Creating Successful Mobile Games: What You Need to Know

Published on: 30 November 2018 Last Updated on: 06 June 2021
Mobile Games

Mobile game development can be a huge income earner. Statistics by Admob show that 3 out of 5 smartphone users will download a mobile game within a week after buying their phone. But even with this great potential for success, only a few mobile game developers have been very successful.

To create a profitable mobile game app, you need to develop an engaging and habit-forming game and monetize it effectively. That’s why we are providing these tips to help you get on the right path to success in the gaming industry.

Adaptor Expand a Popular Idea:

Developing a successful game starts with a brilliant idea. Interestingly, great gaming ideas are seldom original. So you can generate ideas for your game by looking at some of the most successful games in your chosen genre.

Take two games that you love to play as a model for your new game. Study every aspect of each game and read reviews to discover what the users love about them. Then you can use their comments and your creativity to develop fresh ideas for your game.

Keep the Interface Simple:

A game with a simple interface (at first glance), has the potential to attract many first-time users. They will be able to start playing the game quickly, a few minutes after downloading it, without going through a lengthy tutorial.

After the simple entry-level stage, your users will be more willing to tackle tough challenges. As the user moves to higher levels, you can add more characters, increase the speed of response and make the game more exciting.

Make it Habit-forming:

Let your game become a habit so your users will keep playing it and recommend it to their friends. One of the best ways to create a habit-forming game is to have short and snappy levels. Short levels will hold your user’s interest especially when there is a lot of content that can be unlocked by payment or by achieving higher scores. You can also make users come back by providing frequent updates and by offering gifts on special occasions or during holidays.

Tell an Interesting Story:

A well-written story or plot will help your players to find a purpose in finishing the game. Your story may have a hero and a villain like most popular games, or it may make the player the hero. Then you should define your hero’s and villain’s strengths and weaknesses as well as the path to the hero’s final victory.

Choose the Most Profitable Platform:

Choosing the best platform or operating system to build your game for is not always an easy task. The most popular platforms for gaming today are Android and iOS and focusing on one or the other is probably the best way to start. Whilst it might be easier to focus on one platform, you’re also limiting the number of potential users who will be able to enjoy your work.

If you don’t want to create a native game for a particular platform, you could decide to build a hybrid model that will be available to users on any platform. A good example of this is Casino Mobile’s offering on iOS, Android, Blackberry, and desktop alternatives – which allows it to cater successfully to a large portion of the market.  This comes with its own costs but it could make it easier to update and upgrade the game app. It also allows you to master the use of a smaller set of tools like HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS that will run in a container on any platform.

Develop a Good Monetization Scheme:

You should have a plan to monetize your game before the development starts. This will make it easy for you to weave in-game purchases and ads into different parts of the game. To attract as many users as possible, you should have a free download to quickly attract a large number of users.  Then you can provide an option for people to pay a subscription fee to remove ads. Bear in mind that you need to filter your ads and choose an appropriate size so they don’t annoy your users.

Creating a successful mobile game may not be a stroll in the park. But you can still achieve success by applying these tips while you work with highly skilled game developers.

