Execute the Perfect Expo with This Trade Show Checklist

Published on: 09 November 2018 Last Updated on: 19 July 2019
Trade Show

Are you heading to a trade show?

Anyone who’s ever tried putting together a public product launch knows a trade show checklist is essential to standing out. After all, your competition includes anywhere from 50-250 companies as hungry as yours.

Each one will bring passion and planning to their table. You have to assume that anyway. With that assumption in mind, here’s what your to-do list should look like.

1. Get the Budget on Paper

Any preparing for a trade show checklist should start with the finances. How much money do you have allocated for things like marketing, travel, personnel, and materials?

Will you be there for the launch of a new product? Or will your attendance be more informational in nature?

Either way, there’s going to be overheard. Will that overhead, justify the projected cost-benefit you hope to achieve from the trade show itself?

This isn’t something you should ballpark. Details reduce expenses and create profits. They also provide a benchmark for future trade show marketing efforts.

Some other benefits of budgeting include the following:

  • Ensuring you don’t overspend
  • Helping achieve profitability if you plan on selling anything
  • Providing relevant numbers for tax purposes
  • Giving you a clear idea of which spending efforts are producing the best results

And that’s just a start. You also may be able to create partnerships from these exhibitions that inform data such as the cost of customer acquisition or indirect revenue generation.

2. Make the SMART Objectives

Any trade show exhibitor checklist will need to be written in the form of objectives. Objectives are specific things you hope to accomplish in the planning, execution, and breakdown of your trade show exhibition.

But for objectives to be effective, they need to be SMART, not smart. (Okay, maybe it’s both.) By SMART, we mean:

  • Specific: Your list shouldn’t say, “Pack up all trade show materials.” It should say, “Pack booth into box truck rental.” In other words, each item or group of items should have tailored directives.
  • Measurable: You should be able to look at your objective and determine whether (and how) it was accomplished. This ensures you remember to pack the important stuff. It also helps avoid partial shipments.
  • Action-oriented: Each piece of your inventory or each goal you hope to achieve should be attached to an action verb. Think “employ,” “carry,” “ensure,” etc.
  • Realistic: Can it actually be done? Or are you trying to do too much, too quickly?
  • Time-sensitive: Being time-sensitive keeps you on track. It makes sure everything gets the level of attention it deserves.

Make sure your trade show preparation aligns with these components. Doing so will ensure all your objectives are SMART ones.

3. Learn Your Audience

Another essential step in how to prepare for a trade show is getting to know the people who will be there. Take the annual San Diego Comic-Con, for example.

Superhero, horror, and fantasy films and TV series earn billions of dollars each year. But that’s from general audience support.

The audience at Comic-Con is a lot different. A lot more, shall we say, fanatical?

Playing to their sensibilities have made Comic-Con one of the largest and most successful trade shows in the world. Exhibitors give the people what they want.

These “fanatics” create a culture of fandom that helps put whatever property they’re supporting on the radar of general consumers. Only when exhibitors fail to make that connection to the fanatics do their films/TV shows fall flat. So make sure your audience is priority number one.

4. Make Early Reservations

Content should be your primary focus. You need your attention on it early and often. So get room and space reservations out of the way early.

Determine how many are going, how many rooms you’ll need, and when you plan on arriving. It usually doesn’t cost anything to make a room reservation, especially when you get ahead of it.

5. Dot I’s and Cross T’s

What are the legal terms of your attendance? Is there anything you may be overlooking?

Don’t just assume you can show up and be good to go. Read the fine print. It’s not a bad idea to hand it off to your attorney either, especially when the contracts are written in legalese.

6. Figure out Your Materials

Will you have any tents with your logo on them? Printed marquees or business cards?

Flyers, handouts, reports, books – what will help you leave your mark so the audience doesn’t forget you after visiting 40 other booths?

Now’s the time to figure it out. Don’t be afraid to try something no one has thought of before.

7. Test Your Wares

Launching a product at the trade show? You don’t want the show itself to be the first test run you give to it.

If it’s possible for the product to break or malfunction, make sure it happens long before accepting your first customer. Do extensive testing on your advanced prototypes in the weeks or months leading up to the event.

