Revolving Debt Vs Installment Debt – Which Impacts your Credit Score


10 January 2019


Revolving Debt Vs Installment Debt

This is a question that many Australian citizens are asking, and for good reason, as one’s credit score can seriously hinder a mortgage application or a business startup. Before we go into detail about the impact of these forms of debt on a person’s credit score, let’s define both revolving debt and installment debt.

Revolving Debt:

With a revolving debt, you borrow against an agreed limit of credit, much like a credit card, and as payments are made every month, the debt revolves and continues until such time as either the lender puts a halt on the line of credit, or borrower settles up and no longer uses the credit facilities. For some people, the credit card loop is extremely difficult to stop, as all a person’s salary goes on the card repayment, thus leaving the person with little choice but to continue to use the card until the next salary date, and the cycle continues. If the debt builds up, compound interest takes hold and the debt grows, with the borrower paying accruing interest over an indefinite period, and rather than continuing to use the line of credit.

How Revolving Debt Can Impact Your Credit Score:

Lenders look at revolving debt to be a strong indicator of the risk and your credit utilization is calculated by totaling the amount outstanding on all credit cards, against your overall credit milt. If your outgoings are high, there is less chance of obtaining another loan, at least until you have cleared one or two.

Credit Score

Installment Debt:

This is when you borrow a sum of money with an agreed monthly payment for the duration of the loan agreement, and unlike a credit card, you cannot reborrow, rather you must complete the scheduled payments on time until the loan has been paid off in full. Missing payments will result in extra interest charged and if a person has two or three loans to repay, this could lead to problems in the future, which is when many people look to debt consolidation as a way to clear all outstanding debts, leaving you with a single monthly payment to make. There are online lenders who specialize in bad credit personal loans, especially if the borrower wishes to consolidate their outstanding debts by taking out a debt consolidation package.

Installment Debt and your Credit Score:

Installment debt is viewed by the lender as less of a risk than revolving debt, mainly because the installment loan is secured against an asset. Another factor that influences the lender is the fact that an installment loan is not ongoing, which means there is less of a risk in defaulting on the loan.

If you would like to explore the potential that debt consolidation offers, an online search is all it takes to make contact with the right loan provider who can tailor the package to suit your lifestyle. The expert can inform you of several ways to improve your credit score, thus increasing your chances of approval.

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Debit Payment Solutions

Stay Ahead Of Your Bills: 5 Tips For Using Direct Debit Payment Solutions

Managing your bills can be a daunting task, especially if you have multiple payments to make each month. However, direct debit payment solutions can help simplify your life and ensure that your bills are always paid on time. In this article, we'll share five tips for using direct debit payments solutions and how they can help you stay ahead of your bills. Here Are The Five Best Ideas For Using Direct Debit Payment Solutions 1. Choose the Right Direct Debit Payment Solution for Your Needs The first step to staying ahead of your bills is to choose the right direct debit payment solution for your needs. There are a variety of options available, from individual bill payments to automatic withdrawals for multiple bills. Consider your monthly expenses and the frequency of your payments to find a solution that works for you. Some popular options include PayPal, Stripe, and QuickBooks. 2. Set Up Automatic Payments for All of Your Bills Once you have chosen a direct debit payment solution, the next step is to set up automatic payments for all of your bills. This will ensure that your bills are always paid on time and that you never miss a payment. Most direct debit payment solutions allow you to set up automatic payments with just a few clicks. Simply enter your bill details, including the amount due and the due date, and the payment will be automatically withdrawn from your account. 3. Keep Track of Your Payments While direct debit payment solutions can make your life easier, it's still important to keep track of your payments. Make a list of all the bills you have set up for automatic payment and their due dates. This will help you avoid any surprises, such as unexpected charges or missed payments. You can also use a budgeting app or spreadsheet to keep track of your expenses and ensure that you are staying within your budget. 4. Make Sure You Have Sufficient Funds in Your Account One of the benefits of direct debit payment solutions is that they allow you to automate your bill payments. However, it's important to make sure that you have sufficient funds in your account to cover your bills. If you don't, you could be hit with overdraft fees or your payments may be declined. To avoid this, set up alerts on your account to notify you when your balance is low, or consider setting up a separate account specifically for your bills. 5. Stay Vigilant Against Fraudulent Activity Unfortunately, fraud and scams can happen with any payment method, including direct debit payments. To protect yourself, it's important to stay vigilant against fraudulent activity. Keep an eye on your account activity and report any suspicious charges or withdrawals to your bank or payment provider immediately. It's also a good idea to use a strong and unique password for your direct debit payment solution account and enable two-factor authentication for added security. Conclusion Direct debit payment solutions can help simplify your life and ensure that your bills are always paid on time. By following these five tips, you can stay ahead of your bills and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing your bills are taken care of. Remember to choose the right direct debit payment solution for your needs, set up automatic payments, keep track of your payments, make sure you have sufficient funds in your account, and stay vigilant against fraudulent activity. With these tips, you'll be well on your way to financial success. Read Also: Features To Ensure Success Of Your Money Saving Service Most Common Merchant Account Issues Explained The Best Ways To Successfully Fund Our Dreams

