How To Impress A Recruiter If You Are Still A Student


Most human resources managers are looking for people with at least two years of working experience. It may frustrate student and fresh grad when they are applying for entry jobs. These days a lot of young people apply for unpaid internships in order to get some experience that they can add to their CVs.

This system doesn’t care much about people in their 20s who have to pay bills and student loans. On top of that, there is no guarantee that an internship will provide you with valuable experience. And, that after completing it, you will get a real contract with all the perks.

When you apply for a job, you should expect to learn everything from scratch anyway. So, why do you need to pay for your experience? You have the chance to find an entry-level job without years of experience and actually get paid for it. That’s how you can impress the HR manager during the first job interview in your life:

Write A Powerful CV

Your customized resume can help you stand out from the crowd. Usually, a recruiter has thousands of them in the email box. According to James Cook University Online, HR managers spend only seven seconds reviewing an individual resume. Don’t waste the time of your potential boss and make your CV look as professional as possible. One page of your resume should contain all the information: a summary on the top, highlights, accomplishments, experience, and education.

If you send a digital copy of your CV, attach your cover letter and the link to your LinkedIn profile. Do this even if it is not required since it will show the HR manager that you are a very diligent and hard-working person. It is recommended to write a personalized cover letter – use the company name and describe yourself as a perfect candidate depending on the requirements. Indeed, writing a personalized cover letter and modifying your CV every time you are applying for a job might take a lot of time. On the other hand, this practice will give you a better chance to get a response from your potential employer.

Students get lost when it comes to the ‘work experience’ section. You can include your summer/Saturday jobs, volunteering experience, school and university projects, work shadowing, and work placements. Feel free to treat your extra-curricular activities like jobs.

If you don’t have any volunteering experience, maximize your education and list relevant skills and strengths. Also, you can ask your professor to give you a reference in case you are applying for a job that is somehow related to your degree.

Before applying for a job, take care of your online presence. Delete party pictures and silly selfies since there is a high chance that your recruiter will do a little bit of online digging. Use your social media accounts to your benefit. For instance, you can show off some of your skills on a portfolio website, Instagram or Facebook. The most important rule is to keep it professional.

Apply For The Right Job:

Applying for a position related to your studies will increase your chances to get a job. If you find a job ad that sounds interesting, but you have no idea what the company is dealing with, don’t bother and keep looking for something that can match your qualifications.

Do Your Research:

You should prepare before going for a job interview. Learn more about the company and find people on LinkedIn who are already working there. That’s how you can get an insight into a job you will be doing.

Most probably, the HR manager will ask you what you know about their company. It is the way they check how interested you are in this job. Besides telling your potential employer the basic facts that you will learn from the company website and social media channels, make sure to compliment a company.

Behave Appropriately:

If you really want to get that job, you should take the whole hiring process seriously. Learn the basic interview etiquette:

Show on time and dress appropriately. Style your hair and don’t use strong perfume.

Let the interviewer lead the conversation and don’t interrupt. You will have the chance to ask all your questions at the end of the meeting.

Sit properly and use your body language to communicate better with HR. For instance, avoid crossing your arms and staring at the floor when you answer the question.

The bottom line:

Every student and fresh grad can get a well-paid job. To increase your chances of getting a job during or after college, write a powerful CV and cover letter. Also, make sure you have a positive online presence; delete photos and posts that paint you in a bad light.

Apply to the job that is relevant to your qualifications and skills. Before going for your first interview, research a company and prepare to answer the most common job interview questions. The right attitude and behavior will help you find a job faster.