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Games for PC Gamers

10 Top Games for PC Gamers

Despite strong showings from Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo, PC gaming is still going strong. Analysts believe that by 2022, the PC games market will hit an impressive $37 billion in sales! Make no mistake, PC gaming isn't going anywhere. Whether this is your first foray into gaming on a PC or you're looking to refresh and optimize your current PC and get back into the digital waters, there's never been a better time to be a gamer. Why PC Games are still very Popular in 2020? Even though gaming consoles are investing heavily in wooing the crowd away from PC games, they have not been very successful. There is a reason why game developers still have to cater to the cult following PC games enjoy in 2020. One of the many reasons is that PCs allow for greater customizations in terms of hardware and software. This freedom of tuning, optimizing, improving performance becomes like a habit, which elevates the overall gaming experience. PC games also allow for far greater hacks than console games. Many platforms help players with cheat codes to improve greater performance within the game. The Pokemon Go walking hack for example, or the RuneScape Gold hack is popular ways, purists prefer PC games over any other format or type. This hype, craze, and fan following for PC games are not going to subside anytime soon in the future. Here are 10 of the top games you'll want to check out. 1. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim: Okay, okay, we know. Skyrim is far from a new game. In fact, Bethesda's open-world opus is already eight years old. But Skyrim remains one of the best games for new gamers and returning adventurers alike. If you've never experienced Skyrim, you're in for a wonderful treat. The game features rich, interwoven lore, exciting combat, and a map so big that you can explore for dozens of hours and still find new locations. So what's in it for returning players? Two words: Mod support. By installing mods, you can make the game look and play better than ever. From graphical updates to a strange mod that replaces the game's dragons with Macho Man Randy Savage, there are hundreds if not thousands of mods to check out. 2. Diablo III: Diablo III is Blizzard's latest version of the classic dungeon crawling adventure series. Choose from several different classes like the powerful barbarian or magical wizard and set out to save New Tristram from Diablo himself. It's hard to get bored with Diablo III, even years after its initial release. That's because the game features procedurally generated dungeons, making each journey into the depths different. What's more, Blizzard still supports the game through its Seasons program. Every few months brings new loot, enemies and more, so you can master new builds for years to come. 3. Overwatch: From one Blizzard game to the next, it seems as if the company can do no wrong. If exploring dark and dank caverns isn't quite your style, maybe you'd prefer the cute, cartoonish Overwatch instead. If you've somehow never heard of Overwatch, it's a multiplayer hero shooter where players switch between 29 characters. It's a simple yet fun shooter that embraces the lighter side of gaming. 4. BioShock: Would you kindly give BioShock a try? It's hard to believe that BioShock is over a decade old now. In fact, it seems like yesterday that we were taking our first dip into the underwater dystopia, Rapture. But time has been surprisingly kind to the game and its sequels. BioShock's shooting remains as tight and rewarding as ever, and the RPG-lite elements still offer tons of player choice. But it's BioShock's story that holds up the best. To this day it remains one of the best-told stories in video games, forcing players to question morality, agency, and more. To this day, BioShock is one of the best looking games on PC. And it's one of the most well-reviewed, too, currently sitting at 96% on Metacritic. 5. Black Mesa: While Half-Life may not look or play as well as it once did, a group of dedicated fans is out to preserve the game. Their solution is Black Mesa, a remake built from the ground up designed to introduce a whole new group of players to Gordon Freeman and his alien enemies. While the original Half-Life is still playable thanks to Valve's digital storefront, Steam, we recommend checking out Black Mesa instead. The game is currently unfinished, with the final level still in development. However, gamers can expect about 10-12 hours of gameplay at a minimum from the current product. 6. Stardew Valley: Some of these games are enough to stress you out. Why not escape for a while and get back to the basics? If you'd rather chill out and relax than blast opposing teams or aliens, Stardew Valley is the perfect game for you. Inspired by the classic farming simulator Harvest Moon, Stardew Valley is an exercise in the art of zen. Players can take control of a failing family farm and bring it back to greatness. Grow crops, raise livestock, go fishing, romance the townspeople, and more. Although it released a few years ago, the developer continues to offer regular updates that change and improve the game. Most recently, Stardew even received a multiplayer co-op mode. 7. Garry's Mod: So Garry's mod isn't one of the best looking games on PC. Nor does it have a great narrative. What it does have are tools. And lots of them! In Garry's Mod, players can create and play in their very own digital sandbox. Import assets like characters from your favorite games and create new game modes. If you'd rather see what others are up to, you can hop on a server and check out one of the game's hundred or so different options, like Prop Hunt, which is like a more ridiculous version of hide-and-go-seek. 8. Warframe: While other games on this list will run you between $10 and $60, Warframe is entirely free to play. Part shooter, part hack-and-slash dungeon crawler, Warframe is a great option for those looking for a great online experience. With several worlds to explore, countless missions to try out, and competitive multiplayer, Warframe is a complete console-game experience wrapped in a free to play packaging. 9. Doom (2016): Doom and PC gaming go together like peanut butter and jelly. Something about it is just right. In fact, the original Doom was one of the first games to launch the PC multiplayer revolution back in 1993! The latest iteration of the franchise, the soft reboot, 2016's Doom, is perhaps the best entry yet. With frenzied shooting, fast-paced gameplay, and one of the best soundtracks for any game ever, players owe it to themselves to check it out. It's also one of the best looking games on PC, making it a great game for those who want to test their new PC's power. 10. Call of Duty: Black Ops 4: Public opinion seems to have waned against the Call of Duty franchise in recent years. While it remains one of the best-selling franchises of all time, players seem to have tired of the shooter. Duty developer Activision saw this and sought to make things right. The result is one of the most enjoyable, freshest Call of Duty experiences since the first Modern Warfare. Not only will players get to enjoy the high-octane multiplayer and co-op zombies action the series has become known for, but BLOPS 4's latest mode may be the breath of fresh air gamers are after. Blackout mode is CoD's answer to the battle royale genre. Think of it as a middle ground between Fortnite and PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds. Take Your Gaming to the Next Level with These Top Games: If you're looking for something great to play, any of these top games make for a great pick. Whether you're a fan of shooters, high fantasy, or farming, there's something great on this list for you. But before you start your next marathon session, make sure you play in style. Check out our guide to choosing the perfect gaming chair so you can keep playing for hours. Read Also: Top 6 PC Games in History Which You Should Definitely Try 10 of eSports Most Popular Video Games 7 inexpensive games for teen girls

