9 Signs You Have a Pest Infestation in Your House (And What to Do About It)


14 November 2018

Home & Garden

Pest Infestation

The average American home has dozens or even hundreds of different kinds of insects living inside it. However, the vast majority of those tiny, unseen roommates aren’t pests.

Many insects and other small creatures can live peacefully near humans without causing problems. But others are pests that can infest your home, breeding in huge numbers and turning up everywhere you don’t want them. From mice to cockroaches, these pests can leave all sorts of different signs.

Humans have been doing pest control for thousands of years. But if you don’t know what to look for, you won’t know how to take the steps you need to control a pest infestation.

In this guide, we’ll show you exactly which signs of a pest infestation to look for. Once you recognize the problem, you can start taking the steps to fix it. Keep reading for what you need to know!

1. Damaged Wires or Furniture

Big pests, like mice, often chew on furniture or through cords. If you see damaged wires or bite marks on your furniture, you probably have a pest problem that’s not just insects.

Rodents need to chew on things because their teeth constantly grow and need to be worn down. You’ll see the marks of this activity down low, near the floor. You might also find signs that mice have been eating the food in your pantry.

This damage will probably leave you asking, “What is the best way to get rid of mice?” However, the answer to this is the same as the answer to getting rid of any pests: you should always call a professional. DIY solutions are rarely completely effective.

2. Signs of Nesting

Rodents also like to build nests, and you might see the signs during a thorough check of your home.

They’ll use any available materials to build their nests. You’ll need to check all the small, hidden areas of your home where they might have started nesting. Common signs include shredded paper and cardboard.

3. Droppings

Droppings are definitely one of the most unpleasant signs of a pest infestation you can come across.

You can often figure out the type of pest you’re working with by looking closely at the droppings. If it’s a rodent, you’ll find long, solid droppings that are sometimes shaped like cones.

These droppings tend to be small, and won’t have a strong scent. While that’s a good thing, it also makes them difficult to spot.

Insects droppings are different. You might find exoskeletons that have been shed, or wings, legs, and other parts of the insect body.

A different sign of insect pests can be spider webs. Although spiders themselves aren’t usually pests, their webs signal that they might be trying to catch the insects that have infested your home.

4. History of Pest Infestation

Not sure if you’re seeing sure signs of a pest infestation? Your house or apartment’s history might hold some clues.

Try to contact previous owners or tenants and see if they’ve experienced infestations before. You can also ask your neighbors if they’ve had any infestation issues. Where pests have been, they’ll often come back, especially if measures to prevent their return aren’t taken.

5. Dirt and Grime

This is one of the more subtle signs of an infestation. Sometimes, what looks like a simple buildup of dirt can actually show that you’re dealing with an infestation.

One reason everyone hates pests is that they make a mess wherever they go. In places where insects, rodents, and other pests hang out, you might find crumbs, dirt smudges, and other bad signs.

Rodents often take the same routes back and forth, so they’ll leave streaks of dirt or grease along the paths they’ve taken. If there’s dust on the floor, you may also see a trail where pests have walked.

These signs may start out small, but they’ll build as time goes on. The sooner you can catch them, the better.

6. Plant Damage

Many insects feed on plants. If your house plants show signs of gnawing around the edges, and you don’t have a pet that might have done it, it’s likely due to a pest in the house.

7. Unpleasant Smells

Sometimes, you’ll smell a pest infestation before you see it.

If you’re dealing with insects that carry food, like ants, the smell could be that of rotting food they’ve dropped or stashed somewhere. You might also smell the pests that have died somewhere in your home, where you can’t see them. They often hide in the walls or under floorboards.

If you start to notice an unusual, unpleasant scent in one part of your house, make sure to carefully check it out. You might find an infestation you weren’t expecting.

8. Live Pests

The most obvious sign of an infestation is visually seeing live pests. However, sometimes it’s easy to dismiss the problem if you see just one.

Keep in mind that if one pest made itself visible, there are probably many more where it came from. These creatures tend to be great at hiding. If you catch them, you probably already have a problem — it’s not just a single creature in your home.

9. Strange Noises

Almost all of your senses are useful when it comes to detecting a pest problem. Sometimes, they make unusual sounds that can be quiet and hard to catch. Pay close attention to the sounds in your home late at night, when everything’s quiet.

You can also put your ear up to the wall, floor, or anywhere the pests might be hiding. The sounds you hear can confirm the other signs you’ve found.

What to Do About a Pest Infestation

Now that you’ve spotted the signs of a pest infestation, what should you do about it?

As mentioned above, your first step should always be to call professional help. If you try to fix the problem yourself, it can grow much bigger before you can stop it.