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Working Abroad

Great Benefits Of Working Abroad

Embarking on an international work assignment presents an exciting opportunity to expand your professional horizons, enrich your life experiences, and foster personal growth. Working abroad is not just a career move; it’s an adventure that can lead to a wealth of benefits.  With this and many more, we have curated this article that tells you all about working ahead. Stay tuned as we delve into the multifaceted advantages of taking your career to the global stage. Getting Started With Moving Abroad For Work When you decide to take your career international, you’re not just changing locations; you’re stepping into a realm filled with new challenges, perspectives, and possibilities. This transition enables professionals to push the boundaries of their comfort zones, embracing the unknown and learning to navigate diverse cultural landscapes. It’s an invaluable chance to gain a global perspective, enhancing your ability to think critically and solve problems from a holistic viewpoint. Working abroad exposes you to different business practices, management styles, and corporate cultures, providing a unique learning environment that can significantly sharpen your professional acumen. It offers a platform to showcase your adaptability, resourcefulness, and resilience – traits that are highly prized in today’s ever-evolving job market. Top Benefits Some of the benefits you can expect from an international experience are: 1. Professional Growth: Delving into the diverse terrains of international markets and business practices through working abroad serves as a catalyst for significant enhancement in your professional aptitude and expertise. It gifts you a global vantage point, invaluable in navigating today’s highly interconnected professional landscape, and cultivates a comprehensive understanding of varied business methodologies. 2. Networking Opportunities: The international work arena opens doors to an expanse of networking possibilities, enabling you to forge connections with professionals spanning different corners of the globe. These relationships become integral assets, potentially unlocking doors to future career advancements, collaborations, and insights into global trends. Networking with people from all across the world truely gives you a heads up for your career.  3. Cultural Exposure: Immersing yourself in a new country transcends the ordinary, offering a once-in-a-lifetime chance to dive deep into unfamiliar customs, traditions, and societal norms. This exposure significantly widens your cultural horizon, enriching your life with diverse perspectives and understanding. And let’s admit it, who doesn’t enjoy a bit of popularity?  4. Personal Development: Navigating the challenges of adapting to an entirely new environment cultivates a robust sense of resilience, fosters a newfound sense of independence, and hones your problem-solving skills. It’s a transformative journey that propels you towards self-discovery and substantial personal growth. When it comes to moving abroad, both good and bad experiences develop your personality significantly.  5. Increased Adaptability: The experience of integrating into a different cultural milieu inherently cultivates an enhanced level of flexibility and a capacity to gracefully adapt to fluctuating circumstances and unfamiliar situations, skills that are indispensable in both your personal life and professional career. Moving out of your comfort zone eventually teaches you a lot about adaptability. So, you don’t have anything to worry about! 6. Get Global Perspective: Acquiring a deep understanding of the nuances of international markets and the intricacies of global issues stands as a highly prized asset in the contemporary world. Working abroad is undeniably one of the most effective strategies to cultivate this global perspective. 7. More Quality of Life: The geographical shift often brings with it potential enhancements in your quality of life. This could manifest in a more balanced work-life dynamic, a more serene and relaxed daily lifestyle, or even access to superior healthcare and educational facilities, depending on your destination country. 8. Enhanced Resume: A stint of international work experience is a remarkable addition to your professional portfolio. This thereby illustrates your capability to thrive in diverse environments and collaborate effectively with individuals from various cultural backgrounds. At the time of any job recruitment, you have a higher chance of selection when the recruiter looks at your diverse, thriving regions.  9. Access to International Resources: Being stationed in a foreign country can provide unparalleled access to unique resources and specialized knowledge. Some of them might be scarce or completely unavailable in your home country, further broadening your professional and personal horizons.  So, make sure to consider this factor once before you move out of your hometown. Because trust me, international resources can heighten your skills significantly! 10. Learning More About Yourself: The adventure of working abroad serves as a mirror, reflecting profound insights about your own values, beliefs, and personal capabilities. It encourages a journey inward, promoting introspective thought and catalyzing a process of continuous personal development and self-realization. Summing It All…  Embarking on a journey to work abroad brings with it a treasure trove of advantages. It ultimately presents numerous avenues for both personal development and career advancement. Moreover, it affords individuals the unique opportunity to fully immerse themselves in entirely new and diverse cultures. Thereby providing a holistic global perspective that is invaluable in today’s interconnected world. This immersion in different ways of life not only broadens one’s horizons but also nurtures essential skills. A few of them are adaptability, open-mindedness, and the ability to communicate effectively in varied multicultural environments. Working internationally, particularly for a US-based company or directly with the US government, presents a unique set of circumstances. Both necessitate careful consideration and preparation. Conclusion It’s imperative to ensure that you are fully covered and entitled to all the necessary benefits. Furthermore, they will facilitate a smooth and enjoyable experience while living and working abroad. This includes having a comprehensive understanding of your legal rights and entitlements as an overseas employee. In such cases, seeking guidance from a DBA (Defense Base Act) employment lawyer can prove to be invaluable. These legal professionals specialize in navigating the complexities of working under US jurisdiction in foreign territories. Thereby ensuring that you are well-informed and adequately prepared for your international assignment. They can provide crucial advice as well as assistance. It ultimately helps to demystify the legal landscape and ensure that you are fully aware of your rights and entitlements. Read Also: Living In Kuwait: A Guide For Indians Planning To Work Abroad Everything You Need To Know About A Post Office And Its Services How Do You Absorb a Foreign Culture? Live and Work There

