7 Reasons Why Teenagers Pay Extra For Car Insurance

Published on: 29 August 2018 Last Updated on: 08 August 2019
Car Insurance

Car insurance for teenagers is more expensive than experienced drivers. Teenagers, who are at a very young and vulnerable stage of life, often lack any formal driving experience. They learn the skills of driving in this age and polish it with practice. The motor vehicle associations understand the susceptibility of their age and therefore the cost of car insurance for teenagers is higher.

In order to understand this concept in detail, we have laid down 7 reasons that “why teenagers pay extra for car insurance”:

No Proven Track Record of Driving

The insurance companies consider the driving history of the applicant before issuing insurance premiums. In the case of teenagers, there is no proven track record of driving. Since they are at the beginner’s stage of learning, there is no evidence to support their expertise on the road. The risk factor stays high in this case.

In general, the people who have proven driving track record without any mention of traffic violations and accidents in their names can avail significant discounts on their car insurance policies.

The insurance companies need some statistical proof to make a judgment about the driving skills of applicants- which is not possible in the case of teenagers. Therefore, they cannot assume whether the teenage driver is a safe or reckless driver.

In order to cover their risk, they raise the cost of car insurance for teenagers to ensure some safety measures. However, at the age of 19, the insurance plan becomes affordable as you already have 1-2 years driving experience by this time. You can get car insurance here for 19 years olds.

Lack of Experience

It takes time in learning a skill and achieving expertise in it. Learning to drive certainly takes more time and effort as we face different situations every day on the road. The young drivers need to dedicate a lot of practice hours to polish their skills before they can take their own vehicle independently on the road.

The amount of time spent behind the wheel is a considerable factor in enhancing the driving abilities of young drivers. In the case of teenagers, their lack of experience can put them to test while facing real-life driving situations. Their reaction time may be slower than an experienced driver which is much needed when you are in actual driving practice.

It is often seen that the young drivers get into a panic very easily when they face unusual situations on the roads. There are research studies to support the fact that most of the accidents that involve youngsters are due to their delay in reaction to the situations that prevail.

Emotional Distraction

Young people often get stuck with emotional issues. Their vulnerable age often brings out the “rebellious” attitude which may result in anger, sadness, extreme happiness, excitement, overreaction, anxiety, etc. They have very less understanding of dealing with their own emotions which may cause serious troubles while driving.

For example- despite many public advertisements, youngsters use their mobile phones while driving. The overconfidence can lead to the accident-prone situation very easily.

Youngsters often pool their vehicles and go for diving expeditions. Mutual talking and discussions while driving can distract their attention from the road. It is also common for youngsters to appreciate unusual sights on the road and get diverted from their driving spree.

Insurance companies take these facts into account and use substantial proofs to put forth their risk level before issuing car insurance to teenagers.

Increased Tendency Towards Speed and Racing

There is no denial of the fact that teenagers love formula races and speed games. When they sit behind the steering, they get tempted to race with the cars on their track. Sometimes they have their own bunch of friends racing while driving.

The scientific studies have reported that teenagers are easily aggravated by smoking, drugs and alcoholic tendencies. Under the influence of these factors, they may be instigated to adopt risky behaviors while driving. The understanding of the risks and their implications can be attained only with age and experience.

The insurance companies state that the lower rates of premiums for the experienced drivers are supported by the statistics that prove that they are less prone to accidents as compared to teenage drivers.

The Risk of the Insurance Companies

The teenage drivers are at a higher state of financial risks for the insurance companies. The higher the probability of being at risk of accidents raises the probability of higher expenditure of the insurance companies. Therefore, in an attempt to cover the risks associated with the young drivers, they raise the cost of the policy.

The Statistical Proofs

We have already discussed various factors that may cause teenagers to become riskier while driving. It should be mentioned that our studies are based on statistical findings from various reports. These reports emphasize the high probability of teenage drivers being involved in road accidents. The data has been collected by the years of research that bring the car insurance firms at a higher edge of risk.

The Make and Model of the Vehicle

We often get to hear that the teenagers are gifted their “favorite vehicle” on their birthday or any other occasions. Although this practice is popular in rich and affluent families, these days even the middle-class segment has roped into the trend. Thanks to the easy loaning facilities!

However, parents often forget about the risk associated with allowing teenagers to drive new and expensive cars with high-speed parameters. The insurance companies charge more from their clients who want to purchase insurance of a premium car for their teenager ward.

The reason is clearly stated- higher speed parameters of the vehicle are directly proportional to the high financial risk factor of insurance companies.


Teenagers pay extra for car insurance due to the high amount of risk associated with their age and the levels of maturity. There are facts to support the rash driving incidents leading to fatal accidents in many cases that involve teenagers.

Therefore, the higher rates of insurance are just a precautionary measure by the insurance companies. They intend to ensure that the applicant, as well as the company, must be fully prepared to deal with the possible risky outcomes due to driving errors. Higher is the risk of the insurance company, higher is the cost of the premium.

