Top 10 Signs You Might Need Auto Repair Services

Published on: 19 June 2018 Last Updated on: 14 July 2021
Auto Repair

Is your car having difficulty starting up? Is it chugging and blowing out smoke? Which kind of problem can you do yourself and which ones should alert you it’s time to visit a mechanic ship?

Knowing when to get your car checked by auto repair services can make it cheaper for you. After all, if you put it off, the damage might take a turn for the worse and make you spend more.

Take note that automotive repair costs United States drivers $50 billion a year, so if you want to save as much money as possible, you need to care for your car properly.

Here are ten signs your car needs a tune-up:

1. Check Engine Light is On:

Check Engine Light is On

A check engine light isn’t a cause for concern when it’s lit–a flashing one is a major indicator of a problem. It could mean that there’s something wrong within any components and systems monitored by your car’s computer. However, as long as the light is on, you must have the engine checked sometime soon.

If you want to know more about scheduled Subaru maintenance, you can read more here. Otherwise, when an engine-like symbol glows in your dash, you need to get the engine checked as soon as possible. It might be an issue with the emissions system, which can give serious damage to your catalytic converter.

2. Smoke Out of the Hood:

Vehicles must never have any type of smoke coming out from under their hood. If you see this, it’s a sure sign of overheating. This can give serious damage to your car’s engine if you continue driving without addressing the issue.

Look at the dash and make sure to check the temperature gauge on a regular basis. Make sure that it isn’t giving way for whatever reason. It’s important that you pull over when you’re driving since it allows you to let it cool down and call an automotive repair service for assistance.

Another reason is that you’re leaking coolant liquids from the radiator, hose, or gasket. This is especially true when the white smoke comes from the car’s engine compartment.

3. Transmission Issues:

When you’re driving, take note of the way your car operates in a normal situation. Ask yourself these questions: Is it difficult for the car to achieve speed? Does it surge or give off odd sounds when operating?

If you answer yes to these questions, you need to get car repair services. Without professional service repairs, you could get into an accident while on the road. This creates a dangerous situation for you and your kids.

There might be a recurring transmission problem with your vehicle. Taking it to an automotive repair shop fixes the problem with the use of the latest technologies available. It’s necessary for you to do this as soon as you can to avoid spending more in the future.

4. Excessive Smoke and Noise from Exhaust:

Pay attention to the sounds your car makes when you’re driving. The type of noise you hear will dictate the kind of possible problem. For example, if you hear hissing sounds from the exhaust, it’s possible that its manifold or pipe has a crack.

Chugging noises can mean that the exhaust system has a blockage. Meanwhile, rattling sounds underneath your car can mean that the exhaust system is suffering from misalignment. These sounds are good indicators that it’s time to change the exhaust system you can visit as they provide high-performance systems at reliable prices.

As for excessive smoke, one possible reason is that you have an oil leak, especially when a burning smell accompanies it. In cold winter months, you might notice that there’s more white smoke when you first start your car. This isn’t a cause for alarm because it’s only water vapor coming out of the exhaust system–they’ll disappear once the temperature of the engine increases.

But when you’re driving and see too much smoke from the exhaust, it’s best to go to a repair shop first. The same is true if you check your car’s bumper area and notice a black residue near the area of the exhaust pipe.

5. Gas Mileage Decreases:

If your car experiences a sudden drop in its gas mileage, you need to schedule routine maintenance as soon as you can. This could mean that you’ll need to fill up its gas tank more often. The reason why this is urgent is due to the fact that you want to save as much money as possible for the gas, especially now that a barrel of oil is at $70.

One of the main reasons behind this might be a bad fuel injector or a dirty fuel filter. It might also mean that there’s a problem with the spark plugs. Either way, it requires your utmost attention and the help of professionals.

6. Difficulty Starting Vehicle:

Difficulty Starting Vehicle

When getting into trips, do you find it difficult to make your vehicle startup? If your answer is yes, then it might be a good time for you to visit a repair shop for a tune-up. You need to do this as soon as possible especially when you’re having a difficult time turning over right when you’re trying to make it start.

