Top 3 Most Entertaining Educational Games

Published on: 04 March 2019 Last Updated on: 09 August 2019
Educational Games

Learning, especially when you are a child who goes to school daily, can be quite a chore. But as a parent, it is especially a task to make your kids learn their basics and a bit more. It can get quite boring at times for your ward, and he or she might just refuse to cooperate. It is here that the concept of fun education can be brought to the place. It is in no way or form necessary that knowledge only has to be through the means of books. With the advancement in technology, it has become especially easy to get kids to learn their lessons in a more interactive and fun manner. Educational games- both online and offline can be a great way to learn- and retain knowledge- in a more entertaining manner. In fact, there are custom writers who create the base of these educational games. Here is a list of the top 3 most entertaining educational games to help your children learn better!

1-2-3 Farmyard:

This is an offline game that will teach the basics of math to your kid in a fun and easy manner without scaring them about numbers for the rest of their lives. With the help of this game, children learn how to identify numbers, count them and most importantly compare between two or more numbers.

The method of playing this game is quite simple. You have to build up a complete farm by using the animal cards that you pick out at random. The catch is, you cannot use the same animal twice. There is an added advantage to the game as well. Not only will you kids learn their basic math with the help of this game, but they will also be able to identify the animals that are there on the farm. It is like killing two birds with one stone.

Robot Turtles:

We all know how important data and coding is in this day and age of the internet. So why not start a little early and teach your kids about computer science and the logo programming language with the help of this very entertaining game? The players of this game use code cards to move the character of the robot turtle all around the playing board. There are many levels to conquer, and it will definitely help keep your kid or kids engaged without any distractions.

As far as it’s about the skills they will learn with the help of this game, then this game helps them understand and correct the bugs that might occur during coding and programming. It also helps kids understand about sub-routines and loops and most important of all; it helps your kids understand all about planning a strategy.

Rivers, Roads, and Rails:

Do you remember how difficult it was to master geography? Well, make sure your kids have no problems with the help of this game. There are 140 colorful cards that are used to create a complete transportation system. One has to create maps by comparing and matching the pieces of the puzzle. This is great if you have a single child since this game can be played solo as well. You kids get to learn all about the transportation system and maps with its help! They also will be better at matching pieces.

Thus, if you play these games with your kids today, in their later ages during the exams, they will have just one thing to say: “I’ll definitely ace my paper today!” And that would be the best thing to hear when your kids are in high school, isn’t it?

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English Literature Degree

Preparing for an English Literature Degree? Follow These Tips

If you love the written word, in all its power and persuasion, then chances are you have considered pursuing a University English degree. English degrees allow you to take a deep dive into different cultural and historical perspectives. They teach critical thinking and careful media literacy. Through the reading, they share necessary intersections with philosophy, creative writing, history, social science, and linguistics. In other words: it’s a well-rounded education. Further, English degrees have relevancy beyond university. Countless modern jobs benefit from a strong foundation in English: marketing director, communications manager, publisher, editor, advertising copywriter, or technical writer, to name just a few. Luckily, it’s easy to prepare for an English degree. Whether you’re a freshman in high school or an adult looking to head back to the classroom, here are a few ways to get ready. Get a Head Start on the Syllabi: One advantage that English degrees have over others is that the materials covered are often readily accessible and inexpensive. It’s not always easy to get your hands on a niche microbiology textbook (and, if you do, you pay through the nose). On the other hand, you can find a copy of, say, Great Expectations at the nearest bookstore or library. Use that access to your advantage. Research the syllabi of first-year classes and get a head start reading the material as you await enrollment. Enroll in Grade 12 English Online: To apply for a university English program, you need a prerequisite of English 12, usually with a minimum grade of 65 – 70% (though this varies according to the institution). If you don’t have that credit, or your grade in English 12 is less than the minimum required, don’t worry. You can easily, flexibly take ENG4U online at an E-learning high school. Because online high schools allow you to complete a course at your own pace over a twelve-month timeline, you can comfortably fit the course amid your current workload. Hone Your Close-Reading Skills: Whether you’re taking ENG4U at an online high school or simply spending your summer reading before university, try to hone your close reading skills. Don’t just read texts; study them. Stop frequently in your reading to ask direct questions about how the language, images, and syntactic structures inform and support the overall themes of the text. To help, start by reading a book on literary theory. This article lists a few great introductory and intermediate books on literary theory and criticism, including the comprehensive Norton Anthology. Join a Book Club: There are no objectively correct readings in English literature. Part of the beauty of learning English is seeing texts through different lenses according to critical studies (a feminist lens, for instance) or individual interpretations. One of the best ways to expose yourself to differing opinions is with a book club. Before you embark on your English journey, try joining (or starting) a reading group that tackles canonical and contemporary books. You might be surprised by what you can learn from others. Aside from the points above, just remember to stay curious and engaged. The best preparation for a major in English is an open mind. Read Also: Looking For An English Tutor? Here Is What To Look For English as a Second Language: Ways to Find Great Teaching Materials on a Budget The Many Benefits of Online Education


