9 Signs You Have a Prescription Opiate Addiction

Published on: 20 July 2018 Last Updated on: 08 August 2019
Opiate Addiction

It is no longer a secret that the abuse of opioids is growing and becoming a significant problem in America. It is estimated that more than 2.4 million people in America are abusing prescription painkillers and around half a million individuals are suffering from the abuse of heroin. However, individuals who are abusing opioids often face an extra burden of depression. When left unattended to, depression can make it hard for one to achieve total recovery. Opioid or opiate painkillers are medications that are narcotic and generally prescribed by a doctor. Opioids are used to control pain in many people. Opioid narcotics involve such medicines like morphine, codeine, methadone, heroin, hydrocodone, hydrocodone, and Oxycontin.

Opioid abuse and depression :

According to studies, the relationship between depression and opioid abuse is bi-directional. This only means that the addition of opioids can lead to recession and depression can lead to opiate addiction. Opioid abuse takes place when a prescription opioid is used for other reasons other than medical or using it for a longer duration than expected. Additionally, taking vast amounts than prescribed leads to opioid abuse. The abuse of opioid has a close associated with higher rates of:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Bipolar disorders
  • Antisocial personality disorder
  • Schizophrenia
  • Borderline personality disorder
  • Conduct disorders

Signs and symptoms of prescription opioid addiction :

Several symptoms and signs indicate opiate addiction. It is important to note that not all people experiencing an opiate addiction will show all the following signs. In addition to this, there are some of the symptoms that are common to almost everybody who has a prescription opiate addiction. The symptoms involve:

  1. Usage increase: one will be seen increasing their doses more than expected by the doctor. Usage increase eventually results in a growing tolerance to the said drug and finding means of getting the drug to achieve the same effect.
  2. Change in personality: shifts in mood, concentration, and energy as a result of making everyday accountabilities a secondary priority to the want for the drug.
  3. Social withdrawal: in most cases, the addicted person will distant themselves from friends and family due to that fact that they would want their close members to know about what they are doing or experiencing.
  4. On-going use: one will continue using the prescription opioids even after the condition to which the drug was prescribed is over.
  5. Increased sensitivity: this involves hallucinations. Normal emotions, sounds, and sights start becoming exaggeratedly stimulating to the individual.
  6. Forgetfulness and blackouts: addicted individuals are more likely to forget what just took place as well as experiencing blackouts.
  7. Change in appearance and daily habits: the individual will experience a change in eating and sleeping habits and a decline in personal hygiene, constant cough and glazed eyes.
  8. Neglects responsibilities: the addicted person will ignore bills and the household chore, as well as calling in sick more often to the workplace or school.
  9. Defensiveness: one becomes more defensive as well as lashing out to simple questions to try and hide the dependency on drugs if they feel like somebody will discover them.

Causes of prescription opioids addiction :


There is no precise cause of why one person will develop an addiction while the other will not when using opioids. According to studies, it is believed that addiction occurs after some factors work interchangeably. The factors include:

  • Genetic: addiction could be hereditary such that if there is a member of the family that has suffered addiction before, it will be passed on to the next generation. While this is not an accurate indicator, it is believed to contribute to addiction.
  • Biological: some studies indicate that there are few chances whereby one is born without the neurotransmitter “endorphins.” In such cases, individuals may turn to outside sources like opium narcotics to fill this inborn deficit.
  • Environmental: people who grow up or find themselves in environments that are chaotic and full of people addicted to drugs, are more probable to experience an addiction at some point in their lives.
  • Psychological: while some addictions are brought up by people trying to self-medicate the signs of an undiagnosed mental disorder, mental illness is a reliable gauge of addiction potential.
    The prescription opioid addiction is on the rise in America. With people trying to ease pains through painkillers, these painkillers come with their adverse side effects. However, behavioral therapies and medications can help change the situation and restore one to good health.

