Which Is A Benefit Of Using Server–To–Server App Conversion Tracking Over An SDK?


24 December 2022


which is a benefit of using server–to–server app conversion tracking over an SDK?

Which is a benefit of using server–to–server app conversion tracking over an SDK? Is this the answer that you are searching for? If yes, then you have reached the right place…

Question: Which is a benefit of using server–to–server app conversion tracking over an SDK?


(a) Server-to-server connections are easier to set up than code-less conversion tracking
(b) Adding multiple SDKs for various advertising or analytics platforms have no impact on app code file-size
(c) If not implemented correctly, adding the SDK and conversion tracking code could result in bugs in the app
(d) Adding SDK and conversion tracking changes to your app doesn’t require review by the Google Play Store

Answer: (c) If not implemented correctly, adding the SDK and conversion tracking code could result in bugs in the app

If your answer is option (c) If not implemented correctly, adding the SDK and conversion tracking code could result in bugs in the app, then you are absolutely correct! But now is the time for you to understand the reason behind this being the answer.

Keep reading this article till the end to learn more…

What Are SDK Files?

What Are SDK Files

But before talking about “which is a benefit of using server–to–server app conversion tracking over an SDK?” it is important for you to know a little about the SDK files. So what are they?

The full form of SDK is Software Development Kit. It is a set of tools that are needed to help the software developers make or create the application for a particular platform. They are generally made and provided by the manufacturer of the hardware platform or a programming language.

There are a number of things that are included in an SDK file. According to Red Hat, “a basic SDK will include a compiler, debugger, and an application programming interfaces (APIs).” However, these are not the only things that are included in the SDK files. They can also include things like drivers, libraries, documentation, and testing/analysis tools. And network protocols.

Some of the best examples of SDK files are:

  • Java Development Kit (JDK)
  • iPhone SDK
  • MacOs X SDK
  • Windows 7 SDK
  • Cloud SDK

So, What Is S2S?

What Is S2S

Well, if you are planning to choose a server-to-server app conversion tracking over the SDK file, it is important to learn a bit about S2S as well, isn’t it?

A server-to-server or S2S tracking is a method in which the data is shared from one server to another. The major benefit of this is the fact that there is no need for cookies on the website at the time when a visitor enters the website.

So, if the software does not take cookies, how do they get the data, and how can they track it? Well, I have the answer for you!

The S2S tracking works in a simple way. It works by generating and storing the unique identification. This UID can be anything in the form of the clicks made by the user or even by the impression on the ads. This is how the data is collected.

When the same user visits the website again and takes part in such an action that will be tracked, the UID matches, and that is how tracking is done! Pretty simple and efficient, isn’t it?

Now let me explain the answer that you were searching for!

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Explanation Of “Which Is A Benefit Of Using Server–To–Server App Conversion Tracking Over An SDK?”

which is a benefit of using server–to–server app conversion tracking over an SDK?

Now that you know what an SDK file is, it is important for you to understand the explanation behind the question, “which is a benefit of using server–to–server app conversion tracking over an SDK?”

So here I go!

The server-to-server or an S2S app conversion tracking helps the customers to send the details or credentials that they want to, to the website. These details or data are required for tracking the AdWords app user conversion. In this method, the AdWords app sends the tracking details from their server to the Google server during the event of conversion.

On the other hand, the SDK files are not easy to implement or operate. When they are incorporated into an app, most of the time, you are supposed to add a piece of code. Furthermore, the tracking is also not controlled by the users. This also adds to the worries as they are not the ones to decide whether the process of data tracking is safe or not.

Additionally, the most important benefit that you might have in choosing server–to–server app conversion tracking over an SDK is the fact that S2S is a much easier way of implementation. You will not be able to face any errors or bugs. The SDK, as I have already mentioned, has many complex technicalities.

Thus, if the file is not implemented properly, you will have to go through the annoying experiences of bugs in the app.

Wrapping It Up!

SDK Files are the ones that are kind of a binary file type that some of the software use. They are the software development kit with which a lot of the software is embedded.

However, if you are considering choosing server-to-serve app conversion tracking over an SDK file, then there is one major benefit. And that is the fact that it is much easier to implement. But, of course, if there is an error while implementing the SDK file and the tracking code, there could be bugs.

In case you were searching for the answer to “which is a benefit of using server–to–server app conversion tracking over an SDK?” I hope that this blog has been of help to you. If there are any other queries related to the same, feel free to write them down in the comment box below at the bottom of the page.

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Subha Ghosh is passionate about SEO. He has more than 1 year of experience in Seo. Apart from Seo he is interested in Social Media Marketing and google adwords. In his free time, he loves to play football and watch movies.

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Pretty! This has been a really wonderful post. Many thanks for providing these details.


Iq Testing

Can You Trust Online Iq Testing Platforms For Evaluating Your Intelligence Level?

