Shocking Expert Tips on How to Lose Weight Without Exercise


15 November 2018

Health & Fitness

Lose Weight

It’s that time of year again when you know with every delicious morsel you put in your mouth, you’re going to regret it come January 1. Different ways you can lose weight can help you to achieve your objectives.

That’s what New Year’s resolutions are for, right?

As soon as you’re done celebrating the New Year with the champagne and hors-d’oeuvres, you’ll be ready for the gym!

At least, that’s what you’re telling yourself. You and 45% other adults in America.

The truth is, 80% of those gym memberships everyone signs up for on January 2nd don’t get much use past May.

Going to the gym takes a lot of work. You have to find a time when you’re not at your actual job or running your kids around town. It’s just not possible for some people.

So, how do you lose weight without buying expensive elliptical machines or showing up to the gym at midnight?

If you’re already stressing about how to lose weight without exercise, we’ve got some tips below that will help.

How to Lose Weight Without Exercise:

Losing weight without exercising sounds impossible. After all, that’s what your doctor always says: “Get more exercise!”

While we all know that’s how you lose weight, there are alternatives that don’t involve starving yourself.

In fact, if you’re lean already and just have some pesky belly fat to get rid of, starving yourself can actually lead to weight gain. Plus, it’s really unhealthy to do that.

Here are some healthy ways to lose weight without exercise.

Eat More Fiber

Fad diets also aren’t the best idea. But, a change in your overall eating habits with help you lose weight.

The easiest change is to add more fiber to your daily diet. Even Harvard agrees and you definitely trust those super-smart folks, don’t you?

Adding soluble fiber like oatmeal, beans, peas, fruits, and vegetables will help you lose belly fat. But, you’ll also have a healthier digestive tract and gut bacteria.

Your blood sugar levels will also be better regulated and you’ll have great skin.

Eat Slower

Some experts believe that chewing slowly will help you lose weight. The school of thought is two-fold.

First, they allege you take in fewer calories by chewing your food until there are no more lumps. Second, it will help you eat less.

There’s actually a third benefit. Eat slower means you’ll enjoy your meal more. Especially those yummy fruits and veggies!

Plastic Surgery

This may be a little more extreme than you were looking for. But, there are procedures that are minimally-invasive like body contouring.

This is great if you have specific areas you want to target. It’s also safe with little side effects. If this option interests you, make sure you read more about it so you understand everything involved.

Get More Sleep

This is going to sound like music to your ears (or, in this case, eyes) but sleeping more can help you lose weight. The way it works is pure science.

Having a regular sleep schedule — which means being in bed at the same time every night and up at the same time every morning — keeps your circadian rhythm in check.

Your circadian rhythm is one of the most important factors when it comes to the health of your hormones. This affects your body’s metabolic rate and its ability to lose weight and keep it off.

The National Sleep Foundation recommends adults sleep between seven and nine hours every night. There’s a magic number for everyone and you know when you’re at your best.

The key is consistency. If eight hours is your ideal sleep time, stick to it — even on the weekends. Too much sleep can make you feel groggy and too little will make you feel like an extra from The Walking Dead.

Say Bye-Bye to Belly Fat:

You now have some tips on how to lose weight without exercise. Some of these may be a little more extreme than others, but you won’t need a gym membership or two extra hours in your busy day.

You just need to improve your eating habits, which includes avoiding certain foods. Whatever you do, don’t stress over it. That can lead to weight gain, too.

For more tips on health and fitness, check out our other posts on our lifestyle blog.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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6 Imbalances in Body Hampering Weight Loss Efforts