Legal Entity Identifier

All About The Legal Entity Identifier: A Mandate Of The Future!

Legal Entity Identifier is an alphanumeric, 20-character code developed by the International Organization for Standardization. Abbreviated as LEI, this code contains information on the company's ownership structure and provides answers of 'who is who' and 'who owns what.' It gives a unique identification of all legal entities (organization, company, firm, trust, fund, and government body) that are participating in any financial transactions. The complete LEI system is operated and maintained by GLEIF (Global LEI foundation), and the right to issue LEIs is only given to the few organizations. It All Started With Wrigley's: In 1974, when the grocery industries were pleading for the development of barcode, many companies proposed their proposals to bring them. Considering this, the UPC was introduced, which became the first code to be scanned on Wrigley's Chewing gum. Later, to end the one-dimensional (UPC) barcode, which only contains 20-alphanumeric codes, Denso Wave (a Toyota's subsidiary) invented Quick Response (QR) codes. QR codes are a two-dimensional system that focuses on rapid scanning and is widely used by today's marketers to streamline processes. Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) Came In Existence - 2011 The LEI was developed by the G20 (an international organization with 20 major countries) in 2011 to track all financial transactions in national jurisdictions. The need for LEI came when regulators were suffering from financial crises, and there was no unanimous code to make successful financial transactions. The difficulties in identifying transaction details and calculating the risk amount bring LEI into existence.  The first (LEI) legal entity identifiers database was issued in December 2012. Structure Of Code: Technically, the Legal Entity Identifier is represented as ISO 17442. It contains 20-character alphanumeric numbers with the first four characters showing the LOU, Local Operating Unit. The other 5-18 characters are an alphanumeric string, which organizations assign. And, the last two characters are called checksum digits. Process Of LEI: The companies that need a Legal Entity Identifier should contact the respective organizations that provide LEIs. They then have to provide the necessary information and the fee. The issuing body will then provide LEI after cross-checking all details. Things like registration of the business, information about other connected companies, etc. are verified before giving LEI. Some other things, which the issuing body will assure, are: A country where the entity was formed The registered address of the legal entity Any legal or official name of the entity (if any) that is present in the records The Unique code of representing countries and their connected company's Data of the first LEI assignment, date of the last information update and it's an expiry date Why LEI Is Important: LEIs reduce the risks associated with financial transactions. With them, you can easily measure the total risk involved in trading. It minimizes the overall cost of reporting tasks, cost of information gathering, and other administrative costs. LEI help in enhancing market transparency as with a unique code, it is easy to detect the frauds and other manipulations in the market. Who Should Need LEI? Organizations, corporations, and other entities that are involved in the financial transactions need LEI to recognize all entities and funds involved in the transactions. If you are any of the following, you can register for LEI: A non-profit organization Registered Company or Registered Subsidiary A business having a distinct identity A trust or Funds LEI In Business And In Payment Systems: To have clear business identification and to make transparent financial transactions, business needs a unique code called LEI.  LEI also helps to minimize the cost and the speeding process of transactions, improve data sharing, and more. Furthermore, in trading (direct and indirect payments), LEI ensures that the correct information is used to transfer funds. LEIs not only ensure transparency and safety in the global market, but also provide maximum compatibility and safe business. Read Also: The Versatility Of Clover POS Systems How To Do Bookkeeping In Malta Minus Complications How Private Hire Insurance Takes You Out From Problems? A Brief Introduction To Data Quality Management Systems Tips To Hiring Accounting Firms Rochester NY For Your Business