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Lip Fillers

Lip Fillers: 7 Essential Factors To Consider Before You Start Using

A study by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons estimates that a cosmetic lip injection is performed once every twenty minutes. That’s once every episode of New Girl, not including the credits or title sequence! To learn basic details about lip fillers, read on to the end of the article. What Are Lip Fillers? With the help of lip fillers, you can increase the volume of your lips. These come in the form of injections with dermal fillers. Actually, they consist of synthetic hyaluronic acid (HA). This is actually a natural substance inside the human body. Some common lip filler brands are Restylane, Juvederm, and Perlane. Benefits Of Lip Fillers The following are some of the major benefits of lip fillers: Lip fillers add volume to your lips, which goes away as you age. The symmetry between your upper and lower lips gets better. The wrinkles and fine lines around your mouth will go away. Also, lip fillers will give a youthful appearance to your lips. As a result, it improves your self-image and confidence. You will get natural-looking results without the need for surgery. However, the results are temporary. Hence, you can try out different shapes and volumes without committing permanently. One of the best things about lip fillers is that you can resume your normal activities immediately after the treatment. In fact, you do not need recovery time for it. However, if the results after treatment do not satisfy you, you can dissolve it with an enzyme that dissolves HA-based fillers. Top 7 Things You Must Know About Lip Fillers Lip fillers are, of course, super common. They’re also super precise, low-key, and effective. Maybe you’re thinking of sliding under the needle yourself, or maybe you’re just trying to tear yourself away from your ninth consecutive ‘side of KUWTK. Either way, there are some things you should know about lip fillers. Here are 7 of them. 1. Prep For Lip Fillers Matters: Maybe this seems like a no-brainer–but if you’re looking to have an awesome experience with lip fillers and enhancement, it’s worth noting. Although lip injections have become a really common procedure (thanks, Kylie!), it’s still not a one-size-fits-all sort of deal. It’s essential that you consult carefully with your doctor to ensure you’re clear on your personal lips’ limitations and potentials. On your end of the deal, it’s important to consider your own expectations and desired outcomes. Although lip injections have become pretty low-key, it’s still necessary to decide for yourself the sort of impact you want your new lips to have on you and your face. For additional preparation, specialists suggest abstaining from painkillers like aspirin, Motrin, and Aleve, as well as fish oil, multivitamins, and vitamin E. Each of these acts as a blood thinner and can serve to make recovery more…bruises. 2. Different Fillers Do Different Things: You can expect to pay anywhere from $400 to $1000 for your fillers. The actual numbers depend on a few different things, including specific location and practice. Price can also depend on the particular type of injections you choose. People typically choose between Collagen or Hyaluronic Acid (HA) bases as their filler material. Collagen works simply by plumping the lip through its presence. HA, on the other hand, plumps the lip directly while also trapping water within the lip. There are several different brands and forms of HA that can have various effects. For example, a filler such as Juvederm (s/o to Kylie!) will usually result in a really soft, youthful–let’s just say it–Kylie Jenner-esque pout. Other fillers, like Restylane or Volbella, utilize smaller particles to achieve a subtler plump. It’s important to talk with your surgeon and decide together which of the potential fillers will work best for your lips, goals, and budget. 3. Lip Shapes Depend On Your Face: You can bring as many close-ups of Kylie’s bottom lip to your surgeon as you want–but nothing can really guarantee the precise way your lips will look after the fact. Sure, the specific type of injection you go with can have some impact on the outcome of your lips’ shape, but it all comes down to your face’s natural set-up and allowances. Lip injections typically work better on people with naturally fuller lips (lame, we know), and the way your lips look once they’re healed really does have a lot to do with how your face moves with your injection. The downside is that it’s nearly impossible to “copy” someone’s lips. But the plus side of this fact is that your lips will probably come out looking more natural and fitted to your face. They’re still your lips, just…fuller. 