Seasonal Staff

7 Ways to Hire Seasonal Staff for your Business

Think about it: wouldn’t it be awesome if you were able to hire seasonal staff without all the hassle involved in posting jobs endlessly, calling through endless lists, and vetting hundreds of candidates? Of course, the answer is yes, it would be. However, in order to achieve that goal, you will need to master the art of hiring seasonal staff. Knowing the correct way of going about making seasonal hires will save you a lot of effort, time, and money while ensuring that you make the most ideal hires. The following article will discuss the various ways you can go about recruiting seasonal hires. Here are 7 Ways to Hire Seasonal Staff for your Business: 1. Hire From Your Customer Base: Your customers are people who have already given you some level of respect, trust, and authority enough to form a business relationship with you. Doesn’t it then make sense hiring people who already know, trust, and probably love you? This option is usually overlooked, or most employers have just never thought about it, but your customer base is one of the best sources of seasonal staff. This is because they already have an above-average understanding of your products and brand which makes them more likely to be excited talking about them. Moreover, your customer base is one of the easiest audiences to reach. This is due to the fact that you probably have them on an email list where you easily communicate with them. One of the most effective ways to entice your customers to be your workers is by telling them about your desire to hire them than telling them about the employee discounts they will enjoy. 2. Start Early: Starting before your competitors will greatly enhance your chances of making good hires. As such, you should have a clearly outlined strategy for your seasonal need and begin posting positions as early as four months before the time you will need them. The benefit of doing this is that it will allow you to build an extensive pipeline of candidates while also ensuring that you make contact with the qualified prospects before other companies seeking the same workers. Any employer or HR department that believes that they do not have to start the recruitment process early will, unfortunately, find themselves having to scramble to hire. This will inevitably affect the quality of their hires. 3. Be Clear in Your Job Descriptions: Your job advertisement needs to clearly state that you are looking for seasonal staff. Thus, ensure that you explicitly mention the same in your job title. Adhere to the following when crafting your job description: Make your requirements clear. A lot of seasonal jobs do not necessitate work experience. However, you need to highlight the qualifications or certifications that you are looking for. Also, be sure to describe any physical requirements there might be. For instance, if the position will require some degree of strength of endurance, be sure to mention that so that only qualified people can apply. Mention the work schedule Applicants usually need to know the number of hours and days they will be working and whether the schedule is flexible. Being clear about the work schedule will help you avoid conflicts once the hire has been made. Clearly explain your compensation system. Any job advertisement that is vague about its compensation structure is likely to turn away its applicants. Thus, ensure that you clarify how much they will be getting paid and how they will be getting paid i.e. hourly or salaried. 4. Ask for Referrals From Your Employees: The loyal and hardworking members of your staff are likely to know other such people. As such, they are likely to bring those people on board if they get the opportunity to do so. Then, why not give them that opportunity? This means that you should think about starting an employee referral program that grants a bonus at the end of the season to any employee that brings another good employee to the organization. If you are not in a position to, then simply ask your current employees to recommend what they think would be successful additions to the company when it needs seasonal staff. 5. Think About Retirees: If your business’s needs are not physically demanding, then you should consider hiring retirees for your seasonal work. Retirees are especially attractive since they do not only have extensive work experience, but they are also usually open to a flexible work arrangement. Moreover, unlike college students who are likely to move on after they graduate, retirees are more than likely going to return for the next season. 6. Consider Utilizing a Recruitment Agency: A recruitment agency in Vietnam will save you time and effort by sourcing and shortlisting prospects for your open positions. This is especially relevant if you are looking for seasonal staff as they will be able to get those employees fast. This is because a recruiting firm usually has a network of candidates with whom they have already established relationships. is one such agency that allows agricultural firms to find temporary employees fast. Another benefit of using an agency is that it fills your pipeline with qualified candidates to ensure that you only make the best hires. This is enabled by the fact that the agency usually undertakes the initial phases of the hiring process such as resume screening and the first interview. This makes your hiring process to be more efficient. 7. Visit Schools: Where else are you likely to find people with lots of energy and time but lacking in money. That’s right; college. A lot of college students are usually looking to fill their long and frequent breaks with some seasonal work so they can earn some money. Moreover, there is no other place you are likely to get young, bubbling, and intelligent people than college. See whether you can visit some colleges and advertise your positions. Looking for a job is usually harder than looking for talent to fill your positions. However, the quality of talent is what usually determines the success of an organization. Getting good seasonal staff is, therefore, a lot harder since you are more than likely going to compromise on the quality of your hires. You should, therefore, consider utilizing the above tips to ensure you get the best quality seasonal staff regularly. Read Also: Benefits That Employees Actually Look For 7 Ways Technology Can Help In Customer Management And Sales Finding Your Dream Career: 5 Useful Tips For You To Research About A Company Before You Apply Signs That You Need To Ditch Your Full-Time Accounting Staff For An Accounting Firm