Need to protect the outside of your home too? Check out our guide to keeping pests away from your garden here.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Domestic Lifts

Exploring The Ways Domestic Lifts Enhance Mobility And Access

In today's fast-paced world, accessibility is not just a luxury but a fundamental necessity. Whether it's navigating public spaces, buildings, or even our own homes, the ability to move freely and comfortably is something many of us often take for granted. However, this seemingly simple task can present significant barriers for those with mobility challenges. Fortunately, technological advancements have paved the way for solutions that revolutionize accessibility, with lifts emerging as a transformative tool for enhancing mobility. In their various forms, such as elevators, platform lifts, and stairlifts, lifts have become indispensable assets in modern infrastructure. These ingenious devices offer a range of benefits, from facilitating effortless movement between different building levels to enabling access to previously inaccessible spaces. Beyond the tangible benefits of enhanced accessibility, lifts also foster a more inclusive and empathetic society. Let us take a closer look into all the possible ways domestic lifts provide ease of mobility and champion the cause of accessibility for all. Facilitating independent living Lifts play a significant role in facilitating independent living by allowing individuals to navigate their living spaces and access different levels of buildings without assistance. Maintaining independence within their homes is often a primary concern for seniors and individuals with mobility challenges. By eliminating the need to navigate stairs, these lifts allow individuals to access all levels of their homes independently, reducing reliance on caregivers or family members for assistance. For individuals with mobility issues, navigating stairs can pose significant safety risks. Lifts mitigate these risks by providing a secure and stable means of vertical transportation. They also enable individuals to participate fully in social activities, pursue hobbies, and engage with their surroundings without feeling limited by mobility challenges. Enhancing safety Lifts enhance safety in various ways compared to traditional methods of vertical transportation. Lifts eliminate the need to navigate stairs, minimizing the risk of tripping, slipping, or falling. Climbing stairs can physically strain the body, leading to fatigue, muscle strain, and cardiovascular stress, especially for those with preexisting health conditions. Lifts alleviate this strain by providing a comfortable and effortless means of vertical transportation. The lift designs also accommodate wheelchairs, mobility scooters, and other mobility aids, ensuring that individuals with disabilities can access different levels safely and comfortably without the risk of tipping over or getting stuck on stairs. In emergency situations such as fires or earthquakes, lifts can be used to safely evacuate individuals, especially those with mobility challenges who may struggle to navigate stairs quickly. Promoting inclusive design Lifts are vital for promoting inclusive design by ensuring that spaces are accessible to people of all abilities, ages, and sizes.  By incorporating lifts, designers create environments that everyone can access and enjoy, regardless of their physical abilities. Lifts eliminate architectural barriers such as stairs, steps, and uneven surfaces, which can pose significant obstacles for people with mobility impairments. This removal of barriers ensures that spaces are equally accessible to everyone, promoting a sense of belonging and inclusivity. Moreover, accessible lifts empower individuals with disabilities to move independently within built environments, preserving their autonomy and dignity. Whether it's installing a home elevator for aging homeowners or integrating platform lifts in heritage buildings, lifts can be customized to meet specific accessibility requirements while preserving the architectural integrity of the space. Supporting leisure and recreation Lifts support leisure and recreation by enhancing accessibility and enabling individuals with mobility challenges to participate in various activities and explore recreational spaces. Installing lifts in recreational facilities, outdoor settings, cultural places, and amusement parks allows individuals with mobility limitations to access elevated viewpoints and enjoy all amenities like everyone else. By providing equal access to leisure and recreational spaces, lifts promote social inclusion and facilitate opportunities for people with disabilities to participate in social activities, connect with others, and build meaningful relationships. Horizontal and vertical transportation Lifts for houses contribute to both horizontal and vertical transportation, addressing different types of mobility needs and overcoming various barriers. Lifts are primarily designed for vertical transportation, enabling individuals to move seamlessly between different levels of buildings. They are designed with spacious interiors, accessible controls, and audiovisual indicators to accommodate individuals with diverse mobility needs, ensuring equitable access for all users. They offer a safe and comfortable mode of transportation, equipped with safety features such as emergency brakes, interlocks, and backup power systems to ensure passenger safety during operation. By providing a means of horizontal transportation, these lifts also empower individuals with mobility challenges to navigate their surroundings independently, promoting autonomy and freedom of movement. Improving public transportation Lifts play a significant role in improving public transportation by enhancing accessibility and inclusivity for a diverse population. Lifts installed in transportation hubs provide an alternative for those who cannot use stairs, ensuring everyone can enter and exit stations safely and independently. For passengers transferring between different modes of transportation, such as from a subway to a bus or vice versa, lifts make the transition seamless. Lifts also contribute to the safety and security of passengers by providing a controlled and monitored means of vertical transportation. Removing barriers to public transportation, lifts support the autonomy and freedom of individuals with mobility challenges, enhancing their quality of life. Empowering employment opportunities Lifts contribute to the environment by empowering employment opportunities and ensuring equal workplace access for individuals with disabilities. Lifts provide a vital means of accessing different building levels, allowing employees with disabilities to reach their workplaces without barriers. By providing lifts, workplaces create an inclusive environment where architectural barriers do not limit employees with disabilities, fostering a sense of belonging and equality among all employees. Access to lifts allows employees with disabilities to move freely within the workplace independently, promoting their sense of dignity and autonomy. Conclusion Domestic lifts represent more than just convenience; they epitomize the liberation of mobility and the expansion of home accessibility. By seamlessly integrating into residential spaces, these lifts empower individuals with mobility challenges to navigate their homes with ease and dignity. Beyond functionality, domestic lifts symbolize a commitment to inclusivity, creating living environments where everyone can thrive regardless of physical limitations. Many lift installation providers and contractors ensure that they are mindful of all these inclusions to provide a holistic and practical usage of these machines.  Read Also: How Well Does Carbon Fiber Perform in the Cold? 4 Ways To Bring A New Look To Your Home Mold Inspection And Testing

