2018 Signs It’s Time to Upgrade Your PC

Published on: 09 November 2018 Last Updated on: 19 July 2019

Ever notice something odd with your computer, like it has been more sluggish than it was yesterday or that the blue screen of death is becoming a common occurrence? How do you know when it’s time to take it to the shop for repairs or it’s finally the time to put parts or the whole system entirely to the junk?

Sometimes, the most noticeable issues are just part of a big problem, and the reality is that a computer, just like many things, will eventually grow old and become unusable.

That is why it is a good idea to know what signs to look for when you’re unsure. If you’re second-guessing whether you should upgrade or completely replace your computer, there are things you should consider. Here are some signs to watch out for.

Really Slow Performance:

It’s time to upgrade if you’ve done everything to make sure your computer’s hardware drivers and operating system are updated, but it still runs slow. You may have also checked for malware and made sure that the versions of the applications you’re using are not the cause for it running slow like a turtle. It may mean that the inevitable has come and it’s time to let go of your computer.

This doesn’t mean you have to completely trash everything, because the beauty of owning a computer means you can just take out certain components and replace them with something new. You may also choose to completely replace the CPU without doing the same for the monitor and peripherals.

You Need a Faster PC:

 Signs of breaking down and slow PC are not the only reasons for upgrading. Sometimes, you just need something that’s fast enough that can cater to your needs.

You may play games on your desktop computer but have taken up a hobby like editing, so you need something more substantial that will allow you to do these things and more. These applications are heavy on low- to mid-spec machines, but higher-end ones may be able to run them without any problems.

The same is true if you like to open many tabs on your browser. Additionally, new software may need new specs that can only be seen in the more current components. If your needs have changed, you may upgrade your PC as you see fit.

You Want New Hardware:

If you want to connect new hardware on your computer but find that you can’t, it’s a sign that it is outdated. For example, if you have VGA ports, it won’t be compatible with devices that connect with HDMI, USB 3.0, and USBC.

If you can get away with upgrading the minimum amount of components on your PC, then go for it. If not, maybe it’s time to look around for new parts.

Constant Overheating:

Most PC owners will know that overheating is never good for the machine. One of the primary reasons your computer may be overheating is because there is a lot of accumulated dust and dirt on the fans. It is important to keep the fans clean so that they will do their job of ventilating the components when they are in use.

However, if the fans are already cleaned and the computer still overheats, accompanied by grinding and clicking sounds, take it as a sign to upgrade. There are many reasons this happens. It could be that your hard drive is about to permanently fail or your fans are going to break down.

Generally, if you spend more time trying to fix things you think are manageable more than using your computer for its intended use, then it’s time for you to think about getting a new one.

Something Is Obviously Broken:

If you have PC parts that are actually physically broken, you can have them either repaired or replaced. However, you need to think about whether it is worth your time and money to repair items than to replace them because there are some parts that are easier to fix and others that are easier to swap with something new. You need to prioritize replacement if your PC has major damage that affects other parts or how you use it.

Build Your Own PC:

If you’re thinking about completely replacing your computer or just your CPU, consider building your own using a PC parts picker because you get to control your budget and select components to be prioritized according to your needs. It lets you pick components you want, and it makes sure that all parts are compatible, so you won’t have any problem when it comes to installing all of them together.

If you aren’t, it’s fine. Just make sure that you faithfully do all the cleaning, maintenance, and upkeep especially if you have an older computer. There’s a difference between common issues that are easily fixable and major ones that require immediate attention.

What are some more signs that it’s time to move on from your old PC? Share your thoughts below.

Read More: 

