6 Quick Tips for RV Beginners

Published on: 14 June 2017 Last Updated on: 09 August 2019
RV Parts

If one is just starting out with an RV, you need some tips to avoid costly mistakes. It may sound like a little issue but having a well-equipped RV requires good knowledge of what you need and how to go about it. The most important RV parts are the car and what you put in it. No matter the length of your trip, here are some tips to start you off.

1. Renting or buying

Whether you want to rent an RV or own one is entirely a subjective choice. If you want to try out the RV experience before going all in, you can rent one. This option will save you some money especially if you rarely go on RV trips. If you are the bird on the road, buying one with save you money in the long haul. The option is entirely yours as you can buy one then rent it if you are not a trip person.

2. Practice makes perfect

Actually, only perfect practice makes a perfect skill. You need to know that driving an RV is far much different compared to a normal car. So, take one and take it for a drive on different types of terrain to know how you can keep the drawers shut and the glasses from breaking even on right terrain.

3. Have a solid plan

Most people make the mistake of going on a trip with only the departure and arrival locations marked out. You need to plan the exact route, your expenditure, the locations on the route you will be visiting, camping grounds and other areas. This way, your trip will be easy to handle. You can have a little fun along the way but avoid deviating too much from the primary plan.

4. Familiarize yourself with the RV

It does not require you to be a mechanical engineer to know how to take care of a car. The issue is that this is not your common everyday vehicle. You need explicit instructions on how to handle the car including the most common mistakes and issues one is likely to run into. Whether you are hiring or buying the RV, these skills will save you from the pain of incurring unnecessary costs.


5. Be equipped

Equipping yourself for the trip will go beyond packing enough food and clothes to include spare parts for the car. Ensure you have packed enough spare connectors, fuses, bulbs, spanners, screwdrivers, nuts, bolts, jumper cables and many more. Keep in mind that if you do not have a specific part and your car breaks down, you may have to wait for days before it is shipped to you.

Read also: How To Shop For A Car With Your Teen Driver?

6. Prepare for the campground

The campground is one of the most involving areas when going on a trip with an RV. Make sure that ground has no obstacles such as branches hanging low or boulders. Find the sewage, water and electricity systems to know how you can charge up yourself for the next trip. Once you have chosen your spot, chock your wheels to avoid any crazy situation of your home running off. Make sure you correctly connect your rig to the sewer and electrical lines. If you are not sure of how to go about it, ask for help.

These tips will make you a bit of an expert before you start your first trip in an RV. While your focus is on the fun and experience of going about with the RV, staying safe and within the law will make the whole experience far much better than you can ever imagine.



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Best Bike Types for Daily Use

If you go searching for bike advice online, you will find plenty of communities filled with dedicated enthusiasts. They may enjoy racing, trail riding or any number of other activities. However, not many are discussing daily use. So, you may be left wondering what the most comfortable bike style for a daily ride is. Below you will find some helpful guidance on a few of the most popular daily-use types. Best Bike Types for Daily Use: Hybrid Bike A hybrid bike is a cross between a mountain bike and a road bike. It has wider tires than a road bike and upright handlebars. However, the tires are thinner than a mountain bike. Additionally, the sitting position is usually higher, and the gearing is better suited to road usage. In other words, a hybrid bike brings together good elements of both road and mountain bikes to make a comfortable, flexible bike option. Many people first learn to ride on hybrid or similar bikes. Many hybrid bikes have front suspension. This helps make them more comfortable for slightly rougher terrain such as dirt trails. Beach Cruisers If you want to coast down the boardwalk, there is no better choice than a cruiser bicycle. These comfortable bikes have a relaxed posture, swept-back handlebars, and wide tires. They are not great for rushing around anywhere. However, if you want a daily ride that is comfortable to take anywhere, this may be the style for you. Many people love the old-fashioned look of a cruiser. They don’t look as cool going up steep hills, however. These bikes are designed for flat surfaces, hence their popularity near the coast. City Bikes The term “city bike” is pretty broadly used. However, it is most associated with a type of bike intended for commuting, errands and general use in the city. It is somewhere between a hybrid and cruiser bike. The handlebars are swept-back, and the seating position is upright and relaxed. However, the wheels are more similar to a hybrid bike, as is the gearing. Sometimes these bikes are called Dutch-style bikes due to their prominence in the Netherlands, especially Amsterdam. Some of these bikes even have a built-in generator to run a light at the front for safety. Electric Bikes Speaking of electric enumeration, e-bikes are another great choice for daily use. These bikes power a hybrid motor that can turn the wheels for you. They can be used completely powered over short distances and for extra assistance over long distances. This is an excellent option if you make a long commute every day. For many city dwellers, commuting on an e-bike is significantly faster than driving due to the ability to skip past traffic. Electric bikes come in a variety of styles including all of the above. They make great daily-use bikes if you expect to use your bike a lot. Find Yours: Perhaps the most important factor in whether a bike is good for daily use is how comfortable it is. This can vary from person to person. Try a few styles out to find the right one for you and your needs. Read More: Benefits With Riding A Single Speed Bike In The City Will EBikes Save The Planet? How Does It Feel Like Riding A Bike As Your Passenger?

