Different Ways to backup your hard drive explained

Published on: 17 August 2018 Last Updated on: 08 August 2019
hard drive

If you have not been backing up your data, you are not playing safe. It is a practice that you should make a habit of. Why? There is a high risk for you to lose your data when your hard disk drive fails when your computer is stolen when a disaster strikes, or when malware infects your computer. It is imperative for you to safeguard yourself from these incidents, and the only effective way to achieve this is by backing up your hard drive. Besides, backup methods save you time and money, and they could give you a competitive advantage. Additionally, some data is irreplaceable and losing it would be a disaster. That’s why this article will explain some of the ways to back up your hard drive.

Local drive :

One of the best and most efficient ways to back up your data is by transferring all your data to a local drive – one that is separate from your computer. Backing up on another hard drive is an easy and quick process, especially if you have several drives attached to the system. You could back up your databases and files to an external drive, a USB flash drive, or even a secondary drive. Moreover, you could save your hard drive data to a different drive on a computer that is connected to your network. Keep in mind that the backup process when using a local drive varies. You have to ensure to carry out the backup steps appropriately. It could save you a lot of trouble when your data gets lost.

Cloud storage :

Another effective way to back up your hard drive is by relying on cloud storage services. In recent times, this backup method has become one of the most revered. Its popularity has risen because it can be done automatically, and you get a particular amount of storage space for free. Moreover, you could access your files and data from any location so long as you have a good internet connection.

There are some cloud storage services, and you should choose the one that works best with the size of your data and files. You can test these services for yourself by logging on to ottomatik.io, which is one of the best cloud storage services. Other reputable cloud storage services include OneDrive, Google Drive, Box, and Dropbox. Some of these storage options are free, some require you to pay, while others are free but with paid extras.

Drive cloning :

Well, if you have considered other backup options and you are still not content, you might want to consider drive cloning. It is another effective backup option; albeit not as popular as the methods above. So, what exactly does it entail? It works through a clone hard drive, which is a second drive that has an exact mirror image of your original hard drive. Unlike in the earlier days when drive cloning was an expensive strategy, storage management companies have come up with excellent software, making the process more seamless. Using the software available, you can create an exact image of your hard drive fast add efficiently.

3-2-1 strategy :

The whole idea behind backing up data and files is to ensure that all vital information is fully protected. That is why you should consider a 3-2-1 backup strategy. It is a strategy that requires you to rely on multiple backup options. When you choose this strategy, you should ensure to create three copies of your hard drive data to avoid losing it. You should also ensure that you store one copy of the data you’ve backed up off-site. This ensures that your data is safe from natural disasters and theft. Also, you need to utilize two data formats. With this strategy in place, you will hardly lose any data.

Conclusion :

There are numerous backup options, and all are meant to protect your hard drive from total data loss when a natural disaster strikes or your computer crashes. Backing up your data helps you save a lot of time, effort, and money that you would spend trying to recover lost data. You might want to consider one or all of the methods mentioned in this article. They could save you a lot of trouble. 