Another possible reason is that you’re trying to start it while the engine is hot from the outside weather. It’s related to the car’s fuel, especially since a hot engine makes it harder for fuel to circulate because of the blocking vapor. In a worst-case scenario, the car won’t even start.

Remember, even after you shut the engine, it will still get hot for a short while. During this time, water vapor will spread around, obstructing the engine from circulating fuel.

7. Excessive Leaks:

Noises and leaks are two of the most common problems for 2017 car models. You need to take your car to the nearest mechanic if it has major leaks underneath. If you’re checking for leaks, the most common location is toward the car’s front, where you might see different-colored liquids.

If the liquid is bright green, it’s the coolant leaking. Otherwise, dark red or brown liquids can either be transmission oil, brake fluid, or engine oil. But if it’s only plain water, don’t worry–it’s the normal result of the air conditioner running during warm summer months.

8. Signs of Rust:

When you see rust on your car, you need to remove it fast regardless of whether you do it on your own or let professionals help you. When left alone, a single rust spot can grow fast and cause a structural problem if it reaches a certain size.

Deal with it fast since most states will never pass inspections if they have rust holes in the body. It’s especially needed if you bought a secondhand car.

It doesn’t matter if the spot is small or it’s located in an unimportant part of the car body. You need to eliminate it as soon as you see it. To do this in an effective manner, you need to understand the most problematic areas in your car as well as the methods you need to address the problem.

9. Vehicle Shakes or Jumps :

Vehicle Shakes or Jumps

When you experience this, it’s a sign of a performance issue. It might be a good time for you to take your car for a tune-up. Take it for a test drive on a shop or make an appointment so you don’t end up stalling in a place you’d rather not be in.

Always remember that a driving experience should be free from shaking or jumping. After all, the probable cause of this problem is within the car’s engine. It might be due to clogged fuel lines or filters, as well as bad spark plugs.

Again, you need to fix this problem as soon as possible since it hinders your vehicle’s acceleration most of the time. It might even give out in the most unpleasant situations, like merging onto a highway while fast-going vehicles are behind you. You can prevent it by changing the oil regularly as well as replacing the belts at certain intervals.

10. Squealing When Turning:

Experiencing this while driving is another good reason to visit an auto shop and get a tune-up for your car. It’s possible that some of the important fluids your car needs are approaching dangerously low levels that need urgent refills. Another reason for the squeals is that the car might have a leak, meaning that replacing the liquids isn’t a definite way to fix your problem.

Aside from squealing, your vehicle might emit a jerking feeling when you’re shifting. It’s especially noticeable when you’re shifting into drive. If this happens, you might need to get a new transmission filter and liquid to fix this problem.

Failing to do this early, you might need to spend more money on a new transmission system.

Discover More Auto Repair Tips Today:

With these auto repair tips, you’ll know when you have to bring your car in for a checkup. It’s always safer to hire professionals when getting a tune-up or when it’s time to replace old car parts.

But don’t stop here. There are more great car service tips for you to discover. Visit us today and read some of our other guides to ensure you drive safely, like this post about the safety of self-driving cars.

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how many wheels are in the world

How Many Wheels Are In The World? – Are You Excited To Know?

