How To Choose A Washing Machine?

washing machine

Not all washing machines are the same. They may all look identical but no two machines are equal in terms of capabilities, features, price, and suitability for your needs. In this article, you will know how to choose a washing machine.

When looking for a washing machine, it really pays to do your homework. From machine type to efficiency, make sure you have in-depth information about a prospective machine before buying one.

Basic things to know when buying a washing machine

For you to buy the right clothes washer, you first have to know your needs. Advance planning is crucial as it can help you choose a unit that is responsive to your requirements. Of course, you don’t want to spend on an ‘over-sized’ machine. Or, you also don’t want to buy one that isn’t able to meet your laundry needs.

Some of the essential questions to ask: How frequently you do the laundry, how dirty your clothes are, how many users are there, and what type of washing you prefer? Other considerations to look into including your space availability, energy efficiency, and preferred features.

To help you better choose the right washer and dryer; let’s check out some of the most basic considerations.


How many will use the unit? What is the average volume of clothes needs to be washed in a day or week? Will draperies, linens, bedsheets, or comforters be cleaned in the washer?

The capacity of a clothes washer refers to the size of the washtub. It ranges from 1 cubic foot to 6 cubic feet. To give you an idea, a 5-cubic feet washer is capable of washing up to 30 bath towels of regular thickness and size. So, if you are likely to accumulate this amount of dirty clothes, then you should get a unit with a capacity no smaller than 5-cubic feet. On the other hand, if you hardly have any clothes to wash, you can opt for the smaller units.

Furthermore, if you expect to wash large items frequently, then you should opt for large-capacity washers. Take note that the size of a washing machine doesn’t define its energy requirements. Likewise, larger units don’t automatically mean they have the best features, spin speed, wash cycles, and capabilities.


An average American household washes about 300 loads of laundry every year. This household chore comprises a large portion of our energy and water bills. Hence, energy efficiency should be among your top concerns when choosing a clothes washer.

Make sure to check the average power and water consumption of a unit. Check if it is ENERGY STAR certified and is compliant with the Consortium for Energy Efficiency (CEE). These two proofs guarantee that your clothes washer consumes less water and energy costs. All major brands sell units, both top- and front-load types, which bear this rating.

Available space

According to a repair technician from, improper installation due to lack of space is a major cause of washing machine troubles. So, when choosing a washing machine, space availability should be considered.

There has to be enough room for the units to open the doors completely. If you have limited space, there are combination washer/dryer and stackable models available. Front-load units require adequate clearance both in front (to allow the doors to open fully) and at the back (for the external fittings, hoses, and drain).

It is best to measure the floor area of the location before visiting the appliance store. But don’t worry as there are plenty of washing machine models (of varying dimensions) available to you.

Cleaning requirements

Every household or individual user has a unique cleaning challenge or laundry habits. Some prefer to get their clothes cleaned up perfectly. Meanwhile, others just want quick cycles so they can get on with other tasks.

Fortunately, washing machines nowadays come with a range of wash cycles and features designed to meet unique washing requirements and conditions. Aside from the generic cycle, there are units with delicate cycle intended for fabrics or specialized clothes. Some machines are even equipped with steam cleaning. Be sure to read about the unit’s features to know if they fit your needs.


Washing machines, especially the large ones, are major noise contributors. If your washing machine is located nearby the sleeping area or the living room, you want to get a quiet unit.  

Be sure to check if the unit has sound dampening features such as additional insulation, vibration reduction, or improved suspension. Normally, high-speed units will come equipped with these features as they produce the most noise.

Once you’ve decided on all these basic points, you can confidently walk to the appliance store to look for an appropriate unit for your home. Of course, you still have to decide on other considerations like your budget, the color of the unit, the material used by the unit, the brand, etc.