IQ tests are classic intelligence tests designed to measure your logical reasoning, memory, and problem-solving abilities. The test is often used to compare individuals with each other or predict school performance or job performance. Most online IQ test websites claim they can tell you how intelligent you are and suggest ideal careers based on your score. But is online IQ testing reliable? Can we trust online IQ tests? This blog will cover the history of IQ tests and the most trusted online providers of such tests. Read to find out! What Is IQ? IQ tests are standardized quantitative assessments of a person's intelligence, cognitive abilities, and intellectual ability. It tests a person's mental prowess in reasoning and problem-solving abilities. IQ tests are used to measure a person’s intelligence and gauge their level of mental functioning. They are popularly used in testing for academic achievement, assessing a person’s intellectual potential, and evaluating programs for individuals with intellectual disabilities. IQ tests are used for screening and measuring a person’s cognitive abilities over time. Schools, employers, and individuals commonly use them to test the aptitude of a child or adult.  Online IQ tests are reliable enough if they follow the same test structure and test items as the traditional ones. However, online tests cannot be conducted offline, so online IQ tests cannot be given with the same level of precision as those conducted on paper. An IQ score can give you an idea about a person’s cognitive abilities and intelligence level. Additionally, it can help determine how successful that person could be in various areas of life. It also influences job performance and success in various fields, such as education and employment. What Is The Suitable IQ Score For Your Age? There are several online IQ test platforms available online. Before choosing a test, you must understand the different types of tests available online. The common types of online IQ tests include online tests, games, and puzzles. Online tests score your test-taking skills objectively and provide a score without errors or mistakes. This type of test is accurate and reliable.  However, online games and puzzles aren’t as accurate and reliable as online tests since they don’t objectively score your test-taking abilities. It's vital to consider the accuracy and reliability of online testing platforms before taking any test on them for yourself. Further, if you're looking for detailed results and insights on your results, look for tests that offer a detailed report on results and insights. With these pointers, you can confidently take online IQ tests without hesitation. Once you have chosen which IQ test you want to take, you should check the results obtained with the normal results recorded for your age and see if the results are suitable for your age and intelligence. History of IQ Tests IQ tests have been around for more than a century. Psychologist Alfred Binet first developed the intelligence quotient (IQ) concept in 1905. This test was designed to measure a person’s level of intelligence and is used widely today to measure cognitive abilities.  The first IQ test was created in France in 1916 and consisted of 30 questions designed to measure intelligence. The test has been adapted and improved to create modern versions used today. With the advent of online technology, online testing platforms have become popular. These online platforms offer free or for-a-fee tests similar to traditional IQ tests. However, it is essential to note that online testing platforms can only partially replace a traditional exam like the one offered by a test center or a school. Also, online tests can only accurately indicate a person's intelligence level if trained professionals administer them. The Most Trusted Online IQ Tests? IQexam.co: the Most Accurate IQ test IQexam.co is a reliable online platform for taking IQ tests. The tests are designed to accurately measure cognitive abilities and give a score for your intelligence quotient (IQ score). The test results are based on the latest scientific research and verified by experts in the field. The online test platform offers several IQ tests, from short quizzes to more complex tests that take up to two hours to complete. The test results provide detailed insights into your cognitive strengths and weaknesses and help you identify areas where you can improve. IQexam.co is a trusted online platform for taking IQ tests and provides accurate results backed by extensive research and expert validation. 123test.com : A Legit IQ Test Online 123test is a reliable online IQ test platform millions worldwide have used. It offers a comprehensive test that measures intelligence in various areas, from verbal and spatial to visual and non-verbal abilities. The test uses a variety of questions to assess different types of intelligence and covers multiple areas of cognitive ability. Generally speaking, the tests are based on scientifically sound principles and use a combination of different kinds of questions to test IQ.They provide users with detailed results that cover various aspects of cognitive ability. Explaining each answer will help users understand their thought process more accurately. Overall, 123 test is a trusted test that can be used to assess cognitive ability reliably and accurately. Free-IQTest.net: Trusted IQ Test Free-IQTest.net is a trusted online platform offering free, accurate, and reliable IQ tests. The test takes less than 15 minutes to complete and provides detailed results with an estimate of your IQ score and percentile ranking. The site also features other tests, such as personality, aptitude, and career tests. The test provides a secure test environment with no personal data being collected or stored. Free-IQTest.net is a great online test platform for users who want an accurate and free IQ test. Brain Metrix: Online IQ Test For Everyone Brain Metrix offers free online IQ tests designed to measure various cognitive abilities. The tests include a variety of questions covering different areas, such as problem-solving, logical reasoning, and verbal comprehension. The online test also provides detailed results and analysis of the user's performance on the test. Each test is based on data from over 500,000 users for comparison. The online test is reliable and accurate due to its large sample size and high test accuracy rate of around 99%. It also regularly updates tests to ensure users can track their progress over time. Overall, Brain Metrix’s online IQ test provides a free and convenient way for anyone to test their cognitive abilities. See My Personality: A Great Online Personality Test Online personality test platform See My Personality is a reliable online assessment tool for IQ and personality. The test is based on the Big Five personality theory, widely accepted in the psychological field. It accurately assesses your cognitive abilities, personal preferences, and social skills. The test takes only 10 minutes and provides a detailed report of your results. See My Personality compares your results and the average scores obtained by others who have taken this test. This online personality test is a great way to explore your personality and understand how you compare to others. Whether you are looking for an online test to assess your intelligence or just interested in seeing how you stack up against other individuals, See My Personality is a great online test platform to consider. Fun Education: a Good Test IQ for Students Fun Education is an online test preparation platform offering various tests and quizzes for elementary, middle, and high school students. The platform has been designed to test knowledge, critical thinking skills, and problem-solving abilities. It provides detailed feedback after each test so students can identify their strengths and weaknesses and improve their performance next time. Fun Education's results are reliable, and many educational institutions trust the platform due to its proven track record of helping students achieve their academic goals. Whether you're a student looking for a test prep solution or an educator seeking reliable results for your students, Fun Education is a great place to start. Conclusion Many online IQ testing platforms claim to test your intelligence quotient. However, it is essential to understand that online tests do not replace professional testing. They are simply a way of passing the time and exercising your brain muscles. Online tests may or may not be accurate, as they don’t measure intelligence quotient as accurately as a professional test. Therefore, if you want to test your intelligence online, go for it. But do not take the results too seriously. After all, you can only test your intelligence when you put your mind to it! Read Also: 5 Tips To Be A Great Teacher In 2023 7 Benefits Of Taking An Online Alcohol Certification Class NLP Certification: What Is It? And Is It Right For You?

