9 Signs You Have a Prescription Opiate Addiction

Published on: 20 July 2018 Last Updated on: 08 August 2019
Opiate Addiction

It is no longer a secret that the abuse of opioids is growing and becoming a significant problem in America. It is estimated that more than 2.4 million people in America are abusing prescription painkillers and around half a million individuals are suffering from the abuse of heroin. However, individuals who are abusing opioids often face an extra burden of depression. When left unattended to, depression can make it hard for one to achieve total recovery. Opioid or opiate painkillers are medications that are narcotic and generally prescribed by a doctor. Opioids are used to control pain in many people. Opioid narcotics involve such medicines like morphine, codeine, methadone, heroin, hydrocodone, hydrocodone, and Oxycontin.

Opioid abuse and depression :

According to studies, the relationship between depression and opioid abuse is bi-directional. This only means that the addition of opioids can lead to recession and depression can lead to opiate addiction. Opioid abuse takes place when a prescription opioid is used for other reasons other than medical or using it for a longer duration than expected. Additionally, taking vast amounts than prescribed leads to opioid abuse. The abuse of opioid has a close associated with higher rates of:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Bipolar disorders
  • Antisocial personality disorder
  • Schizophrenia
  • Borderline personality disorder
  • Conduct disorders

Signs and symptoms of prescription opioid addiction :

Several symptoms and signs indicate opiate addiction. It is important to note that not all people experiencing an opiate addiction will show all the following signs. In addition to this, there are some of the symptoms that are common to almost everybody who has a prescription opiate addiction. The symptoms involve:

  1. Usage increase: one will be seen increasing their doses more than expected by the doctor. Usage increase eventually results in a growing tolerance to the said drug and finding means of getting the drug to achieve the same effect.
  2. Change in personality: shifts in mood, concentration, and energy as a result of making everyday accountabilities a secondary priority to the want for the drug.
  3. Social withdrawal: in most cases, the addicted person will distant themselves from friends and family due to that fact that they would want their close members to know about what they are doing or experiencing.
  4. On-going use: one will continue using the prescription opioids even after the condition to which the drug was prescribed is over.
  5. Increased sensitivity: this involves hallucinations. Normal emotions, sounds, and sights start becoming exaggeratedly stimulating to the individual.
  6. Forgetfulness and blackouts: addicted individuals are more likely to forget what just took place as well as experiencing blackouts.
  7. Change in appearance and daily habits: the individual will experience a change in eating and sleeping habits and a decline in personal hygiene, constant cough and glazed eyes.
  8. Neglects responsibilities: the addicted person will ignore bills and the household chore, as well as calling in sick more often to the workplace or school.
  9. Defensiveness: one becomes more defensive as well as lashing out to simple questions to try and hide the dependency on drugs if they feel like somebody will discover them.

Causes of prescription opioids addiction :


There is no precise cause of why one person will develop an addiction while the other will not when using opioids. According to studies, it is believed that addiction occurs after some factors work interchangeably. The factors include:

  • Genetic: addiction could be hereditary such that if there is a member of the family that has suffered addiction before, it will be passed on to the next generation. While this is not an accurate indicator, it is believed to contribute to addiction.
  • Biological: some studies indicate that there are few chances whereby one is born without the neurotransmitter “endorphins.” In such cases, individuals may turn to outside sources like opium narcotics to fill this inborn deficit.
  • Environmental: people who grow up or find themselves in environments that are chaotic and full of people addicted to drugs, are more probable to experience an addiction at some point in their lives.
  • Psychological: while some addictions are brought up by people trying to self-medicate the signs of an undiagnosed mental disorder, mental illness is a reliable gauge of addiction potential.
    The prescription opioid addiction is on the rise in America. With people trying to ease pains through painkillers, these painkillers come with their adverse side effects. However, behavioral therapies and medications can help change the situation and restore one to good health.