Content Rally

How to Bring Summer into Your Space

With the winter far behind us and the cheating half-rainy half-sunny spring about to leave, it’s finally time to welcome the most beloved season of all – the summer. Although this is the period when we spend most of our time outside, it would only be fair to show our house some sweet summer love and refresh it with joyful and bright elements. For too long your home has been burdened with heavy fabrics, shut windows, heating systems, and all the other remnants of the harsh winter. It’s the time to bring spring cleaning to shame, by giving your house a complete summer facelift. Here are a couple of tips that should help you to do that. De-Cluttering Summer does not stand layers and clutter, not in clothes and surely not in the house. So, just like your summer outfits are lightweight and minimalistic, your home décor should also be. One way of de-cluttering is to get all the stuff out, and then put back in just the things you need. If your home is not that burdened with clutter, you can just remove the items you don’t need, or store them into boxes, bins, etc. [caption id="" align="alignleft" width="1599"] Image source: Pixabay[/caption] Deep Cleaning If deep cleaning was not a part of your spring endeavor, then you should consider doing it now, so that your home would be fresh and breezy. Some of the things/places that should be deep cleaned are under the sink, oven racks, the oven, the freezer, the curtains, the carpets, the windows, and the furniture. When cleaning the windows, do not forget to clean the blinds too. Don’t use harsh chemicals. Most of the cleaning can be done with DIY cleansers (baking soda, vinegar, lemon, etc.). The carpets and furniture can be cleansed with steam vacuums, so you don’t spread dirt and allergens throughout the air. Getting Rid of the Wintery Fabrics The last things you want to look at in your home are layers of heavy and dark fabrics and textures. Replace them with lightweight materials (e.g. heavy drapes with sheer curtains). Get rid of blankets and knitted items. If you have to cover your furniture, use slip-covers in light summery colors. [caption id="" align="alignleft" width="1599"] Image source: Pixabay[/caption] Letting the Air and the Light In This is easy – just open your windows and let some air in. Remove curtains for a day or two, just to allow clear passage to sunlight. Afterward, you can use the sheer curtain so that you always have sufficient light. Seasonal Products as Decorative Elements If someone were to ask us what is the most beautiful thing about summer, we would instantly reply strawberries (well, right after the beach). So use them and other fruits and vegetables as home décor. Arrange some colorful fruits and vegetables in baskets and bowls and use them as centerpieces. Fresh flowers are a great alternative. [caption id="" align="alignleft" width="1599"] Image source: Pixabay[/caption] Grow Fresh Herbs There is nothing more delicious than fresh basil in a salad or on a homemade pizza. So, get creative and make yourself a wall-mounted container garden, where you will be able to plant and plunk herbs. Not only will you add a touch of greenery into your space, but you will always have fresh herbs within your reach. Outdoor to Indoor Create a connection between outdoor and indoor by adding some elements you would normally use on your terrace or in the backyard, such as a jute area rug, plants (palms, bamboo, etc.), and some cane and wicker furniture. Pops of Color Summer home décor is not as hard to pull off as you might think, basically everything is the same as in fashion. Think about styling your outfit with a colorful accessory, and translate that into your home by adding pops of color in each room. Those can be vases, bed coverings, curtains, rugs, etc. You can start small by adding subtle summer shades like an orange rug in the living room or a teal table runner in the dining room to add a summery pop of color to your home. [caption id="" align="alignleft" width="1599"] Image source: Pixabay[/caption] Pantry and Refrigerator Do-Over Here, you really need to give it your best shot. First, get everything outside the fridge and pantry, check the labels for expired items and throw them away. Also, if some products have been opened and not used for an extended period, you should throw them away, even if the expiration date isn’t due yet.  Once you are done, put everything back, but arrange the products into groups and types (e.g. dairy goes in the door, cheeses on the upper shelf, meat products on the lower, etc.). Turn all labels facing out, so that you could always see which product you are taking and is it expired. Summery Scents All-Around Start with your skincare and hygiene products. Replace the wintery aromas of chocolate, milk, honey, etc. with refreshing scents of fruits and flowers. Move on to air fresheners throughout the house. Go fully natural with homemade fresheners. Some of the common ingredients are lemon, rosemary, orange peel, essential oils, lavender, basil, etc. [caption id="" align="alignleft" width="1599"] Image source: Pixabay[/caption] As you can see, summer is not reserved exclusively for the outdoors. If you try, you can bring it inside your home. Spring cleaning is so last season. Read More: How To Choose The Right Containers For Your Container Garden Grow These Flowering Plants In Your Home Garden To Remove Vastu Related Problems 3 Amazing Flower Street Garden – How To Design