8. Work out Installation

Any trade show exhibit will have a “storefront” of some kind. It could be a simple gateleg table or a more elaborate booth. Whatever you choose, make sure you’ve got the manpower and the timing down to get it installed so your people can get comfortable with the environment before accepting guests.

9. Select Your Reps

Ideally, your representatives will be an even mixture of competent and personable. Now that package can be hard to come by in just one employee. Do a deep assessment of your talent and make sure they complement one another.

You wouldn’t want a couple of Big Bang Theory-type programmers manning a software demonstration if they weren’t very good with people. The goal is to make the product accessible to general customers. Always keep the intention in mind.

10. Make Sure You Document It

What good is a successful trade show if you can’t blast out pictures on social media? Whether paid or organic, the exposure you can get from a few well-tagged, well-captioned photos gives you a lot more bang for your buck – and meaningful relationships – than a dozen Super Bowl ads.

11. Identify Your Neighbors (And Competitors)

Part of getting comfortable with the surroundings in which you’ll be operating is reaching out to the people around you. You’re both in a strange new setting. Even if you’re competitors, it’s not going to hurt to introduce yourself and share pleasantries while waiting for the crowds to build.

Beyond passing the time, however, identifying your neighbors and competition gives you a chance to learn from them and they from you. Watching each other work in the same environment will tell you whether it’s a positive or negative interaction, and it can give you ample ideas for next time.

12. Actively Promote Yourself on Social Media

Promoting the event is important before, during, and afterward. It’s important before for a rather obvious reason – you want people to show up.

During the event? Just as essential. That’s because you can pick up impulse traffic with your social media posts or provide updates to followers who couldn’t feasibly be at your location.

Finally, afterward is a nice time to reflect, post pictures, tag new and existing contacts, and make a new checklist of the things you’ll do the same (and differently) next year.

One final tip here is to consider building a paid marketing campaign before the event. That said, you can go a long way with organic if you bring your relationship marketing skills to the social network.

13. Bring Your A-Game to the Event

In many cases, trade shows are the biggest events of the year for a business. They’re a great way to get whatever you do in front of the people or companies who can help take them to the next level.

As such, you don’t want your B-Team working the room. As mentioned before, bring your most knowledgeable and outgoing people to the event.

But don’t stop there. Ensure they’ve prepared a list of personal objectives for the event. Make sure they get the proper rest and show up to the event in proper attire and ahead of schedule.

14. Ensure Demobilization

Finally, demobilization is an important part of the trade show experience. That’s because conference halls often limit the amount of time you have to clear out your displays and materials before they start charging past the contracted time.

Either hire a moving company ahead of time or ensure you bring along the appropriate amount of muscle to disband and transport trade show materials away from the location. And it helps to have an effective portable trade show display going into the event.

Make Your Trade Show Checklist a Priority

Your trade show checklist will be one of the most important documents you have when gearing up for a major event. The other stuff is important too – exhibits, materials, accommodations, but something inevitably will fall by the wayside if you wing it.

And while you’re here, check out our top tips to help you build a brand for your small business.

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Social Work

Is Social Work Getting Enough Praise In Today’s Society?