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Computer Security

Top 10 Computer Security Mistakes

So you’ve gone out and purchased a brand new laptop, and now you have plans of using that laptop in the workplace. Well, for anyone who has experience running a company, knows that laptops can be conduits for spyware and viruses. Once data is being processed, thought must go into who is capable of stealing it, where they might store it, how they could archive it, and how valuable the data is to the company. Well, if you want to ensure you’re never in any unfortunate positions, then I suggest you check out my list of common mistakes most new computer users make.  1. Connecting to an Unsecure Network If the network is open, then it should be fine for you to connect to, right? I wouldn’t say that. You should always be suspicious of open networks, especially ones at hotels and airports. If it’s possible for you to connect to a network without using a password or agreeing to any terms, then there is a good chance you could be leading yourself into a trap.  2. Opening Attachments from Unsolicited Emails You want to check the content of your emails, if anything in it looks suspicious, or if the sender is asking you to do something that you do not feel comfortable doing then there is a good chance its spam. Check the sender, if you’re not familiar with the person, then try searching for the email on any of the major search engines. If you’re at your workplace, then consider contacting your email administrator for verification on whether or not the email is spam. 3. Using Common Passwords While the vast majority of people are wise enough not to fall into this trap, especially when signing up for services online, there are still many work colleagues that have a knack for using basic passwords, like their birthday or their username123. You’ll want to re-work your password by combining uppercase letters, numbers and uncommon symbols. If you chose London as your password, then you could rejig it to something like L0nd3N. Even though it isn’t the most complex password, it would be much more difficult for a hacker to guess. 4. Not Making Backups When it comes to archiving files, many end users make the common mistake of backing up data too infrequently. I can see how the lazy approach can be more comforting, but if your company files are that important to you, then you’ll want to ensure that they are backed up as often as possible, using a number of different mediums, such as the cloud, external hard drives, etc.  5. Leaving Your Webcam Enabled It’s a great idea for you to familiarise yourself with your webcam so that you can determine when it’s disabled or active. Hackers are very adept at hacking into your webcam, especially in the workplace, and they can even record meetings if you’re not careful. Covering the webcam with tape won’t do much since audio can still be recorded; it’s for this reason why you’ll want to ensure its disabled when not in use. 6. Searching the Deep Web The deep web, unfamiliar to most internet users, is the shady part of it, not accessible from the major search engines like Bing and Google. Work systems should be used for work only, there are many deep websites out there that will stick malicious code onto your computer and use that to track whatever you say and do. 7. Assuming Your Hard Drive Will Never Fail In this world, there are two different kinds of computer users, those who have lost computer files and those who will eventually lose computer files. You want to back things up as often as you can. You also want to think about alternative media, like using an external hard drive to save certain confidential data onto it. 8. Using a Suspicious Thumb Drive Everyone needs a place to store their work documents. If you’re in the office, it’s not uncommon for you to find a thumb drive lying around. My advice is not to use it, especially if you don’t know where it came from, that’s because there’s a good chance it could have a virus on it. 9. Using the Same Password across Accounts It’s very important that you make a habit of changing your passwords. It’s not uncommon for end-users to keep the same password for many years. That is something you do not want to do. For business-critical, sensitive data, you want to ensure that all passwords are changed at least once every three months. Make sure all your accounts have different passwords. Having multiple passwords for your many accounts reduces the chances of all your accounts being compromised. With the increasing amount of cyber-attacks, the age of your password, along with its length and complexity are far more important today. 10. 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which is a benefit of using server–to–server app conversion tracking over an SDK?

Which Is A Benefit Of Using Server–To–Server App Conversion Tracking Over An SDK?

Which is a benefit of using server–to–server app conversion tracking over an SDK? Is this the answer that you are searching for? If yes, then you have reached the right place… Question: Which is a benefit of using server–to–server app conversion tracking over an SDK?Options:(a) Server-to-server connections are easier to set up than code-less conversion tracking(b) Adding multiple SDKs for various advertising or analytics platforms have no impact on app code file-size(c) If not implemented correctly, adding the SDK and conversion tracking code could result in bugs in the app(d) Adding SDK and conversion tracking changes to your app doesn’t require review by the Google Play StoreAnswer: (c) If not implemented correctly, adding the SDK and conversion tracking code could result in bugs in the app If your answer is option (c) If not implemented correctly, adding the SDK and conversion tracking code could result in bugs in the app, then you are absolutely correct! But now is the time for you to understand the reason behind this being the answer. Keep reading this article till the end to learn more… What Are SDK Files? But before talking about "which is a benefit of using server–to–server app conversion tracking over an SDK?" it is important for you to know a little about the SDK files. So what are they? The full form of SDK is Software Development Kit. It is a set of tools that are needed to help the software developers make or create the application for a particular platform. They are generally made and provided by the manufacturer of the hardware platform or a programming language. There are a number of things that are included in an SDK file. According to Red Hat, "a basic SDK will include a compiler, debugger, and an application programming interfaces (APIs)." However, these are not the only things that are included in the SDK files. They can also include things like drivers, libraries, documentation, and testing/analysis tools. And network protocols. Some of the best examples of SDK files are: Java Development Kit (JDK) iPhone SDK MacOs X SDK Windows 7 SDK Cloud SDK So, What Is S2S? Well, if you are planning to choose a server-to-server app conversion tracking over the SDK file, it is important to learn a bit about S2S as well, isn't it? A server-to-server or S2S tracking is a method in which the data is shared from one server to another. The major benefit of this is the fact that there is no need for cookies on the website at the time when a visitor enters the website. So, if the software does not take cookies, how do they get the data, and how can they track it? Well, I have the answer for you! The S2S tracking works in a simple way. It works by generating and storing the unique identification. This UID can be anything in the form of the clicks made by the user or even by the impression on the ads. This is how the data is collected. When the same user visits the website again and takes part in such an action that will be tracked, the UID matches, and that is how tracking is done! Pretty simple and efficient, isn't it? Now let me explain the answer that you were searching for! Read More: How Does Google Ads Generate Responsive Search Ads? Explanation Of "Which Is A Benefit Of Using Server–To–Server App Conversion Tracking Over An SDK?" Now that you know what an SDK file is, it is important for you to understand the explanation behind the question, "which is a benefit of using server–to–server app conversion tracking over an SDK?" So here I go! The server-to-server or an S2S app conversion tracking helps the customers to send the details or credentials that they want to, to the website. These details or data are required for tracking the AdWords app user conversion. In this method, the AdWords app sends the tracking details from their server to the Google server during the event of conversion. On the other hand, the SDK files are not easy to implement or operate. When they are incorporated into an app, most of the time, you are supposed to add a piece of code. Furthermore, the tracking is also not controlled by the users. This also adds to the worries as they are not the ones to decide whether the process of data tracking is safe or not. Additionally, the most important benefit that you might have in choosing server–to–server app conversion tracking over an SDK is the fact that S2S is a much easier way of implementation. You will not be able to face any errors or bugs. The SDK, as I have already mentioned, has many complex technicalities. Thus, if the file is not implemented properly, you will have to go through the annoying experiences of bugs in the app. Wrapping It Up! SDK Files are the ones that are kind of a binary file type that some of the software use. They are the software development kit with which a lot of the software is embedded. However, if you are considering choosing server-to-serve app conversion tracking over an SDK file, then there is one major benefit. And that is the fact that it is much easier to implement. But, of course, if there is an error while implementing the SDK file and the tracking code, there could be bugs. In case you were searching for the answer to "which is a benefit of using server–to–server app conversion tracking over an SDK?" I hope that this blog has been of help to you. If there are any other queries related to the same, feel free to write them down in the comment box below at the bottom of the page. Read Also: Which Kinds Of Hits Does Google Analytics Track? When Does The Tracking Code Send An Event Hit To Google Analytics? 7 Ways A Software Development Company Can Help Mitigate Technology Risks In Business

