5 Handy Survival Tools to Invest On

Published on: 19 April 2018 Last Updated on: 05 October 2020
Survival Invest

With technological advancements left and right, there seems to be no real need for manual tools to make life easier. If you’re lucky, you won’t ever face anything more dangerous than stepping on an anthill.

But in times of emergencies, like getting stranded in the wild, you cannot just hand anything to fate. Disasters can strike anytime, too unpredictable to let anyone know beforehand. What if an earthquake takes California by surprise? Or a massive hurricane devastates your coastal city? So where will that leave you?

Taking precautionary measures can go a long way when you find yourself in an apocalyptic situation. This includes investing in handy tools every survivalist should have.

1. Backpack :


Of course, the first consideration is a reliable backpack to house your tools. A backpack is more than just a storage bag for your things.

It must be sturdy, lightweight, and comfortable enough for you to carry in both long distances and difficult terrain. The backpack must also be waterproof, as surviving in the wild will mean dealing with heat and rain.

2. Canteen for Water :

A versatile canteen for water is a good idea. It can fit in the side compartment of your backpack, making sure you have a source of water for hydration.

A person can go for several days without food, but water is essential. Bonus points if you can store iodine tablets, as it is ideal for water purification.

3. Multitool :


A multitool that is lightweight and practical can solve most of your problems. Even the one that offers basic tools, like a straight blade, a saw, and a can opener, can be valuable.

There are multitools that contain magnifying glasses, USB sticks, pliers, and wrenches. It really depends on your needs, so make sure to find one that has everything you need the most.

It’s also a good idea to get one that includes a lock picking set. When you are stuck in an area with abandoned but locked houses, how else can you get inside when you are desperate for shelter? Especially in the event of rain or hurricane, picking a lock can be very handy.

4. Compass and Maps :

Compass and Maps

GPS and other advanced map systems made it convenient for humans to travel, but in the event of power failure, it always pays to be prepared. Hence, you need a compass and maps.

Low tech tools, though less convenient, are more reliable than gadgets, as you can always use them without needing a power source.

5. Knife :


A knife can be used for practically anything, from clearing a path to defending yourself against bad elements.

Keeping a good, versatile knife can make a huge difference to your journey as a survivalist. You can use it to cut food or splitting wood for fuel.

Just make sure to choose a fixed blade knife that can allow you to do heavy-duty tasks.

Be Prepared :

Preparation is the key to unexpected happenings. Although we do not have power over tragedies, catastrophes, and other circumstances beyond our control, it is still wise for us to plan ahead of time. The future is unknown and unpredictable after all.

By investing in handy survival tools that can prepare you for the worse, you will be cautioned from distressed situations where you will wait in vain for rescue operations.

You can take your fate into your own hands with the presence of mind, willpower, courage, and determination.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Motorcycle Track Day