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Professional Cleaning Service

How Often Should You Schedule Professional Cleaning Service – A Detailed Guide

In today's fast-paced world, maintaining a clean and orderly environment, whether at home or work, is a challenge many face. While doing it yourself is an option, scheduling a professional cleaning service offers efficiency and thoroughness that can hardly be matched. However, one crucial question remains: How often should these services be scheduled? This is a challenging answer as it depends on multiple factors like the type and usage of the space, personal cleanliness standards, lifestyle, and budget. This comprehensive guide explores these factors, providing insights to help you decide the best cleaning schedule for your needs.  Understanding Your Space The type of space you occupy is pivotal in determining the cleaning frequency. Family Homes: Homes, especially with kids and pets, are prone to frequent spills, stains, and general untidiness. A weekly cleaning schedule is often recommended to keep up with the chaos and maintain a hygienic environment. Apartments: A bi-weekly cleaning can often suffice for smaller spaces like apartments, especially those occupied by singles or couples without pets. These spaces generally accumulate less dirt and clutter. Office Spaces: The frequency of cleaning in commercial office spaces should be dictated by the daily foot traffic and the nature of work conducted. Highly trafficked areas like lobbies, bathrooms, and meeting rooms require daily cleaning to maintain a professional appearance and hygienic environment. Lifestyle and Personal Preferences Your daily routine and personal standards of cleanliness play a crucial role in how often you should schedule cleaning services. Busy Households: In homes where both adults work or where there are several activities, more frequent cleaning can be a lifesaver, helping to manage the chaos and maintain some order. Health Concerns: For households with allergy sufferers or people with respiratory issues, regular cleaning can significantly reduce allergens and dust, thus requiring more frequent attention. Social and Professional Engagements: If you frequently host guests or business meetings at your place, maintaining a consistently clean and presentable space is essential, warranting more frequent professional cleaning services. Differentiating Between Cleaning Services Different cleaning services have different roles and thus require different scheduling frequencies. Deep Cleaning: This is an extensive cleaning process covering areas often overlooked in regular cleaning. Scheduling a deep cleaning every three to six months can help maintain your property's overall cleanliness and longevity. Standard Cleaning: This includes routine tasks like dusting, vacuuming, and cleaning bathrooms and kitchens and is typically what you would schedule weekly or bi-weekly. Specialized Cleaning Services: Tasks like carpet cleaning, window washing, or pressure washing are specialized services you might not need as often – perhaps just a couple of times a year. Balancing Budget and Cleanliness While frequent cleaning ensures a consistently clean environment, balancing the costs and benefits is essential. Regular cleaning can prolong the life of your furnishings and finishes, saving money in the long run. However, each cleaning session is an added expense. Finding a schedule that keeps your space clean without straining your finances is vital. Sometimes, alternating between deeper cleans and lighter maintenance can be cost-effective. Seasonal Adjustments The changing seasons can also impact your cleaning schedule. Spring and Fall: These transitional periods are often ideal for more thorough cleaning to prepare your space for the summer or winter months. Winter: With more indoor activity, you might require more frequent cleaning to address the increased use of indoor spaces. Summer: Depending on your lifestyle, summer might mean less time spent indoors, allowing for a more relaxed cleaning schedule. What Are The Benefits Of Hiring A Professional Cleaning Service?  While keeping your office or home tidy and clean, this is crucial for several reasons. However, keeping a clean and tidy space can sometimes be time-consuming. This is often a challenging task. Below, I will discuss the benefits of hiring a pro-cleaning service.  1) Saves Time and Energy If you are hiring a pro-cleaning service, this would save you a crucial amount of energy and time. Instead of cleaning your ice or home, it can leave professional angels on several others. This is especially beneficial if you have a busy work schedule or if you have to spend time, as this allows you to prioritize your energy and time on more significant tasks.  2) Saves Money in The Long Run If you are hiring a professional cleaning service, it may be an additional expense. But this can save you money in the long run. Above all, regular cleaning and maintenance would also help you in the prolonged life of your furniture and several other household or office items. Above all, by investing in such a professional service, you can avoid costly repairs or replacements.  3) Customisable Cleaning Plans There are a large number of professional cleaning services which often offer such customizable cleaning plans. This would also be suitable for your specific requirements along with preferences. Whether you require a one-time deep clean monthly cleaning services, or regular weekly you tailor the service to fit your budget.  4) Peace of Mind If you are hiring a pro-cleaning service, this provides peace of mind. Furthermore, you can be assured that your office or home is being cleaned by several trained professionals, especially those using effective and safe cleaning methods. This would also alleviate any concerns that you might have about cleaning your working or living space.  5) Customized cleaning Plans If you can tailor your cleaning plan to your specific requirements or preferences, then this is one of the most significant benefits. Above all, professional cleaning services also provide flexibility in service selection and scheduling. Above all, this allows you to choose the plan that fits your budget, cleaning priorities, and schedule.  In this case, the cleaning service will also be able to create customized cleaning plans that consider the size of your area. For example, if you can manage busy office traffic or high traffic such as reception or restrooms, this might necessitate daily cleaning. If you have pets, you would set up the routine, which includes deodorizing your carpets and regular vacuuming.   6) Healthier Living Environment A clean living environment is always essential for good health. Above all, this prevents the spread of allergies and diseases. Professional cleaning services are critical for creating a healthier living environment by eliminating germs and allergens. Regular professional cleaning service also keeps allergens from building, making allergic reactions less likely.  7) Reduced Stress If you are outsourcing any cleaning tasks, then this can reduce stress. This happens by taking the responsibility of cleaning off your plate. Rather than worrying about cleaning your space, you can focus on other crucial tasks. Not only that, but you can also spend quality time with your family members. Bottom Line Determining the optimal frequency for professional cleaning services is a personalized decision that depends on various factors. It's about finding the right balance that keeps your space clean, healthy, and welcoming without overburdening your schedule or budget. Regularly assess your needs, make adjustments as necessary, and remember that the proper cleaning schedule aligns with your lifestyle, preferences, and requirements. Your peace of mind and the cleanliness of your space are well worth the effort! Learn More About: Cleaning Your Home with Pets – The Most Common Problems Swimming Pool Cleaning and Maintenance: Cheap Online Pool Supplies Disinfection and Cleaning Strategies for Reopening Commercial Buildings Choosing The Right Cleaning Company: 5 Essential Factors To Keep In Mind