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G.I. Tax Service

Glenn Sandler (CPA) of G.I. Tax Service: What to Do If You Can’t Pay Your Taxes

Things happen, circumstances change, and often, people find themselves unable to pay their taxes. If you find yourself in a similar position, it is important that you understand the gravity of the situation. Continued refusal to pay your taxes could lead the IRS to take it forcibly: by garnishing your wages or putting a lien on your assets. However, according to Glenn Sandler, CPA, founder of G.I. Tax Service, there is no need to panic. If you can’t pay your taxes or you owe an amount in back taxes, you can enter into an agreement with the IRS and leverage one of their several payment options. Here is how to go about it: Ensure that you are in filing/payment compliance: To enter into an agreement with the IRS, you must ensure that all your tax returns are filed. The next step is to keep enough of your wages aside to pay off your taxes for the current year. To do this, you will need to estimate your tax returns for the year and ascertain that the wage percentage that was withheld will suffice. If you don’t know how to file tax returns or make accurate enough estimations, please contact tax professionals that will help you through the process. Review your tax returns: Check your tax returns to ensure that the balance that the IRS expects you to pay is correct. The smart play is to calculate your returns for the years you owe and the 3 years that precede it, i.e., if you owe taxes for a year, review your account for the past 4 years. By doing so, any discrepancy between your calculated returns and your tax balance (according to the IRS) can be remedied.  Also, if you incurred any penalties in the past, you can try to get them reduced or removed completely. Enter an agreement with the IRS: Once you have filed your taxes and are back in compliance, and have confirmed that you owe exactly what the IRS says that you do, the next thing to do is enter an agreement with the IRS. The alternatives available include: A brief extension of the payment period. The different installment agreements (monthly payment plans with varying terms and conditions). Postponed payment (known as currently not collectible status) for people in financial hardship. An offer in compromise (OIC); a settlement option that allows taxpayers with special and extenuating circumstances to clear their debt by paying a portion of their total balance. Depending on their individual situations, taxpayers with back taxes are eligible for one of the above. Before deciding on which of them to apply for, evaluate your current assets, calculate how much you can pay per month, and consider the effect of incurring even more interest and penalties. Consult a tax professional: If you don’t know how to do any of the above, your best bet is to reach out to a tax expert at G.I. Tax Service. They can help you file your returns and ensure that you are in compliance, check your tax returns and correct any discrepancies, and apply for one of the IRS’ payments options after considering your financial circumstances. When managed smartly, tax debt does not have to be disruptive. All you have to do is secure a payment plan that works well with your income, and before you know it, the debt is all gone. Read Also: Are Payday Loans Really As Bad As People Say? 7 Simple Tips To Pay Off Your Loans Faster

Equity Release

Should You Consider Equity Release To Pay For Live-in Care?

Although it seems like equity release plans have been around forever, this sector of finance has only been regulated since 2004. However, this has not dented their popularity among over 55s wishing to free up a sum of money rather than leaving it tied up in their property. Many have used the money to fund home DIY projects, help a child onto the housing ladder, or simply for a blowout holiday or new car. Increasingly though many are seeing equity release as a good way to pay for care in their own home in old age. Equity is the value of your home minus any loans or mortgages secured against it which haven’t been fully paid off. If you’re wondering whether this would be right for you read our advice on the advantages and pitfalls of equity release and how the equity in your home could pay for a comfortable old age. What is Equity Release and How Does it Work? This is a method for releasing some of the untapped wealth tied up in your home. Being able to unlock the value of your home and turn this into cash is a way to remain in a much-loved family home. There are two main types of equity release – a lifetime mortgage or a home reversion plan, which is the sale of part or all of the property. A lifetime mortgage is a loan against the value of your home which is not repaid until either the homeowner dies or goes into long-term care, or the property is sold. If you decide to go down this route you must choose carefully between the two types of lifetime mortgage which are: The interest roll-up mortgage, which is the most popular option. With this, you receive either a lump sum or regular amounts, and interest is added to the loan at a fixed or capped rate. An interest-paying mortgage is similar to a standard mortgage in that you pay monthly or ad-hoc payments, and some plans allow you to pay off the capital, to reduce the sum owed at the end. The home reversion plan is only available to those aged at least 65. With this, you can sell all or a percentage of your home to a provider at below the market value and you become a rent-free tenant in your home. You can even sell percentages of the home at off-set intervals. Another, less well known and potentially more risky option is the sale and rent back scheme where you sell your home, at a discount and become a rent-paying tenant in your home. Points to Consider Home care services are increasingly seen as preferable to standard nursing home care for many reasons, not least among them being able to carry on living in your own home being looked after by a trusted live-in carer who becomes your friend. Lifetime mortgages are considered the most popular option for equity release because it allows you to retain full ownership of your property and some come with an option of paying back some of the loans over time in order to reduce the build-up of interest and retain as much of the value of your property to benefit your estate when you die. You can only apply for equity release once you are over 55 and the amount you receive is dependent upon the value of your home (minimum value £70,000) as well as your age. Your property must be in the UK. Benefits of Equity Release For today’s older homeowners who have seen the value of their homes rise significantly over recent years and with the added benefit of current low-interest rates, equity release gives you an amount of cash to spend now or to put towards a live-in care plan. Risks and Pitfalls of Equity Release The biggest problem with equity release is that you do not receive the full market value for your home, indeed the amount you can access would be much less than you would get by selling your home on the open market in the traditional way. Another disadvantage is that any inheritance your beneficiaries expect to receive would be reduced. The upfront costs and fees involved in setting up an equity release plan could be as much as £3000. If you opt for a lifetime mortgage there is a real risk that when the time comes for your home to be sold the amount owed may be more than you borrowed because of the compound interest charged on the mortgage, unless you can pay off some of the debt as you go along. So, if you want to leave a decent inheritance for your family you need to act with caution. Be aware that if you have a substantial amount of cash in the bank this could affect any means-tested benefits you may be entitled to. The upper threshold is currently £16,000 so above this you are ineligible for means-tested benefits. Your tax situation could be impacted. If you choose to pay off the whole of the lifetime mortgage early you could incur penalties. Risks of Home Reversion Scheme You may only receive between 30-60% of the market value of your home and there may be a clause in your contract which forbids you from moving home. Distressingly, once you die the property usually has to be vacated within one month which causes unnecessary upset to the family at a distressing time. Protections from the Equity Release Council You should look for an equity release provider who is a member of the Equity Release Council to ensure that any lifetime mortgage you take out will never exceed the total value of your property. You are also assured that: You can remain in your home until the end of the mortgage term You are provided with an independent solicitor who explains everything clearly to you Interest rates must be fixed or capped and the product must have a ‘no negative equity guarantee'. Always get the best independent adviser who is regulated by the FCA and discuss things with your family before signing on the dotted line. Read Also: What To Leave Behind Once You Have Sold Your Home The Guide to Understanding Your Home Value