Retirement Age

Understanding Ideal Retirement Age Planning: Strategies For Timely Financial Freedom

When approaching retirement planning, it is widely recognized that starting early is a cornerstone of ensuring a secure and comfortable retirement. The notion of an ideal retirement age may vary individually, but there are certain age-related milestones that can guide individuals in maximizing their retirement benefits and minimizing penalties.  Consistent saving from the beginning of one's career, coupled with a clear understanding of these milestones, is essential in laying a strong foundation for the future. Retirement planning is not a one-size-fits-all process; it involves a series of strategic decisions tailored to an individual's life stages and financial situation. Assessing how much do I need to retire on $100,000 a year in retirement is another critical component of the process. This involves not only saving but also making informed choices about retirement accounts and investments to ensure that the funds will grow adequately over time. Individuals must also be mindful of specific age benchmarks that impact retirement planning. For example, being aware of when they are eligible for certain government programs and the implications of withdrawing retirement funds at various ages can help in avoiding unnecessary fees and optimizing benefits. This strategic management of timing in relation to age is a key aspect of effective retirement planning. Determining Your Retirement Goals When planning for retirement, individuals must carefully assess their financial needs and health factors to establish a clear and realistic set of goals. Assessing Financial Needs A critical step in retirement planning is determining the amount of savings required to sustain one's desired lifestyle. Retirement calculators can be instrumental in estimating the necessary nest egg. These calculators assess current income, savings, and anticipated retirement age to provide a personalized savings goal. To tailor these estimates, individuals should consider: The proportion of current income they aim to replace during retirement is often recommended to be around 70-80%. Expected major expenses, such as housing and leisure activities. Potential sources of retirement income, including Social Security benefits, pensions, and annuities, which can reduce the reliance on personal savings. Evaluating Health and Life Expectancy Individuals' health status and life expectancy play a significant role in retirement planning. Those in good health may require a larger nest egg to support a potentially longer retirement period. Key considerations include: Life expectancy data to inform the duration of retirement savings should last. The cost of health care, generally rises as one ages, necessitates a larger reserve in the retirement fund. Long-term care insurance can mitigate the risk of high unexpected health-related expenses. By focusing on these aspects, individuals can establish a retirement plan that aligns with their unique circumstances and supports a financially secure and healthy retirement. Retirement Savings Strategies Optimal retirement savings strategies are centered on maximizing contributions to retirement accounts, understanding the significant effects of compounding over time, and balancing risk with investment choices. Maximizing 401(k) and IRA Contributions Individuals should aim to contribute the maximum allowed amounts to their 401(k) and IRA accounts each year. For 2024, the contribution limit for 401(k) plans is $20,500, with an additional $6,500 in catch-up contributions permitted for those aged 50 and over. IRAs offer a lower threshold, with a contribution limit of $6,000 and a $1,000 catch-up contribution. Taking advantage of these limits can significantly enhance one's retirement savings, especially when employers match a portion of 401(k) contributions. Understanding the Impact of Compounding The power of compounding cannot be overstated in the context of long-term investment. When returns are reinvested, they generate additional earnings over time. This effect is particularly potent for those who start investing early. For instance, investing just $100 a month starting at age 20 could lead to a substantial accumulation by retirement age, assuming a modest annual return. Balancing Risk and Investment A well-balanced investment portfolio blends various asset classes, such as stocks, bonds, and