Common Household Accidents

4 Ways To Prevent Common Household Accidents

It’s easy for accidents to happen around the home. Even some of the most common household accidents in the home can lead to serious injuries or even death. Part of the reason may be because one’s home is the place where they feel the safest, so one might not be on guard. The good news is there are several ways to prevent these accidents from occurring. 4 Ways To Prevent The Most Typical Household Accidents  Most residential people think these accidents are very common. Yes, these are not like road accidents or earthquakes. But these small accidents can harm your whole body, which is no less than any road accident. Here are the easy ways to prevent the most typical types of common household accidents. 1. Preventing Falls Kids and older people can easily trip and fall, although these occurrences are not limited to just older people. No matter your age, tripping, and falling can lead to broken bones or concussions. It's important to ensure you are cautious around the house. Make sure you don’t have clutter on the floors and place non-slip mats on hard surfaces.  Stair falls are the most common household accidents. That can be particularly pretty dangerous, especially for older people. Consider ways of mitigating issues, such as adding brighter lights to dark areas. As you get older, you may even consider putting a home lift in. That way, you won’t have to worry about the stairs as you get older. Installing one of the superior domestic lifts available today can increase your home’s value while keeping everyone safe. Consider Going Through: Senior Staircase Safety: What You Need to Know 2. Preventing Cuts Cuts are a common type of injury, especially in the kitchen. While you may feel sharp knives can be more likely to cut you, it’s actually better to use a sharp knife instead of a dull one since it is less likely to slip. Ensure you use a non-slip cutting mat. So it does not slide around while in use. Any types of cuts are common household accidents. But when you are having different types of utensils and sharp things in your house, you have to be pretty careful. Cuts can happen anytime when you are handling any type of sharp object. For example, cuts are most common during the chopping of vegetables. So how can you prevent these? Keep utilizing the covering after using the sharp things. And always keep handy, fast aid kits for eliminating the excessive blood-flowing chances after cuts. 3. Avoiding Poisoning You need to prioritize keeping your home clean; however, kids are even more likely to be poisoned since they might be curious about cleaning products, medicines, and other toxic substances and want to try them out. Still, you could also be at risk through other avenues. Carbon monoxide is hard to detect, but it can lead to poisoning.  The most common fatal household poisoning accidents are lead poisoning and typical plant insecticides or nonhuman medicines. You must maintain a safety protocol. Make sure that all household cleaners and medications are out of reach and in locked cabinets. These should be childproof locks to keep the kids out of the supplies. Make sure you have a working carbon monoxide tester in each part of the home. Test the batteries often. You may consider using nontoxic cleaning products on a regular basis to reduce further the risk of your kids getting into them. Things like baking soda and vinegar can be effective at getting your surfaces clean, and they are not toxic to your kids. Consider Going Through: Top 7 Home Security Mistakes That Homeowners Need To Avoid Making 4. Preventing Burns At Home Of course, the kitchen is an obvious location when you think about burns, but that’s not the only spot you need to be careful in. Your water heater should be set to a low enough temperature that you are not scalded while washing dishes or taking a shower. And when it comes to fire safety, make sure you never leave your stove on while unattended.  Ensure there are fire extinguishers in an easy-to-access area. It is also critical to ensure smoke detectors are in working condition. It's often wise to replace batteries twice a year, even if they still seem to be working. Burning and blistering are common household accidents. How to prevent it? For more burn cases, you have to take help from the hospitals. But you can treat small blisters and boil at home. Conclusion: All of these four are common household accidents. You can easily overcome the chances of these accidents. But the easy solutions are to keep it handy in a small first aid box. Small cuts and brushes can happen at any time. Your first aid box will help you to minimize the blood flow. But for Severe cases, you have to take help from professional doctors and hospitals. Read Also: Roof Repair: Should You Hire Roofers or DIY? How to Protect Your Wood Flooring in a Busy Household

