the skills fresh. It's also a good idea to maintain the study of motorcycle techniques. The truth is, the learning curve to ride a bike can be quite steep; however, the payoffs are real. Additionally, motorcycle riding will provide a lifetime of learning, along with all the adventures that a person can have. Riding a Bike: A Fun and Thrilling Past Time Riding a motorcycle is a great way to have fun and enjoy the open road. It's also fun to ride with others and enjoy the stories and adventures that can be had with one another. Remember, though, to become a true rider, there are more than a few factors that need to be considered. Be sure to keep this information in mind to make the right decisions and avoid being involved in an accident while riding a motorcycle.invest in the best training to  Just remember, buying a bike is a big investment. It's also a dangerous one if a person doesn't take the time to learn how to operate and drive it properly. By taking the right steps, enjoying everything the biking culture offers will be possible. Read Also: Things To Consider Before Buying Your First Motorcycle How To Get An Accurate Valuation Of Your Motorcycle When Selling The Decline Of Cars Sales Has Led To An Increase Of Motorcycles In The UK

Commercial Truck Insurance

How To Find Affordable Commercial Truck Insurance

The dawn of the delivery age has given rise to many new businesses. With more and more companies offering delivery options, companies that deliver retail goods are often left searching for cheap commercial truck insurance. While these are the most popular companies using this type of insurance, they aren’t the only ones. Moving companies, couriers, and furniture delivery companies are just a few more examples of companies who may benefit from cheap commercial truck insurance. Just about any business utilizing a large truck will be required to carry certain insurances by state law, leaving many business owners searching for the best cheap commercial truck insurance. Here’s what you need to know about finding the best cheap commercial truck insurance. Know Your State Requirements Each state has its own minimum requirements, even for cheap commercial truck insurance. While the state minimum may have attractive premiums, it may not always be the best choice for your business. The minimum state requirement is often only enough to cover the cost of repairs to other people’s property when you are involved in an accident. Without insurance to repair your own property or your box truck, even a small accident can be catastrophic. If your commercial truck travels between states, there may be a federal minimum that must be met. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) sets its own federal minimum requirements for commercial trucks that travel between states. Many companies choose to meet these federal minimum requirements rather than just the state requirements. Get Multiple Quotes When shopping for cheap commercial truck insurance it always helps to get multiple quotes from several different companies. Each insurance company has its own underwriting team and acceptable risk amount, so the quotes may vary significantly. Insurance companies sometimes specialize in certain sectors, like large trucks or commercial vehicles, which allows them to offer specific discounts. Sometimes you may get a discount for bundling multiple policies with the same insurance company. Other times, you may get better coverage for less by doing business with more than one insurance company. The type of industry you operate your business in, and your driving record will also affect your premium rates. Consider Your Payment Options Believe it or not, your payment options can affect your insurance premiums. Insurance companies often offer a discount for paying in full rather than making monthly payments. If you must opt for monthly payments, some insurance companies offer a discount for having payments automatically debited from an account. You can sometimes lower your insurance premium payments by raising your deductible. An insurance deductible is the amount you pay out of pocket for a covered claim. When shopping for cheap commercial truck insurance, get quotes for different deductible amounts if you can afford it. It is important to have enough money in savings to cover your deductible amount or the results can be disastrous. It doesn’t make sense to purchase cheap commercial truck insurance with a $5,000 deductible if you only have $1,000 in savings. Why Commercial Truck Insurance Costs More When shopping for cheap commercial truck insurance it’s important to understand why commercial truck insurance costs more in the first place. Commercial trucks are some of the largest vehicles on the road and they can cause a lot of damage when an accident occurs. Long business hours also tend to cause driver fatigue and increase the chances of an accident on the road. Lastly, large commercial trucks sometimes carry hazardous materials, which also increases the risk of an accident. All these factors combined cause the cost of even cheap commercial truck insurance to be more expensive, and it tends to go up a little every year. It helps to shop around and install anti-theft devices in your commercial vehicles. Hire drivers with good driving records and keep a logbook. Maintain your commercial trucks and take advantage of safe driving apps or devices offered by your insurance company. Getting Cheap Commercial Truck Insurance Cheap commercial truck insurance does exist, even if it can be elusive. It’s best to get multiple quotes and play with the deductible amount to see how it affects your premiums. If possible, pay your premiums annually instead of monthly or quarterly. Most of all, it sometimes helps to work with an insurance broker who can help you get multiple quotes from several different insurance companies. This is the best way to find cheap commercial truck insurance that gives you the most bang for your buck. Read Also: How To Protect Yourself Legally During An Accident With A UPS Truck Legal Ways to Determining Fault for an Arizona Truck Accident 4 Things You Need To Know About Commercial Truck Insurance

Car Leasing

What Is Car Leasing Anyways, And How Does It Work?

Put plainly and simply, car leasing gives people the option of getting a car with a smaller down payment and typically lower monthly payments for a set number of months with a set amount of mileage allowed during the time the customer has the vehicle. All of the variables listed there are what’s known as the “lease agreement”, which covers all the terms and conditions of the car. Leasing is an awesome option for drivers, but it’s one that unfortunately not a lot of people understand all that well, so this article will endeavor to explain how exactly leasing works, and how it can be a better alternative to buying. Leasing can be a better alternative than buying because it allows you to drive a higher-priced car – one that you would not be able to normally be able to afford – for affordable monthly payments. In most big Canadian cities, like Toronto, Vancouver or Halifax, someone can get a lease on a new car for a low price, drive that car for typically up to three years and then turn the car back in at the end of the lease term. Leasing is kind of like renting a vehicle, in that you do not own it and you will turn it back into the dealership at the end of the lease term. Another reason that leasing can be preferable to buying is that it allows customers to get a new vehicle at the end of each lease term (if they so choose) without risking negative equity on a trade-in (and thus incurring higher monthly payments for the new car that they get). Leasing can also include perks like having standard service included and having the ability to carry over your down payment from one lease to the next (provided you continue to lease with the same dealership). Leasing has also become very popular with people that don’t necessarily drive a lot. Since leases come with a set amount of mileage (and penalties for going over the mileage) people that live in cities or close to work can take advantage of the lower lease prices for lower mileage lease options. Here in Canada, where there are lots of car dealership options, many dealerships offer perks to returning lease customers, to keep them from going to a different dealership, so it is a good idea to look at a dealership’s returning lessee offers to see if they are a good fit before entering into the initial lease agreement. These are certain small considerations you can learn more about over here at the AUTO ONE Group Blog which does a pretty comprehensive job detailing leases. Leasing is a great option for anyone looking to get a new car but doesn’t want to get roped into the large down payment and protracted loan payments associated with buying. If you live in the city here in Canada, it’s worth taking the time to seek out loan options on cars. Read Also : 5 Tips To Safeguard Your Home From Intruders 5 Signs Your Car Needs A Tune-Up Choosing The Right Anti-Theft Devices For Your Car In Houston TX