Social work is a profession that is growing by leaps and bounds, but the public does not always recognize the contributions of the many social workers who keep society running. Social work deserves more praise for its wide scope of services and achievements. However, it seems that it is not getting the recognition it deserves. This is not mere observation; it is a fact, as according to a 2020 survey by Social Work England, 76% of the people involved do not think that social work is respected by society. Social work encompasses a broad range of services with an emphasis on prevention; these include assistance with children in care, assisting with homelessness and poverty issues, developing policies that support individual rights, advocating for improved conditions in prisons, or addressing addiction problems, among many others. There are many issues that social workers face that are possibly a foundation for the lack of praise for their field. Let us take a look at them. Social Work Education The fact that many qualified social workers and practitioners find it difficult to move from the sector to other sectors is telling of social work education. A lot of people who were educated in the field ended up working in various aspects of this field, such as clinical, developmental, and health social work. These are all aspects within the same field, and that should not be a problem. The good thing is that due to the rise in awareness regarding social work, getting a degree in the field has become more accessible now. In fact, many people with bachelor’s degrees went on to pursue social work masters programs online to find places of even more influence in their fields. The issue is that society, in general, does not consider social work to be a “competent” or “competitive” degree. Social work degrees suffer the same stigma as gender studies and other social sciences degrees that people who pursue these degrees will not end up with stable jobs. In reality, social workers can find jobs in HR unions, public relations, and even in education as professors or counselors, among many other fields of work. Negative Media Coverage With the increase of negative media coverage and social problems, it makes sense that people are not respecting the field of social work. Many believe that the reason for this is due to a barrage of negative media articles. The fact is that there are hardworking social workers in all areas of the field, and they are making strides for humanity every day. However, many do not hear about these inspirational deeds. They only hear about when things go wrong, which is far too common. Most of the media coverage that social workers get is when a group, community, or NGO is found to be involved in negative areas such as bribery, corruption, spreading lies, and other matters of the ilk. In a survey by YouGov, it was revealed that 82% of the masses involved believed that the media was responsible for the negative image of social workers. Whenever the authorities instigate any action against negative matters, it becomes the most publicized headline on the news bulletin and ends up making the front page of newspapers. Disregard For The Vulnerable Although social workers toil away for everyone, they are considered a godsend for those susceptible to harm. Whether we’re talking about religious minorities, sexual minorities, marginalized communities, or victims of assault and violence, there are branches of social work readily available to help everyone. The issue arises that the general majority does not pay much attention to the issues of minorities. Unless people are activists, they do not actively take part in bringing light to the issues of marginalized communities. Since social workers are associated with minorities and marginalized communities, when the aforementioned get sidelined, so do those who work for them. Lack Of Funds The lack of adequate funding and resources is a major problem that persists in the social work field. Since social workers often belong to private organizations, their requirements to put their plans into action often go unfulfilled. Social workers have a wide range of issues that they deal with in society, and these issues cost them a lot of money to deal with. The fact that many state and local governments are cutting down on social work budgets is disheartening for the many who work hard every day to serve their communities well. Unrealistic Expectations The general public has set unrealistic expectations in the field of social work. These general expectations are the reason why social workers feel like they shouldn’t be satisfied with their jobs. The more demanding a job seems to be, the more dissatisfied they become, feeling as if they should do more and more. Often, many social workers do work for organizations, but they do so at a very low cost. Many of the causes for the lack of respect given to the field of social work lie in the history of the field. Social work is officially a recent profession despite the fact that many have unknowingly served under its banner, so its history has not been as long and glorious as other professions. But with time, society will come to realize how much social workers do and how important they truly are for their stability and betterment. Read Also: Learn More About Social Security Disability in Deland 5 Things to Consider While Medicaid Planning – Keep This In Mind! Types Of Eldercare Centers

