3 Ways to Care for Cattle at Home


Economic crises, such as the 2008 recession, or the current COVID-19 pandemic, tend to make people think about job security and finance for the future.

It’s one of the main reasons why people turn their attention to self-sufficiency, home farming, and even raising livestock. The good news is there is plenty of support, ranging from high-quality livestock loans to expert advice.

But, before you can start buying cattle you need to be sure that you know how to care for them. Fortunately, you’re about to discover the three ways to care for cattle at home.

1. Shelters & Paddocks

Grazing animals need to have approximately 2 acres per animal for all year round grazing. This may seem excessive but grass growth slows in the winter, you have to allow for this. Anything less than this means you need to calculate the cost of animal feed and include this in your budget.

Don’t forget, this is a minimum. Having more space will allow you to deal with bad grass growth, whether a result of drought or something else.

You also need to make paddocks, these are simple fenced areas that allow you to rotate your cattle and ease the burden on the grass. You’ll need big enough paddocks to accommodate your cattle, keeping cows and bulls separate.

The larger your paddocks the better as small paddocks mean frequent cattle rotations. Of course, no matter how big the paddock you should move your cattle regularly to avoid the grass becoming ruined.

You may be surprised to learn that cattle don’t actually need shelter. But, they do need the high ground to wait out storms and other bad weather. That said, you can build a barn that provides the cattle with a roof, but this will cost more.

2. Basic Needs

Cattle need grass of animal food in order to stay healthy. This is important whether you want milk or meat from them. But, they also need a plentiful supply of water.

Freshwater springs and rivers are good but you’ll need to monitor and clean them often to ensure diseases aren’t spread. Alternatively, you can use an animal operated pasture pump. It’s a tank with a pump that is activated by the cow pressing against the lever, giving them access to the water.

Your cattle need approximately 2 gallons of water per 100 pounds of body weight per day.

3. Cattle Training

Your cattle need to respond when you want them to. This may be to herd them or for some other purpose. You’ll have to decide the noise you wish to make, such as a bell or car horn, then sound it when you feed the cattle. Repeat it every time you feed them and the cows will quickly learn to come whenever you make the specific sound.

Moving cattle around requires little effort. Alongside the recognizable sound, simply use a plastic paddle to put gentle pressure on the sides, it will steer them where you want them to go.

With a little patience, you’ll have the cattle doing exactly what you want without any stress.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Save Garden

How to Prevent Root Damage to Sewer Line and Save Your Garden

Having a beautiful garden with big majestic trees is a dream come true for many. However, that’s until the roots of those trees don’t damage your sewer line. There’s nothing majestic about that except the royally high bills repairs and damage can add up to. The average cost for a main sewer line repair is nearly $2,500, according to HomeAdvisor. And your insurance won’t cover it if the problem is caused by wayward root growth, because this is classed as a ‘preventable cause’. Therefore, it’s essential that you do your best to prevent roots from damaging your sewer line. If all fails, you also need to use the most effective strategies for fixing the damage as fast as possible. How to Prevent Root Damage to Your Sewer Line and What to Do If You Fail : The most important thing to understand is that roots are naturally growing towards sewer lines seeking moisture and nutrients. Not having any trees directly on your property doesn’t guarantee the safety of your pipes either, because they grow for many feet underground and can get to you from the neighbors. The first thing to do in order to prevent costly damage is creating a map of sewer lines running through your property. Next, you need to get them examined for leaks and replace any places with even the smallest crack. Even a tiny leak ‘attracts’ roots, which can grow into the pipe and wreak havoc on it and your lawn. To minimize the costs you can use modern trenchless methods of drain replacement. This approach allows replacing whole sections of sewer lines by digging only a few small holes. Therefore, you save money on landscaping restoration. This method of repair and replacement is also faster than digging a trench, so you can minimize the damage. Now that you’ve ensured your sewer line system is perfectly fine and know exactly where the pipes are, you can move on to the ‘active’ prevention state. This starts with installing barriers that won’t allow roots to get to your pipes. Like with drain replacement, you can choose between methods that will require digging up your lawn and ‘non-invasive’ options. The latter is chemical growth inhibitors, like potassium hydroxide or copper sulfate. Bear in mind that the vegetation in the area where you spread these chemicals can suffer to some extent. The other option is to plant metal or wooden barriers directly into the ground so they run along the pipes. If you are only starting your garden, you have a chance to prevent root damage to sewer lines by designing it so the larger trees and shrubs are as far as possible from the pipes. You also need to choose the species with small root ball systems. Be sure to water them well so the plants don’t have to seek out additional moisture through the ground. Root Damage to Sewer Line: How to Tell If You Aren’t Too Late? One of the worst things about root damage to the pipes is that it’s very difficult to spot right away. And by the time it gets severe enough to be obvious, the repairs will cost a small fortune. Regular inspections by professionals will help avoid this, but you also need to know warning signs to look out for. These include drain clogs, wet patches on your lawn, and slow-flowing drains. In case of any of these, contact a professional plumber to find the reason as fast as possible. Read Also : Grow These Flowering Plants In Your Home Garden To Remove Vastu Related Problems Smart Fun Gardening: How To Take Care Of A Money Tree How To Choose The Right Containers For Your Container Garden