5 FinTech Trends to Know About

Financial technology is a trend that many businesses are finding advantageous. It does not matter what industry it is. Almost every business benefits from financial tech somehow. The field is changing, so it can be hard to know what the latest information is. Keeping you and your company up-to-date with the latest software and tech is necessary to keep your business efficient and finances secure. Traditional banking is becoming obsolete, so here are five fintech trends that you should know. 1. Cybersecurity Advances Trends and technologies that were on their way to becoming popular have leaped forward quickly in recent times. According to Swedish electricity entrepreneur Thommy Stenvik, many businesses and organizations have adopted these new and innovative solutions recently. It should go without saying that cybersecurity is one such solution and is essential for any business. Businesses need to make sure that they are using the best solutions and practices to keep their companies safe and secure from any outside attacks to remain effective. Companies need better cybersecurity protocols with so many people using online and mobile banking. Financial institutions will have to comply with these rules to keep their customers happy and avoid any issues. 2. Blockchain Technology Blockchain technology is a popular trend that is not going away anytime soon. More companies are creating cryptocurrencies, and an increasing number of retailers and banks are accepting this innovative form of money. Blockchain offers a way to have ultra-secure payments, which reduces the chances of fraud. As banks navigate this trend, they will have to use new financial technology to give them an edge over other banking institutions. However, blockchain technology implementation should not be too difficult for financial institutions, as their technology is more suited than businesses in different industries. Cryptocurrency and blockchain should be implemented by more institutions in the future, as it has the potential to hold an impressive percentage of the world's GDP. 3. Mobile-Only Banks More banks are leaning towards reducing or eliminating their physical locations and focusing solely on mobile banking. As banking applications have become more advanced, this shift will more than likely only continue. It is possible to accomplish tasks on banking apps that you previously had to go to a bank to perform. New, mobile-only banks offer many advantages, like contactless payments with no fees, paying globally, and easy transfers. Even if a bank does not plan on becoming mobile-only, their app must be secure, fast, and convenient to serve more customers. This trend demands a new approach to coding, development, and design. 4. Robotics As artificial intelligence becomes more advanced, robotics and AI will become more prevalent in banking. Many tasks can be carried out by a machine, like internal operations and customer service. It is happening now with not only banks but online shopping and other sites as well. Chatbots can help a customer, and a human usually only takes over if the question or concern is too complex. Instead of having to call customer service for every inquiry or issue, customers have the option to use a chatbot any time of the day. Robotics also can potentially take over processes like identity verification and loan processing, making these processes faster and more efficient. 5. Payment Innovations Gone are the days where cash or card were the only options for payment. Now you can choose from any number of digital wallets, PayPal, Apple Pay, and more. To keep up with new payment options, banks will have to adapt. Fewer people are carrying cash and only have cards. Because of this, digital wallets have become more of a mainstay. Instead of having to bring cards, you can use your phone. When shopping in person, many places allow contactless and digital payment options. Banks can adapt to this trend by having more flexible banking apps and different options for payments. These five trends in fintech need further research, and banks need to implement some of these. Traditional banking is no longer the most popular way to manage your money, and banks need to adapt to this. Mobile banking, cryptocurrency, and robotics are just some things that can make banking better for customers. If the customers are satisfied, they will be more likely to use your bank. Read Also: Pros and Cons of Using Fintech App Development Bitcoin’s 10th Birthday: Does Satoshi Nakamoto’s White Paper Still Hold Relevance? Ecommerce Software Development Trends