possibly other investments, to align with one's risk tolerance. Typically, stocks offer higher growth potential but come with increased risk, whereas bonds traditionally provide more stable, but often lower, returns. As individuals approach retirement age, they may consider shifting their investment focus towards more conservative options to preserve capital. Additionally, the use of a Roth IRA can be beneficial for tax-free growth and withdrawals in retirement, depending on an individual's tax situation. Navigating Government Benefits Government benefits for retirees hinge on correct timing and a thorough understanding of eligibility requirements. This section guides through Social Security and Medicare, two pivotal components of retirement planning. Optimizing Social Security Benefits To maximize Social Security benefits, individuals must consider their full retirement age (FRA), which varies from 65 to 67 depending on their birth year. Claiming benefits at the FRA ensures the full monthly benefit amount. However, one can begin receiving Social Security payments as early as age 62, but this results in permanently reduced benefits. Before FRA: Reduced benefits At FRA: Full benefits After FRA: Delayed retirement credits Strategically, delaying Social Security benefits beyond the FRA can increase the monthly payment by a certain percentage until the age of 70, offering one of the simplest ways to enhance one's retirement income. Planning for Medicare Eligibility Medicare eligibility begins at age 65, regardless of one's FRA for Social Security. Enrolling in Medicare on time is critical as late enrollment can result in penalties and gaps in coverage. Medicare includes several parts: Part A: Hospital insurance, usually premium-free if one has paid Medicare taxes for a sufficient number of years. Part B: Medical insurance, covering doctor's visits and outpatient services, which requires a monthly premium. Part D: Prescription drug coverage. Understanding the interplay between Medicare and other health benefits is also important, as it might affect decisions regarding employment benefits or Marketplace coverage. Individuals should review their options within the IEP or Initial Enrollment Period (IEP). It begins three months right before the month of their 65th birthday whereas it ends after three months. Conclusion: Preparing for the Unexpected In retirement planning, addressing potential risks and preparing for unforeseen healthcare expenses are crucial. They often advise individuals on incorporating health insurance and long-term care into their financial strategy and emphasizing the importance of an emergency fund and insurance options. Incorporating Health Insurance and Long-Term Care One must assess the risk of healthcare expenses and the necessity for long-term care. Health insurance is vital for managing costs associated with medical care during early retirement, especially prior to Medicare eligibility at age 65. Long-term care insurance can safeguard one's finances by covering expenses that traditional health insurance does not, such as in-home care or assisted living facilities. Assess Early Retirement Needs: Individuals retiring before age 65 should plan for their health insurance coverage to bridge the gap until Medicare. Long-Term Care Costs: Evaluate the potential need for long-term care services, which can quickly deplete retirement savings. Building an Emergency Fund and Considering Insurance Options An emergency fund is a backbone of financial security, acting as a buffer against unexpected expenses. They also stress considering various insurance options, such as life insurance, to mitigate financial risks to dependents. Furthermore, understanding penalty-free withdrawals from retirement accounts can provide greater financial flexibility in case of emergencies. Emergency Fund Size: Aim to save at least three to six months' worth of living expenses in an easily accessible account. Insurance as a Safety Net: Life Insurance: Provides financial support to beneficiaries in the event of the policyholder's death. Flexibility with Retirement Funds: Familiarize with conditions under which penalty-free withdrawals from retirement accounts are allowed, to avoid unnecessary financial strain during emergencies. Read Also: Smart Ways to Invest in Gold How To Start Your Investor Journey: 5 Credible Options To Explore What Investors Should Know about Investment in Gold and Silver Assets