8 Useful Tips to Help You Prepare For Your First Motorcycle Track Day

So, it seems like you have decided to go on a track with your bike. The first motorcycle track can be daunting if you don't prepare well for it. There could be many possible reasons why you want to join the track day. Maybe you want to practice your skills or challenge yourself to be with other racers. Whatever your reason may be, you may have many questions in your mind. But don't worry, we are here to help. In this article, we have enclosed eight valuable tips you need to consider before planning your first motorcycle track, along with some easy guidelines to get you started. What is a Motorcycle Track Day? Many people get confused between a track day and MotoGP qualifying rounds. Taking a motorcycle to the track doesn't mean you are going for the racing. You need to understand that a track day is not a racing day. Because track days get hosted on a closed course (racetrack), you may learn at realistic speeds and in secure surroundings. For beginners, it is a great way to learn how to corner and to brake more confidently. You can't do this on the streets where rules are present for speed limits. That's why you need a track day to concentrate on improving your skills and riding freely. You'll also learn skills like body positioning, various cornering techniques, vision techniques, and the right time for gear shifting. 8 Useful Tips to Help You Prepare For Your First Motorcycle Track Day As you've understood about the track day, it's time to explore valuable tips to prepare yourself for the day. You can achieve it with the help of the following eight practical and helpful information: Overview: Prepare Yourself Mentally And PhysicallyMake Your Bike Ready For The EventRead The Rules and RegulationsResearch About The TrackWear All Necessary GearsAttend Riders Meet and Ask ExpertsDon't Push Your Limits While RidingPack Track Day Checklist Items 1. Prepare Yourself Mentally And Physically Before you even set off for the track day, we recommend that first, you should prepare yourself mentally and physically. You need to be relaxed and stop overthinking. Many beginner riders start thinking and hold expectations about that day. It'll affect your mindset and performance. One more thing is to have a good sleep before the track day. We know you must be excited, but a good sleep will put your concentration the next day on the track. Ensure you are physically fit and ready to take up the challenge to participate in the event. 2. Make Your Bike Ready For The Event If you've made yourself ready, it's time to prepare your bike for the track day. You should be aware of your bike's capacity and limitations, whether it can run on the track at higher speeds. Check the air pressure in the tires and see if the brakes and clutch are working correctly. Because your bike has to do the maximum daily task, you may get it serviced, check the engine oil, and fill the required fuel. Ensure all axle nuts, bolts, footpegs, headers, and handlebar are in perfect condition. Also, you need to remove extra things from your bike to lower the weight and increase the performance. Don't forget to carry your driving license and bike insurance with you. Remember, unlicensed drivers may have to pay compensation if they hit someone on the actual road. 3. Read The Rules and Regulations Here comes one more crucial aspect that you look for. It would be best if you went through all the rules and regulations for the event. You may face an accident-like situation if you have not read the rules. Therefore, note down the check-in timings, gear requirements, and other essential stuff. Further, always be prepared to handle a motorcycle accident by educating yourself about it. Most of the time, the event organizers ask to cover the lights and mirrors removal for the track day. It can drag your and the other riders' attention and can result in a severe accident. Check if you can bring eatables and water. 4. Research About The Track You will drive on a track that you may not be familiar with. Each track is different, so make sure you have the roadmap in mind. You can watch several videos and read blogs to learn about the track, cornering, and what a track layout looks like. Remember that a track day is not a racing day, so stay calm, start the first session at your comfortable speed, and analyze the track. 5. Wear All Necessary Gears As per event hosters, you must bring a one- or two-piece riding suit. Make sure it is comfortable, fit, and lightweight. Back protection can add more comfort to your riding journey. It would help if you had to bring an ACU gold standard approved helmet, strong track boots, and a pair of gloves. You should also not forget your elbow and knee protector. 6. Attend Riders Meet and Ask Experts Whether an experienced rider or new to track, you must attend rider meetings. The riders you meet on track day were someday at your place, beginner riders. You can ask for tips and ask your doubts. You may be astonished that other riders are ready to help you. Further, organizers also appoint some instructors to help riders. Each circuit has its flags, rules, and passing standards. 7. Don't Push Your Limits While Riding Riding beyond your limits will lead you to the medical center. So, you must understand you are here to improve your skills, meet riders and learn about the track. Forget about the lap time; know your riding level. Don't push up your limits in any situation. Just drive your way and enjoy the journey. 8. Pack Track Day Checklist Items Make a checklist a few days before the track day. It will help you to accomplish everything about the event. Here are some essential items on your checklist: leather suit, gloves, boots, helmet, driving license, motorbike, necessary tools, fuel, noise limits, additional clothes, food and water, and bike trailer and tow. Conclusion If you follow all the tips and guidelines mentioned above, you are ready to hit the track day. We have learned so far about how to prepare yourself for the track day. This guide was about the critical information a first-time rider should consider for the track day. These things include preparing yourself mentally & physically, getting your bike ready, reading the rules & regulations, researching the track, wearing essential gears, asking experts, and driving within your limits. Happy and safe riding! Additionals: 1. Things to Consider Before Buying Your First Motorcycle2. Dos and Don’ts When You’re Involved in a Motorcycle Accident3. 5 Most Important Motorcycle Safety Tips All Riders Need to Know4. How to Get An Accurate Valuation of Your Motorcycle When Selling