You may be constantly following a diet program and daily exercise, but weight loss seems to be an impossible task. A lot of imbalances in the body make weight loss a difficult task to accomplish and enhances the chances of obesity. Keep reading further to know about the imbalances in the body hindering the weight loss efforts. Inflammation Do you know what inflammation is? It is the physical condition of the in which a body part becomes reddened and swollen. A various number of body disorders like digestive problems, allergies, asthma, eczema, autoimmune disease, arthritis, abdominal fat, headaches, and sinus disorders lead to chronic inflammation. Recent studies have reflected that inflammation is also a major cause of obesity and weight loss problems. Apart from this, it is also a reason for other diseases like aging, heart diseases, and cancer. The california weight management in Monterey CA also shows that inflammation is the root cause of rising rates of obesity across the world. Insulin Resistance Insulin is the hormone released by the beta cells of the pancreas and plays an important role in glucose metabolism. Insulin regulates the glucose level in the bloodstream allowing the body cells to use it as a source of energy. When your body is resistant to insulin, the cells do not respond properly to insulin which increases the glucose level in the body. Hence, the pancreas produces and release more amount of insulin. Increased insulin level lets your body store unused glucose as fat. The fat stored in the body cannot be used as a source of energy which leads to weight gain. Hyperinsulinema is a body disorder that is characterized by a high insulin level, obesity, and higher lipid levels. The medical weight loss center in Monterey reflect insulin resistance as a major cause of obesity these days. Thyroid Problem Thyroid hormone secreted by the adrenal glands is a major hormone responsible for the body metabolism. Hypothyroidism is a condition in which the level of thyroid hormone increases in the body. People suffering from this condition feel tired, sleep more than usual, and suffers from constipation resulting in weight gain problem. A thyroid problem is hereditary. It leads to associated autoimmune illnesses which are accompanied by weight loss problem. The body loses its ability to lose weight and thereby the fat deposits increases leading to excessive weight gain. Hormonal Imbalance Hormonal imbalance in the body results in problems in weight loss mechanism. Low levels of serotonin lead to weight loss problems. Serotonin exerts a lot of influence over the mood, memory, appetite, and cravings. During the depression, the body tends to crave more sugar and starch stimulating the release of serotonin which affects the weight loss mechanism. Another hormone which results in obesity is the excess level of estrogen in the body. The estrogen receptors present in the brain is responsible for keeping control over food habits, energy utilization and distribution of fat in the body. The low of testosterone increases the fat deposition in the body and loss of muscles. It increases the chances of obesity and stress in the body. Recent findings have established that low testosterone is linked to depression, obesity and a number of heart disorders. Genetics The genetic has an important role to play in the weight loss in the body. Many genes in the body are involved in weight control as the bodyweight has an effective genetic component. These genes are responsible for increasing the endurance to survive when the food is scarce and thus making weight loss a difficult thing to accomplish. If the problem of excess weight is a part of your family, then you are likely to be obese. The weight loss program in Monterey is designed for effective weight loss. Read also: Tips to Lose Weight Naturally How To Lose Your Weight With Venus Factor Chronic Stress Stress, whether it is physical and mental, is a major cause of weight loss. Our body releases a lot of cortisol hormones which acts against the weight loss mechanism. Increased level of cortisol leads to enhanced appetite and belly fat. The doctors at California Medical Weight Management (CALMWM) also suggest the stress is one of the major reasons for poor weight loss regime. These are the important imbalances in the body which are hindering the efforts you put for weight loss.

Health Tips

7 Health Tips For Medical Students

Being a med student is unquestionably difficult. Regardless of your interest in medicine, student life is stressful and overwhelming at times due to the hard work and excessive hours spent studying and attending hospital training rounds. And, despite the numerous benefits of being a doctor or any other healthcare professional, you must recognize that achieving any career in medicine is a difficult task. Given this, med students must learn to keep their cool. And do whatever they can to practice perseverance – which can only be possible through adopting a few healthy living habits. Unfortunately, many aspiring medical students ignore their diet. They do not take the necessary steps to improve their overall health - a giant flag on the play. Yes, it can be challenging to maintain healthy eating habits while in medical school. But living a healthy lifestyle can help you become a better student and doctor. Here Are 7 Health Tips For Medical Students: 1. Study smart Encourage a nurturing environment. You are, after all, studying to become a healthcare professional, so put focus on cultivating a collaborative and supportive environment now. You can start by being active in your studies - whether you take notes, draw diagrams, teach a classmate, or make flashcards. If you enjoy studying with others, find a group of friends you can trust and rely upon. Also, try to foster a growth mindset to become a life-long learner. Continuing your education can give you a leg up in your career – regardless of your specialty, but you might not find enough time to attend in-person classes. So if you aspire to become a successful nurse, enrolling in an RN-BSN program online will help you manage and study smart. 2. Sleep is essential Although medical school has erratic schedules, you should try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. Sleeping is just as essential as studying – you can't function properly if you don't get enough of it. The average adult requires between 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night to function optimally. Although this is easier said than done, there are a variety of apps available and some sleeping methods that can assist you in catching up on much-needed rest. Related Resource: Top 7 Reasons the Medical Field Will Always Be In Demand 3. Eat a well-balanced diet  The food you eat affects your nutrient intake, energy level, and even your overall mood for the day. So even if you have a busy schedule that makes fast food seem like a good option, eating extremely unhealthy can adversely affect your ability to function. Even though healthy food can be more difficult for those with a hectic work schedule, meal prep guides aim to reduce the time to eat healthily massively. So get on with your research and create healthy and balanced weekly meal plans! 4. Spend some time exercising  You are probably under the impression that your schedule will not allow you to exercise; however, improving your organizational skills may provide enough time. For example, you could spend 30 minutes on a relaxing yoga or morning jog. In addition, you are probably aware of the extraordinary benefits of a few minutes of exercise, as you are likely reassuring your patients or fellows to schedule time in their schedules for physical activity. 5. Hydrate  Medical students, residents, and interns spend a lot of time lecturing their patients about staying hydrated. For them, it is easy to go for hours to the institute during a long and busy day without feeling like you have time to get a drink. However, this is one of the simplest ways to stay healthy. So please bring a water bottle with you and swig from it between patients and lectures. Know where all of the water fountains are–and use them! Also, make sure you drink during all of your breaks and work hours. If you want to keep track of how much you're drinking, there are plenty of bottles with ounce markings to ensure you're getting enough. Drink up! 6. Manage your stress Because working and studying conditions are undeniably demanding, medical students are well-known for leading haphazardly busy lives. As a result, you should have a few stress management in place to help you deal with the mental demands of your job. Meditation, breathing techniques, and even religious prayers can all relieve stress. Whatever methods you find realistic and appealing, have stress management tactics as a go-to when feeling anxious. However, you may be disheartened by your insanely chaotic work schedule when putting your newly learned stress management technologies and methodologies into practice. Even if you believe that your busy days will leave you with no time to work on stress reduction, you will be able to find a few minutes by examining your schedule. Even five minutes of relaxation can significantly affect anxiety and stress. 7. Find a schedule-friendly hobby  Even if you believe that your professional career leaves no room for a hobby or curiosity, the satisfying benefits of a hobby may amaze you. Moreover, you don't have to devote too much time to your chosen hobby because some are less time-consuming than others. Consider reuniting with your inner artist, or perhaps growing vegetables would benefit you. Finding a suitable hobby is not difficult either; consider simply reading through lists of popular hobbies. On the other hand, you most likely already have an interest or hobby in mind that you've been putting off to concentrate on your career. So dig that hobby up and make time for YOU! Conclusion These were some of the best and easy-to-follow health tips that med students can easily incorporate into their schedules. Of course, we understand that staying healthy and active during medical school is not a piece of cake, and it is tempting to take the easy way out. But in the long run, this strategy does not pay off. Thus, it is better to practice healthy habits (from day one) so that you'll never fumble. So pay heed to the above-said health tips and become the person you wish to be (a successful and affirmative healthcare professional). Read Also: Health Tips For Hard Working Men 3 Top Tips to Keep Your Eyes Healthy Health Tips For Hard Working Men