Technology Companies

Dos and Don’ts of Marketing for Technology Companies

Marketing is essential to the success of any business – and that includes technology companies. According to The CMO Survey, tech companies spend 15% of their total budget on marketing. Second, to Consumer Packaged Goods industry, the tech sector has one of the highest budget allocations for marketing. In fact, tech giant Samsung is considered the second largest advertising spender worldwide with a total  $9.2 billion advertising spending. This underlines the importance of marketing in the technology industry. When you don’t run an effective marketing campaign, you’re doomed to fail -- no matter how impressive your solution is. Unfortunately, a lot of tech companies, especially startups, still fail to recognize this fact. While some technology companies have marketing plans, many of these are ineffective. We’ve seen a lot of tech companies come and go. And many of those companies that failed didn’t give marketing the right attention it deserves. To these companies, hindsight is an amazing but useless thing! The good news is that you don’t have to commit the same missteps of these failing (or failed) tech companies. They are avoidable – and you can learn HOW to avoid them. Here are some do’s and don’ts of running an effective marketing for a technology company. DO: Be bold and interesting When a tech company grows, their marketing strategies tend to stagnate and settle with the ‘usual campaigns’ that may have worked for them in the past. But the problem is that the competition is ever evolving. As such, your marketing strategies need to stay bold, interesting and exciting too. Always remember that the moment you settle with formulaic marketing techniques, you become less competitive. Don’t wait to become irrelevant. Study your market, know where it’s headed and be ahead of the pack. DON’T: Set up and just wait for visitors So you’ve built a website, social media networks and added some content. But it shouldn’t end there. Don’t expect people to find and visit your page. You have to invest in promoting and marketing your online presence. Great content, social media presence and effective SEO for technology companies are vital to connecting with your customers. DO: Focus on your company instead of customers Perhaps the cliché, “the customer is always right” also means “the customer is king!” Unfortunately, not all tech companies realize this. Marketing campaigns of many tech companies focus so much on their products or services, but never really about their customers. But the fact is that customers only care about their problems, needs, and goals. They’d only want to know if you offer a solution to their problem. To engage their interest, talk about how you can help them and in the language they understand. Effective marketing talks about how you can solve a problem, and once you get their interest, you can then brag about your product’s features. DON’T: Spend too much or too little For your marketing campaign to be effective, it needs to be funded adequately. According to U.S. Small Business Administration, a company should devote at least 7 to 8 percent of your gross revenues for marketing and advertising. This underlines the importance of marketing. You will spend on various marketing channels, and maintain a good marketing and sales team. Scrimping on your marketing budget can do more harm than good to your tech company. A 2016 Gartner Survey shows that budget allocations for marketing continue to increase, climbing to 12% of the company budget. The tech industry is a very competitive one and there is a need to keep abreast with competition. However, this doesn’t mean you can spend all of your revenue on your marketing. You don’t want to pour in your budget on failing or badly-managed marketing techniques. Evaluate each of the marketing strategies you employ and see which one gives you the most ROI. Study your target audience and know how to engage them better. DO: Delegate to experts Maybe you’re a great developer or an experienced CEO, but that doesn’t make you a good marketing person or a salesman. This is a common mistake of many tech companies. While you can give your inputs and ideas, you should give your marketing team the flexibility to create an effective marketing campaign. Pick people who have the credentials to run your company’s marketing. DON’T: Ignore your online presence A lot of tech companies tend to ignore their website and social media channels soon after launching them. It’s a huge mistake! Launching a website or social channels is not a one-off thing. It needs a sustained marketing effort to get your website work for you. Consider your website as an investment and as a vital part of your marketing strategy. You’ll need the help of agencies providing continuous website development to ensure that your website remains up-to-date, functional and effective. Keep your web presence active and relevant - it’s an important part of your branding. DO: Focus your marketing efforts In an effort to get a wide audience, some tech companies create an unclear persona and a scattered, complicated marketing campaign. As a result, they end up wasting their budget. While you want to reach as much audience as possible, launching a marketing campaign without proper targeting can both costly and wasteful. You need a targeted and focused marketing. Know your product or service and engage a specific market segment, particularly those with the highest chances of conversion. Do your research and discover where your target audience is. Take note that not everyone is a potential customer – focus on channels that bring you the best results. For example, if you are marketing a tech solution for gamers, you will have the best returns if you place your ads on a gamers’ forum instead of a woodworkers’ forum. DO: Build a strong organic relationship Nowadays, it’s very easy to buy traffic or page visits from dodgy merchants. But the problem is that these numbers mean nothing to your business. Sadly, this remains one of the most common mistakes of many tech companies. In an attempt to boost their online presence in an instant, some companies resort to devious digital marketing schemes that promise to increase their web presence overnight. This is a major and wasteful misstep you should never do. Your marketing campaign should focus on building your product. Letting people know what solutions you offer, engaging your audience and building strong organic relationships. Invest your time and efforts into marketing strategies with good returns – and you’re on the right track. Read More:  Social Media Marketing role in Technology. Importance of Flexibility with Business Technology. Securing Mobile App Development with Blockchain Technology.    