10 Tips to Memorize All Necessary Information Before Exams

We all know that all the information should be learned not on the night before the exam. However, it often happens so when we all get to study. And without going into details on how bad it actually is (yes, we have all been there, my friends), let’s see what tips will help you learn all the information for the exam for several hours. Get started! 2. Get enough sleep You will want to stay up all night to study as much as possible. And though you think that this way you will learn more, it is not so. Your brain cannot work 24/7; that is what the whole concept of sleep is for. You will not be able to memorize all the information and will end up going sleepy and exhausted to the exam. Please do not make such a mistake. It will bring no good to your academic performance. You need to be able to think clearly. So, manage your time and the studying process in advance and make sure to go to bed to have at least six hours of sleep. 2. Get your workplace ready Do not study on a bed or a comfortable couch: you know that you will just fall asleep and no work will be done. So, make sure to study at a table where all the necessary materials are. Make sure to unclutter your workplace and put everything that has nothing to do with the process of studying away. If it sounds weird to you, just try it, and you will be amazed by what an effect this might have on the process of your learning all the material. It is almost as if your brain gets an idea of the necessity of staying focused once you start uncluttering the table! 3. Memorize abbreviations When I was a student, I used to remember most of the complicated concepts by learning them as an abbreviation. Just take the first letters of work and make up an acronym. It is an easy way of learning things. Then when it comes to you passing the exams, you will only need “to unpack” the word and apply it to real life. 4. Make it rhyme Some people (apparently creative ones) tend to make words rhyme to memorize them. If something is too complicated to get, organize everything in such a way that it will rhyme and make total sense. I used this method too when trying to learn everything overnight: with the massive amount of knowledge you need to process, new innovative ways of learning are needed. Take this one: it is fun and useful! 5. Read everything out loud When you read the material, you are using your photographic memory to memorize the concepts. However, once you start reading out loud, you will involve other types of memory in the process. This will make it easier to find whatever you need on one of those shelves in your memory where your wonderfully made brain puts it. It works the same way you memorize a song you heard on the radio: somehow it gets stuck in your head! 6. Rap it! Yes, it is as fun as it sounds. Try to make your studying process more creative by rapping your material out loud. That is not only fun but also extremely efficient. This way you will find committing the hard information to memory a way simpler thing than you thought it would turn out to be. All you need to do is to find some musical tune to play in the background while you rap the texts with intonation. 7. Invite friends to study together Studying all by yourself can be not only dull but also inefficient. You can fall asleep or lose track, and there is no one to stop you and get you back on track. Moreover, you will have someone to read and rap the materials to as well as hear them back. Get some snacks in advance to eat while you study, and enjoy every second of the study-hard fun! 8. Prepare a nice reward After a long night of studying, taking notes, writing new information down, citing the prominent scholars, and trying not to let your brain explode a reward is what will motivate you and will help you get through. However, not just any reward. Think of something you want, and promise that you will get it if you pass an exam. Apart from that, prepare small bonuses for every page read, or each new rule memorized. These can be your favorite sweets or some TV show you can watch during the breaks. Whatever sounds best for you. You can’t have it unless you were magnificent with all the material. Prize can only be taken in case you succeed. 9. Take breaks It is not true that you will learn more if you don’t take breaks. As time flies, your brain gets overwhelmed with information. So, you need to plan time in such a way that every half an hour or so, you get five minutes off. Try to use this time wisely: you can turn your favorite song on, or do some physical exercises that, by the way, boost your ability to comprehend more information in less time. Switch the focus and let your mind rest for some time before it starts dealing with new material again. 11. Go for a walk before the test Do not wake up a few minutes before the test. Make sure to leave some space for a morning walk. If you have a park or a forest nearby, go there. Fresh air has this magic power to help you clear your mind and set a tone for the next day. Do not rush to school right away; take a deep breath and stroll a little. The bottom line is you can do it. All you need is a little bit of determination, lots of creativity and desire to master the subject. Use these tips to make the night before an exam useful and to make the most out of it. Read More: Ten Interview Tips that Might Surprise You: The Medical Edition Free Student Guide to Help You Achieve Exam Success

