5 Tips To Optimize Your PC For Gaming

Published on: 17 December 2018 Last Updated on: 09 August 2019
PC For Gaming

Want to play Call of Duty Black Ops 4 or Assassin’s Creed Odyssey in 60 FPS? It feels great to compete and beat a game when your system runs at top speed. However, the lagging and timeout issues are the last thing you want to deal with when you are about to defeat the final boss.

Nothing can be more annoying than playing games on a computer that is super sluggish. With more and more advanced games hitting the PC world, a well-optimized PC is what you need to experience it at best. So it’s natural for older rigs to be unable to keep up with the requirement of the current generation game.

Unless your system has not repaired and replaced in the last decade, a bit of upgrading can do the trick. Here are some amazing and useful tips on how to optimize your computer to get the best out of it.

Uninstall Unwanted Software:

Uninstall Unwanted Software

Before getting started with the optimization, uninstall some unwanted software to speed up your computer a little bit. If there is some software that you’ve not used in the last few months or don’t have any plan to use it some time again soon, it’s time to dump them in the trash.

Also, get rid of temporary files that bog down your computer and remember to empty your Recycle Bin as well. Another reason that makes your computer slow is the start-up apps that load as soon as you boot it up. Disabling the unnecessary apps can help you free up your system resources and boot it faster.

Defragment Your Hard Drive:

Hard Drive

Once you are done with cleaning the stuff that you don’t need, the next step is to defragment your hard drive. Using defragmentation, you can put all the files required by your game to run in one continues space in the hard drive.

Doing this will also help you to increase the lifespan of your hard drive. Alternatively, you can have an SSD drive instead of an HDD and install your games on that.

Install the Latest Graphics Card Drivers:

Graphics Card Drivers

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If you want to experience the best PC performance, running old drivers is not a good idea to go with. There are updates available for the drivers that can support and boost your graphics card while enabling you to play smoother.

Just like drivers, games also come with patches to fix the bugs and improve the game performance. The shift from the older update to the latest patch can lead your way from a choppy, laggy experience to smooth gameplay.

Look For Malware:


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Sometimes it is the malicious software that causes your PC to slow down.  It wreaks havoc on your system and can also damage or delete your important files permanently.  With the advancement of technology, cybercriminals are coming up with new ways to get into people’s computers.

If you want to prevent such malware from invading your PC, install antimalware software and scan your machine regularly to catch the malware before it enters into your system.

Reinstall Operating System:

Reinstall Operating System

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So, you tried all of the steps mentioned above but still, see no difference in the performance of your computer? You can try reinstalling your operating system especially if you’re using Windows. But before you start with Windows installation, make sure to back up all important files.

Wrapping UP:

Optimizing your PC will give that little extra kick that your system needs to offer you the smoothest gaming experience. But if the performance issue still persists even after all the optimization attempts, there may be something deeply wrong with your PC.

In this case, you can sell the used RAM and CPU and buy yourself a new gaming rig. You can visit BuySellRam to get a good deal on your used RAM or processors.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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The End of an Era: Is It Time to Call the End of the TSM Dynasty?