4. You Can Handle The Pain: Maybe you, like a lot of people, aren’t super keen on needles. Or pain. Or needles. Surprise! There’s no magical way to administer lip injections without injecting the lip (although we wish there were). If you want fuller lips, the fact is, you’ll need to undergo the needle. The cool thing about lip injections, though, is that your lips are put under–a numbing cream, that is. The salve is applied generously to the lower parts of the face surrounding the mouth, then let sit for 20 to 30 minutes while the numbing agent activates. This means that by the time the needles come stabbing at your face, any pain you feel will be more of a dull discomfort that most people find more than bearable; you can tell by the way they come back time and again for top-ups. 5. Recovery Is Low-Key: The major difference you’ll notice immediately following your injections is some slight swelling and soreness. Some experience slight bruising. As your appointment wraps up, your surgeon will place an ice pack against your lips. He’ll encourage you to use ice if you experience any soreness after, but that’s about it. The initial swelling and soreness should go away after a day or two. You’ll be healthy, free, and looking fine to go about your days as normal. Also, you can go to work, have a drink, whatever. The only real thing to avoid in a day or two following your injections is drinking from straws and sipping on, especially hot liquids, although even these are mostly related to the lingering numbness. 6. Injections Won’t Last Forever: Depending on your personality and the type of injection you take, the exact length of time fillers can vary a bit. Some fillers will stick around for only 4 to 5 months, while others have been seen to last for nearly a year. On average, people find their way back to their surgeon’s office for top-ups every 6 months. Everyone’s body metabolizes materials differently, and there’s no real way to predict this at the outset, but talking with your surgeon on the topic is the only good way to decide what’s best for your face. 7. Don’t Love Your Fillers? Ditch ’em. In the Leslie Ash days of lip injections, fillers were a seriously permanent thing. The good news for the rest of us (sorry, Leslie, you’re too far gone) is that if you decide after the fact that you’re not into your lip fillers, you can have them dissolved! While Collagen fillers aren’t so easily taken out, HA-based fillers can vanish at the tiny flick of a needle. If you decide to get rid of your fillers, your lips will be re-injected with an enzyme designed to safely and quickly break down the filler material. You’ll be back to your old face in no time. It’s important, first, to give your lips that day or two to heal, as the swelling and slight bruising that can occur might be affecting the way your lips actually look. Either way, it’s always good to know that, if you want, you can take this decision back. Risks Of Using Lip Fillers The following are a few risks of using lip fillers that you must be aware of: Since lip fillers come in the form of injections, you can face injection site issues like redness, bleeding, pain, swelling, etc. Apart from that, certain allergic reactions to lip fillers are also common. In case the treatment specialist mistakenly injects lip fillers into an artery, the tissue will die as a result. This is also known as vascular compromise. You can end up with lips of different sizes and a lack of proportion. In some cases, lip fillers can move to other areas of the face and can create a swell. If you have herpes simplex virus, you can trigger an outbreak if you use lip fillers. You can even end up with a fever after a lip filler injection. Need Lip Fillers, Like, Now!? Be sure to take your time in choosing the right surgeon and practice for the job. You want someone who makes you feel comfortable and certain they’ll do the thing right–after all, you’re getting lip fillers to help you feel awesome about yourself! If you’re not quite ready to set up a consultation, that’s no big deal. Stick around and check out more fun beauty content from us! Read Also : How To Achieve Kissable And Healthy Lips