commercial Greenhouse Flooring

What To Know About Commercial Greenhouse Flooring

A greenhouse is a structure that is enclosed on all sides, has predetermined dimensions, and has a roof that is composed of clear glass or sheets of plastic that are translucent. Because it contributes to the maintenance of the greenhouse's internal climate, the type of commercial greenhouse flooring that you select for your greenhouse is an important consideration. In most cases, it will rely on your preferred method of plant cultivation. Why Is Commercial Greenhouse Flooring Important? It is important to note that the commercial greenhouse flooring inside your greenhouse serves as the basic base of the structure, and it has the potential to make your time spent growing far more satisfying and gratifying.  Check out this link for more helpful tips for manufacturing an ideal flooring for commercial greenhouse Before beginning the installation process, it is important to carefully analyze the many alternatives available for the greenhouse's floor. In many ways, the floors of the greenhouse serve as the structure's foundation. They should be able to allow for proper drainage, protect the greenhouse from cold, prevent weeds and pests from entering, and keep you warm. You might be wondering what material to use for the floors of greenhouses.  To begin, there is a wide variety of substrates suitable for use as greenhouse flooring. Continue reading to discover how to construct a commercial greenhouse flooring, as well as the materials that may be used for greenhouse flooring and manufacturing the ideal flooring for a commercial greenhouse. What Are Some Benefits Of Commercial Greenhouse Flooring?  Commercial greenhouse flooring is the surface that covers the ground inside a greenhouse. It can be made of various materials, such as soil, concrete, gravel, stone, wood, or tiles. Commercial greenhouse flooring can provide several benefits for the greenhouse owners and operators, such as: Improving drainage: Commercial greenhouse flooring can prevent waterlogging and flooding by allowing excess water to drain away from the plants and the structure. This can reduce the risk of root rot, fungal diseases, and structural damage. Preventing weed growth: Commercial greenhouse flooring can act as a weed barrier, preventing unwanted plants from sprouting and competing with the crops for nutrients, water, and space. This can save time and labor for weeding and improve crop quality and yield. Controlling pests and diseases: Commercial greenhouse flooring can also prevent pests and pathogens from entering the greenhouse through the soil. This can reduce the need for pesticides and fungicides, and protect the plants from harmful insects, rodents, bacteria, and viruses. Enhancing insulation: Commercial greenhouse flooring can help maintain the temperature and humidity of the greenhouse, especially if it has insulating properties. This can reduce the energy consumption and costs for heating and cooling, and create a more favorable environment for the plants. Increasing aesthetics and functionality: Commercial greenhouse flooring can also improve the appearance and usability of the greenhouse. It can create a clean, neat, and attractive space for the workers and the customers. It can also make it easier to move around, transport materials, and install equipment. What To Use For Flooring? There are many different kinds of materials that may be used as greenhouse flooring. A floor made of poured concrete, particularly one that is insulated, is the best feasible option according to a commercial flooring company TCF West. For commercial greenhouse flooring, there are multiple types of flooring options.  