A Brief History After five years and a record-setting 10 back-to-back appearances in the LCS Final, the team that has for so long defined North America failed to make it out of the Quarter Finals in the Season 8 Spring Split, dropping a best-of-5 series to newly formed team Clutch Gaming 1-3. The team came back fighting in Summer Split, battling their way to a 10-8 record and taking a close 3-2 win over Echo Fox to advance to the Semi-Finals, where they again fell short of the Finals after losing 2-3 to Cloud9. After winning the third-place match and securing a place in the Regional Qualifier, the team hit another first after losing 0-3 in the Grand Final to Cloud9 and missing their first-ever Worlds. The team took the off-season to retool their roster to fare better in the now much more competitive domestic region, replacing Hauntzer and Mithy with Turkish top lanerBrokenBlade and former Echo Fox support Smoothie respectively. That took them to another Grand Final in the Season 9 Spring Split, where they got reverse swept by juggernaut Team Liquid, but they once again fell on their faces in the Summer Split as they fell out once again in the Quarter Finals to Clutch Gaming in a horrifically similar 1-3 loss. Is TSM’s Time Up? With the team failing to make the Grand Finals in three of the last four Splits, and the roster circus that’s followed them around the jungle position, many viewers and analysts have begun to question whether it’s time to stop hyping up TSM. Such claims had begun to stir last year after TSM failed to make it to the Grand Final in Spring, and again when they failed to make Worlds at the end of Summer. Many of these remarks were quickly shoved aside by the community: “TSM had taken a big risk bringing in the star European bot lane duo of Zven and Mithy from G2,” they’d say, “MikeYeung had failed to live up to his Phoenix1 play level. They could easily fix those problems and pick up the star talent they always seem to have an eye for.” This denial when it came to TSM’s decline was further exacerbated by their upset victory of Cloud9 in the Season 9 Spring Semi-Finals, and their near-victory over Team Liquid in the Grand Final. But the Summer Split has finally ripped the bandage off of the wound, so to speak, and really laid bare just how far TSM has fallen. The team has had 10 different players play for it across all roles in the last two years: that’s two full teams worth of players, most of which came out of the jungle (four of the ten are junglers, or one every split), and the rapid succession of changes to the starting lineup indicates a problem not just at the team level but the organizational level as well. As PetarVukobrat has been covering over at EsportsTalk.com, TSM has been up and down across the split, and whether they show up and dominate or flounder varied day to day and game to game. You never knew whether you’d get Grig and his Baron steals or Akkadian and his aggressive ganking for a match, and towards the Split’s end whether you’d see either of them at all or rookie Spica. You could lever the same claims, of course, at teams like Cloud9 or 100Thieves, both of whom also rotated through their roster throughout the Split. The difference, though, is that those teams felt like there was actually a plan to the moves; a rhyme or reason behind swapping Deftly for Sneaky, or FakeGod for Ssumday to allow Ryu to come on for Soligo. With TSM, however, it’s constantly felt like they just made changes for the sake of change. Whether that was changing a style that’s worked for weeks because they lost a single game, or saying they had absolute faith in Akkadian as their starting jungler only to swap him out two weeks later for Spica, the team just seems to make changes to react and hope that what they do will make their problems go away. These aren’t the strong and tactical roster maneuvers the team has been known for in the past: this is throwing everything at the wall and hoping something sticks. It’s honestly heartbreaking to see a once-proud organization laid so low like this, and to be honest, I couldn’t tell you who or what in the org needs to exactly change to get them on the right track considering the team is so quiet about why they do what they do. But if TSM ever wants to be the lions of North America they’ve traditionally been, a big shakeup is all but certainly in order. Not just the coach or a player or two, but the whole organization needs a major shakeup to get out of the stupor it now finds itself in. I don’t think they’ll make it in time to run the Gauntlet, it’s just too soon, but there is hope that Regi and the team can do what’s necessary before the start of Season 10 next year. Based on how things have gone for the team in the past, I honestly don’t think it will, but, as someone who wants to see all the teams be competitive in the league, I pray they do. Read Also: How To Improve Your Online Gaming Experience 5 Team Building Activities To Inspire And Enjoy Featured image: realsport101.com

