6 Quick Tips for RV Beginners


14 June 2017


RV Parts

If one is just starting out with an RV, you need some tips to avoid costly mistakes. It may sound like a little issue but having a well-equipped RV requires good knowledge of what you need and how to go about it. The most important RV parts are the car and what you put in it. No matter the length of your trip, here are some tips to start you off.

1. Renting or buying

Whether you want to rent an RV or own one is entirely a subjective choice. If you want to try out the RV experience before going all in, you can rent one. This option will save you some money especially if you rarely go on RV trips. If you are the bird on the road, buying one with save you money in the long haul. The option is entirely yours as you can buy one then rent it if you are not a trip person.

2. Practice makes perfect

Actually, only perfect practice makes a perfect skill. You need to know that driving an RV is far much different compared to a normal car. So, take one and take it for a drive on different types of terrain to know how you can keep the drawers shut and the glasses from breaking even on right terrain.

3. Have a solid plan

Most people make the mistake of going on a trip with only the departure and arrival locations marked out. You need to plan the exact route, your expenditure, the locations on the route you will be visiting, camping grounds and other areas. This way, your trip will be easy to handle. You can have a little fun along the way but avoid deviating too much from the primary plan.

4. Familiarize yourself with the RV

It does not require you to be a mechanical engineer to know how to take care of a car. The issue is that this is not your common everyday vehicle. You need explicit instructions on how to handle the car including the most common mistakes and issues one is likely to run into. Whether you are hiring or buying the RV, these skills will save you from the pain of incurring unnecessary costs.


5. Be equipped

Equipping yourself for the trip will go beyond packing enough food and clothes to include spare parts for the car. Ensure you have packed enough spare connectors, fuses, bulbs, spanners, screwdrivers, nuts, bolts, jumper cables and many more. Keep in mind that if you do not have a specific part and your car breaks down, you may have to wait for days before it is shipped to you.

Read also: How To Shop For A Car With Your Teen Driver?

6. Prepare for the campground

The campground is one of the most involving areas when going on a trip with an RV. Make sure that ground has no obstacles such as branches hanging low or boulders. Find the sewage, water and electricity systems to know how you can charge up yourself for the next trip. Once you have chosen your spot, chock your wheels to avoid any crazy situation of your home running off. Make sure you correctly connect your rig to the sewer and electrical lines. If you are not sure of how to go about it, ask for help.

These tips will make you a bit of an expert before you start your first trip in an RV. While your focus is on the fun and experience of going about with the RV, staying safe and within the law will make the whole experience far much better than you can ever imagine.