trucking associations

Freight Factoring is Solving Common Trucking Challenges

According to the American Trucking Associations (ATA), U.S. freight volume has risen 4.2% in 2008, fuelled in no small part by a manufacturing industry rebound as well as a healthy economy. ATA Chief Economist Bob Costello says that the growth rate is expected to ease to 2.3% per year from 2019 through 2024. This growth rate, however, will offer very little relief to shippers who still struggle with a driver shortage. According to Fortune, this lack of qualified drivers many trucking companies competing for the same small pool of workers, with some companies complaining that only 1% to 2% of applicants meet the necessary requirements. This shortage is creating a noticeable ripple effect, as companies vying for workers who meet the necessary qualifications are offering much higher pay and signing bonuses. According to the ATA, the median pay for drivers in this category is $59,000, while experienced drivers working for private fleets see as much as $86,000 a year. Trucking companies are paying more than ever to secure capable drivers, and when you combine these expenses with rising fuel and maintenance costs it’s no wonder that so many owners experience frequent cash flow issues. It’s obvious why the trucking industry is considered to be a challenging one. The good news for owners is freight factoring has become an increasingly popular and mainstream financial solution to accessing immediate funding. Freight factoring is an arrangement between a factoring company and a trucking company, in which both parties benefit. A trucking company sells its unpaid invoices at a discounted rate to a factoring company in exchange for a cash advance, allowing them to meet their expenses. The factoring company charges a nominal fee while holding a percentage of the invoice amount in reserve. The factoring company, as part of its service, collects on the invoice from the original customer, and when they do, the percentage held in reserve is remitted. Click here to learn more about the ins and outs of invoice factoring and how it can help your trucking company thrive in challenging times. This straightforward arrangement solves an ever-present cash flow issue that many trucking companies face. By factoring invoices, owners have access to cash they need to pay their drivers and meet other costs, while no longer sinking valuable time into making collections and tracking down payments. Without freight factoring, trucking companies are at the mercy of slow-paying customers and will wait 30 to 60 or even 90 days to receive much-needed payment for deliveries they’ve already made. Freight factoring from a reliable company such as Accutrac Capital provides a much-needed cash flow surge to: Start-up operations High-growth companies with insufficient working capital Companies in transition Companies experiencing a tough year or experiencing a change of ownership In a world where overhead costs — such as rising driver wages — can outpace cash on hand, factoring restores the value of overdue invoices and frees trucking company owners to concentrate on growth and customer service, rather than worrying about chasing down payments. If you run a small trucking company or a nationwide fleet, freight factoring could be the cash flow solution you’ve been looking for. Read Also: Top Tips To Know For Renting Flatbed Trailer

Car Battery Maintenance

Car Battery Maintenance 101

Here’s a fact to get the ball rolling; Did you know? Majority of car breakdowns are due to a simple battery failure. Car Battery Maintenance can reduce the chances of your car breaking down. That’s right! Batteries, an invention of the 1800s still very much useful today. Power windows, music system, headlights, auxiliaries and what not, car batteries are an essential part of an automobile. A car battery has a limited lifespan, a well-maintained car battery should last you around 3-5 years, But many find that they have to replace their car battery every 1 to 2 years. A poorly maintained battery loses its capacity to hold a charge and eventually fails. So, if you want to avoid the inconvenience of an unexpected breakdown simultaneously ensuring a prolonged battery life, we are here with 5 simple tips on car battery maintenance. 1. Always keep the battery terminals corrosion-free: One of the most recurrent problems with battery is corrosion build-up on the negative and positive terminals. Corrosion acts as a barrier between the battery and the vehicle thereby breaking the connection. A simple fix for this can be a light scrubbing with an abrasive pad to dislodge the crud build-up from the terminals. Car battery maintenance can minimize the chances of corrosion. Top Tip: add a dab of vaseline to the terminals to prevent further corrosion 2. Do not operate any electronics during startup: When the engine is running,  the car alternator generates electricity and charges the car battery, but when the engine is off, the car relies on battery power only. So, it is important to limit the use of any electronics just before or while starting the car to avoid unnecessary load on the battery. Top Tip: switch off the AC and the music system before cranking the car to avoid damage to the battery. 3. Full charge your car battery at least once every month: Did you know? Your car draws power from the battery even when the car is off. This is required for the anti-theft system to function. Make a habit of charging your car battery every month or two to avoid a dead battery situation. This will also help the battery maintain a healthy charge density and prolong its life. Invest in a good battery charger for your vehicle if you don't wish to visit a garage every month. 4. Check your car’s alternator for car battery maintenance: An Alternator is a very crucial component responsible for charging the car battery when the engine is running. So, it becomes very important to ensure a functional alternator for a healthy battery life. Get the alternator checked every time you visit a garage. Telltale signs of a failing alternator include; battery warning light on the dashboard, flickering headlights, engine cranking issues, and other electronic failures. 5. Do not overload your car battery with accessories: Auxiliary fog lamps, high power music system, novelty lighting. These are all power hungry accessories draining the life out of your car battery. Every car battery has a load limit and can take only much before failing. Car battery maintenance can make your car move faster. So, go easy with those fancy lights you’ve just bought off Amazon, and check if your battery is capable of taking the increased loads. Bonus Tip: Always top-up car battery with distilled water ONLY: In this day and age of “No-Maintenance” batteries, you don’t have to periodically refill the batteries with water anymore. But still, all car batteries require a specific level of distilled water to function optimally. Distilled water is required for the proper flow of electricity in the battery. Using normal tap water which contains metal ions can permanently damage the electrodes causing a degradation in charging capacity of a battery. Low water level can damage the cells inside the battery causing a failure. Visit your nearest hardware store for a litre of distilled battery water. Read Also: Car Insurance For Electric Vehicles Explained Important Tips To Maintain Your Luxury Car