Gas-Powered Airsoft Pistol

What is an Airsoft Gun?

 An airsoft gun propels a small plastic pellet at varying speed of between 160 and 600 feet per second (FPS). Airsoft pistols are most typically used for law enforcement/military training purposes and military-like simulation games among airsoft enthusiasts. Three Types of Airsoft Pistols: Gas-Powered Airsoft Pistol: Gas-powered pistols depend on compressed gas to fire the plastic pellet. The compressed gas can be found in the form of CO2, nitrogen and HFC134a refrigerant. These pistols typically fire with more power than the Spring-powered pistol and are also semi-automatic so the weapon operator is not required to cock the weapon for each and every shot. You can find a lot of online airsoft review to get more idea about it. Spring Airsoft Spring guns are the most basic type of airsoft pistol. These guns utilize a spring mechanism to fire a plastic pellet. These pistols fire only a single shot at a time, requiring the pistol operator to cock the weapon for each and every shot. Electric Airsoft Pistol: Electric airsoft pistols also use springs for their powering mechanism, however, a battery pack engages the springing mechanism as opposed to the operator manually cocking the weapon. Advantages and Disadvantages of Spring-Powered Airsoft Pistols Spring-powered airsoft pistols are typically lower cost than the electric or gas-powered airsoft pistols. The spring-powered pistols are usually much less powerful than electric or gas-powered pistols, however, airsoft rifles excel in power and precision. Most spring-powered pistols fire at a range of just 170 to 300 feet per second. Many electric and gas-powered airsoft pistols will fire at speeds much greater than that of most spring-powered pistols. The biggest disadvantage to a spring-powered airsoft pistol is that the user must cock the weapon each and every time the weapon is fired. With pistols, commonly used for close-quarter combat situations and scenarios, having to manually cock the weapon for each shot is simply not an option, and this makes spring-powered pistols unrealistic in training and mock combat simulation situations. Advantages and Disadvantages of Gas-Powered Airsoft Pistols Gas-powered airsoft pistols have greater power and more realistic firing style than the spring-powered weapons. The gas-powered guns have a semi-automatic firing mechanism, permitting the operator to fire several shots in a short amount of time. Further, these gas-powered pistols are often much more powerful, firing at speeds in excess of 400 feet per second. These weapons are very accurate and are capable of reaching targets at a farther distance than spring-powered pistols. The gas-powered pistols are often made mostly of metal, creating a weapon that is both more durable and more realistic in appearance. The gas is not ideal in cold weather, with the cold affecting the performance in both firing efficiency and in terms of power. The biggest drawback to gas-powered airsoft pistols is that you can simply run out of gas while using the gun. This would require you to replace the gas canister before you can re-use the weapon. Gas-powered airsoft pistols are usually a bit more expensive than their spring-powered counterparts, ranging in price from around $40 to up to $300. Advantages and Disadvantages of Electric-Powered Airsoft Pistols Electric-powered airsoft pistols are some of the top performings, and most expensive, airsoft pistols in the marketplace today. Many electric-powered pistols fire at speeds up to 500 feet per second, and are some of the most durable and easily maintained airsoft guns available. The electric-powered weapons utilize a rechargeable battery pack to power the weapon. The ability to recharge the battery pack is a huge benefit, as you do not have to continually buy more gas canisters to keep the pistol firing. There are two main drawbacks to these electric-powered pistols. First, the battery packs eventually run out, and if you are left without additional battery packs you are out of luck. Second, because the weapon is electric-powered it does not ordinarily perform well in damp conditions.