Personality Quizzes

How to Make Personality Quizzes

Opinion Stage gives a platform to brands, agencies, bloggers, and distributors to create personality quizzes. Presently you can engage more with your audience with the assistance of the best personality quizzes they make! This article will direct you through how to make a personality quiz. Basically, personality quizzes contain a couple of inquiries, with answers for the most part as different decisions. The reason for such quizzes is to reveal something regarding individuals who take them. Dissimilar from learning-based quizzes, personality quizzes don't have right or off base answers. Instead, answers gave by individuals are utilized to reach comes about that is indicative of their personality, inclinations, or traits. Personality quizzes come in assorted structures and can be intended to suit distinctive purposes. The genuine kind, similar to the popular Myers-Briggs assessment, offers to understand various personality traits, and these are usually assisted with wide research. The dominant trait test and Jung's character typology are different examples of such personality tests. Taking part in a personality quiz gives your readers great personal substance encounters that rotate around their preferences. Most quizzes wind up revealing fascinating and astounding facts about participants' lives. Now and again the outcomes are shared with their loved ones through various social systems administration platforms. These quizzes give you easy means to package your message in a way that it functions as an eye-opener for your readers. In addition, you may even utilize the consequences of these quizzes to get valued target audience understanding. Personality quizzes are initially used to Collect leads. Quizzes move individuals to give out personal information so they may discover the outcomes. Besides, they increase viral traffic. Since individuals post aftereffects of their quizzes on social media, it supports others to participate. Besides, they increase brand associates. Personality quizzes give an immediate and fun way for your target audience to associate with your brand. The association increases promote when the aftereffects of people groups' tests align their requirements with your contributions. Along these lines, now we know the advantages of personality quizzes so how about we take a gander at how to make a personality quiz, and that what are the basics of creating a Personality Quiz. Since, each personality quiz has questions that are based on interests, personalities, and item inclinations. You may think about a personality quiz as a diagnostic test, where the goal is to enable the reader to arrive at an answer or an answer. Creating a compelling personality quiz turns out to be considerably easy when you take after a well-ordered process. The initial step is to do research on your Audience. This will enable you to locate a suitable subject and title. The second basic advance is to Formulate an outline for your quiz. This incorporates the template and layout you plan to utilize. Later you are asked to Create results. Creating results first makes it easy for you to formulate questions. With the creation of results, you can Create inquiries. Keep the inquiries fun, with the aim of categorizing individuals in an unexpected way. At that point, Weigh each answer. Consider adding results based on each answer. The second last advance is to Launch your quiz. Get your quiz out in the general population domain. And last however not the least Promote your quiz. Advance it utilizing distinctive social media platforms, for example, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. We trust you discover this article about personality quiz and how to make a personality quiz through Opinion Stage helpful and intriguing!

Indoor Games

Top 3 Indoor Games Millennials Should Learn to Play

With the rise of technology, Millennials are often left with a disconnect from those around them. Whether you're being asked to help look after kids or are simply looking for some team-building games, there are plenty of reasons for Millennials to learn some basic indoor games. Not only will they help improve social skills, but they're fantastic to have in your back pocket. Interested in learning about our top 3 indoor games? We've got all the information you could possibly need! 1. Charades : If you're looking for a game that's appropriate for adults and children of all ages, charades may be exactly what you're looking for. This indoor game is fun to play in groups and makes a fantastic icebreaker. Because it doesn't need any equipment or large space, it's also a great idea to play on the fly. For those who have never played charades before, the game is simple enough to learn. Out of your group, one person is selected to act out a word or phrase. The actor must remain completely silent, miming out clues to help the other guess the secret word. If you're playing in larger groups, there are some great variations of the game that can be completed in teams. 2. Foosball : Often referred to as table soccer, foosball is a great way to turn a group of strangers into teams of friends. While you will need to have a table beforehand, this is a fantastic way to break the ice and even get involved in a group sport without risking injury. While there are a few rules to the game, learning them is relatively simple. Check out resources like Foosball Revolution to learn more about the game and help you understand the ins and outs. Once you've got a firm handle on things, you'll be able to teach those around you the next time you come across a table! 3. Wink Murder : While this game requires a larger group to play, it's a great game to keep in your back pocket. Even those who struggle to communicate in groups will love the subtlety of Wink Murder. All you'll need to do is make sure you have enough scrap paper lying around to be able to assign roles. Also, keep in mind that games like this are best for groups of around six to twelve. The game is simple to learn, fun to play, and quick to set up. First off, you'll need to assign roles. Out of your group, one person will be the murderer, one will be the detective, and the rest will be victims. The point of the game is that the detective will sit in the middle of the group, keeping a close eye on everyone else while they try to decipher who the murderer is. The murderer will kill their victims will a simple wink, all while trying to remain anonymous, and victims will die in a completely over the top manner. The game ends once the murderer is caught. Keeping these indoor games in your back pocket is a great way to ensure you'll never be bored at your next get together. Whether you plan on playing with kids or need to entertain a group of adults, these three games will be on the top of your list. Once you've explained these games to your group, all you'll have to do is remember to keep everyone involved and have fun! Read Also : 7 Inexpensive Games For Teen Girls Top Torrent Sites For Games Download