Online Transcripts

How Do Online Transcripts Work?

The online translation services market has been increasing in recent years. The number of global online language translation services providers is over 100. Therefore, it's crucial for customers to understand how online translation services work, so they can choose a provider and know what to expect from their preferred supplier. What Do Online Translation Services Entail? Online translation services are available for various languages and purposes. You can use these services to translate your documents, voice recordings, or other materials into another language. For example, an online transcription service would be helpful if you're involved in international business and want to translate documents from English into Spanish so that they are easier for others to understand. How Does Speech-To-Text Translation Work? Speech-to-text translation works by converting audio or video signals into text. Call centers and other customer service environments, courtrooms, meetings, and other public settings where speaking parties need to communicate are places where these services find ample use. In addition to being used for conversation between two people who speak different languages (e.g., English and Spanish), speech-to-text translation can also be helpful in situations where there is no direct communication between speakers (e.g., when an interpreter is unavailable). For example, a politician speaks during a televised speech. This information goes through satellite transmission from their location at the event site back down through an open line. It is converted into text format by a system's software engine, which sends them to a website where data is input into its respective fields. This process continues until the speech ends.  Advantages of Online Translation Agencies to Clients Online translation services have several advantages for clients.  1. Convenience: The most apparent benefit of online translation agencies is that they can translate your documents at any time and place, even if you're out of the office or on the move. You don't need to worry about looking for an available translator or taking time off work so that they can translate a document for you. 2. Accessibility: Many people who need transcription services may not live near an international language school where they could learn how to do it themselves (or even afford tuition). Having someone else do it for them online constitutes a vital benefit to these people. C. Cost-Friendly: It is also important to note that hiring a translator can be much more cost-friendly than doing it yourself, as it could save you lots of work hours. Benefits of Human Translation A. Accuracy: Human translation is more precise because the person doing it better understands what you are trying to say. They can use their knowledge of the subject, culture, and language to translate accurately. Avoiding errors due to a lack of knowledge or experience with your topic is fundamental to having an accurate transcript. B. Flexibility: Humans are flexible and adaptable when faced with change. This advantage makes them ideal candidates for online translation services as they can adjust accordingly during sessions to avoid losing track of what needs translating next. It enables them to handle multiple projects simultaneously. Human translators can continue working efficiently without interruptions from technical issues, such as network connectivity problems. C. Quality: Human translators can translate at a higher level of quality than an algorithm-based system because they have access to more information about the source language and its use in different contexts.  In Conclusion As technology continues to advance, online translation services will become the norm for all translation needs. Even though the use of machines for translation has increased considerably, it is unlikely they will replace human translators altogether. Since computers cannot deal with specific information pertaining to context and emotions, human translation services will always have the upper hand at the end of the day regarding quality and accuracy. Read Also: 4 Factors to Consider When Hiring Legal Language Translation Services How Do I Make Sure I Get The Best Dutch Translation Services? 5 Business Website Translation Tips