immune system supplement

5 Natural Immune System Supplement Tips for Cold and Flu Season

The average American adult gets two to three colds per year. Additionally, 10% of us annually are stricken with the flu. The most frequent causes of the common cold are rhinoviruses, which enter your body through the upper respiratory tract. To help prevent infection, wash your hands regularly and dispose of tissues immediately. The immune system is the body’s defense system against organisms and invaders. Others try to boost their body’s ability to fend off colds by taking an immune system supplement or eating a vitamin-and-nutrient-rich diet. Quality is important when choosing the best vitamins and minerals for immune system health. Here are some superfoods that can help you remain a lean, mean, virus-boxing machine. 1. Garlic: Producing a pungent, appetizing smell when fried in olive oil to begin cooking many favorite dishes, garlic releases a compound called allicin when it is crushed or chewed. Allicin has been proven to boost the immune-fighting response of white blood cells when they encounter viruses. This includes those that cause common colds and cases of flu. Garlic can also reduce your chances of getting sick in the first place. In one study, a group of individuals who took a garlic supplement for three months had a 63% lower risk of getting a cold. Their colds also lasted 70% shorter. The smell of garlic alone can help open up your nasal passages to get your sinuses cleared out faster. It is also known to improve your mental health and lower your risk of heart disease. 2. Green, Leafy Vegetables: In order to prevent sickness during peak season, many folks improve their body’s fighting power by taking immune system supplements, such as those available at Wellspring CBD. You can also intake as many vegetables as you can to achieve a similar effect. Tasty veggies such as broccoli, kale, spinach, Brussels sprouts, and arugula contain a high level of vitamins C, K, A, and E, as well as minerals such as fiber, magnesium, and calcium. Vitamin C improves the immune system by boosting your body’s ability to absorb catechins, which are healthy antioxidants that also help prevent cancer and heart disease. In addition, it assists your body in absorbing iron, which is important to the immune system. Vitamin K prevents inflammatory diseases. If you are not a fan of cooked verdant veggies, try them in a salad with some Omega-3-packed nuts and antioxidant-loaded berries. They are also great in soups, stir-fries omelets, and wraps. 3. Onions: Another key ingredient in the famously flu-wrecking chicken soup, onions are low in calories and high in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Onions are high in vitamin C, which boosts the immune system and protects the body against free radicals. They are also filled with other immune-boosting compounds like selenium, sulfur compounds, zinc,  and quercetin, which is known for its histamine-fighting properties. 4. Ginger: This anti-inflammatory super-food is rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals including magnesium and zinc, a powerful antioxidant known to improve immune function. Ginger contains hundreds of compounds and metabolites, some of which are known to contribute to healing. Try growing some ginger in your garden or indoor garden pot by planting the root with its eye bud pointing up, covered with 1-2 inches of soil. 5. Citrus Fruits: There is a reason why a hot cup of tea with lemon is so soothing when we are sick. It is the same reason we crave that tall, cold glass of orange juice when we have the sniffles. Citrus fruits are loaded with Vitamin C, which has been proven to reduce the severity of cold symptoms. It also prevents cell damage by free radicals. Additionally, citrus fruits include other health-supporting nutrients such as folate and calcium. Diet is The Best Immune System Supplement: Strengthening your immune system against infections involves eating healthy, vitamin-packed fruits and vegetables. Like a good immune system supplement, the right foods will leave you feeling energized and ready to tackle any challenge, even during flu season. For more information, read our blog Read Also: Best Super Nutritious Foods To Include In Your Diet Why Vietnamese Foods Are The UK’s Favourite Meals