5 Easy Ways to Detect a Water Leak in Your Home

Published on: 19 July 2018 Last Updated on: 03 July 2021
Water Leak

Water leaks are one of the major problems for many homeowners. What makes them dangerous is that they’re not always obvious to spot until it’s too late. Water leaks can be caused by natural disasters such as earthquakes, broken appliances or simply due to outdated plumbing.

Water leaks are a fairly common issue and can cause severe damage to your home. They can damage your furniture and appliances, they can ruin the walls and if paired with faulty wiring, can lead to a tragic outcome.

As water leaks are not always apparent, many homeowners don’t bother to check whether there could be an issue with the water inside their home. Acting too late may result in serious repair and restoration costs and extensive water damage cannot be handled without professional companies such as KIC Restoration.

In this article, we’ll give you a few easy tips on how to spot water damage before it becomes an issue.

Keep Tabs on Your Water Bill:

One of the first signs hinting that there might be a hidden leak inside a home is a significantly increased water bill for your household. If you did not change your habits but have noticed an increase in your water bill, you might want to look for leaks inside your home. You can monitor your monthly spending online and see if there are any anomalies.

Consult with the Water Meter:

If you do notice something’s wrong with your water bill, the first thing you want to check is the water meter. To see if there are any hidden leaks, turn off any appliances that use water as the dishwasher, washing machine and close all the faucets. If the water meter is still detecting water being used, there’s a high chance you might have a leak. If there are no visible leaks in your home, perhaps you are dealing with an issue such as slab leak.

Use Food Color to Detect Leaks in the Toilet:

Of course, a leak may not be as severe as a slab leak. In fact, in most cases, water leaks come from the toilet. Toilets use a lot of water compared to other appliances and elements and it’s a good idea to test them first. You can do this easily by adding some food coloring into the tank. If you don’t flush the toilet but the color appears, you’ve found the sneaky leak.

Inspect Your Home Frequently:

Make sure to perform a visual inspection under the cabinets and vanities to see if there’s excess water there. Since leaks usually attract mold, sensing unpleasant odors or finding mold throughout your home may indicate a leak. In fact, you should check the areas where mold appeared first.

Look for Stains on the Walls:

If the leak is within your walls and caused by faulty plumbing, wet spots on the wall or on the ceiling are sure signs there’s something going on behind them. If there’s a water stain on your walls, the leak will probably be close by. Make sure to react immediately, as stains can quickly lead to serious property damage.

These are just some of the ways you can check for leaks inside your home. However, since a lot of times water leaks are hidden underground or inside the walls, if you cannot manage to find the source and keep seeing signs like an increased water bill, your best choice is to call a professional to look for leaks with a special set of tools. Call a professional leak detection company in Miami.


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Small Space

5 Tips How to Live Clutter-Free In a Small Space with Kids

Despite kid's petite size, they occupy a considerable amount of space including their toys and games, specifically if you live in a small space apartment. This can be a never-ending puzzle with each additional child if you don’t find your way to place all of the stuff where it is meant to be! Are you wondering how to take the maximum usage of the spare areas in your apartment? Then, take a look at the 5 most useful and practical tips to use all empty areas in your small space: Make Your Living Small Space Kid-Friendly: Making your apartment jam-packed with a lot of loose showpieces and vases is a big no-no. It looks not only messy but also not suitable for kids in terms of safety. Look at some interesting tips to make your small space looks more open and expanded: Do not put plenty of stuff together in every corner of your apartment. Instead, put small pieces of stuff maintaining the theme as well. You can even use colorful baskets in your living area to keep the trash away instantly; it will help you in keeping the area clutter-free always. Instead of using glass pieces and vases, use a wooden one! It will safeguard your kid from an accident while he is crawling or playing all around in the apartment. Use Smart Storage Ideas: If you still struggle with keeping rarely-used things within your home, then self-storage units are at your rescue. You can also choose an ideal size for your stuff with different sizes available. People at the facility understand any concerns you might have and make the process easier than you would think. Regardless of the weather, they make sure that your valuable storage remains safe and secured. These units are not only meant for keeping your stuff near you but also they are helpful in terms of relocating. Take Advantage of the Usage of Vertical Spaces: Making the maximum use of vertical spaces, whether it is in your bedroom, kid's room or kitchen is one of the best ideas! It will make your small space more presentable and well-organized. You can buy shelves and cupboards, or you can consider creating customized units with accurate dimensions, placing them in the most suited areas. It will not only make your apartment look wider and open, but also gives you plenty of space to throw on random stuff inside. Keep It Minimal and Classy: As we have already discussed above, that is, try to keep as minimal stuff as possible. For instance, instead of keeping big indoor plants on floors, put tiny ones on your shelves keeping in mind your kid's safety. Likewise, instead of putting huge and heavy furniture, use small customized furniture that you can lift without many efforts. To give your kids the maximum area to play in the living room is to show some creative side in wall designing and paintings rather than focusing only on floors. Play With Colors but Do Not Overdo It: You probably got numerous interior designing ideas on the internet, but do not splurge your money without even considering whether or not it suits your apartment. Keep it simple instead! Now, it doesn’t mean that you use only one color, but try to use subtle colors. Let's say, white color is something that looks more spread-out and gives an illusion of a bigger space.  When it comes to kids, bright colors will be more likely to make them joyful, so, why not give it a try into your kid's room! Read Also: 4 Tips For Finishing A Basement 5 Home Decor Ideas For The Times When Kids’ Grow Up 7 Ways To Add Character And Style To Your Home 5 Ways To Maintain And Decorate The Study Room For Kids