  1. How To Play PSP Games On A PC?

  2. The 10 Best PC Gaming Desk Accessories in 2018.

  3. Top 4 Reasons to Outsource White Label PPC for Your Business.


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Computer Security

Top 10 Computer Security Mistakes

So you’ve gone out and purchased a brand new laptop, and now you have plans of using that laptop in the workplace. Well, for anyone who has experience running a company, knows that laptops can be conduits for spyware and viruses. Once data is being processed, thought must go into who is capable of stealing it, where they might store it, how they could archive it, and how valuable the data is to the company. Well, if you want to ensure you’re never in any unfortunate positions, then I suggest you check out my list of common mistakes most new computer users make.  1. Connecting to an Unsecure Network If the network is open, then it should be fine for you to connect to, right? I wouldn’t say that. You should always be suspicious of open networks, especially ones at hotels and airports. If it’s possible for you to connect to a network without using a password or agreeing to any terms, then there is a good chance you could be leading yourself into a trap.  2. Opening Attachments from Unsolicited Emails You want to check the content of your emails, if anything in it looks suspicious, or if the sender is asking you to do something that you do not feel comfortable doing then there is a good chance its spam. Check the sender, if you’re not familiar with the person, then try searching for the email on any of the major search engines. If you’re at your workplace, then consider contacting your email administrator for verification on whether or not the email is spam. 3. Using Common Passwords While the vast majority of people are wise enough not to fall into this trap, especially when signing up for services online, there are still many work colleagues that have a knack for using basic passwords, like their birthday or their username123. You’ll want to re-work your password by combining uppercase letters, numbers and uncommon symbols. If you chose London as your password, then you could rejig it to something like L0nd3N. Even though it isn’t the most complex password, it would be much more difficult for a hacker to guess. 4. Not Making Backups When it comes to archiving files, many end users make the common mistake of backing up data too infrequently. I can see how the lazy approach can be more comforting, but if your company files are that important to you, then you’ll want to ensure that they are backed up as often as possible, using a number of different mediums, such as the cloud, external hard drives, etc.  5. Leaving Your Webcam Enabled It’s a great idea for you to familiarise yourself with your webcam so that you can determine when it’s disabled or active. Hackers are very adept at hacking into your webcam, especially in the workplace, and they can even record meetings if you’re not careful. Covering the webcam with tape won’t do much since audio can still be recorded; it’s for this reason why you’ll want to ensure its disabled when not in use. 6. Searching the Deep Web The deep web, unfamiliar to most internet users, is the shady part of it, not accessible from the major search engines like Bing and Google. Work systems should be used for work only, there are many deep websites out there that will stick malicious code onto your computer and use that to track whatever you say and do. 7. Assuming Your Hard Drive Will Never Fail In this world, there are two different kinds of computer users, those who have lost computer files and those who will eventually lose computer files. You want to back things up as often as you can. You also want to think about alternative media, like using an external hard drive to save certain confidential data onto it. 8. Using a Suspicious Thumb Drive Everyone needs a place to store their work documents. If you’re in the office, it’s not uncommon for you to find a thumb drive lying around. My advice is not to use it, especially if you don’t know where it came from, that’s because there’s a good chance it could have a virus on it. 9. Using the Same Password across Accounts It’s very important that you make a habit of changing your passwords. It’s not uncommon for end-users to keep the same password for many years. That is something you do not want to do. For business-critical, sensitive data, you want to ensure that all passwords are changed at least once every three months. Make sure all your accounts have different passwords. Having multiple passwords for your many accounts reduces the chances of all your accounts being compromised. With the increasing amount of cyber-attacks, the age of your password, along with its length and complexity are far more important today. 10. Agreeing to Install Anti-Virus Software Have you ever visited a website that asked you whether or not you wanted to check your system for a virus? You may have asked how or why it knew you needed a virus scan. In most cases these prompts to install antivirus software are in fact attempts to install malicious software on your system. Read Also : Would Your E-commerce Website Pass The Cybersecurity Test? Here Are 3 Things You Could Be Doing Wrong How To Securely Wipe Your Confidential Data From A Hard Drive