Residential Roofing Company

Why You Must Use A Residential Roofing Company For Your Home

Asphalt roofing is a type of residential roofing that is being used in 80% of The Homes that you will get to see all over the United States. However, this might look very attractive to the eyes, but it is essential to give and keep in mind that you will have to replace it after some time. If you want to reduce the frequency of the replacement of the roof of your home, then there are certain measures you have to take for that. The solution for this is to work with professional roofing companies, and it is going to bring multiple benefits along with it as well. What Are The Advantages Of Taking The Help From Residential Roofing? In this article, we will discuss why you should use a residential roofing company for your home. Keep on reading to find out more information below about longrun companies.  1. Quick The first major benefit of working with a residential roofing company is that they are going to get the job done real quick. Whenever you are looking for a quick roof replacement, then you can get in touch with them, and they will get the service done within a few hours instead of weeks or days. Nothing is that you cannot reside in your home when the roofing replacement is going on, and you need to find some other place to live for some time.  However, that is not going to be a problem for you whenever you get in touch with a professional residential roofing company because they will get the job for a few hours. You only need to be out of your house so everything will return to normal.  2. No Damages Commonly, many times different areas of houses get damaged whenever they are getting the residential roofing replacement job done because the companies are not professional now.  And another benefit that you are going to get when you get in touch with a professional residential-looking company is that they are not going to damage your property. There is no damage cost that you have to face, and there is no additional money that is going to go into repair, especially when you are getting your roof replacement done by my professional company.  3. Warranty  You never know when things can go wrong, then that is why you need to make sure that the service that you are getting is covered by a warranty. The warranty ensures your residential roofing cost remains under the budget.  Usually, every service covers the roofing work under warranty. Before taking the services, always go through the warranty papers' terms and conditions. And ask about the extension policies of the terms and conditions. A professional residential roofing company is always going to provide you with a warranty that you can claim, and they are going to make sure that they will go the extra mile to provide you with the quality materials and the quality roofing that they are installing in your home.  4. Safety Then it's the benefit of working with a professional company, they're going to get the job used securely, and there is no risk. You cannot get this job done by yourself because it is a dangerous thing to do, especially when a ladder is involved.  Working with professional residential roofing companies is always going to be a breeze because there are going to be no accidents involved. Breakable residential roofing is causing serious trouble for homeowners. Through residential roofing, you can minimize the chances of any sudden coming accidents.  5. Upgrade The Roof Quality Residential roofing is more like a new warranty on your roof. Even if you want a new roof makeover, this will also be a great choice. Your residential roofing will save the roof of your house and give your roof a stunning makeover. Often the roof areas are getting destroyed due to heavy rainfall or snowfall. So the best way to recover the roof's health is to call professional residential roofing services, and that’s all. Your roof quality, along with the look both getting upgraded. Your residential roofing is going to enhance the quality of your roof along with the outstanding look. So if you want to upgrade the look of your house, this will be a pretty smart shortcut process. Wrapping Up: Residential roofing and commercial roofing are different. Residential roofing requires minor touch-ups as regular residential places do not have any protective layer. But the residential places require top-to-bottom roofing constructions to protect the area from snowfalls and rain. Additional: 5 Myths about Roofing Services to Avoid Roofing Painting Contractor Leads: Ask Before Hiring One The Top 4 Health Benefits That You Can Get From Wall Soundproofing! Everything You Need To Know About Metal Roofing: Pros, Cons, And Costs