Wood Flooring

How to Protect Your Wood Flooring in a Busy Household

A busy household is one with a lot of love. Whether it is a lot of people all living together in one home or just neighbors and friends dropping by at all hours of the day and night, keeping up with a barrage of feet across your floors can be difficult. A stylish wood flooring might be exactly what you need in terms of aesthetics but what can you do in terms of protection? Keep reading to find out. Choose the Right Floor: Protecting the floor actually begins a long time before it is even laid. One of the most crucial decisions you can make when it comes to choosing the right flooring comes from which wood you pick. If you opt for a design which has been treated to be resistant then you know it will be a little longer lasting than something else you could choose. You should also choose something on the neutral side so it will always be in style no matter how much you change the rest of the room about. The right color will blend in with everything and can even help to disguise stains depending on what you choose. Enforce “Shoes Off” Yes, you might have to be one of those households which enforces a shoes-off rule. If you want to maintain clean floors as often as possible, you need to ensure that no-one is trekking mud and dirt through your home on the soles of their shoes. Some people only like to use this rule when they have carpets, but it can also be used when you have wood flooring you want to keep pristine. Keep a collection of slippers just for guests if they aren’t comfortable walking around in just socks. Use Protector Pads on Furniture: Head to any hardware store or even your local supermarket, and you will be able to find a square of felt which you can cut up and used to cushion the feet of your furniture. This can be bought either in the pre-cut shapes or you can do it yourself. If you have furniture like chairs which frequently get dragged along your floor, this felt will help to protect the floor. Long scores and other damage on the floor can be extremely difficult to fix and you should instead try to focus on preventing such damage. Put the pads on any furniture will be resting on the floor even if it will not be moved often. It might not be the most convenient for you to try to place the pads on your heavy dresser, but it will be worth it if it means your floor won’t be damaged. Just the natural shift of people walking around the house might be enough to cause it to move and damage your floors. Wipe up Spillages ASAP: Wood floors are great as they do not require that much in the way of maintenance but there is one thing you must be exceptionally vigilant about. This is spillages from liquids; something which might happen quite a lot in households with a lot of people. From drinks being dropped to vases getting knocked over, there is plenty of scope for things being spilled on your beautiful wooden floor. If this spillage is left unattended, you can risk the wood warping and become irrevocably damaged. There is not really any way to correct wood once it has warped so it is easier to just be vigilant and clean up the spills as they happen instead. If you have young children, make sure that you instill in them the knowledge that spilling on the floor is not wrong if it is an accident, but it must be cleaned up as soon as possible. Gentle, Regular Cleaning: A wood floor can look beautiful, but you need to be very careful about what you use to clean it if you want it to remain as good as possible for the longest amount of time. First of all, a regular sweep will work wonders. Build one into your routine. If you do a daily clean down or tidy of the room with the wood floor just to keep things nice and neat, running around with a broom is not a massive addition to your cleaning routine. When it comes to something a little more, all you need is a good microfibre mop. These are brilliant as you can really wring them out to ensure that they are merely damp as opposed to wet. You should not want to use anything too wet to avoid the warping problem mentioned above. A damp microfibre mop and a suitable cleaner which can be used on wood flooring are all you need to ensure that the wood is left sparkling clean. Read more: Use Floor Polishing For Keeping Your Flooring Looking New A Stylish Rug or Two: If your wood floor is in somewhere with a lot of traffic, for example, a hallway or the kitchen, then you might want to take an extra precaution to protect the floor through the use of a rug. This will protect your floor from some additional wear and tear and can help to prevent those tell-tale marks which slowly appear from lots of feet trailing through the same area. What’s more, it is incredibly easy to find rugs to match whatever style you might have in a room. With a load of different textures and designs to choose from, you can very easily find the perfect rug to match your room and rest knowing that the floor underneath will stay protected that little bit longer. Find the Right Floor for You Today: If you have been holding back on installing a wood floor because you think your household is too busy for it, you need to correct that mistake now. There are plenty of options for you even if you have a house bursting at the seams with loved ones! With the tips mentioned above, there is no reason why you cannot have a beautiful wood floor in your home even if you have visitors at all hours of the day and night. Read Also: How Long Does Vinyl Flooring Last? 7 Advantages Of Reflective Epoxy Flooring 5 Factors To Consider In Choosing The Right Floor Colors