Home Is Safe For Living

5 Ways That Ensure That Your Home Is Safe For Living

The environment of your home directly impacts on your health or well being.  A home should be your heaven; the place where your family and kids are safe. After all, it’s the place where you retreat to unhealthy and long busy day. If you live in an unhealthy and unkempt place, the environment will impact everyone’s health. Here are 5 different ways that ensure healthy living of your home: Keep Your House Free From Moisture: Check your home regularly for any kind of leakage inside and outside of your home walls and sink to ensure is your home a healthy living environment. If you find any leakage then repair it on time. As leakage leads to moisture in the home which creates a favorable atmosphere for mites, roaches, and molds. These leads to many health problems. Keep Your Home Ventilated:  When you buy or build your home make sure it has space for ventilation. Keep your house well ventilated by open the windows and doors also use a fan in washroom and kitchen. Ventilation brings more fresh air, oxygen and natural light in your home. Fresh air reduces moisture and improves quality of air inside your house. It will increase the level of oxygen which results in a decrease in respiratory disease also improves the overall health of a person. Clean Your House Properly: Clean the home regularly and properly. Clean all the corners, clutters of the house where pests and molds may live if not clean properly. Use a damp cloth to clean house and vacuum your house carefully. Leave your shoes at the doorstep to protect the home from dirt. Careful cleaning of home keeps insects and pests out of your home and you will be less prone to various diseases. Design Your Home Kitchen For Healthy Living: You should design your kitchen which promotes a healthy environment. The kitchen should be spacious; it should have an exhaust fan or chimney to take out the smoke from cooking. Dining area should be well maintained so that the whole family can share a meal together which will help in improving nutritional value in kids. Keep Your Home Well Maintained: If you don’t look after the need of your home with time then, it may be at higher risk of moisture, pests and accidental injury. To maintain your home on time, repair it if it is not in good condition if its paint gets worse then give it a new paint. If doors and windows are not in well condition then make them repair or change them. Benefits Of Healthy Home: Living in a clean and healthy house is important for physical as well as mental health of you and your family members. When you living in a clean healthy environment your stress level decreases which will lower the risk of heart disease and many other diseases. Living in a dust free and pest free environment reduce the risk of allergy or asthma problem to persons in the home. Fires and fall of material are two reasons which may cause injury inside the house but well-maintained home is free from such risks. Bugs and rodents are getting multiplied only in a messy house. However, in the clean home they are not able to multiply also they will no longer remain at home. Maintenance of home increases its life and durability with time. Well maintained Home will always look like a new one and will become energy efficient too. Have an inspection of your home and check is it good for the healthy living environment, if not then make it healthy by using the above mention tips and use space saving ideas to make your home safe. Adopt a healthy environment for your home to live a long life which will be free from any disease. Read Also: Top 4 Must-Have Appliances In Every Kitchen Top 10 Effective Tips To Keep Your Home Safe 5 Tips To Safeguard Your Home From Intruders