Have you ever wondered how many wheels are there in the world? The first answer that will come to the fore is that there are actually plenty of wheels, which are infinite in number. However, in this article, we will look at this interesting question a bit differently and find out how many wheels are in the world in particular. With the Automotive Industry growing in leaps and bounds every year, the number of wheels depends upon the large number of vehicles being produced. Estimations have speculated that the number of wheels could be anywhere around 37 billion globally. Furthermore, in this article, you will also know why this question is there in the first place and what is the motivation behind finding out how many wheels exist in the world. You will also know about the fact why many people want to know how many wheels are there in the world estimate, as well as the views of the people. How Many Wheels Are In The World Total? – General Background Many users on the internet and social media (Twitter in particular) organized a popular poll, which was mainly about whether there are more doors or more wheels in the world. Hence, there were two different opinions from different users, and the reasons that people came up with were also interesting and, in some cases, extremely funny. On the one hand, many people were of the opinion that there are more doors in the world since there are many buildings and a single building has several doors. On the other hand, others claimed that since there are too many vehicles in the world, the number of wheels outnumbers the doors. Many people from around the world participated in the poll, and many people enjoyed the answers on the poll. The poll was featured in many countries, including the US, Canada, Australia, the UK, Ireland, and many more. The person who started this poll is Ryan Nixon. According to him, he found similar questions in Quora, from where he took the idea. According to Ryan, the question he found on Quora is, “If you could have one superpower, what would it be?” To answer the question, Ryan replied, “The ability to know the answer to any question I wanted.” This is how he found the idea of asking the question to people on the internet. Although it may sound strange to you, this is actually how the poll started and got popular in no time. More Doors Or More Wheels – What About The Post? Image Source: Ryan Nixon posted the poll on March 5, 2022, on his Twitter account with the Twitter ID @NewYorkNixon. In the poll, he posted, “My mates and I are having the STUPIDEST debate...And I am here for it. Do you think there are more doors or wheels in the world?” As of February 22, 2023, we found that there are 223,347 votes. The final results are already out. The poll results were close, as 53.6% of people voted for more wheels, while 46.4% of people voted for more doors. There are 4823 retweets of the post and 19,200 likes on the post. Furthermore, 4414 people quoted the tweet. From the moment Ryan posted the tweet, it went viral in no time. Within three days, the post was one of the most viewed on the internet. Many experts are of the opinion that the reason behind the post being popular is that it was truly unique, and different people have different opinions about the post. Additionally, the post got popular quite fast on Facebook, Reddit, and other social platforms as well. What People Are Saying About The Doors Vs. Wheel Post? Image Source: You must have already understood that the post was unique and got popular due to it being interesting and funny at the same time. This is because hardly any people think about the number of doors and wheels in their own houses and cars, let alone the world. The funny part about the post is the way how many people came together to vote on the poll and have a debate in the comment section of the post. The question was, although simple, it was intriguing as well. For example, one person even commented, “Who is voting doors??? There’s wheels on everything. I have wheels on my garment rack, makeup storage holder, rubbish bin. It’s definitely wheels.” In return, Ryan Nixon replied, “You have more wheels in your house than doors? Think about cupboards, the pantry etc. Think about how many doors there would be in something like an apartment building or hotel...” Such conversations and opinions made the post extremely interesting. Some of the other comments that added fuel to the fire are: “Very solidly wheels. All cars have 4 wheels but 2-4 doors. An average home might have 6-10 doors but it also has 3 suitcases with 6-12 wheels. A collection of toy cars might have 400 wheels.” “How many suitcases with wheels on have you got in your house? I’ve got eight. That’s 32 wheels just there.” “Doors. Four door cars and trucks nullify themselves. All ships have doors, no wheels. All buildings have doors, no wheels. Doors.” “Doors by far. Most things with wheels have at least a 2:1 door-wheel ratio, and then you have all the other doors in the world.” “In my household there are 29 doors including fridge, cupboards, washing machine, tumble dryer and car. Got 4 wheels on my car and the hamster has a wheel, can’t think of any more wheels I’m saying doors." "Using the ideology that wheels are only for vehicles and doors only count if they can be walked through. Think it’s quite clear that doors win. Let me know if I’ve missed anything major or something needs explaining.” "Think it’s quite clear that doors win. Let me know if I’ve missed anything major or if something needs explaining.” "Doors. Four door cars and trucks nullify themselves. All ships have doors, no wheels. All buildings have doors, no wheels. Doors." "Easily doors There's double the number of homes in the world than there are other types of buildings too, eg shops, businesses etc Then on top of that, most vehicles have many doors too," "Must be wheel. Wheels is one of the earliest human inventions. Not only in vehicles, but also in rollerblades, suitcases, chairs, etc. Wheels also made each day more than doors." "Just to confuse this debate do you mean EVER or NOW? as this very much alters my answer. Also, is a broken door or wheel still a door or wheel? I need some rules here." "You have ruined my life, I've lost sleep over this." "This has sent me into a spiral and I can't escape it." What Is The Exact Answer To The Question? In every way, it is very hard to find out the exact number of wheels or doors. If, for example, you think about only cars, you have to consider it has four wheels and at least two doors. There are wheels in other vehicles as well. Furthermore, there are so many doors in houses, furniture, etc. On the other hand, there are also wheels in toys like Hot Wheels and Legos. Realistically speaking, the numbers are just too much for a person to count, as they are infinite. Hence, we will not be able to give you even a close idea. How Many Lego Wheels Are There In The World? Image Source: In answer to how many Lego wheels there are in the world, you will need to estimate the number of car toys Lego produces. In a year, almost 17 billion toy cars are produced. Lego has sold approximately 6 billion wheels until now. As per a 2010 report, we found that Lego produces 318 million tires every year. Despite all these data, it is still hard to find out the number of wheels in this case too. Summing Up  It is really hard to find how many wheels are in the world or even how many doors there are. Who knows! There can be billions of wheels and doors in the world. However, the best part about the question is that it is interesting and unique, and the post from where the question is inspired was a head-turner. Moreover, the post was funny, and the results were even funnier. Read Also: How Long Can You Go Without An Oil Change? What Type Of Vehicle Is Ideal For Off-Road Driving? How To Choose The Best Wheels And Tires For Your Vehicle?