Interior Designer

How to Make Your Home Look Like You Hired An Interior Designer

Buying a house is always thrilling and exhilarating for young people or couples when first starting out. Finding a beautiful place to live in the ideal neighborhood can really get your juices flowing and set your imagination running wild. Some people seem to get tripped up afterward when they attempt to turn their new house into a welcoming and inviting home. Does this sound familiar to you? Interior design is a difficult skill to master if you’re new to the game. That’s why it’s often best to hire an interior designer to lend a helping hand. But, if hiring an expert isn’t in the cards for one reason or another, then consider the next best thing. Consider learning a few clever interior design tricks that’ll make your home look elegant, luxurious, and so amazing that your friends and family members will be floored to learn that you didn’t have any professional help whatsoever. If this seems even a little bit exciting to you, please stick around to discover our best expert tips and tricks. How to Use Colors Effectively Like You Hired An interior designer When painting your brand spanking new house to make it look and feel more like a home, remember to use colors effectively. As an example, you should always make it a point to begin the basic color palette like green, blue, and orange. But instead of painting your home with these colors, you can create new colors by mixing and matching. And you can use these freshly discovered colors to paint your walls, windowsills, closets, and kitchen cabinets which you’ll find more info on by clicking the link. It’s going to be easier to mix and match the colors than you think. First, take a well-known primary color like royal blue. Next, find another complementary color and mix them up to create a new and better color. You can do this throughout your entire home to give it a makeover from top to bottom. In fact, you may want to consider the 50/150 rule. One of your batches of paint should be 50% lighter while the other batch should remain 150% darker. Add Eye-Catching and Pleasing Textures Just as important as altering your colors, textures will make a world of difference to the look, feel, and vibe of your new place. When you first walk into a room in your home and get a glance of the place, it may seem like it’s all one shade. But then you focus even further and realize that there are lots of different textures and shades of color all threaded throughout the furniture like the lamps, cushions, sofa, throw rugs, pillows, and everything else. Or maybe you walk into a specific room and notice none of these things. That’s when adding different textures is incredibly important to the overall look and feel of your new place. You can add colorful silk cushions on the couch, shiny and colorful lamps on the desks, a beautiful teal green, royal blue, or brown leather sofa, or whatever your heart desires. Just make sure the different textures and colors go well together and you’ll create a pleasing look that looks like it was created by a professional interior designer. Glass Showers of the Way to Go A traditional bathtub with a shower and a shower curtain is certainly functional and definitely nice to an extent. But if you really want to go above and beyond and make it look like an interior designer designed your place, you should add glass showers to your bathroom. Not only are these showers incredibly attractive, but they are also roomy, spacious, and very accommodating. You’ll have lots of space to move around and breathe and you can install a stand for your shampoos, conditioners, shaving supplies, toothbrush, toothpaste, or just about anything else you might want on hand while taking a shower. Even better, a large shower makes your bathroom looks so much bigger and the glass door is incredibly attractive to boot. So you’ll definitely get a kick out of glass showers in your bathroom and you’ll really enjoy and appreciate this new addition that looks like it came straight from the mind of an interior designer. Final Thoughts Did any of this information help you? Or do you feel even more confused than ever? If we’ve answered some of your questions then you should definitely use this information to design your new house and make it feel like a home. If not, feel free to hire an interior designer to help you make it look absolutely perfect. The choice is yours so we’ll leave it up to you. Read Also: Top Expert Tips For A Stunning Condo Interior! Experts Recommend: Top Interior Design Trends For 2017 5 Factors To Consider In Choosing The Right Floor Colors