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Bed Time Yoga to Sleep Well

Sleep is one of the most precious activities and also the most awaited part of the day, especially if your life moves like the hands of the clock. Yoga lovers will often find themselves practicing a few poses by just moving their legs while they are reading a book before switching off the bed side lamp. The ingrained mindset that yoga relaxes the body is so filled in us, that our body automatically starts working to overcome blockages in the body. Bedtime yoga can make life simpler and leave you fresh and more charged up for the next day.     Read More: Follow These 5 Yoga Poses to Reduce Stubborn Belly Fat When you combine two relaxing activities together, yoga and sleeping, the results are only going to be a relaxed mood and an effortlessly smooth day. Bid farewell to backache, sleeplessness and negative thoughts with these poses: Bend Knee Spinal Twists  A great way to ease out any discomfort in the spine, legs and back, this stretching exercise, where you hug and bend your right knee to the left side and vice-a-versa, is a great way to kick start your bedtime yoga routine. All you have to do is stay on each side for 5 to 7 breaths and repeat 2-3 times depending on what your body is telling you and feel the benefit enfold soon enough. Happy baby pose  A hip opener, the pose creates space for back and works on the sacroiliac joints as well, a common cause of discomfort in most of the people in sedentary jobs. Bend both your knees and flex the foot to face the ceiling. Bring it closer to the chest and hold each big toe with the relative hand and stay in the pose for 5 to 7 breaths. Child’s pose A semi inverted pose, it relieves the practitioner of any form of back pain apart from bringing blood flow to the face and removing stress and anxiety. The pose works invariably in any routine, at any time to remove unwanted stress. Knee Hugs  An extremely relaxing pose, it is also known as wind releasing pose as it removes any extra gas in the body, which might become a hindrance in a good night’s sleep. Also, it presses the entire back making it easier for the practitioner to remove any form of discomfort from the back region. Hamstring stretch  A simple pose, it works on the entire lower body and also removes tension and fatigue from the back. Simply extend one leg to the ceiling and bring it closer to the chest. Grab the back leg with both hands or if advanced practitioner, you can hold the big toe with relative hand, keep the other legs straight or bend as your body allows. Stay here for a few breaths and change to another side. Corpse pose  This pose can be practiced at the end of the routine when the practitioner is deciding to call it a day. A relaxing pose, you can even meditate during this pose and gently dose of to sleeping. It is a great way to recharge your body and make it a routine to practice Savasana before sleeping, great benefits enfold when you practice this pose. The practice of these poses leads to long-term respite from many issues faced by the modern man. Manmohan is a yoga enthusiast, free spirit, traveler and freelance writer from Rishikesh. He run yoga teacher training school in India, Nepal, Thailand and various other countries, where yoga, meditation, Ayurveda, and spirituality is taught under the expert guidance of traditional and authentic yoga instructors. Read More:  The Importance Of Sport To Recommendations For Winter Crucial Tips To Getting A Flat Stomach 5 Common Weightlifting Mistakes Women Should Avoid Go Trampolining To Have Fun And Maintain Your Fitness

autism treatments

Alternative Treatments for Autism Along with Medications like Risperdal

If you have a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder, don’t worry too much as there are many things that you can do to treat them naturally at home. Still, you will need all the assistance from different sources like your healthcare provider, your friends, and family, and people dealing with the same situation. To do all of these things, you need to be emotionally and physically healthy to deal with your child. Emotionally, since it can be quite distressing taking care of a kid with special needs, and physically since children with ASD tends to be overly energetic at times. What is Autism Spectrum Disorder? Autism spectrum disorder is a mental disorder that affects a person’s neurological and developmental aspects. This condition shows up during the early years and may very well last until a lifetime. The kid’s interactions, actions, communication, and way of learning can be considered different from among his/her peers, even bizarre. Other mannerisms they might develop are speaking the same thing over and over again, or other repetitive behaviors. In wellness check-ups, if your kid shows signs and symptoms of having ASD, he/she will have an overall evaluation. It will require a team of doctors and specialists to distinguish a correct diagnosis and the right treatments and therapies for your kid. Medication like Risperdal is used to combat the irritability a child with ASD experiences. This medication can be ordered over-the-counter with a Risperdal discount coupon. There are no known factors for this condition other than theories. Studies suggest that genetics or the environment the patient is in can be a factor in the disease. Also, there are no established treatments for the disorder. The medications that your doctor will recommend might only be temporary ones, and if the child itself cannot adapt well to the specific treatments, you need to find another option or kind of treatment. As the child is growing, you need to consider all your options to have better results. You need to view all the choices as your kid must learn or enhance his/her ability to see and adjust to the environment. Some treatments deal with communication, learning, adapting, skills training, and even speaking. Tips and Guidelines Let us start with the diet. While you can make the diet of your kid yourself, you still need to consider what the healthcare will provide you. They have the knowledge required for this condition and are well-equipped for the job; also, they know better. For this condition, there is a standard autism diet that the child will need. This diet avoids gluten and casein, which is a must. Gluten comes from wheat, and grains like barley and rye. Gluten can be found on a lot of food and can cause digestive problems for your kid. Casein can be found in milk products, which can also disrupt your child’s digestive tract. The improvements that can root from this diet will show after one to three months of adoption. Try eliminating either gluten or casein, and see if removing one could have an improvement in your child. Getting all the nutrient requirements for a person who is on a specialized diet can be tough, as there are many food exceptions that you have to consider. For this, you need to employ supplements for the child’s other needs for vitamins. In some cases, anxiety and other factors can cause sleep depravity among children with ASD, to combat this, the release of melatonin must be implemented more. To do this, parents should do bright light therapy. In this therapy, the child is exposed to sunlight for an extended period in the morning. It will help the child’s body release melatonin, which will help him/her sleep in the evening. But also, you need to cut off food that will make your kid lose some sleep. Cut off on caffeinated drinks like coffee or soft drinks. Establishing a designated sleeping hour should also do the trick as it will train the kid’s body clock to follow the schedule. Turn off all gadgets before sleeping and making sure the bedroom is comfortably dark could also help. As you know, children with ASD can be very energetic, full of life, and very hectic. It is due to their tolerance to stimuli is weaker than most people. They tend to overdo simple things like running when they should walk, being over-excited to simple things, and be very loud during small conversations. To combat this, you must employ relaxation techniques, where you train your child to breathe more carefully, relax the muscles to release tension, and control the child’s emotions. This way, your child will be more relaxed overall. Takeaway Autism spectrum disorder can dramatically harm your child’s growth. With the help of your doctor, you will know the recommendations you will need to help your kid grow like most children. Read Also: Should You Send Your Child With Autism To A Regular Summer Camp? Care Free Fun: 5 Fun And Family-Friendly Activities For Children With Special Needs