Car Accidents From Hitting Florida's Wildlife

Car Accidents From Hitting Florida’s Wildlife

Several circumstances cause the overall number of traffic accidents across the United States. Some of them involve crashes between cars and animals. These incidents may result in minor or significant automobile damage, necessitating car collision repair. In the worst-case instances, they may even result in fatalities. If you live in Florida, you might not be hearing about this for the first time. We have compiled some information from Northwest Collision Center experts to know what to do if you are in a traffic accident with animals. Statistics on Animal-Vehicle Collisions In June 2020, an alligator crossing the street in Manatee County resulted in a vehicle accident. According to ABC Action News, the automobile struck a tree as the 20-year-old driver attempted to dodge the alligator. In Florida, one in 306 car crashes includes hitting animals or wildlife, according to State Farm's data on such collisions. Between October and December, these animal-related traffic accidents predominate. Additionally, according to the data, there were more animal collisions this year. Between July 2019 and June 2020, there were reportedly 38,800 collision auto insurance claims, and between July 2020 and June 2021, there were reportedly 50,800 collision insurance claims. These figures indicate a 30% surge in Florida auto insurance animal collision claims. These figures are a helpful reminder to drive carefully. Animal Collision Coverage for Car Insurance Bring your automobile to a reputable repair facility if you've recently been in an animal-related accident or have questions about what to do if you come across one. Even if there are only a few little dings or scrapes on the outside, there might still be interior damage. Does auto insurance cover crashes involving animals? It depends. Some do, while others don't. The many forms of auto insurance are as follows: Liability Protection Accident Insurance Comprehensive Protection Insurance for Uninsured Drivers Insurance for Uninsured Motorists Health Insurance Coverage Protection Against Personal Injury Insurance Gap Labor and Towing Insurance Insurance for Rental Reimbursement Insurance for vintage cars Comprehensive insurance is among the most nuanced collision auto insurance policies to get if you want to be safe if unfavorable events, such as collisions with animals, occur. Many drivers believe that their collision insurance covers collisions with animals. The majority, nevertheless, do not pay for animal-related harm. Get comprehensive insurance as well to make sure you are protected. Animal collision coverage is a feature of most comprehensive insurance. Animals, natural disasters, vandalism, break-ins, collapsing structures, and other unforeseen events are all covered by this vehicle insurance policy. With the confidence that you'll receive help if you ever have animal-related auto accidents, you may rest easy knowing that the insurance policy includes animal collision coverage. How to Prevent Car Accidents Caused by Animals Even if you're protected with comprehensive car insurance, your and your passengers' safety won't be. As the old saying goes, prevention is better than cure. Here are some tips to prevent animal-related car crashes:  1. Don't worry too much. You must maintain your composure no matter what kind of animal you meet on the road. You'll be better able to decide what to do next if you're calm and composed. You may avoid mishaps and injuries by having a strategy in mind. 2. Analyze the situation. When an animal unexpectedly crosses the road, take a moment to look at you. Remember that swerving isn't always the best course of action. It may perhaps even do more damage than good, especially if you're driving along a busy road. 3. Try to slow down as much as you can. Reduce your speed when you spot an animal from a few meters away. Consider pausing until the animal crosses the road or moves out of the way if no vehicles are following you. Don't step on the brakes too hard, though, as your automobile can slide, which might lead to an accident. 4. As the animal approaches, steer in the opposite of that direction. If you do this, it may move more quickly or cross the road right away. 5. If you encounter an aggressive animal, think about driving back. Avoid going as close to some animals as deer since they tend to smash automobile windshields. What Else to Remember To keep away from probable risks: Always maintain both hands on the wheel and your eyes on the road. Use your high lights on a dark and isolated road for better visibility. If you see a wild animal on the side of the road, slow down and keep an eye on the animal until you safely pass it. Consider that there could be other creatures around if you encounter one. According to statistics from the Animal Protection Institute, approximately 70% of animal-vehicle incidents occur after a motorist safely passes one animal before accelerating and missing another. Key Takeaway Florida has a sizable population of wild animals and pets; hence animal-related traffic accidents frequently occur throughout the state. Because responsibility relies on various factors, accidents involving animals can be difficult. It is significant to remember that a driver's collision insurance frequently excludes coverage for incidents involving animals. However, suppose a motorist has comprehensive auto insurance, which covers damages not brought on by collisions with other vehicles. In that case, the driver may be able to file an insurance claim to get compensation for their losses. Additionals: Truck Accident Scenarios: Who Is Liable? 5 Actions To Undertake After An Accident Truck Accidents: Determining Fault By Location Of Damage Accident By Unlicensed Driver: How To File For A Compensation Claim?