Craigslist Knoxville

Craigslist Knoxville – 5 Money Scams To Consider

Every year, more scams on Craigslist Knoxville are increasing, and it’s becoming difficult to guess that people are becoming more susceptible. Knoxville is a city on the Tennessee River in eastern Tennessee. According to the sources, this place has a population of more than 200k. Besides, it is also known as the Marble City. Rock quarried from this area has been built in buildings in Knoxville. Knoxville, Tennessee, is infamous for Craigslist scams, and local individuals are often reminded people to be alert when trading with Craigslist. But First, What Is Craigslist? Craigslist is an online classified advertising platform that facilitates a wide range of transactions, including job postings, housing listings, items for sale, and services. Founded in 1995, it has grown to become one of the most popular and widely used websites for buying and selling goods and services locally. Craigslist's simplicity and free listings make it a go-to resource for individuals and businesses looking to connect with their communities. Users can create listings with text and images, categorize them, and specify their location for maximum visibility. Craigslist operates on a city-by-city basis, allowing users to find and post listings in their specific geographical area. This localized approach is especially appealing to those seeking nearby opportunities or items. 5 Money Scams To Watch Out For On Craigslist Knoxville Craigslist is actually a popular website where you can find advertisements for anything, this includes jobs, home services, pets, used items, free products, and much more. However, there are some money scams on Craigslist Knoxville that you need to watch out for as soon as possible.  1. Homes For Sale Scam Homes for sale in Knoxville are one of the most popular scams that are taking place on Craigslist. First, fraudsters search for properties that are listed for sale in Knoxville and then list the same like an advertisement. After viewing the scammer’s advertisement, people contact them for the deal. Now, scammers ask for the deposit charges beforehand, and some people are so innocent that they follow every instruction of them and end up losing their hard-earned money.  2. Fake Check Scam In Knoxville, there are more fake checks that are passed around the counterfeit cash. It’s very simple to be dishonest when you’re using checks for payments as there’s no requirement to meet the person again. Scammers mail fake checks to other individuals, and even if some happen to be real checks, they end up having no money at all in the banks. Some monetary institutions and other ATMs take some deposits, and the bank declares that there is no money in their account. 3. Sale Advertising Scam Another money scam in Craigslist Knoxville is a sale advertising scam. If you do not want to become the victim of scammers then you need to be very careful while purchasing any services from Craigslist. For example, if some cars are listed on the platform for purchase, then it can happen that they may not be the same in reality. These types of scams are common, and you need to consider them. 4. Theft Scam It’s very crucial to be extra careful while you are meeting up with strangers for a transaction. Be extra attentive to all the transactions that were initiated through Craigslist. Hackers are very intelligent, and they keep their eye on your transactions so that they may get an opportunity to hack your fortune. Just keep in mind that scammers do meetings with the complete intention of stealing your funds in no time. 5. Counterfeit Money Scam Another popular money scam to consider is the counterfeit money scam. Most of the funds today will even make it all the way to a financial institution before they are found to be counterfeit. The sellers nowadays