You have to know what types of flooring will be suitable for your use. Is Concrete Good For Flooring? A concrete floor is simple to maintain and comfortable to walk on, and if it is built properly, it should allow any excess water to drain away. In addition to this, concrete is excellent at retaining heat and reflecting light throughout the day. However, concrete is not the only material that can be used for the floor of a greenhouse. There are other options. There are many additional options for greenhouse flooring that may be considered, with some producing better outcomes than others based on your financial considerations. Before you begin putting the floor, you need to decide on the greenhouse flooring materials that are most essential to you. It is important to think about how many hours you will invest in the greenhouse as well as the durability of the various floor coverings.  A commercial greenhouse flooring is also made of concrete, for instance, and will survive for many years, but a floor made of mulch will deteriorate very quickly. Also, take into consideration your budget. Read more on this page. Wood Flooring It is possible to construct the base of a greenhouse out of wood, then fill it with crushed rock or gravel, and finish it off with weed cloth. This floor is one that drains well, is simple to maintain, is simple to install, and does not cost too much money.  The utilization of lava, as well as landscape rock as a greenhouse flooring material, is an appealing notion for manufacturing commercial greenhouse flooring. The water that is absorbed by lava rock contributes to the overall level of humidity; nevertheless, neither lava rock nor landscape rock is simple to clean. Although it is simple to work with these materials, the cost of doing so may be rather high. When it comes to greenhouse flooring materials, mulch flooring is the one with the fewest positive benefits. Although it is inexpensive, it cannot be cleaned and, in fact, serves as a breeding ground for germs and fungi. Additionally, it rots quite quickly. The greenhouse has more humidity because of the bricks. It is recommended that a layer of sand be placed underneath them so that drainage and stability are improved.  In a similar fashion, a layer of sand should be placed beneath a foundation of rocks. Clay flooring is another choice that will stay for a long time and is comfortable to walk on. Weed Mats  When it comes to excellent commercial greenhouse flooring options, weed mats are an excellent choice. They have good drainage, they prevent weeds and pests from growing, and they are simple to stretch and afterward staple into place.  Vinyl tiles designed specifically for use in greenhouses are gaining popularity due to the fact that they are simple to clean and provide great drainage. They can be walked on or spread over a whole foundation to serve as a covering. There are a few different varieties of greenhouse flooring that are suitable for the job, provided that they are simple to clean and drain effectively. Wrapping It Up: If you decide against having commercial greenhouse flooring made of poured concrete, you need to place a weed mat barrier on top of the gravel or bare ground. Putting down rubber mats or an old carpet in locations where you will be working for extended periods of time is a good idea if you plan to have a concrete base. Additionals: Sheet Vinyl vs Vinyl Tile Flooring 7 Advantages of Reflective Epoxy Flooring How To Pick The Perfect Flooring For Your New Home Ideas for Modern Flooring Designs for Home Improvement Plans