Birth Control

10 Benefits of Birth Control and How to Choose Which Form Is Best for You

When it comes to sex, minimizing worries is the key to maximizing enjoyment. The last thing you want is doubts about your birth control creeping in at the worst possible moment! Of course, there’s the obvious concern — pregnancy. Maybe you’re not ready to have a baby now, or maybe you don’t want kids at all. Either way, you need to find the birth control method that works best for you. Fortunately, there are lots of hormonal contraceptive possibilities. From pills to shots and more, they control your estrogen and progesterone to keep you off the pregnancy path. But wait — there’s more! These methods offer lots of other benefits you may not know about. Consider these other seven advantages when deciding which birth control option best suits you. 10 Decisive Benefits of Various Forms of Birth Control  1. It Lets You Plan Your Periods Has your period ever surprised you on the day you wore those new white pants? Choosing hormonal birth control can keep those “oopsie!” moments from happening again. When taken correctly, these forms of birth control let you track exactly when your period is coming. In fact, the birth control ring, patches, shots, and pills let you choose when your cycle shows up. They can give you lighter periods over time, and you may be able to skip your period altogether. Just remember, you must use these forms of birth control consistently for them to work. Pills are taken daily, shots are administered every three months, and patches and rings get changed every three to four weeks. Now, if you want to conceive, it is necessary to stop the consumption of OCPs for at least three months. All other types of birth-control measures should be dismissed too. 2. It Makes Period Less Painful If you are having an active sex life and choose a pill to ensure contraception, you can dramatically avoid period pains. So, it is all about staying happy while you are on a regular dose of OCPs. Actually, the pills augment your hormones and end up restricting ovulation. As a result, your uterus stays calm and does not go through painful contractions.  3. It Can Zap Zits Hormones play a big role in the pimples that pop up on your skin. If you struggle with a bombardment of blemishes, you’re in luck! Hormonal birth control manages, not surprisingly, your hormones. When acne medications fail you, it could be worth talking to your doctor about using this strategy. Pills that contain both estrogen and progestin can reduce the amount of androgen circulating in your body. Since androgen spurs the production of sebum, the oily substance that clogs pores and causes blemishes, having less of it means fewer breakouts. Correct use of a combination pill (as opposed to the minipill) can help keep acne at bay. 4. It Can Allow You to Manage Your Migraines Millions of Americans get these head pounders every month. If you’re in that unlucky group, the pain could be enough to keep you in bed for a day or two. Contraceptives can help you regulate the hormones that trigger that pulsating pain. These birth control options stop your estrogen and progesterone from dipping too low. With enough of these hormones flowing through your body, you can limit the discomfort and tension in your head. Ask your doctor if it’s OK for you to use hormonal birth control, though. Depending on your medical history, it could increase your risk of stroke. 5. It Can Protect Against Some Cancers A cancer diagnosis can strike fear in your heart. So it’s important to know if — and how — hormonal birth control can up your risk. When it comes to pills and IUDs, there’s both good and bad news. With hormonal contraceptives, you ovulate less, limiting your hormone exposure. That can cut your ovarian cancer risk by half. If you stick with birth control for at least four years, your uterine cancer risk drops the same amount. Those reductions can last for decades. Unfortunately, hormonal contraceptives do bump up your breast and cervical cancer risks. The good news is that it’s a small increase, and it’s temporary. If you stop taking birth control, you’ll have a normal risk level again after five years. 6. It Helps You Avoid Anemia If you get your period, you’re going to lose at least some blood. Heavy flows can present a problem, however. The more blood you lose, the higher your anemia risk. When this happens, you don’t have enough red blood cells, leaving you tired and weak. Remember the benefit mentioned earlier — those shorter, lighter periods? By controlling your cycle, hormonal birth control lowers your anemia risk. If you’re still fatigued, though, ask your doctor to check your iron level. You may need additional medication. 7. It Can Halt Unwanted Hair Growth Although your main hormones are estrogen and progesterone, your body does — as noted earlier — make some androgen, too. It’s the male sex hormone. That means you might see some unwanted hair growth. Sure, you could pluck it (ouch!), but hormonal birth control could keep much of it from growing altogether. The estrogen and progesterone in these birth control options can reduce your androgen level. Formulations with high estrogen concentrations work well to control male-pattern hair growth. Typically, within six months, that unsightly hair fades so much that you hardly notice it. 8. It Can Moderate Mood Swings If you have a few days every month where you feel “off,” just know you’re part of a big club. Millions of women struggle with premenstrual syndrome (PMS) or premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) every cycle. The hormonal swings responsible for these feelings are natural, but you don’t have to grin and bear them. Birth control can help. 9. Helps You Avoid Ovarian Cysts Any hormonal birth control measure can help you avoid the complications related to ovarian cysts. These cysts are not potentially dangerous, but they can often raise severe pain in your pelvic region. Now, hormonal birth control measures stop ovulation, and that restricts cyst formation. So you can get rid of the pain. Even oral contraceptive measures can stop the further growth of ovarian cysts. 10. Birth Control Measures Minimize Endometriosis Endometriosis is a condition where the endometrial tissue-lining grows abruptly at unusual places in your reproductive system. Now, it starts bleeding monthly and causes severe pain.  Continuous consumption of birth control pills can help you manage such abnormality. Birth Control Measure: The Best Choice Specifically, the pill may be your best bet. Finding the right one, though, may take some time. Right now, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has only approved one pill (Yaz) to treat PMDD. Several others can address PMS, so a conversation with your doctor can help you pick the right one for you. Choosing your ideal form of contraception can be a complex decision. There’s lots more to consider beyond preventing pregnancy. Frequently Asked Questions Which Form Of Contraceptive Is Considered To Be The Best? The implants and IUDs are the best birth control measures, according to the doctor. What Three Things Should People Consider When Choosing A Form Of Birth Control? The three things that every person should consider while going for contraception are: The existing relationship type The type of lifestyle The number of offspring already present What Things Should I Think About When Choosing A Birth Control Method? When choosing the birth control method,  you need to consider the potential hazards, health conditions, and user-friendliness. What Are The Benefits Or Advantages Of Using OCP for Birth Control? OCPs are effective not only in controlling birth but they can reduce acne, menstrual complications, and endometriosis. Wrap Up This list of benefits can help you determine the other advantages you’d like to get from your birth control. A discussion with your doctor can help you pinpoint which option is your best fit. Even you can find your doctor prescribing contraceptive pills to you if you do not have an active sex life.  You should not be puzzled in such a situation and consider it as a preventive measure for various complications. Read Also: How Does Recreational Marijuana Affect Your Sex Life Just Not Feeling it? Tips for Getting Your Sex Drive Back How Women Can Boost Their Libido and Improve Their Sex Life What Are The Types Of Sex Offenders?