Aluminium Ute Canopy

Contemplating an Aluminium Ute Canopy For Your Four-Wheel Drive Vehicle?

If you own a pickup or utility vehicle (ute), you might be planning to invest in a canopy. Ute canopies come in different sizes, shapes, materials, colours, and designs. The most popular material used for ute canopies across the globe is aluminium. That is due to the many benefits of aluminium ute canopies. In fact, aluminium is lightweight, durable, strong, and resistant to corrosion at the same time. On the other hand, you can easily customise aluminium ute canopies to suit your own liking and specifications. On the other hand, a canopy made of aluminium does not need reinforcement. Hence, it works well for most people out there. Such a canopy will provide complete protection from harsh weather elements - thereby protecting all the items stored inside the canopy. That is why you should invest in a ute canopy made from aluminium for your vehicle. Here are the benefits of aluminium ute canopies. An aluminium canopy will protect your luggage at the back the utility. Your luggage cannot be stolen or damaged by weather elements when you install such a canopy. Hence, a canopy is a great addition to your business utility vehicle. In case you operate a business out of your commercial vehicle or truck and need to carry tools and other equipment around, a ute canopy is the best solution. In fact, a canopy can be made to specifically hold the tools you require neatly and conveniently. The canopy is usually dry and clean at all times. Hence, your tools will be protected and have a prolonged lifespan in your vehicle. You can easily customise the canopy to organise the tools and equipment as you wish. That is why you should invest in an aluminium ute canopy for your truck or pickup without further delay. An aluminium canopy will add flair and elegance to your utility vehicle. In fact, your truck or pickup will look really great with the canopy on. They are now available in high-quality and sleek designs to match any type of truck or pickup on the market. On the other hand, an aluminium canopy will increase the resale value of your vehicle. You can sell the vehicle for a higher price due to the advantage that the canopy would provide. These are some of the many important benefits of an aluminium ute canopy for your truck or pickup. When buying an aluminium ute canopy for your truck or four-wheel drive, there are many important factors that you should consider. The first thing is the preferred canopy style. In fact, you should pick the type of configuration that best suits your needs. Make sure you are clear about the type of canopy you require such as a full, partial or even a tool module. A full canopy is sealed against weather and dust. They will protect your valuable equipment against theft and adverse weather conditions. Your research plays a big part when choosing the right canopy for your truck or pickup. Read Also: Top 5 Motorhome Tips How Car Detailing Can Keep Your Vehicle In Top Shape