Content Rally

How to Bring Summer into Your Space

With the winter far behind us and the cheating half-rainy half-sunny spring about to leave, it’s finally time to welcome the most beloved season of all – the summer. Although this is the period when we spend most of our time outside, it would only be fair to show our house some sweet summer love and refresh it with joyful and bright elements. For too long your home has been burdened with heavy fabrics, shut windows, heating systems, and all the other remnants of the harsh winter. It’s the time to bring spring cleaning to shame, by giving your house a complete summer facelift. Here are a couple of tips that should help you to do that. De-Cluttering Summer does not stand layers and clutter, not in clothes and surely not in the house. So, just like your summer outfits are lightweight and minimalistic, your home décor should also be. One way of de-cluttering is to get all the stuff out, and then put back in just the things you need. If your home is not that burdened with clutter, you can just remove the items you don’t need, or store them into boxes, bins, etc. [caption id="" align="alignleft" width="1599"] Image source: Pixabay[/caption] Deep Cleaning If deep cleaning was not a part of your spring endeavor, then you should consider doing it now, so that your home would be fresh and breezy. Some of the things/places that should be deep cleaned are under the sink, oven racks, the oven, the freezer, the curtains, the carpets, the windows, and the furniture. When cleaning the windows, do not forget to clean the blinds too. Don’t use harsh chemicals. Most of the cleaning can be done with DIY cleansers (baking soda, vinegar, lemon, etc.). The carpets and furniture can be cleansed with steam vacuums, so you don’t spread dirt and allergens throughout the air. Getting Rid of the Wintery Fabrics The last things you want to look at in your home are layers of heavy and dark fabrics and textures. Replace them with lightweight materials (e.g. heavy drapes with sheer curtains). Get rid of blankets and knitted items. If you have to cover your furniture, use slip-covers in light summery colors. [caption id="" align="alignleft" width="1599"] Image source: Pixabay[/caption] Letting the Air and the Light In This is easy – just open your windows and let some air in. Remove curtains for a day or two, just to allow clear passage to sunlight. Afterward, you can use the sheer curtain so that you always have sufficient light. Seasonal Products as Decorative Elements If someone were to ask us what is the most beautiful thing about summer, we would instantly reply strawberries (well, right after the beach). So use them and other fruits and vegetables as home décor. Arrange some colorful fruits and vegetables in baskets and bowls and use them as centerpieces. Fresh flowers are a great alternative. [caption id="" align="alignleft" width="1599"] Image source: Pixabay[/caption] Grow Fresh Herbs There is nothing more delicious than fresh basil in a salad or on a homemade pizza. So, get creative and make yourself a wall-mounted container garden, where you will be able to plant and plunk herbs. Not only will you add a touch of greenery into your space, but you will always have fresh herbs within your reach. Outdoor to Indoor Create a connection between outdoor and indoor by adding some elements you would normally use on your terrace or in the backyard, such as a jute area rug, plants (palms, bamboo, etc.), and some cane and wicker furniture. Pops of Color Summer home décor is not as hard to pull off as you might think, basically everything is the same as in fashion. Think about styling your outfit with a colorful accessory, and translate that into your home by adding pops of color in each room. Those can be vases, bed coverings, curtains, rugs, etc. You can start small by adding subtle summer shades like an orange rug in the living room or a teal table runner in the dining room to add a summery pop of color to your home. [caption id="" align="alignleft" width="1599"] Image source: Pixabay[/caption] Pantry and Refrigerator Do-Over Here, you really need to give it your best shot. First, get everything outside the fridge and pantry, check the labels for expired items and throw them away. Also, if some products have been opened and not used for an extended period, you should throw them away, even if the expiration date isn’t due yet.  Once you are done, put everything back, but arrange the products into groups and types (e.g. dairy goes in the door, cheeses on the upper shelf, meat products on the lower, etc.). Turn all labels facing out, so that you could always see which product you are taking and is it expired. Summery Scents All-Around Start with your skincare and hygiene products. Replace the wintery aromas of chocolate, milk, honey, etc. with refreshing scents of fruits and flowers. Move on to air fresheners throughout the house. Go fully natural with homemade fresheners. Some of the common ingredients are lemon, rosemary, orange peel, essential oils, lavender, basil, etc. [caption id="" align="alignleft" width="1599"] Image source: Pixabay[/caption] As you can see, summer is not reserved exclusively for the outdoors. If you try, you can bring it inside your home. Spring cleaning is so last season. Read More: How To Choose The Right Containers For Your Container Garden Grow These Flowering Plants In Your Home Garden To Remove Vastu Related Problems 3 Amazing Flower Street Garden – How To Design