Choosing A Diet Based On Your Personality Type

Choosing A Diet Based On Your Personality Type

People generally tend to choose a diet plan depending on various factors like how tough it can be, how long it has to be implemented, how much weight loss it guarantees, and so on. But a new trend is catching on pretty fast – choosing a diet based on the personality of the person, so that way, before wondering if intermittent fasting works, you should first find out if it's in line with your lifestyle and attitude. And if you are also interested in such things, then this post will give you a brief idea of what kind of diet lifestyle suits certain personalities. 1. The One Who Likes To Socialize With People: People who are fond of socializing very often with others face a unique problem when it comes to dieting. Since they will go out to parties a lot, they will only have the choice of eating foods that are salty and fatty. In addition, there will likely be lots of alcohol present. The best diet plan for such people should include something that helps them avoid such foods and alcohol. As such, the diet should not be too focused on eating a fixed number of calories at fixed times. Instead, the schedule must be flexible enough that they can eat a lot of food in one go just before they leave their home for a party. This will ensure that their stomach is full and they don’t end up eating fatty, sugary, salty, processed foods at the parties. 2. The One Who Is Obsessed With Rules And Guidelines: Some people are extremely obsessed with following every single rule applicable to a task at hand. So, if the rule says that a screw has to be twisted 8 times in order to tighten something to a wall, such people will twist the screw exactly 8 times, nothing more nothing less. As such, extremely detailed diet plans that take care of every single aspect of their food right from when to eat, what to eat, how to eat, and so on, are the most suitable diet program for such people. For example, such people will likely find the HCG diet to be very useful since it involves a lot of strict rules which can lead to impressive weight loss results if followed correctly. And in case you are interested in the HCG diet, you can easily find all the Answers to the Top Queries about Starting HCG Diet by searching online. 3. The One Who Constantly Keeps Thinking: Some people like to constantly keep thinking about something. It does not even have to be related to anything important in their lives. In fact, it can be as ridiculous as possible. But if anything catches their fancy, these people start thinking about everything associated with it. For example, while cooking in the kitchen, they might see that a spider has caught an insect in its web. This might trigger them to think about what the spider web is made of, what would happen if spiders got huge like elephants, and so on. Such types of people also tend to eat a lot in order to keep up with their constant thinking. As such, a diet plan suitable for these people should focus on frequent low-calorie meals each day. So, if they are already consuming 3000 calories every day, and the diet aims to limit it to 2000 calories, then the meal plan can be set in a way that they consume 250 calories over 8 meals during the day. 4. The One Who Acts Impulsively: There are people who act impulsively. No amount of planning will be of use to such people since they usually tend to override all plans with what they spontaneously feel is the right thing to do. With such people, a detailed, step-by-step diet plan is useless since they will be unable to follow it. As such, the best thing to do is to only focus on a few general rules while leaving the specifics to them. For example, suppose that you want them to eat specific food items during lunch. Now, they are not going to plan what they are going to cook for lunch a week in advance. No. So, the best thing you can do is to stick the refrigerator with low-calorie, high-nutrient foods. As such, when it comes the time to cook a meal, they will only have healthy foods to cook. 5. The One Who Is Constantly Worried About Everything: Such people can easily be spotted by their extreme obsession with always worrying about every single thing in their life. For example, if they usually go back to their home from work in the metro, but the metro is closed for any specific day for some reason, then the prospect of having to take a taxi will trigger them to think about road accident statistics, cases of assault from taxi drivers, and so on. A diet for such type of people must provide a detailed list of potential negative effects of the program, the food items, and such. Knowing the negatives of a diet right away will help to focus their attention on the positive aspects of the diet so that they can choose a program suitable for them. 6. The One Who Is Looking To Experience New Things: A few people are always on the lookout for new experiences. They are usually bored by doing the exact same thing over and over. In contrast, whatever is new excites them to such a degree that they will go to great lengths to try it out. You can easily spot such people jumping from one job to another because they found the previous jobs ‘boring’. The best diet plan for such people should include a variety of foods every day. Ideally, the meals must be exotic, from different cultures. The prospect of experiencing a few tastes and cooking methods every day and week will surely make them stick on to the diet program. The above is just a small glimpse of how diet plans can be structured according to the personality and preferences of a specific individual. If you take a detailed look at a person’s interest and tastes, you can customize it to such an extent that the individual will be far more likely to follow the diet plan. Read More: You Can’t Out-Diet Your Training 9 Magical Benefits Of A Vegetarian Diet

Oral Cancer

Early Signs Of Oral Cancer: What You Need To Know?