Health Advice

Creating Health Advice Resources? Foreign Language Versions Are Essential

If you are creating health resources in the UK it is important to consider if there could be any barriers to the information they provide and the people using the resources. One such barrier could be the language itself, which is why it is a good idea to offer foreign language versions of the information you release. Let’s take a look at why that is important and how to get it right: Why Use Foreign Language Versions Of Health Advice Materials? Studies have shown that language barriers are a huge issue when it comes to both patients and medical professionals achieving high-quality healthcare exchanges. Language barriers for information in the form of video resources, leaflets, and more can actively increase how long treatment time takes. There are also implications for patient safety, as well as the ability for a person to actively support themselves with health issues, and access the health services they need. How To Provide Foreign Language Versions Of Health Advice Resources To provide a better quality of healthcare and patient ability to self-care and access healthcare, it is important to offer foreign language versions of health advice resources. This can come in various forms including: Video foreign language subtitling Video foreign language caption Video foreign language voiceovers Leaflets in different languages Website options for different languages Access to live translation where applicable Any released advertising to contain subtitles Whichever resources you choose to use, it is imperative that you opt for a professional translation company to ensure that the foreign language options you use are accurate. For example, the Taurho Transcriber offers a variety of services, including Polish and Welsh translation, as well as numerous other foreign translation options to choose from. This may include localization in some cases if health resources are targeted to a very specific community or geographical location. Related Resource: Feel Free To Learn Russian Language With NovaMova Which Language Should Be Used For Health Resources In The UK? It depends on your target location. As a general rule, the most common languages spoken in the UK should be your priority and they are currently (in no particular order); Polish Welsh/ Scottish/ Irish Punjabi Urdu Bengali Gujarati Arabic French Chinese (various versions) Portuguese Spanish It is imperative that you look at the areas where your resources are going to be used so that you can choose the right languages in the voiceovers, subtitles, or translations you use. For example, welcome leaflets about health care for Ukrainians finding refuge in the UK should be in English, Ukrainian, and also Russian, which is spoken by 30% of the Ukrainian population. If you would like to ensure that your health information is accessible to anybody who needs it use professional translation services for foreign language voiceovers, subtitling, or more, you’ll get exceptional results that ensure your health resources are clear, concise, and informative whichever language they are in. Read Also: How to Develop A Healthcare App? What is the World Trade Center Health Program? Living Healthily | Six Crucial Lifestyle Tips for College Freshmen Four Easy Ways To Take Back Control Of Your Health This Summer