Practical Travel Tips

Practical Travel Tips for Your Vacation to Canada

When you go on holiday to Canada, you naturally want to be well prepared, especially for your Canada visa. You should not forget that you forget the lens of your camera, forget to request your ETA form or have taken out the wrong insurance for the camper rental. In this blog, we list all practical travel tips for you. This will prevent you from getting nickel-free from the cold in the mountains, from walking around on the Great Plains for two weeks with sunstroke or from drowning in huge tidal differences in New Brunswick. With the practical travel tips below we prepare you as well as possible for your vacation to Canada. Practical Travel Tips for Your Vacation to Canada: 1. Remember your travel papers: One of the practical travel tips that should not be missed is the eTA form. Since March 15, 2016, this so-called electronic Travel Authorization form, in addition to your passport, is a mandatory travel document if you want to travel to Canada. The reason for this form is to make travel to Canada easier and to curb illegal immigration. On the page about the eTA form, you can read all relevant information and where you can request the form. You have to do this yourself. 2. Do you opt for Eastern or Western Canada? Many travelers who choose Canada as their travel destination for the first time do not know where to go. Choose in accordance with your needs. 3. Canada time difference and time zones: The time difference with Canada is not the same everywhere. Since Canada is a huge country, it is divided into different time zones, even six time zones. For example, the time difference in Vancouver in the west differs by 4½ hours from that of Newfoundland in the east. Read more about the time differences and time zones in Canada. 4. Bilingual: If something should not be missing from the list of practical travel tips, then it is that Canada is a bilingual country. The two official languages ​​are English and French. French is spoken almost everywhere in the province of Quebec, but also in New Brunswick. And well, call it French, because it is almost incomprehensible to a layman. It is French from the colonial era, strongly influenced by the English tongue and very difficult to understand if you are not used to it. The Quebecans are very proud of their origins and that echoes through in their language. Never speak to them in English at first, but in French. If you start in English, they pretend they don't understand you. Even though your French is still so bad, try it. If you can't figure it out, they suddenly seem to speak English fluently. 5. Currency in Canada: The currency in Canada is the Canadian dollar, which is divided into 100 pence. A euro is worth about 1.47 dollars, the other way around a dollar is worth 0.68 euros. In Canada, denominations of 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 dollars are used. Canadian coins that are used are those of 1, 5, 10 and 25 cents. In addition, one-dollar and two-dollar coins are used, the so-called Loonies and Toonies. 6. Fuel and refueling in Canada: Fuel prices in Canada vary widely per region. In the Toronto area, you can pay $ 1.03 per liter of gasoline, while in Calgary you pay $ 0.90. When refueling in Canada it is common to use your credit card or debit card. It just works the same as with unmanned gas pumps in our country. Pay attention, because although there are fewer, there are still surprisingly many manned gas pumps in Canada, where you will be served full service. They do expect a tip. Hopefully, the above information can help you in planning a vacation in Canada. Read Also: How To Travel In Style Luxury Travel On A Budget: Is It Possible? Top 5 Ways To Avoid Canada Immigration Consultancy Frauds

Amazon Tours

4 Benefits Of Taking Amazon Tours Vs. Your Boring Beach Vacation!

When you want to go on vacation, many people's first thought is to go to the beach. That's all well and good, but the beach can be tedious. Do you know what isn't boring? An Amazon tour of the rainforest! Do something different and immerse yourself in an experience that will change your life! That is much better than swimming in water with hundreds of other people and having to fight through crowds to get to a decent spot that isn’t overwhelming. See The Amazon Rainforest The Amazon rainforest is one of the most exciting places on the earth. You can see animals of all kinds here, learn about biodiversity and eco-systems and see animals in their natural homes. These creatures are beautiful beings, and going to the heart of their homes is a truly remarkable and delightful experience that can't be replicated. Amazon Tours Show You Ancient Cultures When you go on an Amazon tour, they will take you to a local village to see how people live, dine, and dress. You will know that they dress in a reminiscent manner of their ancestors. They will be traditional, and the tours allow you to dance with the tribe. It can be a fantastic opportunity to learn about a culture that is a beautiful example of a culture that most people don't know about and a new way of living. You Can See An Island For Animals Have you ever wanted to see an island of monkeys? Here is your chance. The Amazon tours will take you to Monkey Island. It is a beautiful reserve where these fantastic creatures are saved from illegal owners, and mistreated animals can be safe and have a place to grow. The best part about this is that you can get up close and personal with these animals. The Food Is Amazing! The food in Peru is impressive. You can enjoy the culture and their palette so well that you will find that you only want to experience more. The flavors are incredible, and you will feel as if you are being opened to a whole new world of experiences through each item. That is the best opportunity for a family to enjoy themselves and fully immerse themselves in the vacation. A Better Vacation When you can see all of the beautiful things that Amazon tours can offer you that the beach can't, it's obvious to see which one is the better choice. With a guide, you can see so many different things, but you only have a handful of choices for activities with a beach. As a result, you will see that going to a new country and visiting new sites is truly the best option available to you. Come to this wondrous country and see everything that it has to offer. Enjoy the animals and new sites as well as gourmet food. You will find that it is the best vacation of your life. Read Also: Fun Things to Do When Residing in a Vacation Rental House in Anna Maria Island Practical Travel Tips for Your Vacation to Canada Make Your Vacation Less Stressful With the Following Tricks