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Truck Accidents

A Beginner’s Guide To Truck Accidents: Causes, Tips, And Legal Remedies

Trucks continue to remain an integral part of the world’s economy. They are responsible for moving millions of tons of goods and products across the length and breadth of the country every single day. Whether it is day or night, trucks and truck drivers continue to drive. However, being such large vehicles there is no denying the fact that they are a major threat to other motorists on the road. Car drivers, motorcyclists, bicycle riders, and pedestrians are constantly in danger from being at the receiving end of one of the many threats that trucks pose. According to experts, heavy trucks are involved in one out of ten deaths that are reported in the United States every year. The weight of a fully loaded truck can reach up to 40 tons! That is 40 tons of moving mass that needs to stop at a heartbeat and be careful of every small car, bike, or individual occupying the same road. That is a tough ask. In this article, we are going to discuss some of the major aspects of truck accidents- Leading causes of truck accidents in the United States Safety Tips to help you steer clear of the danger posed by trucks Legal remedies that need to be pursued in case you are involved in a truck accident We take help from a leading Atlanta truck accident lawyer to help list down some of the important details on truck accidents. 5 Leading Causes of Truck Accidents on our Roads and Highways In this section, we are going to list down the five of the most causes of truck accidents- 1. Tired and Exhausted Truck Drivers- The efficiency of any trucking operation depends on the completion of orders. In very simple words, the faster the deliveries are done, the more orders a specific truck can generate. This means long hours in bad weather conditions with poor food, lodging, and most importantly, no sleep. Tiredness and exhaustion make drivers fall asleep or slow down their reflexes. 2. Poor Quality and Condition of the Vehicles themselves- Most commercial trucking companies can be guilty of not paying proper attention to the maintenance of their vehicles. They do not check whether all the parts of the truck are working properly. Since trucks tend to be on the roads most of the time, checking them for regular service becomes difficult. This leads to accidents when, for example, the brakes stop working. 3. Improper Training and Lack of Driving Experience- Taking control of a vehicle that weighs 40 tons is no joke. It involves a lot of practice, experience, and training. When normal truck drivers are sick or unavailable, the company can ask a rookie to do the job of a seasoned pro. There are so many things that can go wrong when someone who is not adept at handling such a heavy piece of machinery starts to handle it. 4. Not Confirmation to Road Safety Norms, and Regulations- Truckers know that since they are so big, they are not the ones that should be paying attention to following safety norms. In other words, they believe that if others want to be safe, they should be maintaining a distance from the truck. This makes them drive on one-way streets, not give way to oncoming traffic, and park at the side of highways where it is dangerous. 5. Engaging with Intoxicants like Alcohol and Marijuana- Being on the road for months on end can be frustrating for truck drivers. To keep themselves engaged, they turn to alcohol and smoking weed. This dumbs down their reflexes and gives rise to the possibility of falling asleep at the steering wheel. Many studies have found that alcoholism is an issue that is rampant among truck drivers in the United States. Safety Tips that Motorists should follow to avoid accidents with trucks Every year in the United States, the Federal Motor Safety Administration comes out with a handbook for motorists that contain safety tips to avoid trucks and encounter accidents. The following are some safety tips that motorists should be following to keep them safe- 1. Visibility- The first thing that is prescribed is to ensure that you are visible to the truck drivers. Make sure you are honking and putting on your headlights every time you are passing a truck. Do not position your vehicles in the blind spots of the truck driver. 2. Passing- Every time you are looking to overtake a truck make sure you have the space to do so. Do not try to make a pass in a tight squeeze. Make sure that you wait for the truck to give you the passing signal before you step on the gas for the pass. 3. Cutting-Off- Most accidents are when motorists try to cut off a truck. When you do this at speed, you end up being in the blind spot of the drivers. This prevents their ability to break on time and results in a violent crash. You should look to avoid this at all costs. 4. Distance- If you are tailgating a truck, you are not visible to the driver! This means that if they break, you are likely to slip right under the huge vehicle. Ensure that you maintain a healthy distance between your vehicle and the truck in front of you. 5. Anticipate- Riding on the same roads as trucks require you to be patient. Trucks have wider turning radiuses than small cars. They cannot also make quick maneuvers on the road. As a motorist, you need to be patient and anticipate the movements. If you are following the above-mentioned safety norms, you can reduce the chances of coming into contact with a 40-ton truck. Legal Remedies to pursue in case of Truck Accidents If you have been in a truck accident, you are well within your rights to file a lawsuit. You need to claim compensation for the material damage caused, as well as seek payments to help you tide over any medical injuries you might have suffered as a result of the accident. The first thing that you need to do is hire an expert and experienced truck accident lawyer. You need to make sure that they have prior experience in filing personal injury lawsuits of this nature. Make sure that you gather all the possible evidence and build a solid case. When it comes to truck accidents, the company operating the vehicle is a party to the lawsuit. They need to ensure that the insurance covers all possible material and physical damages that have been the result of the accident. The following information should be collected from the site of the accident- The type of truck- make, model, brand, and license plates of the truck. The name of the truck’s driver and his commercial license. The information about the insurance company and details. Names, addresses, and call numbers of the trucking company, head offices, and more. Photos, videos, and witness statements from the scene of the crime. The Bottom Line In this article, we have discussed some of the probable causes of truck accidents. We have also discussed safety tips that will help you keep your distance from heavy vehicles. Finally, we have looked at what legal recourse needs to be pursued if you are involved in a truck accident. If you have any more questions that you would like us to address on truck accidents, please let us know in the comments below. We will be glad to help you out. Read Also: 7 Ways Truck Accidents Differ from the Regular Car Crashes The Main Reasons Why Cabover Trucks Are Less Common Than Long Hood Rigs Why Times Are Tough For Truckers and Why It Concerns You

What to Do After an Auto Lockout

What to Do After an Auto Lockout?