Understanding The Anatomy Of Vaporizers

Understanding The Anatomy Of Vaporizers – All You Need To Know!

Vaporizers are made up of multiple small components and pieces that can be disassembled and separated from one another. Knowing the different parts that make up a vaporizer helps you to understand your device better. This way, you know how to clean and maintain your device and enjoy the vaping experience to its fullest. In this article, we will look at the parts that make up a vaporizer. What Are The Different Parts Of A Vaporizer? The vape consists of multiple different parts that are assembled together to form a complex device. All of these parts can be separated and replaced whenever required, if necessary. If one component of your vape gets damaged and stops working, then you do not have to throw away the entire device. Simply detach the damaged component and replace it with a new one. Following are the different components that form the vaporizer. Atomizer The atomizer is one of the most important components of the vape. It is the heat-resistant component of the device that is responsible for turning the liquid material into vapor form. Some vaporizers have detachable atomizers, whereas others have atomizers that are built into the tank. These tanks are responsible for producing a large amount of vapor. Mod Vape mods are used by people who wish to build their vaporizer from scratch. The mod is a self-contained device that comes with a tank and atomizer, which you can replace and detach according to your needs. Tank As the name suggests, the tank is where the e-liquid is stored and Is also known as the cartilage. The tank can be replaced if it is damaged because they have a significant impact on your vaping experience. In order to have the best vaping experience, you must make sure the tank is intact and functioning properly. If not its best, you buy a new one. Check getfurna.com for vaporizer tanks and other cool components. The tank offers multiple features, including the ability to alter the airflow. Batteries The vaporizer works on batteries. Usually, lithium-ion batteries are used for vaporizers because you can recharge them when they are done out of power. But there are many other alternatives available. The main objective of the batteries is to provide maximum power but without consuming too much of the device's space and increasing its weight. Also, it is very important for you to know how to care for the batteries. If not properly taken care of, the batteries can explode, causing injuries and harm. No damaged or wet batteries should be used. The batteries should be kept in a separate container away from any metal object such as keys and coins. Vape Coils The atomizer consists of coils that are known as atomizer heads. When you turn on the vaporizer, the coil starts to heat up using the power from the batteries. Heating the coils causes the liquid to vaporize. The coils must be replaced every now and then to ensure maximum efficiency of the device. Wicks The wicking material is responsible for transferring the e-liquid from the tank where it is stored to the coils where the liquid gains heat and turns into vapor. The wicking material may be made out of mesh, ceramic, cotton, or rayon. E-Liquid Last but not least, the component of the device is the e-liquid. Without the e-liquid, the coils would have nothing to heat or turn into vapor. The e-liquid is stored in the tank and is transferred to the coils through the wicks. The market has a wide range of e-liquids differing in flavor. The flavors available include fruity, classical tobacco, and menthol. More Resources: What To Look For In A Night Vision Weapon Sight? Portable Generators: 5 Ways To Keep Them Clean and Running Vaping in the Workplace: Legal Considerations