Power Packs

What You Need to Know about Mini Power Packs

One of the more commonly used hydraulic power packs is the mini version. This is the smaller and less powerful iteration of power packs intended for applications that don’t require the same capabilities and size provided by standard units. They can be regarded as the mid-size hydraulic units useful in different settings. A good example of the mini-unit is the HPM mini pack. It is a good representation of the mid-size version of the standard hydraulic units. Learn about its general features, capabilities, and applications below. Essential Things To Know About Mini Power Packs    There are several factors that you need to take care off while you want to make use of the mini power packs for your gear pump. Features and specifications: You can find many mini power packs that have an aluminium casting at the centre, which securely connects the drive motor to the gear pump. In this setup, the liquid flowing through the gear pump is directed to a relief valve, check valve, and multiple directional control valves. The pumps are driven by 12V or 24V motors with power ratings ranging from 500 watts to 3 kilowatts. The pump sizes can be from 0.25cc to 9.8cc. The tanks, on the other hand, can hold 1 litre to 55 litres of liquid. Mini power packs can be in AC or DC variants. The AC version comes in 1 PH and 3 PH packs that are suitable for scissor lifts, dock levellers, car lifts, and the control of security barriers. They can handle a flow rate of 30 litres per minute and pressure of up to 250 bar. The DC version, on the other hand, has 12V and 24V variants with single and double acting valves. They are commonly used for stacker trucks, trailers, tailifts, and tippers. Applications: Mini power packs are intended for mobile, marine, and industrial applications. These include the use in security equipment, access control systems, tipping trucks, plant trailers, and scissor lifts. The mini packs are versatile enough for use in different settings. Some units equipped with 3-kilowatt 24-volt motors are commonly utilised in the ramps of plant trailers. There are those with 500-watt DC motors which are useful in the operation of step lifts. There are also light and compact power packs designed to be portable, so they can be brought to, and used, wherever they are needed. Again, as mentioned, the details presented here are centred on the mini hydraulic power packs created by Hydra Products. Other companies may use other terms and different sets of technical specs. However, for the most part, the features and applications are similar. If you get a comparable mid-size power pack from a different company, you will likely be able to use it for the same applications. You just need to remember that you have to scrutinise your power pack options carefully. Read the technical information to find out if what you are getting is the right unit to choose for your needs. You can consult the seller of the power pack system for guidance, or you can consult others who have the experience in using hydraulic packs, for informed insights. Read Also: Why Sensors Are Essential In Machine Automation Add Accuracy To Your Testing With The Help Of Multimeter