Many times people forget their car keys inside and get locked out of their own car. As all the cars now come with a central locking system, it is almost impossible for owners to open their car when they leave the key inside it. However, there are many things you can do if you get locked out of your car. The best way to open your car is to call an automotive locksmith, but this is not the only way. Let us explore all the ways to unlock your car in case you get locked out. Call your car company: If you have the customer care number of your car company, you can call them to assist you in opening the lock. Even if you don’t have their customer service number, you can search it online on your phone and call them for assistance. They will tell you an alternative procedure to open your car or send a professional to assist you to unlock it. Some car companies may send a professional to unlock your car as they have people who are experts in using alternative methods to offer solutions to their customers. You might have a spare key: Sometimes car owners have a spare key with them that they don’t remember. Think about where you kept the spare keys. If you have one in your pocket, you can use it to open your car. Many people have a spare key at home. If you have a spare key at your home, you can call someone to get it for you if your home is not too far from the location where you get locked out. However, if you are far away from your home, you can call an automotive locksmith to open it for you. Tow the car to your home: If you have no option to unlock the car, you can tow the car to your home or a safe place. However, hiring a towing service can be more expensive than hiring a locksmith. Therefore, you should keep this as the last option if nothing else works. Look for open window glass: Sometimes people prefer driving with open window panes. If a pane on the driving side is open, you can put your arm inside and take out the key to unlock the door. However, if all the window panes are closed, you cannot opt for this method. Roadside Assistance: Some car insurance companies offer roadside assistance, but many don’t offer it in their policy. You can also search roadside assistance online on your smartphone. Call one of the companies, and they will send a professional technician to unlock your car or help you to take it to a garage. If your insurance policy offers roadside assistance, you should save its information on your phone so that you can use it in such conditions. Warranty service: Most car companies offer a warranty, and many of the warranties also cover the costs of a lockout. If your car warranty covers the same, you can use it for roadside assistance in case of a lockout. It can be a wise decision to use roadside assistance covered by your car warrant without the need to purchase redundant coverage. Call an Automotive Locksmith: The best way to unlock your locked car is to call an automotive locksmith for assistance. However, to use this method, you need to know about the best locksmith service in your area. If you have not left your phone inside the car, you can also search online for the best locksmith service and call it immediately from your phone. Allcoast locksmiths is a reputed company offering service in the Central Coast and Lake Macquarie, Australia. They have been offering locksmith services in these areas for over 15 years. If you need a locksmith service in any of these areas, this is a company you can rely upon. You can call them in an emergency auto lockout, home, or office lockout for assistance. Final Words: These were some tips you can try during an automotive lockout. Following these ideas can get you out of the situation and make you drive your car again. It is best to know the best locksmith service in your area so that you can call them in such situations. Read Also: Choosing the Right Anti-Theft Devices For Your Car In Houston TX 5 Tips to Safeguard Your Home From Intruders Should you Replace or Rekey Locks? — What Locksmith Richmond says Expert Advice: 5 Crucial Things to Do Immediately After an Automobile Accident

winter weather driving

Prepping Your Vehicle For Winter Weather Driving

Winters can be harsh and treacherous for drivers. No matter how skilled of a driver you may be, the snow and ice from a severe storm can put your safety at risk. winter weather drivingWhether you lose control, or another driver around you do, slick roads and poor visibility increase the chances of you being in an accident if you are not prepared. For those that live with winter weather every year, there is a schedule that needs to be followed to prep your vehicle going into and out of the season. With winter conditions being dangerous, it’s not safe to rely on your regular summer setup. Being proactive and getting your vehicle ready for the snow can help you stay safe and keep your family and other drivers safer too. Proper vehicle outfitting can help you stay firmly on the road during those harsh winter storms. Check out the tips below for how to get your car ready for the winter season. Winter Tires All-season or summer tires are the most recommended for vehicles that are driven in warmer weather. However, if you live in a part of the country that has significant snowfall, you are better off to switch out your all-seasons for snow tires. They can give you better grip and security on slick roads. Never rely on summer tires to get you through the harsh weather of a northern winter. Make sure you get your tires switched late in the fall so they are ready for any early storms. Wipers Visibility is key when you are driving in winter conditions. With snow, sleet and vehicle splashback making it tough to see where you are going, you want to make sure that you have the best wipers in your car. In the autumn, take stock of the condition of your current wipers and if they need to be replaced, you should do it before it’s already winter. According to this article by Fleming Attorneys flemingattorneys.com, distraction is the leading cause of car accidents. If you can’t see clearly ahead of you, accidents will surely happen. So have your wipers fixed early and be ready for any blizzard that comes your way. Snow Brush There is nothing more frustrating than coming out to your vehicle and seeing it buried under several inches of snow. Always have a good quality snow brush stowed in your car for these occasions. An adjustable handle snow brush can help you quickly clear off all areas of your car with ease. Make sure that one end of your brush is equipped with an ice chipper to help you get your windshield cleared of any frosty buildup. Fluids & Oil You may not give the inner workings of your car much thought, but the fluids in your vehicle are no different than your own life’s blood. Keep an eye on your antifreeze and oil levels throughout the season. There are several cold weather blends of oil and antifreeze that can help protect your engine from damaging frigid temperatures. You should consider keeping backup bottles in the vehicle in case you run out at the worst possible time. First Aid Kit No matter where you live, you should always have a vehicle first aid kit in your car. With the chances of getting stranded much higher in the winter months, a first aid kit including a thermal blanket can make all the difference in a harsh survival situation. Make sure to have bandages, fever and pain medication and even emergency snacks stowed in your kit at all times. Safety is the number one priority during winter driving. It is important that you prep your car to avoid accidents due to bad weather. Read Also: 5 Clever Tips Every Truck Driver Should Bear In Mind Why You Should Use Quality Wiper Blades