are scammed for their trust as well as their hard-earned money. But, according to the sellers, the buyers seemed loyal enough. The seller came to know that he had been paid the money, but later, he realized that it was fake. Craigslist Knoxville TN Jobs As per the reports, Craigslist listings are being fraudulently listed as rental listings. For those people who respond to fraud ads, this listing can be the strategy of the scammers to make you a fool. On the other hand, you can also consider selling your home on Craigslist Knoxville, including avoiding all the scams taking place on the internet. You also need to consider that not everyone on Craigslist is a scammer.  Many genuine people also view your ads and are willing to buy them. So, apart from jobs, you can also find service opportunities on this popular platform. Stay Safe On Craigslist Knoxville: Essential Tips For Secure Transactions! In Craigslist Knoxville, ensuring your safety while buying or selling items is paramount. Follow these essential tips to protect yourself and make secure transactions: 1. Meet In Public Places:  Always arrange to meet the buyer or seller in a well-lit, busy, and public location, such as a coffee shop, shopping mall, or local police station. Avoid secluded areas or private residences. 2. Bring A Friend:  Whenever possible, bring a friend or family member with you. Having someone else present can deter potential scams or dangerous situations. 3. Trust Your Instincts:  If something doesn't feel right, trust your gut. If a deal seems too good to be true, it probably is. Walk away if you feel uncomfortable. 4. Verify Identities:  Ask for the person's name and contact information before meeting. Share this information with someone you trust, and let them know where and when you plan to meet the other party. 5. Use Cash:  Cash is the safest form of payment for Craigslist transactions. Avoid wiring money or using payment apps, as these methods offer fewer protections against fraud. 6. Inspect The Item:  Thoroughly examine the item in person before exchanging money. If buying electronics, ask the seller to power them on to ensure they work. 7. Beware Of Scams: Be cautious of common scams like cashier's check fraud, overpayment scams, and fake escrow services. Never share personal or financial information unless necessary. 8. Communicate Through Craigslist: Keep all communication within Craigslist's messaging system. Avoid sharing your email address or phone number until you are certain of the other party's legitimacy. 9. Research The Seller Or Buyer:  If possible, research the person you're dealing with online. Look for red flags, such as negative reviews or complaints. 10. Don't Share Personal Information:  Protect your privacy by avoiding sharing sensitive information like your home address, social security number, or bank details. 11. Leave A Trail: If you're concerned about your safety, let someone know where you're going and when you expect to return. Share the meeting details and contact information of the other party. 12. Trust Your Judgment:  If a deal seems too risky or too good to be true, walk away. Your safety should always come first. By following these Craigslist safety tips in Knoxville, you can significantly reduce the risks associated with online transactions. Stay vigilant, use common sense, and prioritize your safety at all times. The Final Thoughts Craigslist Knoxville scams are common, and you must be aware of the same no matter what. The above listed are the top scams on Craigslist that you need to be aware of at any cost. Be alert and take all the necessary steps while not becoming the victim of scammers. Thus, this is all about the platform, and if you can add more information to the above list, mention them below in the comment section. 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