Gaming Chair

5 Essential Tips to Choosing the Right Gaming Chair

If you walk around many offices or living rooms you will see all types of high-quality sofas and executives chairs mainly because people want maximum comfort when working or relaxing at home. It makes sense since most of us spend the better part of the day working or resting after a long day. If you are a PC gamer, it is certain the routine is quite different; I bet you spend most of your time in front of your gaming console of the computer. But do you have the right gaming chair? Do Really Need a Special Seat for Gaming? No matter how comfortable your couch or office seat is, they may not be the best options for long gaming hours. They don’t offer the best position and soon you will realize that your lower back hurts after a short while. Just as you require the best graphics cards, a high-resolution screen, and quality peripheral devices, a comfortable gaming chair is necessary to boost your gaming experience. It is designed to provide correct posture, comfort, and luxury irrespective of how many hours you are glued to the game. If you want to improve your gaming skills and enjoy your free time in a stylish and healthy way, then a quality gaming seat should be a top priority. How to Choose the Right Gaming Seat : There are many different types of gaming chairs which come in different designs, sizes and high-tech features. If you have no idea of what features you need to look for, it can be quite difficult to choose the right one for your budget and needs. Below are five top tips to help you purchase the most appropriate gaming seat for the best price possible. 1. Consider the type of the seat In the market today, you will find hundreds of amazing gaming chairs, each of which has been designed for specific needs. The best approach is to first understand your gaming needs so as to choose a seat that is specifically made to meet those specific requirements. The most popular types of gaming seats are the video rocker, ideal for gamers who like it closer to the floor, the racing seat, for high PC desk and the computerized racing simulator cockpit which is packed with several advanced features. Another option is the bean-bag type that is best for its cushioning and space-economy. 2. Choose the right size The ideal gaming chair should fit your body size and allow free movement to ensure optimal comfort. If you are not sure about the right size, you can try it out before you purchase. If you are buying from an online store, confirm the dimensions and compare with the seat you already have. 3. Customization A quality seat should have features that help adjustment of the backrest, the armrests, and the height to attain the best posture and leg angle. 4. Cost The prices for gaming chairs vary depending on the quality and luxury features. If you are looking for more customization options, you must be ready to spend a few extra dollars. However, it is important to choose a seat that gives you the value of your money. One that fits within your budget but still accommodates your gaming needs. 5. Advanced Features Some seats come with more advanced features that make your gaming enjoyable and complete. You may be interested in a tumbler, cat or even a mouse stand and you can get all these in your gaming seat. It is always important to compare different seats from various stores to settle on the best deal possible. For more information on how to choose the best gaming seat, visit Read Also : Online Gaming Websites That Make Money