Early signs of oral cancer are persistent mouth sores, unexplained bleeding, difficulty swallowing, and changes in voice. In such cases, you must visit an oncologist, an expert who deals with cancer diagnosis and treatment. Oral cancer is one of the most common cancers worldwide. It can affect the mouth, tongue, gums, and throat. In fact, there are several factors that contribute to its development. These include tobacco use, excessive alcohol consumption, prolonged sun exposure, and infections like HPV. However, early detection plays a crucial role in increasing the chances of successful treatment. Also, it helps in improving outcomes. In this article, you will get details about the early signs of oral cancer and what you should be mindful of. Hence, to learn more, read on to the end of the article. What Is Oral Cancer? Oral cancer is one of the most common forms of neck/head cancer. Generally, it affects people above 60 years of age. In fact, oral cancer first affects your lips, tongue, mouth roof, and mouth floor. Apart from that, it also affects your oropharynx, which is the last part of your tongue. Also, it might affect the roof of your mouth, the sides and the back of your throat, and your tonsils. At first, oral cancer can look like a common problem in your mouth and your lips. For instance, you can see white patches or bleeding sores. Basically, the difference between a common problem and a potential cancer is that the problems do not go away. Here, if you leave the problems without any treatment for a long time, it can spread through your mouth and your throat. Moreover, it will also spread to other areas of your head and neck. 8 Common Warning Signs of Oral Cancer You Shouldn't Ignore Recognizing the early signs of oral cancer can significantly improve treatment outcomes. Here are eight common symptoms you must watch for and discuss with a cancer specialist promptly. 1. Presence of White/Red Patches in the Mouth A classic sign of potential oral cancer is the presence of white or red patches in the mouth without any reason. Patches can occur on the tongue, roof of the mouth, inner cheeks, or gums. Patches can be painful sometimes but are usually asymptomatic.  However, you must not ignore them. If you see any of these patches extending more than a few weeks, visit an oncologist for a checkup at Apollo Hospital Belapur. Here, you will get a thorough examination. 2. Persistent Mouth Sores Oral cancer can be indicated by mouth sores that do not heal within two weeks. The sores may be on the tongue, inside the cheeks, or gums, or on the roof of the mouth. However, getting sores in the mouth is quite common.  Still, you must let an oncologist evaluate sores that don’t improve. Don’t ignore the sores if they are painless or persistent. It could mean something more serious. 3. Difficulty Swallowing or Chewing Pain or discomfort when swallowing or chewing food may be a sign of oral cancer. When there is a tumor blocking the throat or esophagus, difficulty swallowing or dysphagia often occurs. In some cases, this symptom may be accompanied by a feeling that food gets stuck in the throat or chest.  However, if this continues, it is important to see a specialist to help diagnose any underlying health issue early on. 4. Unexplained Bleeding Unexplained bleeding on the inside of the mouth is a cause for concern. It could be blood in your saliva or while you brush your teeth. However, if there is any unexplained bleeding from the gums, tongue, or mouth, you must immediately visit a healthcare professional.  Apart from that, bleeding from your gums can be a sign of a minor gum problem. However, if it’s consistent or unusual, it could mean something more serious, such as oral cancer. If you are bleeding, don’t hesitate to visit the best oncologist in Mumbai to get it evaluated. 5. Numbness or Pain in the Mouth or Jaw If you have numbness or persistent pain in the mouth or jaw that doesn’t go away with over-the-counter pain relief, don’t ignore it. This may mean that cancer is affecting the nerves in your mouth or jaw area. This pain can get worse over time and often comes with other symptoms, such as difficulty moving the jaw or feeling fullness in the mouth.  Hence, you must consult a medical expert. Basically, the expert can help in figuring out the reason behind it and suggesting reasonable treatment alternatives. 6. Unexplained Weight Loss Sudden weight loss, especially if it is unintentional, can be a sign of a number of health conditions, including oral cancer. Cancer cells can interfere with your body’s metabolism, leading to weight loss.  Moreover, if you get sudden weight loss along with other symptoms such as mouth sores, pain, or difficulty swallowing, see a medical expert as soon as possible. Early diagnosis can enhance the prognosis and treatment options for oral cancer. 7. Changes in Voice or Hoarseness If you find that your voice or hoarseness doesn’t go away, it could be because oral cancer is affecting your vocal cords or the area around them. If the hoarseness lasts more than a couple of weeks, it’s a good idea to consult an oncologist. Any change in voice should be evaluated to rule out any serious condition, including oral cancer. 8. Lumps or Swelling in the Neck Signs that the cancer may have spread to nearby lymph nodes include swelling or lumps in the neck. At first, these lumps may be painless, but they can become tender as the disease progresses. If you see any lumps or swelling in your neck, you should see a doctor right away.  An oncologist will evaluate these lumps. Also, the expert will ensure an accurate diagnosis to find whether these lumps are cancerous. Activities that Increase Oral Cancer The following are some of the major activities that increase oral cancer: Smoking (cigarettes, pipes, and cigars) Other tobacco products include chewing tobacco, snuff, water pipes, dip, etc. Drinking excessive amounts of Alcohol daily. Spending a lot of time under the sun without protecting the lips. Having the Human Papillomavirus (HPV). Having a history of oral cancer in the family. Detecting Oral Cancer: The Way Forward Recognizing the early signs of oral cancer is critical for effective treatment and improving your overall prognosis. If you notice any of these symptoms, it’s essential to seek professional medical advice promptly.  For instance, the Apollo Hospital Belapur, located in Navi Mumbai, is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities. It has expert oncologists who specialize in diagnosing and treating oral cancer. You can consult the best oncologist at Apollo Hospital for a thorough evaluation and a personalized treatment plan. Basically, you must stay vigilant and consult an expert as soon as you notice unusual symptoms. This way, you can increase your chances of early detection, ensuring that your oral health remains in the best condition possible. Do you have more suggestions to add on how to detect oral cancer? Please share your ideas and opinions in the comments section below. Read Also: 5 Skin Cancer Warning Symptoms & Early Signs to Know How Talcum Powder & Ovarian Cancer Is Related?