Education Sector

4 Emerging Trends in the Education Sector

Among the billions of fields out there, education has had a fair share of changes over time as well. As they say: Change is the only constant. This applies to every possible thing under the sun. Educators all around the globe are committed to providing the quality experiences to the students. Every few years, there comes something new in the area of education, and administrations use these trends to motivate students to stay engaged in learning. The schools all over the world are embracing the future. Here you have the emerging trends of the 21st Century. Blended Learning Online and offline ways of learning complement each other in case of blended learning. As the name suggests, it is a blend of the digital method in a traditional classroom. Blended learning objectives have their application in professional development as well. This means that it is not only limited to just schools. Although it was developed back in the 1960s, there was no critical mention of it before the late 90s. At times, people also refer it to as hybrid learning and web-mode instruction. This is one of the e-learning best practices that are in trend these days. Let us discuss others in detail below. Inclusive Education Everyone here has the right to study and participate in education. Inclusive learning is about allowing each and every one to involve and make progress the education curriculum. Although the concept is a recent one, the educators are taking time to adapt to the changes. Inclusive education has allowed the educators to understand the needs of every student better so that they all get the support in the least restrictive way. It is essential because no matter what socio-economic class or community a student belongs to, children love to learn, play, grow, and nurture together. So many people opt for education loans to get financial freedom for the education expenses of their children. They want quality and equality in return. Bloom’s Taxonomy Under the leadership of an educational psychologist, Dr. Benjamin Bloom, the Bloom’s Taxonomy took birth way back in the 1950s. It was designed to eradicate rote learning and promote much better forms of thinking. The three pillars that carry the mass of Bloom’s taxonomy are the cognitive domain, affective domain, and the psychomotor domain. The cognitive domain tells about knowledge, effective one is all about the emotional ability and the last one; psychomotor domain describes the manipulation skills. The Bloom’s Taxonomy is often represented by a pyramid which consists of six intellectual levels, namely; knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, evaluation. Project-based Learning Well, adults learn so much from their real-life problems and situations. They understand the world through these challenges. Although hearing about something can make us learn, practicing it on our own will make us aware of the implications and application of that particular stuff. When given a task to accomplish, children will come in groups and then discuss the problem. That way, they will understand the importance of teamwork, which is necessary to be a successful person in an extended run.They can even practice it professionally if they study for IT leadership online. If your are into brainstorming and teamwork, this is the best career for you. Then they will collect the essentials to complete the project on time and will also address the issues at the end. That’s how they learn to deal with the deadlines. The learning through project-based mode is helpful in provoking the thinking of students to transform them into serious people. School incurions are also becoming very popular when it comes to project-based learning. Reptile Encounters comes into schools and allows students to get hands on with a range of wildlife including snakes, lizards, turtles, birds and mammals. This type of interactive learning has been shown to increase creativity in the children as well as improve development. Final Words The core idea behind all these learning methods and trends is to keep the students engaged in the class. When the teaching methods get interesting, students learn better than ever before. We hope that such advancements keep in the education sector to improve learning among the students. Read Also : Ten Ways Technology Is Impacting Modern Education 5 Questions To Ask Yourself While Finalizing An E-Learning Platform For Quality Education Upcoming Educational Trends In 2017