The Complex World of Plastic and How Useful is it to Humanity

Plastic and plastic polymers are very useful elements that form an important part of our daily lives. Anyone can find in nearly every product we use. Manufactured and synthetic polymers scientifically discovered and introduced for consumption usage in the 17th and 18th century. Ever since then they have helped improve the quality of human life by helping humanity in a wide variety of ways. You may be wondering what the difference is between plastic and polymers — and the key distinction is that plastic is a specific type of polymer. Plastics manufacturers make plastics from a chain of polymers, where polymers manufacturers compose polymers of smaller, and uniform molecules. Humans would never have designed and developed a number of everyday products and articles if plastics had not been invented. If we are to ascertain the usage of strong and lightweight plastics, we find that they have contributed immensely in the automobile and aviation industries, making cars and airplanes significantly lighter, thereby cutting down drastically on the total value of energy required to make them operational. Plastic usage in such industries has also led to a reduction in emissions. What are plastic polymers? Plastic is not a naturally occurring material in nature which means that they are synthetically produced in laboratories and factories. Polymers usually bind with substances occurring organically in nature and create newer properties and elements. For example, synthetic polymers comprise of collective materials like polyethylene, nylon, and polyester that have a percentage of organic mixtures. Synthetic polymers combined with organic compounds which plastic producers found in everyday consumer products like optical devices, adhesives, textiles, automobiles, foams, and coatings. Aside from that one can also use in medical devices, packaging products, and other things. How is plastic made? The complex compound of plastic usually evolves from elements occurring naturally in the world. After all, researchers have stated before. Organic elements like crude oil, natural gas, cellulose, and salt are a few of the naturally found elements that plastic producers use in the production of plastic. Crude oil is a complex mixture of thousands of compounds. Polymer manufacturers mainly process this before you are using this. The first step of the production of plastic begins by processing crude oil. In other words, crude oil starts as the base element, which is then technologically separated into segments, divisions, and elements. This is mainly variable mixtures of hydrocarbons. Each of these elements varies from one another in shape, structure, and size. The complex mix of chains of hydrocarbons is instrumental in creating polymers, which are of a synthetic nature through twin processes of polymerization and polycondensation. Once these two processes are complete, the polymer chains need to be converted into the finished products. The final product is a result of one of two things: extrusion or injection molding. Extrusion vs. Injection Molding: There are several differences between the two, but the first thing to know about the injection molding process is that it uses a die. This is essentially a recreation of the object that you wish to produce, however it takes on the appearance of a container. This container is “injected” with the plastic substance which will then harden and take on the form of the product. Once the cooling is complete, polymer manufacturers demold the component. Manufacturers such as Solex Thermal Science have created processes that make the injection molding process more efficient and inexpensive. Their heat exchanger is capable of handling any relatively free-flowing powder or crystalline bulk solids. This new heat exchanger technology makes it the perfect candidate to heat and cool polymers in an energy efficient manner. This exchanger heats and cools to uniform temperatures while using up to 90% less energy. Controlling the temperature of the polymer is an important step in maintaining product quality and ensuring a consistent capacity. In comparison to traditional technologies, such as the drum dryer, which uses a large quantity of hot air to direct dry the product, this solution separates the heat transfer and moisture removal components, significantly reducing energy consumption. Extrusion uses a different process as it also uses a die, but in a completely different manner. During the extrusion molding process, plastic manufacturers melt the plastic materials and place into the die under pressure. In this case, however, the die will eject the material and it will take on the form of said die. Plastic manufacturers complete this procedure in a continuous manner. Even they sometimes consider to be a bit faster than standard injection molding. How It Shapes Up: Once these processes are complete, after that plastic manufacturers determine the purpose of the plastic. It takes its permanent shape or form and polymer manufacturer industry transfers to its final destination. In the end, all plastic production processes take the same steps but some may be more time and cost efficient. The key is to look for agents in the plastics supply chain that provide optimal heating and cooling solutions using cutting-edge, energy-efficient technology. Read Also: Less Waste – Something You Can Do For The World 5 Important Considerations To Get Supply Chain Management On Cloud


How Should A Newbie Get Along With a PDF To JPG Converter

Since the digital space is increasing its presence in people's lives, people are trying to learn new techniques of using the internet in the best ways possible. There are several uses of the internet, which can make your life easy. The new generation that is being brought up is very well equipped with technology and the internet.  Most of the operations of various companies have also shifted online. However, people still struggle with small tasks such as converting documents from one format to another. If you want to get your work done, then you need to learn the techniques to convert PDF to JPG, PDF into Word, JPG into Text, and other such formatting skills. This guide can help you understand the working of PDF to JPG converters if you are a beginner. Open a conversion site First of all, you need to choose a conversion site for PDF to JPG converter, reliable and authentic. Check out user reviews to find which of the conversion sites provide the best experience and output. Once it is chosen, you need to open it on your desktop, laptop, or mobile screen. Select PDF for conversion The next step after identifying the conversion site is the selection of PDF that you want to convert into JPG format. It can be done by choosing "open files" or "browse files" whichever is present in the conversion site. Some websites even have the option to "drag and drop " the files for conversion along with the "get URL" option if you want to open the document from the link. Authorize a format for output Once the files have been uploaded on the conversion site, you need to authorize the format of the output. This format is the type in which the user wants to convert the PDF. Select the option of JPG under image conversions to convert the document from PDF to JPG. Choose the medium of download It may take a few seconds to get the documents converted into JPG, depending upon the length and size of the PDF. Many conversion websites have a bar on the extent that is permissible to be converted by. It is not so with the PDF to JPG converter. Select the number of pages for conversion Before the conversion gets started, you will get the option of selecting the pages that you want to convert. Two choices regarding this are available as - 'convert all pages' and 'extract single images.' You can tap on any of the icons as per your suitability to get the JPG. Download the converted files in the selected format Once the download is complete, you are good to go. There is an option available for direct download in the system or email it to your ID. You can get the converted JPG images in a Zip file also to keep them intact together. All these steps can help you to begin well with a PDF to JPG converter and learn more such techniques on the internet. Read Also: Top Five Alternatives to MegaUpload in 2016 Popular Apps for Downloading HD Videos